[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]
As everybody predicted, Poroshenko completely lost the election. As I wrote in my previous column, this is both amazing (considering Poro’s immense and extensive resources and the fact that his opponent was, literally, a clown (ok, a comic if you prefer). His defeat was also so predictable as to be almost inevitable: not only is the man genuinely hated all over the Ukraine (except for the Nazi crackpots of the Lvov region), but he made fatal blunders which made him even more detestable than usual.
First, there was this masterpiece:

Translation: April 21st. A crucial choice!
Now one could sympathize with Poroshenko: not only did this “Putin the boogeyman” appear to work fantastically well with the main sponsors of the Ukronazi coup and with the legacy Ziomedia, but nobody dared to tell Poroshenko that most Ukrainians were not buying that nonsense at all. The suggestion that all the other candidates are Putin agents is no less ridiculous. The thin veneer of deniability Poroshenko had devised (the poster was not put up by the official Poroshenko campaign but by “volunteers”) failed, everybody immediately saw through it all, and this resulted in Poro’s first big campaign faceplant.
Next came this disaster:
Again, this was not officially Poroshenko’s campaign which made this video, but everybody saw through this one too. The quasi-open threat to murder Zelenskii was received with horror in the Ukraine, and this PR-disaster was Poro’s second faceplant.
Then the poor man “lost it.” I won’t list all the stupid and ridiculous things the man said and did, but I will say that his performance at the much-anticipated debate in the stadium was a disaster too.
The writing had been on the wall for a while now, and this is why the two candidates were summoned to speak to their masters (face to face in Germany and France, by phone with Mr. MAGA) and they were told a few things:
- Poroshenko was told in no uncertain terms that he could not trigger a war, organize a last-minute false flag, murder Zelenskii or engage in any other “creative campaign methods.”
- Zelenskii was also clearly told that should he win the election, he was not to touch Poroshenko. It appears that the USA gave personal security guarantees to Poroshenko.

Meet the new Ukie President (no, this is not a joke!)
The western calculus is simple: try to keep Poroshenko alive (figuratively and politically) and to see how much of the Rada he can keep. Furthermore, since Zelenskii is extremely weak (he has no personal power base of any kind), Kolomoiskii will have him do exactly as he is told and Kolomoiskii can easily be told to behave by the Empire. Finally, there is Vladimir Groisman, the current prime minister who has kept a very low profile, who does NOT have blood on his hands (at least when compared to thugs like Turchinov or Avakov) and who has not made any move which would blacklist him with the Kremlin. Groisman is also a Jew (Israel and the Ukraine are now the two countries on the planet in which both the President and the Prime-Minister are Jews; ironic considering the historical lovefest between Jews and Ukrainian nationalists …). He might make a much more effective Ukrainian Gauleiter for the Empire than either Poroshenko or Zelenskii. For the time being, Goisman has already ditched Poroshenko’s party and is creating his own. And let’s not forget Avakov and Parubii, who are both soaked in innocent blood, and who will try to hold on to their considerable power by using the various Nazi death-squads under their control. Finally, there is still the formidable (and relatively popular) Iulia Timoshenko whose political ambitions need to be kept in check. Thus, Poroshenko with his immense wealth and his connections can still be a useful tool for the Empire’s control of the Ukraine.
The western calculus might also be wrong: for one thing, Zelenskii cannot deliver *anything* meaningful to the Ukrainian people, most definitely not prosperity or honesty. Pretty soon the Ukrainian people will wake up to realize that when they elected the “new face” of Zelenskii, they ended up with the “not new” face of Kolomoiskii and everything that infamous name entails. Zelenskii might not have another option than to jail Poroshenko, which he semi-promised to do during the stadium debate. Except that now Zelenskii is saying that he will consult with Poroshenko and might even use him in some official capacity. Yes, campaign promises in the Ukraine are never kept for more than the time it takes to make them. Finally, Poroshenko’s power base is very rapidly eroding because nobody wants to go down with him. I tend to believe that Poroshenko has outlived his usefulness for the AngloZionists because he became an overnight political corpse. But this is the Ukraine, so never say never.
Finally, the Empire is also pushing for a reform of the Ukrainian political system to give less powers to the President and more to the Rada. Again, this makes sense considering that Zelenskii is an unknown actor and considering the fact that Rada members are basically on the US payroll (across all parties and factions).
What about Russia in all this?

Maria Zakharova: only caution and skepticism for now
Well, the Russians have been extremely cautious, and nobody seems to harbor any illusions about Zelenskii. In fact, just a day after his election Zelenskii is already making all sorts of anti-Russian statements. Truly, besides the logical implication of Poroshenko’s poster (that a defeat for him would mean a victory for Putin), nobody in Russia is celebrating. The main feeling about the entire topic of the Ukraine is one of total disgust, a gradual and painful realization of the fact that our so-called “brothers” are brothers only in the sense of the biblical Cain and the acceptance that there is nobody to talk to in Kiev. Thus Russia will have to embark on a policy of unilateral actions towards the Ukraine. These could include:
- Decide whether to recognize the outcome of the election or not. I think that it is more likely that Russia will recognize the fact that most Ukrainians did vote for Zelenskii, but that recognition will imply nothing more than that: the recognition of a fact.
