[this column was written for the Unz Review]
We all know that we are living in crazy, and dangerous, times, yet I can’t help being awed at what the imperial propaganda machine (aka the legacy ziomedia) is trying to make us all swallow. The list of truly batshit crazy stuff we are being told to believe is now very long, and today I just want to pick on a few of my “favorites” (so to speak).
First, of course, comes the “Novichok Reloaded” scandal around the alleged poisoning of the so-called “dissident” Alexei Navalnyi. I already mentioned this absolutely ridiculous story once, so I won’t repeat it all here. I just want to mention a few very basic facts:
- Navalnyi is pretty much a discredited non-entity in Russia. “Putin” (because this is how the imperial propaganda machine always personalizes the evils of Russia: “Putin” did this or that, as if Putin was personally in every alleged Russian evil deed) had absolutely and exactly zero reasons to harm Navalnyi in any way. I would even add that IF Navalnyi was poisoned in Russia (which I do not believe) then the FSB screwed up by not offering him 24/7 protection, especially in the current political climate (i.e. struggle for the completion of North Stream 2).
- The Empire always likes to produce a “sacrificial lamb” to symbolize the putative evil of the nation which dares to resist. In Iran it was Neda, in Kuwait the infamous “incubator babies”, in Syria anonymous kids killed by Russian gas, and in Russia it was Nemtsov (did not really work) and now Navalnyi (I wonder who the sacrificial lamb will be in Belarus (Tikhanovskaia?). The FSB should have seen this coming, especially after Nemtsov.
- There is exactly zero evidence that the mineral water bottle which the Germans claim contained traces of, what else, “Novichok”, ever was anywhere near Navalnyi or even that it ever was in Russia. No such bottle was found by, or mentioned to the Russian investigators. This bottle was, allegedly, hidden from the FSB by Navalnyi supporters, and secretly brought to Germany. What that means in terms of “chain of custody” is self-evident.
- As I have mentioned in my past article, if what the German authorities are claiming is true, then the Russians are truly the dumbest imbeciles on the planet. Not content to use this now famous “Novichok” gas against Skripal in the UK and after failing to kill Skripal, these stupid Russians decided to try the very same gas, only “improved”, and they failed again: Navalnyi is quite alive and well, thank you!
- Then there is this: according to the imperial propaganda machine, Novichok was so horribly dangerous, that the Brits had to use full biosuits to investigate the alleged poisoning of Skripal. They also said that they would completely destroy the dangerous Skripal home (though they never did that). The self same propaganda machine says that the Novichok used on Navalnyi was a more powerful, improved version. Okay. Then try to answer this one: why did the Russians NOT put on biosuits, why did not a single passenger suffer from any side effects (inside a closed aircraft cabin!)? How is it that this super-dooper Novichok not only failed to kill Navalnyi (who, allegedly, ingested it!) but also failed to even moderately inconvenience anybody from the many people Navalnyi was surrounded by on that day?
I could continue to deconstruct all this nonsense, but that would take pages. I will mention two things though:
First, the Russians have requested any and all evidence available to the Germans and to the Organization for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons – but they got absolutely nothing in return. Yet the EU is demanding an investigation (which is already under way in Russia anyway!) as if the Russians did not want the exact same!
Second, Navalnyi apparently has an immunity to otherwise deadly Russian biological

After being exposed to an improved Novichok and after weeks in coma in intensive care, here is Navalnyi trotting down stairs feeling great
agents, just take a look at him on this post-Novichok photo:
[By the way, the first time around the Brits also never gave the Russians *any* information, nevermind any kind of evidence. Apparently, to hide some super-secret secrets. Yeah, right!]
Next, I absolutely have to mention the absolutely insane situation around Belarus.
To make a long story short, the EU wants to sanction Russia for intervening in Belarus while that self-same EU is intervening in every possible imaginable manner: from the Poles who treat Tikhanovskaia as a modern False Dmitri the Fifth (see here for a summary of Polish-run False Dmitris), to the promise of a special “Marshall Plan for Belarus”, to the coordination of all the protests from Poland. The EU refuses to recognize Lukashenko as the winner (in spite of the fact that there is exactly zero evidence suggesting that Lukashenko lost) and refers to Tikhanovskaia as the “Leader of Belarus” (whatever that means).
As for our US American friends, having learned exactly *nothing* from the abject failure of their Guaido coup in Venezuela, they now want to repeat exactly the same with Tikhanovskaia in Belarus. As a result, Tikhanovskaia has been re-christened “Juanita Guaido”
But the worst are still the Europeans. Not only are they prostituting themselves to the leaders of the Empire, the following countries were the first to declare that they will not recognize Lukashenko as the leader of Belarus: Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (which is no surprise, they all compete for the title of most pro-US colony on the planet), but also putatively mentally sane countries such as Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Denmark. The case of Germany is particularly amazing, because Germany will now be placed under immense pressure to cancel North Stream 2, something which the entire German industry opposes. Eventually, the US, Canada, the Ukraine, the UK and the entire EU joined in and also refused to recognize Lukashenko as the leader of Belarus.
What is especially amazing to me is that these EU imbeciles apparently don’t care that without North Stream 2 they will have to purchase US gas, at much higher prices, which will make the EU economy less effective than the US one. And I thought that prostitutes are always acutely aware of the money they can make: not the European ones, apparently.
Still, I think that the “top honor” in this category goes to Poland which, while condemning some undefined Russian intervention in Belarus, runs the NEXTA Telegram channel which runs videos like this one: (in Russian – no, not in Belarusian, they *know* that 99.9999% Belarussians speak Russian):
Oh, but it gets better.
NATO seems to be trying to frighten Russia with maneuvers in Poland and B-52 flights over the Ukraine and the Black Sea (see here for a full analysis). As for the Poles and Ukronazis, they apparently believe that the Russian bear covered himself in poop and ran away at full speed.
What I am going to say next is not a secret, every military person who looked into this issue knows and understands this: NATO, and I mean the combined power of all NATO member states, simply does not have the hardware needed to wage a war against Russia in Europe. What NATO does have is only sufficient to trigger a serious incident which might result in a shooting war. But once this war starts, the chances of victory for NATO are exactly zero. Why?
Well, for one thing, while coalitions of countries might give a thin veneer of political legitimacy to a military action (in reality, only a UNSC resolution would), in purely military terms you are much better off having a single national military. Not only that, but coalitions are nothing but the expression of an often held delusion: the delusion that the little guy can hide behind the back of the big guy. Poland’s entire history can be summarized in this simple principle: strike the weak and bootlick (or even worse!) the powerful. In contrast, real military powers don’t count on some other guy doing the heavy lifting for them. They simply fight until they win.
Yes, the Europeans, being the cowards that they are, do believe that there is safety in numbers. But each time these midgets gang up on Russia and start barking (or, to use Putin’s expression, start oinking) all together, the Russians clearly see that the Europeans are afraid. Otherwise, they would not constantly seek somebody to protect them (even against a non-existing threat).
As a direct result of this delusion, NATO simply does not have the equivalent of the First Guards Tank Army in spite of the fact that NATO has a bigger population and much bigger budgets than Russia. Such a tank Army is what it would take to fight a real war in Europe, Russia has such an Army. NATO does not.
The other thing NATO does not have is a real integrated multi-layered air defense system. Russia does.
Lastly, NATO has no hypersonic weapons. Russia does.
(According to President Trump, the USA *does* have super-dooper “hydrosonic” weapons, but nobody really knows what that is supposed to mean).
I would even argue that the comparatively smaller Belarusian military could make hamburger meat of the roughly three times larger Polish armed forces in a very short time (unlike the Poles, the Belarusian are excellent soldiers and they know that they are surrounded by hostile countries on three sides).
As for the “armed forces” of the Baltic statelets, they are just a sad joke.
One more example: the Empire is now sending ships into the Black Sea as some kind of “show of force”. Yet, every military analyst out there knows that the Black Sea is a “Russian lake” and that no matter how many ships the US or NATO sends into the Black Sea, their life expectancy in case of a conflict would be measured in minutes.
There is a popular expression in Russia which, I submit, beautifully sums up the current US/NATO doctrine: пугать ежа голой задницей, which can be translated as “trying to scare a hedgehog with your naked bottom”.
The truth is that NATO military forces currently are all in very bad shape – all of them, including the US – and that their only advantage over Russia is in numbers. But as soon as you factor in training, command and control, the ability to operate with severely degraded C3I capabilities, the average age of military hardware or morale – the Russian armed forces are far ahead of the West.
Does anybody sincerely believe that a few B-52s and a few thousand soldiers from different countries playing war in Poland will really scare the Russian generals?
But if not – why the threats?
My explanation is simple: the rulers of the Empire simply hope that the people in the West will never find out how bad their current military posture really is, and they also know that Russia will never attack first – so they simply pretend like they are still big, mighty and relevant. This is made even easier by the fact that the Russians always downplay their real capabilities (in sharp contrast to the West which always brags about “the best XYZ in the world”). That, and the fact that nobody in the Western ruling classes wants to admit that the game is over and that the Empire has collapsed.
Well, they apparently can hide these truisms from most of their public opinion: Trump promises super-dooper missiles and big red buttons, and his supporters immediately wave (Chinese made) US flags! But I assure you that the Russians (political leaders and even the general public) know what the real score is.
Yet the Empire still refuses to deal with Russia in any other way except insults, bullying, threats, accusations, sanctions, and constant sabre-rattling. This has never, and I mean never, worked in the past, and it won’t work in the future. But, apparently, NATO generals simply cannot comprehend that insanity can be defined as “doing the same thing over and over again, while hoping to achieve different results”.
Finally, I will conclude with a short mention of US politicians.
First, Trump. He now declares that the Russians stole the secret of hypersonic weapons from Obama. This reminds me of how the Brits declared that Russia stole their vaccine against the sars-cov-2 virus. But, if the Russians stole all that, why is it that ONLY Russia has deployed hypersonic weapons (not the USA) and ONLY Russia has both two vaccines and 2 actual treatments (and not the UK)? For a good laugh, check out Andrei Martyanov’s great column “Russia Steal Everything”.
And then there is Nancy Pelosi who, apparently, is considering, yes, you guessed it – yet another impeachment attempt against Trump? The charge this time? Exercising this Presidential prerogative to nominate a successor to Ruth Ginsburg. Okay, Pelosi might be senile, but she also is in deep denial if she thinks impeaching Trump is still a viable project. Frankly? I think that she lost it.
In fact, I think that all the Dems have gone absolutely insane: they are now considering packing both the Supreme Court and the Senate. The fact that doing so will destroy the US political system does not seem to bother them in the least.
Conclusion: quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat!
We live in a world where facts or logic have simply become irrelevant and nobody cares about such clearly outdated categories. We have elevated “doubleplusgoodthinking” into an art form. We have also done away with the concepts of “proof” or “evidence” which we have replaced with variations on the “highly likely” theme. We have also, for all practical purpose, jettisoned the entire corpus of international law and replaced it with “rules-based international order“. In fact, I can only agree with Chris Hedges who, in his superb book the “Empire of illusions” and of the “triumph of spectacle”. He is absolutely correct: not only is this a triumph of appearance over substance, and of ideology over reality, it is even the triumph of self-destruction over self-preservation.
There is no big “master plan”, no complex international conspiracy, no 5D chess. All we have is yet another empire committing suicide and, like so many before this one, this suicide is executed by this empire’s ruling classes.
The Saker
If I did not know better I would think that Putin was “messing with their minds”; however, he is mostly a very serious man. But there is that trickster Gemini moon of his Plus, The article did put a smile on my face. Perhaps a little light mockery is good for the world at this time.
you mean that Putin managed to keep a straight face when he was suggesting that both countries don’t meddle – ?
Brilliant deduction Watson! The Fix has been in place for over 10 generations. Be not deceived by Any Means.
“All we have is yet another empire committing suicide and, like so many before this one, this suicide is executed by this empire’s ruling classes.”
Nope, Saker, it’s really just another empire bled dry and turned into a wasteland by the same money lenders that Jesus threw out of the Temple back in the day. He called them the synagogue of Satan and St. Paul called them the “powers that be” but in reality they are the same Talmudic money-worshiping fiends who emerged from Babylon thousands of years ago to rape and pillage in the name of the “father of lies.”
Ultimately, though, they will not prevail. People of faith know that. The G-d of justice, compassion, and truth will win out in the end.
Did you know that spelling God “G-d” is a typical thing of the same money lenders that Jesus threw out of the Temple?
Just saying…
Kind regards
The Saker
The god of the money changers was Mammon. G-d the ineffable, the incomprehensible… very different, totally beyond our understanding. Just saying.
What’s wrong with vowels?
vowels are the devil’s creation.
the hebrew script started off without any vowels.
But “God” (or “god”)is an Anglo-Saxon word, from before 1066. It can mean God or good depending on the emphasis put on the vowel. The idea that vowels are the devil’s creation is ludicrous. God created language and these have to be used in spoken words, to make them intelligible.
By the way, The Saker’s response to Tommy Apeiron’s OP was brilliant and funny.
Perhaps you may find it interesting to know that in modern Persian the word for God is Khoda, derived from Middle Persian khwaday which meant Lord.
The word for self in modern Persian is khod. I believe the origin of these words goes back to a time before modern humans with self-awareness and reason.
Entities called gods, khods, “selves” would possess our primitive ancestors and use their bodies the same way our own mind does today.
The worship of those gods fell out of favor ages ago. But the words stuck. I think the late Julian Jaynes had put forward a similar thesis.
Off topic, but you may be interested to know that the modern Persian word for good is khoob, bad is bad, mother is madar, father is pedar, brother is baradar, and daughter is dokhtar. Persian and English derive from the same root, and are very closely related.
There are secrets about the ancient spiritual and philosophical ideas of our ancestors hidden in our words.
“The word for self in modern Persian is khod. I believe the origin of these words goes back to a time before modern humans with self-awareness and reason.”
So you think that modern humans have self-awareness and reason?
Interesting idea… :-)
I believe that modern humans came into existance between one to two hundred thousand years ago, in Africa, and that they had self awarenes, reason and language from the beginning.
Language is not something we are born with, neither is reason, which is itself secondary to language.
Did you have language and reason from your beginning?
When is the beginning? The arbitrary speculative date when supposedly one species of homo evolved into another? History is a flow. There is no clear cut date for when australopithecus ends and homo begins, because the traits of the former slowly transformed into the latter over a long time.
There is no beginning. The beginning is just a concept, a thought. Everything has always been, flowing and changing, to infinity.
That might even be 3 million years.
The idea ‘modern humans’ is an abstract lie, it suggests something
which isn’t anywhere but a grey intersection.
Every time humans are: the early, the originals, the rulers, the makers
the dealers, the keepers a.s.o. – and a more or less broad number of
those, who didn’t manage to open their ‘envelops’, and the quiet number
who did it and who go for God in their heart but don’t tell anybody
but their spouse.
Julian Janes’ book “The Origin of Consciousness” argues that the human mind once operated in a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be “speaking”, and a second part which listens and obeys—the bicameral mind.
This what seems to be happening in the US government, where the liars control the message, and most the populace is subservient to authority.
This is similar to the Roman Catholic concept of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, that they call the Trinity. It is worthy of note that the first nuclear bomb detonated at Alamogordo in 1945 was also named Trinity.
I believe the speaking voice is what they called god. And it revealed great secrets to our ancestors. Sometimes people even saw a shape, apparition, or light that the voice belonged to.
I think what stops us today from perceiving it is the doubt that has been instilled in us regarding the spirit, or in other words, a lack of faith.
But even today, if we can manage to shut off our internal dialog, the voice is still there, trying to guide and inform. We are just normally too busy with our own egotistical self-concern to notice.
What stands between us and the spirit is just our selves.
The Latin word for god (Deus) was reflected in ancient German and Scandinavian an pronounced þuss (þussir in the plural nominative). In modern Scaninavian, “tosser/tussor/tussar” in the plural means dimwitted idiots or underground small goblins (The kind that appears in The Ronya/Ronja stories by Astrid Lindgren) and “tosset” in Danish means silly or infatuated, while “tøv” ald norwegian “tull” means joking or idiocy. Thus, the gods that be not only make others mad first, but make themselves mad well in advance.
Deus derives from Old Latin deivas is the same word as Sanskrit dyaus; they all derive from proto-indo-european dyeus, which means sky or heaven. The proto-indo-european deity associated with the heavens was called Dyeus Pter, Sky Father.
By Vedic times, c. 1500 BC, Sky Father had already been replaced in prominence by a figure called Indra, a member of a group called the devas, literally the heavenly ones, the divine ones.
Dyeus, or the heavens, is a place, or rather a state of consciousness. It is the body-less state of pure spirit that we return to after we die. It is the state we enter when dreaming. It is a state that the ancient Aryan were entering through the ingestion of Soma, Iranian Haoma. Haoma is a hallucinogenic plant concoction.
In that other world, our ancestors encountered entities that appeared to have consciousness. The modern literature on hallucinogenic plants is packed with descriptions of such encounters.
Whether real or imaginary, our ancestors worshipped some of these devas, these beings from the other world. The Greek equivalent of Indra is Zeus, the Roman Jupiter.
The Finnish equivalent of Dyeus is Taivas, which is sky or heaven. Proto-Germanic Teiwaz, Old Norse Tyr, from which is derived Tuesday.
The heavens and god were two distinct concepts to the ancients. The heavens are a realm of consciousness, the counterpart of earth. It is where the divine ones and the devils reside.
During the period when people were worshipping this Indra, and Soma and Agni, and other devas, a man named Zarathushtra, began preaching that the devas were not worthy of worship, but rather that people should worship the singular source of all things, Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, God. Zarathushtra is credited as the founder of monotheism.
