Guys, I came home late after a pretty crazy day and I can’t write a proper SITREP, if only because of the still very confused situation in the eastern Ukraine. Still, I want to share a couple of short pointers with you.
The “destroyed Russian armor column”: Poroshenko vs Carl Sagan
I cannot prove a negative. But then, I am not the one making the claim. The Ukies and a few British reporters did. And they presented ZERO proof. As Carl Sagan so well put it “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” and the notion that Russia would send in only 23 armored vehicles, with no protection, in broad daylight is quite extraordinary. As is the notion that in a region chock-full of Russian military units nobody would have taken any action to save the column. So even if a Russian unit got into the Ukraine by mistaken (at the age of GPS and GLONASS, yet another extraordinary claim!) the notion that those who sent it did nothing to protect or extract their own men is also extraordinary. As for the British reporters, they don’t even have a cellphone to show even bad images, maybe taken from far away? They have nothing at all? Quite extraordinary again. Last, but not least, there is one more extraordinary element to this story, but one which I do believe. I just heard that the British Foreign Office summoned the Russian ambassador to the UK over this Russian incursion. Excuse me -but since when is the Ukraine part of the British Empire of Commonwealth? What business does the Foreign Office have in this matter?
I am quite sure that there are *lots* of destroyed armored columns all over the Donbass. In fact, the Resistance always makes a point of filming them. I just came across this one today: (sorry, no translation yet). So maybe the Ukies did show some burned armor to the British journalists. Ukie armor, of course. As for Poroshenko, he is desperately trying to convince the world that the Russians are about to invade, possibly by using their humanitarian convoy. What is sure is that until I see some rock solid evidence, with a credible scenario explaining how this could have happened, I will continue to side with Carl Sagan and dismiss this story completely.
The change of the Novorussian leadership
Unlike the previous story, this one is also quite extraordinary, but it comes with plenty of extraordinary evidence: there is no doubt possible about the fact that all the key figures in Novorussia have been replaced. Strelkov is alive and apparently not under duress. What could explain this?
As much as I hate baseless speculation, I will say that two theories seem to make sense to me. I present a summary of both of them here for discussion’s sake, and I am at this moment endorsing neither one.
Theory One: a “grand deal” is in the works.
Under this theory, some key individuals in the Kremlin and the Ukie oligarch Rinat Akhmetov are trying to stop the war and hammer out a deal in which Novorussia would remain part of a single Ukrainian state, but with very large autonomy, especially in cultural, linguistic, political and economic terms. Some speculate that the Ukraine would not join NATO. This theory is similar to the “secret Putin-Merkel deal” theory also put forward recently. The strongest argument for this theory is that from the onset of the conflict Moscow’s #1 goal has always been a unitary but neutral and stable Ukraine, but not a russophobic, Fascist or NATO one. Russia neither wants nor needs the Ukraine or even the Donbass. What Russia needs is a stable, predictable and safe neighbor on its eastern border. The biggest problem with this theory is that for the majority of those who took up arms against the Nazi junta nothing short from a complete separation from Kiev is acceptable. This does not, however, mean that such a solution is also unacceptable to most of the people in Novorussia a majority of whom have not taken up arms. There is only one actor which has the means to conduct a survey of majority public opinion in this war zone, and that is the Russia state. Thus, I submit that only the Kremlin knows what a majority of Novorussians want or would settle for. Finally, let me be clear here. We are not, repeat, NOT discussing any type of “sellout” or “betrayal” or “backstabbing” of Novorussia by Putin. Yes, all the Putin-bashers (paid or not) will present that like this, but even a close friend of Strelkov like Pavel Gubarev has unambiguously stated that there was zero chance of that happening. What we are talking about here is a compromise deal with would probably be acceptable to some parties (most non-fighting Novorussians, the Kremlin, Rinat Akhmetov, the EU) and non-acceptable by others (Kiev, Uncle Sam, most fighting Novorussians).
Theory Two: a “grand counter-attack” is in the works.
Contrary to a lot of comments I have seen posted here over the pas few days, I see exactly zero reasons to believe that the Resistance is about to be crushed. In fact, from all the reports I have seen, it is the Ukie sides which at tremendous costs has achieved exactly nothing. Furthermore, the re-taking of Saur Mogila by the Ukie forces might well result in yet another cauldron for them. Add to this the very persistent rumors and hints by various commanders on the ground that a big counter-offensive is in the works and I get feeling that the Ukies might well have reached a breaking point. Please be careful to notice that I said that such a hypothesis is consistent with the available data, I did not make a prediction that this will happen. However, in this hypothesis what happened is that all the key Russians-from-Russia figures have been replaced by local, Russians-from-Donbass people. The rationale would be to avoid the impression that “Russian forces are invading the Ukraine” and to show, instead, that “Ukrainian forces are liberating their own land”. The best argument in favor of this hypothesis is that if the Resistance was to go on the offensive it would need a more complex headquarters and that this is why Strelkov was “promoted” to “chief of staff” of the Novorussian military. The best argument against this hypothesis is that I simply don’t see the Resistance which yesterday was only a militia of volunteers become an effective military force capable of operational-level actions. Now, if there really is nobody between the Ukie troops in the Donbass and Kiev, maybe such a move could be achieved by a constant series of tactical-level engagements, but I just don’t see that happening.
As I said above, I am endorsing neither theory at this point, it is too early to call and there are way too many “unknown unknowns” (to borrow Rumsefeld expression) to make categorical statements. But I will say that I find the first theory substantially more plausible than the second one.
The half-empty trucks
That is a simple one. The Russian convoy of trucks is composed of trucks roughly loaded at 50% of max capacity to make sure that no truck stops in route or has any difficulty getting through very bad terrain. It was planned this way and the Russians announced that on day 1.
A nationalist Maidan against Putin this fall
I am not a big fan of the Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov crowd because they tend to do what I call “headline baiting”: they always predict the most extreme events (such as a US nuclear attack on Russia) and they always get the most attention form the general public. The case in point is this notion of a nationalist backlash against Putin. First, you will notice that this very idea implies that Putin would betray Russian national interest. He might do that tomorrow morning. But as of right now there is absolutely zero evidence for that. Again, I would never place my faith in the hands of a politicians, and I don’t want people to “trust” or, even less so, “believe in” Putin. But I am saying that the theory that tomorrow morning Putin will “sell out” Novorussia or “betray” the Russian national interests has as much factual or logical basis as the theory that tomorrow Putin will join the Hare-Krishnas: zero. There is a HUGE difference between “possible” and “probable” or “likely” and while “possible” requires very little, if any, substantiation, it is amateurish and often irresponsible to call “probable” something which is only “possible”. Second, right now Putin’s rating is at a stratospheric 87% – higher than ever before – and even his way of dealing with the anti-Russian sanctions has made him more popular than before. Third, there are many lies and inanities written by the MSM about “Putin the Dictator” but one thing is true: Putin has complete control over the Russian security services and the Russian security services are more powerful now than ever before. Lastly, how can one seriously think that the Russian people have seen the horrors of the Ukie Maidan only to start one of their own. This is utter nonsense. My strictly personal advice would be this: take anything Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov have to say with a couple of cubic meters of salt.
The countdown to Dmitri Orlov’s stages 4 and 5
One more thing. All these topics are just like the proverbial trees hiding the forest. The real story is that we are living a countdown to a huge explosion in Banderastan. We all know that the rump-Ukraine is broke, but we forget what that means and what this really means. Dmitri Orlov, in his absolutely fantastic book “The Five States of Collapse” explains that collapses happen in the following sequence:
Stage 1: Financial collapse. Faith in “business as usual” is lost. The future is no longer assumed to resemble the past in any way that allows risk to be assessed and financial assets to be guaranteed. Financial institutions become insolvent; savings are wiped out and access to capital is lost.
Stage 2: Commercial collapse. Faith that “the market shall provide” is lost. Money is devalued and/or becomes scarce, commodities are hoarded, import and retail chains break down and widespread shortages of survival necessities become the norm.
Stage 3: Political collapse. Faith that “the government will take care of you” is lost. As official attempts to mitigate widespread loss of access to commercial sources of survival necessities fail to make a difference, the political establishment loses legitimacy and relevance.
Stage 4: Social collapse. Faith that “your people will take care of you” is lost, as local social institutions, be they charities or other groups that rush in to fill the power vacuum, run out of resources or fail through internal conflict.
Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in the goodness of humanity is lost. People lose their capacity for “kindness, generosity, consideration, affection, honesty, hospitality, compassion, charity.” Families disband and compete as individuals for scarce resources. The new motto becomes “May you die today so that I can die tomorrow.”
![]() |
art: Josetxo Ezcurra |
By the way, Orlov correctly notes that the collapse of the Soviet Union stopped at Stage 3. Now think about the rump-Ukraine lead by the Nazi junta in Kiev. It is already more or less at Stage 3 and the economic collapse has not really made landfall yet! Sure, the junta’s western patrons are keeping the Hrivna artificially high (have you ever seen the currency of a country in the midst of a civil war remain more or less stable? Of course not! The western banks are buying that useless toilet paper for political reasons!) and fake short term loans can give the illusion that “so far so good”, but the reality is catching up really, really fast. Within the next couple of months Banderastan will full enter Stages 4 and 5 of Orlov’s collapse model and then things will get really ugly. At this point the introduction of some kind of dictatorship is simply inevitable. Either that, or a “Somalization”. In either case, this is really going to be hell on earth and this is were the real focus should be right now: how to prepare for the absolutely inevitable explosion.
