[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
Well, that didn’t take too long. Let me summarize what just happened in the Ukraine.
Everything was looking oh-so-promising and then suddenly…
First, Trump, Macron and Merkel apparently told Zelenskii that he had to sign the so-called Steinmeier formula, which basically spells out the sequence of confidence-building and de-escalation measures foreseen by the Minsk Agreements. Now, you would be excused for thinking that this is a no-brainer. After all, the Minsk Agreements were ratified by the UNSC (which makes them mandatory, no “if” or “buts” about this!) and it was Poroshenko who agreed to the Steinmeier formula. Heck, in 2016 he sure did not have a problem with it, but in 2019 he now calls the self-same formula a Russian invention and that there is no such thing as a Steinmeier formula, see for yourself (in Ukrainian only):
So what is the big deal?
The problem of the “non-existing Nazis”
Zelenskii’s problem can be summed up in a simple sentence: the non-existing Nazis. Well, at least in the past all the Neo-Nazis cum Jew-haters were constantly trying to convince us that there are no Nazis in the Ukraine; apparently, my use of the term Ukronazi really set them off. Then came the election in which an absolute majority of Ukrainians rejected Poroshenko’s drive for war and voted for Zelenskii. If the Ukrainian people voted en masse to elect an anti-war/pro-peace Jew, surely the Ukronazis were just a small minority of fringe individuals, right?
Wrong! Very very wrong!
And if those who were whitewashing the Ukrainian Nazis (obviously to obfuscate their real ideology and power) had paid closer attention they would have seen signs of real Nazi power all over this election.
First, there was the remarkable change in tone in Zelenskii’s rhetoric. Just like so many politicians (including Trump!), he radically changed his tune and clearly tried to say one thing when speaking to the general Ukrainian public and quite another when meeting with the Nazis or nationalist exiles in the USA.
You could say that there is a “Nazi deep state” in the Ukraine which, just like the other deep states out there, can weather any elected president and quickly reassert its control over whomever the people elected.
You don’t believe me when I say that he actually hosted the Ukronazis “fringe minority”? Fine, see for yourself:
In the photo above, Zelenskii is sitting with your typical gang of Ukronazi skinheads, including members of the infamous Azov death-squad, and he is trying really hard to charm them while they, very publicly, have threatened him with a new Maidan.
And this is not an isolated case or a fluke.
Zelenskii’s prime minister went to a concert for an openly Nazi “Scream” music group called Sekira Peruna and thanked the crowd of veterans of the “anti terrorist operation” (i.e. thugs from the Ukronazi deathsquads) for being there and for saving the Ukraine. I did not find any English language translation of the typical lyrics of Sekira Peruna, but I assure you that they contain all the obligatory nonsense which the Nazi ideology is built upon (see here for a very good article with more details on this event and the Nazis involved).
Check out what their concert posters look like (shown here on the right) or, even better, check out the website of this group: http://sokyraperuna.com/
‘Nuff said, I think.
So what is going on here?
Basically, exactly what I predicted as soon as Zelenskii was elected in my article “Zelenskii’s dilemma” in which I wrote: (emphasis added)
The Nazi-occupied Ukraine is not a democracy, but a plutocracy combined with an ochlocracy. The oligarchs are still there, as are the neo-Nazis mobs and death squads. And that creates an immense problem for Zelenskii: this new Rada might well represent the views of a majority of the Ukrainian people, but the real power in the country is not concentrated in the Rada at all: it is in the streets (…) The people of the Ukraine desperately want peace. For the time being, the Rada reflects this overwhelmingly important fact. I say “for the time being” because what will happen next is that the various forces and individuals who currently support Zelenskii have done so just to gain power. They do not, however, have a common ideological platform or even a common program. As soon as things go south (which they will inevitably do) many (most?) of these folks will turn against Zelenskii and side with whoever can muster the biggest crowds and mete out the most violence. Now that he got elected, Zelenskii quasi-instantly switched to the exact same rhetoric as what got Poroshenko so severely defeated. Why? Because Zelenskiii is afraid that the neo-Nazi mobs and death squads will be unleashed against him at the very first opportunity. In fact, the neo-Nazis have already begun promising a new Maidan. The truth is that Zelenskii has to choose between acting on the will of the people and face the wrath of the neo-Nazis or do the will of the neo-Nazis and face the wrath of the people: tertium non datur! So far, Zelenskii has apparently decided that talking is all he is going to do simply because his triumphant electoral victories have landed him in the middle of an immense minefield, and any steps he takes from now on could cost him very dearly. Right now, in the short term, the neo-Nazi mobs represent a much bigger danger to Zelenskii than the (disorganized, demoralized and generally apathetic) people. But this will inevitably change as the economic and political situation gets worse.
We see exactly that scenario unfolding before our eyes. Zelenskii took not one, but three very real, if small, steps. First, he ordered a pullback of some regular Ukrainian armed forces from a few important segments of the line of contact, then he agreed to a relatively minor prisoner exchange and, finally, he ordered the Ukrainian delegation to sign the Steinmeier formula. The prisoner exchange went okay for both sides. The Ukronazis soon categorically rejected any withdrawal and they publicly promised to immediately re-occupy any village vacated by the regular army and they rejected what they call the “Russian” or “Putin” formula. So far there were a few attempts to block the thugs of the Azov battalion, but after a few minor clashes, the Azov people passed the police line. And now, the Nazi organized mass protests in 300 Ukrainian cities. I could post lots of videos here, but that would take a lot of space. If you want to get a feel for what took place today, go to YouTube and copy-paste the following search query “протесты в украине” into the search bar, and then use the filter option and chose “this week”: you will easily get many hours of video and you don’t even need to understand a word of Ukrainian to immediately get it.
There is another very important factor which you will almost never see on these videos or on any public statements and that is that there are a number of civil and even criminal cases currently being brought to trial in the Ukraine against a host of officials of the ancient régime including even against Poroshenko (11-14 separate investigations just for him already!) These men (Poroshenko, Parubii, Turchinov, etc.) now have absolutely no choice but to try to overthrow Zelenskii.
Just like the US Dems need a coup against Trump (in the form of an impeachment or something else) because the Clinton-Biden gang now risks real, hard, jail time, so do the former Ukronazi leaders now need a coup against Zelenskii or they go to jail.
Initially, it appeared that Trump had given Poroshenko some personal security guarantees, but everybody knows how much the US President’s security “guarantees” are worth (just ask the Kurds!). So Poroshenko did not flee the country. It now appears that some of the people behind Zelenskii (aka Kolomoiskii) are out to get the “Poroshenko clan & Associates” – Poroshenko has to either topple Zelenskii or run away abroad. There are also rumors that the US “deep state” (as opposed to the Trump Administration) is now putting pressure on Zelenskii to stop these investigations. Thus, the current battle between Trump and the Neocons and their “deep state” has now spilled over into the Ukraine and it appears that various US interest groups are now creating local Ukrainian surrogates whom they will use in their struggle against each other.