Zarathushtra claimed that this world had been created perfect, but that an outside force had penetrated it and was waging war against it, and against us. He predicted that things would get progressively worse, but eventually the tide will be turned.
This outside force was the devas. Zarathushtra called them demons, devils, aberrations. Apparitions that his fellow men were seeing under the influence of hallucinogens. Soma fell out of favor with the Zoroastrians.
Real or fantasy, Zarathushthra beckoned people to take part in the war for our world, to fight for life and the living by doing good deeds, saying good words, and thinking good thoughts.
The most important yearly festival of the Persians was No Rooz, New Year, on the spring solstice, the only festival that survived the Muslims. No Rooz is significant because it is the sign of the covenant between God and the faithful, that just as the coldest, darkest winter is dispelled by the light and warmth of spring, so shall the evil in the world be dispelled at the end, after a long and bitter winter.
It remains to be seen whether his prediction was true.
“The Finnish equivalent of Dyeus is Taivas, which is sky or heaven…”
Very good, your knowledge of languages is impressing. I just want to say that in finnish taivas – in the middle of the sentence – is never written in capital, like sky is never written in capital in english.
True, taivas means also heaven, but as the word don´t refer any location, it´s always written in small letters.
The Persian Civilisation was one of the earliest and most profoundly influential for this world. Jamshyd, being an Iranian, has just proven that! Excellent.
In Daniel’s vision, he saw Babylon as a Golden empire, The Medes and Persins ,Silver. And it only goes less precious as time goes. Now Human rulership is iron and clay, and they do not adhere one to another. I expect the Kingdom to appear at any moment ,which will fill the earth after the Bad Actors have been cast into the Lake for Millennia. I know my friends in Iran are not the problem. NeoBabylon is fallen, fallen, and nobody in Heaven cries for the Whore.
apparently he wasnt fond of consonants either. no J as in Jewish and no P as in Palestinians. it makes me wonder if pyjamas are the emperor’s new clothes that live in a forest.
heck mixing cotton and polyester (mixed fabrics) is worthy of being stoned to death instead of cool comfort
Re: G-d. Agree and that is the idea of the blank in the word; actually the people in the religious power in the time of Jesus were into substituting the word yudhevavhe ( which only the priests were allowed to say) with “Adonai”. And that practice has continued to this day. So a little humility is in order all around .
Actually, sometimes even people who are wrong 99% of the time ( in my estimation) can have that niggling 1% that I have to think about. Again, there is style and there is substance and sometime there is both.
Also “13” in my name is revered in the culture it comes from but evidently not in some Western cultures. Guru Nanak of the Sikhs was a good guy, by the way.
Here I am again. Saker’s response was just excellent, but my comment is towards all the “theories presented as a “guess” and not by knowledge. I’ll do it in two steps. Fist, Before I get to the nature of word G-d, as it’s constantly beat about:
First of all none of the people in the Middle East used English, having said that lets start with the some other things flying around. I need to digress by starting at the beginning:
All the words you claim to know about God starts with Greek expression as God in is called Θεός (Theos), which later was transliterated to Latin as Deus, but and here is the but: The king of Pelasgic Olympian Gods was called Δίας (Dias) or interchangeably Ζευς (Zeus in Latin, but in reality his name is pronounced Zevs).
In Latin he would be called Dio or Zeus. Mind you Dias (Zevs) had many other names just as it’s listed on this page, but there are many more as archaic Greek branch known as Βλάχοι and other Greeks of the Middle East including Philistines (modern day Palestinians) called him Elchanos-Dias:
I provide only Greek page is because English page, which can found as a link on the above page is useless, I won’t point out the obvious reason. I am going to end by saying:
As outlandish as it may sound, I believe that when Italians call “di Dio” they actually call on Dias (Greeks would say “Dia mou” which means “my Dia”). Even French “mon Dieu”, could go this was as well. The Greeks would call on God by saying “Thee mou”) Which precisely means “my God”. Latin Deus (from Greek Theos) is precisely that “God”. I’ll continue with prof. Stamou explanation on syllabary writing systems which do not have written voes, but that does not mean that people pronounced their word in vowel-less form. Stay with me.
The Latin tongue is not derived from Greek. It is part of the Italic family of Indo-European languages.
And the word Theos is not a cognate of Deus.
Also @Anonius,
Because you seem to be interested in languages, and so you don’t leave here empty handed, I am going to tell you something interesting. It is about your claim that nobody spoke English in the Mideast. True enough, but not exactly.
I have here in front of me The Cambridge History of Iran Vol 3 Part 2 opened to page 795, a list of Sasanian Persian festivals c. 300 AD, two of them are of note here. I quote,
2. Maidhyoi-sama, “Mid-summer…”
5. Maidhyairya, “Mid-year..”
It’s not English, but it sure is close. It’s Middle Persian.
There are a substantial number of shared words between English and Modern Persian too. Mother is madar, father is pedar, brother is baradar, daughter is dokhtar, good is khoob, bad is bad, as I’ve said before. But also, cow is gau, no is na, better is behtar, eyebrow is abroo, door is dar, jungle is jangal, jackall is shoghal, fairy is pari, immune is imen, defend is defa, star is setare, dark is tarik, worm is kerm, duck is ordak, lip is lab, boat is ghayegh (kayak), mouse is moosh, goose is ghaz, group is guruh, new is no, layer is layeh, name is nam, thunder is tondar, tamburine is tambur, pressure is feshar, balcony is balakhune, juvenile is javan, made is amade, cry is gerye, and god is khoda.
If motivated, I could muster maybe a hundred more, across the entire Indo-European spectrum of languages. The reason for these word similarities is because the ancestors of all Indo-European speakers were the same group of people.
If you believe in science you must not be selective.
Arguing amongst ourselves over the spelling of God’s name. Great.
Jamshyd, the spelling of God without vowels, as G-d, is a Talmudic superstition because ancient Hebrew had no vowels. For centuries enlightened Jews have tried to introduce vowels into the antiquated Hebrew script but time after time these attempts usually crash on the rock of Rabbinical obstinacy. Saker was just saying it is ironic for Tommy to end his anti-Talmudic rant by spelling God without vowels: G-d. Just saying.
The injunction against the use of vowels in sacred words was so those words could not be pronounced
It alludes to / points to a human experience of unity with The Divine aka Mysticism, aka ‘the Misty Schism’ (for which there are no words) what is called the numinous. Jesus the Prophet attempted a definition as: ‘My Father and I are One’ , etc, etc
The belief was the Infinite (beyond space) and Eternal (beyond time – not everlasting) could not be expressed by the human intellect (language becomes secondary) so by removing the vowels from Yahweh (YWHW) / God (G-d) prevented the speaking of the words
Agreed, that it was ironic that Tommy ended his anti-Talmudic rant by spelling God without vowels
Just saying
Come on. Wovels or not is an non-issue. Changing subject to avoid the message.
There is a lot of good stuff and substance in Saker’s article, but I agree in Tommy’s correction of the conclusion.
We can better recognize it when we know the culprits are the 2000 year old parasitic tribe of money exchangers and slave traders that even the Romern Senate despised.
They are here alive today hidden in the dark, and only God and we can neutralise them by erasing their lies.
Tomsen; they are here but they are NOT in the dark. They show up at every Democratic and Republican fundraising event in order to pay the political prostitutes who execute their dark agenda.
All of this for the lack of a vowel, Saker? Who knew that we knew so much about so little? I’m a Christian agnostic (Lutheran) who knows that we know nothing except for what is given to us each and every day by the living G-d through faith, and certainly not by making an idol of some old book, or scroll, or ancient misconception. Just saying. Kind regards.
I thought it was spelled YHWH
W later V were pronounced UU hence double u / doule v en franca ; V was pronouced U ;
So how do you come up with Jehovah or Yahweh? I wont say it here, but I know His Shem.
The Mystery of Ba’al will soon be Revealed.
Tommy Apeiron
As I have written before, these money lenders (Rothschild’s) created the US back in 1776, using freemason George Washington for the task. Until 1776 the American colonies were under Crown control, and after 1776 they became, and remained, under Rothschild’s control. The US is a Rothschild’s private colony, created to further their interests, like instigating endless wars at it’s own expense. The expenses for this keep rising, and the current US domestic and foreign debt cannot be repayed, while the dollar is printed backed by nothing.
And the propaganda and false flags directed against Russia ? Why the continuation ? The Anglo-American elites have been reduced to the state of a drunk who wants more of the same, namely his favorite booze. The drunk cannot stop.
When the Warsaw Pact collapsed in 1989, NATO should have been dismantled, as it devoured huge sums of money. It was not. It was kept on, the Anglo-American elites going in for the kill. The target was Russia, which had to be destabilized, after which NATO would march in, place Russian missile systems under “protective control”, introduce “democracy” and “human rights”, after which Russia would, in the name of “democracy”, be broken up, opening the way for the plunder of Siberia and the Caspian region, something the late political economist Lyndon LaRouche foresaw, as only plundering can save the US dollar.
Well, it did not turn out that way. Russia survived and returned to it’s status of a super power and, to the horror of the Anglo-American elites, created an economic partnership with China, something the Rothschild’s feared since the 19th century, when Bismarck advocated an economic alliance between Germany, Russia and China. Such an alliance was prevented by two world wears, when Germany was turned against Russia. As for China, the Korean and Vietnam wars were fought for the US to establish a foothold in both countries, as both have frontiers with China, which would subsequently have been destabilized, after which US troops would have, in a pincer movement, poured into the country, establishing a puppet regime. It never came to that.
And what next ? I don’t think that the Anglo-American elites know the answer to that question. Their globalist anti-Russian and anti-Chinese imperial plans are collapsing. Instead of being destroyed, both countries are on the rise. And the Rothschild’s private colony on the North American continent, known as the US ? It is certainly collapsing due to it’s foreign and domestic debt, not to mention it’s imperial foreign policy, creating a heap of enemies, as empires always do. The question now is if the Rothschild will permit their colony to collapse, or if they will try and save it, driving it to do something dangerous and foolish. We shall see.
Finally, I would like to point out that some years ago London was, according to one private analyst, holding covert talks in Moscow on the possibility of Britain joining the Euro-Asian Economic Union. I don’t know how true that claim was, nor what the results of those talks were. However, I would not be surprised if such negotiations were held, nor would I be surprised if the Rothschild’s sacrificed their US colony, falling back on Canada. We shall see. The time period after the November elections is going to be very interesting indeed.
I keep seeing you post this misinformation about the Rothschilds. And figured maybe you just don’t know about them. The Rothschild brother that started them on their rise to big wealth was still a small banker when the US got independence. He wasn’t even born until the 1744’s. After he became their local Prince’s private banker was when they started to get bigger. His brother only went to London for them in 1798 in the middle of the French Revolution. And it was during and especially after Napoleon’s time they stated to grow really big in Europe. They are probably guilty of a lot of other things, certainly supporting Israel is one of them. But they had nothing to due with the US Revolution in 1776.
Weren’t they supplying Hessian troops to the British crown?Apparently Hesse is still whistling for payment.
Yes, that was a regular business for Hesse. And during part of that time the Rothschild bank processed the payments for the Prince. It was a big part of their earlier success. But that was for the troops supplied during the French Revolution/Napoleonic wars period.
I see Rothschild as the Royal families and Elites financial advisor.
The British Royals had the idea of whipping boys, laying off all guilt and responsibilty for failures and atrocities on an innocent third party.
Thus we have the Jews hereunder Rothschilds as the scapegoats for what the Royals decided and did.
This idea of blaming someone innocent for own failures has grown into anglo-sax culture without much knowledge of where it historical come from.
Uncle Bob
I am afraid I have to disagree with you. The five pointed star is on the American flag. It is the emblem of the Rothschild’s family, representing the five Rothschild’s brothers. As for freemason George Washington, perhaps you would care to explain how he managed to start a “revolution”. Who payed for all that ? And how many freemasons were on Washington’s team ?
But the Royals are all members of Freemason too. Prince Philip established and is Chairman of the Bilderbergs. Queen Elizabeth is Chairman of the Board of the Round Table. Queen Elizabeth is Head of Nato!
King George was leading the battle against Nasser and Egypt about Suez.
So the Royals decide on geo-politics. The bankers pay and organise after instructions? Sincerely I dont know who is in real charge, only that this Free Mason cabal is interconnected.
A star is a star is a star. It’s not the Jewish star of David. And the Rothschild emblem isn’t a star, but is a Red Shield which is in the center of their family crest. As for Masons, yes a lot of the US leaders in the Revolution were Masons. As were a lot of the European elite in that period. It wasn’t necessarily a Jewish thing. Washington didn’t “start” the Revolution, he was very important in it.But there were people throughout the 13 colonies that took part in it.The financing was always a problem during the Revolution. They took money from wherever they could get it.They got money from France,which was one of the causes of the French Revolution. It over loaded the French treasury. Some money came from Spain.And the colonists got other large loans from what was one of the largest banking centers of that period,the Netherlands (and yes some of that money was from Jewish bankers, as well as other Dutch bankers).They also seized wealth and property owned by the British Crown,British citizens that opposed the Revolution.And from colonial citizens “Tories” that supported Britain. But with all that it still wasn’t enough,and they printed a paper money.That was supposed to be secured by the new countries government and open land reserves.After the Revolution those debts caused a financial collapse and ruined the idea of paper money for a while in the US.
Uncle Bob
You are half correct. The Rothschild’s family name does indeed derive from the Red Shield, which is part of the family crest. However, the Rothschild’s also use the five pointed star, which represents the five Rothschild’s brothers. How many countries have the five pointed star on their flags ? Why do US generals use the five pointed star for their rank ? And so on. Yes, the Chinese also use the five pointed star. However, most people do not understand why. When the New York bankers financed the Russian Revolution in 1917 by binging in Lenin and Trotsky, the Chinese decided to beat the Western bankers at their own game. The Chinese Royal House created a (controlled) Chinese Communist Party, and thus preventing the bankers from repeating their tactics of 1917 in Russia. When Mao Tse Tung came to power, the Chinese emperor was not executed like the Russian Tsar, which is one of the reasons why the communists were placed in power. And what do we have now in China ? Private enterprise and a communist regime. Isn’t this a little bit strange ? Or is it ?
The Chinese sure did fool the bankers.
Has one ever tried to draw a star w/o lifting the pen or pencil that wasnt a 5 star star? Dont over think this stardom.
@ B.F.,
You state: “When the New York bankers financed the Russian Revolution in 1917 by binging in Lenin and Trotsky, the Chinese decided to beat the Western bankers at their own game. The Chinese Royal House created a (controlled) Chinese Communist Party, and thus preventing the bankers from repeating their tactics of 1917 in Russia. When Mao Tse Tung came to power, the Chinese emperor was not executed like the Russian Tsar, which is one of the reasons why the communists were placed in power.”
Two observations:
1) This seems to be a misrepresentation of history, perhaps a distorted interpretation of facts. During WW I, rebellions were happening in almost all countries as the idea of communism captivated the working class. Technology was not as advanced as today, and the majority of workers were employed by firms of all sizes, being grotesquely exploited. The fact that revolutionaries got loans to support their cause, at the time, is not surprising, as bankers offered loans at reduced interest to anybody who applied for them – exactly as they do today! Why wouldn’t Lenin and Trotsky apply for loans to go to Russia, knowing that the revolution was already in advanced stage there? To believe that German bankers made those loans to both dedicated militants to make the Russian Revolution happen – with the intention of destroying Russia, killing the Tsar in the process – is to believe in fiction.
2) As to China, the fact that the Emperor was not executed after the success of the Chinese Revolution means that the Emperor was not considered the cause of the Chinese problems by the revolutionaries. In fact, the Chinese Emperors had been unable to win the bloody Opium Wars they waged against imperialism… Certainly, he was not as much hated as the ‘authorities’ of western nations were at the time. The Chinese civilization is very different from all western social constructs; cooperation and solidarity have been amongst the Chinese for thousands of years, contributing until today to their character. Philosophy is one of the Chinese most respected and learned disciplines. ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’ is for real.
Today, the Chinese ‘private’ enterprise is controlled by the State – firms have to follow State rules, which clearly assert: people first. Actually, this happens mainly in all productive activities, where labour is hired to produce goods, are paid less than the value of what they produce, and commodities are later sold in the market where ‘profit’ (surplus value) materializes. In fact, the State owns the means of production and provides special permissions for skilled entrepreneurs to run ‘their’ firms and appropriate part of the surplus value. As Communism is not yet achievable at the present historic time – since humanity is not yet amply advanced to embrace it –, this is a proper way to run a socialist government, that is, ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’.
You can blame Zionist bankers all you want but it was the Anglo-Saxon and American industrialists and bankers who financed Hitler and his regime.
This Drang Nach Osten targeting Russia and other East European nations is not a Zionist thing but a German thing, USA is merely the military force to back up the German (EU) expansion.
It was the Germans who after their reunification were the primary masterminds behind the break up of Yugoslavia, other countries (like the UK, US, EU) joined in with Germany.
You need to revise your knowledge of history. Yes, Drag Nach Osten is a German thing, and it goes back to the 13th century when Alexander Nevsky repulsed the invasion of Russia by German knights, who were backed by the Vatican. Germans back then were all Catholics. What they bitterly resented was that fate decreed that they should live in Central Europe, which has some of the worst agricultural land on the Continent. They cast envious eyes on Slavic lands. All eastern German territories used to be Slavic. The name of the German capital of Berlin is derived from the North Serbian name of “brljin”, which in this context means “poor land”. Today you can still find North Serbs, known as “Luzisky Serbja”, who live in Saxony and Brandenburg.
