By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog
China, India, Russia and other free nations face difficulties of mutual respect and trust when engaging with the rulers of Japan, because Japan is not a sovereign nation.
Imperial Japan surrendered to the United States of America on August 15, 1945, ending World War II. Ever since then, Japanese rulers have to reassure themselves with their US occupiers before they sign anything with other countries, which basically prevents Asia‘s unification.
America took Japan apart.
First, America seized all Japanese weapons, machines, blueprints and inventions. Next, it took over food and energy supplies. Last, it persecuted hundreds of thousands of nationalists to stoke fear in the population: Obey!
America wanted Japan’s everything, including war reparations, gold reserves, manufacturing and services.
Japan would have to pay for its own US-occupation until the end of time. Currently, Tokyo spends about 8 billion dollars a year to maintain all 34 American bases.
The imperialists came up with an Imperial term for their forge worlds, they call them “export nations.” Thus Japan, much like defeated Nazi Germany, became an export nation for manufacturing, which basically means they now had to produce machines for the American Empire.
And if it’s too much, Japan, you can always find and steal more. Look around you. Just build your factories all over the Pacific sushi rim, but don’t forget to send half of everything to America and its allies.
Unfortunately, this makes Japan womanlike and too expensive.
America’s political system sure is “liberal and democratic,” so Japan‘s 1950 regime hastened to call itself the “Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.“
Much of Japan was renamed also. Confucian became “Christian,” Buddhism became “philosophy.” Colonialism was now “globalism,” and the subjugation of foreign nations is now called “sharing values.” Lastly, Do what the US tells you is “the rules-based order,” and Japan now identifies as [part of] “the West.”
The fact that Japan was tortured and abused for so long nearly made it impossible for China and others to engage with Japan without a US embargo. It is as if the USA, with some bloody baseball bat in hand, ordered Japan: “Don’t speak with the Chinese!”
Accordingly, nobody in Japan speaks Chinese. Even if it’s your 1.4 billion people neighbor. Kids don’t learn the language in school.
The Japanese people are notoriously overworked, yet the average GDP per head after three quarters of a century under US-dictate is forever 33% less than in America, while the tax burden is 100% higher.
More horrible, America “borrowed” stuff from Japan worth $1.3 trillion which it never paid, and will never pay [last day checked, May 1st, 2022].
Did the Japanese people ever benefit from acting like the associate West? No. When Japan imitated the Western powers in the 19th and 20th centuries and colonized Manchuria, Taiwan, South Korea and the Philippines, the real West quickly sabotaged Japan and Japan lost everything, and more.
Even today, after seven decades of westernization, the Western powers in NATO, G7 and the QUAD military alliances see Japan mostly as a useful Asian traitor.
Washington will sanction Japan any time. The most infamous sanctions package against Japan were the cutting it off from food and oil and metals in the 30s of the last century, followed by the freezing of all Japanese overseas assets, resulting in Japan’s desperate attack on the US Navy base in Pearl Harbor.
Since 2016, America is threatening Japan again with sanctions from hell: If you do not buy our latest Boeing military fighters to fight China, if you do not support Ukraine against Russia, we will call you a racist and flood your country with ten million African plumbers. We will also sack Toyota Group and will make a neurotic woman your next prime minister, we will, we will, we will…
About 86,000 US military and ruler people govern Japan [last time checked July 2022]. They have US-aircraft carriers, nukes, killer drones, submarines, and agents in every ministry, university, think tank and NGO. The US embassy complex is larger than Japan’s National Diet.
Here is the sad reality: Japan is the terminal for US hegemony in the Pacific, and its wealth and power are America’s wealth and power, not Asia’s.
For 40 years now, Japan has seen decline or stagnation. What makes us think that more US subjugation is better for Japan?
The US-Japan Trade Agreement of 2020 or and the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement from 2019 are in fact unfair treaties. Study them. Not a single Japanese standard exists in the world. Tokyo is signing its own enslavement to foreign powers, and for what? To exclude Asia.
China does not interfere in the politics of sovereign nations. If Japan wants to decolonize, it can only do so from within itself.
It must, however, want it badly enough—and there are no signs of it as yet. India was ruled by England for 200 years. Hong Kong was a British colony for 156 years.
Japan has been a US colony for 77 years now, and Washington still has great momentum. The West is likely to waste Tokyo in illegal US-Imperial dog fights against neighboring free countries.
This madness could stop if Japan kicked out the US occupiers and got itself ‘respect’ again.
Asia for the Asians.
The author is a German writer and cultural critic.
Further Reading: Japan made the terrible mistake of aligning itself with the woke West and is now self-destroying. Read previous presentations about this nation‘s horrible decline:
Brutal. The Truth About Japan. From Tokyo University.
WOKE in Tokyo. The US Nukes Cool Japan Out Of Its Existence.
Worried about WW3 and transmitting coronavirus, Japanese bought 20 million house pets.
German Chancellor Scholz Attended Girls’ Day in Berlin, Accidentally Flew For NATO To Japan Next.
STOP IT, JAPAN: Mass Formation Psychosis.
Top Guns, Kishida, and US Biden: Showdown With Russia and China.
The Path To Japan’s Childlessness As Conceived By Its Satanic US Occupiers.
Once these American cockroaches enter your country it’s downhill all the way for the locals.
Cutting off energy supplies to Japan could work in their favour in the long term.
Free Japan!
The USA leaders with it’s alliances believe they can dominate and control the world (new world order), this is the same cycle of deceptive thinking that has caused empires to fall since the beginning of time by binding nations to one leader. The scheme of a Holy Roman Empire built in Europe and the USA using the design of a liberal socialist party has shown its weakness in population integration (clay doesn’t mix with iron). The leadership of this scheme appear mad to the population, and truly they are mad (insane), and a new multipolar world is being created where nations will be able to govern themselves without being bound in decision making. However, knowing the lust of mankind it to will fail as the cycle is continued. Let us know that Christ has risen and the everlasting kingdom is at hand.