Furthermore, a real possibility opened up now that all sorts of previously buried issues will be investigated by the Ukrainian prosecutors including:
- An official and true investigation to find out who opened fired on the police and demonstrators during the Euromaidan
- MH-17
- Ukronazi atrocities in the Donbass
- Human rights violations in the Ukraine (where over 1000 political prisoners are still being held) starting with innumerable cases of horrible torture of detainees (in secret torture camps, à la CIA, including an especially infamous one in Mariupol).
- Poroshenko’s role in the “Crimea Bridge provocation”
- All the many murders of journalists and opponents to the Nazis beginning with the murder of Oles Buzina
- A quasi infinite list of war profiteering, corruption, fraud, etc. etc. etc.
Simply put: there is no way that the Ukronazis will just stand by and let those investigations proceed. And while it is true that numerically the Ukronazis are a small minority in the Ukraine, there is plenty enough of them to terrify Zelenskii and his handlers, especially considering that they are 1) well armed 2) many have frontline combat experience and 3) that they are willing not only to engage in “regular” violence, but also to commit atrocities and engage in terrorism (they did plenty of both in the Donbass).
Zelenskii does have a number of things going for him: first, the mandate of the people (though his popularity is already down from 73% to 66% – which is still very big), his legal prerogatives as the President and Commander in Chief and the support of Kolomoiskii’s strong network of international connections, especially in Israel.
But that is all rather theoretical so far.
All Zelenskii has done, besides hosting the skinheads in his office, was to make a 14 hour long interview with a group of reporters. Yes, fourteen hours. Alas, all he achieved was to show that he is a much better actor than politician. In fact, most experts seem to agree that in his role as President Zelenskii is a total failure who speaks a lot, says a lot of silly things when he does, and seems to be absolutely unable to take any real action.
At the time of writing (Wed 16th) the leader of the Ukronazis has given Zelenskii 10 days to yield to all the demands of the opposition. If not, he has promised to trigger a new Maidan and bring millions of people to the streets.
Yup. The “tiny” “fringe” and otherwise “non-existing” Nazis have now given Zelenskii an ultimatum.
Zelenskii is in free fall: Trump, Macron and Merkel are demanding that he abide by the decisions of the UNSC, the Minsk Agreements and the Steinmeier formula. The Russians have clearly indicated that unless tangible and real progress is made in the implementation of this formula, there will be nothing else to discuss. The Ukraine is basically bankrupt and desperately needs both Novorussian coal and Russian gas. Furthermore, only a removal of the self-defeating barriers and boycotts imposed by the former regime against any trade or even communications with Russia could begin to kick-start the economy of what is now clearly a failed state.
Yet the Nazis will oppose any and all such measures, with violence if needed. As for Zelenskii, he appears to be in a no win situation: no matter what he does next, things will only get worse. Thus the most likely outcome of all these processes will be, in the short term, further futile attempts by Zelenskii to appease the Nazis (thereby alienating the general population), in the middle term a violent confrontation, followed in the long term by (the probably inevitable) break-up of the Ukraine into separately much more viable parts.
The Saker
UPDATE: I just heard that the Ukraine is now demanding that 1) the LNR/DNR dissolve themselves, 2) that they have to leave the Ruble zone and switch back to the Hrivna, 3) that the local military forces have to be disbanded and, finally, 4) that Kiev wants the total control of the LDNR/Russian border.
Well, good luck with that, folks! I hope they are not holding their breath (they aren’t – they are just trying to find a pretext to renege on their legal and political obligations…)
Boy, events sure are moving quickly these days, aren’t they?
Well folks, this is what is looks like when the Empire is in pretty much total free-fall collapse.
Its the inevitable writing on the wall.
The Ukraine is so corrupt that I wouldn’t be surprised if another new and improved paramilitary death squad is formed, with the right kind of funding, to fight and replace these Azov orks.
No, another new and improved paramilitary death squad will not be formed, as the present ones are quite enough.
I enjoyed reading this article by The Saker, as it confirmed what I suspected was happening and would happen. We can safely that Ukraine is virtually finished, a corpse which still shows signs of life. As I have written before, that coup d’etat in 2014 was the most incredibly stupid things the US and EU did, as all it did was start a chain reaction which cannot be stopped. I wonder how many times Putin laughed. People are accusing him of wanting to annex the Donbass, which is laughable. Why should he settle for the Donbass when in the end he can have 75 % of current Ukraine, which will inevitably return to Russia. Just to point out to readers that the name of Ukraine is derived from the Slavic word “Krayina”, which means “frontier region”. From “Krayina” you get “Ukrayina” and from “Ukrayina” you get Ukraine, which was the frontier region of Russia.
When the coup d’etat in 2014 unfolded, Ukraine was reduced to a feudal state, run by oligarchs, the new feudal robber barons. The Ukronazi battalions we see in Ukraine are nothing more that feudal retainers, used for dirty work in the Dobass and across Ukraine. They are financed by the oligarchs, and in return these neo-Nazi battalions protect the oligarchs. We now have a type of Mexican standoff. On the one side we have an impoverished population, while on the other side the oligarchs and their neo-Nazi retainers. At the moment the oligarchs are mildly “controlling” the situation. However, that is only a temporary situation. Since Ukraine is sinking economically and financially, we can expect a spontaneous uprising, which the neo-Nazis will not be able to contain. And what will happen then ? The first to flee, of course, will be the oligarchs, while the neo-Nazis will disappear, as their masters will not be around to finance them. After that we shall see the breakup of Ukraine into three parts. The Western part, the former Galicia, will become an area of contention between Poland and Hungary, while the Donbass will certainly be unified with Russia. This leaves central Ukraine. In the end it will follow the Dobass into Russia.
