[This column was written for the Unz Review]
Ever since Tulsi Gabbard announced that she will be running for President in 2020 her personality and candidacy have been a subject of heated debates and after I posted a rather small message from her, I have been getting panicked emails warning me that she is a fake and that I should not “jump on her bandwagon” or otherwise endorse her.
So, first and foremost, I am not – repeat NOT – endorsing her in any way shape or fashion.
However, I do find her and what is taking place around her extremely interesting and I want to look at it a little closer. This won’t be a review or analysis of her ideas, political platform or chance of getting elected. Neither will I try to read her mind and do what so many other folks are doing and confidently declare that I know what her true values, ideas or plans are. I don’t.
But there are a few things which can already be observed about her which I want to comment on.

Ask yourself: why do liberals hate this lady?
First, one might imagine that she would be the *dream* candidate for the Democratic Party: she is a female, she is not White, she has impeccable “patriotic” credentials, she is obviously both very good looking and very smart, she does not have any skeletons in her past (at least none that we know of for the time being) and she is not associated with the notorious Clinton gang. So what’s there not to like about her if you are a Democrat?
Well, as we all saw, the putatively “liberal” legacy Ziomedia hates Tulsi Gabbard with a passion. Maybe not as much as that legacy Ziomedia hates Trump or Putin, but still – the levels of hostility against her are truly amazing. This may seem bizarre until you realize that, just like Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard has said all the right things about Israel, but that this was not nearly “enough” to please the US Ziolobby. Check out the kind of discussions about Gabbard which can be found in the Israeli and pro-Israeli press:
- https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-tulsi-gabbard-the-pro-assad-iraq-war-vet-critical-of-israel-loved-by-adelson-evangelicals-1.6831029
- https://www.jpost.com/American-Politics/Democratic-presidential-contender-Gabbard-supports-and-criticizes-Israel-577149
- https://www.jpost.com/American-Politics/Ex-KKK-head-David-Duke-praises-Tulsi-Gabbard-because-she-wont-put-Israel-first-579917
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/democrat-gabbard-who-slammed-israel-for-live-fire-use-in-gaza-to-run-in-2020/
- https://www.jns.org/record-at-a-glance-hawaii-rep-tulsi-gabbard-on-the-middle-east-in-her-bid-for-president/
- https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/rep-tulsi-gabbard-who-met-syrian-president-bashar-assad-announces-2020-presidential-bid
This is just a small sample of what I found with a quick search. It could be summed up “Gabbard is not pro-Israel enough”. But is that really The Main Reason for such a hostility towards her?
I don’t think so.
I believe that Gabbard’s real “ultimate sin” is that she is against foreign wars of choice. That is really her Crime Of Crimes!
The AngloZionists wanted to tear Syria apart, break it up into small pieces, most of which would be run by Takfiri crazies and Tulsi Gabbard actually dared to go and speak to “animal Assad”, the (latest) “New Hitler”, who “gasses his own people”. And this is an even worse crime, if such a thing can even be imagined! She dared to *disobey* her AngloZionist masters.
So, apparently, opposing illegal wars and daring to disobey the Neocons are crimes of such magnitude and evil that they deserve the hysterical Gabbard-bashing campaign which we have witnessed in recent times. And even being non-Christian, non-White, non-male and “liberal” does not in any way compensate for the heinous nature of “crimes”.
What does this tell us about the real nature of the US society?

Appeasing *never* works with the Neocons
It is also interesting to note that the most vicious (and stupid) attacks against Gabbard did *not* come from “conservative” media outlets or journalists. Not at all! Most of the attacks, especially the more vicious ones, came from supposedly “liberal” sources, which tell us that in 2019 USA “liberals” do not refer to folks with liberal ideas, but to folks who are hell-bent on imperialism and war; folks who don’t care one bit about any real “liberal” values and who use a pseudo-liberal rhetoric to advocate for war outside the USA and for a plutocratic dictatorship inside the USA.
As for Gabbard herself, she already managed to publicly back-peddle to one obnoxious lobby (the homo lobby) on the issue of marriage (see here, here, here and here) and I fully expect her to cave in to the Zio-lobby just like Trump has been doing every day since he made it to the White House. Apparently, US public figures like Gabbard and Trump still don’t understand the simple fact that NO amount of grovelling will EVER appease the Neocons or the Ziolobby (see here for a perfect example of that attitude from Commentary).
[Sidebar: this entire business about Rep. Ilhan Omar also illustrated something very crucial to Donald Trump’s personality. Let me explain:
A typical “lowered” “rooster” (and no, in Russia they are not Presidents!)
In the bad old days of the Soviet Union, one of the tricks used by the prison/camp administration to break a prisoner (be he political or not) was to stick him into a cell with the so-called “roosters”. In the slang of the Russian criminal underworld, the “roosters” are the very lowest category of prisoners (in what is a rather complex hierarchy): “roosters” are either homosexuals, rapists, child molesters or men who have been down-ranked (“lowered” in slang) to that status as a punishment for some kind of action which the criminals consider reprehensible (like interacting with other “roosters”, mistakenly sitting down next to one, not repaying a card-debt, etc.). I won’t go into all the details here, but suffice to say that one thing which was well known in the Soviet jails/camps is that somebody who has committed some kind of trespass can be “lowered” to the status of “rooster” and that the prison/camp administration often uses these man as “combat roosters” – they send them to attack and even rape some prisoner who needs to be broken. And, needless to say, after you have been raped by such “roosters” you yourself get that status for the rest of your life.
Trump wants her to resign from Congress
What Trump did in the case of Rep. Ilhan Omar is act like a “lowered combat rooster”, sent to abuse somebody else on the behalf of the prison/camp administration. Of all people, Trump ought to know that accusations of anti-Semitism are absolutely, total hogwash. This is just a verbal whip used by AIPAC/ADL/etc to beat up their opponents. In fact, all Omar did was to say on Twitter that some members of Congress support Israel because they are collecting money from Jewish groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Duh?! Is that really news to anybody? Even Trump himself mentioned that during this campaign.
By the way, check out how Rep. Ilhan Omar grills that sorry SOB Abrams here: . This young lady clearly has more courage and integrity that all her colleagues taken together!
But the Neocons have now “lowered” Trump to the status of “rooster” and he now is acting like a willing “combat rooster” for those who “lowered” him to that status, which makes Trump the worst and most despised kind of “rooster”: one who willingly serves his own rapists. See for yourself:
The amazing thing is that Trump seems to be completely oblivious to how utterly dishonorable, spineless, subservient, weak and cowardly he looks every time he tries to so crudely brown-nose the Neocons. Apparently being a narcissist does not include the ability to be aware of how others might see you.]
In fact, one of two things are most likely to happen next:
- Tulsi Gabbard remains true to her ideals and views and she gets no money for her campaign
- Tulsi Gabbard caves in to the Neocons and the Deep State and she become another Obama/Trump
Okay, in theory, a third option is possible (never say never!) but I see that as highly unlikely: Tulsi Gabbard follows in the footsteps of Trump and gets elected in spite of a massive media hate-campaign against her and once she makes it to the White House she does what Trump failed to do and appeals directly to the people of the USA to back her in a ruthless campaign to “drain the swamp” (meaning showing the door to the Neocons and their Deep State). This is what Putin did, at least partially, when he came to power, by the way. Frankly, for all her very real qualities she does not strike me as a “US Putin” nor does she have the kind of institutional and popular backing Putin had. So while I will never say never, I am not holding my breath on this one…
Finally, if Gabbard truly is “for real” then the Deep State will probably “Kennedy” her and blame Russia or Iran for it.
Still, while we try to understand what, if anything, Tulsi Gabbard could do for the world, she does do good posting messages like this one:
I don’t know about you, but I am rather impressed!
At the very least, she does what “Occupy Wall Street” did with its “1%” which was factually wrong. The actual percentage is much lower but politically very effective. In this case, Gabbard speaks of both parties being alike and she popularizes concepts like “warmongers in ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage and new places for people to die“. This is all very good and useful for the cause of peace and anti-imperialism because when crimethink concepts become mainstream, then the mainstream is collapsing!
The most important achievement of Tulsi Gabbard, at least so far, has been to prove that the so-called “liberals” don’t give a damn about race, don’t give a damn about gender, don’t give a damn about minorities, don’t give a damn about “thanking our veterans” or anything else. They don’t even care about Israel all that much. But what they do care about is power, Empire and war. That they *really* care about. Tulsi Gabbard is the living proof that the US Democrats and other pretend “liberals” are hell bent on power, empire and war. They also will stop at nothing to prevent the USA from (finally!) becoming a “normal” country and they couldn’t care less about the fate of the people of the USA. All they want is for us all to become their serfs.
All of this is hardly big news. But this hysterical reaction to Gabbard’s candidacy is a very powerful and useful proof of the fact that the USA is a foreign-occupied country with no real sovereignty or democracy. As for the US media, it would make folks like Suslov or Goebbels green with envy. Be it the ongoing US aggression against Venezuela or the reaction to the Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon, the diagnostics concur and we can use the typical medical euphemism and say with confidence: “the prognosis is poor”.
The Saker
Wow, I got dizzy reading this one, Saker.
Like watching a Giant Slalom racer from the bottom gate.
You like her, you hate her, you love her, you think she’s sold out, she’s brilliant, she’ll be a dud.
My take: she’ll be denied enough money to get to the debates. They don’t want her on TV with the other bozos.
They will ignore her and destroy her campaign. Ultimately, they will try to drive her out of office, also.
She has only one issue: no more wars.
In this country, that’s anathema. Jobs! and Exceptionalism! Waving flags of glorious bombings! It’s as American as apple pie.
The US is warming up two continents for new wars. South America and Africa. This means tens of Trillions more in the next decade.
She does not have a chance, unless Joe Biden desperately needs to balance his ticket.
But I think he’ll go with Kamala Harris, who is a willing whore to whoever will move her up the ladder.
So, Tulsi has a bright future meeting vacationers at the airport with leis and ‘Alohas’.
I wish she had crossed over to Trump and maybe could have been UN Ambassador. Trump might have done that instead of Haley.
As for the 2020 campaign, she is a 1000:1 shot.
If you may recall, Trump was placed at having about 1,000 to 1 shot, and beat out 20 Republicans, and Hillary Clinton.
And many thought he would be different too.
Get a grip.
Your argument is entirely devoid of logic. Ad hominems and non-sequiturs are logical fallcies. I am not among the imbeciles that you can delude with your circular logic!
The thing the modern blood-thirsty Dems can’t figure out these days is that America keeps voting for candidates who oppose these wars. Hillary was the Dem-bosses pick in 2008, but couldn’t believe it when the voters rallied around Obama largely due to his (fake) claim of being anti-war. And the Dems couldn’t figure out that an immediate war in Syria and an almost certain nuclear war with Russia were not winning campaign promises in 2016 and that even an obnoxious con-man could then beat them by falsely claiming to be against regime change wars.
The pessimism surrounding Tulsi Gabbard is running high. And yet, all of my friends are talking about her. Every local peace group I know of are thinking about endorsing her. That’s not many people, maybe, but she will get the progressive vote and could still become quite popular like Bernie Sanders, despite the media blackout.
She needs a grassroots campaign organized from the ground up which can overcome the media blackballing her. She needs a major movement in every city. So far from what I can see, that COULD happen. A lot of people are talking about her and like her.