- Accelerate the pace of distribution of Russian passports to citizens of the DNR and LNR republics.
- Slap further economic sanctions on the Ukraine (Russia has just banned the export of energy sources to the Ukraine – finally and at last!).
- Declare that since millions of Ukrainians did not vote (inside the Ukraine, in the DNR/LNR and in Russia, and since the Minsk Agreements are dead (they are de facto if not de jure yet) Russia does not recognize this election and, instead, recognizes the two people’s republics. I don’t think that the Kremlin will do that short of an Ukronazi attack on Novorussia (in which case the Russians will do what they did following Saakashvili’s attack on South-Ossetia).
So far, Russian spokespeople have just said that they “respected the vote of the Ukrainian people” and that they will judge Zelenskii “on his actions, not his words”. This approach sure seems balanced and reasonable to me.
The truth is that nobody knows what will happen next, not even Kolomoiskii or Zelenskii himself. There are just too many parameters to consider, and the real balance of power following this election has not manifested itself yet. As for the true aspirations and hopes of the people of the Ukraine, they were utterly ignored: Poroshenko will be replaced by Kolomoiskii, wearing the mask of Zelenskii. Hardly a reason to rejoice …
In spite of the large number of electoral candidates, the people of the Ukraine were not given a meaningful choice. So they did the only thing they could do: they voted to kick Poroshenko out. And that sure must have felt great.
But will Zelenskii turn out to be any better? I very much doubt it, even though I also very much hope that I am wrong.
The Saker
The Zelenskiy/Kolomoiski ticket was a done deal by Foggy Bottom. Mother will recognize the new government eventually but recognition is a far cry from cooperation.
Besides, Mother just showed what she thought of the whole mess by today announcing a new and much easier path to Russian passports by any citizen of Novorossiya. No five year waiting time, no Russian language exam, just come in, do the paperwork and with two months one will have one’s new Russian passport in addition to their original one, IOW Mother will recognize the dual citizenship of Novorossiya citizens.
The start reality of the passport deal is Mother has now officially taken Novorossiya under her protective wings. Before it was defacto and a given, now it’s Government Policy. This means there will be no attack against Novorossiya by the orcs without Mother coming to the rescue as she did in 08.08.08 with South Ossetia.
Now, is The Land of the Poles still looking at parts of west orcland with drooling chops? Yup. I predict that eventually everything east of a line drawn from Kharkov south to the west borders on the Black Sea will be Novorossiya. Poland and others will take a bite here and there, and the final tawdry remains of orcland will be a rump landlocked state somewhere around Kiev.
Never The Last One https://saker.community/product/never-the-last-one-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/ A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/ March 2014. NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Auslander states: “I predict that eventually everything east of a line drawn from Kharkov south to the west borders on the Black Sea will be Novorossiya.”
Agreed. And the whole might yet be folded into the Russian Federation with the passage of time and the tumultuous geopolitical events that will certainly unfold over the next few years.
The alternative is for Russia to leave a weak, unstable, NATO infested, heavily ethnically Russian region on its immediate southwestern border and immediately adjacent to the Crimea. That’s a recipe for serious trouble. It would make more sense in the long run to consolidate control of the entire northern Black Sea littoral all the way from the Donbass to Odessa and Transnistria and secure the western flank of the Crimea.
The Ukraine is nonviable and spinning apart. Russia is better served by incorporating the southern and eastern, ethnically and linguistically most Russian parts of the Ukraine into the Russian Federation and abandoning the rest.
The west has the memory of a gnat, anything beyond the western capture of a nation is long forgot and cursed upon.
I fully agree with you. Ukraine will disintegrate, as i have written on numerous occasions. Zelensky wins and Poland immediately submits an invitation. Yes, Poland has it’s eyes on the territories of the former Galicia, but it will have to give a chunk of it to Hungary. However, I have to disagree with you that rump Ukraine will center around Kiev. If it does, it wont last too long, neither politically nor economically. Virtually impossible.
As for the actual elections, this was not a victory for Zelensky but a defeat for Poroshenko. It was not a question of people voting for Zelensky but rather a question of people voting against Poroshenko, as they are sick of war, corruption and poverty. This should be a serious message to Zelensky, especially if he tries an attack against the Donbass.
What will happen now ? Nothing really. Zelensky cannot go against the oligarchs, who will continue with their corruption. He cannot improve anything, even if he knew how and had the money. His handlers will tell him what to do. However, I doubt that even they know what to do in the present circumstances, when the country is deteriorating in every field. Once the political honeymoon is over, the people will realize that they indeed ended up with a comedian, but a cunning one. And then what ? A spontaneous outpouring of anger, a new Maidan ? Maybe, if the people have the strength for it. However, emigration will continue both to Russia and the West, and the country will deteriorate even more. A day will then come when it will break up due both to anger and apathy. Poland and Hungary will get the former Galicia, while the rest will go to Russia. Yes, federalization of Ukraine is theoretically possible. However, I think it would only speed up the breakup of the country.