Indeed, I have always maintained that the battle (political, societal, ideological, cultural) that is currently being waged in Ukraine is not about eastern Ukraine, which is Russian no doubt about it. It is certainly not about West Ukraine, which is not Russian, no doubt about it. But it is about central Ukraine, specifically Kiev and the surrounding areas. That area is also historically Russian (Kiev is a historic Russian city – even though it has also been part of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth for some time, a temporary historical setback). But the central part is locked in between the eastern and West Ukraine struggle. West Ukraine gained a lot of influence after 2014, because they essentially came to Kiev. But fundamentally the people in Kiev and central Ukraine do not really share the fundamental anti-Russian ideology like West Ukrainians do. If central Ukrainians seem to be anti-Russian currently, it’s because of more recent events (as portrayed by their media), and not because of historic dislike for Russia.
krai (край) literally means “the end” of something, not “frontier”. As a Bulgarian I should know. Ukraine means “the end lands”
and No, I highly doubt Putin laughed when Russia lost Ukraine. Most likely he was totally pissed off, but since he still naively believed he could be pals with the West and he didn’t want the ruin his “friendship” with the West he didn’t do anything when he should have. (We slavs are too naive and too nice as compared the the evil Anglo-saxons, it’s a very bad triad we have) And the West got what they wanted: a torn in Russia’s side, a serious problem that will give problems to Russia for decades to come. A gift that keeps on giving. No BRI connection between Europe and Russia(checked), gas problems(checked), possible NATO membership for Ukraine(not yet), problems with the Azov sea, etc, etc.
And NO, sorry to burst your bubble Ukraine isn’t about “to fall economically”. The Russians have been saying Ukraine will fall economically for the last 2 years yet it still hasnt. IMF will keep on giving it loans and it will keep on limping along. Remember, the West doesn’t care about the Ukies, all it wants to do is cause problems to Russia. and the problems continue.
Putin had the opportunity to take over Ukraine twice already but he twice stopped cuz he was afraid of the economic sanctions that kept on coming. And please dont tell me Russia isnt suffering due to the economic sanctions. It is. badly.
So Zelensky is stuck. Putin is stuck too. And even if Ukraine falls and Russia takes it over, it will cost billions to fix Ukraine. and Russia cannot afford to do that.
So Ukraine is the gift to the West that keeps on giving.
The Ukraine is not a failing state it is a failed state. Failed states limp along but they are no longer states in the true sense of the word. One of Ukraine’s – and the Baltics – most pressing problems is depopulation – a fall in population from 52 million in 1990 to approx 42 million today. This in a sense is worse than a war. Ukraine is simply bleeding people as everyone with any ambition or talent wants to get out. Ukraine is more a lego set than a state, with bits and pieces added on at random. The East was appended by Lenin in 1922, and the West by Stalin in 1945. A mixture of populations Galician, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian which was never going to get along. And so it turns out. Oh, and BTW IMF loans are loans, not gifts – gifts which need to be repaid, after that is having come into the country mysteriously disappear to who knows where. But they still have to be paid – somehow. The break-up of Ukraine commenced some time ago with the secession of the Don Bass and Crimea. Similar secessionist movements are emerging in Bessarabia and Transcarpathia where Hungarian and Romainian minorities live.
It seems perfectly clear that the vast majority of the Ukrainian people want an end to the war and some sort of future. But this doesn’t fit in with the US’s geopolitical strategy: the war, already lost, must go on. The Ukraine is now the poorest country in Europe and getting poorer by the day whilist the oligarchs enrich themselves and the Banderist nut-jobs strut around like a European version of the Ton-Ton Macoute in Haiti. This is not even a nation-state, it is an American occupied zone with an extremely uncertain future.
In that the Ukraine is a sort of blueprint for the future under the global hegemony of the USA, run by self-deluding ‘Exceptionalist’ psychopaths and their stooges, the detritus of nations, as the neo-liberal economic order implodes, as the ecological Holocaust rapidly deepens and as the USA absolutely refuses, to the point of war, to accept its geopolitical eclipse. A situation worsened by its own internal collapse from sheer moral perfidy. Failed states like Ukraine, dominated externally by the USA and internally by fascist death-squads (eg Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Ukraine, Rwanda, etc)will proliferate, until global chaos engulfs all. Countries not yet collapsed will be targeted for regime change by thugs, brainwashed and trained by the USA and its stooges, as we can see in Syria, Hong Kong and, possibly, Lebanon, Iraq, Venezuela etc. Hatred, death and destruction, those pillars of the really existing ‘Free World’, will reign over all who cannot defend themselves, by all means available.
Populations get on fine, inter-marrying, sharing food and culture and enriching one another until some malevolent force, internal or external, sets out to foment hatred and violence. As went Yugoslavia, so goes Ukraine, Syria and, if someone puts the effort in, the USA.
Putin never “lost” Ukraine, as he never owned it. It was an independent state before he came to power. It’s another point that Ukraine has no historical reason to exist as an independent state.
As for EU and IMF loans to Ukraine, they mean almost nothing, as the bulk of that money was embezzled by oligarchs, leading to the present sorry state in the country. The EU has stated that it has no more money to send to Ukraine.
By December of 2017, 4 million Ukrainian’s fled to the West and 4.4 million to Russia. According to one analyst, 100.000 Ukrainians are emigrating every month. The figure might be an exaggeration, but on the other hand it cannot be low. A day will come when the country will not have enough workforce and will cease to function. As far as I can see, it’s inevitable for the country to rejoin Russia.
And what example is Bulgaria . You seem to forget the statue in the main square in Sofia. Lets not forget WWI and WWII and what side you took. Let me refreshed your recent memory of the “South Stream” gas contract that your government signed and then abandoned. You seem to forget the Russian proverb ” Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me”. Some Slavs are ashamed of being Slavs like the Poles and the Croats and of course the Ukronazis, as Netanyahu said “they sucked anti-Semitism with their mothers’ milk.” and anti Orthodoxy as well.
”Some Slavs are ashamed of being Slavs like the Poles and the Croats and of course the Ukronazis”
Correct. Turns them into Honorary Euro-trash.
@ Vuki
… ” some slavs are ashamed of being slavs … ” …
One should not mix bulgarians into slavs. They are not slavs.
Their ancestors are among some mongol tribes from far east. Deep dark zone.
They came to europe and masked themselves into slavs , accepted language , ortodox religion.
But in their roots they are mongol tribes thirsty of slavs blood.
Especialy serbian blood.
And they took side to nazis in ww 1 and ww2 ,
because their nazi masters allowed them.
And they enjoyed killing serbs in monstrous ways.
Unimaginable , shaman way of torture.
And they killed serbs shamelessly , because they are not slavs.
Bulgarians are just blood thirsty shamans.
We should not judge the whole race by the actions of some, Yes they were invaders just like the Madjars . Madjars assimilated by marrying Slavic and German women but held onto their language. Bulgarians assimilated by marrying Slavic women and adopting their language, the religion came later. The Balkan Wars caused much of the acrimony between Bulgaria , Serbia and Greece (Dusan’s Empire) . Unfortunately this acrimony remains to this day . Its time to build bridges even in places where there is no rivers . Leave the Albanian gjakmarrja (blood feuding) to Albania . Remember Justinian’s and Dusan’s code of laws and move on towards a global community where character determines human value.