As for the EU, the Russian sanctions are beginning to bite. Badly. Hence more and more EU politicians are frantically trying to climb out of the hole they dug for themselves. The really weird thing is that Russia has, so far, avoided to enter a recession in spite of the outflow of speculative capital. Oh sure, eventually, factors such as the recession in the EU, the war in the Ukraine and western sanctions will hurt Russia, but it is quite remarkable so far Russia is doing better than predicted.
Bottom line: very soon the rump-Ukraine will either completely explode or see a new regime, this time openly dictatorial. The EU economies are likely to begin really hurting and the combination of these two phenomena will leave the USA without any viable puppet to use against Russia. Things might get so ugly that we might even see a moment in which the EU will welcome a Russian intervention in the Ukraine.
That’s it for tonight. Hopefully the very confused and murky situation will become clearer soon at which point I will try to sit down and write a halfway decent SITREP.
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
Saker, this is an insightful post. As you noted, the stages of Mr. Olov’s model of collapse don’t have to be sequential. In my opinion, the United States has entered this downward spiral.
Regarding Ukraine, to my mind the danger is that Russian politicians will make a deal behind the backs of the rebels. I firmly believe that if the Putin faction can keep its nerve and play close to the vest as it has so far, Ukraine could fall into the Russian sphere by next Summer.
Since yesterday I am following this “news”.
There are only two ways to explain:
1 The guys did not know where they were, did not know geography, do not know the difference between military equipment and understand nothing of practices of war.
2 are dishonest.
By placing 100 armored vehicles moving in the middle of the night, you hear the noise until the horizon line which is 18 Km (kilometers) away!
There is a third option:
Some secret agent caught these two “journalists”, put them behind a convoy of tanks and told them “there is the border with Ukraine, these are Russian tanks entering.”
Unhappy with a head full of vodka Cataram their mobile satellite and made ??a beautiful shit.
Is this guy serious? Lol
Ifind it utterly hard to believe that a people that have proclaimed themselves independent and are called subhumans and are systematically killed by their “government “,would agree to live in any kind of relationship with it just because it suits the patrons of the regime.that makes no sense at all even in the short term. Russia knows where this is heading and everything so far suggest that that would be a Novorossiya of sorts.the question is,with the nazis pocketed everywhere, if given the chance,would they, should they go for Kiev?
The oligarch in the mix now was ready and working to sellout Donetsk and collapse the militia.
Hardly a partner worthy of the name.
And Mariupol? He allows the police to be murdered and the people to be shot and terrorized by the psycho-nazis.
Hardly a partner worthy of the name.
Sure, he’s losing his coal mines and his other businesses because they are being bombed.
Akhmetov wants a deal now. But he was dealing with his enemies until now.
Kolomosiky has been eating Akhmetov’s lunch since February.
In my very humble opinion, Akhmetov needs the militia to win, to defeat the Kolomoisky army and the Kiev army.
He’s in the same boat as Russia. They can not allow the junta to survive, nor can they allow Kolomoisky to survive.
If they don’t understand that this is total war to the end, they will be defeated in any new plan.
What matters is the militia growing and eventually defeating the Ukies.
I believe in a month or two, the people of the West Ukraine will beg for a Russian intervention and a militia victory in Kiev. They don’t want this war, they don’t want to see their sons die. And they hate the junta as thieves, liars and swine. Their only hope for a future will be a quick Russian victory.
Kiev is destroying all of Ukraine by destroying the East.
If Maidan was destroyed by the militia, the criminals put in prison and Russia and China began to rebuild Ukraine, normalize relations and give them gas, the normal people of the West Ukraine would cheer them on. Especially, if a gracious victor leaves them to construct their own new government.
There can only be one plan for Russia and Akhmetov—victory.
If they negotiate victory, it will be the first time in human history. I doubt it is impossible, and hope it is not tried.
Agree entirely. As for the future, I think your scenario is right too. What was it Churchill said about this is not the end, it is only the beginning…I must get Dmitri Orlov’s book.
On the destroyed convoy, Kiev did provide this: convoy
Note the total lack of landmarks or signs… they’re learning!
This comment has been removed by the author.
As soon as I heard this story regarding the Russian armored vehicle invasion I knew that was a hoax.
The story just doesn’t make sense from start to finish. The Ukies destroyed half the column without even a firefight costing them any damage? No body count?
If there is anything to it – some old equipment used as a staged show by the Ukies, to desperately show that the Russiand are invading.
Jeepers – they have about 40 000 man close to the border and invade with some twenty or so vehicles?
That story is about one thing only – the desperation of Kiev to get Nato troops involved and get their population all riled up.
Just the usual tactics to smear your opponent, as was MH17
The new Chief of Staff is Nikolai Strelkov, a completely different person. Igor Strelkov seems to have vanished. DPR Prime Minister Zakharchenko said yesterday at a press-conference that Strelkov is going to have a month-long holiday and then do something undisclosed related to Novorossia. (Well, he could definitely do with a holiday. He has been sleeping 2-3 hours a night for God knows how long.)
The Russians are trashing us—it’s all f*cked up
In the Ukies own words, English subtitles if you select them.
One thing that saker mentions here is that the Ukrainian currency is not collapsing (the Hrevni?). This is possible because western banks are willing to buy this currency. I argued for some time that the western powers, especially the US, has the wealth to artificially maintain financial stability in Ukraine. Whoever is buying this currency is going to lose money on the transaction, but if it is the US, then the losses are both irrelevant and insignificant.
This is just a warning to those who think the collapse of the Ukrainian is a real threat to that nation. It will not happen as long as the US willing to provide the big money. Please note folks, this is not money that is being provided directly by the US treasury, it is coming from mysterious sources likely backed by the US Federal Reserve Bank.
Ultimately, the US tax payer will take the losses, but there is nothing in our constitutional government that requires our representatives to support such actions.
The three “Russians” Novorussian leaders stepping out of the limelight may be linked to getting Novorossia an internationally recognised official independent status, such as Abkhazia.
The Russian aide convoy seems to indicate a major change is taking place in Russian official policy. Its success perhaps being a turning point in the resistance to the ZPC/NWO war criminality in the Ukraine. This is reflected in some backpedaling in the EU with regard to their hostile role, which the aide mission will probably magnify that backpedaling. And also in the desperate Israeli hysterics around the convoy. The latter obviously realise the convoy represents a huge threat to their strategy and are pulling out all the stops.
That “Russian invasion” zio-media false flag was an Israeli operation. It originated in false info spread by Israel’s UK house rag the Guardian. The Israelis use the Guardian in this matter when it is about something they think is important.
The purpose of this false flag is to “muddy the waters” around the aide convoy and the efforts the ZPC/NWO are desperately using to try and stop it. The Russians have already said they fully expect that the banderlog will be used to attack the convoy once it crosses the Russian border. A “Russian invasion” is a way of pre-empting the news of such a banderlog attack – IE: the zio-media and ZPC/NWO regime quislings will portray any banderlog attack as a defense against “Russian invasion”.
What is interesting about using the the Guardian to start the false flag media story is that the zio-fascists are basically burning a major propaganda resource of theirs. The Guardian will have the credibility of Fox News in the future. Their rep is effectively dead among the 90+ IQ crowd now.
Ever since the green “color revolution” attempt against Iran, I’ve noticed the zio-fascists have been using up their credible pundits and media sources to promote their war crimes. With each new war criminal enterprise, the zio-fascists have a few more previously credible people and sources switch sides with previously anti-establishment figures switching over to support these war crimes. It’s obvious these people were stealth zionists from the beginning and their “dissident” role was simply that, a role, and their new role is to use their rep as a dissident to sell the zio-establishment.
Getting back to the Guardian, trashing them, as this latest false flag will assuredly do, is a sign of how deep the desperation is in the ZPC. In their current panic, they will use anything. They remind me a lot of the desperation of the nazis in 1944-5.
вот так
HI Saker !
Thanks for the great article…I go to a few other sites before coming to yours, and I get more confused and depressed the more I look…then I come over here and get excited about Strelkov and Putin and Novorossiya…is it true that Strelkov is promoted to Cheif of staff ? Or is that a hypothesis ?
I can understand your skepticism in relation to politicians…but Putin was not always a politician…he was first a law student, then a law enforcment officer for 14 years (KGB) and then a PhD Economist and then a PM — president —
I read in his autobiography that its Putin’s opinion that it would have been totalitarianism to imprison all the oligarchs when he came to power, and so he didn’t. He finally imprisoned Kordokovsky when there was political untruths coming out of that guys mouthpiece…MSM and such blatant tax evasion that Putin finally shut him up….by putting him in dignified incarceration.
I keep hearing about Putin’s friends being the Russian Oligarchs … does that mean the Russian Mafia ? Or is the Russian Mafia something else ?