America is run by Zionists and International Finance which is headquartered in “The City of London”. Here is a video showing how the Jews view the Japanese:
@ Ron
You might like to know about the inflation crisis of 1973. Some more history from Cantelon:
In May of 1973 on the streets of Tokyo, I stared with incredulity at the specter of inflation in Japan. Ground beef that was selling in October for $1.40 per pound was now $2.87; orange juice was over $3.00 a glass; steak, $16.00 per pound. In less than a year the price of real estate had doubled, and wool had tripled. Hashimoto, Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party tried in vain to reason with the financial giants of his country. He concluded those in a position to affect the inflation were too strong and beyond control. pg 47 Cantelon 1973 The Day the Dollar Dies Logos International
Beyond control?
Inflation is always caused by the state through money printing. Prices go up and down reflecting relative scarcity, that’s normal. Money growth has a distorting effect (Cantillon effect) that benefits the cronies (state bureaucrats, monopolies, financial sector) at the expense of the working, productive class.
What it also got was ill designed GE nuclear reactors in the 60’s, leading to todays lost gvt and its herded skeptical broke citizens.
I found this book a great source of information about pre-WW2 Japan. It has been much criticised because it exposes some facts about Japan’s history that are little known.
𝗝𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻’𝘀 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘆: 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗿 𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗲𝗱 𝗝𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗪𝗮𝗿 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁
“The author is a German writer and cultural critic.” .. Germany could show Japan how to give the Empire the boot.
Yes, Germany basically in the same boat as Japan. Military bases everywhere in Germany. Heil Biden! Etc.
Never happen. Germany is our handmaiden, our geisha. It competes with Japan for our abusive affections.
“Germany could show Japan how to give the Empire the boot.”
Actually, most Germans are looking clueless and with unbelief in their eyes, while some kind of Morgenthau-Plan 2.0 is being vomited out over them. Deindustrialization or else. Or is it Khmer 2.0, but ‘green’ this time, because going back to kind of a poor society, with a small but almighty elite, medieval alike, is such a sharp idea?
Don’t expect too much. And no, don’t come with some old Prussian values, turn the knob on the time machine.
Greetings from Germany, cheers, Rob
But it won’t, because Germany too has been thoroughly colonised by the US economic and military empire.
Remember this forever Japan,
In Japan and Germany, politicians who have been bought or blackmailed have been destroying their people’s assets for decades, while the bought press manipulates and lies to the people.
pity that no end is foreseeable, a new Nuremberg trial for these traitors with the death penalty as the only possible sentence would be desirable to liberate the oppressed peoples in Germany, Japan and the entire west.. the world would be saved and should be Putin’s only goal 😁😁
«In Japan and Germany, politicians who have been bought or blackmailed have been destroying their people’s assets for decades, while the bought press manipulates and lies to the people.»
And the difference with the USA or UK is… is… is… oops, I forgot. :-)
Ah the difference is that in the USA those who sponsor the politicians get 100% of the profits, but in UK, Japan, Germany, … they share the profits with the local elites, to ensure their loyalty. That’s the plan for a second “yeltsinization” of the Russian Federation.
The I-400 airplane carrier submarines surrendered were to be shared between US and Russia…the US didn’t share. That matter is an interesting public secret.
My US Navy veteran pals tell me that ashore in Japan it’s quite clear that the ordinary Japanese guys have a strong dislike toward occupying American seamen…not so hard to have regrettable knife accident on throat.
Political alignments are constrained by the possible. Like rivers, the course changes at flood.
SMO404 is changing what’s possible. Meantime the incipient or latent desire to expel occupation abides.
Do check > The US refusal to honor the agreement to share the captured machines with Soviets was, like the A-Bomb, one of the first active examples of “cold war”, which at that time was not planed to be “cold”, but hot.
“Four remaining submarines, I-400, I-401, I-201 and I-203, were sailed to Hawaii by U.S. Navy technicians for further inspection. Upon completion of the inspections, the submarines were scuttled in the waters off Kalaeloa near Oahu in Hawaii by torpedoes from US submarine USS Trumpetfish on June 4, 1946, to prevent the technology from being made available to the Soviets who were demanding access to them.”
Note propagandistic rhetoric: “Demanding access” because there was a solemn agreement to share.
The US skipper of one boat wrote a book about this affair…he took the boat to Hawaii.
They are information from Wikipedia…look it up there yourself.
The US military has to travel everywhere mostly by sea, so in war it could be vulnerable. .I read one of the big Jap WW2 cargo subs I-52, was being sent to Germany. It seems because Britain/US had broken the German codes, they knew it was coming. And it was sunk in the Atlantic by US naval forces.
I’m not sure I believe these superhuman ‘code breaking’ stories by the Anglo-Zionists. It seems we just have to take their word for it each time. Maybe some of them, but nobody gets to contest them.
Precisely. They captured a machine and a list of keys. Or had spies placed in Germany. Canaris or whatnot. Heroic “codebreakers” are a myth in my opinion to hide the much less honourable truth.
Japanese people could leave them islands and also come to Europe. We are used to millions of refugees anyway. In Europe the probability to be freed by Russia is much bigger than in Japan being freed by China (in the afterworks of Taiwan official re-integration) and survive. Too much Karma piled up in Japan by US demands. In Germany the Kaiser resigned and disposed the Preußen land by will to all the Preußen inhabitants. That’s why Preußen still has not been restored (by the occupiers) but all descendants of Preußen do own their land (and should not pay any tax on it).