As for Khazars, known as Jews and Zionists, they too had, and still have, their “Drag Nach Osten” ambitions. In the first half of the Middle Ages they created their Khazarian Kingdom in Southern Russia, arriving there from Asia. Upon arriving, they adopted the Hebrew faith, becoming Jews overnight. The Khazarian Kingdom was crushed by a Russian/Persian military alliance, when it became known about Khazarian racist and imperial ambitions. The Khazars cannot forget this. They permitted German unification in 1871, driving Germany against Russia in two world wars. They also financed the Bolshevik “revolution” in 1917, giving Illuminati Lenin 20 million dollars in gold. The aim was the break up of Russia, the reduction of the Russian population, and the reincarnation of the Khazarian Kingdom.
You stated “… it was the Anglo-Saxon and American industrialists and bankers who financed Hitler and his regime…”. This is half true. Yes, Wall Street industrialists did indeed invest in Germany after the First World War. Not only were they hoping for profits, but also for the break up and plunder of Russia, which is the reason why they too guided Germany against Russia. Today NATO has this task. However, when it comes to Anglo-Saxon and American bankers, none exist who are of prime importance. The Zionists in Britain and in the US control the finances. They were the chief driving force for two wars against Russia. The industrialists followed along. Who controls the US Federal Reserve, a private central bank ? In such a situation the industrialists have the status of a junior partner.
The partnership between Anglo-Saxon industrialists and Zionist bankers is very much alive. After the 2014 coup d’etat against Yanukovich in Ukraine, the country saw the arrival of Zionist real estate “businessmen”, who were eyeing south Ukrainian lands, planning the reincarnation of the Khazarian Kingdom. US industrialists are also there, hoping to move into Russia when the time comes.
And finally, who today is behind “Drag Nach Osten” ? First place goes to Zionist bankers and Anglo-Saxon industrialists. Second place goes to Germany. Even the biggest Slav haters in Germany know that any new war against Russia is now out of the question. They have settled for more modest plundering, looking towards the Balkans. In 1991 they, and the Vatican, were the most active in the breakup of Yugoslavia, the US permitting this, as it was in par with US plans for the encirclement of Russia. Germany wanted to separate Croatia, their old ally, from Yugoslavia, so that it could have access to the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean. Now their ambition is to break up Serbia and have the North Serbian Province of Vojvodina declare independence from Serbia, so that it could be colonized by Germans, who would turn it into a Germanic state and a bread basket, as the Province has some of the richest agricultural land in Europe, just like Ukraine. Germany would thus save billions in agricultural expenses. My advice to Germany is to think twice. Putin has publicly stated that Russia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija. For Russia to recognize the independence of Vojvodina, where Serbs are a majority, would be absurd. I trust Germany has not forgotten the outcome of the two world wars. Or has it ?
With Drang Nach Osten i mean the EU expansion, the economic, cultural and political colonization of eastern european lands. The EU is the 4th Reich.
Zionist bankers? Are Zionists in control of the World Bank, or the IMF?! No, the World Bank and IMF are created by American and British bankers in the aftermath of WWII, the same bankers that bankrolled the Holocaust.
It is Germany that is behind the color revolution attempt in Belarus not the USA (they play a minor role). Why do you think Trump said he saw no proof of Navelny poisoning while Germany says it is a state secret?!
It was German BND that deliberately provided fake evidence of Iraqi WMD to the Americans.
Sorry, Dave, but there was no holocaust, and your hiding Zionist-Ethnicity behind nation-state names shouldn’t fool anyone. The more you write, the weaker your “argument” becomes.
“The EU is the 4th Reich”. Well, not yet. The EU was created by Anglo-American elites, the intent being to reduce Europe to a private empire of private bankers, namely the Rothschild’s and Rockerfeller’s. Once France and Germany were brought in, Britain decides to leave. This means it will not be concerned with EU political and economic matters, leaving those problems to France and Germany. However, it will, in conjunction with the US, control EU finances via the EU Central Bank in Frankfurt.
As for Germany it is, according to one analyst, planning to reduce EU membership, leaving out the weaker members and controlling the rest. We shall see if the Anglo-American elites permit this.
Yes, the Bolshevik revolution and Japan-Russia war was bankrolled by a German born American Jew, not a Russian/Ukrainian Jew, but a German-American Jew named Jacob Schiff.
According to wikipedia: “The Action Française movement and its leader, Charles Maurras, claimed that Schiff was thoroughly pro-German and had worked to prevent American entry into World War I.”
To B.F.
I hope that Saker will post my third and last essay on this blog that I have sent to him – EXACTLY confirming what you have said in this fantastic comment! It’s an exceptional insight.
” I trust Germany has not forgotten the outcome of the two world wars. Or has it ?”
Your question and your myopia are predicated on an interpretation of what to date the outcomes (plural) of the two world wars have been.
It is not forgetfulness, but different perception sustained by the complicity of others through joint productions of myths including but not limited to, stabs in the back, lack of participation,the inventions of totalitarianism and convergence theory. all examples of it-wasn’t-meness in pursuit of virtual reality.
These invented myths are in process of being disassembled since some recognise that they are no longer sustainable, and hence no longer fit for purpose.
Tommy Apairon is spot on when he points to conniving and Evil Talmudic adherents. A succinct book {on Amazon} by the late Benjamin Freedman in the sixties ; who converted to Catholicism after discovering the mischief of Kazarian ” so called Jews ” is titled ; ” Facts are Facts”. nothing dated in his writing. We all suffer from an International Virus ; more deadly to Humanity than any germs.
I am back with prof. Stamou. It’s in Greek, but pictures are worth 1000 words, so stay with me. Please bear with me for a while, because while some comments under this article contain many misrepresntations, Prof Stamou demonstrates the vowel-less Syllabary writing systems (Cretan and its derivatives the Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebraic and other).
In doing so, he points out why the Greek writing systems as well as current alphabet are the oldest on this planet. Syllabary systems are not alphabets. Only the Greek and it’s Latin derivatives as well as Tsyrilitsa are alphabets) hence the English translation of the syllabary word “G-d” is a joke, as the vowels were sounded out by the reader, but not written. The vowels were used at readers discretion as many could have been plugged in to the word giving it many meanings). The video:
Η ελληνικότητα του αλφαβήτου – Αναστάσιος Στάμου
BTW: the picture behind him is the Goddess Athena (this is precisely monument which was copied by French sculptor who sculpted two identical copies called today “Statue of Independence” (one in Paris the other in NYC). The fact of them being plagiarized copies is kept silent.
12:34 Oxford professor Yehuda wrote “Hebru is Greek” “4000 years ago all of Middle East was Greek” he wrote in his book. He said something similar about Arabic language. Mind you he was mysteriously killed in car accident shortly after his book was published.
13:03 see the map of the Greek World in question and some Greek Cities claimed to be “Semitic”. Syria and Damascus as well. Among others, the Arameans and Chananeans (known in English world as Canaaneans) were referenced by the Hebrews as people from Crete (Greeks).
14:01 Stamou shows references in Hebru Bible.
16:43 Phoenicians were also Cretans (Greeks) (the fact is also confirmed by non-Greek sources).
20:12 Three recorded Cataclysms of the Greek World (I won’t comment on Noe).
If you look at Devcalion’s cataclysm which happened 12,000 years ago (which is marked as 12000BP – which stands for Before Present. The year 1950 was agreed upon as a marker at the congress of Paleontologists).
Lets digress for little bit. Devcalion’s oldest son was Doros (so how come Doreis (Dorians or Dores, as they are known in English, are said to have ruthlessly invaded Greece around 1500BC and wiped out the “local population”, hmm.
Devcalion had other sons known as Ellinas (Hellen), Thessalos, Iolos, etc. How come then Greeks are said to invade Greece around 2000BC?
The name Ellas (Hellas) El-Las (Light – Las (stones) came upon when after the cataclysm Devcalion asked Dias (Zeus) to replace all the perished people, who in turn threw stones around, which turned into people.
36:15 The picture is said to be of Phoenician origin, but the top word is Iraklis (Heracles) written from the right to left, as was practised by some Greeks from some parts of Crete and Phoenicians. Reading his name from left to right the name is said to be Melkaref, as some clame him to be “unknown Semitic” Phoenician hero, who was later borrowed by the Greeks. Interestingly enough the word below, read from left to right, says “Iola”, which in combination read Iraklis Iolos. Check this page on the relationship
between Heracles and Iolaus (Iolos).
Now this will interest those who keep quoting Bible, the words Isous Christos said when he was dying on the Cross, in Aramaic (Greek), and I latinize:
” Ili Ili Lama Savachthani” which means in more digestible Greek:
“Eloi psichi epiphonima charas chthoni”
Translated to English it means “my soul leaves me with happiness”
44:15 The title of this screen is in English, below we see Elchar-> Elchanos (which as I said before is another name of Dias->Zeus).
At 1:16:05 he shows Egyptian pictographs which are actually Greek Words.
At 1:20:24 shows Proto-Sinaic writing system, which is as usually mistranslated and he follows explaining who was the “Vaal” as far as Phoenicians were concerned? Vaal was the monster (Kronos is Zeus’s Father)
to whom they sacrificed their most dear child. But the name Vaal was actually Greek Βήλος (1:21:38) (because Phoenicians contrary to what we are told were Greeks).
1:22:02 shows Philistines being referred to by the name Eloim (Ellines – Greeks)
1:29:32 He talks about the history of Hebraic writing systems, which changed twice in it’s existence.
1:30:46 shows and example of how they wrote their words.
I’ll leave it here, and move on to one more and the final point stay with me.
We can obviously state that the public response is nothing more than a secret private problem needing to be exposed and then acted upon so as to give the congress, military, and media the ammunition they need to publically make a complaint and decide how to react, desperate gvts do desperate things when their back is against the wall, which in this case, it is.
Excellent article..
These things are not supposed to be believed, rather they are supposed to be argued about. The object is to avoid examination of important issues. And the tactic obviously works!
For anyone who wants to see what Pelosi has become, watch the excellent noir-western Johnny Guitar. The character Emma Small (played by Mercedes McCambridge) devolves into a shrieking harpie, and in the end loses all support of the agog townsfolk. She ends up burning down the whole town to spite her one enemy, Vienna (played by Joan Crawford).
“Trying to scare a hedgehog with your naked bottom” –Ha ha! Too funny! Of course, we all realize it won’t be at all “funny” if the crazies get their wish for a shooting war. With Russia, no less.
Has America become a nation of nihilists?
Excellent article by The Saker on the general insanity of the US.
Complements other readings like on the subject of the PIN (Plutocrates Influence Network) and their real “king pin leaders”.
Nato/EU — the sick man of Europe?
“We all know that we are living in crazy, and dangerous, times…”
“We live in a world where facts or logic have simply become irrelevant and nobody cares about such clearly outdated categories.”
These assertions/perceptions may be at least in part valid if you live in “The United States of America”, conflate “The United States of America” with the world, and/or are prone to emotional outburst thereby to some degree
“living in a world where facts or logic have simply become irrelevant”.
A contributory reason for these phenomena is that some in the rest of the world not “The United States of America”, where facts and logic are not irrelevant, have some rigorous practitioners in analysis and strategy whom through co-operation have contributed to the development of the complicity of “The United States of America” in lateral processes of their own transcendence, which some deem crazy and dangerous.
To some the reactions of “The United States of America” are neither unexpected nor unwelcome.
One more (there are many more, but..) insult to the intelligence of anyone paying attention, is the ‘official narrative’ that the president of Venezuela is someone who wasn’t even there for the election. It was an even more lopsided ‘victory’ than the Belarus election.
And they seem to be retreading that method for the upcoming US election. Declare a winner without regard for any minor detail like a tally of votes.
Ahh, apologies, dear author! I see that you did mention the VZ election.
And the same elites are getting ready to use the same template for the USA.
What the Liberal Cult (Dems here, EU/NATO there) have presented to the world is a shit-show.
Their Ideology is a product equal to loss of bowel control.
I say that because their dogma is excrement, includes the most base activities and notions sick minds can propose:
Late term abortions, murdering babies sucked out of their mother’s womb and killed for body parts to be sold for profit (Planned Parenthood).
Unlimited genders.
Transsexual assignments.
Destruction of family.
Children as sexual objects.
Derogation of religion.
Attack on everything male.
Degradation of traditional education.
Bastardization of science, with half the science papers published are fraudulent and/or plagiarism.
Cheapening of meritocracy.
Devaluation of work.
“Bastardization of science, with half the science papers published are fraudulent and/or plagiarism”
Do you know of studies/meta-analysis/etc that have looked into it? Particularly MINT subjects?
I focus on Biology and am aware of some examples (recently the stem cell paper fraud of famous Japanese researcher).
2012. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/oct/01/tenfold-increase-science-paper-retracted-fraud
You can see the trend building to crisis point.
Here are some specifics by Science, and from the footnotes you can pursue the subject you want as deep as you care to.
Nah, that’s not quite it. I criticize the whole narrative, that just by having peer-review you somehow have a gold standard in quality, integrity etc.
Just a search on NCBI gets you articles with the regular approach (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2685008/):
“To measure the frequency of misconduct, different approaches have been employed, and they have produced a corresponding variety of estimates. Based on the number of government confirmed cases in the US, fraud is documented in about 1 every 100.000 scientists [11], or 1 every 10.000 according to a different counting [3]. Paper retractions from the PubMed library due to misconduct, on the other hand, have a frequency of 0.02%, which led to speculation that between 0.02 and 0.2% of papers in the literature are fraudulent [17]. Eight out of 800 papers submitted to The Journal of Cell Biology had digital images that had been improperly manipulated, suggesting a 1% frequency [11]. Finally, routine data audits conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration between 1977 and 1990 found deficiencies and flaws in 10–20% of studies, and led to 2% of clinical investigators being judged guilty of serious scientific misconduct [18].”
What I’m talking about is a systemic approach, like replicating at least the most important ones…
I think we have no f idea what the real percentage is, not even speaking of hoax science like gender studies and frankly all the humanities, which are practically pure propaganda.
Can’t pass on this:
“Pharmaceutical companies and venture capitalists maintain research laboratories or contract with private research service providers (e.g. Envigo and Smart Assays Biotechnologies) whose job is to replicate academic studies, in order to test if they are accurate prior to investing or trying to develop a new drug based on that research…Right now, funding agencies are rarely interested in bankrolling replication studies, and most scientific journals are not interested in publishing such results.[127] Amgen Oncology’s cancer researchers were only able to replicate 11 percent of the innovative studies they selected to pursue over a 10-year period;[128] a 2011 analysis by researchers with pharmaceutical company Bayer found that the company’s in-house findings agreed with the original results only a quarter of the time, at the most.[129] “. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis#Metascience
From “Raise standards for preclinical cancer research” on https://www.nature.com/articles/483531a:
“The scientific community assumes that the claims in a preclinical study can be taken at face value — that although there might be some errors in detail, the main message of the paper can be relied on and the data will, for the most part, stand the test of time. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Although the issue of irreproducible data has been discussed between scientists for decades, it has recently received greater attention (see go.nature.com/q7i2up) as the costs of drug development have increased along with the number of late-stage clinical-trial failures and the demand for more effective therapies.
Over the past decade, before pursuing a particular line of research, scientists (including C.G.B.) in the haematology and oncology department at the biotechnology firm Amgen in Thousand Oaks, California, tried to confirm published findings related to that work. Fifty-three papers were deemed ‘landmark’ studies (see ‘Reproducibility of research findings’). It was acknowledged from the outset that some of the data might not hold up, because papers were deliberately selected that described something completely new, such as fresh approaches to targeting cancers or alternative clinical uses for existing therapeutics. Nevertheless,[b] scientific findings were confirmed in only 6 (11%) cases. Even knowing the limitations of preclinical research, this was a shocking result.[/b]”
If you followed the spread of the pandemic this year, you will have read a flood of fast papers from all over the globe, contradicting everything day after day. All sorts of experts from the “geniuses” modeling the spread predictively (a cruel joke that mislead most governments), to the highest and best authorities at CDC whose first “testing” supplies were all contaminated, to “whistleblowers” with MDs and PhDs. who assured us this was “engineered”, “natural”, a bioweapon, mutating daily, not mutating, etc, etc.
Then the treatments, the magic medicines, the cures, the prophylactics, this ventilator, that ventilator. Was any of this science?
How about 6 feet distancing, masks, disinfecting surfaces, face shields, goggles. The experts kept pouring out whatever came to mind.
And there were papers coming out by the hundreds professing “science” backed all this cacophony.
Science was mutating faster than any virus.
Now we have 106 vaccines in the works around the world. Should be a clusterfuck in another two months to examine the papers and data.
What I see in the world of science is a horde of “professionals with credentials” desperate to be famous and rich. I believe fully half the stuff they publish is rubbish. I’ve seen it in real time since Covid-19.
They can’t even decide if herd immunity is 20% or 80%. How fucking far off the mark can you be and still be an expert?
And then Bill Gates, for God’s sake, is considered a global expert.
He couldn’t even build a OS that worked reliably. Now he’s the Vaccine Master of the World.
“WHO” should be called “WHAT?”.
Dr. Redfield, head of CDC is a bumbling idiot. His mask will protect him better than a vaccine. Jeez. No wonder all the testing supply was contaminated at the getgo.
“And then Bill Gates, for God’s sake, is considered a global expert.
“He couldn’t even build a OS that worked reliably.”
Agree with that. So how did he end up so rich? Especially since a lot of Linuxes are free. The guy must have something, and it isn’t technical expertise.
