Mommy! Daddy! Look at the circus that came to town! :-)
Well, it sure looks like the Ukrainian elections will be very interesting after all. No, they probably won’t change anything truly important, but what is taking place is most interesting indeed. I just want to mention a few things bullet-point style, not a real analysis (that will be for after the election), but maybe somewhat of a preview. So, here’s what’s on my list:

Gone with the wind…
The total collapse of Poroshenko: I just don’t have the time to go into all the (admittedly sexy) details, but I can tell you that Poroshenko’s campaign is in total disarray, every move he has made so far has been stupid and even counter-productive and after each one of this moves, his popularity score went even further down, without Zelenskii having to say a single word. At this point, the supporters of Poro (they are called the “Porokhobots” in Russian) are desperate and most of them are switching sides as fast as they can (betraying just at the right moment, not too early and not too late, is a Ukrainian specialty and a skillset which Ukie political leaders have honed to perfection over the centuries!). Another very worrying development for Poro is that his political opponents (including the quite charismatic, if rather brutish, Nadezhna Savchenko) are being let go free from the jails they were being held in. Furthermore, there are rumors (unconfirmed so far) that the Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigations is prosecuting pretty much the entire Urkonazi regime for various crimes, which is also a pretty good indicator that the ship is sinking and the rats running for their lives…
Frankly, at this point I don’t even think that Poro has the resources to pull off something significant as even his allies and aides are now abandoning him and refusing to carry out this orders. He had a chance to try to pull-off some false flag or provocation, and he missed it. Now it appears to be too late even for that.

A very merry puppet indeed!
Zelenskii sitting very pretty: amazing, Zelenskii is both 1) doing great and 2) doing nothing. How is that for a winning strategy?! Really, I am not kidding, Poro’s Ukronazis are so busy committing political seppuku that all Zelenskii has to do is watch, laugh and wait. It is quite an amazing sight to hear Zelenskii limit himself to short telephone calls, short video messages and a few off the cuff comments. The guy is not even really campaigning at all! Yet, barring the unthinkable, he will win with a huge margin on Sunday. You can credit Kolomoiskii’s money and advisors if you want, but the truth is that Zelenskii’s “non-campaign” has been a devastatingly effective (not to mention cheap and easy) way to campaign.
Considering how clueless and non-presidential Zelenskii looks (and sounds every time he opens his mouth), I think that keeping him basically silent was not only the most effective technique, it was the only possible one.
The hotly debated question: which outcome is better for Russia? Well, Poroshenko is not only an Ukronazi, alcoholic and war criminal, he is also the Uber-loser guy who literally FUBARed everything he ever did, at least since he is in politics (Roshen chocolates are actually pretty good!). If Poro steals the election, which is the ONLY way he is going to stay in power, then Russia will have a perfect pretext to 1) not recognize the outcome of this election and 2) the opportunity to have the Ukies further destroy what is left of their sorry Banderastan without Russia having to do anything at all. Zelenskii is far more intelligent (not to mention sober) and he is much less likely to be an easy opponent. Furthermore, Zelenskii is Kolomoiskii’s puppet, and the latter is both VERY evil and VERY smart. A most dangerous opponent for Russia. And then, we can be sure the the Zelenskii-Kolomoiskii duo will have the full support of the Zionists (thanks to Kolomoiskii’s very close ties to Israel).
So while many in the Ukraine and Russia understandably hate Poroshenko with all their souls, I am not at all so sure that Zelenskii will be better for the Ukraine or for Russia. Somewhere, Poro would definitely be easier to handle.
This being said, I also understand that for the people of the Ukraine there is only one way to express their hatred and contempt for that Uber-loser Poroshenko. Voting Zelenskii in the presidential election followed by a vote for pro-Zelenskii parties in the Rada might be just what is needed to begin jailing various Nazis and other nutcases (I don’t expect either Zelenskii or Kolomoiskii to have any patience with the Ukronazis, especially now that they have become a much bigger problem for the Ukraine than they have ever been for Russia).
As I said before, choosing between Zelenskii and Poro is about as meaningful as choosing between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Having said that, Poro is the weaker, dumber, more isolated and more inept of the two, so he is probably a lesser evil for Russia.
What about the Donbass and the DNR/LNR People’s Republics – what outcome is better for them? For the same reasons, I think that Poroshenko is probably the lesser evil for the Novorussians. Again, Poro and Zelenskii are both equally bad and even evil (Zelenskii has openly supported the Nazi death-squads and called the Novorussians “scum” – so have NO illusions on this account!) but Zelenskii and his backers are the more dangerous and sophisticated actors. The truth is that the Novorussians must first and foremost count on their own courage and military acumen, then they can count on Russia not only to stop any (theoretically possible) Ukronazi offensive, but also to keep these two republics alive economically and politically. Russia has done a lot, but not nearly enough and much more aid (both military and civilian) is needed by the suffering people of the Donbass.