ALL Bulgarians? Hereditarily and inescapably? Come on, that sort of ancestral and implacable hatred is precisely what is destroying humanity.
Western sanctions were a boon to Russia. They made it rely on its own resources, and thrive, and hit the EU stooges far more than it did Russia. And it lessens the power of the enemy within, the Atlanticist parasites who want to see a Russia colonised by the West and ruthlessly exploited by the same blood-sucking financialist interests that rule throughout the ‘Free World’.
I agree with Mulga…and I point to a true specialist who actually knows of what he speaks…John Hellevig…
This piece ran already here on the Saker blog, but there are many more on Mr. Hellevig’s truly excellent site…
With Global Recession Looming, Russia Looks Strong
Elsewhere on his blog Hellevig has very in-depth analyses of Russia’s incredible important substitution program…the sanctions against Russia may have done some short term inconvenience and a small hit to the wallet, but they served to kickstart this incredible program of self-sufficiency…
This is going on in vital economic sectors like the civil aircraft industry, where the excellent new Russian airliners like the MC21 are now going to be 97 percent Russian content by 2022…this has HUGE implications for Russia being able to export these aircraft to sanctioned customers that ir in dire need of civil aircraft…like Iran…
The Soviet Union was an aviation powerhouse…by the 1980s it accounted for a quarter of the world’s passenger jet production and 40 percent of military aircraft…once Russia regains its footing in this crucial industry, it will be a brand new ballgame…
The US tried to put a stick in the MC21 by withholding some components involved in the making of the carbon fiber wing, but Russia has already solved this with 100 percent domestic substitutes from its incredibly competent scientific-industrial base [which I happen to be very familiar with]…
So unfortunately our Bulgar friend Mr Hoyeru is way off the mark on this one…the EU has taken a VERY big hit from these sanctions, and with the import substitution program now nearly complete…those markets are lost forever…
Russia is the world’s most self-sufficient country…it’s imports make up just 7 percent of the GDP, compared to 40 for Germany, as seen in this chart…
That from this report in 2017, which details just how self-defeating those western sanctions have been…
What Does Not Kill You Will Make You Stronger
As for the Ukraine…I agree with those who see this as a huge bleeding wound for the west…they have shot themselves in the foot with a howitzer…
Just look at what’s happening in Syria right now…the US just bombed its own air defense radar base as they bugged out…it’s game over…
The same thing awaits in Ukraine…whatever happens, whether the country breaks up or somehow sticks together…the people will never forget the main lesson…never believe in the bullshit from the west…
At some point, the west is going to bug out of Ukraine just like Syria…no amount of paper money from the already teetering IMF and its near-collapse western capitalist system is capable of sustaining a failed state of over 40 million people…
We are now seeing the denouement of the 30 year hybrid war against Russia that started as soon as the Soviet Union dissolved…the imperialists have overplayed their hand badly, but Mother Russia has persevered in the face of fascist aggression before…and she is likewise now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel…
Well, Zelenskiy is not only a pathetic clown, but also a lousy coward and incompetent idiot.
2% of neonazi population blackmail the whole Ukraine. That is what you get because of not taking Mariuopol, leaving Slavyansk, just watching burning people in Odessa and no partizan movement even in Kharkov… shitty ruined country ruled by punks and criminals.
And Russian army is taking Manjib instead of Kiyv. 💀👎
Leaving Ukronazistan to rot, and the neo and paleo-Nazis to run amuk, was, I believe, the best bet. It, one must hope, will discredit fascism, Banderism, pro-Westernism and Free Market parasitism among sane and decent Ukrainians for some time. It, almost inevitably, will get very nassty, these fascists being very nassty creatures, indeed. And they have very nassty patrons and financiers in the USA, Canada, Austfailia, Israel etc.
”And Russian army is taking Manbij instead of Kiyv. 💀”
Has Russia/Moscow/The Kremlin/Putin made some sort of blunder by capturing Manbij? For your information: Russia was invited by the Syrian government to deal with the ongoing Zionazi encroachment. Kiev not so much.
Imagine the wonderful ”achievements” had Russia launched an attack (well-deserved, no doubt) on the Ukro garbage while ignoring their commitment to Syria. As fascism is vanquished in Syria, it has zero chance of prevailing in a dying, decomposing Ukraine.
Seriously, what’s your problem here?
the master
What do you mean “And Russian Army is taking Manjib instead of Kiyv (Kiev)” ? Why would Putin do something so incredibly foolish and be accused of “aggression” ? NATO and the West would have a field day. Imagine all the propaganda. Putin does not need to take Kiev, as in the end Kiev will be begging Moscow to return to Russia, where it belongs. The whole country is imploding, while the oligarchs no doubt have prepared plans for fleeing, as their Western bank accounts are waiting for them.
To have a friendly neighbour state is somewhow more important than to be liked somewhere 3000 km away from Russian borders – don’t you agree?
Nothing wrong about ruling the Syrian problem, you got me wrong. Well, not exactly Kiyv, but the complete regions of Lugans and Donetzk, east bank of Dnepr, Malorossia, should have been taken from the hands of Ukronazi scum.
What would be the difference compared to only taking Crimea? Really bad bad sanctions? Anyway, thanks to idiotizm of nazis and the US-led coup Russia had to react and did in-time and correct tactical moves regarding Crimea. However, sadly the whole matter was not arranged by Moscow, no “clever plan of Putin”. For 23 years Russia made nothing substantial to win the land and people of Ukraine “back to USSR”. Indeed the 2008 clash with Georgia was also a tactical win of Russian generals who just reacted quickly and correctly to foolish attempt of wannabe NATO ally Saakashvili. The moron Medvedev would screw it as with Libya, or do you even remember Serbia?
Russia played the Ukraine (Removed language,MOD) as a master. The silly, superficial, gender-hyping and LSD-delusional politicians in US-EU expected the russians to jump in the river full of (nazi) piranhas they set at Ukraine…
What russians can get in Ukraine that they don’t have in Russian already, and with better quality…?
For Russia, Ukraine was at maximum a burden, a source of problems in the Western border. With the recent South/North Stream lines, S-400/500 and stealth / ultrasonic stuff… Ukraine has become mostly irrelevant to Russia.
Ukraine got cooked in his own sauce…
”The silly, superficial, gender-hyping and LSD-delusional politicians in US-EU expected the russians to jump in the river”
Haha, a short, beautiful, and highly accurate outline of the state of affairs! Thanks, Lisbeth!