Concur with Larchmonter. Even for a sociopathic biznisman like Ahkmetov who has tried to play all sides to protect his assets and industrial empire, reality is closing in fast that there can be no compromise with the psycho-Nazis backed by Kholomoisky. One, or both of them will either end up dead or exiled, there is not going to be any peaceful coexistence between Ahkmetov’s ‘turf’ and Kholomoisky’s anymore than the Nazis will reconcile themselves even to a rump Novorossiya, their fanatical ideology drives them to destroy it all if they cannot conquer it and drive the hated Moskals out with winter as their ally (though in reality General Winter is Novorossiya and Russia’s friend for the hardships and chastening it will bring to many Ukies who have been on the fence or passively supporting the Nazis but still don’t wish to go to war themselves).
This war does not end like WW2 for the Red Army, with the Novorossiya or Russian or Red Banners hanging over the bombed out Rada. It likely ends like WW1, with the moral, physical and financial exhaustion of Banderastan much like the German Army collapsed in 1918 while still holding some French territory (but reeling) under Western Allied assaults and insurgency in the Eastern reaches of the planned German-dominated Mitteleuropa.
Saker is correct to point out that many Ukie units are near their psychological or morale breaking point. If not for the presence of so many Nazi and Nazi Guard battalions mixed in with the regular army many more units would’ve taken the ‘safe passage to Russia in return for your arty, AFVs and tanks’ deal by now!
“that a big counter-offensive is in the works…Kiev”
If there’s a big counter-attack on the horizon I don’t think it means Kiev just a push out to the borders of Donbass (and maybe an extension in the south and east).
If that is what is happening then ironically it might be the neocons who messed up their own strategy.
Assume that the neocon strategy was to create a big enough crisis to get regime change in Russia by escalating through a set of stages:
1) coup
2) sanctions
3) provocations
4) defeat of Donbass
5) NATO/UN “peacekeepers” on the main Russian border as a tripwire
6) build up a Ukraine proxy army on the border with Crimea in preparation for an attack
(nb they wouldn’t necessarily need a real attack, the idea would be to create a strategy of tension on a grand scale)
If correct then they’d have wanted Donbass defeated as quickly as possible so they could move onto the next stage.
Then add that the Ukraine side doesn’t seem to have waited long enough to train their conscripts properly.
All together it makes me wonder if
the neocons have been screaming down the telephone since the beginning driving their pets in Kiev to hurry up and the pets in turn screamed at the Ukraine army to hurry up and that rushing into it without training their units properly might be why their attacks went wrong.
If true that would be poetic justice.
I fully agree with you.
I tend to think that the story of the destroyed Russian tanks shows the desperation of the Poroshit clique to provoke a war with Russia, because they knew that something big and not so good for them is in the pipeline (which they wouldn’t be able to cut!). They believe that a war would save them.
If I look into my own pearls of wisdom, I certainly would find one saying that EU would call the Russians to “stand up to their obligations” and put some order in Ukraine.
Collapsnik is right.
“Anonymous said …
Is this guy serious? Laughs a lot “
Here is the Proftel, Brazil.
Yes, I’m serious, I’m Geographer French School of Ives Lacoste.
I have common sense.
Life goes too fast to stick to philosophical desvaneios on who died first or who was born first – the chicken or the egg.
If you spend a lot of today writing and producing the bit is essential that food and energy, you spend a lot of time quantifiando figures and tables in the “Excel”.
The world has forgotten what it means to barter.
The world has forgotten what it means to empiricism.
Forgotten what fair trade means, forgot which means a beautiful landscape.
Well, it is.
Kind regards.
Saker, follow the money and / or oil.
There are only four places in the USA where they speak a single language as follows:
1 Tel-Aviv;
2 Jerusalem;
3 and New York;
4 Washington, D.C..
* Note: it is in order of importance.
The idea of cutting a deal with oligarchs and the EU has been a reasonable goal all along. But why would the US agree to that? And, anyway, the rest of the country would remain an anti-Russian zone.
Do you think Russia would agree to that if the price was giving the Crimea back? The US might agree to a peace deal in exchange for that.
IMHO, the failed state of Ukraine needs to get the Yugoslavia treatment and be “Balkanized”. Unlike Yugoslavia that had a dynamic leader and viable political structure, Ukraine is nothing but a corrupt sewer of a mafia state with a population, thanks to Maidan and the murder campaign called the ATO, that will NEVER be able to live together. My God, just read the Youtube comments these cretins make. They SEETHE with hate. The anti Russian brainwashing is so over the top that it would be funny if it weren’t such a serious matter. Take a look at these two short videos for an example of what I’m talking about:
Who in the hell could live in the same country with freaks who think like that? Especially after the fucking war?! No way in hell. That would mean the people of Donbass would have to suck it up and remain the demonized population the freaks want killed or “cleansed” and that after their friends and families have been butchered, homes and livelihoods destroyed, and extreme psychological trauma. Screw that.
I also don’t think the Resistance should make any moves toward areas where these types of people are prevalent. The freaks want to live in their Ukienazi Wonderland, then let them. The Resistance should NEVER become the aggressor. What gives the Resistance legitimacy is the referendum which the rest of the country chose not to do, themselves. Novorussiya can only exist where the population has overwhelmingly said NO to the bullshit in Kiev. Even Odessa can’t seem to muster that, unfortunately. So, DPR and LPR may be all there is. If other oblasts grow some cahones it may change but it has to come from them. I think it’s really important DPR and LPR win and secure their own locations and be an example but nothing more. One wrong move into some other area where there isn’t support will just confirm the Ukie paranoia about being “invaded”. Better for Novorussiya to concentrate on winning, rebuilding, healing and creating a wonderful place to live. That would be the best motivator for those looking on as they continue getting raped and plundered by the mafia state.
To the Saker,
As I commented a number of threads ago, Strelkov was ‘removed’ to make way for local leadership on the military – but more importantly – the political side. While some say he was ‘promoted’, makes it clear he is on ‘vacation’ for a month at least.
So is it negotiations or a big offensive?
Perhaps neither and both. Let me explain. Following the deal to deflect the US bombing of Syria, Russia led the charge for a set of ‘peace’ negotiations that they all really knew were going nowhere. The elected Syrian opposition in the government was not even allowed to attend ( their plane sabotaged and held in Greece). At the same time The Syrian army suddenly had live information on insurgent movements and communications enabling their attacks to soar in effectiveness.
In other words, they took the stance of negotiating while enabling a steady push back against the western backed forces in such a way that the west could disengage and distance itself. The ISIS attack in Iraq is, in part, also contributing to this PR goal of distancing themselves from what they created.
My prediction is that you will see the same in Ukraine. A public stance of calls for negotiations, perhaps even hosting them, while at the same time enabling a ‘facts on the ground’ approach (to borrow a tactic from some AngloZionists) that will result in a functional Novorussia. All the while allowing the west multiple avenues to disengage and distance themselves. This way if politicians in the West hang themselves, they will know they tied the knot themselves.
The sad reality however is that the fighting will continue. In Ukraine (as in Syria) this helps Russia as the battle against Nationalism (Syria against Islamic extremism) is fought outside its’ borders.
May God have mercy.
Ukraine, children led to play and sing around a doll resembling Putin and set on fire,
The US/EU have opened the box of Pandora and let the out evil ghosts forgotten for the last 70 years. It will take another two-three generations to clean that evil.
I see many interesting and erudite comments on this section of blog but then that’s normal for the entire blog. However, although the vast majority of you are far better educated than I am it appears to be many of you are having difficulty seeing the forest for all the trees. Here’s a few truisms to ponder.
The Armies of Novorossiya number anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 depending on whose estimate you believe. I personally believe the true number is approaching if not surpassing 20,000. They are relatively well armed although one will still see many SKS semi automats floating around. It is painfully obvious, nay sayers be damned, that the vast majority of equipment, ammo and supply was and is donated by the ork armies. While I have no doubts that from time to time the odd wooden case falls out of a poorly secured load on some miserable old Kamaz as it bounces across the charming roads throughout Orkland, reality is 95% if not more of Novorossiya fighters are supplied by the Ukraine one way or another.
Now, let’s think about these fighters for a moment in light of the huge pontifications regarding the resignations of a number of Novorossiya officials and political types and the now fairly often mentions of the mafia don Akmetov and the possibility of a ‘deal’ being struck between him and Mr. Putin. Do you honestly think that this now well trained and led army of 5 to 25 thousand and more men and women are going to go back to the way it was before they saw their grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, relatives, friends, killed by the relentless bombardments of the orks in obvious collusion with the don? When they have watched the systematic destruction of the entire infrastructure, shaky as it was, of their towns, cities and villages? When they have watched the systematic destruction of industry and factories and shops and mines by the orks firing heavy arty, MLRS systems and air attacks? Get real. It’s not going to happen.
The vast majority of you posting here have never been to Donbas or Ukraine. You have no idea, you can not fathom, the grinding poverty of many in Donbas and orkland in general. These fighters are fighting now for a better world. Originally they started to demonstrate against the orks forbidding them to use their native language, Russian. Everything was to be changed to orkrianian right down to cash register receipts and doctor’s prescriptions. So they demonstrated peacefully and the orks started to kill them. They demonstrated some more and the orks killed them some more. That is when they began to fight back and demanded more local autonomy in that they, wonder of all wonders, wanted to elect their own politicians to oversee their own areas instead of the ork from kiev appointed administrators in every single piece of officialdom there is in every oblast in orkland. And the orks killed some more of them. They started to kill orks. The fight was on.