I, as a Preußen descendant, invite all Japanese people to come to Europe to stay until Japan is free(d) again.
Just as America uses Ukraine to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, you can be sure that Japan will be forced to fight China to the last Japanese
The Japanese nation appear even more screwed up than LGBTQ+ Europeans and so a fight with China wouldn’t last too long.
Every word of this is true. There is an undertow in Japan, but currently that is all it amounts to. Today a morning TV show discussed Biden’s clear senility, as witnessed embarrassingly at the G7 summit with him showing all the other participants the script he was carrying for each and every action and utterance he was to make. The commentators speculated that America will become unable to prosecute the war in Ukraine in about four months when the midterms are expected to overthrow the Democratic majority in the House and put a firm majority of Republicans in the Senate. We will see whether Japan begins to reassert itself then, but I think the average citizen is happy with the status quo, which encourages them to spend their lives in a childlike fantasyland. I dread what will happen to them when that ends. All of today and yesterday KDDI’s cellphone services were down in much of Japan. That does not affect me directly at all, but I hear there was havoc all over.
It helps that the Informally Official Press pointlessly insulted them not so long ago. The Marxist “translators” who parasitised upon their works while censoring them were no doubt irritating for some popular Japanese, too.
But plain rioting is not their way right now. I would expect more of quiet obstruction, “misunderstanding” and malicious compliance. If there is any opposition actually capable of some action, it will not be obvious for a while.
Yes. The predictable switch from the smiling clowns of Inner Party to the frowning clowns of Outer Party. They (and probably most other protectorates) will cautiously wait to see whether the Bad Cop still can lift his baton.
Western colonization has demoralized the proud samurai population, servitude under the cold-blooded murderers of two of their entire cities has proved unbearable.
It is to imagine that they prefer to be swallowed by the sea rather than live their modern slavery.
The “Rape of Nanking” lasted a short time, but the US rape of Japan has lasted for 77 years!
While everyone wants to be samurai, at the end of 19th century there was 400k samurai families, about 5% of population, rest were peasants. Samurai families were swept during Meiji revolution and today Japan has 5 samurai families left. Masive majority of Japanese today are descendants of peasants, not samurai. They were opressed before and they are opressed today, only thing that changed are the overlords.
Au contraire. If you really knew Japan you would know that the martial society continues and continues to grow.
I have been part of it.
This German stuck in Tokyo has like so many learned absolutely nothing of the people.
If he had learned what he would say is that the Japanese though having the US pushing their buttons for 77 years continue to despise foreigners and have retained much of their culture and their dignity. That alone is remarkable.
Japanese have been called honorary white people and that is what they hold most precious. But they share a lot of racist DNA just like Germans.
Hitler told them, they were the great arayan race, which incidentally was from Afghanistan and other parts of Asia. Hitler killed millions and not just Jews but many others.
Japan did the exact same in Asia. Both with a superiority complex. After WW2, America reaped the benefits of those 2 until today.
Both, subservient to the Zion controlled USA has gone lockstep into a movement to re-steal this world.
Germans like Japanese are most easily led, even though they have scientific ability. In America I believe that the majority of whites are of German origin, and most support racist Jew owned Trump.
In essence, they are people that have long left their own culture and willing to die for a lost cause, just like Hitler and emperor Hirohito!
What’s unusual about it? Not so long ago the only sovereign countries were USA, China, Russia and, uh, Somali (sort of).
There’s little difference between Japan and Germany in this regard, but then by now there’s little difference between Germany and France.
Now this era is at its end. That’s the point.
USA produces for export little other than lame TV shows and tweets these days. Most goods of “American” companies are OEM, actually made in China, and cheaper to buy without fancy stickers. Thus, Washington cannot strangle anyone economically any more, other than via ordering the obedient vassals/protectorates.
But will they obey? Not so long ago, they did without question. By now, the “sanctions” are quietly flouted by many. India resells “sanctioned” Russian oil under no more than a fig leaf. Turkey extorts baksheesh for cooperation. EU is distressed about a lot of things and just goes through ritual gestures.
The protectorates are either bullied and resentful to begin with, or puppets. The only reason so many puppet regimes exist was due to puppet strings of Uncle Sam… who now failed to protect
hisxir puppets twice in a row. Hence all the commotion.The only countries that can claim to be sovereign are those that still use constitutional lawful money.
I know of none.
Check out “The Clearfield Doctrine” which was derived from a US Supreme Court case that landmarked the transitional from the US ceasing to be sovereign in any sense, to being merely a bankruptcy administration by a non-public corporation.
«Most goods of “American” companies are OEM, actually made in China, and cheaper to buy without fancy stickers. Thus, Washington cannot strangle anyone economically any more, other than via ordering the obedient vassals/protectorates.»
The USA is a “hydraulic” empire, and their ambition, largely realized, is for the USA navy to control (in the sense of being able to shutdown where needed) worldwide trade in cereals and fuels.
The japanese elite seem to have a clear programme to shrink a lot the population of Japan and reforest it, to reduce their vulnerability to foreign “sanctions”, but currently it is totally dependent on USA “protection”, like Italy, UK, etc.
That’s why the sanctions against the RF are not working well: it is self-sufficient, actually an exporter, of both cereals and fuels (while the USSR crashed because of being a cereals importer). The RF is an importer of industrial goods, but those are just “nice to have”, while cereals and fuel are “must have”.
Japan is under occupation. Their want does not amount to anything.
I would like reference to borrowing of $1.3 trillion statement, if somebody can help, much appreciated!
Asia for the Asians.
So Thorsten, you would be fine if they were Bangladeshis plumbers, am I right?
Americans, americans, americans. They are slaves, like no other on this planet, don’t blame them. Wars are waged between two banking cabals: one in London, UK and another in New York, US. they run FED and they claim legal right to slavery system of invisible chains called money.