Russia doesn’t have to do anything about Ukraine. The feedback loop between the CIA/Deep State and the Ukrainian fascists and Ukrainian intelligence agencies is a poison in the US that is accelerating the US Empire of Insanity to its end.
Для понимания истинной сути происходящего, необходимо исправить имена, что моментально прорисовывает принципиально иные , порядково более логичные форматы происходящего.
Зеленский = Коломойский = Европейский еврейский конгресс = FED/израильская мафия = глубинного государства = конвертация фальшивой эмиссии в захват стратегического центра Евразии.
translated by google … mod
To understand the true essence of what is happening, it is necessary to correct the names that actually draw fundamentally different, decently more logical formal events.
Green = Kolomoisky = European Jewish Congress = Fed / Israeli Mafia = Deep State
Poroshenko is a warcriminal who vowed to bomb the russian people in Donbass to keep even the children from going to school targeting schools specifically. He vowed to be victorious against a defenseless people in 1 week as soon as he entered office, and held these inflammatory speeches of which I mentioned first as he predicted the total defeat of a people especially the children.
Ukraine is a fascist state by law also changed by Poroshenko meaning that the people are more or less without rights and that the SBU and other government agencies they have enpowered have fascist power by law. 15 years imprisonment for people speaking out (freedom of speech ?).
Well, Zelensky is obviously a step forward, partly by the fact that people denounced Poroshenko, and that there are willingness to investigate the former administration for corruption. It was a US coup d’etat for corruption in Ukraine that constructed the fascist regime as a rule of law. (to keep in power ).
FBI, CIA and the rest of the deep state are war criminals supporting Poroshenko and those that was before him, Yatsenyuk and Turchynov. The war crimes in eastern Ukraine should be investigated the sooner the better and VP Biden , pres. Obama and many more. Massacres of civilians has to place in the modern world.
The best outcome for Donbass, Novorossiya and Russia is the ending toward which Ukraine is marching, double-time.
The EU, the US, the oligarchs, the nazis can’t afford to “save” the Ukraine.
The final ripoff is the “privatization” of the arable land, some of the best black soil on the planet.
That will leave farmers and agri workers without plots to work. Big agri like Monsanto will control the industry of growing GMO crops.
Profits will be made exporting the food while the Ukies starve.
It has been the plan for well over a decade.
Ukraine is doomed for a bleak and barren future and ultimate breakup.
They cant afford to save but might the Ukraine investigations infect the political arena here in the states? We’ll know in 10 days if this goes forward or they march in the streets.
”The final ripoff is the ’privatization’ of the arable land, some of the best black soil on the planet.
That will leave farmers and agri workers without plots to work. Big agri like Monsanto will control the industry of growing GMO crops.
Profits will be made exporting the food while the Ukies starve.”
Very true. And as with all the previous genocidal endeavours the West has visited upon the Ukraine, this one is not going to upset the Ukro garbage the slightest either. Their bogus 1930s ’famine’ and the ’Holodomor’ screamfest which accompanies that total, utter non-event remain key to Ukro agit-prop.
Some people are stupider than others.
So “nice” to see the WW2 plan to consolidate the kolkhozes into Gemeindwirtschaften is finally going ahead. Rosenberg will no doubt be pleased to see his “Agrarian New Order” finally come to fruition. I wonder who will be placed in charge of Reichskommissariat Ukraine.
The Saker,
Portnov reports that in the last week the Ukrainian General Prosecutors Office has ordered to halt progress on all criminal/corruption investigations against Poroshenko. Think they are expecting an imminent anti Zelenkii coup.
I would like to see Trump back Zelenskii. There is something inherently wrong with a minority forcing their will on the majority.
Not necessarily, once the majority is on the wrong side of nature for a long enough period of time (which currently it is and has been proved to be so), they become the problem rather than the solution. And then too boot, the only reason its sustainable is b/c they are in the majority.
This majority leads and the minority follows leads to a trail of debt.
“I would like to see Trump back Zelenskii. ”
I should think there would be a natural empathy.
It is very strange, practically surreal, the way US domestic politics have become intertwined with Ukrainian domestic politics.
A minority runs the West, so why not the Ukraine?
The same minority, too.
A recent New York Times Editorial states:
“Ukraine Has Become a Vibrant Democracy. No Wonder Trump Hates It.”
I wonder how long this particular “Vibrant Democracy” will last.
New York Times outmaneuver themselves only. Who believes such shit ?
I used to read the Business Insider. I – along with a lot of other people – used their comment section to debunk their stories. Business Insider responded by eliminating their comments section.
I don’t know if the Times has a comment section since they hide behind a “pay wall.” I won’t pay for their drivel so it is often hard to get more than their headline.
But if they had a comment section, I would love to debunk their articles as well. The idea that Ukraine is a “vibrant democracy” is ludicrous.
It galls me that the Times can publish such nonsense and not get called to account for it.
Indeed Mike, me too have the impression that they use the pay wall to broadcast headlines while denying the space for debunk. It is possible that the body of the editorial says something completly opposite, but you know how human psychology works…
Read between the lines-a kakistocracy controlled by oligarchs of Jewish heritage, with massive corruption, inequality and poverty and everything of value looted through ‘privatisations’ and totally beholden to the USA and ‘Western Moral Values’, IS a ‘vibrant democracy’ in the true meaning of the expression.
That is the way that I looked at the article. Maybe the Times meant that Ukraine was a vibrant democracy in the same sense that the United States is a vibrant democracy, i.e. defining “democracy” as oligachy-with-the-trappings-of-democracy.
A recent New York Times Editorial states:
“Ukraine Has Become a Vibrant Democracy. No Wonder Trump Hates It.”
In other news, the New York Times reveals that Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction have finally been discovered by Judith “Niger Yellowcake uranium” Miller!
Another Maiden 2.0 is possible? And why not? Just ask the former leaders of any Central or South American country how, after a period of looting, the governments are overthrown. The new government officials could always obtain yet another IMF bailout loan package to enable the looting to begin anew.
Why can’t the cycle (loot —> revolution/collapse —>borrow —>loot —>revolution/collapse —>borrow) continue indefinitely?
Too bad the Ukraine is too cold for growing bananas. What can the Ukraine export that people want?
People, particularly children and young, attractive, women, and human organs.
”What can the Ukraine export that people want?”
Brilliant musical performances:
Exports? Wheat and other grain crops. Everyone has to eat. The Ukraine is a bread basket. Some of the best soil on the planet. Mind you, if one can feed the ‘world’ on bananas, someone missed the boat on human sustenance.
Sean, I read that Russia can’t keep up with China’s demand for soybeans. Is Ukraine attempting to get a piece of that market?