I have met a few of these fighters from Novorossiya, I have spoken to them, spoken deeply. They will not stop until the orks are gone. Period. If someone makes a back room deal to install again the old system OR THE OLD PEOPLE IN POWER again these men and women will fight on until they either win or die. They know that when they win they will not live long enough to repair all the damage done to Novorossiya by the savage bombardments of the orks, done with the smiling approval and collusion of EU, USA, Canada, Australia, UK and UN. Their children will live to see a better life and will continue to rebuild until all is as it should be. The fighters will never be forgotten, monuments will be raised to them so their children, their grandchildren and all generations after remember, remember their bravery and sacrifice, their unconquerable will and determination.
No, there will be no deals, it will be victory or death. In my opinion Mr. Putin knows this. The West does not know this. But they will.
On Twitter:
“The mystery of the absent miners: apparently large amounts of them where trained in field training centers in RF and are returning now.”
If that is true, real progress might occur with a real army command.
Does anyone happen to know if the following articles are based on real facts?
Real Number of Casualties in Poroshenko’s Army
”Ukr servicemen are saying that “At least 4(!) brigades were killed in Donbass” … Right now, around Izvarino, there is a danger of ecological disaster due to the massive graves left in a hurry by the Ukr Army (some articles said). Besides, there were reports that morgues in Kharkov region were full of killed serviceman, and there were assigned medical personnel to answer the income phone call for those cell phones of killed boys telling their parents that everything’s fine and their son is not available at the moment.”
If yes, the collapse of Banderastan might be nearer than anyone thought. If no, well then it is probably just one more example of “headline baiting”.
I think that the NAF are going to burst into offensive action and start heading for Kiev soon, dem AZ, Nazi Neo-conmen are going to get routed big style. Shock and awe will be apparent to Cameron, Merkel and the other muppets in europe as they realise that they’re in way over their heads, the sound of breaking glass as their collective bottles crash,music to my ears.
The Ork references are priceless. It really does sum up the attitude of the Ukrainian government to the Russians. I will make the same statement again, that I have in the past. If my small immediate family knows at least five civilians (three by Arty) killed – two at roadblock – meaning, worked with them, treaded them as mates, etc… Our immediate family knows at least five (and that was two weeks ago) when we could still get information out of Lugansk, now that means to me the civilian losses are at least four times higher and both the Russians and West want to keep this information from being available. A few weeks back a police individual we know in the local government was collecting the list of killed civilians for the day i Lugansk. The immediate easy to gather casualties was 44 for just that day in Lugansk. He/she was directed to reduce this to 15 and to pass this number back to Kiev. Then Ukraine and Russia both ran with similar numbers.
I will not even go near the massive casualties on the Ukraine military side, simply in Kharkov the coffins are traveling buy in large numbers and it is MANY MANY times more then the 500 or so Ukrainian military claimed. The people in Kharkov see these trucks with bodies moving by day after day and they are not stupid.
The actual civilian and Ukrainian military dead are RADICALLY understated. Intentionally by Russia and the West IN COLLUSION.
Re UK Guardian and its laughable ‘Russian vehicles invading’ story by an ‘eyewitness journalist’ who apparently does not have a camera phone –
Guardian is family newspaper of the Rothschilds, world’s wealthiest family and Zionist sponsor, Guardian known for taking CIA-tied bribes and for lying pro-CIA articles … like their 2013 lies pushing the Syria false-flag ‘chemical weapons attack’ hoaxes …
The Russian FSB and SVR report on the fraud of CIA fake ‘dissident Edward Snowden’, specifically cites as purpose of Dick Cheney’s and Zbig Brzezinski’s friend ‘Snowden’, to pump up status of anti-Russian CIA media such as the Guardian … the Guardian highly praised by Snowden when he takes time off from spreading lies about 11 Sep 2001 NYC towers demolition 9-11 truth.
« The Guardian is controlled by Guardian Media Group, whose chairman is Paul Myners, a past employee of N M Rothschild & Sons Limited. Guardian Media Group is owned by the Scott Trust, which became a limited private company in 2008, with all trustees becoming directors of the Scott Trust. Anthony Salz was appointed as a trustee of the Scott Trust in 2009; he is currently executive vice-chairman of the investment bank Rothschild … »
Rothschild control of UK Guardian
The ultra-Zionist Rothschild family is the world’s wealthiest, estimated by mainstream sources (Forbes etc) to have a wealth in excess of US $ 400 billion ($.4 trillion !), but they spread it among numerous family members and thus can avoid the ‘top billionaires’ lists.
Guardian led CIA’s ‘Operation Fake Dissident’, the hoax of the liar and fraud Edward Snowden, who in fact never ‘stole’ any documents and said little actually new … Snowden a spearhead against 9/11 truth; trying to terrorise the world with US surveillance; pumping up CIA’s lying media like NY Times & UK Guardian; and fronting operations to trap, silence and kill whistleblowers who contact CIA journalist goons like the Guardian, or ex-pornographer, Rothschild family asset Glenn Greenwald, now funded by billionaire Pierre Omidyar who helped set up the murderers of Kiev Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin knows Snowden is a fraud on a mission to help murder Russians, & is indulgently holding him in Russia to trade with the West at later date:
Moscow intel agency report on CIA Edward Snowden fraud
Baboo here
“…I believe in a month or two, the people of the West Ukraine will beg for a Russian intervention and a militia victory in Kiev. They don’t want this war, they don’t want to see their sons die. And they hate the junta as thieves, liars and swine. Their only hope for a future will be a quick Russian victory.
Yes,Larchmonter, that could have been strategized. Invade in July and Ukranians might have thrown Molotov cocktails. Invade in September and they’ll being throwing flowers.
I read that Russkies are flying high over the USSA near Yellowstone and the volcano is being reconned.Two tactical nukes would put a third of
North amerika out of action for between 3 and 7 years.Is that just propaganda,or a possible plan b,c,d?
Another explanation of the leadership change is that a more local face for the Donbas leadership is necessary politically.
The Ukrainians and the West have used the prominence of men from outside the Donbas as evidence that this is a Putin invasion rather than a real uprising. Nonsense, of course, but convincing to the badly-informed majority.
Those Guardian reporters seem to be graduates of the school of journalism satirised by Evelyn Waugh in ‘Scoop’.
Thank God the Ukraine is not part of the former British Empire or the existing Commonwealth…but I think I can explain why the British Foreign Secretary summoned the Russian Ambassador about a possible incursion. Far from being post Imperialist Vanity, this was, in the great tradition of British Government, a case of doing the bare minimum necessary to ensure the Minister’s arse is covered. The reason he feels the need to do that is that a civil servant somewhere has said the Memorandums the UK was a signatory to, which persuaded the Ukraine to surrender its nuclear weapons, MIGHT require the UK to satisfy itself that Ukrainian sovereignty has not been compromised. I am reasonably sure that Russia is aware of this and I doubt the ambassador felt particularly affronted.
Your site is excellent by the way and it is one of the few places where the reports about Novorossiya in the UK press (often biased and usually inaccurate) can be sanity checked.
I have said on a few occasions that in the end Ukraine and Europe will beg Russia for her help. No one in the msm are asking ‘why are we supporting Ukraine and alienating Russia’. Only a matter of time though. I suspect Europe will switch sides and then the evidence on NH17 will come out to justify the decision.
Frankly, I’m bewildered and not in the best of meanings.
Front-up, to avoid misunderstandings arise: I do think that the Saker is a decent, honest man. There is *no* evil intention whatsoever from his side; that I assume and believe.
From my perspective he’s a little on the emotional side and believing in some “basic human values” I’ve learned again and again to be but blabla from what I would call zio philosophers. But again, that doesn’t make the Saker any bad, just somewhat starry-eyed.
That cleared … First prosvirnin’s hit piece, not shy of using Nazi views and tools of all kind. Next Khazin’s weird and more elegant but no less poisonous musings. And now Saker’s “Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov crowd”.
For a starter, Dugin and Fedorov are *very* different men with very different paradigms and approaches and interests (although they arrive at quite similar conclusions – that should make those think whose both IQ and relevant professional expertise is not beyond and above Dugin and Fedorov (next to nobody here)).
Next, the “headline-baiting”. True, some in that “crowd” talk about nuclear bombs and other weird things, but then, who knows a highly visible figure in that area that does not have, to word it mildly, quite diverse followers?
Short, what the Saker does – maybe not even malevolently but sloppily – is to hit an and taint Dugin and Fedorov. He makes many believe that Dugin and Fedorov are but extremist weirdos whose views aren’t worthy to be read and considered.
Sakers hit on those men is also ugly and should be condemned because those men serve a very human need; I usually call it the “Jesus need”, i.e. actually 2 needs: a) a highly visible rather clear cut person and b) with an understandable clear cut take on the world.
We can discuss all day and night whether that’s nice or sorry. But that’s meaningless because people are the way they are.
Of course, everyone in politics knows about that and tries to use the Jesus effect. Unfortunately though, they usually merely offer black-white us-them stereotypes. By far worse, their underlying philosophy is virtually always zionist.
That’s why people like Dugin, more towards academia and intelligencia, and Fedorov, more towards common women and men, provide an immensely important service to Russia and her people.