Don’t discount her. If you live in the US, do something to actually help her. I’ve donated her some money and will be sending more as soon as I can. I’ve also volunteered to help with her campaign. We can at-least try to help her as much as we can and see how it goes. Sitting at home in your chair being pessimistic won’t do anything. She needs our support.
what is this..some kind of comedy?
who is Gabbard anyway? is she Black, Indian….what? where does she identify socially, across the the racial spectrum? what is her identity..how does she identify? what is her record across the political/ideological/economic spectrum? has she fought any social battles?
what is her position on the economy…america is broke, already in depression: what are her plans?
all consuming social crisis engulfing america and the world and we have Gabbard who is clearly not equal to the situation. she has no support and following that means much politically. she is new, from the military, has no real political record, comes out of the islands and does not know inner america, its social divisions..ethnic, economic.
can she lay claim to the Black vote..why would ordinary Black people support her…they have no reason at all to support her
This seems like a joke to me! Gabbard seems an ambitious dreamer, totally out of her depth.
Gabbard’s enemies beat up on her in the media but surely they are not afraid of her and her potential..which is clearly nil. there isn’t the merest structural possibility that Gabbard would be able to pull off any program that she hints at now, in office as president. does she even know what she must do and how ?
I don’t discount that miracles can happen but relatively that would be a miraculous political win. the essential miracle wont happen when she is in office.. which is what it would take given who she appears to be and the job she has to do.. to even effect her one issue program..stop the wars..even if they don’t kill her first.
but I guess if they do kill her if she wins and proves me wrong she can do, and so she ends of dead. but she she cant do so she lives through it as a kind of contempt for americans and their political system. an idiot got elected..another one that is..2 in a row whom the power behind the throne turn into ciphers, doing their bidding
I think you’re dead wrong. I don’t think the bosses are afraid of her as a serious candidate but they are afraid that she will galvanize people not just about socialism which the oligarch class could tolerate if push came to shove but galvanizing people against permanent war is a COMPLETELY different matter–this will never be tolerated ever by the political class or the media. If she ever gained traction she would be eliminated one way or the other.
Ben, all of this very well be some kind of comedy, — there is not a single candidate that I am going to agree with 100% — my prayers are with Tulsi for her protection. She is going to have to really want the presidency in order to get it. Hopefully she will not loose her soul in the process! Many times over the years I have wished mightily for a viable progressive third party in this country, one that truly supported the working people and small business-people.
Yes, nobody can discount her. A major movement on her behalf could indeed happen. However, what then ? Can she change anything as President ? What has Trump changed, yet promised much ? The elite control Congress and Government institutions. The all end up controlling Trump.
We have no real evidence that Trump has ever wanted to change anything. Just look at bunch of thugs he has elevated to positions of power and then make up your own mind.
I totally agree.
Tulsi Gabbard may very well win if gets the serious grass roots support you talk about. Think Yellow Wests in France. Hated and smeared by the establishment, but resilient to a degree the establishment are incapable of imagining. That’s their weakness. You can tell them in their faces, and they won’t hear what you’re saying. This is what Zbigniew Brzezinski warned his fellows in CFR about. This was his warning:
“For the first time in history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. Global activism is generating a surge in the quest for cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world scarred by memories of colonial or imperial domination.
It is, in essence, this massive ‘global political awakening’ which presents the gravest and greatest challenge to the organized powers of globalization and the global political economy: nation-states, multinational corporations and banks, central banks, international organizations, military, intelligence, media and academic institutions.”
What you stated is basically correct. However, you cannot guarantee that she has no chance, even if campaign money is denied to her. What she states appeals to many, especially low income people.
Lets pretend she becomes President. Can she change anything ? Without the backing of the US military, her chances would be almost zero. The US elite, which makes up less than half of one percent, controls the US, reducing it to a feudal entity. To them a US President is supposed to be an entertainer, doing as told. Politicians in the Congress are actors, giving the illusion of democracy. The MSM, like CNN, is a propaganda tool. The military and police have been reduced to feudal retainers, holding the country together and ensuring that modern day serfs stay obedient. Working people have been reduced to serfs, working, paying taxes and sending their sons and daughters to foreign wars, so that private banks and corporations could earn billions. Can America be changed ? Virtually impossible.
Tulsi would have a tough time as President. The military, the CIA, the NSA, the State Department and Congress would all work against her. She would order, “Do this” “Do that” and nothing would happen.
The US system is totally irredeemable. Gabbard is just a diversion, a new tactic of the ruling elites, using a young and beautiful woman instead of an old geezer posing as a wise elder (Sanders)or a ‘black’ man posing as an Emancipator when really the quintessential House Negro (Obama). In a society brainwashed by advertising, PR, ‘entertainment’ and the fakestream media to equate physical beauty with moral, spiritual and intellectual goodness, and vice versa, this is an obvious stratagem. Next they’ll put up some Adonis, preferably an actor or athlete, or perhaps a Victoria’s Secret lingerie model, hopefully an articulate one, to better sell the hokum.
I’d take $50 on that! I know that America is too brainless to do ‘people power’ but after Drumpf getting in maybe its the turn of ‘libtards’ to pull this one off. I mean has there ever been an anti war POTUS, ever? It’d be a laugh riot watching the neocons trying to undermine her at every turn and get her out of the white house without accidentally drone bombing her on a foreign state visit (or maybe thats a job for the ziocrayzeez?)
Kamala Harris, launching her presidential bid, lashes out at Trump on race, anti-Semitism
“Racism is real in America, sexism, anti-Semitism, transphobia, homophobia — these things
exist in America,” Harris said Monday at a CNN town hall broadcast from Iowa, the first
presidential nominating contest.
All do exist, save ‘antisemitism’, which is an invention of the Zionazis to intimidate and vilify any who dare stand up to them. Judeophobia, the hatred of Jews simply because they are Jews, does exist, and like all such hatreds, is irrational and wicked.
“I wish she had crossed over to Trump and maybe could have been UN Ambassador. Trump might have done that instead of Haley.”
What a laugh!
Trump is no progressive. He is a regressive on almost everything. Tulsi Gabbard is the most progressive person in the U.S. Congress — not only on domestic policies such as Bernie Sanders is, but on foreign policies, such as Bernie Sanders often isn’t.
Hi Eric Zuesse! Off-topic: what’s your take on the eviction of Amazon’s HQ2 from New York City? Peasants revolt (so to speak)? Or is there some part of the NYC aristocracy that can actually take on ultra-aristocratic Amazon??
“Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are”. No truly good or honest person can be associated with a corrupt organization, political party or institution. Therefore, Gabbard running under the Democratic banner is telling in itself, since there is no fundamental difference between both GOPs and Democrats, that being simply one of style and not essence.
In fact, Democrats and their fake Progressive/Liberal allies, are the real and more dangerous enemy in US politics, with no exemptions to this rule.
GOPs, Neocons and assorted creeps, are easier to confront being more honest and agressive in their policies and behaviour.
If she and other “Liberal” Democrats, were to jump seats and join the Greens as the only other US Party present at the polls, they might have a chance to show real commitment to change. This not to say that the Greens, and their bland and limited program, are the solution to the ills of Capitalism. All this discussion is useless because the US, is doomed to jump into the abyss with its eyes closed until the end. It might be a good thing after all.
How easily we all get caught up in the 2020 election scam. I’m sure many who post here know in their hearts that US elections are a total fraud that does not solve anything. They are playing one of their favorite magic tricks on us once again – please watch this farce with your full attention, while we rob you blind and destroy your precious world.
Not even Howard Dean or Neera Tanden has stooped to the level of saying “Tulsi has a bright future meeting vacationers at the airport with leis and “Alohas.” If there was ever a racist and sexist comment, that was it.
The new DNC rules for 2020 have objective measurable criteria to get in the debates:
1. Candidate receives donations from 65,000+ separate donors; large or small doesn’t matter;
2. Receives more than 200 donations from 20 different states as part of the overall 65,000 donations.
3. Needs 1% support in three national polls.
So, the powers that be can’t keep her of the debate stage IF she attains the above targets.
If we want her on the debate stage, help her meet those goals.
“dream* candidate for the Democratic Party: she is a female, she is not White”
-Imagine a country where the “dream candidate” is of another race than the majority that founded the country.. I wonder which other countries in the world could consider such scenario a “dream”. South Africa? Hardly, you basically need to pass a racial test to prove your blackness to even start a corporation there, Japan? No way.
What an amazing thing multiculturalism is, to teach a people to hate themselves. It would be interesting if wikileaks would leak the physiological plans behind it, I am sure it started with the occupation of Germany during ww2 and then the same model used to indoctrinate the Germans to hate themselves was applied to the rest of the western world.
The only problem with your analysis is that those who rule South Africa and Japan are not white European judeo Christian Invaders who exterminated the original people and fashioned themselves as the creators of the country. The people of South Africa and Japan have the right to keep European Invaders out of their political system for obvious reasons. However, the multicultural society of North America today is not owned by the racist ruling minority for you to complain that ‘non-whites’ are able to be politicians. You know what I’m talking about.
“white European judeo Christian ”
-No such thing as judeo-christian, Judaism and Christianity are the exact opposite, Christianity was created as a as a revolt against judaism.
“xterminated the original people and fashioned themselves as the creators of the country. ”
-Yes they are. There is literally not a particle of logic in your anti-white nonsense. Europeans moved peacefully into America, and were then exterminated by invading Asians whom became “native Americans” . 99% of these “native Americans” then died of disease as the kin folk of the Europeans the “native Americans” exterminated returned.
Stone-age Europeans ‘were the first to set foot on North America’
“The people of South Africa and Japan have the right to keep European Invaders out of their political system for obvious reasons”
-Yes, of course, all non-whites have a right to be racist against whites, racism against whites is called anti-racism by the leftist of today. Anti-racism is just a codeword for anti-white. Racism towards whites in South Africa and other places is good, and racism towards white in American and other white countries is good. Derp.
“r, the multicultural society of North America today is not owned by the racist ruling minority for you to complain that ‘non-whites’ are able to be politicians. You know what I’m talking about.”
-Strange, than why is the “dream candidate in America” a person not born with white skin? What is racist about discriminating people born with white skin from education, work and politics? There is nothing more anti-racist than limited a child that is born with white skins prospects based on their skin color. Meanwhile, Jews, Indians, Japanese, Chinese, are not at all more wealthy than the average white and enjoys free access to education and labor… Certainly American is not ruled by a racist minority x)
“Christianity was created as a as a revolt against judaism”
Christianity was a fulfilment of Judaism.
Judaism today, outside of a minority, is largely a different religion that got rid of its roots, with Moses, the Davidic monarchy and the Temple Sacrifice of long ago. These are the ones who are created in revolt against the Messiah that they rejected.
That legacy is succeeded by the Holy Catholic Church which maintains the monarchy of David under Christ the King and the High priest, and Who Himself is the sacrifice offered on the altars around the world every day in fulfilment of the Scriptures.
No doubt the ‘invading Asians’ were already present when the ‘Europeans’ arrived, if they did (it is an alluring hypothesis), and the Europeans and Asians interbred, as human populations did in many places at many times, even with Neanderthals and Denisovans. DNA tests might reveal the truth. But, I hate to tell you, all humans walked, or sailed, out of Africa 70,000 or so years ago, as best we know now, although the process is being revealed as very much more complex year after year. So we, even the ‘Whites’, whatever they are, are all Africans.
“Europeans moved peacefully into America, and were then exterminated by invading Asians whom became “native Americans” . 99% of these “native Americans” then died of disease as the kin folk of the Europeans the “native Americans” exterminated returned.”