Why ” … East from Kharkov ” ? Kharkov (same as Dniepropetrovsk, a grate Russian industrial city ), once a capital of Russia should be included.
Moscow Aerial Drone.— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_dfq9rFWAE&feature=youtu.be
Saker, have you got a link for this?: ‘he could not trigger a war, organize a last-minute false flag, murder Zelenskii or engage in any other “creative campaign methods.”’
“But will Zelenskii turn out to be any better?” – Saker, surely he won’t be as bad? Yes, he still could be bad, but for zelenskii to match his record would require a major escalation of the war on the Donbass, which Putin won’t allow.
Elections involving unpopular incumbents are decided well in advance of election day, and a few blunders by the unpopular incumbent don’t really change anything. The only things that might have changed the results would be a huge blunder by the outsider challenger showing he/she is unfit for office. Or if somehow Porky did something so miraculous and popular that it erases the memories of all of the bad years. Neither was likely to happen, especially since Zelenskii’s advisors/handlers made sure that he said nothing of any import during the campaign.
This of course is bad news for Trumper. His ‘approval’ rating stays stuck at 42%, except when he looks extra awful such as when he threw 800,000 people out of work with a stupid and needless government shutdown, or lately just after Barr had to stop covering up the Mueller report which basically says that the only reason Trumper isn’t facing obstruction of justice charges is because nobody who works for Trumper actually does what Trumper says. The simple fact is that in a two party system, 42% isn’t nearly enough to win. In fact, if Trumper doesn’t manage to raise that, he’ll go down as the loser of one of the biggest landslide defeats in history.
For instance, notice how nobody pays any attention any more to what Trumper tweets. His loyal followers may take a minute from their torchlight parades and kidnapping asylum seekers to cheer, but most of the country pays no attention. What this says is that most Americans have already decided about Trump and they are only waiting till next year to show him the door. At best … as I’m waiting for the first popular rally of a Democrat to feature a crowd chanting “Lock Him Up!”
Poroshenko over five years has turned Ukraine into the poorest country in Europe- parts of Africa are better off than Ukraine!!!
This is why they voted against Poroshenko.
The campaign had nothing to do with it. He cheated to get into the second round.
The voters (45% turnout) delivered their verdict on poroshenko presidency.
Zelenski doesn’t come across as having any dept – so I don’t think he will surprise people and strike out independently.
The RADA will do to him what they do in Moldova to the president there who has no power to change the course of that poor country.
Ukraine unless they have a real revolution where they throw out the oligarchs and the western interference is doomed to be poor
”Poroshenko over five years has turned Ukraine into the poorest country in Europe —parts of Africa are better off than Ukraine!!!”
Yep. And to add even more insult to injury, Crimea has never been more far away from NATO style liberation. This is exactly what lies at the heart of contemporary Ukro mayhem and squalor. A successful Ukronazi operation in Crimea could have made Ukraine a prosperous country at the expense of a disintegrating, dying Russia. But fate hasn’t been kind to the Ukronazis.
” A successful Ukronazi operation in Crimea could have made Ukraine a prosperous country at the expense of a disintegrating, dying Russia”. Strange. What exactly did you mean by this ? This can only apply to Ukraine, not to Russia.
His brain might have already been profiled and sterotyped in the washer. That’s all it takes these days.
Quite simple really: It means that the Ukronazis proved unequal to the task they were assigned. Evicting the Russians in general and the Russian Navy in particular from Crimea and turning the area into a giant NATO compound could — not a certainty, however — have been rewarded by infrastructure modernisation, while Russia at the same time — very certainly — would have been subjected to ever harsher ultimatums.
Fair enough?
I think you over look the fact that NATO technology is over rated and has a long history of not lasting the test of time, not to mention the debt burden of the country’s funding NATO is stressing those country’s citizens and perhaps, not certainly, is a contributing factor to today’s terrorist responses to yesterdays NATO crimeas.
Angola – GDP per capita $4100
Ukraine – GDP per capita $2656
Source: countryeconomics.com
In 2010, before Maidan/ the war/ loss of Donbas/ Crimea, the income per head of Ukraine was $2,800.
The figures for Egypt and Syria were $3,000 and $2,400 respectively.
Since then, of course, all 3 countries have been totally f****d up by US meddling/ aggression/ terrorism serving Zionist interests.
At independence in 1991, Ukraine was the most prosperous and highly developed part of the Soviet Union with a population of 52 million. It now has a collapsed economy and the Coup Regime in Kiev controls a population of about 30 million. Millions of Ukrainians have voted with their feet and are scratching a living abroad, picking cabbages in Poland, or working as “Natasha” prostitutes, the only thing Ukraine produces the EU wants. Its only future is a CIA playground, with some foreign owned agribusiness (Monsanto) and extractive industries (Joe Biden’s son), plus, if they are lucky, some foreign owned third world style sweatshop manufacturing.