“Now he’s the Vaccine Master of the World. ”
The same way he was the OS Master. I expect Bill’s billions will shortly multiply, and the rest of us will have no satisfactory alternative to paying for his vaccine. Queueing up overnight to be the first to get a jab on Release Day. Then again for version 3.1…
Bill Gates thinks he is a vaccine expert and will treat humanity about as well as his company could patch the Windows OS (remember how bad it was, and still is?).
Vaccines he pushed have been kicked out of several countries for adverse (and planned) effects. He is just like the rest of the button pushing US elites – they plow and plunder the people while wrapping themselves in a cloak of virtue.
Ted you asked: “So how did he end up so rich?”
Homer Simpson and Bill Gates buy out (1:06)
“ I didn’t get rich by writing a lotta checks …”
This was well known amongst techies back in the 80s / early 90s!
Exactly. I think, as probably you do too, that this whole virus story is much, much worse in terms of fraud, incompetence, malfeasance…
I just mention the gain of function studies in NC and Wuhan, which is a fact.
https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787. I make no claims, just it should be a basis of a thorough investigation.
The doublethink and wrongthink of all of society is breathtaking. You cannot even just discuss these things rationally anymore. You’ll get accused, smeared and most professionals I know won’t touch this shit with a ten foot pole. They take it and save themselves from the presstitutes, for fear they will be publicly dragged through the excrements by these swamp creatures.
What is, at least for me, the most horrific thing is that a new class of vaccines will be disseminated into the public. This new class works via lipid or viral vectors which will integrate the vaccine as a gene via reverse transcriptase or integrase enzymes. Do I have to repeat that shit? https://cen.acs.org/pharmaceuticals/vaccines/coronavirus-help-mRNA-DNA-vaccines/98/i14
And we trust those lunatic CEOs, presidents, bureaucrats, billionaire “philanthropists” with our DNA? I could write more, but wrongthink will get me on this platform too.
Instead of mauling the messenger, every plausible, rational hypothesis should be investigated and be judged on its merit. Instead you will be marked as a Qanon-trump-conspiracy-racist-homophobe by the cult of goodthink. In my case in Austria “Querfront” bs. Just even pointing out the case of Sweden, by their own damn articles makes you a terrible, murderous, heartless monster. Why have I even been trying, Saker’s article is like a blue print for our societies now…
Exactly. I think, as probably you do too, that this whole virus story is much, much worse in terms of fraud, incompetence, malfeasance…
I just mention the gain of function studies in NC and Wuhan, which is a fact.
https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787. I make no claims, just it should be a basis of a thorough investigation.
The doublethink and wrongthink of all of society is breathtaking. You cannot even just discuss these things rationally anymore. You’ll get accused, smeared and most professionals I know won’t touch this shit with a ten foot pole. They take it and save themselves from the presstitutes, for fear they will be publicly dragged through the excrements by these swamp creatures.
What is, at least for me, the most horrific thing is that a new class of vaccines will be disseminated into the public. This new class works via lipid or viral vectors which will integrate the vaccine as a gene via reverse transcriptase or integrase enzymes. Do I have to repeat that shit? https://cen.acs.org/pharmaceuticals/vaccines/coronavirus-help-mRNA-DNA-vaccines/98/i14
And we trust those lunatic CEOs, presidents, bureaucrats, billionaire “philanthropists” with our DNA? I could write more, but wrongthink will get me on this platform too.
Instead of mauling the messenger, every plausible, rational hypothesis should be investigated and be judged on its merit. Instead you will be marked as a Qanon-trump-conspiracy-racist-homophobe by the cult of goodthink. In my case in Austria “Querfront” bs. Just even pointing out the case of Sweden, by their own damn articles makes you a terrible, murderous, heartless monster. Why have I even been trying, Saker’s article is like a blue print for our societies now…
And not to be accused of fake news. The mRNA vaccines are not integrating into the genome if there is no specialised reverse transcriptase present and the molecule isn’t ferried into the nucleus. With DNA vaccines, which are ferried to the nucleus, the risk of integration is much higher. If an associated integrase is present it will be integrated into the DNA.
It was high time that someone pointed out the obvious, thanks. People are being kept in fearful cocoons to be force fed any particular information, relevant and important, to the dogooders. By raising the level of fear, the general populace becomes preoccupied in the worry about its well being and uncertain future. This helps in the quiet implementation of the pre-decided ‘elitist’ agenda aka ‘the great reset’.
Man is a social animal and has the basic need to intermingle in society physically and not just through the internet or ‘social media’.
Fear reduces human immunity and affects the human bodies response to any disease or malady. The only way to overcome fear is through faith or knowledge.
As a learned person recently stated we shouldn’t fear for an imaginary disease and start searching for its illusory cure. The cure for this particular viral influenza (of unknown origin) is the same as the cure for last year’s viral influenza, so please don’t go for newfangled cures. Our immune system is a miracle in itself.
Human beings have lived with viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms from time immemorial and will continue to do so in the future.
“What I see in the world of science is a horde of “professionals with credentials” desperate to be famous and rich. I believe fully half the stuff they publish is rubbish.”
No one could have said it better! This is the one certainty in our uncertain times.
I made two comments on twitter recently. Both in regard to students going on strike.
1) If Albert Einstein was your science teacher would you go on strike?
2) ‘School strike’ presumes education or learning is a factor that is finite and therefore can be suspended or devalued. Those who hold this view can only be those lacking an education.
“1) If Albert Einstein was your science teacher would you go on strike?”
Perhaps given his wide interests and curiosity Mr. Einstein would have joined the strike.
“2) ‘School strike’ presumes education or learning is a factor that is finite and therefore can be suspended or devalued.”
Your assumption is based on screening out different options whether by design or default, or mispelling.
The concept of life-long learning presumes that education or learning is a finite process (given we die), and therefore can be suspended or added to by a school strike since such practice has educational value as all interactions do, and hence those who hold such views cannot be those lacking an education.
It is useful if you hold to a contrary view, especially if in addition you are a contrarian who becomes more wedded to your prejudgements by challenge.
The sentence above is a component of why the opponents sometimes act as they do.
I think you have made my case – finitely!
“1) If Albert Einstein was your science teacher would you go on strike?”
Perhaps he would have led the strike. Anyway I would decide to go on strike for a good reason, Einstein or not.
“2) ‘School strike’ presumes education or learning is a factor that is finite and therefore can be suspended or devalued.”
School strike presumes that there is something wrong with the education system. Period.
And strikes are also a learning process.
Not to speak about school programs which are finite. It is what you can learn outside school which is not finite. So that strikes are an infinite learning process.
We can measure the “success” of the pharmaceutical industry/medical establishment by the transformation of a cluster of symptoms among nitrite inhalant users over time and not without loss of lives, into a one pill a day regiment — in other words an annuity. I am speaking of course of AIDS. The weakness of peer review is that one has to “go along to get along.”
“The weakness of peer review is that one has to “go along to get along.”
Only as practiced in some social relations which preclude peerdom, which as you infer is a weakness which some perceive as a strength.
“Why Most Published Research Findings Are False” by John P. A. Ioannidis from 2005.
This is partly discussed by James Corbett in “The Crisis of Science”
and “The Weaponization of Science”
That is why this:
. . . .
Faith in one God;
Defining marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman.[28][29][30]
. . . .
But off course, wiki has to critisize this and bit manipulate….
“Their Ideology is a product equal to loss of bowel control.”
Their ideology is a product of their attempts at maintaining what they perceive as their control.
For example:
1. “Late term abortions, murdering babies sucked out of their mother’s womb and killed for body parts to be sold for profit (Planned Parenthood).”
This is logically consistent with their perception that everything is a commodity.
This practice of the use of aborted fetuses was quite prevalent in Tomsk in 1992-94 and subject to some contemporary press coverage, partly to deflect focus from Mr. Mavrodi and MMM, some of these materials including placenta being exported to Israel for stem cell research.
(Mr. Navalny was partly acting on old data during his recent soujourn in Tomsk, and his lack of facility in matters Zek was probably not an advantage)
2. “Unlimited genders.” & “Transsexual assignments.”
These are partly to simultaneously appear to be inclusive whilst deflecting the efforts of others from systemic challenge to reaction to dog whistles designed from the prejudices of the target audiences..
3. “Destruction of family.”
This is based on a notion that alienation minimises potential co-operation and hence challenge.
Mr. Roberts book Alienation and the Soviet Economy of 1971 was reprinted in 1990 and informed part of the play book for the attempted colour revolutions in Russia and former Soviet Republics from 1991 until 1996.
Mr. Marx’s notions of alienation contributing to practices of control since at least 1880.
4. “Children as sexual objects.”
Some research has suggested this practice is primarily a manifestation of exerting power over others, including for “little people” whose potential of systemic challenge is deflected into schadenfreude and/or exerting power over others – akin to rascism..
5. “Derogation of religion”
Religion is a sub-set of belief.
The reliance of belief to bridge doubt to attain comfort is a major component of tools of control, including the opportunities of divide and rule through the existence of differing religions, and hence are actively encouraged.
6, “Attack on everything male.”
If this were the case then there would be a genocide of males including any males who seek to control others.
7. “Degradation of traditional education.”
As part of attempts to increase the rate of accumulation through greater spread of commodification in the 1970’s and subsequent, this has degraded the education of some, with the blowback of systemic challenge from other countries who did not choose that path.
8. “Bastardization of science, with half the science papers published are fraudulent and/or plagiarism.”
This is more prevalent in some social relations, and in some places this was/is a function of attempts at commodification of everything.
This also happened in the last years of the “Soviet Union” when those who could not gain what they perceived as their deserved qualifications in European republics, through blat and other inducements had others primarily but not exclusively in Central Asia write “their theses” which might be presented as “their work” in Central Asia or in European republics, the latter option requiring a greater amount of blat.
9. “Cheapening of meritocracy.”
Those seeking to control realise that control is partly facilitated by defining what has merit.
Consequently those subject to such ideological control tend to perceive the existence of meritocracy and the possibility that such can be cheapened (interesting choice of words).
Others are of the view that in class societies meritocracy is an oxymoron.
10. “Devaluation of work.”
Since “elites” perceive others as food sources and human shields for whom taxes and work are designed, the “elites” devalue work , which others realise and start to emulate.
This process was a major vector in facilitating the transcendence of the Soviet Union by the Russian Federation illustrated in two Soviet sayings:
They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.
One hundred people try to make the laws, and a hundred million find a way round them.
Mr. Ligachev used the trolley bus when he was in Tomsk and so was aware of the prevalence of such perceptions, whilst Mr. Gorbachov did not ride the trolley bus, and consequently like many believers Mr. Gorbachov used belief to bridge doubt to attain confirmation bias.
Exhalation of wind, whether or not signifying nothing, is a pressure valve to limit the build up of pressure, as are emotional reactions, the consequence of both interacting with others.
Why did the DUMA reject the possibility of suing Gorbachev and Yeltsin? Even today, they are either alive giving antirussian statements or have centers named after them … in addition to Putin’s 20years long super-presidential power (which he split with the DUMA in latest amendments to the Constitution…. otherwise primarily written by the CIA) to bring them to justice. So can you explain us who is ruling Russia?
Doubt is useful and hence I’ll leave you in doubt to fill the lacunae with your own illusions.
Mr. Ligachev is still alive…
Could it be possible to take the same trolley bus, once in Dubinkino?
Could that be the number 4 trolley bus?
“Could that be the number 4 trolley bus?”
There are various trolley buses with the number 4 in Russia and elsewhere, one of which has a terminus accross from Children’s world in Moscow and a route by Taganka passing various kinos.
Since djole on September 26, 2020 · at 7:26 am EST/EDT appears to be already lost, and as outlined Mr. Ligachev enjoyed his trolley bus travel in Tomsk fully accepted by other travellers, Mr. Gorbachov never enjoying such level of respect despite brushing his teeth and often producing a smile, not necessarily restricted to on cue/queue, sometimes even before cue as possibly noted by Mr. Blair, this is written in collegial navigation.
Enjoy your journey.
Got to know that sometimes recommended by you at John Batchelor Show, Stephen F. Cohen, was Gorbachov´s close friend, Mr. Gorbachov even being his daughter´s godfather, also that he and his wife were dedicated to introducing samizdat into the USSR during the 80s….
Could be the recently initiated event on Nagorno Karabakh a “blue on blue”?
Where could the seatbelt prove effective, as things go down?
Enjoy your journey…
” Stephen F. Cohen, was Gorbachov´s close friend,”
Mr. Cohen is dead but when alive he did encourage blat to some affect, if not necessarily with adequate perception, a practice not limited to efforts of blat..
Although not endowed with advertising skills equivalent to Mr. Gorbachov, perhaps the use of “introducing samizdat into the USSR during the 80’s ” in regard to Mr. Cohen would an over extension in emulation of his previous social conditioning even before Facebook. Some even believe they invented sex and/or the internet..
As another aspect of social condition, I suggest that you should always be careful in the interpretation of recommended, whilst remembering that all data-streams have utility when we-the-people-hold-these-truths-to-be-self-evidentness is not a prism.
As to seatbelts, you may know that they are designed to different specifications in different jurisdictions.
Enjoy your journey.
That’s quite a list Larchmonter. How about striking some balance by listing some of the serious (deadly) problems of the “conservatives”? Or is it too painful to consider their shortcomings? Just saying….
Liberals in the Cult are not at all like Conservatives.
A Cult has its organic behavior traits. “You must obey or we will destroy you.”
Conservatives are grounded in individualism not group think.
The strident ideologues of the right (who might be thinking of) suffer what all ideologues suffer. They are in a straight jacket of “principle ideas” which they force fit on everything, from history to science fiction.
I abhor ideologies (all of them), particularly those that attain control over governments.
The reason why “the world has gone absolutely insane” is the Liberal Cult has massive control of many natio-states, most International organizations, in the US most states and many large cities. And their ideology has run out of disguises. It is a death cult of Feudalism with intentions to decimate the human race. It is festooned with deviants and degenerates. It is antithetical to Nature. It is incapable of solving the simplest of basic problems civilized people face.
Nearly all the chaos we face is spawned from the sickness of Liberalism and its Cult.
The title with all due respect is misleading. It should read: “The Anglo Zionist Empire has gone insane!”
“There is not big “master plan”, no complex international conspiracy, no 5D chess.”
There is a master plan, but it is neither complex nor 5D chess. Some every rich, amoral and hubristic people with a lot of time on their hands want to control the world. They will succeed in the West, but fail in the East, which will lead to WWIII and all that will entail.
Jason T, don’t worry. Russia will know when the U.S. is going to launch nukes to start the hot WWIII, and will wipe out launchers before the launch, then CCC, then everything that makes our country function day to day. Then we will see the green uniforms every where, arresting US leadership and holding them for war crime trials. It will be quite cool.
If you like please comment on these senarios.
Senario 1: 1 Biden becomes president. 2 Wall street 1% continues to invest in China and secures their retirement elsewhere than the US. 3 US declines economically and internal strife/social unrest accelerates. 4 Biden gives up (ill health) and Kamela becomes President. 5 The dollar loses international acceptance. 6 US reduces all overseas bases. 7 Parasitic capitalism fails at home as money disappears for the stock exchange. 7 dollar fails.
Senario 2: Trump wins, sees no alternative to senario 1 so declares economic war on China in the hope somehow this will prevent wall street from crumbling. 2 Not enough so he begins skirmishes to satisfy the arms industry. 3 He also must stop unrest at home so increases law and order finances and also acts to involve the military. 4. Being a populist he becomes increasingly unpopular and fearing a civil war has enough and departs (ill health). 5 Thereafter the same result as senario 1 with Pence. Pence however may well declare war on China and Russia. 6 The dollar will retreat. 7 Whatever hapens the US will lose its empire.
The key is the battle will continue to threaten the US dollar as the ‘universal currency’. As China plus Russia increase their combined economic power the days of the US dollar are numbered with all those countries that the US has alienated, plus others who largely trade with China, joining in the rout. The US one percenters will have long departed the shores of America. The US arms industry will be all in for WW3
Meanwhile a little fun with Hamlet. Sanders as Claudius and the betrayal: https://youtu.be/PeXLcpypLkk http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/hamlet.mp4
Sheeple never count on the probability of the real scenario, only their illusions.
Biden, Trump, Kamela, Pence are just different colours of profoundly the same. 70 of the biggest Corporations and money concentration on globale scale have united into a clube of green sustainable CO2 free freaks.
So why should they not win?
The real and probable scenario is Global Finance succeed to enslave, monetarize and profit maximise everything and a small group like The Round Table presents itself as the New World Order Governance.
Dick Cheney becomes Chairman and 99% of the population work as slaves to enrich and serve the money exchangers, with useless eaters being routinely erased from the surface. Satan won!
In the first place.
If you believe in Satan then you must believe in God, and therefore must believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Since the Bible states quite categorically in Revelation that Satan does not win in the end, I assume that when you say “in the first place”, this refers to the 3.5 year period that the Beast is allowed to rule over the world. Is this what you mean?
“If you believe in Satan then you must believe in God, and therefore must believe that the Bible is the Word of God.”
One can believe in Satan without believing in the biblical version of God, YHWH.
One can believe in God without believing that the Bible is the word of God.
The Christian faith does not hold exclusive rights to God.
How narrow minded to think that one’s own institutionalized religion is the only true path.
Sadly, the Muslims and Jews share the same narrow-mindedness, which is why you all will never get along.
Much respect for your comprehensive knowledge and I can recognize most of what you say.
However, I dont see your belief in the ape theory documented and the Christian faith can be something else than “Institutionized religion”.
Some people study life, and by our free will, logic and experience we can evaluate religions and their truthfulness.
