by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV
The idea that Donald J. Trump could be (even the guy cleaning up behind the horse of) a white knight acting in favor of integrity is laughable, hypocritical and certainly controversial, but that is what a disaster United States political culture truly is.
The man who has been nationally lampooned as a rich buffoon and denigrated as a real estate shark for decades prior to 2016 is now being held up by half the country as a moral leader and living “founding father”. In the American context these persons may somehow even be proven somewhat right, but that is what a disaster United States political culture truly is.
Since the November 3rd vote we’ve all been asking: Where’s Donald? Only future historians can tell us if Trump was right to wait a month before finally formally declaring that he would litigate in order to ensure a judicial verification of a highly- and long-disputed vote. That’s a long time for moral reflection, but in the context of today’s hyper-hyper-polarised US politics it’s been half a lifetime.
In the disputed election of 2000 Al Gore conceded, allegedly for the good of the country, on December 13th – the day before the Electoral College voted that year. This year the College must also cast their ballot on December 14th. On December 2nd Trump gave a 45-minute speech in which he promised to not concede, also allegedly for the good of the country.
What Trump’s speech means is that the US constitution insists that the nation’s political drama is about to explode.
Probably even sooner than December 14: December 8th is known as the “safe harbor” date, because all states must have resolved their disputes by then. Justified or not, they do not currently appear to be resolved satisfactorily for scores of millions of Americans.
For the average Bidenite the blinders are completely on – perhaps they never even could see anything “over there” in Trumpland, which for some reason is a foreign country to many Bidenites. They insist that, “It’s over”. That’s fine – nobody is paying them to give objective, hard-news, daily journalism. They’re free to editorialise all they want. However, saying, “It’s over, Biden won,” is gypsy future-telling, a way to censor political conversation and it also ignores the historical gravity of Trump’s speech – this election is not “over” in any sort of historically-normal way whatsoever: What US election has ever been “over” like this?
Maybe Trump’s speech will deserve to be ignored in the history books? Maybe it will go down as the day history was changed? As this is my editorial I’m entitled to make whatever wild prediction I like, but I’d rather use it to point out just how badly my US journalist colleagues are performing at the craft (not profession) of journalism.
It was certainly quite a speech, indeed
The sitting US president publicly blasted the nation’s electoral process as having allowed, “fraud and abuse to occur on a scale never seen before”.
To my American journalist colleagues: that’s news.
Countless top American journalists refused to report on it. I’ll pass on a couple highlights:
“As president I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the constitution of the United States,” said Trump, relating a political fact. “That is why I’m determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege,” said Trump, making a claim for which he’ll have to provide overwhelming evidence, and quickly. “This is not just about honouring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me – it’s about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections,” said Trump, in a statement which is seen in America as either patriotism or shameless partisan duplicity.
Trump listed a litany of alleged offences made across the country and claimed to have massive amounts of evidence to support him – these claims will have to be decided in court, definitively. Initially, however, they are decided in the court of public opinion.
However, the problem here is that US corporate media (and the tiny amount of state media) was so flagrantly biased against Trump’s speech that we probably can’t find 12 untainted people to fill a jury for one the many, many trials Trump seems to demand.
“Acting crazy”, “Propaganda”, “My God, He’s Completely Insane” – this all journalistically-false but very real headlines from the very top US media. This is truly treatment reserved for foreign leaders who are currently threatening war on your country, not your own president.
Amazingly, CNN wouldn’t even air the speech. Is that the last pound on the head of the 2016-begun nail in the coffin for viewing them as “America’s television media of record”? The problem is: what other US corporate entity is a better alternative?
The reason I – for the first time – feel comfortable using the term “civil war” to describe the modern US is: 74 million Trump voters may now see themselves as being attacked and violated. Any sober analysis shows that the November 3rd vote (like it or not) was a concretisation and not a repudiation of “Trumpism” – they prevailed at the state legislative and executive levels, they made gains in the House of Representatives, they will likely hold on to Senate, judges at both the Supreme Court and local level are dominated by conservatives – they won everywhere but the US presidency, in fact. Therefore, anyone with a sense of fair play and tolerance realises that they deserve to be taken seriously; anyone with a survival instinct may realise that trying to push them around may find that they are quickly outnumbered in many areas.
But media opinion and public opinion don’t have any real weight in court. However, a fatal mistake often being made abroad is assuming that US public opinion is as anti-Trump as media opinion is. One merely needs to refer to the November 3rd results to see how incorrect that idea is. Seventy-four million Trumpers do have their media, but it is certainly not read outside of the US and must be searched for domestically.
One doesn’t have to like Trump or Trumpism, but calling them all “insane” is a way to start a fight, no?
I have never given much credence to the idea that the US is going to explode in election-related violence – above all, this was a sensationalistic US media ploy to demonise Trumpism, to distract from real issues, to get ratings and to increase Democratic turnout – but the events of this week definitely push the US further along that path. It is still very far off, I must add.
Conclusion: the current state of two different battles – the electoral and the cultural
Electorally: I am not going to waste your time by falsely claiming all of Trump’s allegations have either no merit or much merit – only a hysterical partisan is doing that. We should assume that those making false election claims in court will be punished for daring to make false claims.
I will note that I don’t believe US elections can withstand serious scrutiny, and that they were repeatedly ranked by places like Harvard as the worst of the core Western democracies. Allegations of widespread voter fraud – like here in Chicago – laughingly go back to the time of Kennedy, and all Americans know this.
On the other hand, I also note that if Joe Biden’s projected victory is reversed due to proven election fraud this would be not just a “once in a century” story but even more astounding than even that, in the American context. I’m not one to bet on the longest of long shots, unless I feel like wasting some money.
