by Sushi for the Saker blog
A Curious Incident Part I may be found here:
A Curious Incident Part II may be found here:
Analysis of the Attack on the Skripals
This article lays out a hypothesis in regard to the attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The reader is cautioned that this attack is possibly just one element in a larger series of associated events. These include everything from geostrategic chess in the Middle East, to the demands of domestic UK politics, to manipulating public opinion both before and after the US presidential election.
You could write several books on these issues and still not fully untangle and delineate all the interactions between the relevant actors.
This article confines itself to the events of March 4th, 2018 when two individuals were subject to an attack that left them incapacitated and subject to hospital care. Under the laws of the UK, the perpetrators are subject to criminal prosecution.
Criminal investigation rests on a triad of three elements: means, opportunity, and motive. These are the lenses through which the events of March 4th, 2018 are viewed.
Hypothesis # 1.1 Skripal – Means
Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned using an organophosphate toxin believed to be a commercially available pesticide, or weed-killer. The toxic agent was applied in the form of a fine powder.
This toxic material was introduced into the Skripal’s vehicle while it was parked adjacent to the London Road Cemetery in Salisbury, an estimated 15 minute drive from the Skripal residence.
The toxic material was colourless and odourless and sufficiently fine to “float” in the air in the same way that dust motes may be observed to float in the air in most households. These dust motes are inhaled by the occupants of the house but are not perceived by them. Proof of this fact may be made by taking a sheet of black paper and placing it on a flat surface in your own household and covering it with four playing cards, or four large coins. Allow the black paper to sit undisturbed for a week and remove one playing card, or one coin. Repeat this removal each week. At the end of 4 weeks an outline of the removed article will be clearly visible due to the dust which accumulated on the paper during the period of exposure.
Since the toxic organophosphate dust floats in air currents, any material on a seat cushion would have been displaced as passengers entered and sat in the vehicle. The simple act of opening the car door would have generated air currents that lofted the dust. The air currents generated as the passenger sat on the seat would have lofted additional dust as would any air expelled from the seat cushion material as passenger weight was applied.
Skripal’s BMW 320D saloon was equipped with air conditioning as standard equipment. The use of mechanical blowers would further loft the powdered agent. The presence of air conditioning makes it unlikely the windows were opened to ventilate the car. The temperate conditions of March 4th makes such ventilation of the car interior unlikely.
The passengers in the car would have their clothing impregnated with toxic agent. This would be displaced and inhaled once they had left the car. Trace evidence of toxic agent would be deposited in any location visited by the Skripals following exposure.
Trace evidence of toxic agent has been reported in both the Bishops Mill Pub and in the Zizzi pizza restaurant. The police are also reported to have removed the parking lot ticket dispenser as this would have been contaminated by trace evidence of toxic agent when Skripal opened the driver’s side window to obtain a parking ticket stub. The Skripal residence would also show trace evidence of contamination carried in on the clothing impregnated during the automobile exposure.
Hypothesis # 1.2 Skripal – Opportunity
Any person in the vicinity of Salisbury between 0900 and 1300 on March 4 had the opportunity to commit the attack. As it believed the contamination of the vehicle occurred when it was parked adjacent to the London Road Cemetery, the persons with best opportunity would be those within the immediately adjacent area.
The requirement to be present in Salisbury on the morning of March 4th, 2018 does not exclude persons resident elsewhere in the UK, or persons normally resident in a foreign state. It is highly likely the attacker is not a permanent resident of Salisbury but travelled to Salisbury for the express purpose of committing the attack.
Toxic organophosphate material is widely available on a commercial basis and comes in a variety of forms including powder forms intended for topical application on lawn gardens. A suitable material may have been used directly. It is also possible the toxic agent may have been enhanced prior to its introduction into the vehicle. The mechanical devices which may have been used to enhance, or modify, the properties of the toxic agent are readily available on a commercial basis in many countries. No significant degree of scientific knowledge is required.
Hypothesis # 1.3 Skripal – Motive
It is believed the intended target of the attack was Sergei Skripal, a dual citizen of Russia and the UK.
Skripal had an estimated 14 year career as an agent of the GRU, the Russian Military Intelligence which focuses on obtaining information about external threats to Russia. Its activities include the cultivation and recruitment of foreign nationals willing to provide threat information for either ideological, or pecuniary motive.
In 1995 Skripal is reported to have offered his services to MI6, the UK counterpart to the GRU. For 9 years, until his arrest, Skripal is believed to have provided MI6 with information on more than 300 individuals resident within western nations who were actively co-operating with the GRU and providing foreign threat information to the GRU.
The information provided by Skripal would have permitted western counter-intelligence agencies to identify those persons acting covertly in cooperation with the GRU. Once identified, these individuals would have been removed from positions of responsibility which gave them access to valuable intelligence.
This implies that Skripal’s actions damaged the credibility and the careers of a great many individuals, some of whom may have been denied advancement due to the suspicions raised against them. Some of the implicated persons would have been removed from positions of trust and dismissed with a loss of pension, or other benefits. Those dismissed are unlikely to have received positive references and this, coupled with the fact they had specialised skills only in demand within defence or similar industries, may have precluded them from obtaining similar future employment.
Each of the affected individuals is likely to have had a spouse, children, relatives, and other associates who may have been aware of the circumstance of their demotion, or dismissal.
