Unz ReviewThis column was written for the Unz Review: http://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-writing-is-on-the-wall-for-the-european-union/

The latest bomb attacks in Brussels are the clear proof that the attacks in Paris were not a fluke, but the first in what is likely to be a long string of similar terror attacks. Such attacks are really nothing new, this is exactly what Russia has to endure in the 1990s, from the same people and for the same reasons. But whereas Russia eventually succeeded in defeating both the Chechen Wahabi insurgency and the Chechen Wahabi terrorism, Europe appears to lack all the resources needed to prevail. What is even worse, EU leaders appear to be dead set in their current russophobic policies thereby cutting themselves off the much needed help Russia could offer.

There are objective reasons why Brussels was chosen: it is the capital of the European Union, of course, but it is also a “soft” target, much easier to hit than, say, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in the Belgian city of Mons or the NATO HQ in city of Haren, near Brussels. But that is not the “really real” reason why Brussels was hit. The sad truth is that Europe has been setting itself up for exactly this kind of attack.

First, when the same people (Wahabi crazies) used the same methods (terror attacks) against the biggest neighbor of Europe (Russia), the European elites gave their full support to the terrorists, not only politically (by presenting them as freedom fighters) but even directly (MI6 and the CIA were both directly and heavily involved in the Chechen wars). At that time Russia was very much like the EU today – ruled by a completely corrupt elite totally sold out to the AngloZionist Empire, Russian security services were almost completely dismantled, the Russian general public mostly clueless about what was going on and the economy was in shambles. Russia was in easy (soft) target then just as Europe, all of it, is a easy (soft) target today.

Second, Europe has lovingly cultivated a obscene friendship with three of the foremost sponsors of terrorism on the planet – Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Being ‘in bed’ with that kind of bedfellows just had to result in some ugly blowback. And now that Erdogan has precisely predicted the terror attack in Brussels, the European are still not asking the hard questions (instead they choose to believe the claim that Erdogan warned the Europeans).

Third, for decades now the EU has had an absolutely suicidal policy on immigration or, should I maybe say, no real policy at all, unless you consider “let them all in” a policy. Every single intelligence service in Europe has known for decades that immigrants are a major risk, both in terms of petty crime such as drug dealing and in terms of terrorism. Everybody knew that, but political correctness prevented anybody of saying this openly lest he/she be accused of racism. Let me just give you one example: everybody in the Swiss police and intelligence community has known for years that the Albanian terrorists form the UCK had their political headquarters and money in Switzerland, even some newspapers mentioned this fact. Likewise, everybody in Switzerland also knew that Albanians mobsters control the hard drugs market. And yet the Swiss authorities did absolutely nothing to stop this. The same kind of denial happened in France with immigrants from the Maghreb (GIA) and in Germany with the Turks (Grey Wolves) and Kurds (PKK). Instead of taking the measures needed to protect the general public, the politicians chose to hush up the problem, vilify those who dared mention it while the security services tied to appease (and even use!) the terrorist groups.

Fourth, the European police and security forces are typically under-staffed, under-paid, under-trained, over-worked, severely constrained in their actions and generally disorganized and uncoordinated. They also have a dire need for translators and interpreters and they often lack the legal basis to investigate and monitor or infiltrate the immigrant communities. In most countries they are also underequipped and even their basic gear is old and outdated. Again, the parallel with the Russia of the 1990s is striking.

Fifth, instead of focusing on the clear present danger of the penetration of terrorists under the guise of refugees, Europe has concentrated its resources on countering the (non-existing) “Russian threat” wasting money on command centers, communication nodes, pre-positioned supply dumps and, of course, various exercises and maneuvers aimed at “deterring the Russian bear”. Even worse, the Europeans have, until now, categorically and repeatedly refused to collaborate with Russian on any security issues, including terrorism.

Sixth, the ruling elites of the EU have systematically branded those who dared to warn about the dangers of terrorism through immigration as “racists” while, at the same time, introducing all sorts of totally useless but very offensive anti-Muslim measures such as banning schoolgirls from wearing a veil (of course, kids in Jewish kippas were left unmolested) or raising a panic over the amount of hahal butchers in Paris (of course, kosher stores were left unmolested).