Anyway, that is all just journalistic hot air: courts have to decide on evidence, which is allegedly not all presented – we should not declare prematurely. After Gore conceded prematurely they found that 14% of African-American Floridians had their ballots questionably tossed – that’s not exactly “voter fraud”, but it certainly does render the 2000 American presidential results “fraudulent”.
Nobody here cares about though, strangely? Maybe not even African-American Floridians?
Maybe it’s the media, which now includes the appallingly censorious Twitter and Facebook?
But the inexorable, oppressive, inescapable (and undoubtedly pro-Bidenite) mantra here is “we need to quickly move on”, exactly as it was in America exactly 20 years ago.
Since 2000 nothing is learned; nothing is paid for; no reparations are given; no apologies are made; if America does it or wants it no rules apply because everything they do is exceptional, but only because they live in a vacuum divorced from history and just consequences.
Electorally: The rest of the world is advised to keep waiting – who knows what whims an imperial hegemon will take?
Culturally: I believe it might somewhat explode here given the content of Trump’s speech, the seeming impossibility of coordinating a proper & broadly-accepted judicial review of the vote before the upcoming Electoral College procedures (these dates are prescribed in the US Constitution and would require an already do-nothing Congress to modify), as well as the total war against it from the US media class.
But the math is simple: Two-thirds of the country voted. That means one-third of the country doesn’t care and probably wants it over. One third went to Biden. So it’s fair to guess that for almost 70% of the voting eligible population, “It’s over”. Really. Any talk of civil war must include this endemic American apathy, caused by the atrociousness inequality of their antiquated and aristocratic system, which implicitly sides with the status quo in its irresponsible sloth.
A reversal of Biden’s projected win implies, as I wrote, something of a revolution. In history civil wars have been launched by one-third of the population, but winning them without recourse to secession is certainly rare, and a change installed by only one-third of the population is not a revolution at all. Certainly, any Trumper “explosion” would have to be entirely grassroots, as the media wouldn’t cover it any more than they covered Trump’s historic speech, and it would have to be nearly clandestine, as Facebook and Twitter are now so incredibly and heavily censored. Finally, the US is imperialist and thus there is no revolution possible at all – Trumper or otherwise – they are barely able to have a functioning “democracy with imperialist characteristics”.
I can report that despite what a disaster United States political culture truly is the US system – like it or not – certainly seems to be democratically supported by the (highly propagandised) majority, therefore the world is obligated to respect its processes and results.
The problem for the entire world is that many inside the US do not or will not support the processes surrounding this 2020 presidential election, and that implies either broken processes or a broken culture.
When the imperial hegemon’s culture is broken that is either cause for concern or celebration, depending on your class. And maybe the US is not broken, but just breaking?
Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism not merely a cult (1/2) – November 5, 2020
Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism not merely a cult (2/2) – November 6, 2020
4 years of anti-Trumpism shaping MSM vote coverage, but expect long fight – November 7, 2020
US partitioned by 2 presidents: worst-case election scenario realized – November 9, 2020
A 2nd term is his if he really wants it, but how deep is Trump’s ‘Trumpism’? – November 10, 2020
CNN’s Jake Tapper: The overseer keeping all journalists in line (1/2) – November 13, 2020
‘Bidenism’ domestically: no free press, no lawyer, one-party state? (2/2) – November 15, 2020
Where’s Donald? When 40% of voters cry ‘fraud’ you’ve got a big problem – November 17, 2020
The 4-year (neoliberal) radicalisation of US media & Bidenites’ ‘unradical radicalism’ – November 22, 2020
80% of US partisan losers think the last 2 elections were stolen – December 3, 2020
Ramin Mazaheri is currently covering the US elections. He is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’ as well as ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’, which is also available in simplified and traditional Chinese.
When you have over 50% of the population in a poll that state that this government no long works for them what can one expect and the corruption goes clear back to Jefferson so its no new kid on the block. We turned the high court into a political arena where it never should have been and then cry that the system don’t work anymore, a system that never worked anyway as they ruled that deep pockets can fork over all they want to make sure their boy gets elected. The countries toast live with it for it’s not going to change just because Trump states that the vote was corrupt just a lot of hot air in the wind, a little more attention before he has to leave and leave he will for his masters dictate so.!!!!
At times like these I find it helpful to recall the immortal words of the musician Frank Zappa; “The American system of political elections is a function of the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.” The expectation that it can possibly be free from multiple layers of profound corruption is itself part of that “entertainment.”
It is all designed to keep the real world out. That however is the place from which Ramin is writing.
Reputedly… Zappa’s father was a senior participant in the chemical warfare division of the military-industrial complex.
His dad bought all manner of strange things home including mercury that would gather dust on Frankie’s floor. I know his dad was experimented on pretty frequently with drugs. He needed the money.
Chemical warfare in the Vietnam war.
Ramin Mazaheri has lived in France since 2009.
He is the author of “Socialism’s Ignored Success” And “Ending Western Propaganda on Red China”.
Ramin Wrote:
1) This is my editorial I’m entitled to make whatever wild prediction I like.
2) The idea that Donald J. Trump could be even the guy cleaning up behind the horse of a white knight acting in favor of integrity is laughable, hypocritical and controversial,
3) Trump has been nationally lampooned as a rich buffoon
4) Trump has been denigrated as a real estate shark for decades.
5) The problem is that +75 million Americans do not accept the outcome of this 2020 presidential election, and will not concede to the Globalist MSM declared winner.
In Denmark we have an old saying; if you don’t have some constructive or intelligent to say or write:
Then keep silent. President Putin apparently knows and lives by this proverb (He must be of Viking origin).
The Author don’t.
One thing the Author, the western MSM and many foreigners do not understand, is the rebel spirit and resolve ingrained in all the American Fly over states. The more than 75 million Americans sidelined by voter fraud.
The reason is that city Dwellers to not fathom what is going on in fly over countries, when one is living in
Gay Paris.