Excellent article. The Japanese are on the wrong side of history. They would do much better once they kick those Americans out – like we did here in Iran. At minimum they will gain their sovereignty back and could develop cooperative relations with the real international community. Like Germany, Japan has strong human resources but poor in raw materials, thus it would benefit more when it builds relation with the countries of the BRICKS, SCO and EAEU. Don’t see at all a very bright future for Japan chasing the American fake system, any longer.
Japan had no friends in Asia when it was defeated and had to agree to unconditional surrender. Vietnam had some powerful friends and defeated the Empire, but their new generations are still suffering from the effects of the orange poison. Agent Orange affects future generations and it is still in the farmland in dangerous concentrations. Orange pain is excruciating.
And landmines – and if you take all the US people with their POW-MIA flags and industry who think Vietnam is over run everywhere with thousands of POWs … Surely the people running the scam know the U$, for the sake of their peace with “honor” program, agreed to 3.4 billion in war reparations, partly to free the POWs. I’m all of you know they never paid. Ross Perot mentioned it in his presidential campaign. In the ensuing years I’ve only heard one other TV appearing presence – whom I’ve forgotten – mention the subject. Imagine the strain of millions of POWs on their economy – LOL.
After almost 80-years I’m sure if Japan and the Japanese people wished to normalize relations with the United States that all this would come to pass.
I’m sure Lithuania feels the same way about Kaliningrad. [sarcasm]
As an American, I do get the impression that sometimes my government, along with the US diplomatic Core, and the US military resort to acting like it was the Japanese that nuked New York and San Francisco, whenever it suits their purposes. Politics. American politics. Government by the geriatrics and the crazies.
I don’t know any imperialistic Japanese. But I know plenty of ugly Americans — all of them professional politicians (Feinstein, Senator Mitchell McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters). Anybody between the ages of 65 and 70 needs to be shown the door. Professional US Politicians. Call them our Geriatric Core. That’s the real threat to our democracy (something else that does not exist because of the old folk).
We need term limits in both the Senate, the House of Representatives, and Congress. We need that more than some vague idea of “normalized relations” with the Japanese.
What you really need limits on the rich and the bureaucrat…give it all up! Take it all back! Send those for criminal accumulation to the gallows
The bureaucrats too: Grab Fauci…summary trial if you feel to be fair but he is not giving us that chance with his needles…then the gallows!
But where are the roiling youth, eager to go, to take over and change the world!!!???
The oldest president, the oldest Congress in history. I think the median age is 38.4 in the US. Our representatives should range a little on either side of that number. These spineless, spendthrift bastards have no skin in the game as regards our future. They have one foot in the grave and don’t care about a nuclear finish to existence. I also think their greed increases are due to the piss poor policies they cranked out like fiat money over the last few decades which may have impugned their own crime family’s profits somehow. – Back to the stats, there were three guys in Congress – now two as one of them thankfully died – who together had ‘served’ their constituents over 150 years.
«Politics. American politics. Government by the geriatrics and the crazies. […] Professional US Politicians. Call them our Geriatric Core. That’s the real threat to our democracy»
Actually the real threat to democracy is *voters*, not the politicians: many USA voters are even more corrupt and crazy and geriatric than the politicians they elect.
There is a large block of deeply corrupt middle aged and older voters who got ahead thanks to good unions wages and pensions, and to massive real estate inflation, and whose only political principle is “F*ck you! I got mine”, and vote for more fascism, more repression, bigger profits for finance and real estate. Actually of these affluent, upper-middle class hard-right voters there are two types: those who support gesture politics for LGBTQI+, and those for paleo culture gesture politics, but both are essentially cost-free to them in their McMansions with white-picket-fenced gardens, even if they create a lot of hot-air debate.
USA professional politicians just are very keep to represent that block, 20-30% of voters, who are aligned in their interests with the 1% and 0.1%.
PS: and the biggest strategic weakness of China-mainland (and it is already festering in China-TW) is that the same class of hard-right affluent petty investors has been created there, and most party members and I guess all party officials belong to it.
You had it right the first time, you don’t need term limits, you need age limits, most elderly don’t care about anything except themselves, and the system that supports them.
The legal age is 71, anything beyond that and the place goes at break neck speed to virtual war hell.
More likely this will be a repeat of the Ukraine scenario with America fighting China down to the last Japanese. It will result in the true birth of Eurasia as the long vassalized countries of the Asian south will either break free or sink with the rest of the rats.
I can’t see any other US policy other than doubling down and opening new fronts in this insane war.
The Ukraine thing was unusual in that the stooge #1 was both somewhat delusional AND in already hot water, thus ready to take risks — from where Zelensky was standing, it was a solution to his current problems: even if there will be a war, it will write off everything, and crushing the opposition becomes more enforceable.
The Japanese are very unlikely to have delusions about Uncle Sam coming to save them, and if offered a stupid deal like this, would only see a weakness.
Also, if an attempt at proxy war with China was on the table, it would happen already, over Taiwan.
My Japanese Zen and Shiatsu teacher believed firmly in Japanese nationalism, which confused me because I conflated that with Japanese militarism. He wanted the Japanese to write their own Constitution, rejecting the one written by the Americans. It took me awhile to learn the basis for his views and how correct he was. I believe there are many, many Japanese like Ryohu.
My Japanese Zen and Shiatsu teacher believed firmly in Japanese nationalism, which confused me because I conflated that with Japanese militarism. He wanted the Japanese to write their own Constitution, rejecting the one written by the Americans. It took me awhile to learn the basis for his views and how correct he was. I believe there are many, many Japanese like Yamada Sensei.