I’m afraid, the Saker (and many, many others) fail to see the bigger picture.
Where does the 5th. colonne come from? Are they all malevolent satanists? Certainly not. The vast majority has its roots in the ending years of Sovjet and the first 10 years of post-Sovjet time. Comparing on a very pragmatic level the western system looked so much more attractive; it offered jeans, walkmen, and, so it seemd at least, a chance to become rich.
But let’s be clear: The major power behind that movement was the fact that the Sovjet union was a zio creation in the first place. So the people were to chose between evil A (broken, poor) and evil B (thriving, luring).
(… part 2)
(part 2)
To break free from zio domination and its satanistic system Russia *vitaly needs* an alternative. And that’s where Dugin and Fedorov come in. Dugin cut through the shit; yes, he was a wild guy at times, but a brilliant one who succeeded to not only cut through the shit but to also dig free and re-discover the powerful alternative that perfectly matches Russia and Russians. Dugin provided the groundworks, the basis, and Dugin can address academia and intelligentsia (those at least who didn’t sell out their soul).
Fedorov provides very a similar service for the common people and additionally Fedorov is taking care of pragmatic implementation up to the point of having largely contributed to Russias people movement which will very soon play a vital role in defending the country.
Finally, I also like the term “Jesus effect” because millions waged wars and kiled mllions others in the name of Jesus. That doesn’t make Jesus wrong or bad, it merely shows us something about us humans. Humans, for instance, who talk about nuclear hits.
However German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir Putin in a phone call on Friday to “put an end to the flow of military goods, military advisers and armed personnel over the border”.
Maybe they hae an understanding!
Otherwise I fail to see how someone who was supporting overthrowing an elected government and paying the protesters can actually come out and say something like this. It is not like the FSB wont know what was/is going on and just going to let the Germans off the hook for what they started..
I see a lot of Germans saying they dont support what is going on. Obviously not every German does.. But if Germany is doing something then that is because the Germans are providing the basis for doing it. And I have a lot of American friends, some of them support what is happening because it is what they believe is right and most others who think it is wrong. Just like I have Jewish friends and if I say what Israel is doing is wrong and what the US is doing is wrong and call those doing it fascists and racists then if they cant face it, that what is happening because they are Americans or Israelis then well they are as guilty as the ones doing it. I think that guilt by association has been well established in the court system since WW2.
By participating in sites such as this they are showing that they dont agree with what is happening and trying to educate themselves and others on what is really going on in their name and trying to change what is happening. If they only care because they can get sympathy because they sympathize with something and want to be considered friendly even when what is happening all around them shows other wise then what is the use of being friends? Anyone think those American or British doctors who work in the gaza strip or syria or iraq are there because they want to make friends? It is because they believe it is the right thing to do.
Auslander, I understand your perspective, but the fighters are a tiny minority of the people involved. I agree with you that building relationships and trust may seem difficult or impossible and I have written that the purpose of the military action of the Junta seemed designed to fracture the region. But truly, what do most non-combatants want?
I know the answer to that because it is the same everywhere:
People want a quiet life where they can live and work raising their families.
Those people do not want endless war. Tell them a settlement is available now, today, that gives a federalised Ukraine and they’ll be up for it RIGHT NOW!
Put such an offer on the table now, today, and all the militia folks can just shrivel up and blow in the wind, instantly irrelevant.
The task of the rebels is over at the point which enables the residents of Donbas to have a quiet life.
There is a rumor that Stelkov has been called to another trouble spot.
@ Mr. Pragma /Pragmatic or Whatever,
“To break free from zio domination and its satanistic system Russia *vitaly needs* an alternative.” and “that perfectly matches Russia and Russians”.
Btw, Your starting sentence tells it all. And Russian people knows more than you else there would not be 87% acceptance for VVP. You u know what there was talk about A fellow named Navalny I guess few months back however he is out of picture now. Out of sight out of mind I guess. The so called Dugin and whetever will also go down in political life as silently as they came so suddenly. Btw Uncle Sam and his paid trolls will support whoever puppet it wants till that fella can suck the blood of Ethnic Russians. Btw Saker has this blog for than & years I guess. People do not follow Emotional thing But which they feel is right.
Be glad admin let u through.
@ Brabantian,
Though I alwys Suspected this. Thanks for the link anyway.
Thanks for the great discussion. I do believe poor Ukraine is incubating a stage 5 collapse. And I have no idea, even purely theoretically, whether there can be recovery from it.
“I read that Russkies are flying high over the USSA near Yellowstone and the volcano is being reconned.Two tactical nukes would put a third of
North amerika out of action for between 3 and 7 years.Is that just propaganda,or a possible plan b,c,d?”
Firing up the caldera of the Yellowstone supervolcano is plan “Game Over” for the entire northern hemisphere. The ash plume would wipe out northern hemisphere agriculture for a few years.
When Mount Tambora in the East Indies blew up on 10 April 1815, Europe had “The year without a summer” causing serious food shortages in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Yellowstoe supervolcano is much bigger. Putin is not evil or insane, so you can rule out the RF government even considering this.–.html
Would you call this a promotion?
At this point I actually believe Merkel is an FSB agent – possibly Poroshenko too. The farther the US goes, the longer it lasts, the smaller the state formation of Ukraine gets, and the more Novorussia wins. Temporary deals, whatever, it’s an existential conflict for Russia and the US empire, everything else is bullshit.
But! Due to an amazing coincidence of historical circumstances, ideological and sociopolitical/economic factors, Novorussia has actually become the symbol for a revolution. And that, to me is the most amazing thing of all. What is the ethic of Novorussia? A simple Christian ethic, something not far away from the idealism of communism. Something that takes the best of Soviet and Russian qualities. And that Nazis must die. So we have arrived at the moment when there is an actual moral choice for humanity, for the future, in the clearest and most stark terms, and one acceptable to all manner of rationalists, atheists, whatever:
Nazis must die.
We have to live together and share and help.
That, to me is it, and I feel lucky to be alive to see the NAF resistance in my lifetime.
– from the USA
There is a very interesting piece re: Strelkov et. al. up on Colonel Cassad that may add some perspective.
It’s really worth a look-see. What I’m intuiting is that Putin really has taken several important steps, including taking control of the Resistance movement… while at the same time negociating behind the scenes to stop NATO, Kiev, et. al. I.e., the old carrot and stick, only the stick is no mere shillelagh. Saker speculated right at the start that the Donbass lacked the oomph to fight their own battles but it appears they now are, so they’ve met his criteria — and of course it also appears Kiev is a Klown Kar of Keystone Kops, with heavy weapons and a bunch of crazed, and drug-crazed, mercenaries and thugs. I.e., another American “success”. What’s really got me curious is all the stuff we *don’t* know — bc all we are seeing is the (exceedingly ugly) top of the iceberg, and we have no idea whatsoever of what lies beneath the (very bloody) waves. In terms of intelligence, morality and savvy though, my money’s on VVP. And I don’t really need to add that the AZ Empire and all its various satraps and minions, cumulatively, display just about none.
Putin owns Ukraine. He owns the militia, the political structure within Novorossia and the outcome, whatever that may be.
From Moscow, the FSB and GRU sent its men to run the show in Donbass. Just as they had secured Crimea earlier.
Through Moscow’s channels flowed volunteers, from all over Russia, to fight in the militia.
Putin owns all that and the consequences.
The people of Russia expect Putin to pull off a successful conclusion for Novorossiya and the rest of Ukraine. They do not know what that might be, but they expect it will not be a Ukraine that threatens Russia or costs Russia in billions of rubles or any soldiers.
Putin owns those expectations.
Putin has a long string of “victories”. He is responsible for and master-minded Russia’s present successful resurrection and economic development.
Putin is modernizing the armed forces, the electronics and IT industries, expanding Space technologies and creating a plethora of new partnerships in trade and commercial projects.
The trust in Putin is manifold.
He faces an Army of anti-Russians that size out at about 60,000, could reach 100,000. He fights them with the militia that might be 10,000-15,000 and growing because of outrage at the artillery attacks leaving no option to residents of Novorossiya.
He faces the billions of dollars from EU and US and the material support of billions more from NATO transfers of equipment.
The militia can very inexpensively defeat or blunt that investment. Russia does not have to match the cost of maintaining Kiev. It is probably pennies-to-dollars for Putin to maintain the militia.
In the long run, Putin can wear down the Ukie army.
In which case, he has the upper hand in settling the war, the destabilization program based in Kiev aimed at Russia, and convincing the West Ukrainians that peace and a neutral, de-militarized Ukraine is the best route to a good future for Ukraine.
Putin owns it all.
He merely has to have an early, very cold winter as his new partner.
And he has to stay alive and well.
The billionaire oligarchs and the West want him dead.
That is their core project.
I’m quite certain that Obama has already signed those orders. It is a grudge match for Obama. He looks like a simple fool playing golf, but he gets off on “remote assassination” with impunity.
Calling it regime change makes it impersonal for American presidents. JKF did it in VietNam and the whirlwind sucked the Americans into a twelve-year war and disaster. Ultimately, it cost JFK his life as the lords of war took him out twenty days later in order to secure their war.
The US did regime change on its own nation in 1963. It also desires the same for Russia now.