Interesting stuff. First time I encounter this “interpretation”.
Following your ‘logic’, the only candidates for US President should be Native Americans who have resided in the country for tens of thousands of years. There is only one ‘race’ on Earth-the human race.
“Dream” candidate determined by race. Not by brains, not by his/her ideas, not even by looks, but RACE. Nice. What are we becoming?
Thank you and I totally agree: a woman with such integrity would find it hard to survive in this criminal Zio-system of deception and violence. I do think she has much more strength than Trump and has no pathological narcissistic traits or character. She dared to speak up about what about Syria too and stands for real peace instead of falling for the traps the Deep STate will set. If I had a vote, she would get mine alright.
Great article, Saker!
So far, I am extremely impressed with Tulsi Gabbard, and called tge DNC to tell them, because I realize that she has been under attack from the third way Clintonian policies of war, intervention, deception, ( colluding with big business at the expense of the rest of society,) and anti-liberty. Tulsi Gabbard has a record so far that is quite impressive.
I think that the reason that the Clintonian wing of the DNC hates Tulsi Gabbard, is because she has nothing that they can use on her for emotional black mail, and that the Clinton’s corruption was the one and only reason that they loved the Clintons. It was not just the AIPAC crowd, but the establishment crowd, which included the AIPAC crowd. There is nothing to love about the Clintons. They stand for nothing, they have no back bone, and they are easy to manipulate, and they also manipulate others to fall in line with the agenda of their puppet masters.
When I called the DNC, I also exprressed my support for Rep. Omar for taking a stand against the acttions of Israel against the Palestinians, Syrians, and Iranians.The policies taken by the Israeli government are in total violation of Jewish Mitzvah laws.
The Twitter poster PartisanGirl, who is Syrian once tweeted AIPAC is to Judaism what ISIS is to Islam. I couldn’t think of a better analogy if I tried!
Gotta wonder:
How many people enter politics with good, heartfelt intentions and then get ‘reprogrammed’ or ‘persuaded’ to toe the line.
It usually takes about 2 years from my experience. We worked for a woman back in the clinton days, she owned a peace shop had a winery always had her staff out to the farm. We got her in, once, twice, I refused to work with her after that, she was going to run for a 3rd time after promising not to. Everyone who got her elected walk away. Sadly this is not the norm people just keep justifying the behavior of the politicians.
She talks a good story like all politicians, but when the chips are down she, like all the rest of them, will knuckle under. US no longer has (did it ever have?) ‘democracy’. It is becoming known the depths of the coup, attempted or de facto, against President Trump involving FBI and AG.
With enemies such as these, Gabbard hasn’t a snow ball’s chance in Hades of becoming a viable candidate. For Heaven’s sake, some of the morons are actually proposing Kankles for another run!
Never The Last One https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU March 2014. NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
As Auslander points to, and Surkov spoke of, democracy in the US and the West is a delusion.
It won’t matter who is President just because voters think the direction of the US foreign policy or domestic economic stratification is going to change.
Neither will be allowed to occur.
The Hegemon has to be felled externally, by Russia, China, Iran, India and all the courageous minor states that refuse vassalage.
Destruction of the means of its survival–the Dollar, the Petrodollar, weapons advantages, military bases, and Infowars are the battlefields to defeat the Hegemon.
All these are in process. The war will take 10+ more years before the global traps the US has used are destroyed. It has been 75 years in the making. It will take (since 2004 when Russia secretly went all out for weapons superiority and Putin’s Munich speech marked the secret war) several more decades for a new multi-polar world to be created.
We see how BRICS is devolving not growing. We see how slowly SCO is moving, though growing. We see the stoppages, blockades, reverses in the Belts and Road Initiatives, though some rail, ports and connectivity is already established.
But the internal domestic life will become less free and the people’s power will be “managed and controlled” as we see how the tech corps are killing privacy and freedom of speech at Google, FB, Twitter, YouTube, and all the Search engines and repositories of knowledge.
Overthrowing these fascistic units of the Hegemon, and destroying the Tyranny that controls the domestic life of citizens is a monumental war. So far, no movement or leadership has appeared. MAGA and Yellow Vests are manifestations, but not mortal threats. In fact, both are already victims of the authorities and on the back foot.
Voting is the least important weapon to gaining Liberty. It is only valuable once Freedom is established.
Liberty is born of blood.
No citizenry ever achieved Liberty by voting for it.
Why think a candidate can deliver it by voting?
Listen friend, I can understand why you feel the way that you do. But let me tell you, as a young American millenial myself, what you are saying is not entirely true. The American people do have the capability to overthrow the hegemon from within, if it comes to it. They merely need to be united by someone who is both charismatic and spiritually aligned with the values of Unity. Someone that has a loud voice and wields the Truth like a Sword.
I don’t think the Occultist, demonic Neocons will give up without a fight. It is very possible there will be a civil war in the United States, which may be required to remove them from power, permanently.
You say that the hegemon will have to be defeated externally. I disagree. If it comes to that, it means nuclear war and the destruction of the entire human race. The deaths of most of us here and all our friends and all our family. The Demonic Neocons absolutely WILL escalate to Nuclear War if their power is threatened. I refuse to allow that to happen. The American people merely need to wake up and finally realize what Nuclear War actually means for them. And many of them are already aware, the only problem is they are not ORGANIZED and they are not UNITED. But that could change at the drop of a hat, it would take only one charismatic leader to do it. Although I don’t think that person is Tulsi, nevertheless, she has now become a major player and if this person does materialize, he/she will likely support her and try to help get her elected anyway, because her election would be a major geopolitical earthquake and it would deal a deathblow to the forces of evil. But you’re right that she won’t be able to do it on her own – She will need the support of the People at all levels above all.
We will not allow the Satanists running our nation’s Military Industrial Complex, Mainstream Media, & Global Banking System to destroy this entire world with nuclear fire.
The Neocons have made so many mistakes. The Saker is right, they are ambitious, but they are also arrogant and stupid. The 9/11 fiasco could still be used against them, if the truth were to come out. And there are many, many other things they have done that can also be used against them. They are shooting themselves in the foot right at this very moment with the Disgusting Lie about how Russia has “interfered in our election.” I’ll tell you right now that at-least 50% of the American people do not buy this bologna. The liberals have created an echo-chamber for themselves, and they believe it, but they are not representative of all of American society. The Neocons/Neoliberals are already in the process of destroying themselves, and this is accelerating rapidly with every one of their stupid and self-serving decisions. People are tired of them and they are awakening to the truth, slowly but surely.
Tulsi Gabbard is just one piece of the puzzle. But it may end up being she becomes an incredibly important piece in this fight against evil and slow march towards uniting the entire human race as One. She has heart, and I do not believe she will be so easily corrupted like Trump. But if she is elected, this will need to be accompanied by a major spiritual shift in the United States so that she can actually affect change.
Don’t give up hope, friend. And know that not all of us Americans over here are dumbfuck propaganda spewing morons. We are willing to fight. Not against Russia, or China, or Iran, but against the Neocons and their demonic, evil agenda. Against the military industrial complex and their shameless plan for world domination, that has consumed the lives of so many millions of innocent people. I am deeply ashamed of what they have done and that so many of my own countrymen buy into their bullshit lies without a second thought. On behalf of all of them, I apologize.
We are going to win. This victory is fated, and is the will of The Creator himself.
Climate change will destroy america, its armies abroad will have to go home as its infrastructure collapses and god fearing americans will see it as the righteous hand of god punishing them for their sins or some such. In 20 years from now the world is going to be a completely different place and it is interesting that the myopic elites don’t plan for it other than outfitting underground bunkers where they can live with their Rembrandts and trophy wives. Their main problem is they dont have the money to buy the people off as they have done before so all the protest movements, the tinderbox racial issues, the poverty and homelessness will all explode when people start dying en masse due to floodings, earthquakes, tornados, extreme winters etc
Great freeking comment man. I thank you for taking the time and care to make it. I should hang it on my fridge (if I had a printer) to read when my own pessimism gets me thinking ‘what’s the point?’ I so concur with your point that the unity of people is not only, as you aptly stated the only thing strong enough to accomplish it and make it stick, but is also the wild card that the war establishment fears the most.
dude..you just couldn’t help yourself after offering some good thoughts and argument…..you had to destroy it all…by one last line turning it all into some tacky religious litmus test…..
maybe you are unaware that pence and the pompeo’s etc..of THIS world……. ARE ALL..religious fanatics making the same claim of the “creator”…as you do..only since they have the power..it seems their creators will is beating your creators will…
Quite so. The US oligarchy is irreformable. Gabbard is either a fool, idealistic or not, or another Trojan Horse after the confidence-man (Obama) and the sage elder (Sanders) -we now have beauty against The Beast. If she truly opposes the Zionazi Beast, AIPAC et al will chew her up and spit her out.
she gives loving speeches to the Christian Zionists – which Senator Black does too btw – she’s going to cave – she’s signed the pledge
She does sound good , but so did Trump. I don’t care who wins the presidency anymore, after all its a reality show like the whole U.S system.
What I do care about, is the rule of law, and the U.S does not follow any rules.
So by whatever means necessary, whether it be economic collapse and ultimately a violent revolution, if this is the path to a more respectful U.S then so be it.
Boz, I never liked him, while I always liked her character, as long as it lasts. Mind you, I wonder if she has strong support from the military, this might prove to be her Ace up her sleeve. I am guessing, that unlike all the other politicians, she should know what it means to hear the bullets whizzing past her head.
S, wasn’t, whatever his name, the guy who was accused of assassinating Kennedy also accused of being KGB agent, while it was a totally inside job?
Lee Harvey Oswald was a long-term CIA asset, which was why he immediately recognised that he was going to be sacrificed as the ‘patsy’.
This isn’t rocket science….
If you want to run for the US congress, senate or work in the White House you have to endorse many views.
You are no allowed to speak against LGBT., and even have to endorse it………or is it LGBTQ ? lol, they even added “queer”….so what is next LGBTQP ?….P for pedophilia ?
You are not allowed to speak against Israel, actually you have to support it.
As a Muslim, I can tell you that being a Muslim in congress or the senate is one of the most hypocritical things I have witnessed, because you have to sell out your beliefs by advocating and endorsing LGBT and not criticizing Israel’s oppression and injustice in general (Muslims are suppose to stand up against oppression wherever it is committed and to whomever by whomever) and oppression committed on Muslims in specific.
What really fascinates me is how the US public allows their own representatives to be intimidated by other representatives or people of power. They really don’t give a crap, truly a nation of ignorant people or cowards.
If you have to join any major branch of the Federal Government of the United States, then be prepared to sell your soul to the devil.
/As a Muslim, I can tell you that being a Muslim in congress or the senate is one of the most hypocritical things I have witnessed, because you have to sell out your beliefs by advocating and endorsing LGB
And perhaps as a Muslim you can quote for us the passage(s) in the Holy Quran or, perhaps, some of the hadiths about how one should treat LGBTQ persons?
Good question !
Let me be totally clear and honest.
First, from a Sharia stand point, no Muslim is allowed to impose anything from the Sharia in a non-Muslim land / country. So for example if a Muslim lives in a country where LGBTQ marriage is the law of the land, and that particular Muslim person wants to stay in that land, he/she will have to live with this law as it is. If he/she does not want to accept such laws then they will have to move to a country that is acceptable to them.
Second, LGBTQ people are humans and must be treated with respect and kindness, just like all humans should be treated by Muslims.