Will China forgive Japan’s Unit 731? Or the Nanking Massacre?
I was bought up in the UK, on stories of Japanese atrocities.
Both against Chinese civilians and Allied POWs.
This is relevant, as we hear of Ukrainian murder and torture of Russian POWs.
Japanese should be admired for their level of cowardice and I have no respect for them. In fact they deserve every bit of what americaans have done to them.
Agreed. Although I do love my Toyota :)
“You get what you deserve” is purely neo-liberalism. And Christian, not a new path, and passive aggressive jihad is still jihad.
Karma does not follow human morality. It’s no one’s personal vengeance machine.
Dear Mr. Pattberg ,
Living in the capital of Germany for 6 decades I read tgrough your lines with the impression that you mean Germany ….
Both countries share the same mentioning in the UN Charta as ” enemy countries” ( Feindstaaten) – both countries get – upon questioning these paragraphs ( there is 2 of them in the Charta) the same lying answer” that those paragraphs are old and no one requires them”. So why not delete them from the charter in the first place ?
Both countries DO UP TO THIS DATE HAVE to pay for the presence of their” hegemon”.
Both countries political and scientific personel have to go for ” studies” to the US of A – to get their admission as lackeys for the colonial master.
In BOTH countries the so called hegemon has cut out thousands of acres of land for military bases and other installations for “forever-use” in his “forever war2, fullfilling his ” full spectrum dominace”.
Both countries got never ending occupation.
As are all the other countries that – though not mentioned as “Feindstaaten” in the UN Charta – had the naiveté to allow for a US military presence.
The US hat 1084 military bases in 176 countries worldwide.
As the Okinawans – we Germany know that me NEVER shall get Ramstein returned to demilitarize it and have that land for our own.
Though that might change at least in Germany : as the German populace now only consists of about 59 million Germans – the rest up to the official 84,3 million is made up of foreigners , namely those from North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, Pakistan and other countries.
Those fellas even do express their views on the US in GER very loud these days. Even unasked – at least here in Berlin.
With the illegal influx of arms from the Ukraine one possible scenario may be that those bases experience the rage of those refugees whose countries the US had destroyed and abused GER for a receptacle for the migrants wave the US had produced.
The hatred the oligarchic so called Leadership in the US ( the indispensable nation ( Obama)) has for anything other than them selves is nothing other than pure satanism.
best from Berlin
Can you please do analysis of South Korea? This would be eye-opening for any Southeast Asian nations enamored with the “liberal west.”
«Can you please do analysis of South Korea? This would be eye-opening for any Southeast Asian nations enamored with the “liberal west.”»
By watching several historical and “alternate history” popular TV series from Korea-south I get some messages, not surprising:
* Loathing of the japanese, because of the nasty japanese invasions.
* Resentment of USA occupation and because of their steely opposition to korean reunification (a reunified Korea could be even more powerful and independent than Japan, and the USA don’t want to take that risk).
* A weary respect of the chinese state, as there have been period of chinese “overlordship” and viceversa periods of korean expansion in northern China-mainland.
I think that in “realpolitik” the koreans should choose the lesser evil and aim in the long term to achieve reunification by switching to chinese “protection”.
The USA, and also China, Japan, Russia do not want Korea to be reunited, unless as their satellite, and it is going to be either the USA or China (Korea will never accept japanese “protection”, and China will never accept russian influence in Korea). Perhaps the best long term outcome for Korea would be to be mostly allied to the chinese with a strong russian presence.
Full independence is not achievable in the era of continental powers, smaller states can only choose, if they are so lucky, whose “co-prosperity sphere” to belong to. As the russians say, you have to have a “roof”.
Until and unless the empire fails, Japan will continue it’s vassal existence. The price of sovereignty is very high in blood, Russia, China and very few others paid dearly for it, but it does have sovereign to show for it. Others, not so much.
The Japanese, once a proud and warlike samurai people have degenerated into Mikey Mouse idiots. What a shame. It’s time for the Japanese to remember their culture and past and kick the Yankee assholes off their island.
I understand the feelings behind this essay and am aware of many of the facts behind it. However, as presented, both the feelings and the facts are overwrought, hyperbolic. There’s so much to point out and I do not want to take time to do that. The writer has something besides Japan’s condition tickling his or her nose. A calm, sober look at the facts before writing would help what should happen, a complete rewrite, sans the enmity.
Author get some things rights but key things wrong.
Asia for Asians. It’s been said for over a century now.
But the sickness that prevents Asian unity can also been seen in India, S Korea, and yes Taiwan.
Asia for Asians doesn’t exist because many Asian “countries” are forged through colonialism. India is prime example. They want to be imperialists themselves. Few country – other than China through BRI – is really for helping Asians as a whole. But BRI is not really about Asia per se: it’s about unifying the world through trade – without the political baggage of Western liberalism.
Asia is a misnomer. It’s a figment of imagination. It’s a Western term without meaning that match reality – physical or cultural.
I know very little about Japan or Asia. I’ve never been there. Once in a train from Prague to Berlin, I had a conversation with a Japanese student and her mother. The girl said she found it absolutely bewildering when people in Gernany would refer to her as “Asian”. I’m absolutely not Asian, she said. I’m Japanese. It was perfectly clear to me. The notion of “Asian” is absurd. But such meaningless categories as “European” or even “Asian” have been introduced into the thinking of many people.
The US is on it’s way out and soon will no longer be able to keep it’s woke military of drug addicts, lesbians, trannies and purple haired freaks in Japan and Korea. The US might have fancy weapons, but you need smart, fast learning troops to be able to man and operate advanced weapons, the US doesn’t have these people any more in the large numbers that are needed to keep up an advanced military. This is clearly manifest with the large number of “accidents” that are happening. We only hear about the ones that the US military can’t cover up like the US Connecticut hitting “an unknown object” in the South China Sea last October. The F-35 still barely works after the billions that have been spent on it and who knows how many other weapons systems barely work or flat-out don’t work are out there. The US military and government just pretends that nothing is wrong and keeps on acting like it’s 1962 when they truly did dominate the world. The emperor truly has no clothes and can be seen by any that are willing to look.