Pls note everything in our physical world is 1 = God, as all math and language equations only have 1 true conclusion. Everything else is a lie. The basic colour of grass is green and only green = 1.
When intelligent people have compared the bible to life, patterns and experience they are stunned by seeing the same patterns and truths described in the 3000 year old bible. Thus the conclusion says all the puzzles fits with the bible’s description.
And we can judge institutionlized religions by seeing they dont follow the Comandments. They kill and they do it in God name = false religion.
There are as many paths to God as there are people in the world.
If a religion claims exclusive rights to God, and preaches intolerance towards other religions, it is a religion that has become a political tool, no longer a path to salvation.
I can’t say that I’ve ever met a Muslim or Christian that struck me as particularly enlightened or in touch with the spirit. I’m sure they are out there, but if a religion’s “enlightenment rate” (for lack of a better term) is a fraction of a percentage, then something must be wrong, no?
I imagine a real religion would be leading people to God at a 100% success rate. Why shouldn’t it?
I am curious, can you give some examples of these truths from the bible that have stunned intelligent people?
Agree, I use to say our relationship is directly between God and ourselves, not any religious organisation in between.
But a religious organisation can be helpful as assistant and guidance and introducing for people who dont know a spiritual existance exist.
The examples are many;
Einstein and Kierkegaard studied a whole lifetime, but at the end they both concluded that the bible was the only explanation where all puzzles fit together.
Book of Ecclesiastes describe the unfairness and big injustice in our struggle here on earth because we die.
The bible is the only ancient 2500 year scrolls who describe the water cyclus, first known in 1700 AC to EU.
The relationship between man and woman as a strong partnership with each their complementary function.
The fight between good and evil as a fight between eternal life or death.
The Creation, that the divine intelligent miracle of our balanced universe is and must have been designed.
The rainbow, the contract between mankind and God of never erase mankind again through flood.
The universe, that each star, moon and sun have a controlling function to and in our universe.
The various examples of human struggles we can be stunned over, that the same human patterns happened also 2000 years ago, “there is nothing new under the sun”.
The idea of eternal life. Something is wrong as we are physical build to live eternal, rejuvenite ourselves, but for some reason, (evil) we rotten by age.
The examples from Jesus, his kicking the money exchangers and slave traders out, advise that we serve each other. You see this clearly in our civilisation. Doctors, dentists, engineeers, carpenters, we serve each other., rather than being selfsufficient in everything.
Jesus many examples are eternal wisdom whatever reference you make.
The 10 Commandments, I think everybody will agree that these are wise laws to live after.
I will give you an example from the bible which I find to be vital information, although the story is Sumerian, and not a bible original.
The story goes that Adam and Eve were living in the garden, and they were with God, like all the other creatures in the garden, connected directly to the spirit. The spirit spoke through their tongues, and the spirit moved their limbs, and they did not utter a sound or bat an eyelash except by God’s command. And it was bliss, for all was under God’s command, all was right with the world.
One day a creature, a serpent as they say, came to Adam and Eve and told them a harrowing account. He told them that they were slaves, with no will of their own, bound to YHWH. He told them that the garden was actually a prison. But he claimed there was a way out, a secret way.
There was a plant in the garden, he said, a very special plant that bestows knowledge and immortality. He beckoned them to try it. And they did, even though they had been commanded not to.
When they ate the plant, their eyes were opened, and they took notice of their selves for the first time. They realized that they were, for the first time. Self-awareness was born.
At first they resented God, because it seemed to them that everything the serpent had said was true. They were free now, to do as they please, free from God’s commands, with a will of their own.
They kept taking the plant, and the sepent kept giving them knowledge. The secrets of the sky and the sun and the moon, the secrets of plants and roots, charms and enchantments, weapons and armor, and much knowledge that would have perhaps been best left untaught to mankind.
In this way, the serpent guided mankind, usurped their will, and took over the show. The world became the scene of constant wars, every single one instigated by the serpent.
At some point, people realized what had happened and yearned for a return to the spirit. They preached about good deeds and good thoughts, but the serpent and his followers crushed them and falsified their doctrine.
More people had the realization, Gautama, Yehoshua, Mohamad, but their movements were quickly hijacked and their doctrines falsified as well.
Today the serpent has taught “people” (monkeys, to be precise) how to make atom bombs and coronaviruses and digital banking, and it pits nation against nation, as it always has.
And there are none among us who remember now that Russia vs USA (or more accurately, nation a vs nation b) has been the only show in the theatre for millenia now. We keep buying tickets and watching over and over again generation after generation.
Fighting each other, instead of the true enemy, Ahriman-Azazel.
Yes thats what I mean.
Very precise description of our spiritual purpose and roots. Thats what I mean, it doesnt matter what you call it or from which book you take it. Its the universal logic of our roots and purpose on earth in the Creation.
Just one thing. You note we were (named?) slaves under God and under his demands with no consciousness or words. I dont see this justified.
The book says we were created with free will in God´s image and that Adam personally gave names to all animals. I see this free will as the key.
We have a choice. But few of us have the heart to use this free will to chose God, see Ephes 6:12.
This is a very difficult topic to discuss. I, or anyone else for that matter, would sound foolish trying to make meaningful statements here. So, please bear that in mind, and I apologize in advance.
An animal cannot do anything other than what it has been programmed to do, which is to follow its instincts. I believe this is the definition of slavery, as viewed through the distorted lens of the serpent’s mind.
Adam was, before the fall, a slave of the spirit, God’s slave. But Adam was what some would call God the Son, as Jesus was God the Son. So, before the fall, Adam was God himself, just as Jesus was God himself. So, in actual fact, there was no slavery involved. Adam and God were one.
In Old Persian, the word for “I, my self” is adam. It is the equivalent of Sanskrit aham, I am.
According to the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, c. 700BC, “In the beginning this universe was nothing but the Self in the form of a person. It looked around and saw that there was nothing but itself, whereupon it said aham! I am.” Afterwards the text describes how this Self poured forth all of creation by dividing and transforming itself.
The word religion is from Latin re-ligio, which means to re-link, reconnect. The word yoga, which is from the same root as yoke, also means to link, or unite. Our natural state is to be connected to the spirit. There is some thing that has disconnected us. The word diablo is from Greek diabolos, which means the one who separates or divides. To reconnect to the spirit, all one needs to do is overcome the devil, ie. one who separates us from the spirit.
But this is where it gets a bit difficult, so I will just come out and say it plainly. What separates us from the spirit is our self. More precisely, our idea of our self, or our self-image. The situation that mankind is in today is one of total domination by the self. The self is our God. We are completely at the mercy of our selves today.
Think about what people do. The self says I want this, and we go after it. It says I want that, and as obedient servants we jump. The self has a huge list of demands, and the procurement of the things on the list takes up our entire lives. This must be reversed. We must master our selves, rather than our current condition which is slavery to our selves.
The yogis who sit motionless and meditate for hours are attempting to achieve this mastery over themselves, through discipline. Once a minimum of control is attained over the self, by which I mean when you can command yourself to not think, and completely shut off your internal dialog, you will discover an “off” switch. When you press the off switch for your self, you reconnect to the source, as easy as that.
Let’s go back to Adam. Before the fall Adam had no self. Instead of a self, he had God. The fall happened because Adam became self-aware, an individual, a seemingly independent person. But to tell a modern man that you are not yourself, that your name is not Tomsen, that you have no name, that you are not even a person, that you are something inexplicable and unknown, a consciousness, independent of all matter, one with all, goes directly against the most core value of our self, which is self-importance. And people will militantly oppose this idea.
People used to kill anyone who put forward this idea. The idea itself has been wiped clean from the pages of history, and instead a bunch of mumbo jumbo is put forward as religion. Modern religion has next to nothing to do with re-linking with the spirit.
I will tell you, it is very tricky business overcoming oneself. We are like organic robots, and the self is our operating system. I run v1-Jamshyd, you run v1-Tomsen. If it werent for the operating system, you and I would be one with all. We would flow with the universe forever. We would be the universe.
I will end this seemingly deranged diatribe against the self with a poem from Omar Khayyam:
There was a Door to which I found no Key:
There was a Veil through which I could not see:
Some little Talk awhile of Me and Thee
There seemed — and then no more of Thee and Me.
Very interesting. I agree. The fight is with ourselves. I am not that wise about all religions but see many relations in the bible.
For example the first two Commandments of the bible (those Jesus decribe as the most important)
decribes how you connect yourself to the universe.
First with love by heart to God (the universe), then with love by heart to your fellowman, as we need the first to be able to do the second. The same connecting as you describe.
Very good.
The sad part is a large section of the American people do nor understand the difference between Confirmed evidence and “Highly Likely” hearsay.
I Don t think it s just a game or a lame show of force because people ruling the western union are deeply convinced they are the best in everything. They believe their propaganda. They think they can win WW3. Look the pentagon is asking for a 530 ships navy just like reagan was asking for a 600 ships navy in the 1980s.
When I look at the western union (the empire if you prefer) it reminds me nazi germany. Germany has 0 chance to defeat and occupy the ussr. Their plan was doomed to fail right from the start. Did they try anyway? Yes they launched operation barbarossa in June 1941 and they were firmly convinced the war would have been won in 4 months. Why? Because they were convinced they were superior in everything they were the best.
The mindset of the western union leaders today. The risks of a hot war are increasing year after year. If things don’t change soon we are heading to a catastrophe.
“I Don t think it s just a game or a lame show of force because people ruling the western union are deeply convinced they are the best in everything.”
Their practices and beliefs oscillate typically within the spectrum of bravado to the pursuit of comfort blankets, this oscillation increasing over time in intensity and occurence, as some forecast and facilitated that these would be the probable outcomes.
If a metaphor is required for illustration, some may characterise the process as akin to the oscillations of a suspension bridge in extreme weather.
” The risks of a hot war are increasing year after year.”
That belief sometimes designated as a forecast appears to be more prevalent with spectators rather than practitioners, one of the possible lacunae in the methodologies/interpretations of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists lies in their framing and methods in evaluating the vectors and consequences of human behaviour.
This is understandable given that neither certainty nor omniscience can exist in any interaction.
“If things don’t change soon we are heading to a catastrophe.”
In relation to climate change, on present research your observation appears to have a greater level of validity than your hot war contention, subject to framing and methods in evaluating the vectors and consequences of human behaviour.
This is understandable given that neither certainty nor omniscience can exist in any interaction, including a possiblity that when faced with unstainability of life due to climate change, some with facility may deem atomic warfare to be a more humane “solution”, whilst some others may gain momentary satisfaction in ensuring that their opponents die a few seconds before they do – thereby achieving Mr. Louis Bourbon the 16th’s contention – apres nous le deluge.
The strategies to attempt to minimise risk of the outcomes above are predicated on the transcendence of coercive social relations by social relations built on co-operation – hence the question posed by some after the “Tet Offensive” in 1968/9 – how to drown a drowning man with the minimum of blowback?
Serious article, Saker! Thanks.
Not much to add but I would offer the videos from cassad on Kavkaz 2020 as an illustration of the evident professionalism of the Russian military; Shoigu obviously expects performance and competence and it shows. Contrast this with the rabble in nato exercises and try to visualize nato’s efforts to operate on one playbook with vast differences in standards in training and quality of equipment, not to speak of severe problems in communication and language differences.
One other indicator as described by kuntsler on the vapors seriously affecting the dimos and the hysteria that is evident with almost every public announcement:
Apologies to the mods as these links were previously posted.
Excellent analysis, Saker.
Concerning “… Germany will now be placed under immense pressure to cancel North Stream 2 …” – and all the persistent orchestrated shenanigans & malicious fabrications by NATO members against Russia which you accurately describe (it now even seems likely that the NS 2 project will be derailed for good…)
With all that in view, the natural question that nags at any observer is:
Why does Putin’s government keep involving Russia in “business dealings” with Russia’s sworn enemies at all?
Is it that, Russia being a bona fide capitalist country, and Putin’s government in fact representing the big business (just as in any capitalist country), the old adage “to make profit, the capitalists will sell even the rope with which they will be hanged” apply?
Or you have another explanation, perhaps?…
What in the world is going on in that nutty video??
What you saw is third rate propaganda garbage, the intent being to inspire young people in Belarus to rise against their Government. I cannot remember the last time I saw such propaganda garbage.
great article dear Saker –
(According to President Trump, the USA *does* have super-dooper “hydrosonic” weapons, but nobody really knows what that is supposed to mean).
But seriously. If what the covid is looking like is an orchestrated take down of empire population – then maybe war is coming – supposedly the military site data predicts US population decreasing by 70% by 2025. China population not at all – but drastic reduction in all Western countries. Especially the US.
I suppose sanity prevails here and this will be shot down as a military intelligence webpage and nothing to worry about – like the World Economic Forum that also is having wetdreams about de-population
You are referring to http://www.deagel.com, aren’t you? Those projections would get most people to sit up and take notice. Their forecast was much worse a few years back when they had the U.S. population down to around 57 million. I think it is up around 100 million now which still leaves a shell of what it is now. Canada is projected to drop about 10 million. Given the small population here, that is almost a third gone. So, where do they go? I don’t see that they simply move to another country. I think they are projected to leave the temporal world.
Hi Craig – yes those stats are going around social media now – but once I got here and was thinking Saker thoughts – I realized that its just another Intelligence op and its full of smoke. The sad thing is those assmoles that devise strategies are on our payroll…grrrr
“… replaced with variations on the “highly likely” theme”– also including “I believe”; “I feel”; “international consensus” etc. The new woke-dictionary now translates “Cogito, ergo sum” as “Sentio, ergo sum” — “I feel, therefore I am.” Btw, I had a lame idiot manager at one point in my late career sojourn in policy domains who told me there were no ‘facts’. I replied, in a non-career enhancing manner, “Really, Dianna,… is that a fact?” These idiots were in the minority then. Now they appear to be running the world. Postmodernism may have had some place to deconstruct old corrupt established systems, but it is no base on which to build a new one.
A quote from the game “Rome: Total War” came to my mind:
It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves about, to watch from the shores the struggles of another (Lucretius)
But we should not engage in too much Schadenfreude. In a globalized world, the struggles of the West may fall on all of us…
Didn’t expect to find a fellow RTW fan here.
Many great quotes, this one sprang to mind too
Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum
Let him who desires peace prepare for war
When I was a wee tad we were walking on the moon, looking to mars, and dreaming of the stars.
Today’s generation is two androgynous overweight demi-humans living in their parents basements, plugged into social media and trying to figure out which of their 62 genders they want to be.
And Jesus wept.
Brilliant summary, made me laugh with sadness
The world has gone corrupt. The ironic thing is that the world is also under total surveillance, which shows that the surveillance state is totally corrupt. The world is worse than insane, it is evil. I just didn’t realize it before because I didn’t want to believe it, certainly not because of a lack of evidence proving that it was. It is not new either. To claim that the world suddenly became evil ignores over 4,000 years of recorded history. So much for surveillance ending corruption and evil, it has escalated and assisted it. Obviously, most people also choose not to believe that the world is evil, because most people end up having children. It is cognitive dissonance and psy-opping. Oh, nevermind the bombs going off all over the world, nevermind the intentional abuse, most people are nice. No, they really aren’t. People would have stopped it by now, after over 4,000 years if MOST people were nice. They just aren’t, unfortunately.
I disagree, NFOTD.
Ordinary people everywhere are way, way TOO NICE…….to Evil and Stupidity.
Because they fear the consequences of NOT being nice to Evil……of becoming specific “stand out like a sore thumb” targets. Like Assange.
What many have not realized for decades is that they have already been general targets…. more so than beneficiaries of any positive civilizational order………… under a planned Malthusian Cultural Warfare Assault on what makes them human….their mostly 99.99% unrealized creative potential…….for about half a century….unless they are younger…..in which case…since before they were conceived.
Here’s a great rant by one woman lighting a fire under the ass of people such as herself (contractors assigned to do the dirty work of the MIC) who keep their lips zipped under the delusion that they will gain anything longer term by such cowardice:
right after Tucker Carlson and his guest…..admit that it is SO LATE (waiting for Barr) that as Tucker puts it………..”I’m starting to feel fooled.”
Well, Tucker, that shouldn’t be a new feeling for you: You were 100% fooled by the 911 stunt…..and of late you have improved considerably….and so have tens of millions of Americans… and others around the world but I wouldn’t say the world is quite Safe for Sanity…..yet.
The clear majority of privately “nice” people…….everywhere………STILL do not understand that there is a WAR being waged against what makes them human……against their (potential) REASON……and in America, it is only about 1% “kinetic” having to do with being an order taker in a stupid war…..or just being a civilian….or cop… in a “Democratic” -run War Zone such as Chicago.
It is Cultural War, People’s War…….”The War for the MInd” ……as CIA Enemy of the Human Mind Demon William Sargeant wrote decades ago……and I read…in college in 1970.
That was my first tip off…… directly from one OF the enemy as to how dangerous the world really is for “nice” people. But it was another decade before I had any detailed scope of the Real War in most of the rest of the terrain of society in the west. And that panorama was sketched out back then, by the people who just put out this very detailed, comprehensive update on the Cultural War:
If people can restrain their jerking knee at the sight of the “E-word” and realize that in some degree every soul and therefore every national collective of souls partakes in some manner of exceptionality……their peripheral vision of the Cultural Battlefield could actually expand and sharpen.
It was these people, known in Russia and China for quite some time now….. among the patriotic intelligentsia as advocates of Multipolarity and staunch opponents of the Oligarchical Model……of Empire…………….that were sketching out the battle lines more comprehensively than anyone else I was able to encounter…..way back then (late seventies, early eighties…..with 11-12 years of “fighting the good fight” behind them….even then……..before I stopped at a book table on a very busy pedestrian corner a block from a large university campus………….and bought DOPE INC: Britain’s Opium War On the United States (with plenty of American “Tories” including RINOS like William Weld of one of the many New England Blue Blood families of junior partners of the Brits in the China Opium Trade…fully in bed with The Empire….actually an integral part of it)…….. in 1979.