You said it as it is. Zelensky is probably the last political “train” current Ukraine has caught. Once the political honeymoon is over, sober thinking will arrive and then we shall see the gradual break up of the country.
Lock him up?
The Deep State, the FBI and DOJ, the MSM, the Dem Party, George Soros, UK Mi6 and Mi5, the Bush Dynasty, and the NeverTrumpers tried that.
They all failed.
Facts matter.
He has one and a half years to do a few things well and his coalition will vote for him, joined by many who see nothing in the alternatives.
If Trump is anything, it is he understands timing and campaigning.
Even more war won’t reverse that situation.
Hating him is not enough. To win an election against him will take much more than bitter dislike or fear of big, wide wars.
Voters vote their pocketbook, checkbook, wallets and 401ks.
The MIC is getting fatter by the minute with Trump.
The CIA doesn’t have to report to him. They can just tell him lies. It’s all okay.
The Jews never had it better with the Oval Office.
Russophobes love the madness that Trump approves against Russia.
Sanctions are war without blood. This is the weapon Trump loves to wield.
There are only two objects in the way of Trump Global Domination–Putin and Xi.
The US voters will rush to the ballot box and vote for Trump. He knows which states he has to win to get the Electoral College majority. He may lose the popular vote by more than the 3 million votes of last time.He might lose the popular vote by 5-6 million. But he will win the Presidency because he knows how to win.
Hate him all you want. He has 65 million voters in the right states, and that is how the game is won.
I wouldn’t count on Trump winning the next election. A year and a half is a long time to hold the stock market together, because this is what really matters to Trump.
If the economy really craters between now and the election, a very good chance the next president of the USA will be a Democrat Socialist.
Should this occur the USA will be enter the twilight zone of reality, a reality where the dollar will collapse due to all the outrageous spending programs they will put forward.
Debt monetization Zimbabwe style.
Boz From Oz
Well spoken. I too don’t think that it is a safe bet that Trump will be reelected in 2020. The only thing going for him is the quality of his election opponents, and that quality is nothing exceptional. However, when it comes to finances, time is not working for him. Today I have read that the US debt stands at 72 trillion dollars. This means that every man, woman and child will have to contribute 220.000 dollars for the debt to be payed off. A family of four would have to pay 880.000 dollars. Worse, these appear to be “conservative” figures. Back in 2014 American university professors estimated that the combined US foreign and domestic debt was 222 trillion dollars, and that figure was repeated back in 2018. It’s questionable if anybody truly knows what the total US debt is, as analysts always mention different figures.
However, kicking the can down the road cannot last for ever. Analysts are unanimous that the day of reckoning will arrive, and a crash will occur. More than one commentator has stated that Trump was elected to be the fall guy when that day arrives. Maybe. Maybe not. We shall see. The coming years are going to be very interesting indeed.
This position, generally, is supported by a recent article in the London Review of Books, by Adam Tooze, “Is this the end of the American Century?”
Currently it is not behind a paywall.
Tooze concludes that Trump is succeeding in asserting American power globally and the end of the USA is nowhere near in sight, plus his policies have brought sufficient economic pluses to the USA to satisfy his base. However, Trump has destroyed any possibility of the USA’s being viewed as a positive political model.
“Trump asserting American power globally” ? Are you sure about this ? Kim got the better of him in North Korea, US troops cannot beat Afghan guerrillas, ISIS has virtually been defeated in Syria, and Washington got outmaneuvered by Maduro in Venezuela. I could go on. I think the opposite is happening to what you have stated. No disrespect intended.
“Are you sure about this ? ”
The view is not mine. I am just a copyeditor.
I read this article and the reason I draw it to the attention of people here is that Tooze’s conclusions are somewhat different from many that I read here.
Have you read the piece?
Do you think I misunderstood it?
The last time I looked at this Saker article it was about Ukraine, not the President of the United States of American. Precisely what does President Trump have to do with this?
Aus, precisely.
Oh yes the same goes for your first comment. I am guessing that the rump (Kiev) may be accepted in by Russia simply for historical reasons, from 1000yrs ago. I am also guessing that so called Nazis will have to go back to Galicja, where they came from.
S, excellent article.
First, I might state, pointlessly, that I despise Trump and all his ilk. He is, in my opinion at least, the quintessential American elite narcissist. However I do hope and pray that Barr appoints a Special Counsel to investigate the conspiracies to cheat Sanders of the Democratic nomination and to ensure Trump was the Republican candidate and then the various sundry conspiracies to invent totally false narratives of Russian meddling, and to destroy Trump as candidate, then as the President. The evidence is there in bucket-loads, and the hysterical mirth of the nut-cases like Madcow at the very idea of such retribution masks, I would say, a very real fear that Nemesis is a’coming in, and they will be hoist on their own petard.
This is dubious at best, you must be missing something, somewhere.
Tip of the day, do not get visibly upset if you are dead wrong about some things.