Since intelligence and counter-intelligence operations are cloaked in secrecy, and deception is an integral aspect of such activity, the quality of evidence against specific individuals may be less than that required for a conviction in a court of law. The presumed danger to the state is so grave that suspect individuals will be removed from access based only on suspicion and this suspicion may be erroneous and unfounded.
In the game of spy versus spy it is recognized that if you discover a secret information conduit to the opposition you can fill that conduit with false and misleading information and by so doing greatly disrupt, and degrade, the operations of a foreign intelligence service. Such action would increase the number of unfairly targeted individuals.
It can therefore be assumed that there exists a significant body of persons who view Skripal with hostility, a traitor to some common cause, a man who cast suspicion on others, and who has done so for his own benefit. Revenge forms the primary motive.
Skripal lived under his own name and is known to have travelled to lecture at various military establishments. Some of these lectures may have been covered in the local press permitting an aggrieved party to identify Skripal, and to locate his place of residence.
It is presumed that many of the aggrieved have training in military skills and intelligence trade craft. It is further presumed that they have the potential to apply those skills to track and observe Skripal and determine his movement patterns.
The same military skills and trade craft would give the aggrieved party knowledge of military grade nerve agents and their commercial analogs. Once the toxic agent is obtained, and the method of attack prepared, all that is required is the opportunity to spend under a minute alongside Skripal’s vehicle.
Hypothesis # 2.1 Bailey – Means
The attack on Detective Bailey was unintended collateral damage. Bailey is reported to have been one of the first responders to the scene at the Maltings park bench.
The Skripal’s had an estimated 25 minutes inhalation exposure to powdered organophosphate some of which would have impregnated their clothing.
The human body is extremely effective in attempting to expel, or eject, unwelcome toxins. MSM reporting of the discovery of the incapacitated victims includes the fact that one, or both of them, had vomited and also lost control of their bodily functions. From photographs of the scene at the time of the events it appears that a light rain was falling.
Detective Bailey was able to proceed directly from the Maltings to the Skripal residence and to enter the residence. This suggests that he searched one, or both, of the Skripals and obtained the residence address together with a key to the residence. This suggests Detective Bailey may have had to manipulate clothing items contaminated with vomitus or other bodily fluids. These fluids would have contained dissolved toxic agent in solution.
Since a light rain was believed to be falling, any toxic powder residue adhering to Skripal’s outer garments would have been washed down and collected in the folds of the garment. It is likely Detective Bailey made contact with this liquid when he sought to search the pockets of Skripal. This collected rainwater would also have contained toxic material in solution.
It is therefore believed Bailey had exposed skin in contact with toxic material in liquid solution. It is also possible that he breathed toxic vapours.
The toxic exposure of Detective Bailey would have been considerably less than that of the Skripal’s who would have inhaled toxic powder for a period in excess of 25 minutes. This would explain the differential response of Detective Bailey.
Hypothesis # 2.2 Bailey – Opportunity
There was no attempt to directly target Detective Bailey. His exposure was in consequence of his attempt to respond to a report of persons in distress prior to it being known that an organophosphate toxin was involved.
Hypothesis # 2.3 Bailey – Motive
There was no motive behind the poisoning of Detective Bailey. The event was an occupational accident due to a lack of knowledge of the presence of organophosphate toxins.
As described at the start, any investigation is an iterative process that proceeds based on the facts and the evidence. Readers are encouraged to challenge any assertion made and I will be review and amend the hypothesis and / attempt an explanation. The only exception is in regard to possible enhancements made to commercially available organophosphate.
Part IV will touch on the evidence for these events being part of a false flag, or similar concerted attempt by state actors.
In memory of David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944 – 17 July 2003)
Bolton has said the United States should declare war on both North Korea and Iran. He was credibly accused of manipulating US intelligence on weapons of mass destruction prior to the Iraq war and of abusive treatment of his subordinates. He once “joked” about knocking 10 stories off the UN building in New York. That means his new appointment to be the most important national security official in the White House has significant — and frightening — implications for Trump’s approach to the world.
Great credentials for the job!
Empire in full retard mode. Never go full retard.
Oh, let the hand wringing begin.
Once you’ve identified individuals such as Bolton, Powers or Haley as actors, you need not trouble yourself with anything they say.
In any case the Walrus would be blithering at Trump, so not only does the former thespian not have any influence, neither does the later make decisions based on his ‘advice.’
If Trump had to nominate a controversial figure like Bolton, my hands would not be wringing if he had instead nominated Jill Stein. Now that would create an uproar!
All these rabid representatives like Haley, Bolton, Pompeo, etc etc, do little to calm the waters, quite the opposite.
What people admire about Putin is that he is so measured in his speech, not inflammatory.
And that is the whole problem with US leadership: They are all play acting and engaged in histrionics, the Reality Show host, and his Democratic Party Hell dweller counterparts included. Not a great way to make friends and influence people, but with a big military, who cares? Well, that strategy is on its last legs, hence doubling down with people like Bolton. The country is irredeemable.
The author of an article in the current London Review of Books asserts, similarly, that (many of) the current crop of UK so-called politicians (Johnson, Rees=Mogg, and others) come from the world of the media and are basically prancing about on the public political stage flaunting and showing off and basically acting like very bad actors.
In my opinion Bolton (and numerous others) are as clearly war criminals as any Nazi hanged at Nuremberg, for the Supreme Crime of aggression against Iraq, and the consequent genocide there. What a pity there will never be a Nuremberg Tribunal in Thanatopolis DC-although that process would take decades to sit in judgment on all those guilty of crimes against the ‘Unexceptionals’.