The fly over people are the backbone of America, creating the basis of existence, for all the city dwellers living in both the east and west coast cities, including the swamp in Washington.
The fly over people are the ones keeping the US wheels turning, and are the most heavily armed civilian force on the planet of the earth.
Their forefather’s fled the slavery of the Dynastic European Elite. They left Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, England, and Italy to live free in America. Their forefathers rebelled against the re-enslavement in their new found freedom, by Old Europe (Britain and France).
Their forefathers fought the American Revolution, and created the constitutional America we know today.
I have family relatives living in America today, so I know their spirit.
These people´s entire family history, their religion, and existence are totally ingrained with the American Constitution, and they will not go silently into the night, now that their constitution has been violated and their existence is threatened.
They will not flee west once again (to Russia?) or bow down to the swamp. They will rebel once again against what they regard as a new attack from the same Old Elite, who has terrorized the entire Globe for centuries, including their homeland on 9/11.
If the Globalist do not concede the 2020 election.
All supplies (Electricity, Gas, Transportation, and food) to City dwellers going through millions of miles of Fly over states, will be targeted by sabotage.
The Fly over people has plenty of local supply of Food, water, and Heating to survive a dark winter.
By now they have loaded up on Arms and ammunition, and they have plenty of time during a dark winter to go operational while wearing masks, before the spring seeding.
The City dwellers have 3 days, before the stores are empty. And neither the de-funded Police, nor the National Guard protecting the WH, nor the US military personnel who was defrauded from their mail in votes, will lift a finger to save the city dwellers. Many more million Americans will starve and freeze to death than the COVID has ever killed.
This scenario places a heavy burden on the SCOTUS and Congress to come to the right conclusion.
If they don’t, it will launch the Dark Winter the Global Elite has foretold.
Thank you for your comment.
The first thing I said after I read this article is, “you can tell this guy lives in France”
He does not have a clue.
An excellent and thought-provoking essay. I hope you continue to write about these events. Your craft, indeed.
My suspicion is that the coordinated interests behind the facade seek to fracture this society into rubble. That would result for sure if the system allowed 4 more years of President Trump. It should be well underway by the 20th anniv. of the NYC operation. Think of the Manhattan on 9/12. Like Tad Kaczyinki, they take pride in their works.
“My suspicion is that the coordinated interests behind the facade seek to fracture this society into rubble.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Here’s something from one of the real perps of 9/11…
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” – Benjamin Netanyahu
Trump’s only hope at this point is a redo of 9/11 before January 20th. This time it will be blamed on Iran instead of the Arabs. It might be a false-flag attack on a US asset in the Middle East, who knows? It will be the pretext that he needs to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. These special powers will be available to him under the USA Patriot Act. He’s already packed the Pentagon with yes-men in preparation. Pompeo and Netanyahu have had covert talks with Mohammed bin Salman in just the last couple of weeks. Something’s up and it doesn’t look good for the USA.
Satire: (or is it?) Trump Declares Martial Law: The internet has amplified and changed communication. To tell the truth might create an epistemological problems of such magnitude as to load the logical and semantic resources of the English language with a burden that it is not reasonably expected to bear.
That the US can throw up two ignorant, half educated bumbling liars to run for the highest office in the land only confirms the devolution of that society. A short video with a shock ending …
The USA Patriot Act is similar in many ways to the German Enabling Act of 1933. It followed on the heels of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which had already abolished most civil liberties in Germany. The combined effect of the two laws was to transform Hitler’s government into a legal dictatorship. You have to ask yourself at this point, what will Trump’s Reichstag fire be? I’m guessing Israel is working on something big and it will happen before January 20th.
The Israelis owe Trump, that’s for sure.
Tommy Apeiron:
Gen Flynn “may” be at work on the scenario which you describe-not sure how embeded he is with Niten but it is certainly plausible:
Seems like the Trumpsters on this site would like nothing better than for Trump to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and turn the USA into some kind of Christian-Zionist theocracy. Trump would then be their ticket to the Rapture when we attack Iran and Russia. Don’t say it couldn’t happen.
Tommy Aperion
Yep, Netanyahu is always working on something, especially something related to Iran.
I am full aware of the Scenario you describe about the German enabling act of 1933.
Denmark has been of the receiving end of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE 2) in 1864, and NAZI Germany in 1940. Hitler called NAZI Germany the third Reich (HRE 3).
Danes know the European warmongers MO very well, and it is the same MO the Global Elite is trying to implement today in the EU, as well as in America.
The major difference is that the American people are the heaviest armed population on earth.
If the US military should transgress the constitution to put armed forces against American citizens on American soil, and declare Martial Law (with or without Trump) I find it implausible that the US military personnel will ever fire upon their own family members.
The CIA and FBI have proven that they will, but if TSHTF they will be meet by heavy fire power from Patriots wanting to give payback for years of persecution by US intelligence agencies. Finicum Lavoy comes to mind.
Trump has a mandate from the majority of the American People to fulfill his promised of bringing the troops home, to end global wars, to rebuild the US borders, and to clean up the swamp.
He has no mandate to start new wars or attacking Iran on behalf of Netanyahu.
Besides Trump wants to pull US forces out of Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan, but the warmongers in the swamp are against it.
If Trump should ever take the position of being an imperialistic dictator like Hitler, he will instantly lose the support from the American people, and a world alliance will form against him, like it was done against Hitler during WWII.
I don’t believe Russia or NATO will intervene in an American Civil war, which leaves only China and the UN to intervene on American soil. However I find such a scenario very unlikely.
A classic military coup, dethroning Trump, in order to continue the US Imperialism conducted by the usual suspects since Bush Senior, will bring the majority of the American people including most military personnel against it.
A US military coupe in America will open up for attacks against US Forces abroad.
This will become a real bad situation for the US Brass to conduct wars both at home and abroad. And there will be no support from European Nations to wage aggressive war on behalf of a Military dictatorship.
