By Andrei for the Saker Blog.

The current mass hysteria about what just happened in Kabul and the rest of Afghanistan is not dying down.

Why is that so?

I believe that what is happening is this: if we compare the people of the USA to the passengers on the Titanic, we could say that our passengers were listening to the still playing orchestra until their feet got soaked in ice cold water, at which point denial is not an option.

For folks in Zone A, the events in Afghanistan quite literally, unthinkable.  So while some of us saw the writing on the wall already years, if not decades ago, those who lived, mentally, in Zone A what is happening now is impossible.  Impossible but happening.

The nature of what the events in Kabul showed is such, that those living in the mental Zone A cannot accept them.  But neither can they deny it anymore.

  • The Empire died in January 8th 2020
  • The USA (at least as we knew them) died on January 6th 2021

Unthinkable!  Absolutely unthinkable!  My ankles are in ice water, but the Titanic cannot sink!  It’s too big to fail.

If hope dies last, than delusions die just before it.

There is a good chance now “Biden” will not finish his term.  If, and that’s still an “if” (never say never) Kamala Harris replaces Biden, the internal negative reaction inside the USA will be huge.  Blinken looks to me like a tailor with the facial expression “I am so sorry that suit does not sit well on you” – so he is out.  The DefSec is a clown who should resign anyway (responsibility of command).

In the US ruling classes we are now beyond any kind of plan making, this is a “run for your life” kind of situation, and that means “each man for himself”.

Hence the current hysterics.

After them, most US Americans will enter some variant of the five stages of grief before, inevitably, realizing the truth and getting the energy and courage to get back again.

Until then, expect more hysterics and infighting.