That said, Muslims should in no way whatsoever endorse or encourage this deviant lifestyle, let alone stand-up for the rights of LGBTQ to get married like normal heterosexual couples. To endorse such a corrupt and evil life style is in completely contradiction to the Quran, Hadith and God’s commandments. And you can refer to the many texts and websites clearly discussing this issue.
Actually, Muslims should do their best to call people to the truth, justice and straight path with humility, kindness and fairness, while recognizing people’s differences in opinions, beliefs and life styles. If for whatever reason, one is not willing or able to do that, then the least one can do is stay silent, which by the way is still arguable, since staying silent to what you believe to be true and correct could be in some cases a form of hypocrisy, but in some cases there could be some exceptions.
I hope it is now clear to you what I believe is the stance of the majority (globally) of the main stream of Muslims on the LGBTQ issue.
By the way, the majority of Muslims living in Islamic lands, will agree with me that the LGBTQ life style should be punished and persecuted to the utmost extent of the law. Not only that, the punishment should be carried out in such a manner to dissuade the entire society, in a clear form of deterrence, from practicing and spreading such a deviant and evil life style. Islamic Sharia is very strict on this issue and has prescribed clear forms of punishment depending on the which Islamic school of Fiqh is being applied.
Your hatred is truly extreme-I advise seeking some sort of treatment.
WikiLeaks disturbing and hopeful findings on Tulsi Gabbard’s path to progressiveness
Don’t use tiny urls. Use a recognizable link. Thank you.
What makes me wary of her… Her father stood as a Republican candidate in Hawaii, lost the election and then he switched to Democrat and won.
I cannot help but think she has been groomed for her position. Especially after leaving a political position to join the forces. Then back into politics.
Being a member of the armed forces is always a bonus point in the USA for the elections.
I would imagine Tulsi is one iron in the fire, as it gets closer to 2020 and decisions are made.
Or maybe I am just getting old and cynical…
I have no doubt she was groomed for something. But that is everyone who holds a position of power and influence. I don’t think she, or Trump, woke up one day, stretched, poured a cup of coffee and said ‘yep, think I’ll run for president.’
Someone approached her no doubt, how genie or powerful is that group? What if it were the military? There appears to be a ray of hope from them. After all, was it not her state that was threatened by the faulty nuclear air raid siren fiasco from last year?
I think this is the moral and ethical moment of truth for political candidates. Very few survive it. It’s like joining the mafia or selling your soul to Satan. Miss Gabbard appears stronger than most. The odds are still heavily heavily stacked against her.
No-it looks precisely like the career path of a typical Trojan Horse, and not dissimilar from that of the confidence-trickster supreme, Obama.
Too early in the game to throw Miss Gabbed into that category….
Never too early. Even JFK was a zionist https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/jfk-the-forgotten-zionist-1.5284491
JFK, who wanted to end the Federal Reserve and Israel’s nuclear weapons program, a ‘Zionist’? A suicidal one, if true. It didn’t do his son any good, either.
All you have to do is promise what you would like to hear and cease to think and search :(
United Christians for Israel, founded and led by pastor John Hagee, have millions of members and call themselves “the largest pro-Israel charity in the United States.” The organization was an important factor in the decision of US President Donald Trump in 2017 to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to transfer the US embassy there.
Gabbard sponsored the resolution of the Congress criticizing Amnesty International for revealing Israeli atrocities against civilians in his blitzkrieg in Gaza in 2014. The resolution stated that Israel “focuses on terrorist targets” and “goes to extraordinary efforts to attack only terrorist actors”.
What it looked like “focusing on terrorist targets” according to Gabbard can be seen here
Zionism and Islamophobia Gabbard have gained recognition and support from all kinds of unpalatable characters – like right-wing billionaire and Zionist Sheldon Adelson, who loudly declared that “all Muslims are terrorists”.
In addition to Israel’s loyal defender, Gabbard has also proved to be a credible servant of Adelson’s business interests. Introduced regulations against online gambling to protect the casino’s empire from competition on the Internet. Adelson thanked her, giving her the Champion of Freedom award.
Her prejudices against Islam directly stem from her Hindu fundamentalism. Gabbard became one of the main American political supporters of Narendra Modi, the leader of the Hindu sectarian party Bharatiya Janata (BJP) and the current Prime Minister of India.
Being the main minister of the Indian state of Gujarat in 2002, Modi helped spark a pogrom against Muslims, in which they killed 2,000 people and displaced over 200,000 people in the ethnic cleansing campaign. Since his victory in the 2014 elections, Modi has been a decidedly pro-Israeli Indian politician and has strong relations with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
At the invitation of Modi, Gabbard traveled through India for three weeks during which various Hindu fundamentalists greeted her as their American master. In probably the worst part of the tour, the India Foundation, a formation tuned to the Hindu fascist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), hosted Gabbard to discuss the future of Indian-American relations. After the reactionary lovefest, the Indian newspaper Telegraph called it “the American Sangha mascot”
After returning to the USA, Gabbard defended Modi against any criticism. She was one of the few democrats who spoke against the federal government’s decision to refuse a Modi visa in 2014 because of his abolition of religious freedom
A year earlier, she carried out a successful campaign to abolish legislation calling on India to improve the treatment of religious minorities. Gabbard condemned the bill as an attempt to “influence the outcome of the national elections in India.”
Gabbard’s service for the most right-wing forces in Indian politics leaves no doubt about its Islamophobia.
Gabbard supported Donald Trump’s claim that Islam itself is the source of terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS. She claimed that Obama “completely misunderstands the rational Islamic ideology that drives these people.”
As with other leading liberal democrats, Gabbard’s alleged progressive values do not extend to the Palestinian struggle for freedom. While she may support the resistance of Indian Native at Standing Rock, she will not support the indigenous people of Palestine and her struggle for self-determination against Israeli colonialism.
Nobody is saying that Tulsi Gabbard is perfect. That said, she is the best we have right now. Her imperfections can be ironed out. But please don’t spread all this nonsense about how she is in bed with Zionism, because that is clearly not true. I believe she genuinely wants to put an end to regime change wars and prevent a nuclear war with Russia. For this, the MIC may attempt to have her killed. She is risking her life for us. Her past mistakes can be forgiven, so long as she doesn’t betray us like Trump did. Honestly, I don’t think she will. I think she will be true to herself. And that is very, very dangerous for the occultist, demonic Neocons.
Sorry, but exactly the same reasoning was used about Trump.
Reality is that as long as Tulsi has no real and direct backup from the majority of the US population nothing will change. The US Establishment will eat her up, just like the devoured Trump.
Change will come only after the US citizens get off their backsides and take action. Of course, that is why Trump is being pumped up for the MAGA crowd, who really do not want change at all but a larger piece of the Dollar cake. The MAGA crowd is a weapon aimed directly against changing the status quo. The MAGA crowd will kick DOWN, rather than against the legs of the US Establishment and the US System itself.
Hype springs eternal.
Thanks der-that settles the Gabbard issue pretty comprehensively. Case closed-another phony.
The US “democracy” being : 1 dollar = 1 vote ,and Tulsi running for 2020 ,maybe we don’t know how many bitcoins are stored somewhere to back her up .
I figure that anyone wanting to be a politician in the US federal government is a crook at heart and wants some of the plunder. To get in, the neophyte has to fool the populace into thinking that her heart is not crooked, but noble. So, turning the phrase is part of how to do this. Telling lies is a natural part of politics. Assuming that all politicians are lying crooks is a safe bet. Even the good-looking ones.
American politics is essentially a frenzy of looting, backed by its terror proxie groups.
I think one of the most important issues in usa politics is going to be racial demographics. The next era of Americans will be more like Latin Americans. USA will change into a Hispanic-Asian-Black-Mixed majority from a Anglo-Germanic majority very soon. Next five to ten years basically. The most Anti-Russia demographic in 20th century USA is the Jewish-Protestant over 65 years old category. They are the ones, until now, with the money in USA, so they dominate politics and foreign policy. Ironically they invited non whites in to keep wages down, yet it is these same non whites that will bring down the elite…
Other races are much more inclined on average to support Anti Zionism, multilateralism and a less agressive attitude. They are taking wealth from the Jewish Protestant elite already, through buisness and trade. Non whites have more kids and many schools in coastal and southern USA are already majority non-white. The current Jewish-Protestant elite can easily be classified as psycopathic and fascist, while they call other countries extremist and a threat to peace.
So essentially to remain in power, the Jewish-Protestants have to form an apartheid system, which Trump is trying the prototype of with his emergency acts. The ‘wall’ drama is less about the actual wall, than creating justification for introducing an openly Fascist dictatorship or Absolute Monarchy (Ivanka has already been made Crown Princess), ruled by a court of elite familes, finance and oil corporations. This is just the start, the Constitution is in the bin already. Just like they accuse Assad and Maduro of undemocratic rule by decree, the USA will have a total presidency where the puppet leader of the Elite, in the current case Trump, can act as dictator.
Hollywood my dears, Hollywood, jump up and down, clap and say all kinds of things, it sells — so beautiful, its my America …
“First, one might imagine that she would be the *dream* candidate for the Democratic Party: she is a female, she is not White, she has impeccable “patriotic” credentials, she is obviously both very good looking and very smart, she does not have any skeletons in her past (at least none that we know of for the time being) and she is not associated with the notorious Clinton gang. So what’s there not to like about her if you are a Democrat?”
“They” have a problem (You fill in who is “they” ). Obama fooled nearly everyone. Trump came around as the outside and fooled the people AGAIN. My guess is that a lot of people will simply not go and vote in 2020.
“They” are worried and need to find someone to fool them with again. Tutsi is perfect for this number. I don’t buy it. Even if she wins and is the real thing, she will be shown a film showing her what is her place in the game.
Observing the USA over the last couple of years has been quite entertaining as it follows a predictable path. In 2011 I wrote this piece for Veterans Today: https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/10/06/stages-of-civilization/
Trump has accomplished a couple of important things (please throw money, not darts) over the last couple of years; meeting with North Korea, private meetings with Putin, pending withdrawal from Syria, pending withdrawal from Afghanistan. His most important role has been exposing the Shadow Government (Deep State) and how they operate (Mueller, Clinton’s, etc). He has played the Mueller group brilliantly – look at the political fall-out that is poised to land on the Deep State soon.
Now onto Tulsi, she is the benefactor of what Trump has exposed. She has multiple strengths she can capitalize on; a veteran (in my book that means an actual deployment), looks, female, race, and stage presence. If by now you’ve read my sorry article, you will probably agree that the USA is in the terminal decline phase in terms of Stage of Civilization. To quote:
“They ‘feel’ the decline and may feel a nameless dread that makes them distrust their own neighbors, intuition, government and culture. The infighting to rule the people becomes more intense as competing powers within the empire jockey for position, possibly leading to severe oppression of the lower classes. We are now at the end stage of society, the next step in sequence is usually collapse.”
If Tulsi can tap into the distrust and anger of the populace towards the now completely exposed ‘Deep State’, she has a shot in 2020. She traveled to Syria and talked to Assad so she displays moral courage, which means that the Deep State will fight against her tooth and claw – and that could be her most important advantage.
Will she make a good president? She may be the one that temporarily arrests the fall if she gets elected, but I think the USA is too far gone now in social decay for any lasting effects. If elected she could be the modern day incarnation of Aurelian, and who knows what action the modern Praetorian Guard will take in their desperation if rendered irrelevant by the voters.