I’d recommend adapting from Hercules who in one fell swoop cleared the filth from the Augean Stables -and all in one day:
Divert the Potomac and clear all that corruption, filth and dung from Washington. Sweep it all away.
Given that the filth has accumulated for more than 30 years it might take another day or so to get the job done.
Sea level rise will do that. The undermining of the Totten Glacier in East Antarctica shows that it will happen-it’s only a matter of time.
In regard to detective sergeant Baily, in my experience of police procedure , (admittedly of a few years ago), the CID especially detective sergeants are not usually among the first responders, only being called upon by response officers. And that would only be if there was a realization that it was far more serious.
I would suggest that it it would have been reported as someone simply being ill and if they had vomited etc had to much to drink. (very common in the uk). Only a single paramedic or ambulance would have attended. The information as to what the real cause was would not have been realized until it was investigated by the hospital which I would imagine would take some time. In addition there would be no reason for Baily to have gone to the house and taking a key with him. He would only go there to possibly inform any family about the hospitalization of Skripal`s. There would be no necessity or reason to enter the house if no one was there. Unless he knew who they were, very curious I must say.
Yeah, why did he go to the house?
Mayby Skripal asked him to?
In a modern police state, the police leap upon any chance to search a home or a person and see if they can find incriminating evidence. The state usually makes a lot of money from such cases, and the individual officers get to improve their metrics on how many criminals they bust and thus improve their chances of promotion.
So, the supposition that DS Bailey jumped to the conclusion that illegal drugs might be involved and used ‘safety’ as an excuse to search the residence seems very plausible to me.
Bad news. Trump just made a war-loving madman as America’s National Security Adviser.
Makes a lot of sense to me.
A minor quibble, it seems like its been cool in England, so technically it would be more likely they ran the car heater. Same system though.
I’m still not sure I buy the motive part. The reasons have been discussed by many saying that Putin had no motive. Much of that applies to other spies. Why so long after? Why not when he was in a Russian prison? etc. I’d add that the fact that he was living under his own name means that he, or the UK government, didn’t think there was much of a threat to his safety. I’d assume the UK government could easily have provided him with another identity if they thought it neccessary.
If I had to bet, my money would be on an intentional false flag to do something between raising international tensions or deliberately trying to start a war.
But the rest sounds very plausible to me.
Just noted that PM May is being increasingly belligerent and asserting there is no other plausible explanation for the attack other than Russia did it.
My primary concern is that the unfounded accusations of May and Johnson are moving the world toward conflict in much the same way the world sleepwalked towards war after June 28th 1914.
Please distribute as broadly as possible to ensure others are aware that there is in fact a highly plausible explanation for the attack on the Skripals, and this explanation does not require Russian involvement.
Craig Murray, the former UK Ambassador who has been shredding Harridan May and malignant narcissist buffoon Johnson’s idiocies, has suffered a massive denial of service attack on his website. And, naturally, he has been labeled an ‘antisemite’ (who isn’t?) by the usual rabid suspects, for stating the UNDENIABLE FACT that Israel is NOT a party to the chemical weapons treaty.
I found it fascinating that the OPCW says it will take 3 weeks to run tests on the substance.
Apparently the UK government did that in 3 minutes instead!
Speculations are presented here as if they are facts. Once it is determined this is a false flag operation, all this goes out the window. My own suspicion is that no poisoning was involved in this incident, and Mr. Skripal was in on the game. His now being hidden from the public and from any objective evaluation of his condition, strengthens my conviction that his little spell was a fake acting job, whose nature was then magnified by the authorities as something serious. The idea that the Russian government did this is preposterous, although that was the whole story that was meant to be accepted. The whole affair has followed the typical features of a false flag deception from beginning to end. No solid piece of evidence has been forthcoming, and none will be produced, very much in the fashion of the false chemical attacks in Syria.
Totally agree … normally would remain a police matter with evidence being collected and supported, but gale force politics gushed in immediately. This is false flag theatre for sure. Selective silences in part with “over the top” Monty Python type satire would have made for entertaining responses. Where are protesters in London and elsewhere when they are really needed? Perhaps we are all stunned by the audacity of it all.
We are not so naive as we were not very long ago… Indeed, many are already suspecting that this is lie – they mention Tony Blair’s WMD in Iraq. False information to wage wars are more easily detected now and no more accepted.
Interesting detail about illegal British war propaganda in breach of ICCPR Article 20. The panicky US blame game for the failed provocation gave Pompeo the opportunity to oust Tillerson. That Bolton was parachuted in suggests US culpability (Bolton is the cleanup crew for grave US crimes.) The US has to extract itself from the impending debacle: another public disgrace in the ICJ following the pattern of (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom.)
Ultimately, Britain is not a factor in foreign affairs. Having withdrawn from the EU, they’ve vanished up the USA’s arseloch. The US controls Britain’s Fisher-Price nuclear deterrent and their increasingly absurd veto privilege.
The determining geopolitical factor is Russia’s missile announcement. It re-established MAD, but that’s not all. It also created a capability for proportional response to the entire range of US aggression that effectively counters all US use and threat of force. There’s no more game of chicken. Russia can discipline the US with localized humiliation or global rout, without recourse to mutual destruction.