However, there is a more peaceful solution: if SCOTUS or Congress gives Trump 4 more years to fulfill his promises: to clean up the Deep State swamp, building the border fence, drawing US troops home from overseas, and reigning in the Global Elites MSM and Big Tech corporations.
Denmark was certainly on the receiving end of Hitler’s Third Reich. Remember, though, Hitler had the rock-solid support of the vast majority of Germans. They saw him as their savior who would restore Germany’s standing in the World after WWI. The only armed resistance to his coming to power was from the German military itself, not the average working-class German. Hitler fashioned a personality cult around himself that is very similar to what Trump has done in the USA. Trump is posing as their savior against so-called communism and atheism just like Hitler. All it would take is for the USA to have a “Reichstag fire” of some sort and millions of Trumpsters would follow him right over the cliff into outright fascism, this time disguised as some kind of pseudo-Christian theocracy.
“When we attack…Russia? Oh??? The basement crazies in D.C. want to “euthanize” 340 million US citizens by using the Nuclear Option????? Seems to me that the 74 million+ Trumpers need to take some extremely drastic measures so that the Nuclear Euthanization never comes to pass.
There is no Trump vs Biden – that narrative exists only in the MSM presstitute vacuum. The reality is that no one voted for Biden. Trump has massive grass roots support – without the DNC’s inept and transparent voter fraud smash and grab scheme – Trump would have won the biggest landslide in the history of the United States.
Trump knows all of this and certainly the treacherous RNC is also fully aware – any concession to the globalist DNC and it will be the end of the US and the US hegemony.
Something big will happen between now and December 14 – perhaps sooner as Ramin suggested. Martial law? Invalidation of the election? Some sort of constitutional crisis? However, there will be no civil war – the DNC will not risk putting their shock troops – blm/antifa on the streets and certainly the paid crackhead mercs will be unwilling to go up against heavily armed soldiers. No one will fight for the corpse Biden but many will fill the streets – just like they did in Washington – to cheer on their last hope – Trump – Trumpism is just that – a last hope of the working class and poor.
If anything the US public will welcome the soldiers as saviours and liberators from the hell wrought by lock downs and the instability and poverty that medical martial law has created.
Trump has made it clear, in the historic speech, without mention of insurrection that what has happened is an insurrection. Trump is dead serious – that is why the MSM stooges are ignoring the growing storm.
The United States is at a cross roads and needs to take the same course of action that Putin and his backers did in the early 2000s. Threaten the oligarchs with – do what we say and you keep what you have – or we will shut you down and put you in jail. History repeats – except this time it is the turn of the USA to use the stick and carrot.
Perhaps what has happened is that the US elite realize that Biden is now a liability – not conceding demonstrates that Trump knows that he has support within the US oligarchy. Never underestimate a casino pimp.
Nicely put.
When Judge Alito required the Pennsylvania SC to reply by Dec 9, the day after the statutory deadline, he was signaling to Trump. “You’re on your own. Don’t count on SCOTUS to save the day.” Also, a SCOTUS solution wouldn’t resolve many associated problems, such as the legacy and social media giants, the SES fiefdoms, corruption in the administrative state, or in the legislative and judicial branches, or critical linkages to populist movements worldwide.
Only the military option is capable of addressing the majority of the pressing issues. When LTGs Flynn and McInerny suggest limited Marshall Law, it’s not just a trial balloon–it’s telegraphing intent and determination.
I don’t expect to see tanks and military units in the street. I do expect to see special operations forces providing the muscle to assist Federal law enforcement officers. Not that Federal LEOs are necessary under Martial Law, but as a cosmetic that is used whenever possible. I also expect to learn that special operations forces are being withdrawn from around the world and redeployed throughout CONUS in preparation.
I am not sure that judge Alito is telling Trump he is on his own.
By picking Dec 9th, he might ensure that there will still be litigation pending the 8th, hence allowing the state legislature to refuse to pick Biden electors.
“This requires a closer look at the Electoral Count Act.
The Act contemplates a post-election period in which states have the opportunity to resolve any “controversy or contest” in accordance with their pre-election law through “judicial or other methods or procedures.” Once this process has reached a definitive conclusion or “final ascertainment,” the governor is then to certify the electors. But the Act presupposes that all such controversies or contests have run their course before the governor submits the certified list of electors. What if December 8 is at hand and the controversies are still going on?
Another provision of the Act could come into play. If a State has held an election on November 3 “and has failed to make a choice” by the December 8 deadline, the Act declares that “the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day [after Nov. 3] in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.” That failure could arise from fraud, uncertainty, ongoing recounts or litigation. In those circumstances, a state could be said to have “failed” to make a choice, and its legislature could pick the electors.”
Justice Alito did not require the Pennsylvania SC to do anything. His order was addressed to the respondents in the emergency request for injunction brought by Mike Kelly. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is not a respondent in Kelly’s emergency request for an injunction.
If any other US president had declared there was fraud and abuse on a massive scale, it would be news. For Trump, who has lied repeatedly throughout his Presidency, it is just another tall tale told by a wounded narcissist. Even if it is true, Trump is the President who cried wolf far too many times to be taken seriously now.
The conclusion – that the US political system is broken – is unquestionably true, and has been for some time. Besides the various forms of voting and counting fraud, the greatest fraud is the fact that the citizens are all but forced to choose between two equally disastrous candidates time after time. When did the US last have a Presidential candidate who reflected the will of the majority? When did we last have one that put the people of the nation ahead of the corporations? This year was typical. Either we get a choice between two neoliberal warmongers, or we get a choice between a neoliberal warmonger and some unqualified hack who will be putty in the hands of the Deep State. That’s not how things work in a healthy democracy.
Once one admits that the military runs, (and pranks), the country and citizens, one can determine just how long the problem has existed.