The show *will* go on, and the “Ukie Queen” Oleg Liashko will be part of it
So could *anything* good come from the election of Zelenskii? Yes, but it is not very likely. First, history is full of puppets who have broken away from their puppet masters. Don’t necessarily think Obama or Trump here – these were both weak and cowardly people! Think Putin, for example. The US has a long and distinguished experience is losing control of its own puppets (Bin Laden, Saddam, Noriega, etc. etc. etc). So I would never say never. Especially since Zelenskii is young, clearly smart, and possibly courageous (dunno, too early to tell). In theory, Zelenskii could begin purging the most notorious Ukronazis. He could also pardon the thousands of Ukrainian political prisoners who are kept incommunicado and who are held in secret jails all over the country. By freeing them he could even make space for a lot of armed and dangerous Ukronazis nutcases who are roaming around the country freely and who represent a very real danger to Zelenskii (a group of west Ukrainian terrorists was recently caught near one of Zelenskii’s residences; they had guns and even a DShK heavy machine gun mounted inside a car!). Again, in theory, Zelenskii might agree to some form of decentralization/federation which, by now, even the western Ukrainians want in increasing numbers. Finally, he might decide to cut his losses and make some kind of deal with Putin directly. Obviously, this would not be “Zelenskii’s deal” with Putin, but the entire AngloZionist Hegemony telling Kolomoiskii what he can allow Zelenskii to say or do. How likely is that to produce any meaningful results?
After all, any Ukrainian politician in touch with reality will understand that making the Ukraine a monolithic state is a dead end, especially after many years of bloody civil war. As for any discussions about the future of Crimea – they are a total waste of time. Finally, I bet you that deep inside themselves the Ukrainian politicians understand that the Donbass, the LDNR, Novorussia – call it what you want – is gone forever and will never return under the control of Kiev (unless the regime in power in Kiev is one put into power by the Novorussians themselves).
Conclusion: it will be pretty easy to tell what will happen next

How long will it take until they all get it?!
If Poro steals the election, Russia will not recognize this election and the Ukraine will sink further into chaos, misery and violence.
Furthermore, Russia has (finally!) introduced some meaningful economic sanctions against the Ukraine, including a ban on the export of Russian oil and oil derivatives (a special government authorization can be requested for specific, special, cases).
If Zelenskii gets elected, one of two things will happen:
Option A: Zelenskii will rapidly and energetically resume all the rabid russophobic policies of his predecessor. The topics of the Donbass and Crimea will be front and center of Ukie propaganda. At this point, Russia might as well recognize the outcome of the election (I don’t see a point in pretending that Zelenskii did not “kinda” get a popular mandate) and, in the same breath, recognize the two Novorussian Republics and let them conduct a referendum on their future.
Option B: Zelenskii will rapidly and energetically try to stop (or, at least, “freeze”) the conflict with Russia and with the Donbass. If he does that, the Kremlin will see that Zelenskii is trying to cut his losses and gain political credibility by stopping the war in the Donbass and the (utterly stupid and self-defeating) confrontation with Russia. At this point, Russia is likely not only to recognize the outcome of the election, but also serve as a mediator between the Novorussians and the Zelenskii government in Kiev to offer some kind of compromise centered around a de facto independence of the two republics combined with some kind of de jure (only!) Ukrainian sovereignty over these republics, even if only symbolical.
At least so far, all the signs are that Zelenskii will go with Option A and resume Poro’s antirussian policies which, considering that Zelenskii is a puppet of Kolomoiskii, who himself is a puppet of the AngloZionist Empire (with, in his case, the stress of the “Zionist” part of the name) certainly makes sense.
Last minute updates:
Thursday April 18th: Poroshenko recorded an address to the Ukrainian people in which he 1) apologizes for this mistakes and 2) blames all his mistakes on Putin. Go figure Ukronazi “logic”….

Projection by the latest (semi-credible) poll
Thursday April 18th: Zelenskii did end up giving one real interview, in which he said that Putin was an enemy and that the Donbass should not have any special status. He also said that the fact that Stepan Bandera is a hero for many Ukrainians is “awesome/cool” (класно). Having a Russian-speaking Jew say this about a guy who pledged allegiance to Hitler and who massacred scores of Jews is rather amazing, especially on the eve of the Jewish Passover is quite a sight. But then again, the Nazi-occupied Ukraine is the kind of Banderastan were you find Nazis and Jews happily joining forces against their common foe: Russia in general and Orthodox Russia especially. So forget the (comparatively nicer looking) Zelenskii and think Kolomoiskii. In other words, lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate…
Friday April 19th: (1300 UTC) a debate between Poroshenko and Zelenskii is supposed to take place in a soccer stadium in Kiev. There will be two stages, one for each candidate – this makes it easier to kill one and not the other; that, at least, is the explanations given by many in Kiev. Rumors about some kind of bomb, or sniper attack, or riots are circulating in the Ukrainian social media and tensions are very high. One of the main Ukronazi journalists has even begged Zelenskii not to go to this debate and asked him “do you want to be killed”? These rumors are all helping Zelenskii who is presenting himself like the young, innocent and sincere candidate facing the evil and corrupt state machine controlled by Poroshenko.