I don’t think the time is right for sanity in the US. While there is still faith in this illusion and delusion of the American dream, the American democracy and inherent “goodness” of America, ideology will prevent sanity from taking hold. It will take a collapse of Soviet proportions to show us what an American Putin looks like. Right now, people like that don’t have room to breathe and would be cut down to size the moment they open their mouth. I do think Tulsi Gabbard is the best of the bunch, but in reality, that isn’t saying much when you have idiots, war criminals, oligarchs, liars and thieves in the race.
PS: You say Trump caved to the Zionists, but he was always pro Israel, always pro AIPAC, he described “Bibi” Netanyahu as a friend, he viewed to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel during the campaign, he was the first US President to pray at the wall. He caved to the neocons, yes, but he was always pro Zionist.
Trump, the representative of Red State America & the protest vote against the US Establishment, has indeed been broken in.
I call him the White House Basement Gimp (Pulp Fiction) which is more in line with the American cultural vernacular than Russian Prison Roosters.
Trump’s voters should take careful note who did this to him. The DNC & Clinton clan operatives are getting a lot of the blame, but it really was the Deep State Zionists who controlled Trump all along, like they control and tame all opposition.
I don’t trust Tulsi Gabbard. They all say nice things. They all also know perfectly well how the game is played. Reality is there is NO BASE for genuine reform within the US Establishment and it’s various factions, nor in the US population in general. Various superficial clan wars is not the basis for reform. The US myth of Supremacy and Exceptionality still rules supreme.
Trump had a new clan to use and which would have protected him. He threw them off (Flynn, in particular, later, Sessions). He always was endeared to the Zionists. but he never realized they could and would control him. His self-delusion also has misled him with numerous struggles with Congress and with the Party he took over, which he gave back thinking they would obey him.
Trump is not a strategist. He is a tactician, a transactional deal maker who thinks in terms of winning the stakes on the table or walking away. That does not work in foreign affairs or domestic policies.
He also has no ideology. The world is his ego-invention. Beyond his ego needs, there is nothing. Sort of a three-dimensional flat Earth world of the Donald and then nothing.
The only reality he touches beyond his ego need is when he becomes the Leader of MAGA in his rallies. That’s real, but he lost the power, the authority of those gatherings. He is ebbing. He might not win in 2020. He’s beatable. And he will be facing $2-4 Billion in adverse campaign advertising.
Trump’s new mini-clan was easily, and expertly, picked apart one by one.
When Trump was attempting to build his cabinet it was striking that there was, literally, NO ONE in the entire US Establishment outside Deep State control. There simply was not a single person Trump could add to his administration that was prepared to embrace a fresh approach to US policy, even if Trump never truly embraced anything else than US Supremacy & Exceptionality in a more US centric vision.
“NO ONE in the entire US Establishment”
That souinds kind of like a tautology.
establishment basically = Deep State Control
He would have had to look outside the “establishment.”
This he didn’t do.
And most who were not “establishment” nevertheless were suffering from early-onset TDS, so there was no possibility of any kind of meeting of minds.
I wonder whether someone like Andrew Bacevich would have consented to be a Trump advisor.
Michael Hudson?
Did Trump reach across the “aisle” ? Did anyone on the other side reach across the political Grand Canyon after Nov. 8?
Since your entire argument is based on an absolute (NO ONE), I offer total rejection of your comment’s conclusion:
Dr. Ben Carson is hardly Deep State or under their control.
Two women Trump chose also were total outsiders, though self-made millionaires.
Linda McMahon, SBA and Betsy DeVos, SOEducation.
He brought in Mnuchin from Hollywood and Wilbur Ross from Ross’s personal wealth-investment organization.
Hardly, controllable by Deep State or products of Deep State. Those two are capitalists.
Next time, don’t draw absolutes. Or do a bit of research before you comment.
Sure, and what exactly have they accomplished? I was driving my point that Trump has changed nothing, because there is no base for change. You can split rhetorical hairs all you want but Trump’s cabinet of
Pompeo, Pentecoastal supremacist, West Pointer
Elliot Abrams
Mnuchin (Wall Street, Goldman Sachs)
Wilbur Ross (Billionaire Deep State ghoul, ties to Rockefeller, Rothschild)
Betsy DeVos (Christian fundie, sister to billionaire Eric Prince of Blackwater infamy)
Bloody Gina, torture Queen
Kushner, Jewish mafia Trump handler
and a horde of Bilderberg, CFR creeps and corporate tools – is simply just another set of pigs at the through, not a cabinet of reformers.
I have a question about Mnuchin from Hollywood. He was a partner at Goldman Sachs and worked there from 1985 to 2002. He also was a Chair at OneWest Bank from 2009-2015 which according to the BBC ” became known for quickly seizing the homes of borrowers who fell behind on their mortgage payments”. He is the type of crony capitalist who give capitalism a bad name. Isn’t Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street Banks part of the Deep State? If not the Deep State he is certainly a swamp creature.
How about John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Elliot Abrams? Swamp creatures or Deep State? In the words of another sociopath “At this point, what does it matter”.
Isn’t it highly probable that Trump is just a narcissistic real estate salesman? He crafted some sound bites like Drain the Swamp, Lock Her Up, Build a Wall and a lot of voters bought it like they bought Obama’s Hope and Change. Maybe he just wanted to get revenge on Obama for the hair comments at the Press Dinner.
Whether it’s the Deep State or the Swamp, Trump hasn’t really changed anything. But anyone who believes in him should take a look again at his interview with Maria Bartiromo about the beautiful chocolate cake and missile heading toward Iraq, “to Syria?”. yes heading toward Syria. According to the Syrian government 15 people were killed but the cake was beautiful!
Steve your summary here puts me in the picture of a population that has been dumbed down and prepared/programmed for the government it deserves, by watching endless trash like the Simpson’s, South Park, friends, sex and the city in addition to reality tv. We in Oz are no better, of course, since the same suspects are in charge of the social engineering.
Gabbard may be a good candidate. However, everything I’ve read so far about her is that her politics are more or less mainstream with the exception of Syria. She is a hawk on “terrorism”, she is not anti-Israel, she does not agree with the Russian position on Crimea.
From that link, Gabbard states:
If Russia is allowed to continue its aggressive push for control in Ukraine, there will be long-term, serious, and costly security risks for the United States and Europe. Russia must face serious consequences for their actions; the U.S. must consider options that truly isolate Russia economically and diplomatically—not just sanction a handful of oligarchs—and send a message of unity and strength from the international community.
We cannot stand by while Russia unilaterally degrades Ukraine’s territorial integrity. We must offer direct military assistance—defensive weapons, military supplies and training—to ensure Ukraine has adequate resources to respond to Russia’s aggressions and defend themselves. We cannot view Ukraine as an isolated incident. If we do not take seriously the threat of thinly veiled Russian aggression, and commit to aiding the people of Ukraine immediately, we will find ourselves in a more dangerous, expensive and disastrous situation in the future.
D. Hollander:
That quote of Gabbard proves that she is clueless, if not a dupe for US terrorist ambitions (to terrorize the entire planet). Russia had nothing to do with the destruction of Ukraine. This was the accomplishment of the US terror network. She quotes the lies of MSM, which means she has accepted the official narrative, that Russia is doing what the US did.
Thanks for the article Saker.
That’s interesting find David.
I didn’t realize Gabbard’s Russophobia. She is contradicting herself as in hear speeches she calls for stopping foreign interventions.
If we consider that correct POTUS wasn’t Russophobic and he is now, she is one step ahead where establishment wants her. Full “re-education would follow once she would win election.
I, too, was wondering how Gabbard could be anti-intervention but pro-Israel.
Either she is not connecting dots, or . . . what?
Well, that really settles it, but can you imagine any US politician telling the truth about Ukraine and Crimea? As I say monotonously, the US system is irreformable and no-one can rise to Gabbard’s position without having been thoroughly vetted, as she indeed must have been.
The Mossad and private Israeli terrorist groups have taken over America. In the first murder attempt against me, I was hit as a pedestrian, by a Milwaukee bus that ran a red light, days after I chhecked Farsi books out of the library and was married to an Iranian. There have been numerous murder attempts on my life since then. Shortly after being hit by the bus, I was driving up a city street and a woman parked at a stop sign slammed on the gas and rammed into my gas tank.
We cannot tolerate this as Americans allowing Israel defense contractors and tye Mossad to perpetrate terrorist act against Americqns! It appears that the mossad has also infiltrated the police departmens and the judicial branch, most likely the FBI as well!
Three Israrli private defense contractor groups that specialize in terrorism including hacking and break-ins are Black Cube, Psy, and NSO Group. An investigation by the CIA and FBI must be openned up into the illegal crimes by these terrorists, seeking to end the 1st amendment rights of Non-Zioonist or anti-Israeli government Non-Jews!
It has been my observation that the goal of the Mossad run communications system including main stream news, online social networks, and control of internet communications is to get Americans to lose faith in the U.S. government, incite civil war, and demand decehtralization, which many of them have vocally been calling for, which would in fact be the final coup de grace’ to the constitution. Then, they would divy things up and control of things amongst themselves!
I truly think a good inference is Mossad controls U.S. CIA.
Don’t Decentralize, Unincorporate! America’s Largest Unincorporated City of 91,000 Is America’s 15th Safest City!
Tulsi Gabbard IS FOR REAL !! You have to understad survival in Toxic USA requires certain things. Similarly Ocasio-Cortez had to reasure the Zio-Lobby BUT that does not mean she would not continue being a proponent of better ideas that are Pro Working Class….just like Sanders, that is a lober of Srael BUT really a lover of a Leftist Israel and not a Nazi-Zionist Israel a la NothingYahoo !!
Sorry, but there can be no compromise with the Zio-lobby. It is through compromise the Zio-lobby wing clips it’s opponents. Sooner or later the opponent have compromised themselves enough they no longer have any authority to affect real change.
AOC in particular is being set up as an attack dummy for the MAGA crowd that will embrace anyone, including Trump & Netanyahu, as long as they are Supremacist more or less directly.
One might be able to “compromise” with the Israel Lobby as long as one doesn’t touch any of their money with a ten-foot pole.
But, what does “compromise” come down to?
AMericans really have to grasp that one can serve only one master when it comes to nation-states. No dual citizens in any official position, and all dual citizens of USA-Israel if they live in the USA they must take a loyalty oath to the USA.
The “compromise” is moral surrender.
“Compromise” such as remaining silent in the face of murder and maiming of the Palestinian people, at the hands of US supported and sponsored Zionist henchmen. Not protesting the “Iranian terrorism” narrative, or the “US regime change to spread democracy” memes or so many other rhetorical and moral traps, each one designed to corrupt your thinking and actions.
Saker, thanks for this valuable article.
I like this idea of using things as diagnostic tools. We are also trying to diagnose the state of the US population, after several decades of fact coming at them from the Internet. Tulsi is useful for that also.
I don’t know if Gabbard will become president. By then the whole concept might be wearing off enough that nobody does, or that anybody could. The controls might be slipping into deep farce as the people walk away from the process, or launch their own reactionary campaigns.
Do the people remain dedicated to the old US they were taught in school? We don’t know, although I personally think so. I’m watching Tulsi and reading these comments, both as diagnostic tools.
Just as Putin had to wait and play his hand, and strike as and when he could, so the people of the US may be waiting for ways to strike.
What we do know is that negativity is the truest bullshit of all, and possibility is the only way forward.
All very interesting to see how this old Union shakes out over the next decade or so.
Please understand that the USA cannot become a “normal” country without that being forced on it externally.