Trump may be laughable to some and an obnoxious buffoon to others. His legitimacy is that he has many millions and millions of Americans who have voted for him as President and who rightly understand their collective super-Vote is now about to be torpedoed by a super-fraud. If it was any other nation, we all admit and understand the proper course would be to militarily prosecute the fraudsters, count the legal votes and install the real winner as President. In the case of the USA, there are some people who say Trump will destroy the country if he follows such a path but this is a false logic that puts the horse behind the cart due to ignorance, cowardice or worse. To put it bluntly, the US has, for a long time now, been ‘going to hell in a hand basket’ (A US Civil War phrase.). This is the real underlying context from which treasonous criminals emerged and contrived to steal a US presidential election. I conclude that if Trump somehow becomes President, it would be good for the USA, the World and for the people on the planet. It would mean the US has retained some measure of conscious control over its own destiny, if not the world.
From a less flattering point of view, what’s really scandalous about Pindo Presidential Elections is the fact that only the moronic US population is given the franchise when US imperialist coercion, oppression, and lawlessness make life hell on earth for most of the world’s population with the US government being a very vocal peril to the entire species. So if, say, Putin were to get the biggest score in a Pindo Presidential Election with a global franchise, would that be taken lightly by the supposedly downtrodden, angry Pindo? Absolutely nothing of the sort. The average Pindo is a fully committed reactionary chauvinist but, like the Ukronazis, without any wealthy friends to show for his/her backwardness. Putin is pure anathema to their Exceptionalism — with good reason.
Trump can and may well invoke martial law and conduct a new election if the Democrats continue along the coup pathway. Flynn believes Trump sent by God to rake out Iran. Every now and again the ancient crowns of Europe reach out to destroy their nemesis aka the United States of America.
We are not in 2016 anymore. In 2016 with Trump we had a chance to see the US making a u turn in foreign policy. But Trump has been broken by the neocons deep state after 3 months in 2017 when he ordered the missile strike on Syria. After that we had more of the same hubris by the world hegemon.
In 2020 trump or Biden is a fake choice both are bad. The simple fact many people see in trump a savior just showes how desperate is the situation.
I think the US is breaking and not broken. It s an ongoing process which started long before the 2020 presidential election. I think it started 20 years ago when the 9/11 false flag happened. The neocons took control of pretty much everything relevant in the US and decided to use the country for their agenda. At that precise time the US ceased to be a country and became a tool used by maniacs who do not care if they break the tool as long as first they earn money and second they carry on their agenda. These people are ready to do anything to keep control of “their” tool for “their” own benefits.
Ever heard about the “Great Reset”?
Biden would let it happen, with the help of the USA. He already declared a 100 days mandatory mask wearing, et picked Fauci as his medical advisor.
Trump on the other side, will fight those globalists (he will because he is gonna win the election, and because they tried to get rid of him by disenfranchising 74 millions people ).
The USA trajectory with Trump will be very different from the one allowed by Biden.
Ever looked at what trump has achieved in 4 years? More or less nothing.
It seems trumpism has become a religion and trump some kind of God.
When I deal with a man or a system I talk about facts not about faith.
Well, during those four years, he has exposed the globalists and the MSM, and many jobs were created. He probably won by a landslide for that,
To evaluate him as he was nearly alone in Washington against a hostile RP House and an unfriendly Senate is quite harsh: he spent all his time having to compromise, and his main and most loyal adviser (Flynn) was taken away at the very beginning of his mandate.
Trump is far to be perfect, but he was in a very difficult position.
Should he be re-elected, he will have much more power to act (and he will have to because of the economical firestorm coming).
Baloney, Laurent.
1) Vegas is still not paying out….but the “smart money” is on Trump.
2) Kamala may be a Ho….but she’s not a stupid Ho: She has not resigned her senate seat as yet, last I heard…and I predict she will serve out that term…..and it will be her last after what is proven in court OR voted by the majority of state legislatures.
3) Joe Biden let’s it slip again: His way out of this mess is to call in sick:
“Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”
That’s obviously ALSO the Plan B when the fraud is overwhelmingly proved AS IT WILL BE if any of you have been paying any attention to what has been divulged already….to avert Jail Time..after Trump is inaugurated
and Sleepy Joe exits the political stage most pitifully……… due to mental incapacity to stand trial….and Jail Time …which just that boasting before the CFR of Quid Pro Joe demanding the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor …………richly merits.
To feel smugly superior lots of you are gloating about this situation that the INTERNATIONAL Oligarchy including American Imperialist Traitors (ANY imperialist is a traitor to a real republic) forced on others all around the world….to increase their looting of the world ,,,,and recently they have been “Bring It All Back Home”…..per the title of the Dylan Album of 1965....because besides the stubborn and tough Russians….THE potentially most disobedient population on earth……once they wake up and pull their heads out of their rectal cavities ……are the American Deplorables.
Writing them off is strategic foolishness.
Unless y’all insanely wish to accelerate the Great Reset of Klaus Schwab and Billy Gates of Hell and simply don’t realize how your egos are being manipulated to the end of your own destruction..
The Orange Wrecking ball will demolish Agenda 2030 and y’all don’t want that done ’cause you’d rather posture about a man that has done more to make the Masters of Discourse more despised than they have ever been in US History??
That’s a serious blunder.
Georgia Rally tonight:
Haven’t reviewed it yet…but I landed 20 minutes in with the President asking Georgia legislators to stand up and be seen by the crowd.
Legislators will determine this election OR SCOTUS..will ….not AP…..CNN or Big Tech.
They are all toast. Big mistake to NOT urge the Orange Wrecking ball to demolish them.
Did the Orange Wrecking ball improve relations with Russia?
Did the Orange Wreacking ball improve the situation in the middle east?
Did the Orange Wreacking ball managed to end the war in Irak and Afghanistan?