The Russian program of coercion to peace is already taking effect:
In these talks, Russia is in a position to impose not just nuclear disarmament but demilitarization. They’ve turned the clock back to the Eisenhower/Herter peace plan. That is a very good thing.
the link “part II” is wrong.
thank you for the great texts
The above should be the correct working link for Part II.
Thanks for the comment. My concern is that the political class across Europe is basically sleepwaking thier populations into WWIII.
The article is a plausible explanation which does not invove Russian state involvement, This falsifies May’s sttement that there exists no other plausible explanation other than “Russia done it.”
Yup…Baltic states buying this unsurprisingly….hints more countries expelling diplomates …assuming any diplomat is a spy and a spy is a diplomat. Surely Ruusoan Embasdy would have a log of where all their diplomats were at time of incident which should be known by uk state deparyements monitoring them….and if at Salisbury that would have been one of the first informations released…..still worth checking car had an alarm system of any kind????????
Trump the hoax of the century:
Poor idiots who voted for this guy.
Anti-War Trump Voters Just Officially Ran Out Of Reasons To Support This President.
Get ready for WWIII…situation now out of control,that was the goal since it was started.Convenient to cancell the Brexit…UK blackmailing the EU idiots who naively believe the UK will cancell the Brexit in exchange for their support.Then once done,the UK will fuck ….
The russiagate hoax being over in the US(it was a UK plot from the MI6,Steele dossier etc,it failed).They are now taking the lead.Forget about Nordstream,the World cup,sanctions cancellation etc…
Expec a war in both Iran and Syria(kill russians..)maybe North Korea(who cares,only diversion).Trump just started his commercial war against China.Arrival of Pompeo and Bolton archi neocons.
This scenario has been prepared for a long time.It is now full war.
Let’s hope Putin will finaly stop his ‘our partners’ policy which is idiotic since 2014.Expect full war in the Donbass as well just before the W Cup(if still any)or even worse during this very same WCup.
The EU Council president announced Thursday that he agrees with Britain’s conclusion that it is “highly likely” that Russia is responsible for the Salisbury, England, nerve agent attack on March 4.
EU President Donald Tusk said in a tweet Thursday that the “EUCO agrees with UK government” and that “there is no other plausible explanation.” Officials have also agreed to recall the bloc’s ambassador to Moscow “for consultations.”
“We decided to take home the EU ambassador to Russia,” the EU Council’s press office said in a statement that quoted Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven head of state.
Meanwhile, a source familiar with the matter reported that several EU nations were considering recalling their diplomats from Russia of expelling Russian diplomats over the poisoning scandal.
Tusk’s announcement comes hours after a statement from the UK government indicating that UK experts had identified the substance used in the attack. The statement was released after a meeting between UK Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
And now NATO as well,article 5 Mrs May?
It reminds me 1914,when nobody wanted to loose face…then it is too late.
EU Council Wants NATO Cooperation Amid Skripal Poisoning Scandal.
One of the durans articles “details” how TM was trying to invoke Article 5 but conditions were not fulfilled…..seems like they are still trying… at least get that invoked to hold over Russia for further events or infringements as “agressions”……
Based on studies by organic farmer Mark Purdey in the UK, organophosphates are the cause of “mad cow” disease (bovine spongiform (BSE), also Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) in humans, and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer, antelope, and elk.
Long story short, Purdey found that Phosmet insecticide chelates copper out of the bodies of the cattle, thus leading to the copper deficiency that then allowed mad cow disease to develop. There are organophosphate pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers humans use for various purposes that can have a similar effect on us.
Copper is used in wires as an efficient conductor of electricity; manganese is used in batteries to store electricity. Purdey hypothesizes that the normal prion protein, bonded to copper, facilitates a smooth flow of the energy brought into the nervous system via sound and light. Conversely, when manganese substitutes for copper, energy would have a tendency to be stored rather than allowed to flow. This could result in explosive releases of energy (cavitation), thereby progressively deteriorating the brain tissue in the spongiform pattern.
Purday further reports that researchers at Case Western University in Cleveland analyzed brain tissue from victims of CJD. These brain tissues, compared to control brains, reportedly contained a ten-fold higher level of manganese and a 50 percent reduced level of copper — and the manganese was bonded to the abnormal prions in the CJD tissues.
More details in following:
CJD of a type developed by Russia?
Thanks for the link.
Well, Theresa May CERTAINLY has ‘mad cow’ disease, but bad. However I suspect hers is congenital. Johnson may be tertiary syphilis.
Phil, and manganese, as MMT, was substituted for lead as an ‘anti-knocking’ agent in petrol, after lead poisoning became an issue.
So Bailey got sick from incidental contact with the Skripals while removing a wallet from a pocket. Yet the medical people examining the Skripals felt no effects at all?
Yeah, right.
Persons with experience in the delivery of emergency first aid acquire the habit of carrying with them disposable gloves together with a barrier shield that allows delivery of mouth to mouth without direct contact with the victim or any bodily fluids.
I still carry my little pouch.
The ambulance attendents would certainly be wearing protective gear.
Yulia Skirpal was moved into the recovery postition by a passing physician. According to MSM reporting Yulia was still breathing on her own and the physician did not give mouth to mouth. I suspect the physician had some form of protective equipment but that has not been confirmed by MSM reporting.
There is MSM reporting (1 report) that Detective Bailey attempted to give mouth to mouth to Skripal. This cannot be verified but would present an additional vector for toxic attack if true.