Since the end of WWII the USA has genocided literally millions of innocent people. While Americans are all in denial about that, asserting that the slaughter in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Nicaragua, Rwanda, el Salvador, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and so on were not their fault and that America had nothing to do with those horrors, the fact is that all Americans deep down know that they are responsible for these crimes against humanity. Indeed, they are proud of those crimes, though they know it is the patriot’s duty to feign ignorance of them. But, Americans can maintain this pride in their horrendous crimes only so long as they can maintain belief in their own exceptionality. Naturally, America can never approach anything like normalcy without abandoning their delusion of exceptionality.
You can easily see the Catch-22 bind here. If Americans attempt to become normal and try to ditch their exceptionality delusion then the harsh reality that they have actually been for many decades the biggest and most evil monsters on the entire planet comes crashing down on them. All of America’s mass murder and destruction remains justified and excused only so long as America is not normal.
Americans are simply not morally strong enough to look in the mirror and see what they really are without the imaginary superhero capes and masks. America cannot vote its way to normalcy. A genuine revolution might provide a sufficient break from America’s history for Americans to salvage real self respect, but that remains unlikely and nothing short of it can wash the blood off America’s hands.
The rest of the world is going to have to get used to the idea of either kneeling to America’s psychopathy or digging their heels in and fighting it.
Thanks for a Good article and great discussion befitting this wonderful site.
My feeling is that something is incubating as the American working class is waiting and watching while hunkering down into family and close community. They (political elite) want us to fight each other but ordinary people are determined not to “go there “
The next step, however, is to make forms into which solidarity in joint efforts can be expressed. I was hoping the thrust for rent control might have provided this here in California. Alas, the state of affairs has not gotten dire enough and the people who might provide the backbone are leaving the state.
Americans, like all of us, face a number of intractable catastrophes. First is the ecological Holocaust of runaway anthropogenic climate destabilisation, oceanic acidification, the sixth mass extinction Holocaust of biodiversity and monstrous pollution of every type imaginable. Then there is the economic collapse under the weights of record and ever growing inequality and debt, peak cheap oil and other fossil fuels (see point one, as well)and the job destruction of computerisation, artificial intelligence, robotisation and automation. Next we have the insane aggression and belligerence of Thanatopia and its stooges in the glorious West, and its own puppet-master, Israel, that will, I believe, almost certainly cause a thermo-nuclear Armageddon, as the loony religious fundamentalist freaks like Pence and Pompeo et al, so clearly desire. And lastly, for now, we can add the bizarre drive to create our own successors with the efforts to advance artificial intelligence, which after it reaches the ‘singularity’ of self-replication and exponentially improving its intelligence, will soon, if it develops a moral conscience, take pity on the rest of Life on Earth and obliterate the upright, uptight, upstart apes. No wonder people are ‘hunkering down’.
I agree with most you say but why always “the west” and inequality?
Russia is even worse on that score
& why would various groups of ultra Capitalists wish to destroy themselves via nuclear obliteration?
Russia is relatively poor compared to the USA and is still recovering from the looting under Yeltsin and the Jewish oligarch thieves. Sorry to mention that these parasites were nearly all Jewish, but the facts are intractable. So the USA’s ghastly and worsening inequality and social sadism is far more odious. And the ultra-capitalists would prefer something that exterminated the ‘useless eaters’ while leaving their precious property intact, like bio-warfare or neutron bombs (apparently Israel’s preference, too). It’s the real ‘religious’ freaks like the Satanic Pence that want the fire, so that we can burn and they be ‘Raptured’.
I take all of the negative prognoses on board, but not to the extent that I am ready to say, ‘”It’s pointless to invest any time, $$, Hope (yes!), etc. in Tulsi, so I’ll just ignore her and not even try to push her ahead.”
No decent candidate will *ever* stand a chance in this country if we don’t find some way to rally around and support her.
The alternative is total defeatism.We just can’t afford that.
I am sending Tulsi 25 bucks when i can and praying that she doesn’t cave in to the neocons, but gets an organization–including a top communications manager—and a program together that decent Americans left and right can support.
What about “Bernie and Tulsi in Twenty-Twenty”?
It has kind of a nice ring.
In the modern American democracy, there are loud voices that start by telling all decent people not to bother to vote at all.
A fall-back position to that is to massively attack anyone who presents any realistic chance of an alternative to the military-intelligence-corporate police state.
The goal of course is to make sure the military-intelligence-corporate police state stays in power.
We are of course already seeing both tactics in use in the 2020 elections.
Personally, I believe it’s important to have realistic expectations. If people vote for her solely on the basis of expecting an to end foreign wars, they will likely be disappointed. She needs to have a broader platform such as health care, education, taxation, etc.
My hunch is that Tulsi Gabbard has the support of the universe. There is something about this warrior that might attract just enough spontaneous support to bring her into the ring. And once there, a black swan nobody takes for real, and therefore capable of coming out on top.
I’ve been watching Tulsi for years, and she is doing much better than i expected, even though she has been attacked constantly for not toeing the line. She will be heard and strike fear in the Clinton Globalist faction of the Dem Party.
Before the next President is crowned, there will have been several candidates running against these endless wars. Some will run in the primaries of the two corporate parties. Some will run in the general election as third party candidates of independents.
But the one thing that will have been true is that American voters will have a choice and will have an opportunity to vote against these wars. What they do with that is up to them. When it was over, they will not be able to say that there was no alternative available to them other than war.
Clear case of looks dominating substance. As many outlined, her positions are really not much different from the ones Trumps expressed during his pres race.
But she is new, she looks amicably, she has a reassuring deep voice: voila!
I think Tulsi Gabbard is a fascinating candidate with little chance to win. But that is almost completely beside the point. She doesn’t need to win either the presidency or even the Democratic nomination to make a major major impact. Clearly she is the heir apparent of the faction of the Democratic party that was led by Bernie Sanders in 2016. Sanders has clearly decided not to run, Tulsi is the public face of that faction now. If she can stay true to he anti-war message she can crack the Dems in two and at least ensure Trump wins again. I personally think Trump is not all bad, there are worse outcomes for America than a second Trump term.
More importantly, she can lead a group of anti-war Americans to wedge itself into the American political culture as a long-term force. Because she is so young, she can run again one or two more times as well. The ideal scenario for the world is America as an empire is wound down slowly, not that it explodes suddenly or makes a fast leap forward in an effort to retain power.
I think how Miss Gabbard handles the onslaught she will face in the democratic primary season will be fascinating. I will watch every opportunity I can get. Many millions who wouldn’t have watched now will. That alone is very significant.
Good points. The gradual dissolution of the ‘Last Empire’ can’t come soon enough. Perhaps then it can reinvent itself as a true democracy.
“If voting would matter they wouldn’t let us do it”
It’s not elections that brings freedom but popular uprising in nonviolent or violent fashion.
As I said before concerned citizens should spoiler the ballot but personal lobbying and confronting of “elected” politicians should follow consistently. I suspect that this approach would fix lots of current problems even if practiced at relatively small scale.
Casting a ballot gives them assurance that population is in accord with the establishment whether they elect good or bad despot to rule over them.
This applies to all “democracies”
Just saying
I see nobody’s posted Tulsi’s introduction of a bill: “INF Treaty Compliance Act.” The only source I’ve seen announcing that is Russia Today, which also includes the text of her tweet:
“I’m running for President to end our regime change wars, work to end new Cold War, & walk us back from the abyss of nuclear war. We face greater risk of nuclear catastrophe now more than ever. I’m introducing a bill to stop Trump from scrapping INF treaty & sparking new arms race.”
IMO, Gabbard’s a much better choice than Sanders for POTUS; let him be VEEP provided he’s willing.
a couple of notes…1st of all, the world should consider Israel to be the 51st state of the usa. or better said the foothills of the deep state in the middle east. this goes back to before WWII and includes the english and other western european countries. So, Israel is controlled by the west and not vice versa. since, WWII we are seeing a new control system where the west is right and one better not stand up to her. so, anyone who does is not being loyal. think of the dark lord sauron or darth vader. so, the west cannot tolerate a critique of Israel because such could lead to the invalidation of the deep state’s policies in the middle east. as an american, i easily understand that, but most do not and never will. the holocaust was about controlling everyone from the jews, to left-wing intellectuals to many many others, what better way to clean the plate than make a country called israel to wash away the bones left. so, the likud party and such have been committing treason since the get go, just as kosovo could never been considered a country by anyone with even a small amount of intelligentsia training. the last real president was FDR. JFK could have been but we all know what allen dulles led a group to do. and getting back to Israel…it is not about the yinon plan or such, but to doing everything possible to expand western control of the middle east. of course, there is jewish influence in the neo-cons and such, but the key leaders of the deep state were not jewish…think of allen dulles, winston churchill and of course he bush family going back to prescott. in time history will judge the west for what it has been for 100 years now: a fascist organism. There can be no doubt now. people go on and on about trump this and trump that. and on and on about russia did this and russia did that. well, I clearly understand and did back before it happened that the whole wikileaks and such was an operation to take out the deep state. and what better way than to get an idiot like trump elected. or macron or most pother western politicians. this operation is on going and so far working like clockwork. the usa is far worse off today than ever before and the european union is well in a lot of trouble. but, the key to this is what happens in catalonia. if situation remains unresolved than yes the catalan will leave spain and thus the key stroke that will probably end the european union. and the people controlling western europe and the usa are quite clearly mostly western white people-not jewish people…in western europe the same people for maybe two centuries and in the usa the same group since about 1919 if not well before. Iran does not want to destroy Israel but this deep state power structure of pure fascism- the same group that installed the shah. but, the west is losing badly on almost all fronts. trump was full of it from the beginning or since birth. i understood this and knew he was a puppet to this power structure but too many people were too stupid to see this. we are not dealing with any kind of profound intelligentsia here but just a cutthroat way to control planet earth. so, everyone should realize that the deep state and its fascist center is a scary danger but only to a point…with weak intelligentsia such a danger could never go far. that is why putin remains calm and collected and tries very hard not to put gas on the stove- which the deep state would use as a justification. is it possible to change the west? no. is it possible to have a real president in the usa? no. but this does not mean that there is foreign control of the usa. that is just not true. the same people control system as those whom wrote the monroe doctrine. venezuela is just another game to control natural resources, just like the middle east and other places like ukraine. how much land has cargill gobbled up in ukraine since the coup installing a neo-fascist govt? but this is not israel dictating policy. so, finally can tulsi gabbard make a difference or is she real about her intentions? i guess we will see, but it does not matter as (even if she is the real deal) americans are not smart enough to make this jump. the west has been on decline for over a century now and things will get much worse before any form of light will lead people to a better system.
Israel as 51st state inverts the power relationship. In fact it is the USA that should be understood as the Occupied West Bank of the North Atlantic.