Did the Orange Wreacking ball stop the regime change policy?
The answer is NO.
Trump did not stop anything and created more mess around the world (arms regulations treaty destroyed, Jcpoa treaty destroyed, more threats, more provocations and more sanctions). Imperial hubris as usual.
These are facts. You can dismiss all of them and say it s baloney or fake news because it goes against your narrative. Fine. You won t change reality.
I listen to the Russian government and when they say relations between Russia and the US are the worst in history (thus even worse than with Obama) you know what I trust them.
I don’t buy the Trump savior narrative (religion) because reality tells another story.
If time will prove I am wrong I will change my mind. I do not have any ideology making me blind.
I hope you will be able to do the same if time will prove you are wrong.
But what is your logic in your statements if they do not clarify? Everyone knows Trumps sins (for which he will pay) and that domestically he is popular in the USA. The issue here is destroying the greater evil which is the covid 19 Agenda and those people who aided and arranged for the theft of a US Presidential election in the midst of a world crisis. On both issues, Trump is on the right side.
“3) Joe Biden let’s it slip again: His way out of this mess is to call in sick:
If In the first video I had doubts, there’s none in this video. This is not a slip! He just said it all and you can say it was premeditated because the way he accelerated the speech.
To Elten: “Reputedly … Zappa`s father was a senior participant in the chemical warfare division of th military-industrial complex”. Your point?
Elten: your comment “Reputedly…Zappa`s father was a senior participant in the chemical warfare division of th military-industrial comple”. Your point?
No. If you file a complaint and the judge dismisses it there is no legal consequence for you other than the money you spent on your lawyer. This then gives oxygen to, ‘partisan judges stole the election for X’ mythology.
You can even slander companies like Dominion in the process and you would only pay a price if Dominion chooses to file a civil lawsuit for and sue you for slander but this almost never happens because of our high threshold to prove such cases. The threshold, 1. you said something false (fair), 2. you said it knowing it was and with intent to maliciously hurt the party who is suing you (very, very difficult).
True and this will be true for the foreseeable future. Our glorious system of federalism where each state chooses its own process and standards for running elections will ensure that people will point out how county X did this while county Y did that. The Federal govt should attempt to impose minimum standards for processing votes and fund it, such as mandating paper ballot generation, etc.
Observation: our country is very weak. If this minor incident knocks us back on our heels, I dread to think what would happen to us if we had to endure half of the trouble we cause to countries like Iran, Syria, and Venezuela. We lack the moral fortitude to even want to be a country.
Donald Trump is not going anywhere. It took several weeks to determine the extent of the corruption and for the strategy to be developed. He will prevail.
I think Ramin Mazaheri is pitching for a job at the Washington Post.
THAT was a mean and fat and evelly intended comment. Far below Your worth or dignity, Whoever You may be.
DM: especially when remembering the last most prominent Washington Post contributor to have been murdered (if true) was — in comparison.
So, before considering Ramen’s righteous article, we are presented, out of the gate, before he starts his “analysis” – a string of well considered invective: the guy cleaning up behind the horse – laughable – hypocritical – disaster – rich buffoon – real estate shark.
Sounds a lot like the Washington Post to me.
Ramin Mazaheri is a superb journalist, and fine writer, far better than anyone at the WP.
Maybe, but this is definitely not one of his best.
I certainly think the whole episode of the election is shabby and could easily have fraud on either side. But surely if the Dems were fixing the results they would also have fixed the Senate and judicial results as well? Since they now have a lame duck President because of their failure to control other branches of government.
It is the Republican corrupt establishment (Bushites) who flipped votes for Trump to Biden in Republican precincts.
A good take but it is not the case that you need more than a third of the populace to start a revolution. The American Revolution was launched by a very small number of very committed and clever men. Generally people fought on the side of the Revolutionaries out of loyalty to their community, more than loyalty to the ideal.
I think I missed most of this article. I certainly do not know what you are speaking of ‘re Historic Speech. However, it seems to me that the average USer is totally unaware of the impact of such strange national goings on.
Just on the title – that is unfair.
A civil war in a ‘nation of laws’ occurs when the foundational legal document is despoiled.
Take Ukraine – when Maidan forcefully transferred executive power outside of how its constitution laid out, any group or individual within Ukraine had the right to question the new power base as alien to what came before.
The same thing happened in 2016 with Intelgate, when Clinton and Obama started the tampon tantrum against the method for power transfer as defined within the US constitution.
That’s your civil war spark. The last 4 years have been an assault on more cornerstones of US politics, such as the fake impeachment thing.
Trump is merely defending himself (and the constitution – although I would put money his ego is more on ‘himself’ here!).
As for the hot civil war – the left will start it either way. When/if Trump gets his second term through the courts, the TDS will be palpable in the air across the ocean. And if he loses, then BLM and Antifa will be vindicated for their actions (in their minds), and they will choose to increase their ideological oppressions, and again the right will react defensively.
Trump will leave if he fails in the courts/legislatures – no need for him to spoil his/Jr’s 2024 options. Would his supporters start the civil war for him? I doubt it – the right tends to be less into revolution than the left, I just imagine they will just buy more guns/ammo/supplies for the coming storm.
Widespread voter fraud is probably a constant in American history which Americans have always known though talking about it would be a ‘conspiracy theory’. The people at the top of the duopoly don’t talk about it because they’re all doing it. Perhaps Trump had a deal that he was going to be the ‘winner’ this time but someone backed out, hence he is kicking up a fuss as revenge.
Lyin’ Mike said Corbyn was not allowed to be the UK’s prime minister and he was not. Thus the USA exports its democracy to its allies.
Excellent article by the way. As a Christian citizen, I am grieved that this amount of fraud in multiple states would require the participation of so many alleged citizens. That by itself discloses a huge problem for any society. To not understand that there are spiritual consequences is tragic. Additionally, there is a consistent apathy from the vast majority of Americans regarding the lockdowns of the economy, the use of the fraudulent PCR test, and the demand for a vaccine. There is no vaccine to cure a virus.
