Dear friends

First, a few quick announcements:

  • We currently have 79 participants signed up for the Christian Vignettes
  • This is NOT a closed list, newcomers can apply until the group becomes unmanageably too big (and we are not there yet!)
  • One user entered a bad email or had a full email inbox.  All others should, by now, have received their credentials to sign in and participate in the discussion
  • In the Christian Vignette #1 we had a total of eight different members (besides myself) posting comments which is not bad for a first one, but that also means that 70 members either chose to lurk (which is fine!!), or missed the post (which is also fine) or had nothing to say (which is fine too).  However, I do hope for more active participation and I hope for discussions between participants.
  • If you encounter any problems registering or signing in, please contact Herb at . Do not, repeat, NOT!!!! contact me about such issues!!!

On current events:

It is now pretty obvious that, if anything, I did not exaggerate anything in my (now in-)famous “Will Afghanistan turn out to be US imperialism’s “Last Gleaming”?” article.  Now with so much more coming out, we find out that the reality of what took place was even worse, more shameful, more disgusting and more ridiculous than anything I had mentioned.

The pace of decay of both the Empire and the USA is very rapidly quickening and reminds me of a Jim Jones in Guyana kind of mass suicide, just slower, but no less deadly.

Here is the sad but undeniable truth: if your head is in the sand, your butt is in the air.

I will just add that a lot of the current butt-pain could have been avoided if US Americans were not so darn sure that they are the best at everything by definition, axiomatically.

For a while, delusion does work.  But sooner or later, reality will inevitable come back and bite your butt very, very hard.  For the alternatively gifted, I will say that often stuff which begin in a fun circle end up in a painful cluster (fill the blanks in your head please, not in the comments section!).

Frankly, I am not interested by internal US politics anyway, and neither am I interested in which of the five stages of grief many (most?) US Americans are going through right now.

Until at least most of them reach the “acceptance” phase, they are really best left alone, both for their and our sake.

I wish all those who celebrate the US Labor Day a very fun, joy filled and peaceful day!



PS: as promised, I leave with with some music.  Raphael Rabello and Marisa Monte.  Enjoy!!