“Nice” (or not so nice) people back then were 99.99% dead asleep, or of “exceptionally” NARROW focus……as far as I could determine then.
Today, I would say that it is quite, quite late in this Cultural War…but believe it or not………the correlation of forces for The Good…and against Evil has shifted remarkably!
YES, the average person may be dumber and more brainwashed and culturally perverted than ever before in history: These are the scores of millions of CASUALTIES of the Culture War…….too stupified to even realize they are Prisoners of that war!
However there also exist MILLIONS who have finally noticed that the war EXISTS, that they cannot avoid it…..and that they better figure out the battle lines………..AND QUICK!
Better late than never.
In the past I have informed you that I am unable to access youtube. Perhaps you have forgotten. Has anyone ever informec you that your communication style is very discombobulated and in many instances incoherent? After numerous replies from you, the pathology is undeniable. I am saying this because in many cases, I have no idea as to what it is that you are attempting to convey.
Please allow me to translate the first part for a fellow LaRouche supporter. People are too nice in the sense that they allow themselves to tolerate the evil tool long, until it’s at their doorstep.” Kinda like the boiling frog metaphor.
“The fault, dear Brutus, lies not with our stars (leaders) but with ourselves, that we are underlings.” (Small-minded, petty, or without courage)
But it isn’t all our fault. We are under institutional mental assault and given false choices, paid for by the empire, to put it briefly. One can list the long history between oligarchical interests and how the nation state was a tool for people to live under a people’s government. They have been attacking this idea ever sense, and there are rich example which escape most historical laymen because they fail to see the common ideas behind seemingly isolated historical incidents. There is a continuum of the fight by both sides, just under the surface of world events.
So part of the art of fighting evil is by helping others see the secrets of the magician tricks. The other part is showing examples of how to think clearly like those historical figures who had great success in cutting through institutional illusions or raising the bar of insight. Usually in the form of “The King has no clothes” moments.
LaRouche and his people are generally very good at illuminating the real fight, so people are less likely to find themselves pigeon-holed into screaming at windmills.
The illusions are so sophisticated as to render them invisible to the average college graduate, to the point that the ideas become embraced as self-identity by the very people enslaved by such beliefs. Hence Plato’s cave metaphor.
Great piece, Saker — it was a pleasure to read, especially on a gray and rainy early Saturday morning.
There is this passage (emphasis added):
”The Empire always likes to produce a ’sacrificial lamb’ to symbolize the putative evil of the nation which dares to resist. In Iran it was Neda, in Kuwait the infamous ’incubator babies’, in Syria anonymous kids killed by Russian gas, and in Russia it was Nemtsov (did not really work) and now Navalnyi (I wonder who the sacrificial lamb will be in Belarus (Tikhanovskaia?). The FSB should have seen this coming, especially after Nemtsov.”
That is exactly what that stupid woman (utmost emphasis on stupid) Svetlana T. had better understand, lest she ends up like Nemtsov — murdered for real, and not by Russia/Moscow/The Kremlin/Putin. The Navalny-Novichok fiction garbage and the colour revolution stunt in Belarus provided her a lease of life. With both Navalny and Belarus ’back to normal’, killing S.T. might seem a good idea for the sake of keeping up this utterly futile meddling. ”Juanita Guano” murdered by Putin and/or Lukashenko — fabulous!
”/…/ not only is this a triumph of appearance over substance, and of ideology over reality, it is even the triumph of self-destruction over self-preservation.”
Absolutely correct, not least the final item. The whole fauna of Western PR swamp creatures is facing ugly, smelly ecocide at long last. As I wrote myself in a comment to the blog post These are the real goals of the “Belarusian” opposition, published on August 20th:
Not even that ”epic” photo of Svetlana and BHL will change anything. Gównopolska and tiny insect Lithuania — they can be defeated by Lukashenko single-handedly.
Navalnyi descending-the-stairs seems a little apprehensive in the photo above.
Perhaps he is not looking forward to the MI6 “witness protection program” . . .
Hydrosonic missile, n.
A missile that makes a loud noise as it splashes into the water after its Wall Street military industrial complex designed guidance system burns out.
Q: How is it that this super-dooper Novichok not only failed to kill Navalnyi (who, allegedly, ingested it!) but also failed to even moderately inconvenience anybody from the many people Navalnyi was surrounded by on that day?
A1: The first part is easy enough (Navalny still fit for fight)
Google translation,MOD:
Navalny is a great hero
And you can’t do heroes
Smash like bouncing rats
It’s hardly worth it with poison
A2: The second part is more complicated (nobody dropping dead or even becoming ill). Must be the spirit of Rasputin who was able to heal Alexey; now, a century later, the spiritual powers of the guru have increased allowing the healing to spread from Alexey to anyone in the proximity of Alexey.
Great analysis but I personally think that the most likely place where the empire would go to war is tke South Chinese Sea and the Taiwan strait, it would be grate if The Saker could write an analysis regarding the possible scenario in the case of a conflict in the far East and the role of Russia.
Putin said they will never again wage a war against an aggressor within Russia or near it’s borders, it will be a war far away from Russia.
I consider Donbass and all of Ukraine, even Galicia and Voylin, part of Russia proper.
Well… so much about “Putin said…”
I think the correct way to interpret Putins statement is that, if attacked by NATO forces close to Russias borders, Russia would respond with an attack instantly wiping out the Pentagon and Langley to start with….once the capacity of the US to create mischief is neutralised, all other issues such as any forces creating mischief near Russians borders can be dealt with, with relative ease and defacto any NATO occupied territories that historically belong to Russia such as the Ukraine and the other half of Donbass can be reintegrated.
I dont think Russia would be too keen on Galicia, certainly not before first lobotomizing the Polonazis there…
Very interesting book: NATO the Dangerous Dinosaur by Ted Galen Carpenter of the CATO institute. The problem for NATO is that they have never, and if their luck holds are never likely to, face a military peer competitor, like Russia. NATO is of course a paper taper with a collection of dependents milking the American tax payer and and getting nothing in return except as impecunious monetary from big daddy USA.
”Both Washington’s paternalism and Europe’s deference, have persisted long after there was an arguable justification for them. As a result the US has undertaken defence obligations that are unnecessary, counter-productive, and often dangerous. The expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe (including into the territory of the now defunct Soviet Union) to incorporate an assortment of most small, militarily irrelevant members – mainly in the Balkans and Baltics – vividly demonstrates that phenomenon. As NATO’s leader, the US has acquired a growing roster of security dependents – some with decidedly frosty relations with their large Russian neighbour…
Bosnia remains a dysfunctional, poverty stricken ward of the international community. Defenders of the NATO intervention and its aftermath actually have the audacity to cite developments such as a very modest decline in the country’s unemployment level (still at a stratopheric 35.7%) in April 2014 as an important positive development. ”
The real objective of these supplicants is of course to milk as much money from Uncle Same as they can. And their are enough stupid US politicians whom seem perfectly relaxed with this arrangement. Any mention of breaking off this relationship between the US and its hangers-on is met with righteous indignation from the war party. Senator Lindsey Graham argued against any change in the status quo as a betrayal. He thunders forth.
”Statements like these make the world more dangerous and the United States less safe. I can only imagine that our agents in NATO, particularly the Baltic States, must feel after reading these comments (appeasement!!) from Mr Trump. I am 100 % certain how Russian President Putin feels – he’s a very happy man.”
Such is the bone-headed and dangerous stupidity of the American war party.
All good stuff Saker.
But I think we need to expect more color revolutions/regime change operations in the Central Asian (former Soviet) republics
And a swarming effect on Russia’s and China’s borders in a futile attempt in overwhelming both countries – perhaps even at the same time
Lastly there’ll be no hot war with Russia at least before the US election (Trump would lose too may supporters) – which could drag out til 24 NOV – or even decided by the US Supreme Court – and you can imagine the field day that US MSM will have in the meantime, cant you?
The US electorate will be absolutely febrile by the time a result is determined
Just a heads up
A historical perspective is the dissolusion of the Soviet Union. And now Russia leads the world in diplomacy, tech, and many other fields. History does repeat itself which is cause for hope, however slim. Peace.
“We live in a political world
Where everything is hers or his
Probably not afraid to shout Gods name
But your not even sure what it is”
– Dylan
I never thought I’d see the crumbling of the Empire play out in the way that it is. I never thought that the “Left” would become a mindless mob tearing down the very foundations of society. I never thought the political classes would destroy the very philosophical foundation underpinning democratic forms of governance – but here we are. This hegemonic shift is happening before our eyes and it is moving so fast. Hang on folks!
I don’t understand why Putin allowed Nalvany to be moved to Germany. Naive?
Putin does not keep slaves and Navalnyi is a free agent that may go where he pleases.
Navalny is on probation for criminal convictions and was not allowed to leave Russia.. Also covid closed borders, but open for him? His last fraud conviction cost him several million & his Moscow flat..
He was in Tomsk investigating their governor; a grifter poking his nose into the business of another grifter.. That can get you killed in Russia, and not only.
Sherlock would look into what happened in that airline toilet to cause him to screech like a banshee.. Some bad coke from Tomsk? If you follow the Russian blogs, he is a well-known coke-head and boozer..
Well, we know he wasn’t novichoked at the Omsk snack bar, as he wouldn’t have walked away and boarded a plane..
AFAIK Germany is not allowing people to enter Germany from Russia under the current covid-19 regime:
So how come Navalny was allowed to enter Germany?
“Well, we know he wasn’t novichoked at the Omsk snack bar, as he wouldn’t have walked away and boarded a plane..”
He would not and did not walk in to the snack bar in Omsk on this occassion, but apparently did did go into the snack bar in Tomsk and then boarded the plane in Tomsk which was diverted to Omsk as a consequence of his taking unwell.
Since he was apparently unwell it is not highly likely that they took him on a stretcher into the snack bar in Omsk before taking him to hospital in Omsk where specialist made diagnostic tests including taking samples, and facilitated the apparent beginning of the improvement of Mr. Navalny’s health.
“Navalny is on probation for criminal convictions and was not allowed to leave Russia.”
Mr. Navalny’s associates made application for him to be treated in Germany and Germany agreed and communicated this to the Russian authorities.
Russian authorities contacted the specialist who conducted diagnostic tests on Mr. Navalny to gain their advice whether he was “fit” to travel and the the result of diagnosis upon which they based their advice.
Then the Russian authorities agreed that he could board a German supplied private jet to travel to Germany for further treatment.
Perhaps the play was so interesting that some decided it would benefit from a longer run, whilst others pondered silently what the consequences of a longer run would be?
I believe this was a very smart move by Russia. Or could Putin alone have the power to decide to let Nadolny out? A man on provision in Russia?
It will stimulate the thinking percents of the North Atlantic populace that follow real news and good commentators’ analyses to understand even more than before, By and by — under the skies!
“Or could Putin alone have the power to decide to let Nadolny out? ”
No the Russian Federation has collective governance but also Mr. Putin would deem it both counter-productive and impolite not to discuss it with others including “judicial authorities” .
After all he is not an “American”; part of the reason for the new constitution.
Can someone explain (a) why Putin has apparently fully subscribed to the ConVid 1984 scamdemic and is hawking vaccines with an unknown safety and efficacy profile. Has he received a big grant from the Gates foundation?
And (b) why do he and Lavrov refer to the treacherous US and UK and other Western government figures as “colleagues? This is a servile term considering the context.
The word usage has been discussed properly here:
“Here I would like to explain something with regard to word “partner” that Russian President likes to use. The meaning of the word in russian use is not the same as in the West. Here word “partner” means someone that you closely cooperate with, in russian meaning, it is just someone you discuss things with. It’s a big difference which seems to confuse western minds. : )”
I’ve heard Lavrov frequently use the word ‘colleagues’ for say people that work together in the UN, which is the correct word.
The other confusion for Western minds is the issue of the western plan/scamdemic. The structure of the Russian vaccines are different but this is a long story and perhaps needs a little study instead of just making statements. But actually for these drive-by questions, this is a good answer.
If you are not drive-by, these issues are thoroughly discussed in the Cafe area and you need to go and do some homework. Go to RT and do a search on Sputik-V. They had some superb articles describing why this is a differently structured vaccine. (I am not fond of vaccines).
(I’m beginning to suffer from newby’ites – read a little around the site first – before asking questions about your own conclusions.)
Thank you for your helpful comments.
Regarding the word usage, my conclusion from your remark is that the words “partner” and “colleague” have been badly mistranslated from Russian into English.
As you state, both “partner” and “colleague” in English imply a degree of intimacy with a long-term, mostly friendly and productive cooperation or relationship between the parties involved, which is patently absurd in the context of Saker’s post above. Partners would head up a small/medium business or a law firm, whereas colleagues would be employed at an equal rank in a business or govt. department.
The neutral terms that translators from the Russain should consider when referring to officials from hostile governments are “contact” in general, or “counterpart” or “opposite number” if the person has an equivalent position, or simply the name.
I don’t know about the UN but again there, “colleague” would be a special relationship with a person from a friendly power, and the above terms otherwise. In a committee one could refer to “members” or “participants”.
There must be a whole list of diplomatic protocol terms. But beware of those compiled by non-native English speakers, where you are likely to find absurdities like the “line of actual control” for the India-China border in Kashmir. EU-English burocratic speak is the worst.
“The neutral terms that translators from the Russain should conside..”
It is always both heartwarming and useful when some posit that the Russian Federation and its associates don’t know what they are doing.
To paraphrase Mr. Freud – sometimes a cigar is a cigar.
Or if you are of such a disposition – Father forgive them; they know not what they do.
One perspective re (a):
Someone I know spent the summer in Vladivostok. He said “…mostly no masks, except visiting sick/old folks…” and vaguely intimated that Putin is low-level punking the US. The vaccine will be no more than a very effective ‘flu shot’ – that is, get it if you feel it will help. That was my acquaintance’s perception. If others who are now, or have been, in Russia recently, and have a view into this, can you speak up? I am also very curious about this. They are not required to tell us Yanks the truth, so they may not be.
re (b):
They are human. They are leaving the ‘fourth wall’ unguarded so we can escape our delusions if we wish. The trouble is we keep bashing against the ‘third wall’ and giving ourselves a bloody nose.
Both Putin and Lavrov are pragmatic statesmen, not driven to lying hysteria from the likes of Trumpeo et al.
The Covid virus exists, but where it originally came from is still open to debate, although there is a suspicion it came from a bioweapons facility.
Putin has ordered the development of a Russian vaccine, since he does not trust western pharmaceutical companies or Bill Gates, who might develop a vaccine that is more dangerous than the disease, that could be used against the Russian population.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated after a meeting with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, that the plan to help Belarus was presented to the head of the European Commission, and the plan was received «very well» at this stage. The Visegrad group — Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic — intends to present their plan of aid for Belarus at the EU summit. Morawiecki underlined that «the plan consists of about 10 specific points that give hope to the free Belarusian society that they won’t be left alone.» «There are proposals to include a stabilization package, structural investments from institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for the Reconstruction and Development, and the European Investment Bank» — Morawiecki explained. “We want to make a positive offer to Belarus” — he concluded.
The whole idea of western intervention in Belarus is to give them demockracy and plunge the country into usurious US dollar debt, so that their economy can be looted by private banks.
The methods used for subjugating other countries is outlined in “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins.
The plan does probably — I surmise — include inducing debt slavery on Belarus.
I really like bears. They are my second favourate wild animal, elephants being my first. One well-informed expert with bears has said (not an exact quote) “The danger for bears is not from those who know them but from those who think they know but what they know simply isn’t true”. And I’ve heard myths from local people about bears which justifies getting a gun and killing them. To protect your family, of course. Fear-based on false information is a strong motivator.
Is that what is happening in our insane world? As Saker has shown by these few examples, the constant drumbeat of lying propaganda is nakedly false and stupid on its face. Why would anyone believe this crap? Super deadly Novichok that can’t seem to kill anyone? Thieving Russia stealing secret vaccine science and missile tech, but those they stole from can’t seem to create the same missile or safe vaccine? I think they are just using fear to keep the people stupid. Maybe it is just fear of their own government. It isn’t easy to stand in the crowd and disagree. There may come the boot stomping on your face from your government if you disagree with them.
Western governments don’t seem to care if their positions are nakedly false. Maybe this is a kind of suicide. I’m afraid they may attempt the unthinkable but I am more certain that the control they want to exert over the world they will surely exert over their own citizens. The end result will make life very unpleasant in the west.
“Western governments don’t seem to care if their positions are nakedly false.”
Part of this is by design and part by default – a modulated redux of the Kissinger/Nixon routine of President as madman of 1970 to 1974 (for primarily an external target audience),
re-polished by Mr. Reagan and his associates (still for primarily for an external audience athough of less assay that the Kissinger/Nixon routines) in the 1980’s
further burnished/modulated by Mr. George W Bush, Mr. Karl Rove and associates (still primarily for an external audience but with greater assay for a domestic audience than that of Mr. Reagan and associates) particularly after 2001
and enjoying another flowering under Mr. Trump from 2016 where the audience is more or less everyone that is not Mr. Trump – a technique often resorted to by Mr. Roy Cohn as a “connected advisor/lawyer” even before his participation in the “McCarthy hearings”.
From inception “The United States of America” has depended on coercion in various forms, resort to not seeming to care being more prevalent as a midway option less volatile than shooting malcontents, when the ideology alone is no longer deemed fit for purpose in maintaining control..