The separate “for TV kneeling” of the candidates
Friday April 19th: (1600 UTC) the much expected debate has begun. First surprise, Poro walked over to the Zelenskii stage. First Zelenskii spoke pretty poorly. Then Poro took the floor and immediately jumped on his favorite horse: Putin and Russia. He also pointed out that he is experienced whereas Zelenskii is a noob. After that, the debate became outright boring and of very low quality: the two candidates did not answer each other’s question, Zelenskii offered Poro to together stand on their knees before all the suffering Ukrainians, which Zelenskii himself proceeded to immediately do; Poro instead turned his back and kissed the Ukie flag (see screenshot of that bizarre moment on the right)
Friday April 19th: (1700 UTC) the debate is over. Frankly, both Poroshenko and Zelenskii did very poorly. Both tried a few cheap tricks, which mostly failed to elicit any major reaction, and now the “democratic charade” is over.
Barring something truly major and earth-shattering, Zelenskii will win. After that, we can expect Kolomoiskii to take control of most of the government within 30 days or less. Thus the AngloZionist Empire will re-take control of a FUBARed country the control of which it has been slowly but inexorably losing. I don’t expect the elections to the Rada to change much to the new power configuration in the Ukraine.

Political debate Ukronazi style: in a stadium with folks in battle fatigues on the stage
It is high time now for Russia to pull the plug on this Ukronazi experiment in “russophobic independence”. That does not necessarily mean rejecting the outcome of the election, but it does mean that it is high time for Russia to recognize the two republics. I don’t hold much hope for negotiations with Zelenskii because such negotiations are essentially negotiations with the Zelenskii’s AngloZionist puppet masters with whom negotiations have been made impossible since early 2014. Simply put: there is no point in negotiating anything with anybody for Russia as long as there are no halfway “agreement capable” partners to negotiate with. As of now, I see no such partners. Hence, Russia must embark on policy of unilateral actions. If the 5th columnists don’t prevail, I expect that that is exactly what Russia will do from now on.
So who will win on Sunday? Will it be the Big Crook or the Little Crook?
Nobody know, but I can give a a firm prediction: it will be a crook.
The Saker
UPDATE April 21st, 00:30 UTC: Zelenskii won, by a landslide. Uber-loser Poroshenko even lost his last battle, as he did with all his battles. Let’s see if he can stay out of jail next.
A person or company would have to be incredibly incompetent to screw up chocolate candies. After all, what’s hard about mixing chocolate and sugar? The rest is just packaging and marketing. Thus, saying that Porky can actually make ‘pretty good’ chocolates is definitely damning with faint praise.
Yes but, how would he/they respond to the age old question of, “If a chocolate bar could find a way to kill a man, would you still promote its use?”
Hey B,
Sorry to say it but you are waisting your sarcasm here. None will click to it.
BTW this one was good pun.
There’s a good chance Zelenskij has blown it when he finally opened his mouth and alienated all the people tired with war and nationalist rubbish. I heard his rating immediately fell around 40% from 70%. There’s absolutely no difference in program between the 2, except for those who realize that Kolomoskij is 100 times worse than Poroshenko. There’s still a chance that Poroshenko can win. It would by far be the best outcome.
One lesson from observing Trump is that someone who is inexperienced at politics has great difficulties in running a government and navigating all of the internal politics required. We saw with Trump that running what was basically a family business and doing reality TV shows had Trump completely unprepared for how to deal with the politics and bureaucracy of a large country. Thus, it seems highly likely that a comedian would possibly have problems running a mid-sized country.
If its really Kolmoshinko running things, with the comedian as the comic figure head of the talking doll sitting on his lap, then that precludes Zelanski doing anything independent. If he tries to break free and follow his own policies, then his inexperience at politics is likely to doom any efforts. Thus, the real question is what policies will Kolmoshinko implement? (apologies for likely misspellings of names.)
all of pindo politics, sjw-altright divide…. reps-dems divide
is just the ultimate reality TV show
Could Kolomoiski try and finish off Poro by pinning MH17 on him……well I suppose he could have tried that before… out for those plane tracker people finding a flight whether public or private CIA from Kiev to Spain Poros residence….presumably Spain would let him in unless an arrest warrant is made straight after the election….freeze all his bank accounts…..etc
I think this young Zelensky has been totally misread. Regardless of his smiles and feigned indifference to ‘normal’ (yeah yeah, I know, what’s normal in orcland?) protocols and politics, I think this little man is very dangerous. The victor in the election will be whoever is decided on in Langley, not at the polls in orcland, and a surprising number of Ukrainians know this fact very well. Zelensky will be a very willing tool in hands of ‘foreigners’ and his mentor Kolomoisky has more than once shown he has all the compassion of a dead toad, ergo the combination of two mentally challenged and totally remorseless Langley minions bodes no good for orcland.