Everywhere you look that matters the deep state / banking / neo-aristocrats / davos set / neocon appointees are being dumped by their populations. Latvia, UK, France, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, etc. The only un-approved president to cave is Trump.
In the consumer-debt-capitalism model of global population management the tanoy used to ring out every now and then ‘Trouble shoppers in isle 7, deploy a new ‘change’ candidate’. It is out of control now. There is a whole lot of looting going on, isles 1-24.
The elephants in the room are now charging in the open. No doubt they will trample the ‘nazis’ who outlived their usefulness.
I hope that that Maria is taking care of her business, her type is frowned upon here in the bad old united states of America.
Some truly great news today! (24 April 2019)
Interfax news agency has just reported:
A simplified procedure to obtain Russian citizenship introduced for residents of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics
(Для жителей ДНР и ЛНР ввели упрощенный порядок приема в гражданство РФ)
Ukraine complained to the UN Security Council about the simplified issuance of Russian Federation passports to Donbass residents
(Украина пожаловалась в СБ ООН на упрощенную выдачу паспортов РФ жителям Донбасса)
Kiev demanded from Moscow to cancel the decision to issue Russian passports to Donbass residents
Киев потребовал от Москвы отменить решение о выдаче российских паспортов жителям Донбасса
U.S.A. called the decree on Russian Federation passports for Donetsk and Lugansk People ‘s Republics a part of an occupation plan
(США назвали указ о паспортах РФ для ДНР и ЛНР частью оккупационного плана)
It’s great news indeed! The opinion pieces of the Zionazis on the subject are excellent proof a correct decision has been made. Time to invent a fistful of these beautifully named laws as part of Western ideological corroboration. One humble suggestion: KFPRA (Kremlin Fake Passports Rejection Act).
I knew that this would happen. Reconstruction of Crimea is getting to the end soon and now Donetsk and Lugansk are coming to focus. Russia must protect those people from Bandera maniacs.
Russia must be merciless toward USA puppets in Kiev. This Zelensky is the same shit as Poroshenko, no difference.
I think that Russia will take entire Novorussia but it cannot be done now because Russia is still not economically strong enough to do that at once. But Russia has enough tome for that.
Ukraine will get in Union state with Russia, same as Belorussia.
Only Western Ukraine, Galicia is questionable but who cares anyway.
From the first of the above four links:
“… Moscow, 24 of April. The President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the decree … … …
The decree stipulates, that those permanent residents of Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics, who are accepted into citizenship of Russian Federation, shall take an oath.
In accordance with the decree, the Russian Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Security Service, the National Guard, and the heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on whose territory are located the competent authorities of the Ministry of Interior, are all instructed “to provide the conditions for providing the Oath of Citizen of Russian Federation to those persons who are accepted as citizens of Russian Federation” …”
(The solemn formality enshrining this mass statehood conversion (what else would it be :-?) would in itself be sufficient to turn the western creeps green … pale … red … before they explode out of impotent bitterness :-) :-) :-) )
It is NOT only those two republics that Russia gives citizenship , but to all Ukrainians who wish to obtain it. All benefits are extended to Ukrainians with R. passports.
Kolomoiski is Zelenski’s deep state, so concentrate on who and what MR. K’s philosophy is. If he too is a jew ….. More and worse of the same.
“… If he too is a jew …”
Wikipedia says: “… Zelensky was born 25 January 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, Ukrainian SSR, to Jewish parents. …”
It is pretty eerie (for me) to see the striking similarities in the political processes of the Ukraine and the United States. Aside from the differences in political and military power of the two states, and the ‘flavor’ of the ‘distortions’ of the social fabrics as they relate to the respective ‘rulers’ (and their relationship with the actual living people). It is actually almost creepy to see how similar they are. They both rejected someone who was so obviously unacceptable that you could see it from the f@ckin$ moon, in favor of the only other choice provided… Which (in both cases) happened to be (literally) a television personality which was bankrolled by imposter jews (rothschilds)… F@c$i#g WOW, right? Both are hostile towards not only Russia, but the entirety of humanity on this planet (the part that is tired of their balogna, anyway). Plus, both choose to be hostile towards others due to things that only exist in the realm of bullsh## they made up in the first place.
It really is pretty weird. We may well be entering uncharted territory here.
On the other hand, Josh, it is a smaller step from US Reality TV Show Star President to US Internet Comedian President than the Tired of It All Leap of Black Humor just witnessed in Ukraine.
US comedian Jimmy Dore:
https://youtu.be/-ySuGLyT22Y Comedian Becomes Ukraine President In Landslide!
“Mr Zelensky starred in the long running political drama Servant of the People, in which his character accidentally becomes Ukraine’s president…….He plays a teacher who gets elected after his expletive-laden rant about corruption goes viral on social media.” Jimmy quotes from some news wire.
“This is a real thing. This really happened.”, says Dore.
“Wait a minute! I know another comedian who engages in expletive-laden rants about corruption! Where’s MY F-ing presidency???!” demands Dore:
Dore actually has a quite good Ukraine From Vicky & McCain Maidan Until Today recap…………within the expletive-laden jokes.