This is a German writing this article?? If so, he needs to understand how the US Hegemony has operated around the world for decades, because Uncle Sam is going after all West European nations.
First: the US goes into Japan, or Latin America, etc. and tells their wealthy business people & politicians, “We have a guaranteed method by which you’ll grow exceedingly Rich.”
How? The US Hegemony will provide massive IMF loans to you, but in return, you will have to Heavily Reduce your “labor costs” and all Social Services: health, etc.
Secondly, this will give the US Hegemony, the right to exploit your land and all scoop up your mineral reserves, etc. along with some of your food crops. In return, we will keep sending bribery $$, you’ll be able to export what’s left, while in that process you’ll be able to join the US Financial Center and make 10x the profits.
End result: the few wealthy businesses, families, politicians become Very Wealthy off the backs of several million of your own citizens.
Today, after decades of doing that, along with the highly corrupt Fed/Wall Streeters stealing us blind, the US Hegemony is starting to wobble.
Solution for the Hegemony: establish sanctions against Russia, that will disable Germany’s industrial base, all the while ensuring the Super Wealthy in Germany/Others with even greater access to the US Financial Markets.
End result for Western European nations: severely depress multiple millions of jobs, public health care/pensions.
The big winners: the US Financial Markets & thousands of Wealthy Europeans.
That is what this German is facing.
Been there. Done that.
It was called the Weimar Republic (officially Deutsches Reich, according to wikipedia).
Grinding poverty. Hopelessness population. Misery incarnate. Waiting restlessly for an exciting demagogue to obey. Ready to go wherever he and his anglo-american paymasters send them.
Probably across Poland to Moskva, again.
«End result: the few wealthy businesses, families, politicians become Very Wealthy off the backs of several million of your own citizens.»
On that scale it happens only in resource-rich, backward states like Nigeria or Saudi Arabia or South American states.
In most developed “first world” states the USA formula is to include the upper-middle classes in their scheme, not just “the few wealthy”, that is 20-40% of the voters, thanks to booming real estate and stock prices. Same as in the USA, of course.
This large block of “F*ck you! I got mine” voters are very loyal to their USA overlords, they love that the USA protect them from “socialism” within and without, and that the USA Treasury and FedRes protect and boost their massive real estate and share profits, as well as improving the “affordability” of the cleaners, gardeners, waiters, etc. who serve them, thanks to “labor market reform” and “globalization”.
Independence for them is just an abstract thing, compared to their living standards, especially when the costs of USA “protection” are paid for by the 60-80% of “sore losers” rather than themselves.
«The big winners: the US Financial Markets & thousands of Wealthy Europeans. That is what this German is facing.»
In the specific german case it is pretty clear what is going on: those who are benefiting are the almost-wholly-german upper and upper-middle classes, and even the lower-middle classes. They live peaceful, florid lifestyles in their large flats or houses, with very low “historical” rents, work in secure, decent, well-paid desk or skilled factory jobs, enjoy good social welfare and the services of a developed economy. I have read a description of Germany as “Greater Switzerland”.
But that applies only to the 75% of germans, and even more so to the west-germans. Essentially all the costs of german neoliberalism have fallen on the 25% of residents and citizens of foreign origin: they struggle in nasty, insecure, poorly paid mini-jobs, live several to a room in small flats from which german middle-class landlords extract massive profits.
That was indeed the purpose of the Hartz reforms: to create two layers of society, protecting “insiders” in the “good economy”, mostly german voters with vested privileges, at the expense of “outsiders” in the “bad economy”, mostly foreign immigrants, in preparation for the massive immigrant flows that were planned to follow the Hartz reforms. The current problem is that young ethnic germans are mostly treated the same as foreign immigrants, because they have a similar profile.
The same happened in the USA and UK, but with an important difference: in the UK the lower middle classes, not just the working class and the underclass, have been put in the “bad economy” layer, so instead of 65-75% of the voters being “insiders”, only 20-40% of voters are insiders. I suspect because USA and UK have a FPTP voting system that rewards huge but necessarily majoritarian blocks of voters.
Yes Japan has been in a somewhat difficult position since 1945 on autonomous matters.
But for decades since then it did not have to annually pay for defense and many US trade contracts built up its economy.
But it was also in a worse position before 1945 due to the lack of firm trade agreements with reliable suppliers to ensure it got the food and other resources its needs.
It has many of its mass production industrial plants in China and elsewhere, even places like Slovakia.
So what bigger game plan could it really want given the recent and current world situation ?
Excellent column, makes great sense to me.
The japanese imperial armies comitted many terrible attrocities and genocidal war crimes on the people of the territories they invaded. I have zero sympathy for their position.
Japan and Germany were once very evil until they became ruled by an even bigger evil, the USA.
I do not believe it is a coincidence that these evil nations are in the same group. They are all sharks, with the biggest shark swolling up all the other sharks. No offense to God’s beautiful animal, the shark.
I have zero sympathy for any of these nations, and they all deserve each other.
May God protect the forces of good, the forces of freedom, the forces of civilization, from these evil nations until they destroy themselves.
I dunno. Does a loving God want to see nations be destroyed? Does He play favorites?
Whatever good befalls you is from Allah and whatever evil befalls you is from yourself.
