Dear friends,
I couple of short ones today.
First, according to the EU Parliament member Wolfgang Gerke (sp?) the EU is debating making a list of Russian journalists to be barred from entering the EU. Banderastan already has such a black list with 35 names. So much for “democratic” and “European” “free speech” values. The Russian press is openly laughing.
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Feel the love! |
Second, those who had any doubts about where the Vatican stood on the civil war in the Ukraine now can simply the article entitled “A Church with verve is at risk in Ukraine” on the website Crux (thanks AB!). Apparently, the defeat of the Nazi Junta puts the Uniats at risk because, quote, “Greek Catholics have also become prominent players in national affairs. They were major proponents of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution in 2004/2005, and helped lead the Maidan protests earlier this year that swept pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych from power“.
Oh well, karma is a scary bitch I suppose :-)
Third, a lot of your have been posting comments and sending me emails about Evgenii Fedorov’s predictions that a purge will soon happen. Alas, I have to disappoint you. While Fedorov seems to be a very nice guy and a sincere patriot, I don’t find him credible at all and I would recommend you take everything he says with a big amount of salt. I don’t have the time to post a full refutation of his views, but just ask yourself the following: if the Novorussian authorities began printing their own currency, would you buy it? QED.
Fourth at least, I leave you with yet another CrossTalk. Sorry to post yet another CrossTalk right after posting one yesterday, but that is all Peter Lavelle’s “fault”: his shows are too good and the latest one is also spot on: the Bear – Dragon strategic alliance is by far the most important geostrategic development of the last couple of years.
The Saker
Once again, to get to the Fedorov interview video, with English subtitles and transcript go here.
@ Saker
About your second point…
First, thank you for being so factual though ironical (“your usual self” I believe).
The situation of the Uniate Church in Ukraine seems quite complicated and unfortunately, on the bad way.
In the last decades, there were on one side a Major Archbishop (self-styled Patriarch) who wanted to make friends with the Orthodox but also with the Buddhist, the Hare Krishna… and all the Vatican II awful things. There had been no liturgic reformation in Greek Catholic Church but he insisted on the masses being said in Ukrainian language, which excluded Russian speakers who understood Old Slavonic but not Ukrainian, while de-latinizing mass forwarding union with Orthodoxes (there, supporting the Kiev Orthodox Patriarch against the Moscow Patriarche’s attempts to take control on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, there being also an autocephalous Orthodox Church in Kiev).
On the other side, the traditionalists wanted to remain faithful to the old rite in Old Slavonic and Latin, accessible to Russian-speakers as well as Ukrainian-speakers, and they had seven priests ordained by the SSPX in 2007, plus I think a few ones later, leading to excommunication (an invalid one if on the same mode as the SSPX one but it is another question) by Rome, years after an irregular excommunication by the Lviv and Kiev Major Archbishop. SSPX seems to have severed any links with them years ago.
Well, it seems these two tendancies (at least, part of them) share a good opinion about the Junta and I find it desolating : they have suffered from the Orthodoxes but as you said, for their last sufferings, the then patriarcate of Moscow was a soviet puppet so, although I don’t know of any excuses from the present patriarcate (I personnally hate this way of presenting excuses for the wrongdoing of others; as if ours were not enough), I find it unjust to answer by a stronger hate, to the hate one meet.
Fortunately, there ARE Uniat priests fighting against fascism in Ukraine, as they are in the West I think it preferable not to give names.
Please pray for them and who help them…
About Novorussian possible currency, I would say, I would buy it maybe less than the Ruble or even the Euro but definitely more than the USD, unless for a very short term and in limited amount (e.g. to pay expenses during holidays in a USD zone, if I did such things).
I am sorry for all the countries who have huge amounts of USD, they had had rather buying some Novorussian “crisp”… ;-)
‘Poroshenko says the proposals will pave the way for decentralisation while guaranteeing “the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence” of Ukraine.’ This idiot either has never heard of the EU’s Treaty ‘ever closer union’ which trumps ANYTHING & EVERYTHING else, or he has, in which case it is much worse: he is deliberately BSing and therefore can’t be trusted.
I would like to let other readers know how treacherous the West is, by pointing out that the British Defence Minister hammond, wanted ‘to encourage the separatists to disarm [SIC]’. Either he is such a stupid IDIOT and naive, despite having a PPE from Oxford University (where DO they get these people from??? camoron is another PPE; it’s debateable who is more stupid, or rather, why bother) or he is, as I said, treacherous.
I assume this is for saving YouTube videos.
Remember, the right mouse button is your best friend. Right click after the video has started. (Then you can pause it or stop it to save bandwidth/memory.)
Top item on the right-click menu is to copy the URL. Do it. Now you need to paste the URL in a download manager. I use JDownloader (free at which grabs every URL which is copied. When you look at JDownloader you will see from 4 to 8 DIFFERENT Urls for the same clip. Different formats like mp4, flv, 3gp etc.and different resolutions.
Choose one and proceed to download. Much faster than watching on-line and you can watch it when you want…later.
Nice socks, Peter! Where did you get them?
If this is the Federov video referred to, it can be seen at (New Insight channel)
45 minutes of original, translated.
Thing to remember about economy is it’s three aspects: production,consumption,and transactions between workers and consumers. Remember the difference between money and actual wealth.
That last is where money is used, and may include ‘borrowing from the future; for investment in the ‘means of production’, with interest representing risks and lost opportunity cost — or interst being usery and a way for parasites (banksters) to leech off the system without producing anything of value (often Ponzi style).