It is therefore not surprising that such a toxic mix of stupidity and arrogance had to eventually result in attacks like those in Paris or Brussels. But the worst part of this is that there are no indications whatsoever that the European ruling elites have learned anything or that they are reconsidering their suicidal policies. So far, we have seen Federica Mogherini sobbing and the Eiffel Tower in Paris lit in Belgian colors. But still no real policy decision, or even general plan, on how to deal with the current terrorist threat.

But what the EU does have, is a 5-points plan on how to deal with Russia, a plan unanimously adopted by all 28 member states. This plan, called ‘guiding principles‘ is so arrogant and delusional, that it deserves to be full quoted here:

The first of these guiding principles is the full implementation of the Minsk agreements as a key element for any substantial change in our relations. By the way, this is an important week, it is the week where two years ago the illegal annexation of Crimea took place and we re-stated our common strong position of non-recognition of the annexation of Crimea.
The second principle is strengthening relations with our Eastern Partners and other neighbours, in particular in Central Asia, and we had very good discussions on how to proceed in this respect.
Third, strengthening internal European Union resilience, in particular in view of energy security, hybrid threats and strategic communication, but not only.
Fourth principle we all agreed on is the need for selective engagement with Russia, both on foreign policy issues – this is clear, when it comes to Iran or the Middle East Peace Process or Syria, but also DPRK, migration or counter-terrorism, climate change – but also in other areas where there is a clear European Union’s interest.
The fifth of our guiding principles is the willingness to support more and more the Russian civil society and engage and invest in people-to-people contacts and exchanges and policies that are related to that, with a particular view to the youth of Russia and the youth of the European Union because we see the future of our countries as something we need to invest into.

Translated into plain English, this means that the EU is determined to:

  1. Continue to punish Moscow for the non-implementation of the Minsk-2 Agreement by Kiev
  2. Continue to try to surround Russia with hostile regimes in Europe and Central Asia
  3. Continue to accuse Russia of being a threat to Europe
  4. Hope that Russia will ‘selectively engage’ the EU where it is to the EU’s advantage
  5. Continue to support the 5th column inside Russia

In the words of Mogherini, adopting these principles “was not a difficult discussion”. Unlike issues of immigration or terrorism, on Russia the Europeans apparently agree. This is disgusting, to say the least.

In the meantime, the Russian Duma’s Deputies stood for a minute of silence in homage to the murdered victims from the latest attack, while scores of Russians, including Foreign Minister Lavrov, brought flowers to the Belgian embassy in Moscow. They did the right thing, of course, but deep in their hearts most Russians are also quite aware that when Russians were murdered by the hundreds by Wahabi terrorists no EU parliament had any minutes of silence and no the predecessors of Mrs Mogherini shed any tears. As was so obscenely shown following the Charlie Hebdo murders, in Europe some lives are more precious than others. Nothing new here.

It is well known that thugs always carefully choose their victims whom they want to be unaware of their surroundings, easily frightened into submission, inclined to try to appease any enemy and generally unable to offer a determined resistance. Daesh, like all terrorists, very much shares that kind of mentality and in Europe they have found the perfect victim. Europe is intellectually, financially, politically, socially and morally bankrupt. The European society is unable to reform itself, its ruling classes are unable to inspire any kind of real national security strategy and Europe will remain an easy target for future terrorist attacks. I personally see no future for Europe whatsoever until the people of Europe finally force the current comprador elite totally sold out to the AngloZionists out of power and replaces them with real patriots capable of defending the interests of the people of Europe.

It is ironic that the Ukrainian slogan “Україна – це Європа!” (The Ukraine is Europe) has, in reality, been reversed and instead of the Ukraine becoming like Europe, it is Europe which became like the Ukraine: weak, corrupt, unable to formulate a policy beyond obeying Uncle Sam, completely delusional about her real capabilities and a Petri-dish for all sorts of terrorists.

It is hard to believe, but most countries in Europe are slowly turning into what is usually called a “failed state”. Here is one definition of this concept: “A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of governmental collapse.” Europe is not quite there yet, but the writing is on the wall and it will get much worse before it gets better again.

The Saker