A last comment is the fact that 74 million Americans voted for Trump and are upset with what looks like a giant ripoff and yet….there is no looting, burning, no mass murder from an alt right kook, thus proving once again that the MSM is not news but pure garbage propaganda.
And the Iranian prliamentary democracy is MUCH better than the Yankee/Dixie diúopoly — also in that it accords and allots ethnoreligious minorities such as Jews, Armenians (Christians) and Zahratustrian fire worshipers a disproportionally large and “one man two votes” representation.
You are correct. Trump will be good for the USA and the world. His saying – “America First” is hated by the weak but any strong nationalist will discern it as an echo of his own nations motto.
The reality is unless proper standards of election integrity prevail dire consequences will stem from this election.
A Biden win will result in the end of the Republican Party as it exists and most members and voters will leave for a Trump movement. The current lot in Congress will lose their seats from 2022.
Biden-Harris Hillary will also be a lame duck because SCOTUS will prevent any nonsense including perhaps ruling they cannot increase the size of the court.
Attempts by Biden-Harris to force a lockdown, masks, vaccine and infringe rights & liberties and flood the US with immigrants will cause a revolution and the military will (and must) intervene to remove the troublemakers in DC as a national security matter.
So the best outcome is to nip all this in a bud and ensure Biden-Harris remain a non-event and those involved in the election fraud are placed in custody and prosecuted.
The US media (CNN MSN NBC ABC CBS etc…) will also need to be deal with including Big Tech for bias and suppressing information about election fraud. Their broadcasting licenses should be cancelled.
But Ramin is right we have a system failure here and the failure also backs to the internal processes of both the Dems and GOP allowing intensely immoral corrupt people into high elected positions.
In the old days pre-1970 people like the Clintons, Podesta, AOC, Pelosi etc… would have been screened out and as would some of the GOP people. And that is also what needs fixing apart from the voting.
That has occurred because the same corrupt people infiltrated the party machines to allow this to happen.
Also funders of the corrupt need to be investigated and deal with like Soros, Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg etc…. and their holdings seized as funding organized crime.
As Roger Stone says, the only sound system is a paper one where people vote on the day and they are counted on the day there are no voting machines or software and absentee ballots go thru stringent ID processes as do entitlement to vote with substantial audits of the electoral roles between elections.
Don’t worry. The slavs are going to pay for the election (fraud). Its already getting seeded in alt right media. It’s those damn Serbs fault. Good luck to you guys in eastern Europe. The American right wing, followed by the Left, is gonna to stick a knife in your back.
I hate to spoil an International Feel Good By Feeling Miserable Pity Party (not).
“Watch the Keystone”
Trump just won Pennsylvania for the second time in just over a month.
THE Greatest Sting Operation of All TIME!
What’s not to love about THAT????
People all over the world, join in!
Love Train
The O’Jays – Ultimate O’Jays
People all over the world (everybody)
Join hands (join)
Start a love train, love train
People all over the world (all the world, now)
Join hands.
I predict the Trump Train Joins OBOR.
A major N-S-E-W Crossroads???
Pity Party Back On!
I RAN with the relay baton…but it wasn’t exactly the right one:
What is interesting to me is how the sacrosanct constitution is trashed whenever it goes against Democrat whims like say in the 1 and 2 amendments, but when it favours them like the dates set in the constitution for the various states choosing electors and so forth, now become sacrosanct again regardless of enough questions raised on voter fraud. Which by the way is also illegal. So, it seems for some, the laws are applied depending on who is breaking them; another banana republic. Let us rush to certify fraudulent outcomes in order to maintain the law. But nothing surprises me anymore; the masks are off and the evil is now on full display. What was once covered by nice sounding words is now wide open and the veil removed: as Christ reveals (apocalypse) His people, so likewise are Satan’s people also revealed in all their demonic essence.
And the clash between the two, is just around the corner.
And since I didn’t say it, let me say it loud and clear; truth is truth. Stop with Trump this and Trump that and Biden this and Biden that. The issue is electoral fraud: did it or did it not happen? The actions of the Biden team does not engender trust at all; wipe the voting machines that lack a proper audit trail anyway, statistical anomalies that are highly improbable, witness accounts of fraudulent activity produced under affidavits, video evidence of procedures that are very questionable, election observers being asked to leave or being told to step 16-20 feet away (for covid you see) and thus could not confirm anything going on with the actual allotment of votes, clean ballots with perfect markings and only for Biden and much much more. We all know how to stop such claims of fraud, if they are baseless, is to produce the evidence of no voter fraud and that can only be done by a forensic analysis of the voting machines including accessing the source code for how they work and an audit of what they did, Chain of custody analysis of how votes were handled for mail in ballots, physical analysis of the ballot papers that were counted for legitimacy etc. Anyone rejecting that must have something to hide —– and I do know because these are the exact tactics used in a banana republic, of which, I live in one. And the same exact tactics of refusing any review whatsoever and always with American tacit approval that the elections where free and fair just as it is unfolding now. As an example, census showing a certain tribe as x number of members and yet in said tribal areas, votes counted are 3x votes, over 100% voter turnout, while opposition areas register 15% voter turnout or less etc and no audit allowed whatsoever.
So, if Trump was elected, whether he is whatever is irrelevant, the system as designed was employed and the citizens chose him period. If there was no fraud, prove it.
The American People are more in tune with what is going on then what they are given credit for.
They also know the affect a revolution will have on their lives.
So the choices are:
1) Grudgingly accept the state our government is in with it’s current level of corruption and malfeasance so that they can go about their lives halfway normal and support themselves and their families.
2) Take a stand and go all in to change things so that this country can return to what it should be even if it means risking their livelihoods and stability of their families.