Obviously the paramedics would be wearing gloves and possibly face masks and would avoid contact with the victim’s bodily fluids. But moving the victims around, lifting them and placing them on a stretcher would disturb any “powder” on their clothes a lot more than fishing a wallet from a pocket would. Later, when the paramedics changed clothes, would they be wearing their gloves and masks? Of course not. It’s likely they would get exposure then.
But no medical personal we’re affected. At all. Only the one cop.
And regarding that cop’s actions, what really do we know? For example:
Did he touch or move the victims, trying to help, or looking for ID? Or wait for the paramedics, who then recovered the wallet and gave it to the cop?
About all we know is that Bailey, at some time later searched Skripal’s residence. And that he got sick. For all we know, Bailey could be the actual assassin who exposed the Skripals in this obviously botched hit, and accidentally exposed himself at the same time. What do we know about this cop or his past?
“MSM reporting”
You used that phrase 3 times in your reply. What the zionazi-gay media say is at best unreliable. More often it’s disinfo. The uk regime has refused to provide factual info. What they have said is mostly specifically tailored statements obviously with the intent to support their false flag here. So there is not a whole lot to work with yet.
Speculation upon speculation, cherry picking data, presenting arguments of what is clearly nonsense at times and making conclusions based upon all this. That is what I see presented here.
Boris Johnson A Categorical Liar
Evidence submitted by the British government in court today proves, beyond any doubt, that Boris Johnson has been point blank lying about the degree of certainty Porton Down scientists have about the Skripals being poisoned with a Russian “novichok” agent.
Yesterday in an interview with Deutsche Welle Boris Johnson claimed directly Porton Down had told him they positively identified the nerve agent as Russian:
You argue that the source of this nerve agent, Novichok, is Russia. How did you manage to find it out so quickly? Does Britain possess samples of it?
Let me be clear with you … When I look at the evidence, I mean the people from Porton Down, the laboratory …
So they have the samples …
They do. And they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, “Are you sure?” And he said there’s no doubt.
I knew and had published from my own whistleblowers that this is a lie. Until now I could not prove it. But today I can absolutely prove it, due to the judgement at the High Court case which gave permission for new blood samples to be taken from the Skripals for use by the OPCW. Justice Williams included in his judgement a summary of the evidence which tells us, directly for the first time, what Porton Down have actually said:
The Evidence
16. The evidence in support of the application is contained within the applications
themselves (in particular the Forms COP 3) and the witness statements.
17. I consider the following to be the relevant parts of the evidence. I shall identify the
witnesses only by their role and shall summarise the essential elements of their
i) CC: Porton Down Chemical and Biological Analyst
Blood samples from Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were analysed and the
findings indicated exposure to a nerve agent or related compound. The samples
tested positive for the presence of a Novichok class nerve agent OR CLOSELY RELATED AGENT.
The emphasis is mine. This sworn Court evidence direct from Porton Down is utterly incompatible with what Boris Johnson has been saying. The truth is that Porton Down have not even positively identified this as a “Novichok”, as opposed to “a closely related agent”. Even if it were a “Novichok” that would not prove manufacture in Russia, and a “closely related agent” could be manufactured by literally scores of state and non-state actors.
This constitutes irrefutable evidence that the government have been straight out lying – to Parliament, to the EU, to NATO, to the United Nations, and above all to the people – about their degree of certainty of the origin of the attack. It might well be an attack originating in Russia, but there are indeed other possibilities and investigation is needed. As the government has sought to whip up jingoistic hysteria in advance of forthcoming local elections, the scale of the lie has daily increased.
On a sombre note, I am very much afraid the High Court evidence seems to indicate there is very little chance the Skripals will ever recover; one of the reasons the judge gave for his decision is that samples taken now will be better for analysis than samples taken post mortem.
This website remains under a massive DOS attack which has persisted for more than 24 hours now, but so far the defences are holding. Some strange form of “ghost banning” is also affecting both my twitter and Facebook feeds. So please
a) Feel free to repost, republish, translate or spread this article anywhere and anyway you can. All copyright is waived.
b) If you came here by Twitter, please retweet but also in addition create a new tweet yourself containing a link to this post (or to any other site on which you have placed the information)
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The state and corporate media now have evidence of the vast discrepancy between what May and Johnson are saying, and the truth about the Porton Down scientists’ position. I am afraid to say I expect this to make no difference whatsoever to the propaganda output of the BBC.
What would Sushi make of the OPCW request to take blood samples from ythe Skripals?
Have the OPCW been ‘bought’, will the chain of evidence of blood samples be ‘fiddled’ and what exactly can the blood samples show anyway? Will they definitively prove the Novichok family or will they just show marker evidence of a generic organophosphate?
I had expected that dramatic finger pointing at Iran might ensue so warmonger Bolton et al can manufacture consent for invading Iran. Early days perhaps -or maybe such consent is passé now that requirement for ‘evidence’ is not strictly necessary any longer?
The request to take blood samples under the supervision of the OPCW is standard practice. The will the determine the DNA of each victim. Next the OPCW will obtain the blood samples as tested by DTSL Porton Down and confirm a DNA match between those samples and the known good samples obtained directly under OPCW supervision. OPCW will also retest the Porton Down blood samples to verify the presence of a toxin and perfrom GCMS analysis to see if that toxin matches the known “signature” of a toxin in the OPCW database.
Your comment on Iran is interesting. Under OPCW supervision Iran created research samples of the alleged Russian nerve agents and the used those samples to obtain chemical “signatures” which were then added to the OPCW database.