I’m actually thinking Jimmy is more qualified than Zelensky…..
We may yet follow the Ukraine Example!
Geez! Kharma really would be a bitch…..if THAT were to happen. No joke……
Also, I truly am hoping (and praying) for the best.
@Josh. You are right about the Jewish-owned MSM global dream factory writing the same script for Zionazi-controlled U$A as for Zionazi-controlled Ukraine, and their wretched public in both countries voting desperately to select the least bad among all the Zionazi-controlled candidates. Otherwise the similarities really would have been uncanny.
You are also right, among all the bitterness and blood, to hope and pray for the best.
“Cry, cry upon death! but may the good prevail.” — Aeschyles, The Orestes Trilogy circa 500 BC; a plea for the end of primitive bloodshed and the founding of a just, democratic state via reasoned argument.
Bill going through RADA 25th to limit or control the role of President…..become a neutralised figurehead …? Does that represent a blocking event against Kolomoisky or just the old guard hanging onto what they can….or both…desparation or control..? Or positioning themselves to be of some kind of worth to be useful or be bought off…will Z and K be satisfied with this or is this the start of bigger power struggles…..
News just in: privileged Jew wins in rigged system.
Not according to that ‘Insanity Initiative’ appa-rat-chick, Natalie Nougatbrain of the Guardian nut-house. According to that barking mad feminazi, Ukraine is a triumph. Zelenskij’s hilarious stand-up hoot of declaring to the rest of the post-Soviet states, ‘Look at what we’ve achieved’, ie sub-Saharan levels of poverty and corruption, the global centre of Nazi hands-on military training, mass population exodus, paedophile tourism etc, is true, and a rallying-cry to those poor Russians languishing under Putin. The poor dear must have some sort of mental, as well as moral and spiritual, illness.
Somewhat agree – Ukraine is in trouble and needs rescuing.
It really needs to end up a buffer zone and conduit for exchange between EU & Russia and not a battlefield.
Indeed, Flopot… Any time I see or hear of some newly completed “election”, pretty much anywhere around the globe in these trying times, I don’t even bother to look further into the outcome… I now simply reflexively come to that exact same conclusion that you did here. And every single time it turns out to be accurate.
It’s all just theatre now. Quite literally everywhere. And 90+ percent of the posts I wade through, in Internet-land comments sections such as this one, are just exercises in narrative control by their fellow crime syndicate flunkies that specialize in “perception management”. Thankfully, your post is one of the rare exceptions. Thank you.
A quite fresh article of Tom Luongo on Zerohedge mentioned something interesting (first I thought this would be the next typical ZH *doom* article, but it´s actually quite good and interesting):
Simplified summary: Luongo states that Putin and Xi are completely fed up with the US after the Hanoi fail, and simply start ignoring.
About Ukraine Luongo predicts the following (excerpt):
“Putin, Xi, Rouhani in Iran and Kim in North Korea are pragmatic men. They understand the realities they live in. This is why I see Putin willing tomorrow to sit down with Kim and flaunt the U.N. sanctions and begin the investment process into North Korea that should have begun last year.
Putin would not be making these moves if he didn’t feel that Bolton was all bark and no bite when it came to actual war with Russia. He also knows that Germany needs him more than he needs Germany so despite the feet-dragging and rhetoric Nordstream 2 will go forward.
Trade is expanding between them despite the continued sanctions.
Putin may be willing to cut a deal with President-elect Zelensky on gas transit later in the year but only if the shelling of the LPR and DPR stops and he guarantees no more incidents in the Sea of Azov. This would also mollify Merkel a bit and make it easier for her politically to get Nordstream 2 over the finish line.”
Sidebar: Let me assure you that I’m also completely fed up with that Nordstream 2 doomtalk of ‘Die Trumpete’. Russian gas was already imported, without any problem or interruption, since the eighties. We had a cold war then and the USSR still existed. And then it was no problem, and suddenly now it is?
Some figures. Of the total energy consumption in Germany, only 15% is gas related. And that includes more suppliers (Norway, for instance), so the Russian gas covers roughly 10% of the energy consumption.
Of this gas consumption ca. 90% is industry consumed, and 10% by households. So actually German household energy consumption is only for 1% relying on Russian gas. And this is called ‘leverage’? Give me a break.
The unreliable transit function of Ukraine for Russian gas is the main reason Nordstream 2 is built. Ukraine may get gas via shady deals with EU countries (shady while Gazprom contracts forbid that), so a cooperative attitude of Zelensky might be a good start.
I think Luongo has hit a few damn good chords here.
Cheers, Rob
Let me add something.
The Problem with the Zionazi-neocon-newworldorder-cloak and dagger-LGBTBBQ or whatever we may call them, is that they rely on old doctrines in a changed world.
The whole idea of ‘world domination’ is still based on the ideas of MacKinder of roughly a century ago, ‘who controls the heartland of Eurasia controls the world’, roughly like that.