Novorossiya can and will take care of itself, the only reason orcland exists today is NAF (Novorossiya Armed Forces) are kept on a leash, for the time being, but if the situation gets out of hand there is the very real possibility that Mother will slip the leash and turn ’em loose. If the leash is slipped, the only question then is where will NAF stop? I opine that one can draw a line roughly from Kharkov to the orc west border with Moldova on the Black Sea. Inside that line will be the vast majority of what little ‘industry’ is left and also the vast majority of Ukrainians who consider themselves more Russian than orc. Langley can then kiss goodbye their fond dreams of having a viable US Navy base on the Black Sea within slingshot range of Russia (a fool’s vision if ever there was one) and will resort to what it does best, pile on more sanctions to address a failed policy that Langley has pursued relentlessly regardless of the cost of body bags filed with it’s operatives and countless dead civilians and soldiers of Novorossiya to precisely zero ‘return’ on that ‘investment’.
As for any ideas of Novorossiya opting for some kind of agreement with the orcs for some kind of limited autonomy in orcland, forget that pipe dream. That, my friends, will never happen, there is too much blood spilled for that to ever happen.
The only real questions to be resolved Sunday is where will the porcine one run to and how long it will be before he is accidentally run over by a garbage truck and how many times said truck will reverse and run over it again. If, that is, Langley has decided the porcine one has to go.
An Incident On Simonka March 2014. NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Never The Last One A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
Today I was watching the debate between Poroshenko and Zelenskiy at that stadium. From the intellectual point of view, the debate was third rate, both candidates using cheap political rhetoric. Even so, Poroshenko left the better impression, but then again, he does have the experience. As for Zelenskiy, he did not leave the impression of being particulary smart and capable. Yes, he has some acting skills and he does leave the impression of being cunning and sneaky, but not too smart. I have to disagree with you that he is very dangerous. In what way ? He is both an actor and a puppet, and he will do as told. His followers will be in “love” with him during the political honeymoon, but this love affair will fade when they discover that nothing of substance is happening and that no social, economic and financial improvements are on the horizon. That coup d’etat in 2014 started a chain reaction, and the West will not be able to stop it, namely the break up of the country, as predicted by analysts since 2017.
Auslander, I just wish and wonder why, following the rout at Debaltsevo, Novorussia was put on a leash in the first place with the Minsk agreements. 5 years of hell could have been cut short if the coup plotters had had their heads handed to them.
In your opinion, how and why did this happen?
The takfiris in Syria were an existential threat to Russia. Ukraine is not.
The takfiris had to be dealt with immediately before they could be unleashed on Russia. That has largely worked out with ~90% of the force eliminated. Destroying them was also a key stone in undermining the Zio-Nazi strategy of using such forces, by enabling victim states to overcome them.
Very interesting information Auslander…
I understand that a lot of blood has been spilled…and positions have hardened…but I have to wonder if it is not possible to simply wait this out and for the entirety of Ukraine to return to Mother Russia…where she has always been most comfortable…?
Here’s how I see it…the problem is not so much the fairly small [I would guess] minority of Ukrainian nationalists and Russophobes…the problem I think more has been the western koolaid about the EU promised land…I think probably a lot of average Ukrainians think about this than about some kind of nationalism…they want a better life for themselves and their children…and the west has been singing that siren song for many a decade now…
But here’s the funny thing…all of Eastern Europe had those same dreams…implanted by those same western dream weavers…and how far have they got…?…those who still remember the old days would gladly switch back…even in Eastern Germany…not to mention Hungary, Romania and even a good many Poles…
What ordinary Ukrainians don’t understand is that the EU dream is just that…a dream…at the end of the day there is no Santa Claus…
Might it not be better to just keep Ukraine intact…in the hope that, in the end, most Ukrainians are going to come back to their Russian roots…?
“but I have to wonder if it is not possible to simply wait this out and for the entirety of Ukraine to return to Mother Russia…where she has always been most comfortable…?”
I profoundly disagree. I suspect you have never had direct dealings with fanatics of any sort – military, political, racial or religious. That is not how their brains work.