Commodore Perry smiles. Ironic, truly, that though Japan and South Korea are subjects of USA, Inc. so are the 50 states of the American Union. Wealth extraction from all feeds a network of global control which in 2011 comprised 4 corporations holding control of 147 companies whom in turn controlled thousands of more.
“America wanted Japan’s everything, including war reparations, gold reserves, manufacturing and services”.
Not forgetting also the data gathered in ghastly experiments on live Chinese and Soviet prisoners:
Memos Say U.S. Hid Japanese War Crime
BY SAM ENRIQUEZ, Los Angela’s Times Staff Writer
DEC. 18, 1988 12 AM PT
??? Japan lost its sovereignty after ww2 defeat… there was a blip of illusion in the 1980’s..but that soon passed.
After WW2 Japan rebuilt its industries and through the quality of their workers and the good judgements on what industries to propagate it became prosperous. By the 80s its manufactures in cars cameras, electronics had become world class. They even weathered the 70s oil price shoka. Then came the 80s American forced economic Plaza accords that set their economy onto 40 years of economic stagnation. I agree with the basic thesis of the article but the tone sets me off. Much of the general population of Japan was not aligned with the increasing militarism that set off the Japanese conquests of Asia. Japan had starting in the 20s with the assassinations of progressive politicians came under the rule of the militarists. Much like the US with the assassinations of the progressive leaders in the 60s and its military Keynesnyism. Both Japan and Germany need to break loose from the American Empire domination.
Lap dogs bitting each other for a pat from master’s hand, how petty that is.
Princes of the Yen, Prof.Richard Werner.
Russia right now is fighting against the might of the US dollar. Who supports the US dollar the most? Why those “independent” central banks all owned by the same individuals across the globe that’s who. Those central banks keep the dollar on artificial life support. Then we have those countries supporting the US dollar by buying US securities and whatnot. The biggest on these is still Japan, followed by …. drum roll … China. So apart from the central banks, the biggest dollar supporters out there are Japan and China.
Securities are not dollars, nor pseudo-dollars, unless they can only be sold at a fixed price in USD.
What kept the US dollar on life support was Petrodollar. Petrodollar in turn mostly relied on US Navy being able to spank anyone breaking it, like Saddam, and massive Fifth Column paralyzing anyone they couldn’t easily stop with bombs.
But now Petrodollar is more dead than alive. So the Fed goes through some frantic motions that people with clue don’t expect to fix anything. For example:
The same could be said about South Korea.
I’ve found this article on how Japan industrialized South Korea to be an interesting and enlightening (if lengthy) read. Japan is why South Korea succeeded, and there is no Japan for the Ukraine in sight.
Thank you. That was an interesting article.
I can’t say I agree with most of his analysis. He critiques the work of Alexey Kusch and I probably agree more with what Kusch says in the original essay. I don’t think it’s either / or. Both Japanese investment AND the economic nationalism policies of Park Chung-hee established a firm industrial base. Japanese investment supported those policies, intentionally or unintentionally.
It is true that Japan played a large role in the 1960s-1980s but Japan has been messing around in Korea for so long. Those two countries have the same sort of love hate relationship as European countries that fought each other bitterly in wars. That period was also the most exploitative of Korean labour and really entrenched the power of the Chaebols.
Since the early 1990s, it is China rather than Japan which has played a crucial role for SK: He also glosses over how the chaos created by the IMF came to a boiling point in 1997 and was a real wake up call for SK. Those events have led to the renewed SK we see today but one that now has so many internal tensions.
The Korean media under orders from NATO is constantly stirring up Sinophobia but when it comes to real people there is a whole lot of cultural, social and economic interaction between SK and China. Koreans have been brainwashed to revere everything European or American to make it big but the real entrepreneurs focus on China.
Right now I see SK as quite similar to most NATO countries: the government and media don’t represent the interests of the bottom 90%.
But thanks for the article; it has useful opinions and references.
«It must, however, want it badly enough—and there are no signs of it as yet. India was ruled by England for 200 years. Hong Kong was a British colony for 156 years. Japan has been a US colony for 77 years now,»
And that is what happens to those states that are defeated in a major war. In WW2 the USA defeated and occupied Italy, Germany, Japan, the UK, Benelux, because it could build 151 aircraft carriers and a million fighter planes in a few years. “Ubi major minor cessat”.
And it is not “colony”, USA suzerainty over their vassals is a lot less oppressive than colonial sovereignty, especially for more developed, less resource rich countries, that are left to largely govern themselves in domestic affairs. The japanese elites before WW2 had created a far nastier colonial empire than the USA suzerainty they have to submit to now.
Also while colonial powers usually eliminate the local ruling classes to achieve complete control and looting of all the profits of a state, the USA usually let the local elites of their vassal in place, suitably “normalized” of course, and extract only a share of the loot, and “protect” the local elites from socialism and sometimes their neighbours.
Some of these eslites have learned how to push back, for example the japanese elites have learned how profitable and easy it is to “sponsors” USA politicians, and are the major competitors to the middle eastern elites in that.
«Also while colonial powers usually eliminate the local ruling classes to achieve complete control and looting of all the profits of a state, the USA usually let the local elites of their vassal in place»
In various mixtures, for example the spanish and portuguese usually eliminated local ruling classes, but with exceptions, for example in Mexico they eliminated the aztec/mexica one, but being allied to the Tlaxcalans they respected their autonomy for several centuries.
«The fact that Japan was tortured and abused for so long nearly made it impossible for China and others to engage with Japan without a US embargo. It is as if the USA, with some bloody baseball bat in hand, ordered Japan: “Don’t speak with the Chinese!” Accordingly, nobody in Japan speaks Chinese. Even if it’s your 1.4 billion people neighbor. Kids don’t learn the language in school.»
To blame that on the USA is ridiculous: to me it seems just japanese sense of cultural superiority towards people they have attacked and invaded for a very long time.