Brzezinski did a flimsy paint-over in his ‘Grand chessboard’ (that actually reads like a boring PowerPoint presentation), and that is still central for the ‘doctrines’.
But hey, Zbiggy, now what?
Cooperation between Russia and China was a ‘threat’, but that ‘would be unlikely because they would never really trust each other’. Oops.
It was essential to grab Ukraine, considered the Heartland of Russia, to ‘control Russia’. Well, that works out fine, does it? I’ll give it some 5 years till it’s gone.
Cooperation between Germany and Russia was considered a ‘threat’. The industrial power of Germany, with the commodities of Russia, the sheer horror…
On this last Point, I like to put a needle in this balloon with just hot air. There has been a decades long full-fledged cooperation between Russia and Germany, on an intense scale.
This Project was called ‘DDR’.
Since I have visited the DDR when there was still a Berlin wall, I can assure you all from first experience that this was not exactly a success, and a far cry from a ‘threat’.
And then what did it produce? I mean, have you ever driven a Trabant? I have, and it’s… an experience at least. Or clearer, it’s a piece of crap.
(Actually, it’s kind of a cult car in Germany. An art student in my street had one, marker covered with drawings and texts. It contained a large arrow pointing at the driver’s door, with the text ‘Achtung! Stasi Dienstwagen. Prospekte beim Fahrer’. )
With holding on to old ideas, the Empire will gain the reverse. At least, that’s emerging. And alarming when they finally will realise, I’m afraid.
Cheers, Rob
Quite a bit today in MFA presentation by Mme Zakharova re the declaration by Ukraine that Ukrainian will be the official language…being even more divisive…that Donbass still suffers and has suffered a virtually complete blockade econimically socially and their human rights for sake of political posturising by Ukraine politicians over many years..failure to engage via Minsk to resolve this …continuing attacks by Ukraine forces being defended by Novorossian forces ….and it has been a very considered decision to offer russian citizenship opportunities to Donbass citizens…..as part of their ongoing humanitarian needs….
To me sounds like “calling the bluff” so to speak, of Ukraine and Russia is ready for any possible next steps and letting them know….?
The Slovak chairmanship believes that this unilateral measure ( citizen ship to Russia…..JJ)could undermine the efforts for a peaceful resolution of the crisis in and around Ukraine, and calls for adherence to the OSCE principles and commitments by all its participating States. The Chairmanship invites all sides to refrain from unilateral steps and to jointly continue searching for ways how to fully implement the Minsk agreements,” the press service said.
“Additionally, the Chairmanship reiterates its call for a sustainable, full and permanent ceasefire and its firm support for the work of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, which plays an essential role in reducing tensions on the ground, and in fostering peace, stability and security,” the press service added.
I remain unconvinced OSCE has so far been of much value so why pay attention to it now…..again….emphasis being put on Ukraines shoulders and so called backers in EU of Minsk process……
‘The truth is nobody knows what will happen next…There are just too many parameters to consider, and the real balance of power following this election has not manifested itself yet’, as The Saker forebodingly warns. The pattern of history suggests the continent is heading for another world war. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/
The course of events in Europe and globally predict things will only get worse. Like The Saker, ‘I also very much hope that I am wrong.’
What difference does this make to anything.
We have a new Jew stooge in the pocket of the Jew oligarch Kolomoisky.
What difference does it make?
Well, it does give the people of Donbass a choice, a way out. For some of them it could be a life-changing, or a life-saving, chance.
I guess may the question “What does this really change” refers to the global political picture, not personal lives.
It seems to me that “freedom of movement” (or lack of it) or, in this case, “some wiggle room” recently has had pretty important effects on the foreign and domestic policies of a number of large and small countries. The freedom to move back and forth between Donbass and the RF—including to work in both countries— could make an enormous difference in social, economic, educational—all kinds of ways in people’s lives. When the conditions of people’s lives are changed, that inevitably, ultimately, eventually has fallout for politics.
One question: Will the new Donbass/Russian citizens be able to vote in both countries?
If that was already covered, my apologies.
“…campaign promises in the Ukraine are never kept for more than the time it takes to make them.”
Same in the US.
Fun and games
KIEV, April 25. /TASS/. Ukraine’s Central Election Commission (CEC) is delaying the announcement of the presidential election’s results to prevent the new president from dissolving the parliament, president-elect Vladimir Zelensky said in a video address on Facebook on Thursday.
“Very funny things are happening: the CEC is delaying the official announcement of the results. Why? So that the Verkhovna Rada can delay the inauguration until after May 27 and the president doesn’t have an opportunity to dissolve the Rada,” Zelensky said.
He added that “it is unfair.” “A president that has the support of 73% of voters should have the right to at least consider it [dissolving the parliament – TASS] and the right to do it,” he said. “The system is afraid. We will defeat them all!” he concluded.
Parliament’s dissolution options
According to Ukrainian laws, the president does not have the right to dissolve the parliament less than six months before its term expires. The current Verkhovna Rada’s term expires one months after the next election scheduled to take place on October 27, which means that the president can dissolve the Rada on May 27 at the latest. In addition, the president needs a legally sound reason to dissolve the parliament.