These resorts are and have been enedemic within coercive social relations for at least 5000 years – where “madness” is deemed to be necessary to intercede with the gods to protect the “normal ones”, sometimes with benefit of “commandments” and be-careful-of-golden-calfness (they are not for you), or as the colonials pidgin translation of the bible in Nigeria once said ” Leaf um, they done be white-man’s chop” – chop being pidgin for food as in Palm Oil chop and Pepper chop, both popular dishes in Nigerian cuisine since the spices and oils were preservatives and limited infections of the foodstuffs.
The colonials initially brought their own cuisine to the Gulf of Benin with predicable results, leading the location to become known as the white man’s grave. – a useful illustration of blowback.
As to presentation, in terms of phrasing, posture, register, voice modulation, and “logical flow” it appears that Mr. Trump has also learned various attributes from the former jounalist Benito Mussolini.
“I think they are just using fear to keep the people stupid.”
Largely but simultaneously they are continually testing what is the plausible belief of the day.
“Maybe it is just fear of their own government.”
This is a component but it would be better represented as fear of the sustainability of “their control”.
” It isn’t easy to stand in the crowd and disagree.”
That is by design and encouraged/expected as acceptable “social behaviour” based upon the definition of merits in some social relations, including but not restricted to, wanting to be liked, does-my-bum-look-big-in-thisness, and other learned insecurities.
“There may come the boot stomping on your face from your government if you disagree with them.”
As illustrated above the boot is already stomping on your face.
“I am more certain that the control they want to exert over the world they will surely exert over their own citizens.”
Certainty is an absolute so more certain is an oxymoron.
“own citizens” (possessive case) is also an oxymoron.
The self-designated “elites” in coercive social relations view others as food sources and human shields : as some have observed the “American dream” requires those seeking to attain it to be asleep – even when physically awake – a process of conformance.
“Citizens” – that is one suit of the Emperor’s New Clothes covering that it is a club and you aren’t in it, but lets pretend.
“The end result will make life very unpleasant in the west.”
Apart from exceptional short periods of time, for many life in the west and elsewhere has been very unpleasant, and that is part of the reason for lets-move-onism, and “The end of History” attempts to quote a useful fool.
The demise of “The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” was facilitated from at least 1903 – democratic centralism and perception that the narod were only capable of “trade union conciousness” being prime but not sole facilitators.
From 1954 onwards it was accepted by the CPSU that their continued control required less resort to violent modes of coercion (including sending former prisoners of war directly to the gulag without passing go).
That greater to resort to ideological modes of coercion buttressed by improvement of living standards were required – which led to they-pretend-to-pay-us-we-pretend-to-workness.
In reaction the CPSU attempted to resort to doubling down first in perestroika (restructuring since the rate of accumulation was reducing).
When perestroika was assessed as not achieving its purpose, the CPSU resorted to glasnost (openess which showed the narod in greater detail how they had been screwed for 70 years, and how the others lived whilst the narod was being screwed, although the antics of Galina Brezhneva and her associates facilitated some activity in this sphere during the 1970’s often through “word of mouth”).
So when the demise became more apparent, unlike Mr. Lenin and his cohorts expected, the narod did not vote with their feet, in many instances the narod sat and watched with levels of indifference, requiring others to construct narratives of why this wasn’t the case, including would be colour revolutionist/opportunists who evangelised the notion that the West won the cold war.
However in “The United States of America” the people have been subjected to forms of ideological control mixed with hope for at least 240 years with varying assays of belief through that period, and hence “It is highly likely” that the demise of “The United States of America” will not benefit from the same level of indifference that the demise of “The Soviet Union” enjoyed as some “elites” are starting to understand, which partly explains some of their behaviours and the increasing oscillations and velocities of their productions.
It turns out that all the “Western” (North Atlantisist) decrying of Chinese Mainland Authorities’ “sorveillance of the population ” is nothing but a scam: Now, during the corona epedemic crisis they are in Western Europe and North America enforcing even more repressive measures than in China, The only reason for earlier protests against China was that Chiese state authority enfoced syúch steps fefore Eroupe an North America.
Marco Polo reported on how authorities in Mongol (Yuén) China enforced control with thhe peaople in newly concuered South China thru population Registers and demanding each house should have a plackard stating its inhabitants an frequent visitors. These measures were immediately adopted after he returned to Venice.
Excellent article Saker.
I do not find Western / NATO military posturing that irrational. In nature there is something called deimantic behaviour: animals who are scared will resort to bluffing techniques (deploying of neck frills & stink glands, changing into bold colours, standing upright on rear legs etc) in order to compensate for their lack of actual fighting skills, venom etc.
The truly dangerous animals don’t need to bluff. (E.g. The brown recluse spider is extremely ordinary looking and unaggressive but has extremely potent venom)
What I do find strange however is how the supposedly smart & educated western population have fallen for the antics of their government and have been gullibly suckered into believing the third rate propaganda. This is really the most surprising development in this confrontation between the West and Russia/China.
”What I do find strange however is how the supposedly smart & educated western population have fallen for the antics of their government and have been gullibly suckered into believing the third rate propaganda.”
Obviously, the following observations apply here:
a) Scratch a Western ’individualist’ and marvel at the little invertebrate that peeps out beneath.
b) The quality of a nation’s leadership, unless the latter has been forced upon the nation by conspiracies from without and/or within, reflects the moral fibre of the citizenry itself.
The above is especially true of the Pindos. Take massive offense whenever they hear negative opinions about Pindo corporations, foreign politics, and corruption. A true, rugged individualist would be able to agree with what seems to make sense. But Pindos are real national socialists — serving as the template for Nazi Germany’s Volksgemeinschaft. And the rubbish which we know as Pindo Presidents and ”statesmen” have a very firm grasp indeed of what can be sold to the US public (war, bluster, total immorality) and what cannot (endIng US militarism, criminalization of Zionism, detente with Russia/China/Iran/the DPRK etc.).
Well, as matters keep developing there soon won’t be too many ”smart and educated” Western people left. Imbecilification reigns supreme and the West’s 99% are fine with that.
and it hurts. Die Grünen, a lot of the after 1968-left ended in them, like BLM
bought by the big spender Soros ( see Wiki, Joschka Fischer).
The coup of 2014 in Ukraine completely found the ‘smart & educated western pop.’
on the side of the ‘revolution’ and against it’s enemy Putin, exactly like with
White Russia today. The majority is so. And their ‘influencers’ are the asholes
of the society, necessary but way back behind …
But in the bud of the future, always are the remedies, waiting for the inventing minorities.
Great article and analysis. The USA military has women generals and women admirals. It has minority generals and minority admirals. It has the most politically correct military in the world. However, the pentagon has not one single general or admiral who has ever won a war. More importantly, the pentagon doesn’t have one single general or admiral who even knows how to win a war. But they sure know how to spend money – so much money that they are killing the USA economy faster than any enemy ever could. They blow money on 800+ military bases all over the world where military people have a standard of living that the the average American back home could only wish for. And as they kill the USA economy with their bloated spending, the politically correct military brass are too dumb to realize that without an economy their will be nothing left to support their politically correct military.
It doesn’t matter how goofy the accusations are coming out of the USA and Europe, it simply means that the source and motives for the politicians from the EU and the USA are still the same. Some of this goofiness is outlined here and underlines that very little MSM from either source should be believed. To believe is to support the empire and be a part of the process of decline. I cannot even bear to listen to the CBC news programing anymore – and rightly so. Note also the idiotic Nordstream 2 invective from even Germany – to support a ruinous market for American LNG for Europe. It doesn’t get much dumber and indicative of payola from Washington to EU governments than this. To Russians it is just noise. We are all going to get what is coming to us from the collapse of the empire.
Note that Andre states that the empire has already collapsed. If you consider all those 800 bases worldwide with troops in them could be stranded because Washington politicians are too incompetent to organize their return or two dogmatic to admit the failure revealed to the public in getting them home, then know that this is likely a real danger. It is also a war risk in that it ups the pressure for that insane government in Washington to take a position of “use them or lose them” mindset. Considering that the coup attempt against Trump may involve the US military on the ground in the US, even when, as stated by CIA bureaucrats and the military, that the US military would not be involved, is not reassuring in the least. Some troops may come home in order to quell (illegally, of course) the social unrest of Antifa and BLM (US version of Night of the Long Knives), it will make things very interesting, indeed. Just more nails in the coffin of the USA.
Again, for people just reading our MSM, the above and Saker’s commentary would seem to be very much “out there”. But it is only because our press is controlled that the majority have an oblivious belief system. Articles like this are absolutely vital for understanding of what is coming. I hope I am wrong, of course, but I fear that I am not.
“the idiotic Nordstream 2 invective from even Germany – to support a ruinous market for American LNG for Europe.”
This is a logical and not unexpected consequence of agreements reached between several “elite” parties between 1943 to circa 1949, since some can multi-task/perceive.
The “elites” are presently in process of accelerating and increased alienation from one another and “their populations”.
However it is always unwise to conflate a population with a country, although a popular resort, a resort encouraged visiting by “elites” to maintain their control, with Mr. Trump displaying a growing resort to golden showers instead of golden arches.
Some of the “elites” believe like Olivia Newton-John in if-not-for-youness, with the added spice of apres-nous-le-delugeness, thereby facilitating opportunities for others with facility by the “elites” resort to bridge doubt by belief to attain comfort.
Thanks for an oustanding article again, Saker. I think that you hit the nail that all the sabre rattling is just a distraction from the fact that the Empire is not so omnipotent anymore.
But let’s beware: nukes are still in place, Monthy Python characters calling the shots, and a human error is easily made.
Just a note on an except of the text:
“What is especially amazing to me is that these EU imbeciles apparently don’t care that without North Stream 2 they will have to purchase US gas, at much higher prices, which will make the EU economy less effective than the US one. And I thought that prostitutes are always acutely aware of the money they can make: not the European ones, apparently.”
In a regular company department, a significant part of the employees truly believes that their department manager is their representative towards the higher management.
They’re wrong. Exactly the opposite is true.
But, NS2 will come. Merkel and any other serious German politician know they will hang when stopped. The power of the German industry is significant. Any uttering otherwise is just for the record.
Cheers, Rob
I sure hope NS2 comes along. Unfortunately, not everyone is that optimistic about it.
[Mods, please delete my earlier comment and publish this one instead. Thanks.]
This is awkward, my note to the moderators was left on for some reason. It wasn’t meant to make it in the final comment.
excellent, and with the appropriate humor and sarcasm… I enjoyed the piece… with elegantly delivered truths .
The whole thing about creating scapegoats(anthropological basis) needs to looked at in depth and I, a B student alas, am not the one to do it. Intuitively this seems to be the deep basis of politics. Suffice it to say that English translations of Rene Girard’s works are published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and Stanford University Press. I See Satan Fall Like Lightning is probably the best place to start.
Another great and timely author is the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben (Stanford U Press). The funny thing with him is that he gets all these invitations to the United States, and he refuses to visit out of principle.
Well, it seems most comments are civil. I disagree; if you read Saker other writers from Unz.com, you see there is a plan. It’s not brilliant (and it’s directed against the West) and it has goals it wants to achieve. However, whether the powers will not attack Russia or provoke an incident in Syria that forces a Russian response, I cannot say but clearly, from CIA Hollywood films, Bill Gates’ own statements, there is an agenda of “depopulation” in play.
I would direct you to Armstrong Economics here:
One link is enough. Mod.
As the West falls apart, will they use a “false flag” to pass the blame on to Iran or Russia or China or all three, and try to agree to a “limited nuclear war” to depopulate the “useless eaters.”
He’s not Orthodox Christian, but see what Pastor Baldwin says about the vaccine. Why Russia is developing another one after Sputinik I don’t know. I think they believe they’ll win any war by treachery and the will of their “master,” the faith they really believe in.
“But, so far, the billionaire drug dealers have not even been able to achieve the 50% “effective” threshold. In fact, many of the test subjects are not doing well at all.
“Here’s the report:
“AstraZeneca revealed details of its large coronavirus vaccine trials on Saturday, the third in a wave of rare disclosures by drug companies under pressure to be more transparent about how they are testing products that are the world’s best hope for ending the pandemic.
“The release comes after a second vaccine test volunteer ‘Developed neurological problems.’ According to sources who claim to be familiar with the vaccine trials, the second volunteer suddenly started saying ‘They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead’ after the vaccine.”
My two cents. Buckle up, Saker, it’s going to be a bumpy night…
“All we have is yet another empire committing suicide and, like so many before this one, this suicide is executed by this empire’s ruling classes.”
And at the heart of the matter is incompetence.
In the ’empire’ people fail upwards. Incompetent people are less of a threat to those above than are competent people.
And when it is time to pay the price for their accumulated incompetence, the rulers would rather burn the whole system down than turn power over to those more competent than themselves,
The blogger known as Nexta is heavily pushed on the BelSat.tv website. This is not a Belarusian satellite TV channel as the name might suggest, but an outfit funded by the Polish government.
The recent Russia Federation military exercize Kavkaz 2020 has revealed a very inteteresting development, shown at the start of this video.
They have some large scale battlefield decontamination equipment that can be used to decontaminate even tanks near the front line. It looks like the Russians have seriously prepared for the ZioNazis unleashing CBW when the attack comes.
Zionists and Israel have friendly relations with Putin’s Russia. It is the German 4th Reich EU and it’s American mercenaries knocking on Russia’s door.
I have never seen before Russians using CBW decontamination equipment in their exercises.
The Russians know something more about the Coronavirus and are not telling?
There are warnings of chemical attacks by rebels to implicate SAA in Syria …so Russia might be practising to deal with it eg Idlib direction ……
“There will come a time when the whole world will go mad, and to those who are not mad they will say: you are mad, for you are not like us.” — A Saint
Maybe there will be a renaissance of sanity after the world is massively depopulated and people have more alone time. Is it me, or does insanity seem to concentrate in densely populated areas, like cities? That’s just not the right way to live, it’s not good for us any more than it is for the animals we like to factory farm. How can a chicken think straight when it’s in a cage surrounded by noisily squawking chickens? Isn’t that the situation of the average urban person?
“to those who are not mad they will say: you are mad, for you are not like us.”
That is presently quite prevalent in some social relations with aversions to co-operation and notions of “exceptionalism”.
Madness has always been framed with some aspect of not-like-usness as has been illustrated through this present portal; in “professional” practice this tends to be obfuscated by definitions of variance from pre-existing expectations, deemed to be norms.
Professionally this methodolical approach is being questioned and trascended, particularly outside “The United States of America”, in the fields presently designated as “autism” and other conditions deemed to lie in this spectrum including Asperger’s syndrome, partly as a consequence of multi-disciplinary co-operation, since much psychological/neurological practices and framing – including but not limited to enemy-of-the-peopleness – in the “Soviet Union” was tainted for various reasons, and in some part this facilitated the ongoing lateral process of the transcendence of the “Soviet Union” by the Russian Federation.
In the “West” similar tainting took place and continues to take place not restricted to “5 eyes” co-operation in MKUltra and subsequent developments; at a more mundane levels there is greater reliance on not-like-usness and belief in magic bullets such as ritalin and other preparations, with the added benefit of opportunities of recognition by a pharmaceutical company.
The rise of connurbations in say the last 5000 years has affected the mental and physical health of the populace as more co-operative/inovative methods are increasingly exposing, and living in connurbations has not only subjected those living in connorbations to greater levels of stress, but has had and continues to have adverse effects on spatial development in non-connurbations including non-urban environments, including ecological damage and increasing climate oscillation, which some deem a less obfuscating and hence a more representative designation of lateral processes known as climate change by some others.
“That’s just not the right way to live, it’s not good for us any more than it is for the animals we like to factory farm.”
Spatial development is a function of socio-economic relations, and to inform analysis/implementation/monitoring/modulation of lateral strategies of transcendence, some are already co-operating and agreeing with your observation quoted above, illuminated by the question – how to drown a drowning man with the minimum of blowback? – ergo how to preclude massive depopulation and not emulate General Plan OST which was based on 19th Century notions of spatial development and population culling based on eugenics?
This is part of the reason why the social relations presently self-represented/misrepresented as “The United States of America” perceives the PRC, the Russian Federation, their associates, and science/logic as existential threats, whilst attempting to obfuscate the existential threats that the social relations presently self-represented/misrepresented as “Thje United States of America” poses to the planet, by various combinations of encouraging resort to belief, its-human-natureness, they-are-just-like-usness, better-the-devil-you-knowness, they-are-not-like-usness-the-don’t-have-freedom-or-hershey-bars; akin to the flailings of a drowning man.
Well, I think the closer individual organisms live together, the less “individuality” is possible. Look at insects colornies.
They are in a sense one big organism, becuase they are constantly exchanging pheromones of different sorts. Why should humans be different?
It’s called the behavioral sink. that is, when overcrowding of populations starts to produce antisocial behaviors.
Homo sapiens evolved, I think, at the social group size of the troupe.
Not the herd.
Not the hive.
Now billions of us live in hives. That seems to be antithetical to individualistic thinking and behaving.
We are all impinging on one another in our behavior, and we hate it!!
We no longer have an identifiable “troupe” to go back to, so for many it is the hive or nothing.
Being alone. That is also a nonstarter.
People are fleeing US cities (and perhaps others) if they can manage to do so.
Ostensibly to escape covid-19.
But IMO that is just the last straw in a dawning recognition that city living is not the way to go.
Especially in these times of increasing surveillance and control.
So people are relocating. Looking for a village. Housing price are climbing. There is even less inventory than in previous years.