I strongly suggest that some competent people from for example create a website which allows people in Ukraine to swap homes with others. A line will have to be drawn somewhere and those who want to speak Ukrainian and maintain the Nazi traditions will need to relocate to the North and West of that line. Those in places like Lvov who think otherwise would need to physically move South and East. An application that eases that move would quickly sort the population. The new “Ukraine” would correctly represent the people with that mindset. Others would be free to go their own way. There would no longer be 5th columns. Each Jewish family will have to decide to which side do they belong. If they want to go to Palestine, let them.
The race might be the same, but the mentality is quite different. The Poles and the Czechs are also Slavs, but it does not mean that they belong in Russia.
I appreciate your observation Alfred…however this ‘divorce’ business reminds me of Yugoslavia, a wonderful country I visited during the1980s and was delighted with in every way…it was the west that destroyed that country and chopped it up into little Bantustans…most Yugoslavs I know, of every ethnicity, are nostalgic for the country they once had…
I believe the west would be just as happy to see Ukraine partitioned in the same way…why give them the satisfaction…it was the same scenario when the British finally left India…remember the scene in ‘Gandhi’ where those two huge columns of humanity are moving their belongings in opposite directions…divide et impera…to this day Indians can’t get over that final treachery of rending the country asunder…ie these divorces end up bitter for decades if not centuries…
At the end of the day the west cannot capture Ukraine…that is a hare brained imperialist scheme that cannot possibly succeed…especially considering the EU is coming apart at the seams anyway…China has the 17 + 1 in the Balkans and Eastern Europe…Italy is turning its back on the EU monstrosity…France is boiling…people are sick of western pabulum…there are no more illusions…reality is winning…
Why rush into a historic partition of the country…?
The Ukronazis are good at killing defenceless victims, but not so good against trained, motivated, just opposition, rather like the Israeli Death Forces these days, as was proved in Lebanon in 2006. So, if there was a war, I would expect the Ukronazis to melt away and run off to Galicia, which they might fight hard for. But a good deal would run all the way back to Canada, Australia and their other rat-holes.
The US & NATO could always drop anchor in Poti. Small, but quite strategically placed… other than the gauntlet run if things get hot.
Tomorrow (Easter Eve) is when all Ukronazis should rejoice and join their one common cause: Adolf Hitler’s 130th anniversary.
FYI – Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Pashkha (which is how we refer to the feast called “Easter” in the West) a week after the various western denomination who, this year, will be celebrating Easter at the same time the Judaics will be celebrating Pesakh…
The Saker
Saker, I was stunned to learn about the word Pashkha — the Swedish name is Påsk.
And, as my dear old Mother who passed away last year told me when I was misbehaving: ”You were born the same day of the year as Adolf Hitler. That explains your bad manners!”. So I will rejoice tomorrow as well
I still managed to mis-transliterate it :-(
Пасха would be transliterated as Paskha, not Pashkha like I mistaken wrote.
Sorry about that and
The Saker
Merci bien, cher Saker! Et j’avais oublié que pour les Francophones, c’est Joyeuses Pâques.
Thank you for the preview Saker, all the best for the holidays. Similar to Swedish, in Norwegian the word is Påske. So it is not everywhere in the “west” that it is called “easter”.
Russia celebrates Paskha (in 2019) on the 28th of April.
Thus, spake History.
Ukraine is caught in its centuries old history and nothing will change that.
The boundaries of Ukraine might soon change. Hungary and Poland have spoken of such matters.
The Donbass and much of Novorossiya, if the economic course and results do not change, will gravitate more and more into the Russian orbit.
Clearly, the losses in Donbass cannot continue apace. They destroy outposts, material assets and humans, but most importantly drain morale.
When the Passports to Russia are in the majority hands of the people of Donbass, Putin will have to protect them. That will take a significant destruction of the violators of the contact zone. Many of whom now are US and NATO special forces hunting scalps against the guardians of Donetsk and Lugansk.
There is no way Putin can continue this patient policy of waiting for change in Kiev. Or waiting for the “collapse”. There is never going to be a collapse. Kiev may be abandoned, but that day of collapse will be the day of the total surrender of its military. (Does anyone see that coming?).
Russia wants leftovers, not a conquered neighbor. Thus, it is turning some economic screws right in front of the election, while the US sends a NSC envoy to take the temperature of Putin on matters Ukraine-Syria-Venezuela-North Korea and Iran.
What the military-diplomatic and Kremlin leaders have concluded is the US is as stupid as Kiev. There is no talks or agreements that can be established with the Hegemon, just like the Nazi-freaks of Kiev.
Killing passport-holding, Russian-speaking folks in Donbass will not be tolerated. It wouldn’t be in Georgia, Transnistria, Kaliningrad or distant parts of the globe. A price will be paid by the killers.