Eventually things will get bad enough where option 2 is the only choice. I don’t think Trump losing on a totally fraudulent election puts us at option 2.
I do think 4 years of Biden/Harris will put us there though. They are going to push many things very quickly in those 4 years and the people will not like it at all.
The only way they have gotten away with it all so far is because they are slow boiling us. But they are going to turn up the heat too quick because they are forced into a corner and that is when it’s on like donkey kong.
Sorry, A.P. but AP doesn’t call the elections with any legal authority.
Very small joke, if you’ll permit a little humor.
Actually I agree with much of what you say, but feel that you are unduly pessimistic and oversimplifying things in terms of the actual division of labor at work. Let’s look at their work record, historically …and today:
1. About 2/3 of “The American People” did not meaningfully contribute in any way to the founding of this nation or its Revolutionary War effort against the Crown = Corona en Español.
Half of those 2/3 did nothing. The other half were Tories…is a not uncommon view. Some were so upset by Washington and Franklin that they sought Crown Protection…moving to the Dominion of Canada. A branch of my own ancestors, IN FACT, did that only “coming back home” (to Washington…….state that is) at the end of the 19th century.
2. In the interim between 1776 and 2016-2020 our fellow Americans….. er …..MOSTLY slackers and bums, except for very rare, brief exceptions, and individual cases ………..mostly “did shit”……………. as far as I can determine from studying history and being as aware as I could be of what was going on around me………which was a VERY confused picture, before the age of 30.
3. That said, bringing us up to date, compared to WHAT?? Compared to who else in the world’s people?
I’d say “better than most” when their backs were rarely put to the wall…but perhaps “far worse than most” in terms of absolutely “blowing” THE best chance of any nation to “do well by doing good” by the rest of the world, after WW II, when half the industrial output OF THE WORLD ….for a short time…was American.
If I were to grade that 1946- 2015 performance?? D- at best.
Because they were absolutely fooled by the scare tactics of Winston Churchill and other Empire operatives…..into becoming a Dumb Giant On A British Imperial Leash. No…A STUPID Giant
4).2016-2020 is a different story. Surely I can give ourselves a B for disobeying the MSM and rejecting Hitlery in the first Semester.
And wowee zowee, look Mom…we FINALLY get an A for the MASSIVE 80 million or so votes Red Avalanche Nov 3 that overwhelmed DOMINION’s algorythms and made Blatant Off The Charts Vote Fraud plainly evident to everyone on the planet paying attention ……except brain dead democrats and RINOS like Mitt Romney, Lynn Cheney, etc.
But that isn’t enough!
We CAN do some more,,,,and it is very important.
However, I think that it is highly likely that the Decisive Blow… take out Joe and Ho is sort of out of our hands (but don’t sit on them!!) but Thank God for that Division of Labor you see everywhere in Nature and His Entire Creation!
THIS is what I mean:
Military has been misused and abused many, many times before (like the IRAQ “storms” referenced by this Naval Intelligence woman officer…)..I was NOT liking the beginning of her article ….
….but here is one instance in terms of a Present Day Deployment by them, in that Division of Labor (or Armed Forces, if you will…) that I CAN get behind…at the END of that article!
Her article concludes with the gist:
“On Wednesday, 2 December, Trump made “the most important speech I’ve ever given,” outlining instance after instance of probable fraud, and undoubted vote discrepancies that ought to put the election in question. The speech was the statesman’s case for his main effort, the one focused on honest government, rescuing the Republic, and securing America’s future.
But when I listened with my ears, I noticed that Trump barely mentioned the probable source of the most deeply embedded and pervasive vote manipulation in at least four of the battleground states. He made almost no reference to Dominion and Smartmatic.
I don’t think that’s because their effect is minimal or too hard to establish. It’s certainly not because there is no reason to be concerned about their potential connection to foreign influence.
(Image: Screen grab of White House video, YouTube)
But it may be because Trump’s pattern is to respond to attacks and threats with sauce-serving symmetry. If Trump has been doing what he’s had every means to do for the last two years, and apparently the will to do – based on his E.O. of 2018 – it’s very possible it won’t be the American public he informs of his findings first.
Oddly enough, someone at Twitter posted a thread on Thursday with a meditation on the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and the verses of Julia Ward Howe’s lyrics for it.
I’ve had it running in my head ever since, and it’s a fitting theme for Trump’s lightly-sauced option as it occurs to me. There’s no saying how or if it could be done between now and January; this is one possibility.
There is a transition process underway, in which Joe Biden has started to receive daily intelligence briefings. As all departing administrations do – as Obama’s did with Trump – Trump’s is likely to send special briefers for intelligence and national security topics.
Not all departing administrations visit presidents-elect to brief them on “dossiers” purporting to detail their associates’ compromising interactions with the agents of foreign powers. But Obama’s visited Trump for that purpose. If tracking the massive attack on the 2020 vote nailed Joe Biden’s associates, we may imagine the Trump administration will be rolling those associates up before visiting Biden, with stacks of evidence waiting in courthouses.
And when the Trump detail sets out for that visit to Biden, my bet, if I were a betting sailor, would be on one man leading it: Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, U.S. Army (Ret).
Don’t rule out a powerful “military” move kind of like the title of Ramin’s article suggests.
It may be “Civil War” in terms of American Patriots like yourself against Idiots…but I am optimistic that it will be won…very quickly….and we won’t get locked down and jabbed with DNA altering garbage and Big Brother tracking shit in Big Pharma’s Endless Series of Vaccines.
Anyone that hopes we will???
They are next. So stop being stupid, TDS sufferors.
BTW……what happened to those that claimed….and the claim itself…..that some kinda digital watermark or not-???- in the ballot paper would be the saviour to confirm fraud…….all quiet on that western front amongst all the other noise??? I see no reference to this now.