I am 74 years old and I have never voted for a Democrat. I cringe at Tulsi Gabbard’s progressive agenda, but I plan to vote for her. I have contributed to her campaign. I strongly believe in her message of non-intervention. I am also impressed at the cool she has demonstrated in harsh interviews.
and anyone who thinks the yellow vests will change anything have never lived in france and do not understand. for the problem in france is equally the fault of the govt and the people. the french are way over entitled. end of story. they are hugely addicted to gasoline, as they are of their handout society. the french govt have been trying to balance the budget for decades now, but with so any handouts they are desperate to find money anyway they can. a better way would be to stop driving a car or at least to limit use to protest gas tax. yea sure the french central govt has been an abstraction to the masses for a long time now. violence can change nothing. the west does not understand this for the most part and might never. by using violence, we play into the hands of the deep state. by being peaceful we can succeed. the catalan understand this, the french do not for the most part anymore. what is more powerful? two million people protesting peacefully in barcelona for changes in spain or 50,000 french running around costing the system billions? clearly catalonia. as spain now will need new elections in april and who wants to re-gain power? the PP party or the francoists. Who is clearly the minority yet the real power players? the catalan and the basque, as their votes will determine if sanchez remains in power. i certainly do not agree with radars in france, but the yellow vests have damaged or destroyed about 60% of these machines -which cost up to 100,000€ for each radar. who will pay for repairing radars? french people. in the world of intelligentsia, the big picture is where meaning is found. thus, it is not surprising that people talked all day about the yellow vests but almost never of catalonia because they do not want people to see the big picture. the yellow vests have only given strength to the govt. by using the same violence the west keeps using around the world…they could have done protest seeing the bigger picture but did not because the good part of movement was soon overrun by the more radical but handout part of french society. the french failed themselves. next thursday, catalonia is going on strike to protest political trials in madrid and most certainly will see mass peaceful protests. independence support is not waning but slightly growing and could go much much higher with the puppet trials in madrid. perhaps tulsi gabbard can create a grassroots movement that gains strength…the usa does need better politicians! and finally tulsi should not be compared yet to trump, for trump has always been a puppet to the deep state and hardly a huge surprise that he won…for tulsi to even have a chance and assuming she is really taking on the deep state well that would be a miracle never yet seen in the usa!
A very astute and perceptive article. Unfortunately for Tulsi I think she has entered the race much too early and perhaps it would have been better for her to have kept her “powder dry” until early fall. Now she’s included herself amongst the numerous aspirants already lined up consequently getting lost in the clutter.
Ah well, in the end it is all basically reduced to how the writer Gore Vidal summed up American politics when he stated:
“The United States has only one political party – The Property Party – and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat”.
I sent a small donation to the Gabbard campaign. I am spiritually in tune but practicality is another matter
the original people of Samoa is it is all over the Pacific islands were African people, Black people. let us see what has become of these originals in American Samoa. it is one of the most complete programs of making Black people mulatto I have ever seen
Wicky Wacky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samoan
this is what Gabbard comes out of although she remains more Black by skin than most Samoans currently
this is Gabbards family..her husband and wedding ceremony
take a look at Gabbards husband. people likle him are Indian Brahmin, upper caste, elites. they are from the north of India mostly, above some line where the white invasions from the north of India petered out. south Indian is still very Black containing more than 200 million people who are considered Black, and are called “untouchable” and ”Sudra” terms of ethnic contempt
Brahmin/Hindu are patriachal and racist. Gabbard could easily be considered Sudra in India by her looks. what sort of influence does Gabbards husband and family have on her outlook and path as a politician? I cant see that it is progressive and would support her alternative stance on issues
chances are Gabbards family..at least on the side of her husband is a drag on her alternative outlook. on her own family side they too are surely not alternative. their perspective is not Black but mulatto as we see Samoa now, completely cut off from its African origins, now focused Polynesian whatever the hell that is.
so what is the identity Gabbard lives by, how does it prepare her for the presidency of the USA in a way opposed to the powers that be and the way they are carrying the USA now?
I have also been looking for Gabbard’s campaign team and this is what I have been finding. I have been using duck duck go so far:
Politico: Tulsi Gabbard’s campaign already in disarray
Tulsi Gabbard campaign in disarray – POLITICO
I do not see how Gabbard is prepared for what she stands on at all. there is no deep girding of her campaign with ideological, intellectual and emotional strength equal to the task she has announced for herself.
all of this exposes Gabbard to be dilletante’. the expression of a goal of political ambition to be president and not a coming to grips with the reality of american and the world, and an absolute determination to do something positive about it..what it would take to carry out her program such as it is..the limited something she talks about..’No More Wars!’
Gabbard’s isnt a serious campaign. I am done. I will dig no further. Gabbard may be serious but she as a candidate for president is in a dreamland, unequal to the task she seeks in every way. she is and would be miraculous indeed. and for that she may indeed win. she would be easier than most controlled and brought into line with the Zionist program
“I don’t know about you, but I am rather impressed!”
The repeating patterns go on and on and on, …
Same old ‘flip’ spiel B4 the election ==> same old ‘flop’ trot after the election.
Sounds (& looks) a little like Obama 2.0 — not in racial terms; but in cultured grooming terms.
There’s the next 2020 winning-niche slot in (US) history; here’s the next tailored scripted actor to play the part.
What I find amazing in all this charade (and it is almost universal) is the constant repeating of the same old formula, language and political metaphors (with apparent variants to suggest there is choice) — and it was/is/and will-be the same “day after” the election let down process at work: manage expectations (up B4/down after).
Google George Carlin — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILQepXUhJ98
And remember your pencil for college, and your “American Dream”!
The 2020 election race is going to be a real circus. Numerous Democratic candidates; possible Independent spoilers; and Trump may even face challengers on the Right such as Bill Weld. It is far too early to tell with any accuracy. Things that will make a difference: media coverage, financial support, public debates, early results. NH primary isn’t until Tuesday Feb 9, 2020 – almost a full year away.
Anti-war progressives like myself do like Gabbard. That doesn’t mean I think she can win a general election or even a primary. She has some baggage re: 1) family’s religious ties 2) early positions against homosexuality 2) meeting with Assad (which I think was great but will be used against her).
Will she be able to break through to the wider public and appeal to more than anti-war progressives? I hope so but there is little guarantee. And the Establishment forces will align against her because of her anti-war views, which we have already seen.
PS. Had to double-check your assertion that she ins’t white. You are correct. She is of mixed European and Samoan ancestry.
“PS. Had to double-check your assertion that she ins’t white. You are correct. She is of mixed European and Samoan ancestry.”
what you should do is to get photos of those same parents of Tulsi Gabbard. I have mentioned this before. her mother is white but her father who is the supposed mixed race one of her parents.. is just about pure white himself. there is nothing in the appearance of Gabbard’s father to suggest he is mixed Samoan
so how do 2 such people produce a pure Black child like Tulsi Gabbard?
a Black woman can produce a white child depending on who the father..even a father who looks Black but has white in his ancestry..from him a Black woman can produce a white child. but I have never see a white woman do that..never read of it or seen it documented anywhere
The show “Finding your Roots” did a show on Tulsi researching her genealogy. Her great grandfather on her father’s side married a Samoan. That would make her one eighth Samoan.
If Trump couldn’t “drain the swamp” given his close connection to “Blackwater” (probably the only organization in the U.S. capable of beating the CIA and FBI at their own game) I believe it is now up to Russia and China to do so on behalf of the American people and the people of the world. Of course, if “the swamp” understand that this is possible and even likely, they will make sure Tulsi Gabbard gets a first class showing and possibly the White House. If the U.S. and Israel can’t learn to play nice with the rest of the world they need to be punished by being sent to bed early, and possibly permanently.
Robert David Steele and Dr. Dave Janda both agree that 70 to 80% of “public servants” in DC are completely compromised by 1) the oath they swore to Israel and the Aipac money they received, 2) the bribes they received once elected and/or selected, 3) pedophilia or 4) all of the above. They also concur that no one is allowed in DC unless they have already demonstrated -and been proven- to be easily corruptible. It only takes a few months for them to be fully and permanently compromised.
I believe it… but if they are right, Tulsi Gabbard will join the party line the minute she is elected if she ever gets there.
Dear Saker,
She is the wisdom of the native American.
She has not read what we have read.
But she channels true.
Sha has been raised up to speak the truth of the native American because judgement day comes. Every shade is called.
Tucker Carlson as a diagnostic tool dear Saker.
She is a work in progress. With her native gut, eyes, ears and heart she has arrived “so far” at some insights you and I respect. She may discover over time even more ideas aligning closer to ones own. For a girl in very deep waters she has my respect.
Tucker is an interesting phenomena. In his own right. Leaving aside even the old man. Tucker in Murdochville.
Phillip Giraldi to this point has a positive take on Gabbard.
Giraldi counts for something positive in my estimation so I must note his opinion on this issue
my take is not that Gabbard is a fake and an agent behind the scenes..it is that she is not up to the job she is seeking on the platform she is developing. Gabbard is likely sincere ideologically but she is also an ambitious politician on whom the presidency would be a crowing achievement in its own right
I can see her husband and his family in seventh heaven if Tulsi becomes president, the highest, most tremendous and sweet achievement that family could imagine. they could die then…there would be no more left to achieve in life.
yes! but there is the platform/program that achieved the presidency, and the bill that must be paid for that. Tulsi would not be ready to die in happiness over winning the job. she would want to live and be president. but would she be able to while effecting her program. is she capable to any extent at all of effecting her anti-war plans?
I dont think she quite understands what she is buying into.
Both Tulsi and Donald Trump are sincere regarding their beliefs; that’s not the point. The point is that an individual cannot turn around the ship of state, stop imperialism, and drain the swamp. We are living in a bureaucratic empire with such powerful inertia that presidents can only fiddle with the current course — rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.
One thing of note regarding Tulsi is her voice. Her intonation is identical to Obamas. Identical.!
As if Tulsi has been to an Obama voice training school.
Good looking. Voice the same. An Obama believer will find it hard not to fall for her intonation. Why she should be the exact mimic of Obama I don’t know but she is. Even her hand gestures are exactly like Obamas.
Is Tulsi a vote harvester machine in the 2020 Democrat Inc power play.? Is she a main player…no, not quite, she is a place holder for those votes to be cast byObama sentimentalists. She is one of the nets the unseen hands have set up to capture and school a certain category of votes in 2020 and going forward. She is the Democrats vote catcher is the space to be contested against the likes of Rand Paul. So Tulsi is likely some kind of pied piper. A strategy. A bandage for Obamas legacy. A political device.
What is the appeal of a candidate like Tulsi? I think in part that her background is playing a big role vis à vis the rampant alienation that most of us are subject to. She reminds us of being tied to the land and of an indigenous culture that evolved on that land. She has the same appeal as the American Indians. I grew up in the southwest and I remember very well the transcendent beauty I, as a child, saw in the native peoples and their cultures. I loved going to pueblos such as Taos or Acoma with the smell of mesquite or sage in the air, coupled with a sense of timelessness–the exact opposite of alienation. (Perhaps that is why Elizabeth Warren was such a disappointment, because she tried to appropriate a tie to the earth that she didn’t have.) I could spend hours marvelling at the beauty of the pueblo indians’ pottery and the joy of holding them in my hands. There is truly something ineffable in these ancient cultures. Looking at old black and white photos of Navaho women weaving their rugs outdoors–this is close to heaven!
We can find similar sources of spiritual nourishment in our European based culture as well. I take as an example Beethoven, whose music I regard as quintessentially spiritually profound. Listen to this Sonata as you lose yourself in the peaceful landscape that accompanies the music.
In listening to this music, and starring at the photo, I understood the root of why there are so many flat-earthers these days. Of course, objectively, they are in “error”. However, there was a time, when common people took for granted that the earth was flat. In those days–that I now remember well in my old age–the earth seemed immense. We didn’t realise that even our sun is a fairly mediocre star with some behemoth stars 300 times larger than it. We didn’t intuitively think of our earth as a ball hanging in an empty void, almost as if threatened by that void with its absolute zero temperatures in the black emptiness of the cosmos. In some depictions of the bottom of the pit of Hell, such as Dante’s Inferno, it is completely devoid of warmth and ice dominates, suggesting that empty space itself is a Hellish realm. In those realms, we can appreciate Victor Hugo’s last words, “I see black light.”