Putin would not restart the Normandy talks recently. He expects change in the contact line zone.
That means he has one option–military action in the contact zone to re-establish the Minsk 2 protocols.
And if he destroys enough Ukie machinery, the Kiev military just may raise the white flag locally. It is clear, with recent killings by Pravyi Sektor of Ukie military, that the guns are at their backs as well as at their faces. This is how the ATO operated in 2014-2015.
The election, without a change at the contact line, has no meaning. It’s just a fresh face on the same diseased mind of Ukrainian Elites.
I expect that once the Germans start using the Nord Stream 2 gas, Russia will change the facts on the contact line.
MLRSs really speak in no uncertain terms.
The Ukie tanks and armored vehicles hiding near houses and schools will taste some new Russian anti-tank ammo. They can hide but they can’t run.
The Spetsnaz have them marked. It will be over before the wire services send their first reports.
And then the frog march of captured US-Brit and NATO SOFs will be the final touch. (Auslander assures us of this coming parade.)
The polite Green Men will not be so polite when they go save those passport holders.
Larchmonter, how true that the vultures have gathered and are eyeing significant portions of west orcland. Quite frankly, not much would please me more than to see the Land of Poles getting stuck with a herd of bandarites taken in to their very midst. Poetic justice comes to mind as does the term ‘one reaps what one sows’.
If it comes to a real and mobile fight, I agree, NAF will not be kind to them’s that have tormented them for five years and I would bet the farm that there will be plenty of volunteers to flesh out the NAF units as they role west and south. Langley will of course have a litter of kittens in frustration but there won’t be a thing they can do until the dust settles. The most interesting part will be the Victory Parades with more than a few foreigners frog marched down the streets of Donetsk and Lughansk. At this time the same old protocol is in effect, any captured golden pheasants are returned forthwith, alive, wounded or dead. Sans, of course, everything but their skivvies but it’s better than we are treated. If it comes to an all out assault west and south from Novorossiya, this protocol will be gone in a heartbeat.
I will never forget back in ’14, after Polkovnik Strelkov pulled off his masterpiece of a retreat under the very noses of the orcs, two of our locals were killed in the rear guard actions. It is the norm that five grand US each is paid to get the bodies back. For one, the orcs wanted ten grand and they were told to stuff it. They didn’t bat an eye and didn’t squeak, but when the coffin arrived it contained only the lower half of the deceased soldier. That, my friend, will never be forgotten nor will it be forgiven. As a curious aside, it seems that little transgression by the orcs was avenged quite some time ago. Go figure.
“Knowledge is not only power,but it also can be dangerous ” . —
If anyone interested; take a peek at debate, and wait to see closeup of Poroshenko’s face. His alcoholic nose seems to be very hard to conceal, although some makeup professional have tried hard to do so.
As definitely not the only boozer among politicians, unlike Juncker and Zeman, who often provide pretty hilarious sights, Poroshenko looks dark, somber and troubled as if jinxed. I’d say he’ll pay a very high price for his temporary life success. That’s my personal impression from the very beginning.
As for Zelensky; well. If there is a mess somewhere – to sort out the mess – take someone who was involved in that mess and who knows all the participants and players. So, why not Kolomoysky? As if Israel and Jews weren’t playing a significant role in Ukraine. Much more then it’s publicly admitted. Providing Russians are able to control Kolomoysky, this can play out really well. I guess.
I know this is off-topic, but one of the most hilarious examples ever of a drunk performance among world politicos is erstwhile French president Sarkozy at Heiligendamm, Germany, 2007. There are a fistful of links returned as one enters the fairly obvious search words. The Belgian news broadcast is particularly funny with the news anchor explaining beforehand that ”he/ Sarkozy / came out from a meeting with his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin, and it seems he hadn’t just been drinking water”.
Untranslated French:
“Having said that, Poro is the weaker, dumber, more isolated and more inept of the two, so he is probably a lesser evil for Russia.”
Sort of like trump then, compared to clinton in the 2016 pindo [s]election. :-D
”Option A: Zelenskii will rapidly and energetically resume all the rabid russophobic policies of his predecessor. The topics of the Donbass and Crimea will be front and center of Ukie propaganda.”
He’d better do, or he will face quite unpleasant consequences, to put it mildly. This is further underlined by the fact that the Nazi slobs are more than happy to give the regime — and its Western backers — a helping hand in perpetrating terroristic violence against the Donbass and, even more so, Crimea. At bottom, this is simply the ”Anders Behring Breivik lesson”: It is of utmost importance that you have got people far away that need to be cowed if you want to keep your home turf safe from the most violently insane filth of your own debased society.
Well, I suspect the real “Anders Behring Breivik lesson” was that the people behind that narrative really needed to cow some people far away. Same mod as 911.
Zelensky debate sounded of a great success , he was doing much better than valzman .