I am not Ukrainian but Northern European living in Canada. And I like it here (politically). So without taking sides I can see better the transpiration of events. And yes its very similar to the political events in the USA. You have the money monsters (MM) in one grouping and the NAZIS in the other (haters or the terrorist, or killers or Mafia groupings, whatever is in a name).
And the money monsters(MM) are essentially playing GREED into a world where the medium of exchange is HATE (emotional). So some of the transactions get cross transferred. On one level you satisfy your HATE and on the other level you satisfy your GREED.
So unfortunately the (emotional )HATERS are enabled by the GREED of others to do their dirty deeds and the Greedy guys get rewarded.
Put bluntly in the USA the political class enables the aggression built into the armed forces. So the greedy go into politics and survive their appetite while the haters go into the armed forces and suffer the potential consequences.
So the human being has more than GREED and Hatred in his emotional repertoire and so I agree with Putin you have to dialogue and find another level of dealing with the most basic of emotions.
I would love to see a video game of the interaction of the 9 ? or so chakras involved in cognition. This could unleash the absurdity of the real life games played by the GREED and HATE aficianados.
Perhaps they are driven by debt more than by greed.
Forgive the question if it’s stupid, but can’t Zelenskii use the Ukrainian armed forces against the Nazis? He is the president of the country, ostensibly he has power to use the military to bottle up an intransigent minority?
Greg, it’s not a stupid question, it’s a very relevant question: very relevant to the present sorry state of the world after 30-40 years of blatant Anglo Zio Capitalist hegemony — beginning in the 80s with Reagonomics in the U$A, Thatcherism in the UK and Jewish-oligarch takeover of Russia in the 90s. Ukraine was destabilized by $5G worth of U$ Dual-Citizen “Nudelmann cookies”, and a Jewish oligarchy was installed to finance Neo-Nazi storm troopers. Zelenskii is a creature of Kolomoiski in Ukraine, as Macron is a creature of multi-trillionaire Rothschild in France. Zio Capitalists have a ZioNazi ideology, they use NATZO (a terror organization of which Israel is a de-facto member) to destroy “existential enemies” of Israel such as Iraq, Libya and Syria (and profit the AZC). Note that there are Ukrainian terrorists fighting against the government of Syria, alongside U$ CIA and their ISIS terrorists, French and British Special Services, and a Danish Army contingent. The whole of Western Europe is essentially run by ZioNazi Capitalists.
So your question is not stupid because the answer is very revealing.
Problem is to a large extent the Ukrainian armed forces ARE the Nazis,otherwise after the Coup they would have left the armed forces and joined the resistance,same with the Police.
Thank you Saker for a most poignant account on the horrid Ukro debacle. Seen against the backdrop of the very spectacular concurrent developments taking place in Syria, the achievements of Mr. Greenclown’s idiotic ”government” in Ukraine — as opposed to the governments of Russia, Syria, and Iran — in combating international fascism and war couldn’t possibly come a cropper more convincingly.
Really, the defeat of the fascist West in Syria spells doom for fascist Ukraine too. May Ukraine break up, leaving Galicia and its Bandera worshippers to ’prosper’ on their own.
Didn’t kolomoisky, zelinsky’s patron, fund and support the nazi death squads, azov in particular?
Kolomoisky is colour-blind. He happily supports both green (Volodymyr) and brown (Azov) apes, ha!
”/…/ apparently, my use of the term Ukronazi really set them off.”
By using the (most appropriate) term ’Ukronazi’ you came out as a Putin agent, Saker. Not nice on your part, LOL. Just wait until they find out about your Russian lineage!
Zelensky was saying that there was going to be some progress re withdrawal procedures of forces by both sides after 7 days ceasefire had been kinda certified by OSCE ……guess what….even more shelling after a coupla days by ukrops .
End game?
It’s gonna be a big bruh moment now. Funnily enough, the neonazis are good for Russia – they will confuse the progtards in the west while giving Russia an excuse to render the whole area into wasteland as it was when the Crimean khanate still existed
Very interesting and alarming.
Just a point: the shown picture of the poster of this group (Sekira Peruna) has the date 2018/03/10, the announcement in latin characters and the price in Euro. So it is for a previous concert, probably in Lithuania, not the one attended by the present prime minister of Ukraine.
This point does not change the content and spirit of the article, it, indeed, renders the matter even more worrying.
How can a pretty small group of the extremists command on the official parliament, government, the state, the army? Why does not The Army react and arrest all of them?
It can, because USA stands behind them. There are the powers in The States strong enough to order what will be done in Ukraine, and how.
Previously, at Maiden the Nazis enjoyed CIA support. Everything depends on if they still enjoy that support. Maybe they are isolated politically and Zelenskii can persude enough regular army and police to back him on the streets.
”Maybe they /the Ukronazis/ are isolated politically and Zelenskii can persuade enough regular army and police to back him on the streets.”
While it is true that Mr. Greenclown (Zelenskii) and his Western handlers see the Ukronazis as little more than dingleberries — activated by the West 6 years ago in late 2013 and then coming a cropper as Russia ”annexed” Crimea — the lingering problem with Ukraine’s Nazi slobs is their use by the oligarchs. As regards what passes for Ukraine’s ”regular army”, it is in a state of utter dissolution. The police force, in case it is Nazi infested such as that in Greece (Golden Dawn), then Greenclown has a truly massive problem. The oligarchs rule the place, and if they can trust the police force he’d better flee pretty damn quickly.
‘’… but the Ukraine crisis demonstrated that ultimately the EU was not an instrument to unite the continent and to overcome the logic of conflict in its community of nations, but another institution born of the cold war that in the end was destined to perpetuate the cold war in new forms …
Uncritical alignment with the Atlantic community, in other words with Washington’s polices, deprived it of credibility with Moscow…
The continued crucial role of member states conducting their own foreign policies has been crucial has been accentuated. Surely better to have 28 voices pulling in different directions than one voice making crucial and dangerous mistakes.’’ (Richard Sakwa – Frontline Ukraine). The Poles and Lithuanians did little except to amplify the crisis, whilst the British only added fuel to an already raging fire. As for France under Sarkozy, the country had swung into alignment with the US global positions and this trend was reinforced by his successor. (Sakwa – op.cit)
Thus the EU became a de facto mouthpiece for the neo-con war hawks in Washington. The EU is in fact an occupied Petainist region without its own foreign and economic policies.
Francis Lee: “The EU is in fact an occupied Petainist region without its own foreign and economic policies.”
With the Nazis who controlled Petainist France in the 1940s being replaced by the ZioNazi Capitalists who now control Western Europe.