One of the legal options is that the Rada can just fail to hold a plenary session for 30 days due to a lack of quorum (226 lawmakers). Zelensky’s team could try to make agreements with those Rada members who are ready for an early election, but those who are afraid of not being re-elected may oppose such a plan.
The lack of a ruling majority in the Rada could be another reason for dissolving the parliament. A coalition was formed in 2014 to serve President Pyotr Poroshenko’s needs but it has since lost many of its members. In response to numerous requests to publish a list of the coalition’s members, Rada Speaker Andrei Parubiy said it was unnecessary. If a newly elected president finds out there are less than 226 signatures in the coalition agreement, he may call an early election.
Thanks for the insight, Saker. I notice that you refer to Empire not AngloZionist Empire in this analysis. Is this just an abbreviation or do you think the composition of the Empire has changed? From my point of view, I’m starting to wonder if we’ll begin to remember a little fondly, back to when the US Americans had a credible empire, and the other power bases were held somewhat in check (as the “colonial shakedown” seems to be in the works – Israel, New Zealand, Canada, India… Maybe I’m just too fond of tin foil.)
Hmm…Poro uses a lobbying firm that has Volker in its employ that joins with others funding eg McCain group to employ Volker as special representative envoy thingy…for Ukraine to mediate the prospects for Ukraine….wonders how long that might continue after the Z presidency “success”…..
Volker v Kolomoisky?
UNITED NATIONS, April 25. /TASS/. European countries forming part of the UN Security Council (SC) think that Russia’s decision on simplifying the citizenship granting process for Donbass residents does not correspond to the Minsk Agreements, their representatives said in a statement before the UNSC session held at the request of Ukraine.
“We as Member States of the European Union fully support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders,” the statement reads. “The signature by the Russian President of a decree entitling, inter alia, people who permanently reside in certain areas of Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions to apply for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner undermines Ukraine’s sovereignty.”
“The timing of such a decision immediately after Ukraine’s Presidential election, which demonstrated Ukraine’s strong attachment to democracy and the rule of law, show’s Russia’s intention to further destabilise Ukraine and to exacerbate the conflict,” the EU members of the UNSC stressed.
“We expect Russia to refrain from any such actions that jeopardize the implementation of the Minsk Agreements and that impede the full restoration of Ukrainian government control over those areas as prescribed in the agreements. Russia must in particular end its financial and military support to the separatists,” the statement added.
Huh, so, what’s sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander!
The EU can allow and even mandate free movement—even order it—but let Russia try the same thing and that is a no-no??
The JSP (Jewish State in Palestine) gives dual citizenship to American Jews and no one says that is undermining American sovereignty (although an argument could be made that it actually is doing so by dual citizens who “serve” in the govt having dual loyalties or actually being JSP-firsters).
A number of countries offer citizenship to diaspora descendants, e.g., grandchildren, of citizens (I am thinking of Ireland and maybe Italy). Does anyone say this is undermining the sovereignty of the countries where those Irish or Italian citizens were born? Spain has now offered citizenship to descendants of Spanish citizens, or I guess that would be *subjects*, going back centuries, maybe to the 16th or 17th C.
Germany offers citizenship to the descendants of Kazakh and Volga Germans and others who left the territory of Germany centuries ago as colonizers of various kinds—they are called Spaetaussiedler. Weirdly, Germany even lifts some barriers for Spaetaussiedler that it maintains in place for the children and grandchildren of *women* who fled or were forcibly expatriated by the Third Reich in the last century and thereby lost their citizenship. One of their rationales here is that Spaetaussiedler “need” German citizenship because they were “left behind” in Russia. I.e., they have Russian citizenship but the German govt views this as a negative and thus offers them a way to become naturalized as Germans—even when the line goes through the mother or is unknown, and the persons speak hardly a word of German or none at all (in the latter case they are given lessons so as to pass a basic, very basic, little test; meanwhile fluency in German cuts virtually no ice when it comes to the descendants of 20th C German women).
The point here is that sovereign nations get to decide who may become a citizen and who, not. It is not for some tsk-tsking “nanny” group to tell a sovereign nation to whom it can offer citizenship—and certainly the RF’s recognition of those of Russian ethnic identity in the Donbass seems to be exactly analogous with the prolicies of the JSP.
So, what is the legal basis for this huffing and puffing about sovereignty of Ukraine? Is there any international accord regarding rules for citizenship?
The RF is a sovereign nation and I should think it can do whatever it damn well pleases, just like Spain Ireland, the JSP, etc. Unlike countries that are shackled to the EU, or wish they were. If the RF decides to let Edward Snowden live there indefinitely, it can do so, and the USA can’t stop it. If it decides that some Ukranians can also become de facto Russian citizens, no one can stop it.
Surely the howling stems from the fact that giving some Ukrainians a choice to vote with their feet weakens EU/UN control over Uke generally.
God, help my Ukraine !