Putin’s first duty to Russia is to survive.
Pretty dark note going into the weekend. Where is the ML17 news//hacks?
@ Mr. Saker:
Well reasoned. And Congratulations!
GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin (Leap2020) GEAB in their worldwide Global System Crisis Press Clippings includes a link to your most recent excellent post “You wanna be Uncle Sam’s bitch? Pay the Price!
GEAB -La Lettre Confidentielle de LEAP (LEAP2020) – is available by subscription with a public area; published in Dutch, French, Spanish and English.
Check out who reads this Think-Tank.
Russia’s humanitarian aid Convoy has been inspected by ICRC and Ukraine reps. BUT
ICRC may take under its jurisdiction aid convoy in Ukraine’s territory “This will be possible if Russia and Ukraine agree on it”
“DONETSK, August 16, /ITAR-TASS/. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is ready to take under its jurisdiction the humanitarian aid convoy from Russia for Ukraine’s southeast, if Russia and Ukraine agree on it, ICRC’s spokeswoman Galina Balzamova told reporters on Saturday.
“For that we should require an agreement between two parties – Russian and Ukrainian,” she said. “As far as we know, an agreement of the kind does not exist now.
She continued saying ICRC was aware about the finished tripartite meeting between Russian and Ukrainian customs, border control and ICRC.
“The meeting participants discussed various aspects of delivery of the humanitarian cargo, of how customs and border control will be organised,” she said.
The Russian side has presented a general list of the trucks’ contents, she said.
Ukraine refuses to acknowledge the cargo, delivered by Russian
convoy, as humanitarian aid.”
Why Ukraine delays? If you missed Mr. Orlov’s, (Cluborlov) take:
”Where is my piece of it?”
Permission to Steal Everything
You may be confused at what might be behind all of these fairly ridiculous conditions and stalling tactics, so let me explain. The Ukrainians are doing their best to figure out how they can steal the goods from the convoy. Until they can find a way to do that, nothing will move, because nothing ever moves in Ukraine until everybody gets their piece of the action. During their two-decade-plus experiment with Western-style “freedom and democracy,” by which I mean oligarchy and prostitution, Ukraine has bred a subspecies of survivors adept at answering just one question: “Where’s my piece of it?”
The Donbas SITREP. In deep fog. Hopefully Lt. Fall and General Winter’s arrival will aid to end this insanity. The Ukie’s are broke and in addition to keeping them afloat the EU will now have to support their own agricultural sectors’ losses resulting from Russian sanctions blowback.
Carry on
Theodore Svedberg
“It is difficult to attribute this story of the Russian army unit passing directly into Ukraine as pure fabrication. Reporters may distort the news or report as news lies from leaders but fabricating facts is just not something western reporters do. Shawn Walker and Roland Oliphant make some very specific claims. The Telegraph has the more detailed account. It sounds like Shawn and Roland followed the unit down an obscure rural road (unpaved?) until they saw them go through a checkpoint with armed men. How they knew this was the border is not clear but it seems very unlikely that they would be traveling around the Russian countryside using by-paths with having a GPS system. Also this Russian unit was traveling at night with their head lights on and didn’t seem unsettled that they were being followed by a single car. Strange story to be sure.
Posted by: ToivoS | Aug 15, 2014 6:22:07 PM | 36″
I am curious why you chose at MoA, but not here at Sakers, to defend the Guardian/Telegraph reporters that were telling obvious lies and tried to excuse their dishonesty as an honest mistake? Did you think such a defensive spin wouldn’t fly here?
вот так
To those on Twitter, if you can. Consider reaching out to @asluhn, the best of the Guardian’s Russia writers. He is younger with a more open mind, and if he started reading The Saker, Niqnaq, Cassad, and, I think he would start to realize a broader picture, and better understand some of the realities of military propaganda and operations. Over time, he will have to start writing for a different publication, but he could be an important voice in the future, he’s a good writer.
Zakharchenko, the Prime Minister of DPR Donetsk, is heard saying a column of armor with a thousand well-trained men is coming in from Russia.
CNN is playing the voice recording.
Sounds like the column the Ukies say they attacked.
The Telegraph has the video now.
Militia Troops coming from Russia
By Tom Parfitt, Moscow1:11PM BST 16 Aug 2014
Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine are being bolstered by 1,200 troops who “trained for four months in Russia”, according to the separatists’ leader.
A video recording of Alexander Zakharchenko speaking to delegates appears to confirm reports of Moscow’s military support to the rebels, who have been fighting Ukrainian government troops since April.
Ukraine’s government claimed on Friday to have destroyed part of a column of Russian military vehicles that crossed its border, with Nato accusing Moscow of launching an “incursion”.
David Cameron, the Prime Minister, expressed his “grave concern” over reports of the breach, and Washington last night called for Moscow to halt its “extremely dangerous and provocative” actions.
In his speech, reportedly made on Friday at a “people’s council” and posted on a rebel YouTube channel, Mr Zakharchenko said, “the following reserves have been gathered: 150 armoured vehicles, of which about 30 are tanks and the rest are BMPs and BTRs [infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers], 1,200 military personnel, who are there now, who underwent training for four months on the territory of the Russian Federation. They were brought into action at the most crucial moment.”
I don’t think there can be any compromising with the imps of satan in kiev, and the independence fighters of Novorussia would be foolhardy indeed to place their trust in any “agreements” that any oligarch might reach with kiev. The monster freak show that is the kiev administration is not an independent entity as they have their strings pulled by even greater monsters in Washington, and they are definitely not interested in any agreements that might derail their geopolitical aims.
As an aside it now transpires that the Russian photojournalist Stenin has now been placed on the missing persons list in Ukraine, which means the poor guy is dead. I sincerely hope I am wrong but the way the scum in kiev first acknowledged having him and then immediately afterward denied knowing anything about him doesn’t inspire confidence. And didn’t the dirtbags in kiev make a fanfare a couple of days ago about dispatching “humanitarian” aid in a convoy of their own to the south east ? Anybody hear anything more about this “humanitarian convoy” from kiev ? Twisted scumbags.
Ladies and gentlemen, a thought about objectively consuming media and weaving truth(ish) from lies.
Facts are hard to come by in a situation such as we are seeing in Ukraine and in respect of what the RF and the Western Powers are up to.
That’s normal, although the arrival of the Internet has enabled anyone with a loony idea to promulgate it with equal vehemence and volume to more sensible and ‘real’ ideas and words.
So what can we do in this situation if we want to understand the world a little better?
Here’s thing one: everyone may be entitled to an opinion but not all opinions are equal.
If somebody says something and wants to convince you that it might be true then there are some simple tests that can be applied.
Firstly is the assertion fact based?
Next, do these facts stack up with what we already know – that is, if the thing we already know is true can this new idea also be true at the same time – and vice versa. If what we know can not coexist with the new idea then the chances are that the new idea is a fake.
Secondly, does the new idea fit with what we understand of the world? By this I mean that usually things that happen tend to fit into a world in which rational people would do them. So, for example, the Odessa massacre was plausible because we know that humans can and do commit atrocious acts upon each other. But not usually in isolation. This means that once one saw any of the earlier activities surrounding the demonstrations that the end-game became very plausible, if not foreseeable.
The other side of the coin – the claims by a couple of journalists that they saw a Russian military column cross over into Ukraine – implausible at its face; this is not a rational act in the context of the humanitarian convoy and so should be discounted.
BUT at the same time we should understand that as rational people it is unlikely that this pair of journalists were being deliberately dishonest (although by allowing the story to run they and their handlers have been dishonest. In my opinion the pair simply did not understand what they were seeing and attributed to what they saw the best explanation they could find. If they were familiar with what border crossings in the area looked like they’d have understood that they were not seeing an incursion into Ukraine but a patrol entering the border zone on a patrol or call out.
Part 2 starts here
Truth from lies
Thirdly, look at the sources you consider. If we only read or view sources with whom we are likely to agree then we limit our learning. We need to challenge ourselves and our moral and ethical perspectives. For example, there was a time that I’d not have considered Russian media as a source for fact based news. I still see stuff that makes me go WTF. I try to look at Ukrainian media, it is hard because it makes me angry, those poor people are falling into a state of national insanity – on the other hand if I did not consume some of that media I’d have no way to understand that to be so and thus it’d be harder to empathise with the Ukrainians. If I had not read the original report in the Guardian I’d not have understood the mistake they made about the nature of what they were seeing.
The next thing to look at is this: what authority does the speaker or writer have? By this I mean that if somebody is trying to tell us something that we should accept as fact then the interlocutor should either be expected to have some connection with the ‘facts’ or be reporting an authoritative source. Here’s an example: up-thread, some poor soul has gotten himself filled with the idea that the Russians might be planning to bomb the dormant Yellowstone super volcano. To be fair he was asking us if anyone else had heard of this, but his purpose was to alert us to this new knowledge. But here’s the problem: how on earth can we expect to know whether the Russians are carrying out sorties over Yellowstone? But it makes no sense. The USAF would not let them. In fact when considering the truth of this idea, not only can we discard on the basis of no authority or connection with the idea but it fails at the first point. We know that the USAF would not allow Russian planes to be doing reconnaissance sorties over the US and so nothing else needs to be learned past that point.