Sergei Kurginyan is a well known public intellectual associated with the Essence of Time movement. Here is a recent article. He regularly appears on the Vladimir Soloviev talk show, which has a lot of interesting discussions and even allows ridiculously crazy Russophobic fools to rant and rave and make fools of themselves. Anyway, he is saying pretty much what the Saker is saying.
Western Ukraine will get its Nazi state which wants to join the EU and of course the EU was happy to pander to it to hurt Russia, but let in to poison the EU’s party even though it’s already toxic enough wion’t fly so these Neonazis will allow their genetic hatred to destroy them in the end.
Bonus post. Lest anyone think this is new, or even a WWII phenomenon, here is a chapter from a book written in 1942, which tells what these Ukrainian gangster were up to in the USA pre WWII.
To The Saker
i saw some of those demonstrations organized by Ukronazis. They were anything but impressive, Soros style methods being used where a minority is shown as representing the majority. And, of course, the cameramen were pointing their lenses into the center of the demonstrations, trying to create the illusion of “mass” protests. And yes, I fully agree with you that Ukraine will break up. I wrote so on numerous occasions.
Is the now-sidelined Danilyuk the Schiff “whistleblower”? He appears to be the Soros point person in Ukraine. If he is Schiff’s boy, I guess that would explain why Schiff wants to keep him under wraps. But can a foreign national be a spook agent, as opposed to an asset?
Funny, in an ironic way, that Ukraine would be the place where all this festering political and corruption pus is ready to erupt, abcess-like, just in time for 2020.
I hear that if the Ukies don’t get their shit together, the Rooshan gas contract will soon come to an end! Like, before the start of winter.
So the Nasties (as Daniel Bushell used to call them) may have the guns, but with no gas their arses will soon glow blue in the night.
By the by, whatever happened to Daniel Bushell? I thought RT was supposed to give their journalists full autonomy?
I am starting to belive Russians are financing the Ukrocrazies. I mean, those skinnies are playing right into the Russian hands. Without any sort of a deal with the Russians, the Ukraine is destined to fail. Russians just have to be patient, and wait the inevitable. The skinies are very helpful in that regard.
If they are financing them, that means they finally learned the ways of the western manipulation.
The Russians are not aiding it since they don’t need to do anything but wait. The Russians and Chinese know what the West does but also know they do not need to emulate it.
It’s like the US Deep State is in a Nazi feedback loop with Ukraine.
This all goes back to the CIA. At the end of WW2 they rescued and brought to the US many Ukrainian fascists (outright war criminals) that were settled in small towns. In those towns today there are statues to their fascist WW2 leaders that committed terrible atrocities on their own people as well as on Roma, Russians, Jews, Poles, and Armenians. Canada also did the same after the war. One of the descendants of the Ukrainian fascists is in the current Canadian government doing what she can to defend the fascists in Ukraine.
After the war the CIA provided assistance to the fascist Ukrainians in their war against the USSR that lasted until 1959 when the Soviets caught up with Stepen Bandera. His last order was for his forces to bury their weapons and wait.
The CIA never gave up on their long range plan to use Ukraine against the USSR then Russia. Even though it’s written in support of the US some of this is detailed in ‘Opposition in the U.S.S.R. 1917-1967’ by Roland Gaucher. He gives the game away on the CIA agenda.
When the fascist coup occurred in Ukraine it was CIA all the way. They then started using the Ukrainian intelligence agencies to run agitprop operations back into the US. Brennan continued the operation to set a trap for the democrat elites that stuck both feet into it (republican elites were already in the bag). The democrats are now in it over their necks being driven by the login of it to join with the republican war party elites for cover. From the CIA point of view this is a tremendous win, another money making Cold War, a money making win for the MIC. They will do anything to defend it, including impeachment, including assassinations.
There are similar very influential poisonous feedback loops with the UK and Israel.
The feedback loop with Ukraine is certainly outright fascist, a pernicious poison that must be excised from US rich and powerful button pushing elites.
The way that the Clintonites imposed a fascist regime in Ukraine, preparatory, so they thought, to a successful ‘Colour Revolution’ in Russia, then used their Ukrainian assets to help in the Deep State conspiracies against Trump, and the whole has collapsed into chaos and confusion after Trump actually won, then survived and continues to survive the ongoing coup attempts, is the ultimate in Blowback. Blowback that has its genesis in the defeat of fascism by the Soviet Union, and its rescue and granting of refuge by the USA and the Five Eyes. World War Two never ended.
Saker, where does soros fit in?
Typo: it should be grivna (never give the enemy any acknowledgement).
Zelenskii has to replace all the pro-supporters of poroshitko in the army in the upper ranks, before he can take any proper control. Then, he needs to pull the army from the contact line, let the nazi scum (willingly, after all, they will do so so that they can rob the people there) take their place…then the DPR & LPR needs to let loose on them with the works (while Trump gets the SMM to look the other way).
Every good capitalist knows when there’s chaos on the streets there’s money to be made. When there’s stability and the local capitalists have control it’s hard for foreign capitalists to make money. To go meta, there’s no way in today’s world for the likes of Soros to make money if there are no upheavals. That’s why all money is moving to financials. Used to be just factory owners and workers.
How predictable. I posted a comment some time ago on a Saker piece following Zelenski’s electoral victory & what it meant. I’ll repeat the spirit of it & let’s see how it all plays out. Zelenski was permitted by the Atlanticist deep staters to assume the presidency of Ukraine to bring about its dissolution. Ukraine has outlived its expected usefulness, it did not live up to the Atlanticist wet dream of a bloody war in the grassy steppes of the Russky mir between Ruskii bratyas. Sorry, but as far as I’m concerned, Ukies are Russian, including our Galacnik friends in Lvov & Ivano-Frankovsk, or Frankivsk if you like. Point is, the huge fratricidal war between ethnic Russians never happened, instead we got a localised one in the Donbass (bad enough for Russians & Russophiles like us Serbskii bratyas), which Putin wisely manouvered to contain – & succeeded, & then later conducting a geopolitical deadly counterstrike in Syria. Atlanticist deep staters are rather annoyed. It is evident that Ukraine can not do what it was supposed to do, & therefore it has to go, because the US Treasury is not prepared to foot the bill anymore, via the IMF. Or Trump isn’t at least. Furthermore, the Atlanticist deep staters see a danger in Ukraine, over time, gravitating back into Russia’s orbit. Inevitable, no matter how much Russophobic Nazi propaganda USAID & other CIA-MI6 affiliates churn out, the essentials on the ground will remain what they are, to economically survive Ukraine will have to turn to Russia, increasingly over time, & as Russian influence naturally grows the Nazi element will become marginalised, even despised, even in Ivano-“Frankivsk”. So what to do? Break Ukraine up man. Let it go to the dogs boy. Bring in an idiot that will advance the process in a way Atlanticist deep staters can control. Poroshenko, for all his idiocy, still maintained a centralised power structure – so bring in a cat who will have no authority & erode that centralised power structure to such a point that the country will split into two, three, four may be even five, six, seven parts. The more the better. Like Yugo. Destroyed before the Serbian (Removed language,MOD) could stake their claim. Do the same here.