Now that Bolton is Secretary of State, the fact of Iranian involvement in nerve agent research may be blown out of proportion and used as an arguement to attack Iran. Bolton is known to be a strong proponent of such an attack.
The other interesting concern is that the OPCW does not have, and is unlikely to ever obtain, the chemical signature of the nerve agent created as part of the Soviet Union’s FOLIANT research program.
What the OPCW will be able to do is to match the Skirpal samples to the signature obtained from an Iranian attempt to recreate the FOLIANT nerve agents.
I have heard conflicting opinions of the OPCW. There is some suggestion of pro-western bias but I am unaware of any solid evidence to support this.
My understanding is that the Skirpal investigation will occur under the direction of a Chinese OPCW official and that the UK has already sent envoys to lobby this individual in an attempt to garner support for the position taken by May and the British Government.
I expect the Chinese to remember the opium wars and be very sceptical of any British assertion with respect to the truth.
Thank-you! Yes, I perhaps should have made it more obvious in the comment that I knew of the Iranian experiments with nerve agents of the Novichok type.
The OPCW discredited themselves with the Khan Sheikhoun Sarin enquiry so I fully expect a similar bias here.
See the following for a similar incident from 2013:
The sidebar contains a link to The Red Line and the Rat Line another great article by Hersh.
Would Skripals have had treatment removing traces of this chemical… such as blood transfusions one wonders…does this stuff degrade naturally in the body leaving little trace…what happens in the body after administration.. presumably spreading but dissipating…or accumalating in places… knock on effects can be identified to initial contamination…..and only that….how is it neutralised….would be amazing if saker or another independant truth seeker could “commission” independant medical chemical opinion…..but learning so much from our posters here thank you for all your efforts.
If you are given a “drug test” for occupational use of a recreational drug what you are actually being tested for is the presence of metabolites of the orginal substance.
The substance enters the body and the body immediately begins to break it down and then excete the breakdown products. The result is that the user comes down from the “high” and needs to add more psychotropic substance to his system.
Given the range of substances people may use it is diddicult to generalize about how the body reacts. Some may accumulate in the liver, others in body fats. Nerve agents typically attack and disrupt brain neurochemistry and the ability of brain neurons to hold or transmit “electrical charges” diminishes. For some nerve agents the changes are reversible. For the most lethal ones the damage to brain neurochemistry is permanent and there exist no clinical therapies.
This is a very complex area of study, research raises a number of significant ethical problems, and the cost of the research is extremely high. Unless there is a genuine neurochemist amoung the readers I doubt we could collectively afford the cost of the proposed independent research commission. Since the function of the human brain is not yet fully understood any opinion is subject to challenge.
The protocol proposed does not prove that the sample received and analysed by Porton Down was not tampered with. One obvious scenario – hospital doctor takes a Skirpal blood sample. It is taken by UK security services for delivery to Porton Down. En route it is laced with a miniscule amount of nerve agent (blood sample is only a few cc as opposed to several liters in the body). Porton Down sample now has Skirpal DNA and nerve agent.
The recent safeguiarded OPCW sample contains Skirpal DNA and possibly no nerve agent. The DNA will match ‘proving’ the Porton Down sample was not tampered with and the absense of nerve agent will be explained by it being excreted from the body in the intervening two weeks. Russia is blamed. Job well done.
The only way to prevent manipulation is for the original sample to be split in half, with one half sent to Porton Down and the other retained in escrow. Even then, given the mendacity of the UKm the escow could be manipulated too. It is too late for that. Interestingly this is standdard forensic analysis procedure so why was it not follwed originally (rhetorical question).
ALL International organs are controlled by the USA. The OPCW has disgraced itself before, in regard to the false flag ‘gas attacks’ in Syria. I fully expect the OPCW to condemn Russia, after which the campaign to destroy the FIFA World Cup will hit full steam.
So Russia is accused of a crime against a now British subject, former agent Skripal and his daughter, using the same tactics as tabloid journalism, and not only that takes a Russian citizen, his daughter away and won’t allow access.
Why is Russia not filing law suits against England for slander, and taking May to court for kidnapping a Russian citizen?
May accused Russia of using Novichok, a nerve agent far stronger than others nerve agents. So they should have died within minutes. Thus, the charges are false on their face, so why not create legal problems for England? Severely restricting the British Council in addition to the expulsion of British spies, let’s call them what they are– is step in the right direction.
On the other hand, after all these years of Russia avoiding conflict and being as conciliatory as possible makes sense. Sort of a de facto Molotov Ribbentrop agreement. Russia knows war is inevitable, but by putting it off longer and longer and not responding to outrageous provocations, it becomes stronger, her weapons become more refined and tested, so that if the inevitable does happen, she’ll be in the stronger position.
Why did Detective Bailey search the Skripal residence alone? Surely a police search of a house involves a team of people. And what was he looking for? Also no mention here of the doctor who gave medical assistance to the Skripals and suffered no ill effects. If the Skripals and the detective were treated at Salisbury hospital for a dangerous nerve toxin, wouldn’t the hospital be in security lock-down?
A minor point, but how do you introduce a toxic powder into a locked car?
The law in my country grants a degree of latitude to the police to enter a private dwelling without a warrant in the case of imminent threat to life. I believe UK legislation to be similar.
The first responders likely believed the Skripals to be under the influence of a recreational drug overdose. The 27 year old who first sighted them on the bench thought they were homeless and so “out of it” there was no assistance she could provide.