Consider the source. If you are told something implausible by a source that you know to be dishonest then the chances are that the new implausible thing is also untrue. Thus we know that because the US has an appalling record of lies in respect of the claims they make we can treat with caution any claims made by the US media or polity.
At the same time, on forums and blogs ‘social media’ I look at previous posts. Anyone who posts anonymously is suspect because they can not build a truth profile. A named person who posts once and is never seen again, is likewise, treated with caution. People who use names (even if anonymised handles)get more credibility because we can see the history, the track record. Of course we might discard what some ‘handles’ post on the basis of lack of credibility but a long term handle can build a truth profile.
OK, there’s a last one, it is personal but it kinda works for me! When writers and speakers use labels that serve to set an emotional sub text for those about whom they write then I tend to downgrade their words because I know that they already have an agenda that must be served. They might be telling the truth but it will always be filtered through the lend of their prejudices. That means that all this Anglo Zionist clap trap, at least for me, downgrades everything the writer has to say that is associated with the labels they use.
“What we are talking about here is a compromise deal with would probably be acceptable to some parties (most non-fighting Novorussians, the Kremlin, Rinat Akhmetov, the EU) and non-acceptable by others (Kiev, Uncle Sam, most fighting Novorussians).”
Sounds like a divorce deal that is acceptable to everybody except the husband and wife. The guy’s wife likes it; the gal’s sister likes it.
Theory One: a “grand deal” is in the works.
Under this theory, some key individuals in the Kremlin … are trying to stop the war and hammer out a deal in which Novorussia would remain part of a single Ukrainian state, but with very large autonomy, especially in cultural, linguistic, political and economic terms.
Is this not what Putin has been working towards since the very beginning of this conflict?
“Anti-Putin” Alliance Fraying: Germany, Slovakia, Greece, Czech Republic Urge End To Russian Sanctions.
re Auslander (16 August, 2014 08:41)
re Dusty (The task of the rebels is over at the point which enables the residents of Donbas to have a quiet life.16 August, 2014 12:50)
I am afraid in this case that Auslander is far more convincing. It is easy to say the task of the rebels may be over, but the rebels have a vision (currently much bigger than Donbass or Novorussia)and determination and no one will stop them once they start taking back ground.
I do not know Ukraine. I do know Syria. Syrians, who hold grudges for generations, are under offers of amnesty making peace and living with the butcchers of their relatives.
One of the profoundly unstated realities of that war, a profoundly horrendous reality, is that by letting it grind on slowly, a point of sheer/utter exhaustion and emotional deadness is reached; at which point the rage is consumed and peace – such as it will be – becomes possible.
That I believe, may be the only way for hatred and rage such as this to be resolved.
As noted above, May God have mercy
@Biswajit:Be glad admin let u through
LOL, believe me, he won’t. I know the type and I can assure you that their sense of condescending superiority is not compatible with feelings such as gratitude.
On substance, you are right: these folks (there is a bunch of them) not only know better then Putin, they also know better than the Russian people. Which is why they are so mad a the rest of us: we don’t give a damn about what they have to say and that *really* offends them. So they end up banned pretty much everywhere and they end up running their own, tiny and completely irrelevant blogs while the rest of the world never notices their absence (to use your words: “Out of sight out of mind”). As the French say, “les chiens aboient, la caravane passe” :-)
Have a wonderful week-end, kind regards,
The Saker
The ZPC/NWO continues to throw obstacles in the way of the aide convoy.
Ukraine Refuses to Recognize Russia’s Cargo as Humanitarian Aid – Red Cross
“Ukraine refuses to recognize Russia’s cargo sent for the residents of the crisis-torn Donbas region in southeastern Ukraine as humanitarian aid, a Communication Officer for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Galina Balzamova said Saturday…”
вот так
You evidently grossly misinterpreted what I said.
re. “toivoS”
I don’t remember much but I do remember that toivoS quite reliably propagated zio bullsh*t. And clumsily obviously at that.
re. NovoRossija & ukratine
First I find it interesting – to put it very politely – that some think that Putin “owns” NR, ukratine and whatnot.
From what I see there are different questions. One and a very important one is “What are the parties and what do they want?”
– usa – they simply want maximum destruction and damage and unrest. Furthermore they want to create, gain, and train killer-zombies to be used later in Russia. The worse the situation in ukratine, the cheaper the price for those killer und havoc troups. The longer the civil war in ukratine the better trained and experienced the killer troups.
– eu – they want to survive (as the eu monstrosity as well as as states). Which is increasingly difficult and improbable. They want the war to end and they want a nice democracy, freedom, blabla simulation in ukratine. No matter whether people die from hunger or cold, it’s about a nice surface only and, that’s important for eu, a clean nazi-free surface.
And they want to avoid being forced into a position where they can’t but to openly stand up against uza.
– Russia – they want a (geographically) intact ukratine that is nato-free and no major troublemaker. And they want a ukratine where ethnic Russians can live in peace.
I’m certain that Russia did *not* want a NR separating nor did they support NR’s fighting in any major way.
The real problem is somewhere else. No matter how peace-loving the NR citizens might be, after what happened, there can not be peace. I’m confident that even many ukratinians in NR who were against fighting and against NR separating can not simply switch to “peace”. Not after their family members were killed, their hospitals, houses, and schools were bombed.
So the very maximum that could be extracted from negotiations with NR would be whatever *under the condition* that a) the kiev regime is terminated and jailed away or shot, b) the nazis are jailed away or shot, c) supporters of the criminal regime are jailed away, d) a new constitution with a high level of autonomy along with guarantees (like Russia protecting them in case of violations) was created *and signed*, and e) fair and really free elections would be held.
Unless those 5 points are settled everything is but theory and day dreaming and in reality NT would turn into bitter partisan-land.
Russias major weapon has been the “sword of truth” and eu could use a similar approach, albeit very discretely, by making lots of noise about official zio-usa imperium values like democracy, freedom, blabla – knowing fully well that those are but dirty lies; but usa couldn’t do much against eu chanting again and again and loudly the official imperium’s values.
Time is working for Russia. Both eu and particularly uza are all but broken and under pressure incl. time-pressure.
Some support for Theory One: a “grand deal” is in the works:
“HELSINKI, August 16, /ITAR-TASS/. Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said on Saturday there were better chances to resolve the Ukrainian crisis now than in a long time before.
After talks with Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko in Kiev this week, Niinisto said he had come to the conclusion that it was the time to settle the situation, the Yle television company reported.
Niinisto believes that the probability of ending the crisis in Ukraine now is higher than in a long time before.
He said Finland was ready to do its best to facilitate this process.”
And what better than a neutral country to do it?
“dusty said…
Auslander, I understand your perspective, but the fighters are a tiny minority of the people involved. I agree with you that building relationships and trust may seem difficult or impossible and I have written that the purpose of the military action of the Junta seemed designed to fracture the region. But truly, what do most non-combatants want?
I know the answer to that because it is the same everywhere:
People want a quiet life where they can live and work raising their families.
Those people do not want endless war. Tell them a settlement is available now, today, that gives a federalised Ukraine and they’ll be up for it RIGHT NOW!”
Dusty, you haven’t a clue as to life in orkland (and I call them orks because that is exactly what they are, all they know is burn, destroy and kill), the endemic corruption right down to the street cleaners, the corrupt filth of the small ‘ruling class’, their arrogance and their real ability to kill anyone who gets in their way with impunity, be it involving their business or simply some poor sod who has the bad luck to be in a cross walk when the filth decides to blow through it at 150 KPH. Happens all the time.
With your total lack of understanding of life in orkland or any former entity of SSSR, how can you state what ‘the people’ want or will settle for? You don’t talk to them, I/we do, every day. We just spent the entire afternoon and early evening speaking to our specials and I can only say my wife held up well during the talkings and wept the whole way back home, and my wife is one tough little cookie. Do you want to take the time to council a 5 year old boy who scuttles under a bed at the sound of a door slamming shut from the wind? Do you want to reason with an elderly woman who had the right leg of a life long friend fly through her second floor balcony window when a Grad missile landed in the garden next to her flat building and blew 6 living people, innocent elderly people, to pieces and there was no ополчение within 3 kilometers of her flat? You can’t. She is back in hospital again as of mid afternoon. Tell me again what you think the people will settle for.
It is estimated that almost 2 millions have left Novorossiya to escape from the fighting. The vast majority have gone east to Russia. Well over half have simply gone to family and friends to stay for the duration and a goodly number have gone south to Krimea. That is one third of the total population of the two oblasti making Novorossiya.
To you 20,000 thousand or so fighters is a tiny minority. To us 20,000 is a not bad increase in recruitment from the literally less than 25 fighters who arrived in Slavyansk in mid April. You run the percentages of increase, I’m do damned tired. Multiply that 20,000 by 10 to get the number if citizens who ACTIVELY support the armed forces of Novorossiya and give me that percentage. The orks complain that the citizens ignore them as they wander through towns and villages and then call in ополчение to savage them as they leave. What does that tell you?
Too many people, innocent civilians, men, women, children, have been killed by the orks for Novorossiya to ‘take a deal’. It ain’t going to happen, ever. You can take your ideas of what the people of Novorossiya will settle for and enjoy your pontifications. I know the reality. This will be a fight to the death, only one side will win and it won’t be the orks. There will never be a quiet life in Novorossiya until the orks are dead and gone.