These “refugees” will, unfortunately change the “villages” for the worse!
“individual organisms live together, the less “individuality” is possible. Look at insects colornies.”
The concept “the individual” is quite a recent invention historically to facilitate coercive social relations, although this was a process of development not an overnight occurence.
As an illustration of the trajectory of this process some compare and contrast “we the people hold these truths to be self-evident” to “everybody is entitled to their own opinion” – the trajectory in attempt to facilitate alienation in encouragement of opportunities to divide and rule..
Different social relations tend to require different spatial development, and hence to transcend social relation requires as a component to transcend previous spatial developments but not like Pol Pot and others of a similar ilk.
Transcendence is a lateral process within which all components metamorphise, and this is frightening to some and incomprehensible to some others.
However it is a process within which all can engage and contribute including but not limited to assuaging their fears, whilst understanding that neither omniscience nor perfection can be attained.
The PRC, the Russian Federation and their increasing associates have no intention of emulating the opponents as far as this is practical within context,
Their answer to – do you think that you are as stupid as your opponent ? tends to be we’ll make every effort to ensure that we are not but likely will fail sometimes.
“and why this is part of the reason why the social relations presently self-represented/misrepresented as “The United States of America” perceives the PRC, the Russian Federation, their associates, and science/logic as existential threats, whilst attempting to obfuscate the existential threats that the social relations presently self-represented/misrepresented as “Thje United States of America” poses to the planet, by various combinations of encouraging resort to belief, its-human-natureness, they-are-just-like-usness, better-the-devil-you-knowness, they-are-not-like-usness-the-don’t-have-freedom-or-hershey-bars; akin to the flailings of a drowning man.”
in anger and frustration since some of them realise that they were complicit in the transcendence of the Soviet Union by the Russian Federation – so no massive effort yet into Who lost Russia ? unlike in 1949 and subsequent Who lost China?
They would likely prefer to turn back time when the translation from English to Russian of Snickers for your knickers was not unknown.
Enjoy your journey.
If you are interested in considering more aspects of this I have outlined in the “Artic Silk Road” thread some context from 1971 onwards – which Mr. Ehret attempts to obfuscate by resort to “with the immanent breakdown of the post-1971 de-regulated order” akin to the end of freedom.
This deserves its own article post not just the cafe.
And an apology by Andrei. And Putin. And Xi. And everyone else who toyed with peoples minds and hearts about this fake pandemic.
Hosszú munka volt. De megérett a gyümölcse.
A világ zsidó szanhedrineinek sikerült általános káoszt előidézni az egész Földön.
Az egxitarcha meg lehet elégedve.
Sikerült egy nagy és általános zűrzavart elérni.
A szálak mindenképpen a zsidó hálózathoz vezetnek.
Ez az álvírus-járvány is ennek a része.
It was a long job. But it’s ripe.
The Jewish sanhedrins of the world have succeeded in creating general chaos throughout the world.
The egxitarch can be pleased.
We have achieved a great and general confusion.
It definitely leads to the Jewish network.
translation … mod
It was a long job. But it’s ripe.
The Jewish sanhedrins of the world have succeeded in creating general chaos throughout the world.
The egxitarch can be pleased.
We have achieved a great and general confusion.
It definitely leads to the Jewish network.
This fake virus outbreak is part of it.
I think you might be overlooking the primary factor driving the West. The financial markets could not function, without government debt soaking up surplus investment money. Th secret sauce of capitalism is that public debt backs private wealth. Military spending is really just a burn pit, so more can be borrowed.
” the primary factor driving the West.”
The conflation of a facilitation tool/perceived vector/symptom with a cause is quite prevalent, and is often a marker of failure of those doing so’s limited facility and/or motivation to engage in lateral processes of transcendence and their encouragement.
This is illustrated by two contentions namely:
“The financial markets could not function, without government debt soaking up surplus investment money”
“Th secret sauce of capitalism is that public debt backs private wealth. ”
Capitalism is a complex of interactive lateral social relations, aspects which have been obfuscated from Mr. Alfred Marshall’s Principles of Economics commenced in 1880 but published in 1891 onwards, the prior widely used title for this area of investigation being Political Economy
This obfuscation process is sometimes represented as the denial/overwriting of agency by theoretical modelling on the road to there-is-no-alternativeness in facilitation of the Imperial surge following the Great Depression of 1870’s to the early 1880’s – the date of “the end” of this depression being another marker of those doing so’s limited facility in, and lack of motivation to engage in, lateral processes of transcendence and their encouragement – preferring instead to engage in the race for Africa and Asia and to a lesser extent the present Mercosur areas, to increase the rate of accumulation, obfuscated by evangelising the mission as bringing civilisation to the ignorant despite the weight of the white man’s burden, due to their missionary zeal in spreading the word of God, which at least in some areas gave rise to a practice called the missionary position.
But on the other hand there would be no money to invest if there were no debts, since all US money is created as debt ex nihilo by private banks in the first place.
No debt = no money
“No debt = no money”
That is so since debt is an interaction facilitated by belief, but there are other options.
Yesterday I heard an investment analyst—I think her name is Kremer—advising that Goldman Sachs is a great investment opportunity now, because with “thousands of bankruptcies” and the debt, GS was going to be making pots of money.
I can’t repeat it word for word, but it was clear that debt related to settling bankruptcies would lead to huge profits for GS, and hence for investors.
Part of her spiel was that GS is international, so ALL of those thousands of bankruptcies of businesses worldwide mean profits for GS.
She was being interviewed by financial reporter for . . . can’t recall—I think Reuters.
“We have also done away with the concepts of “proof” or “evidence” which we have replaced with variations on the “highly likely” theme.”
Are you aware that many are declaring this period of history a “Post Truth World”?
How disgusting that we recognise it, label it, but fail to even try and alter it.
We are living in a time when ‘Truth’ has become an irrelevant and missing ingredient for the Story Teller or, even a requirement for the listener.
All that’s needed is for the ‘story’ to paint the required picture that we have already proscribed as ‘our required reality’. This guy is bad and this guy is good.
Truth has become whatever people want it to be. This rejection of Truth has produced a spiritual curse upon mankind that has bewitched Politicians, Governments, Corporations and Media.
Truth is a spirit that won’t be mocked. Truth rejected, will always become more difficult to find.
We are now living in a time where we witness normal people in every day life rejecting truth to keep their jobs safe or, because speaking truth will cause them to swim against the ‘modern day acceptable narratives’.
We have become like a Pilot who’s 2º off course but believes he’s flying perfectly on course. In two hours time, he’s 400 miles from where he thinks he is.
What so many people have failed to understand and were probably never taught is, that Truth is a spirit. A spirit given to us by God.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus declares many times that Truth is a spirit and indeed, he calls the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth who will come and guide us into all truth.
What we are now witnessing in the world is the fruit that we are reaping from rejecting God in our lives, and from treating him with utter disdain. Our continued disobedience was always going to lead down this path and yet, we all seem shocked and startled?
This is just the beginning of this madness. This road has been trod many times before in the history of mankind and, humanity always pays the price in blood and much pain. Sadly, we will again.
Truth is not a commodity to be played with. It is our roadmap, our comforter, the quiet voice inside each of us that guides us to what correct choices are.
Without Truth we are just flotsam on the ocean of life, totally at the will of the waves and the surges of the storm.
Evil has always existed. Our personal trial is to resist it but, without Truth, we are unable to even recognise it.
The problem starts with each of us individually. Listen to your conscience and act accordingly. Humble yourselves before God, ask for forgiveness and guidance. You will be amazed at what you’re capable of and what your life can become.
I am not talking about religion. I’m talking about the individual humbly calling out to their Creator and asking for cleansing and direction.
Otherwise, we will only become more deluded and we’ll all eventually partake in what this road always leads to.
We will sacrifice others for our sakes or, be sacrificed ourselves by others for their sakes.
“Are you aware that many are declaring this period of history a “Post Truth World”?
How disgusting that we recognise it, label it, but fail to even try and alter it.”
The concept “we” is a potential vector facilitating useful foolery, including but not restricted to “We the people hold these truths self-evident” facilitating some to use ” concepts of “proof” or “evidence” or logic, or reason.
I love the “scaring hedgehog with naked bottom” saying. Very funny but so true.
Why this urge to paint MI6 as saints? That seems to be the implication of this idea that Russia/Putin were not behind the Salisbury or Navalny incidents, and novichoks were not used at all. What are we left with? MI6 (or some similar group) staged some harmless street theatre, a harmless prank that scared, but never endangered, the people of Salisbury?
The official and MSM narratives are full of holes. That does not mean novichoks were not used, and the scientific literature does not back up this claim.
If you want to know more, you could start here:
After Salisbury Nerve Agents Revisited
Novichok agents: a historical, current, and toxicological perspective
Novichoks: The Dangerous Fourth Generation of Chemical Weapons
They’re a bit heavy going, but between them they say there are many novichoks, and some are solids at room temperature, making them ideal for just this type of op. The lethal dose may be as little as a tenth of a milligram, but why assume the attackers used much more than that, or that their intention was to kill? This reeks to me of MI6 false flag operations, and I fail to see why you are so keen on exculpating them of using novichoks. Porton Down has had over two decades to research this group of chemicals and their use. Is it so unlikely they succeeded, finding one that meets their requirements but which Russian tests do not detect?
“The official and MSM narratives are full of holes”
Perhaps the holes will coalesce into bigger holes offering wider perspectives of what lies behind?
Patience is thought by some to be a virtue.
Assuming Novichoks are a class of compounds using the same mechanism of action, then I find it highly unlikely that Russia would not be able to detect that there was ‘an unknown compound from the ‘Novichok’ class of acetylcholine esterase inhibitors’. There are pretty standard assays for that, so if they cannot detect an ACE inhibitor, their labs are pretty primitive.
Next, they would go about purifying the active component, which is pretty basic analytical chemistry. I don’t know the exact purification strategies to be used, just know that they will exist as part of the analytical suite developed when that group of compounds will have been tested.
Then they will put that purified compound through standard analytical tests for molecular weight, composition and the like.
So even if they can’t get the exact formula, they should get close enough to know there is a Novichok family member present with a particular molecular weight.
But I would be extremely surprised if the Russians aren’t good enough at analytical forensics to be able to work out exactly what they were dealing with.
Here in Italy the Northern League (Lega Nord) under the leadership of Matteo Salvini was the only party that supported Lukashenko and voted against more sanctions to Russia in the European “Parliament”.
I remember reading the Saker when I used to hover on MoA, and made the rookie mistake of re-Tweeting Saker on Ukraine to my friends while on break at work, until they frog-marched me to my car, lol. You mean the sysop reads our emails?! Ukraine seems so long ago, doesn’t it. Just another Obama war for the Levant.
With the Second Wave now literally baked-in, with 1. Red States going full open; 2. Fauci claiming ‘Covid rides on the wind’ 3. Covid test also tests positive for flu virus, and 4. It’s flu shot season for seniors, my thoughts are that America will be trapped in the baked-in Second Wave cauldron by the Blue Technocrats, who will declare all public places ‘unsafe’ and then close all the election polling places and force 100% mail-in votes.
It’s clear to me that Trump will most likely ‘landslide’ the machine vote, then inexorably, mail-in ballot stuffing (and dumping) will swing toward howling media hourly shadow statistics and wall maps that ‘Biden Won Big!’
That sets up the same dynamic as Ukraine with the Maidan Massacre, and the Verboten are expert at taking advantage of that, especially since US Federal security and intelligence forces have clearly become corrupted.
There doesn’t seem to be any escape from a Ukraine Outcome, as Blue Coup Kakistocracy over Red States reduced to second-status, and of course, massive financial and taxation corruption that goes with all Coups
Or was 2016 the Orange Coup, and Hillary was our cast-off St Joan d’Arc? HRH Hillary d’Warhag.
One other area I’d like Saker discussion of is the ‘peace treaty’ between Isreal and UAE/Bahrain, who want their own US F-35 defense system against Iran. Up until now, Isreal overflights of Iraq are impossible without radar active and passive pinging an even ‘stealth’ fighter and their accompanying fuel tanker plane. But with the new ‘peace air corridor’ and US air tankers the same radar signature as a commercial plane, whole wings of F-35s and tankers could fly into UAE/Bahrain military bases, only 25 miles from Iran airspace. Once there, forward-looking Iran radar defenses would not be able to detect the F-35s launch of loitering air-to-ground missiles that detect and knock out radar facilities in the first wave, then immediately launch deeper JDAM attacks on shore-to-ship missile batteries, before US cruise missile ships launch a salvo of possibly nuclear-tipped onslaught.
In my mind the ‘Isreali-UAE Peace Treaty’ means we could wake up on about Hannukah with Tehran on fire, the markets off 20,000 points and Trump-Biden Civil War over the election, and a US response to ‘Iran Aggression’.
Not everyone has lost the plot – here you have a scientist and govt adviser blowing the whole virus mask BS – wide open !
You forgot to mention Finland as USA prostitute among other European countries. So sad and pathetic how “independent” countries follows orders of their masters..
My final Point: Modern humans 200,000 years, and from Africa?
Finally we arrived at 200,000year Modern man from Africa BS.
Crete 5.2mln years human foot print
Petralona was continuously occupied by humans for about 1.3mln years (1.6mln-300,000 when it closed due to seismic events). Five human remains were found inside the cave and eight (13mln year old) outside. The 42 year old fellow is shown to have lived 780,000years ago and considered the oldest recorded human on Earth.
12:11 This is a representation of his position at the time of discovery.
More? 700,000 year Old Skull Discovered In Greek Cave, Completely Shatters The Out Of Africa Theory
Just for fun, my neighborhood (Magnisia in Thesssally) had tropical climate few mln years ago
Check this little baby MesoPithicas estimated to have lived 7.2mln years ago in Magnisia.
I think I’ll stop here.
“Erectus -They Walk Amongst Us” by Richard Fuerle also sheds some light on human migration, that can occur in any direction of the compass.
He theorizes that Homo Sapiens is descended from Homo Erectus, who were present in Asia over two million years ago.
A proof that duckduckgo is much more censorship-free than google; the query “пугать ежа” returns this article in the first 2 hits (the second one being a blog that quotes or republishes it), whereas google gives just the blog article, in 12th position (after the image suggestions).
That Navalny poisoning fantasy makes sense only if he was a CIA asset in need to be extracted. And since they had to move them anyway – why not to do a little bit of a PR damage to the Russians?
The news shows have made insane and corrupt behavior go viral.
The partisan media has increased disinformation in America. Many Americans do not recall a time when 24/7 partisan news outlets did not exist because they were not alive. CNN was the first, and was extremely left leaning in its treatment of news coverage as well as its treatment of guests, which was countered with the creation of Fox News, which was also countered with MSNBC.
There was a gradual decrease that happened over the past few decades of News casters or Show hosts debating blatant lies and guests using evasionary tactics of questions asked by show hosts. The hosts usually do not intervene as they had in the past. The other extreme is the White House Press confrerences where the reporters refuse to stop shouting down the White House spokes person, and the reporters themselves are actually blatantly lying and demanding the the White House spokes person agrees with them, for example the false allegations of Assad using barrel bombs on Syrians, when he was not. They simply will not stop in some cases, amd simply refuse to intervene in other cases.
I apologize for such a distant example, but disconnected my tv because of it because it was literally driving me crazy!
Considering that it was also extremely expensive, I just was not going to pay so much money to be tortured to find out was going on in the world, and just by watching it, there was no way to find out what was actually going on in the world because nearly all of it was disinformation.
Since the partisan shows exist, guests and politicians usually only appear on shows that will not intervene when the guests are lying or using evasionary tactics.
The politicians and policy makers now have an air of superiority and believe that they are exempt from being questioned for blatant lies, or for refusing to provide direct answers to pertinent questions.
This has spilled over into society as a whole. It has made our entire society more dishonest, and it has also made our entire society less likely or incapable of being able to demand the truth and debate policy on its merits.
Debating has almost become a lost art in America as a result of partisan news.
People are literally shocked when people confront them for lyimg over the air waves, as if it is their right to just blatantly lie about current events and demand that those that are telling the truth be censored, or even worse, imprisoned like Assange, Manning, Schulte, and many others.
These individuals are truly narcissists and believe that they are exempt from criticism and the world literally cannot go on this way.
They contradict themselves constantly and are not questioned about it.
Anthony Fauci is a perfect example who said himself in a New England Journal of Medicine article that covid-19 would be similar in transmission and fatality to the flu. In another medical journal article, Anthony Fauci said that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for covid-19.
Does anyone seriously believe that the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC do not know what Anthony Fauci is writing in medical journals?!
The media has failed America.
Andrea Iravani
Gerade hinsichtlich den demographischen Wandel der Alpenanrainerstaat und
der damit einhergehenden höheren Lebenserwartung der Deutschen wird der Bedarf an (psychisch stabilen) Pflegenden in den nächsten Jahren sicher noch ansteigen.
„Letzte pathetische Worte, dann friedlich einschlafen und dabei den geliebten Menschen im Arm halten – ist die
Vorstellung des „wie” beim Sterben”, so
Sandra Neumayr, Vizepräsidentin des Verbandes psychologischer Berater „Aber meist
ist es ein Prozess, der bei Kranken Menschen lang dauern kann und der Begleitung von Palliativkräften bedarf.
Doch häufig wird schematisch gehandelt, denn die Pflegekräfte können nicht
mehr leisten als sie ohnehin schon tun, sind ausgelaugt und stoßen an die eigene Grenze ihrer Empathiefähigkeit.
„Der Verband psychologischer Berater hat sich deshalb zum Ziel gesetzt, intensive Unterstützung innerhalb der Pflege zu leisten.