I suspect Bailey arrived, searched the victims, obtained an address and a house key, went to the residence and on getting no answer at the door entered in search of evidence to confirm a recreational drug overdose and the nature of the drug that may have been used. If he had found any such evidence he would then have notified the treating physicians so that they had a better idea of what they were deaing with.
Details on car entry are found in Part II. The correct links for prior articles in this series are here:
As a further comment about Baily. A Police officer would never search on his own any premises especially for drugs. He would still need a warrant to search lawfully. It would be easy to accuse him of planting evidence and he would not have a leg to stand on. There are procedures to take in to account for searches etc. The amount of time to find recreational drugs on your own could be hours, plus the ability to identify drugs which would have to be undertaken. The hospital would test on admission which would be a lot faster than Baily finding anything.. We have no real time line of the actual events, but knowing something of police procedures and attitudes I find Baily`s supposed actions not credible at all.
There is a poison center in the UK that the hospital can use simply by lifting up the phone to enable the treating doctor to diagnose the poison.
My belief is that it is a `false flag’ performed or at least sanctioned by this country, but the intention was to kill. The cover story of their survival was unexpected, if they had died a simple inquest could have dealt with the matter and the accusations could have flowed freely.
Insert it into the air-intake for the car’s heating and airconditioning system. Depending of the type of cabin air filter used such will be more or less effective. Some filters sport a layer of active charcoal.
But mind you that no car is really ‘locked’ for someone, let’s call it, ‘instructed’.
More from Craig Murray:
Boris Johnson A Categorical Liar
Evidence submitted by the British government in court today proves, beyond any doubt, that Boris Johnson has been point blank lying about the degree of certainty Porton Down scientists have about the Skripals being poisoned with a Russian “novichok” agent.
Justice Williams included in his judgement a summary of the evidence which tells us, directly for the first time, what Porton Down have actually said:
‘The Evidence
16. The evidence in support of the application is contained within the applications
themselves (in particular the Forms COP 3) and the witness statements.
17. I consider the following to be the relevant parts of the evidence. I shall identify the
witnesses only by their role and shall summarise the essential elements of their
i) CC: Porton Down Chemical and Biological Analyst
Blood samples from Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were analysed and the
findings indicated exposure to a nerve agent or related compound. The samples
tested positive for the presence of a Novichok class nerve agent OR CLOSELY RELATED AGENT.’
The emphasis is mine. This sworn Court evidence direct from Porton Down is utterly incompatible with what Boris Johnson has been saying. The truth is that Porton Down have not even positively identified this as a “Novichok”, as opposed to “a closely related agent”. Even if it were a “Novichok” that would not prove manufacture in Russia, and a “closely related agent” could be manufactured by literally scores of state and non-state actors.
This constitutes irrefutable evidence that the government have been straight out lying – to Parliament, to the EU, to NATO, to the United Nations, and above all to the people – about their degree of certainty of the origin of the attack. It might well be an attack originating in Russia, but there are indeed other possibilities and investigation is needed. As the government has sought to whip up jingoistic hysteria in advance of forthcoming local elections, the scale of the lie has daily increased.
T May apparently gave extra detailed info to Eu…but not Russians….sky news “found” Uglev I think his name was (how was contact made hhmm)…says for several months was developing promising research novitchuk…got poisened 2 or three times accidentally but the little he was affected by left serious side effects for years…says Skripals if come off life support will probably not survive. So sky saying was a programme.
Might be interesting to check out exactly what he said who he is how contact made….. when he was working…he did say the location….
I found an interview with Uglev in a Russian journal, did a full analysis of each of his claims, and wrote it up to include in this series.
I thought it was a bit too “wonky,” the Saker also thought it was abit too “wonky” so we decided not to run it.
I wil try and work some of the information into a further article as Uglev makes number of intersting claims which greatly undermine the position taken by the May government.
The entire approach assumes a perpetrator is an aggrieved person from many years ago.
Fallacy at step one requires rationalization thereafter.
Facts should be used not constructed.
Fact: British government hates Russia and is conducting a massive False Flag event for geopolitical reasons. We observed it from the moment the crime was announced.
“Highly Likely” bullshit as Meme.
Now go to the crime scene.
Don’t recruit a “lone assassin with a grudge”. They have had six years to “get” the man.
Why would you assume they are more clever than state agencies and set this up to appear to be a False Flag engineered by UK?
If you don’t begin with the correct square one, you build everything with parallax issues that takes you farther and farther from the Truth.
Reality is messy, discordant, and constantly delivers surprises.It is possible for two persons to have radically opposed views of the same set of facts. In the west we call this a “marriage.”
I agree that there is strong evidence for the UK government working to a predefined agenda. I am also working on a next article which examines the various consipracy theories which cloud these events.
In philosophy there is a principle known as “Occam’s razor” which states do not multiply hypotheses uneccessarily. What I am attempting in Part III is a credible analysis which explains all of the known relevant facts. There may exist other explanations which are more conspiratorial in nature such as a false flag. These hypotheses may also be true. But you start with the most simple and plausible explanation of the facts first.
May claims there is no plausible explanation other than “Putin did it.” Her claim is a false one as this article provides a very plausible alternate explanation, one which does not depend on Russian state action.
Destroying the lives of 300 people who are ex-military, ex-intelligence, and then going to live a comfortable life amoung those people whose lives you destroyed may not be the best idea.