NR must be able to conduct transactions to keep the first two parts of the economy going, and that’s the necessary and sufficient purpose of producing it’s own money. Objections and resistance can be expected by the West and the oligarchs, who want to keep control for itself and preclude NR becoming a viable nation/state, or effectively resisting the empire.
As the MMT, like Randy Wray, people point out, money is like the points at a ball game, with the government acting as the scorekeeper: with fiat currence you can’t run out since the government is the source, not the user of money, and it’s issued or taxed back for the purpose of regulating the economy, investment, liquidity, unemployment, and inflation — not because government needs money since it is the creator of it.
‘Being somewhat computer-challenged here, is there some way to save a YouTube if you figure it’s good enough that they’re likely to pull it?’
Yeah — look up ‘downloading videos’ to get a utility, add-on, or plug-in for your browser.
Either a search engine or the add-on / plug-in section of your browser menu should do it. There are free ones avaliable.
A comment earlier this thread gave wrong link to ITCCS—it’s .org at end, NOT .com!:
i guess since no one corrected it, nobody cares.
This is probably the Federov interview refered to severak times in this thread (Sep 12):
Kind regards,
Thank you everyone!
I’ve cut-and-pasted all of your suggestions and now I have to go figure out exactly what you’re saying!!!
But I am very grateful indeed and will somehow actually translate your words into Nora-speak and try to do this. (Your words are clear; it’s my utter inability to do anything but type on a computer that’s the problem!)
Thank you, I really appreciate it. ;~)
I use the “Download YouTube Videos as MP4” add-on. It works directly in Firefox. For Chrome, Opera, Safari or Internet Explorer, you have to install a userscript. Instructions are provided in the documentation.
It puts a ‘download’ button in the toolbar below the video caption. Selecting this button allows you to save a video as a file on your disk drive in either flv or mp4 format.
I listened to a fair bit of video What is Constitutional Money with Edwin Vieira — Ron Paul Money Lecture Series, Pt 2_3
and thought it was fairly standard Chicago School, neoclassical, von Mises/Austrian stuff, with the usual myths and US thinking — four Harvard degrees is well steeped in those.
Viera’s description of money as a glorified barter for example, is a ‘grain of truth’ myth, which Michael Hudson demolishes with his masterful knowledge of economic history.
I recommend looking at the New Economics Perspectives and MMT material, with Michael Hudson, especially.
My opinion is that misunderstanding money and economics by Chicago School thinking would limit what Novorossia, or anyone else, can do to break away from the empire since that restriction to that paradigm is an integral part of the control it has. I consider this as a major part of the information and propaganda war — and also a root cause of the world wide economic crisis, and wars. We have been bamboozled by the banksters.
I downloaded Jdownloader to try, btw, but also see a warning in Wikipedia about it carrying adware installed without permission. Take precautions.
Dear Saker and others:
I actually spent a lot of time going through an assortment of Evgeni Federov’s talks on youtube. I find the man fascinating, utterly fascinating: a strange amalgam of 90% nonsense, 10% brilliant insights; a trained engineer, but capable of simple and peasant-type thinking. I think a lot of his insight comes from his down-to-earth thinking style, as does his brilliance. I would any day vote him a seat in parliament, but never to any position of decision-making. But I’d almost certainly always listen carefully to what he has to say, then apply my critical filters to sift the signal from the noise. Like I said, there is 90% noise but 10% very interesting and well-honed gifted signals.
The spelling is Wolfgang Gehrcke,
and he is member of the German parlament, not the European.
The spelling is Wolfgang Gehrcke,
and he is member of the German parlament, not the European.
@Angelo and Anonymous on energy and Netherlands. As I understand it, the gas the US can (perhaps) supply Europe with will require a few years to be set up and is far from limitless, so if the plan is to starve the ‘beast’ (a bear), it would necessarily foresee the total collapse of Russian autonomy and the West’s peremptotry seizure of Russia’s energy resources, since Western Europe will have sacrificed whatever energy security she had on the altar of NWO (come to think of it, more or less as Italy did when she joined the aggressors on Libya).
Sasy, that’s correct. The pipelines to move the gas to shoreline terminals have not even been built yet.
In addition, it seems that the whole unconventional hydrocarbon (fracking) thing may be something akin to a Ponzi scheme that is not economically viable – especially if prices are pushed down.
The only energy supplies that can be counted upon are those already in play. I think that people are being purposefully mislead into accepting a course of action and consequent outcomes that are not, in any way, beneficial to themselves.
Alien Tech, I fully concur with your opinion. IS is a US/Saudi/Israel and stooges creation aimed at Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah. The rest is propaganda nonsense. The USA will swiftly move to create a provocation in order to attack the Syrian Government and, like Libya, bomb their takfiri stooges to power. The Western MSM, like dogs (sorry canines!) returning to their vomit,lie through their fangs as it happens. The vermin(sorry cockroaches) are already setting the propaganda scene for this, easily predictable, course.
dei iudicium, I’m with you. The Zionazi aggression to establish a neo-feudal global empire of Full Spectrum Dominance over all mankind, forever, is ‘non-negotiable’ as BHW Bush said. The aggression will only be stopped when the forces of aggression are destroyed. Like the cancer that their neo-liberal capitalist system so mimics, the Zionazi global ubermenschen cannot not be aggressive. It is in their DNA, in their ‘religions’, in their history, in their socialisation and nurturance. The chances of a peaceful, co-operative, just and egalitarian human civilization arising on Earth are small, but they are zero as long as the Judeo-Christian Supremacists exist. They’re definitely not into sharing and caring.