This is interesting .
The Dawn of Ze Ukraine. —
Details of how electoral fraud takes place….
Oh ….we have not heard the incredible sardonic irony of Ruslan thingy recently….perhaps he will be active after the vote…….
Speaking of clowns are we??
No visible strings attached to this one.
But this one actually have some strings attached. (we all know the hand(s) by now).
good ones,
i would recommend
jokeresque mask for zelenskii and underneath the fat ugly kolomoiskii
Well, after reading this about Poroshenko’s campaign shenaningans placing billboards showing Poroshenko and Putin face to face all over the Ukraine, I have concluded that Poroshenko has purposefully done everything he could to ensure he loses the election. Which means he must be planning to leave the country very shortly afterwards. He figures better get out while he still can.
re expat Ukrainians in my community. Today, Good Friday, I walked into our community clubhouse which is usually empty at 10 am and, lo, Poroshenko was blathering away . the Ukrainian caretakers had jerryrigged the cable TV stations overriding the usual dull 10 so that for this brief period of time at least it was receiving Ukrainian Language TV.
They were listening avidly so does Poroshenko plan a blitz with the expat vote?
Details of how electoral fraud takes place….
And a flim has been made
“Donbass Borderland” by the Director Renat Davletyarov, was premiered at Chapter Arts Cardiff as part of the April 2019 John Hughes Arts Festival, that commemorated his great industrial and philanthropic legacy, this year being the 205th Anniversary of his birth.”
After the election….I would just love it if the “whitebook” of crimes against peoples in Donbass was personally handed to the winner with the words….there will be no rapprochement with Russia or even beginnings of dialogue until every case has been satisfatorily investigated and adjudicated to international standards….including deaths in ukraine by neo nazi groups…Odessa and Mariopul massacres etc etc..
MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. So far, Russia is pinning no big hopes on Vladimir Zelensky who is winning a sweeping victory in Sunday’ runoff presidential election in Ukraine, a senior Russian lawmaker said.
“We pin no hopes on the winner so far, since under [incumbent President Pyotr] Poroshenko Ukraine has ceased to be a sovereign state. So, the situation has not changes, as a matter of fact, with the sanctions, demagogy about aggression and occupation and failed Minsk agreements still in place,” Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the international committee at Russia’s Federation Council upper parliament house, said on Sunday.
“Only time will show whether Zelensky will be able to drop election rhetoric and become an independent president of sovereign and independent Ukraine,” he said, commenting on the exit poll results indicating Zelensky victory with more than 70% of votes.
A better sense of direction, influence & actions to come can be borne out by reviewing the Zelensky team.
I daresay, many are entwined with the western “aid” or “development” agencies but at the same time, there are pragmatic links to Russia. A number are recycled veterans.
Unless some common sense prevails, the oil/gas gloves will come off this year.
Kiev court case….Poro trying to block Z from presidency….ongoing since 9pm ukr time? only seems to be carryng this….a person started case against Z by claiming he offered free tickets for people to attend stadium debate….thus influencing …
Earlier it was reported that 150 mobile Nazi groups were formed in Ukraine to disrupt the second round of elections: Radical groups of the Nazis are involved in preparing of actions to disrupt the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine in the interests of the current president, Poroshenko.
This was announced today by the Donetsk Peoples Republic police, Eduard Basurin.“The headquarters of Poroshenko gave the task of holding protests and rallies to prevent an election victory for (Vladimir) Zelenskyset to the heads of the controlled nationalist organizations UNA-UNSO *, Right Sector * and a number of others“
For this purpose, up to 150 mobile nationalist groups have been formed in the regions.”
In addition, according to Basurin, the commanders of the Ukrainian troops in the Donbass were instructed to intensify efforts to agitate the military in favor of Poroshenko.
The night before, residents of Kiev reported on a column of military equipment in the city.
According to independent Russian political scientist Alexander Asafov, provocations by Zelensky and Poroshenko headquarters are not excluded in Ukraine’s election campaign.”
“As I said before, choosing between Zelenskii and Poro is about as meaningful as choosing between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Having said that, Poro is the weaker, dumber, more isolated and more inept of the two, so he is probably a lesser evil for Russia.”
Ukrainian elections are much like American elections.
You are given a choice between evil vs. evil.
For example, Hillary vs. Trump. Or Zelenskii vs. Poro.
In this situation, the choice is always to “favor” the more ineffective and inept evil.
Not a good sign for the rest of us if you consider that the Ukraine region was an early centre for human civilisation and the first to domesticate the horse.
Debates Poroshenko and Zelensky – LIVE
You can change the subtitles to English
I found this video among the comments (szolj hozzà) of an article of the kuruc.INFO (a Hungarian blog)
with title “We don’t let you coming to power – said the current Jewish president to the Jewish president
candidate in Olympic Stadium in Kiev”. – – click on “szolj hozzà” – the
comments become visible.