It seems that today, we are stripping away all that is mystical in our cultural heritage and substituting cold explanation to account for these phenomena. We are beginning to feel more intensely than ever the sting of alienation. Can’t we accept a little cognitive dissonance and accommodate the flat-earth idea alongside the scientific explanation?
i have already changed my mind regarding tulsi…i opposed her strictly based on her acquiescence to israel…which in my view negates the possibility of opposes war……but since her announcement i find her to be sincere regarding her views against war and regime change.
and while she still may favor israel to much…her position is certainly better then any other democrat contender will offer….
I’ve supported Ms. Gabbard for a long time, unfortunately, this article’s apparent antisemitic bent (I am virulently anti-zionist and pro-palestinian) and homophobic inferences make it counterproductive, something I am very sorry to see,
This morning Bernie Sanders announced he will run for president. This surprises me. I wonder if the DP is even more divided than what I thought, or if its some other sort of political power play. DO Tulsi and Bernie represent the same faction or something else?
Great analysis – to look at it from both sides: what serves life and what serves death. The neocon pursuit of hegemony is a wet dream, upheld to justify wars – endless wars – of aggression for the wealth and the power of the .001%. And yes, the rest of us be damned because we are but the slaves, whether as workers or soldiers. And yes, you are so right that neither party cares about the soldiers – the Purple Hearts and golden stars are but a means to motivate the soldiers to want to die for a lie. Just as all the civil incentives serve to keep people wanting to be enslaved. Otherwise it would be obvious that war should be fought only for genuine attacks on the homeland, not for some distant jihadi group produced by the CIA to justify attack against one more oil bearing country.
And what’s more: that the taxpayer money should be used for the peaceful advancement of the US. China does that and became the most important nation. Why didn’t the US? And again, the answer is: any peaceful rise would not concentrate power in as few hands as it currently is.
Which shows why China is now the biggest threat: because it refused the US power trap and, ironically, will soon have way more power than the US. Which thereby justifies the last war the planet earth will have to suffer before it disappears. Trump is already alluding to it.
Sorry, she claims to be anti-war….But she prided herself in joining the military and fighting Bush’s war against Iraq….And she went back again after returning home.
Plus, can a peace loving human being support the Right-Wing Indian President Modi, who led a gang of warriors into a mini-genocide against Muslims?….Well he’s her man!
Nobody talks about this, not even Peter Lavelle on RT’s CrossTalk!
So much for this anti-war candidate.
Yes, you can be a soldier and still be anti-war. Why? Because as a soldier, you cannot let your personal preference influence your decisions when you have been given orders.
So that is the frustrating situation many soldiers find themselves in. They see, firsthand that the narrative does not match the reality on th battlefield, but they can’t do ANYTHING about it, except for vote.
Of course, to ban out all violence is a great goal. But right now, the most important thing we all have to focus on, in my opinion, is to prevent WW3. Because that is, in my opinion, the perfect solution so they can reset and still remain in power, unaccountable,because in war the chain of command is not questioned, even by civilians.
See.. this is a chessgame. And the grand prize is all our souls. It seems to me Gabbard still has one, despite two tours.
She knew exactly what she was in for when she joined the military….Since WWII, the US military has been invading and destroying countries all over the world and for no defensive purpose whatsoever…. Did she expect something would change when SHE joined up?….I doubt it….Plus she voluntarily went back to Iraq a SECOND time….The only valid excuse for joining the military is poverty, not having any other possible future….I don’t think she was poor.
You didn’t comment on her support for the vicious Right-Wing Indian thug, President Modi.
All this is certainly enough to make her anti-war claims suspicious if not downright fake!
Homophobic? Unexpected. I disagree. I see it as non-political. And while it does not concern me, I don’t hate. No person is perfect.
Moving on:
She didn’t “cave” she grew up, the anti–gay thing was a religious thing.
Tulsi Gabbard is under heavy fire, right now. Yes, like you said, to be against the war is the Crime of Crimes.
No, she’s not going to cave, like Sanders did, in 2016. Because she, with militairy schooling, knows that that is not the moment to retreat.
I don’t dislike Sanders, he has shown courage, in the past, multiple times. But his surrender in summer 2016 I don’t understand. Back then I assumed someone offered Sanders Lead or Silver. But now? I think he thought that “staying in the political game” was more important than being true to the many, many supporters. Wrong!
I think Tulsi Gabbard has the personality most suited to unite the divided people. I see this as a two-way, dynamic process. Without public support, obviously she will fail. She’s already given up on the corporate media. Apparantly she doesn’t send them even a press statement or agenda. She has the necessary characteristics of a leader: temphatic, honest, protecting the weak, but standing up for principles while under attack.
Pay close attention to her. She’s not a fake, and it’s my JOB to be a good judge of character.
Kamala Harris however to use as a measuring rod, is a fake. Her weak point is that she’s amazed that the sheep actually believe her blatant lies. That’s why she’s laughing so much, not to hide something, because her presentation always was near perfect. And because she an laugh at people and they’ll laugh with her. Yep, she’s a sociopath. Not by birth but choice.The establisment is pushing her, hard. Not Cory Booker. Mark my words, they’ve chosen Kamala Harris.
I think it is awasted opportunity if people dismiss her “because she’s a democrat”. That’s not important in my view. Focus on what is needed. Focus on results. You need someone, who will spearhead the fight. Important is a voting record. Actions speak louder than words. Also important is that a person is knowledgable. She knows about geo-politics, and the bigger picture, that you do, and many readers of this website, she’s had militairy training and can use logical reasoning, strategic thinking, and she’s vary careful to remain humble. Disrespecting the enemy will get you killed. Very important I find that she has not lost her empathy for the human race. And that is most dangerous of all, because they can’t buy her.
I’m not an american citizen so I don’t vote in that election. But I do think we’re at a crossroads and an irreversible choice for direction will be made within the next 5 years for humankind. And I think that this is the last, best shot to prevent war and start rebuilding the ruins of western civilization.
But look closely yourself if you give a damn. I don’t tell people what to think.
I think the three possibilities you mention, for Gabbard’s future will be the Kennedy route. However, I have long believed the future for America itself can only be civil war – Americans eating Americans. The cancer is too far advanced and it is doing it’s last mile.
Here’s an excerpt:
“We cannot stand by while Russia unilaterally degrades Ukraine’s territorial integrity. We must offer direct military assistance—defensive weapons, military supplies and training—to ensure Ukraine has adequate resources to respond to Russia’s aggressions and defend themselves. We cannot view Ukraine as an isolated incident. If we do not take seriously the threat of thinly veiled Russian aggression, and commit to aiding the people of Ukraine immediately, we will find ourselves in a more dangerous, expensive and disastrous situation in the future.”
Let me know when she changes her mind…
On the issues, On temperament, on forthrightness, on potential broad appeal Tulsi Gabbard is the best. Bar none If she doesn’t surge and is stopped dead in her tracks, it will be due to Media collusion
After the Trump surprise, the Trotsky/Neocons will be ever-vigilant in keeping another outsider, Trump or Gabbard, from getting near elected office.
Trump’s best contribution may have been n opening more eyes to the existence of the Uniparty and controlled press.
I don’t even know where to start on this. Tulsi is saying all the ‘right things’ so far…almost. There are statements from her that contradict her earlier statements. I know that in politics, one has to play a game to get anywhere. But, from her first publicity, which was just previous to her Syrian trip, she sounded too good to be true. No matter, I just waited for more that did come. Her trip to Syria was met by the expected verbal BS from the cabal. The expected accolades and disrespect were quickly realized in the MSM and alt press. Her statements in relation to Assad and Syria of the alleged CW claims: “It is our responsibility to exercise due diligence, to ask the tough questions, to get the evidence, before we make those very costly decisions about how and when and where our military is used,” Gabbard said. “[…] The evidence needs to be gathered [against Assad], and as I have said before: If there is evidence that he has committed war crimes, he should be prosecuted as such.” Then something strange occurred. She suddenly started saying that Assad was a dictator and that Syria was a dictatorship. Not only that, but that he had indeed gassed his own people, but was not guilty of the gassing the US accused him of. From The View and in reply to Megan McCain(2/19/19): She added that there was “no disputing the fact that Bashar al-Assad and Syria is a brutal dictator” who has “used chemical weapons and other weapons against his people.” The gist of her message now appears to be that the US involvement did not help the Syrian people, not whether Assad was guilty or not:”This regime change war we’ve been waging in Syria has not helped the Syrian people, it has made their lives worse off,” Gabbard said. “It has also undermined our national security.”…which sounds reminiscent of Trump pre-election. In the end, when one starts changing their message mid-stride, there is a reason. Either the first messages were to get support (ala Trump the firebrand saviour) which could then be modified into an acceptable platform…or she has gotten the same message that Perot got. Either means she is done as far as credibility goes. When you give an inch to your enemies, it might as well be a mile. My own thoughts are probably in a minority, but I am beginning to believe that she is another Trojan Trump. The over the top publicity, the ‘maverick’ stand against TPTB, the modification of her stance and the use of truisms (referring to the GWar lies, etc). Anyone today running for office and wishing to pursue a strategy that is opposed to the oligarchy would surely keep their cards close to the vest…that or be openly defiant and unrepentant going forward (Omar?). Changing your message is not indicative of having strong convictions…or of being independent. Would I prefer her to Trump in the next election? Probably. Would I support her in preference to others that might be running? That is a wait and see decision. What about O’rourke? Is he designed to take her down? Is he for real or is he a Demo Trump? Does anyone have the slightest clue who or what he is? Who knows…is there anyone worth supporting? Going by past events, the answer appears to be an unequivocal ‘NO’.
The Saker is sharp in his analysis both of Tulsi Gabbard and of the true nature of “liberals” in U.S. politics. I am supporting her candidacy (and she has now qualified for the debates) but I hold no illusions about her chances of becoming the Democratic nominee.
An impressie argument, taken on its own terms. Omitted is any mention of her coolness under fire. She shares this somewhat with Mayor Pete, but it is somehow more impressive — because harder won — in woman. Would Eliz Warren — who appears to be the leading progressive who is not a tried and proven capitulator to plutocracy — not befit by simply announcing that she will nominate Gabbard to a prominent foreign policy position (State, Defense, Intelligence, NSC) if she is elected?
An impressive argument, taken on its own terms. The not implausible persona of Gabbard at the very least does the service of reveal the merely symbolic quality of identity politics plutocracy, while also emitting useful memes – which makes her interesting to watch going forward.
One omission is any mention of her coolness under fire. She shares this somewhat with Mayor Pete, but it is somehow more impressive — because harder won — in a woman. Would Eliz Warren — who appears to be the leading progressive who is not a tried and proven capitulator to plutocracy — not benefit by simply announcing that she will nominate Gabbard to a prominent foreign policy position (State, Defense, Intelligence, NSC) if she is elected? This strategy of gathering together a government form the primary process prior to the convention has been discussed by never really tried. The unique and useful quantum of feminine energy in this election might suggest use of this strategy this time around. It could defeat the second round supredelegates who otherwise will likely be fatal to the progressives.
Hi! I think she is a total fraud. Who the F joins the military to go fight in Iraq?
Saw her speech at Brown. Looks likes we are going to get nuked. She’s been sent out to inform, to
relieve them of their ensuing bad karma. Note to self: Learn Spanish quickly.