Conversely even if they were japanese colonies for decades, many business people from south Korea, China-Taiwan, China-mainland, etc. learn to speak japanese, because of offshoring from Japan, or because they need japanese supplies.
But of course that is changing, China and mandarin are the new centers.
” To blame that on the USA is ridiculous: to me it seems just japanese sense of cultural superiority towards people they have attacked and invaded for a very long time. ”
I don’t know a thing about Japan and have never been there. But let’s make a comparison with Germany. Few people learn Russian. English, on the other hand, is compulsory. Such a situation is not the product of coincidence or of “market forces”, although the latter clearly play a role. It is a deliberate policy that has been enforced for decades. It leads to a self-confirming situation.
A friend of mine failed the state exam as a teacher in Germany because he pointed out during the exam that, by introducing the Marshall plan, the USA, to a certain degree, pursued their very own economic interest. And that is a factual statement. (The common notion is that somehow generous aid was gifted to Europe, when in reality nothing was gifted, the money had to be spent mostly on American goods, and everything had to be paid back.) Although the statement was accurate, the examinator didn’t like it as it didn’t fit his pro-American world view. So thumbs down and failure for my friend.
«But let’s make a comparison with Germany. Few people learn Russian. English, on the other hand, is compulsory. Such a situation is not the product of coincidence or of “market forces”, although the latter clearly play a role.»
In part, there is the example of The Gambia and Senegal”: The Gambia is a tiny sliver of land around the Gambia river that is english speaking and Senegal which completely surrounds it is french speaking, because of their colonial pasts. Of course in being occupied by a greater power it is an advantage to speak the language of that greater power, but there is a huge difference between The Gambia and Senegal and Germany. And there is the example of the Democratic German Republic: lots of people learned russian instead of english.
But that is by far not the big deal, the big deals are:
* English was/is already spoken in a large part of the world, because The Gambia was far from the only colony of the english. Before English the common tongue of educated western people was french, before that italian, and before that latin and before that greek, and before that akkadian, and before that sumerian (which like latin survived in a written form for a thousand years after the fall of Sumeria, so great it was its importance).
* After WW2 there was a so-called “dollar shortage”: to get anything to sustain life one had to buy it from the USA (or Latin America), and pay in dollars, which were scarce because the devastated countries of Europe and Asia had very little to export. There was intense pressure to learn english to export to the USA whatever could be exported or to emigrate to the USA.
* After Reagan it has been USA (and UK) policy to offshore jobs as much as possible, and to open up immigration, and in both cases knowing the language of your main customers is very advantageous.
Compare with russian: the Russian Federation and russian-speaking territories are much, much smaller and usually poorer markets than english-speaking territories, starting with the USA. There are also many many territories that speak spanish or french, but they are usually poor, so not many people bother to learn them to do business with them.
Not many people want to emigrate to Senegal or Belarus or Peru as opposed to the USA or UK or Australia.
The people in the Democratic German Republic who learnt russian did so not just because they were subject to USSR suzerainty, but because that’s also where the markets that were open to them were.
Nowadays of a lot of people in the EU are learning german, because that’s where the jobs and the business opportunities are. A saying in German is “If we are selling to you, we speak whatever language you want. If we are buying from you, we speak german”.
I regret ending my german courses because if I did speak german I would have the option of getting a significantly better job in Germany in my profession.
Wow Blissex. No English is not a first language in Gambia and French is not a first language in Senegal.
They have indigenous languages that they are proud of. I grew up in a colony, English, and I tell you now we did not speak their language as a choice. We spoke our indigenous languages and we learned those at school, and English as well, as well as another language.
People these days speak more than one language as a rule. If you trade with others, you learn their language, and they learn yours or you use interpreters.
Europe and Japan are in a heated competition over who can commit economic hara-kiri first, in order to serve their American Master and its war to “defend democracy” in the Ukraine.
So far, Europe is winning. But Japan will surely catch up.
Germany’s Union Head Warns of Collapse of Entire Industries
As if they had a chance. Guns are forbidden, the public is idiotized beyond belief in ecchi and kawaii perpetual childhood/emasculating imbecility, anime/manga heroes teach young ones that “manliness” means to be stupid, violent, imprudent and rude, and that homosexuality is cool and favored by equally stupid girls.
Last time a country really, I mean really fought an occupation with no outside help, might be Dominicans who took years to expel the Haitian invaders using an extremely secret and decentralized organization and clever guerrilla warfare. None of that is possible withing japanese culture. They are raised as emasculate or at the best passive/aggressive sheep, their rare moments of bravery are impulsive, sudden, imprudent, disorganized.
The only hope for Japan is, sadly, the complete collapse of the US empire and being prepared for that moment.
I am sure that if Japan decide to walk independently again, China and Russia could help it in the issue. Come on Japan, free yourself!!!!
77 years since the end of World War II and the most hypocritical nation in the history of the human species continues to punish the children and the grandchildren, and the great-grandchildren of the generation that actually fought in the war, who are all long since dead. They are guiltless and always have been, but they are being made to pay the fine with an American jackboot on their necks. US out of the Far East!!
When will America pay the fine for its genocide of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries?
Japan has brought its own situation unto itself. It was a horrible little nation that was excessively unkind to its neighbors for centuries. It was given the stern “kindness” of being welcomed into the modern world with a stick, the stick it needed to become civilized, the stick it asked for. Its still highly racist and suffers from an arrogance that is part of its DNA it appears. It is a friend that one should always be suspicious of, as perhaps are most nations. If America has thrall over them, then they should count themselves fortunate in view of the monsters that surround it. They still have great command over their destiny, how do they want to negotiate it. There are bad players inside its borders that match the ones that prey upon it.