This is what is really happening, this is why Zelenski the comedian was brought in, to play out a tragic comedy in reality rather than just on TV. Ukraine is going to go. I would give it two, perhaps three years tops, before the country begins to break up. If it does not, it will be because Putin was able to stop it in some way. As to how he may do that, that’s a discussion for another time.
The situation is critical, but one must account not only for one’s fatigue and disillusionment and the extreme challenges “on the ground”……….but also assess in detail the shifting correlation of all forces…to enable the mind to free itself of pessimism…..of not solutions……..and to begin to move…to think…creatively.
And always remember, above all else…that the Chinese Character For “CRISIS”….is the same as their character for “Opportunity”.
Ralph asks, “Where does Soros fit in?”
Six days ago, in the Cafe, I suggested here:
that Ukraine can be considered The Key….at this particular moment in History………..to unlocking a better future for humanity,simply because there is so much in play there by bigger nations and more powerful people than anyone in Ukraine or its government…and it’s ALL….”Up for Grabs”…..and not going nearly as badly….from a top down…global perspective of the entire political-strategic situation globally as many weary pessimists here are too prone to “feel”.
Polly St Germaine answers Ralph (asking one of the right questions, and not pessimistically…is the way I take his question to Saker about Soros) in detail….within her video within the Cafe comment of mine 6 days ago I link above………..going back to the 1945 roots of all of this!….and right up to last week.
Last True Believer…from Alberta (where Polly shows that the pro-Hitler Ukrainian diaspora …was/is sort of concentrat….in Edmonton….) answers me.6 days ago…..and there’s an activist that can use some wider perspective encouragement…because these enemies CAN be flanked …and beaten….and quite soon!
Arius Armenian says” From the CIA point of view this is a tremendous win, another money making Cold War, a money making win for the MIC. They will do anything to defend it, including impeachment, including assassinations.”
But is their success assured??
Only if pessimism rules the day………..and insufficient portions less organized forces than they..(they = Clowns In Amercia and the bloodline banking families they serve…in addition to Moloch) are able to recognize other factions…including in the USA…Russia…and China (just for starters!) that are not content with throwing in the towel and moaning about the CIA for the rest of their existences, as the Nice Canadian Lady…is definitely NOT content (or discontent….LOL) to do
We know Porky is mobilized, because he has to be..evidently …to survive…..at least until Trump is impeached or killed…as his possible former plans to retire to Virginia (or even Edmonton!) are not looking too solid…UNTIL Trump loses…one way or the other.
But what about Kolomoisky? Surely he has more options than Porky…….and neither wants to see his rival make any comeback…………nor have his Comedian Taken Out By AZOV…next week??
I don’t know!
And I’m sure this will go over like an Absolute Lead Balloon among the vast majority here (ever bit as much as Trump’s “imbecilic” speech at the UN warning Turkey did…..but take a look at these few minutes from a podcast last night…………and tell me nothing positive to ever, conceivably EVER come out of the US and Orangeman……might ever give and new survival options to Zelensky, his people………..and even his ZIO-Gangster BOSS…Igor:
Where Frank…just a young “New York guy” reads a sequel communication by letter…from Trump to Erdogan….on the 120 hour ceasefire in Syria Erdogan agreed to, evidently….and then gives you some video coverage …in the White House………….. a few days ago………..you might not have seen yet…that brings it right back to Ukraine.
I think those 10-15 minutes and the potential indicated there…are worth briefly considering ………..in terms of what could bust open………..everything….potentially…..fast enough to take your pessimistic breath away.
Putin Offers His Condolences to Zelensky – Ukraine is in the Worst Shape Its Ever Been…
Both Trump and Zelensky had to pay much for their telephone conversation. Even an unprecedented
step – the publication of a secret transcript of that conversation didn’t help. It probably became even
worse. The American host asked what will happen if they publish the conversation between Trump
and Putin.
News from the streets of Kiev.
With the news abroad regarding the Ukraine filled with fuss about the political scandal in the US and the continuing tensions with Russia I thought it interesting to hear what is on the minds of typical residents. While the population has declined a little since the coup there are still nearly 3,000,000 residents. The capital is busy, and life goes on, despite the difficulties caused by the political upheaval of 2014 and it’s consequences. Cost of living, and especially utilities, has risen and this affects the majority of residents. GDP has of course declined significantly, but this affects the capital less than other areas. People find a way to make a living and hard work is rewarded with sufficient resources to lead a reasonably ‘normal’ life. Russian language is still spoken by the vast majority of residents with no stigma. The landslide election of Zelinsky was a symbolic protest vote against the political class as a whole, rather than an endorsement of the man personally, and people remain highly cynical of Ukrainian politicians. They want an end to the conflict in the east and a return to normal relations with neighboring states in order to boost the economy. They are not obsessed with V. Putin, but more focused on their own ineffective government. They hated Poroshenko. They despise the nationalists. What occurred on the Maidan in 2014 inflicted a deep wound and people have not forgotten. Those who have traveled to Russia are impressed with the general outlook there and the improvement of infrastructure even extending to more rural areas away from Moscow (specifically the road network). If the nationalists move against Zelensky there will not be broad support for this, but it doesn’t seem that there is a coherent opposition sufficient to move the political class in an opposite direction. Like in Lebanon, the population is sick and tired of political corruption and state theft of the countries wealth and resources, but there is no one to lead an effective alternative. Perhaps this will change, but there is nothing visible currently to suggest this, at least in the near term.
Ukraine is a third world failed state with a third world standard of living (less than that of Egypt), and third world standards of governance. Let Washington and Brussels pay for it.
The current regime seemed to think the streets of the EU were paved with gold. Maybe they should have checked with the Greeks about that first.
It is now a depopulated backwater, competing with Moldova for the title of poorest country in Europe. Its population is down from 52 million at independence to about 30 million today in the area controlled by the Kiev Regime.
Its only future is a source of cheap unskilled labour and Natasha prostitutes for the EU – the only thing Ukraine produces that the EU wants. With foreign owned agribusiness (Monsanto), foreign owned extractive industries (Joe Biden’s son), and if they are lucky, some cheapjack sweatshop manufacturing.
RE the Update: Those demands don’t sound like they came from Zelensky, but from the Ukro-Nazis….