Oh the grandeur of the Empire’s foreign policy!  Victoria Nuland flew to Kiev and, immediately, the impact of her presence was felt.

First, Poroshenko presented a law which really gave no special autonomy for the Donbass and which was never discussed with the representatives of the DNR and LNR.  In other words, the USA gave its imprimatur to the official and finally burial of Minsk-2.

Then Victoria Nuland visited the local zoo, also known as the “Ukrainian Rada”.  While this noble institution is mostly famous for not dealing with the economy, rehabilitating dead Nazis and its epic fights, today the menagerie of Ukrofreaks treaded Nuland and US Ambassador Pyatt to a competition of “who sings the national anthem louder”.

It all began when my “favorite” Ukrofreak – Oleg Liashko – ended his speech by reminding Poroshenko that “the Ukraine has not died yet” – which are, I kid you not, the first words of the Ukrainian national anthem.  Poroshenko had to stand up and join the singing, but without putting his hand on his heart.  Then it was Poroshenko’s turn to take the floor and also end his speech with his own version of the national anthem, with hand on heart this time.  See for yourself:

And, each time, the assembled menagerie had to join in, lest they be accused on un-patriotic behavior.

And since we are talking about the Ukronazi national anthem, let me share a few hilarious facts about it.

First, it’s words are a direct copy of the Polish national anthem (“Poland has not perished yet“).  So much for being original or even Ukrainian.  But it gets better.  The melody was written by, I kid you not, a Latin Priest.  So far we have Poland and the Papacy.  What is missing?

Guess where the hand on heart symbol comes from?  It is a Masonic sign of allegiance (meaning “let my heart be torn out if I betray”) which was adopted in the USA after the so-called Bellamy Salute which looked way too “Nazi” to be used.

Obviously, our “proud Ukrainians” have no idea that they are aping a Polish-Latin-Masonic-US ritual when they sing “their” national anthem and stand like a classroom of good American boys and girls reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Pathetic beyond words and worthy of either hysterical laughter or tears (or both!).

The session than ended in the now traditional fist fight:

Seriously, this is bad news.

What all this really means is exactly what I had predicted all along: the junta in Kiev will never abide by the Minsk-2 agreement and the freaks in power will continue their patriotic antics and completely ignore the full-spectrum crisis raging in now all of the Ukraine, not just the East.

The Saker