Alexander Zakharchenko’s quotes are now front-page news.. truth or what?
“What Russia needs is a stable, predictable and safe neighbor on its eastern border.” Umm… we’re talking about the Ukraine, right? This is, sadly, fantasy. Russia needs to split the Ukraine into 4 or 5 pieces, each small and harmless, and see who sinks and who swims.
I believe that rumors of some kind of deal having been made or in the works is premature. I believe what has occurred is a realization that with the failure of the junta’s latest desparate (“hail mary”)offensive all interested parties are positioning themselves for the end of this conflict. Thus the formation of a Novorussiyan military structure.
It is not the ability to wield power that makes a man great, it is his ability to yield it when required for the greater good. Strelkov will be honored greatly and it is likely we will never know about it.
USA, EU, UK, now must face the reality that they are unable to continue their push and are at risk of having the tables turned and finding themselves in a defensive posture.
I agree with Larchmonter that sentiments are soon to change in the populace of Kiev/west Ukraine. I also believe that the Novorussiyans are not fighting simply this one war, they are fighting a greater war which will end forever NATO’s Ukrainian wet dream.
I also give great weight to what Auslander posted above, with one caveat. There will be a deal made, however I believe it will be made between Novorossiya and whoever is left in charge in Kiev. It will be victory or death for Novorossiya and in that respect Auslander is correct. However once the formation of the new government is more stable, they will determine what ‘Victory’ will be defined as. I would even predict that we are nearer to the end of this conflict than is generally recognized. (I would put good money down on a permanent cease fire within 90 days, give me 2-1 and I would go 60 days.)
Kiev will collapse and there will be no government. How that plays out can go many ways, but I expect Biden Jr. will be pursuing a different business venture before the New Year.
Putin is relentless, and if you google back to what he has said since the beginning of this crisis, you can see that not only were his suggestions/recommendations the only workable options, they were fair and just.
It is to be remembered that only banker greed, (US, EU, NATO) is responsible for the loss of life in Novorossiya and Ukraine proper. It will not be forgotten and the Russians have been meticulously documenting the perpetrators of/and the war crimes committed.
There is a new ship on the horizon, it is called the Federation of United Ukrainian States, (also referred to as FU US) and then we can go back to watching the USA self destruct on various other fronts. smile
p.s. Is a good idea to watch for provocations in other countries bordering Russia. Policymakers in US have childlike mentality.
I just saw this:
LOL, believe me, he won’t. I know the type and I can assure you that their sense of condescending superiority is not compatible with feelings such as gratitude.
On substance, you are right: these folks (there is a bunch of them) not only know better then Putin, they also know better than the Russian people. Which is why they are so mad a the rest of us: we don’t give a damn about what they have to say and that *really* offends them. So they end up banned pretty much everywhere and they end up running their own, tiny and completely irrelevant blogs while the rest of the world never notices their absence (to use your words: “Out of sight out of mind”). As the French say, “les chiens aboient, la caravane passe” :-)
Have a wonderful week-end, kind regards,
The Saker
In response to a post that was explicitely addressing me.
Let me inform you, the Saker:
– Yes, I was banned from MoA.
But although I was explicitely asked for comments (e.g. here) I *never* said a bad word about MoA. Quite the contrary, when I said something (which very rarely happened) it was rather *positive*.
And I respected the ban. I never again went there. No funny tricks with other screen names or alike.
Moreover I used my well known screen name here, too, i.e. I acted openly and straight.
– No, I do not have my “own, tiny and completely irrelevant blog”.
– No, you are wrong again. there *are* people, here and elsewhere, who *are* interested in what I say and they even express that clearly – here in your blog.
Moreover there have been quite some posters who responded to me in a constructive, discursive manner.
– I have always been polite. I did not insult anyone nor did I attack any poster here.
You do not need to play dirty games and to surprise attack your guests from behind, anyway not in my case. If you don’t want me here, just say so and I will leave without discussions, trouble, tricks, or games.
Sorry, but to be an honest straight guy it’s not enough to talk about being nice and writing nicely sounding statements; one must also *act* honourably and, for instance, not insidiously attacking one’s guests.
Well noted, even this is not any kind of attack on you. In fact, I’m based on the assumption that you mixed me up with someone else (and still consider your attack, albeit on someone else, as unfair and dirty).
Again, this is your blog. I respect that and I will leave without any fuss if you simply say so.
Have a nice weekend – with or without me being here.
re Auslander (16 August, 2014 16:28)
I too have seen and lived in areas with the level of rage and hatred of which you speak. Many were people I count as my deepest friends.
Such rage and hatred reminds me of a fire-storm, once it starts rolling through a forest, it consumes everything. All the fire-fighters can do is try to keep it from setting off other fires in surrounding areas.
The only solution is for it to burn itself out…. to exhaust itself. Only then can you speak of grieving, of re-building and some kind of coming to terms with the world.
May those you know and love be kept by the mercy of God. May they not loose their humanity, may they continue to chose the way of honor and dignity.
May you have the patience and courage to be there for their healing when the time comes.
Auslander, I am not so far away as you might imagine, but for sure I can tell you this. The people you are writing about are no different to the people around me. People who sometimes look back on the Soviet times with fond memories and who make the most of what they have.
You are free to imagine that the people in some other place are somehow different but they are not.
have a thought for a moment. Remember how life was before the civil war, before the US and EU started poking Ukraine with a stick.
Were the weekends filled with mass demos by ordinary folks wanting change to life? No, they were not, and you know it. On a weekend like this one everyone who could manage it would be out in the countryside enjoying the all too short summers with friends and family.
Do you think those people have changed? Do you think they want different things? Of course they don’t.
The people who have been forced to leave due to fighting THEY DID NOT WANT, what of them, well, they want it to end. Do you think most of them give a tinker’s cuss about the exact form of government? Of course they don’t, they want the bloody war to end so they can go home, restart life, so their kids can go to school.
That’s what people are, it is what they do.
Think for a moment, let us assume that the rebel strength is as great as you suggest. 20K men (most estimates are much lower by an order of magnitude). it is nothing, that’s not enough to make a decent crowd at a soccer match where I come from. But go with that for a moment. Is that any greater support then the folks in the Maidan had back in December or January, before they were getting paid to turn up? I bet it ain’t. The popular support for the rebellion is tiny, a pitiful showing.
Is what the rebels doing worthwhile? Honestly, I think it is. I also think that it started from the wrong place, but maybe that’s another story.
But the rebellion is NOT a popular uprising and as soon as the leadership finds a way to end the rebellion and provide the people of the region with a relatively secure way to live then their task is complete.
This rebellion is NOT going to Kyiv! If it does it will not be because it is a rebellion, it will be because it is a proxy for external interests.
This man tells it all.
Israeli border posts and fences are built on other peoples lands and anyone approaching them are killed. But all other nations build them on their own land. Usually quite far inland, because citizens have a bad habit of chasing goats and such into other countries and ending up in jail or worse. Unless someone uses demarcated landmarks or gps coordinates and sees where the border is, you dont know if it was an incursion or just a border patrol. Heck even the fence in the US is on their side and you can go past the fence and still be inside the US. When you say its no mans land, it just means its not exactly demarcated but the land is delimited or contested. How professional reporters can not know that a fence and post are only to keep stupid goats from wandering off and the shepherds from going chasing after them. When those 3 Israeli soldiers were kidnapped we were told they were outside the fence but still in Israeli occupied territory.. But they were infact 3km away in a village. There could be no confusion about the difference. There should have been none here either.. And these guys did not know if it was military or border patrol? Just passing a Russian border post means they are still in Russia.
Nora at 14:45:
“…What I’m intuiting is that Putin really has taken several important steps, including taking control of the Resistance movement…”
Thanks for your link, Nora. I haven’t yet accessed it, but this morning reading a news item over at, I am having the same impression. Or rather, that we could direct our gaze towards those Ukranian troops that have ended up across the border, rather than, as Poroshekno would wish, any Russians coming the other way.
A second item at messages that the coup government has begun prosecutions of deserters, so we can infer that desperation is creeping in on that ‘front’ as well.
The swirl around leadership in the defending armies must, if this is indeed happening, have to do with a rapid gain in strength both from the flight of the citizenry and from the above mentioned flight of soldiers. A mixture of Ukrainians from all ethnic sides, to defeat the dividers.
I am not one for war. I hope that this new, strengthened defense force, (admittedly speculatively conceived,) can achieve a rapid and peaceful outcome. West Ukraine citizenry will have nothing to fear from them, since what they will be about is a restoration of the rights of the citizenry, of harmonious and peaceful life for all.
This is purely hopeful surmise on my part, but if it is indeed happening, it will be a wonderful and hopeful occurrence and lesson to the world at large, as disruptive forces are contained and dealt with.
… we don’t give a damn about what they have to say and that *really* offends them. So they end up banned pretty much everywhere and they end up running their own, tiny and completely irrelevant blogs while the rest of the world never notices their absence.
Provided that I have many reservations about Dugin thesis, A LOT more about Fedorov’s and a total revulsion for Limonov, I would use the sentences above if I had to exemplify “a sense of condescending superiority”.
But feel free to don’t give a damn about it…..