“hozzàszolàs” is correct which means in English comment
“szolj hozzà” means annotate or comment on
Therefore click on “hozzàszolàs” for visible making the comments
At least Ukraine gives meaning to the term ‘Zionazi’.
Is it such an item who will seat the chair the coming years? Effectively, the strings are pulled by the US Embassy and Kolomoisky from his fortified datscha. In the chair is just a face.
I’m wondering more and more where these guys come from. In the eighties there was a artificial TV host, an animation, called ‘Max Headroom’ on music channels. For the record:
I’m looking at all kinds of Max Headrooms nowadays.Take Macron, Trudeau, Kurz. They all kind of look the same, and pop up like *this*. Hey, who runs this 3-D printer that produces these smooth talking puppets? That’s what they are.
Btw, I really liked the drunk Sarkozy. For the first time he looked sympathic ;-)
Cheers, Rob
I think Max was more genuine…..
”Btw, I really liked the drunk Sarkozy. For the first time he looked sympathic”
Quite true, Rob :-) Keep in mind also that Putin, to achieve the same effect with a real alcoholic such as Poroshenko, would have to offer at least 10 times the amount of vodka! It goes without saying, of course, that a committed, hard-core Ukronazi never would — drunk or sober — be able to actually express quite sensible, actually sympathetic, opinions on Russia the way Sarkozy was doing in the clip.
Humor time:
How many Ukronazis does it take to change a lightbulb?
Can’t be done. Once the light is gone, a screamfest sets in blaming Russia/Moscow/the Kremlin/Putin for the darkness.
S, excellent summary. I think that nothing will change, as both of them belong to the same club. It may get worse, as Kolomoyski previously run away for his life. Now that he is back (in virtual reality) he will try to take revenge on his “enemies”, if he controls Zelenskiy club.
KIEV, April 21. /TASS/. Ukraine’s incumbent President Pyotr Poroshenko has allegedly received immunity guarantees from the United States after the results of exit polls following Sunday’s runoff presidential elections were made public, according to the Ukrainian mass media.
“Americans have allegedly granted Pyotr Poroshenko immunity guarantees and warned future president [Vladimir] Zelensky’s team to let the predecessor alone,” the Strana (Country) outlet writes citing a source in Washington.
Runoff presidential election was held in Ukraine on April 21. According to exit polls, Candidate from the Servant of the People party, showman Vladimir Zelensky is winning a sweeping victory. The incumbent president has already recognized the voting results and congratulated his rival.
Errrrr…only in case the true reveal of his doings embaresses and exposes his sponsors….my mrs now listening to Ischenko’s musings…..
A fitting number for Poroshenko’s exit and this comedian’s entrance, is “Yakety Sax” by Boots Randolph. I suggest all fins it on YouTube and see for yourselves. Enjoy.
Interesting that Ukraine political life mimmicks US political life. I expect the same line of disappointment. I wonder will Zelenkskij now recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
“The only prospect for the advanced guy in this country to work as a clown the fags. And who does not want to work as a clown at faggots, will work as a faggot at clowns. For the same small price”.
The day Pelevin made a mistake.
in the comments notice that Pelevin just was not mistaken.
for Russia it’s all the same eggs only in profile, at best. Under any scenario. Zelensky will not go to the settlement of the situation in the Donbass, he is not bound by the Minsk agreements, and on the basis of the possibility of escalation of the conflict was the decision to ban the supply of petroleum products etc to Ukraine. Why in 2014 it was not done to stop the advance ukronatsistov? Good question, but I think at that time it would not have the such an effect as it is now. Now the economy of Ukraine is crushed by loans, and new in the previous volume is no longer given, they are not just on the ground, they dug a hole that is quite comparable to the pit under the new sea. At the beginning of the conflict, they would easily have been given more money – to buy oil in the West, and now no one will sell it, because it is obvious that they will not pay for it – they simply have nothing and nowhere to take. War is expensive.
> Considering how clueless and non-presidential Zelenskii looks (and sounds every time he opens his mouth), I think that keeping him basically silent was not only the most effective technique, it was the only possible one.
It was also not an invention.
Before 2013 coup it was boxer Klitschko who was “campaigning” exactly this way, and was leading the scoretables. Until he opened his mouth….
During the Zelenskiy-Poroshenko “debate”, the incumbent president`s authoritarian style, his hyper-aggressive ranting and raving very distinctly reminded me of a certain German politician of the 1930s and 1940s known to his followers affectionately as “Der Führer”. Poroshenko`s delivery seemed actually modelled along Hitler`s lines – a profoundly disturbing and frightening experience: Who would ever vote for a person like this?