A plausible lone assassin scenario years after the exchange, would be if new information came out, say on a deathbed, and a close friend/family member, for example, decided to exact retribution with a common organophosphate, either with or without British assistance.The Brits, if not directly involved, might have received some suspicion of the upcoming event and been ready to capitalise on it with the Novichok wrapping. It’s a bit like a Matryoshka doll isn’t it?
Personally I’d put a very low probability on this conjecture -but it is just possible.
What intrigues me is the larger global picture and geopolitical intentions. Clearly Britain has for some time been an unparalleled handmaiden to the Barbarian but what are these sporadic villification events attempting to achieve?
It seems a bit over the top just to get out of a football game and as far as ‘sowing discord’ to use the latest MSM/CIA meme, there must be enough intelligent people left to understand that it would cause the opposite effect on the Russian elections? They can’t all be as stupid as UK Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, can they?
It is often the case that we only understand our life events in retrospect.
Your comment reveals an unstated assumption on my part.
My speculation is that someone who had their life impacted by Skripal learns of Skripal’s presence in the UK and how he came to arrive in the UK. This person then learns more details of Skripal’s providing GRU agent information to western agencies.
This unknown person then realizesthat this may serve to explain a sudden career hiccup experienced by them. That they were unfairly placed under suspicion / transferred / dismissed as an outcome of Skripal’s actions.
This is even more likely to be true if Skripal’s activities became known the GRU/FSB and they then used Skripal as a conduit to pass dissinformation to the west and it was likely this disinformation that affected them.
If they suffered financially (lose of job, consequent marriage breakdown etc) and then learned Skripal was living off a government stipend, in a spacious government provided house, and driving an expensive BMW, I think the desire to “get even” would be suffciently great to undertake an attack.
Given the available evidence, I suggest the revenge motive is more plausible than “Professor Putin in the Library with a bottle of 30 year old nerve agent..”
Could Skripal have been a triple agent then? It adds a nice complexity of extrapolated possibilities.
“A plausible lone assassin scenario years after the exchange, would be if new information came out, say on a deathbed, and a close friend/family member, for example, decided to exact retribution with a common organophosphate, either with or without British assistance.”
Not necessarily at all. There are myriad possible reasons for someone intent on taking revenge to wait for years. Motive is just one of the triad. Means and opportunity are the other two. Then there are circumstances. The revenge seeker may have any number of personal reasons for waiting, or may actually have been prevented, or may have been waiting for his, or her, mom to die, or may have been planning the act for six years, or the visit of Yulia Skripal may have changed the equation for the attacker, or the revenge taker may have been trying to obscure his/her possible motivation by letting time go by before striking, or or or. In fact, a professional spy most certainly would NOT strike immediately but would take his/her time and let things cools down . . .
Just saying . . . Sushi’s deductions may be faulty, but the six-year interval certainly is not a deal breaker.
I agree with you (revenge is a dish best served cold) but since so many comments dismiss the revenge angle due to the 6-8 year? time lapse I thought I’d suggest a more plausible rationale that eliminates that gap as a non-starter.
But why use an elaborate plot with an organophosphate rather than say a more traditional weapon like a gun?
If the car that Sushi suggests as the poison epicentre was in a deserted area away from cameras and witnesses then the risk of identification -or being recognised by Skripal senior- is lessened. Just insert a tube past the rubber window seal with an attached rubber bulb of chemical powder and squirt it on to the floor by the back seat where it would go unnoticed. Knowledge of chemicals might be a pointer to the perpetrator or perhaps this chemical itself has some particular historical revenge significance?
Even if video surveillance had picked up the perpetrator and his or her identification is known I feel sure the authorities would suppress that evidence -and perhaps later also eliminate that loose end quietly.
The 6 to 8 year timelapse represents a reader perspective and may not be correct with regard to the prepetrator.
1) Loyal employee unexpectedly dismissed / demoted / etc
2) Loyal employee retains contact with former co-workers
3) While out for a pint former co-workers reveal a man named Skripal came to their institution recently
4) Much discussion of Skripal presentation and how he came to the UK
5) A day later the penny drops and the perpetrator realizes the action of Skirpal may explain a much earlier negative impact.
I also agree with Katherine that the prepetrator would have taken his/ her time with regard to revenge.
I don’t known if this was just posted before elsewhere. If so sorry.
…I was intrigued by the date (6 march) and location (Salisbury) of this 3-weeks big military chemical exercise.
Anyway I hope it can be helpful to the community.
Bailey was supposedly more heavily poisoned than the Skirpals, yet he has been released from hospital while the Skirpals remain. They may suffer permanent brain damage possibly remaining (conveniently) in a vegetative state. I wonder what the differences in treatment were whereby Bailey walks out and the Skirpals are possibly permanently incapacitated.
My conclusion is the opposite.
The Skirpals had the greatest degree of exposure to the toxic agent.
Bailey had minimal incididental exposure to the same toxic agent.
Always assuming it is accurate and non-ambiguous, the doctor that allegedly treated the Skripals stated that ” “no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve-agent poisoning.”
Taken literally this means that either the Skripals are not at that hospital or that their poison was not a nerve agent. This possibly adds weight to the organophosphate poisoning theory.
OPs (organophosphate poisoning) are one of the most common causes of poisoning worldwide.[2] There are nearly 3 million poisonings per year resulting in two hundred thousand deaths.[2][3] Around 15% of people who are poisoned die as a result.[2] Organophosphate poisoning has been reported at least since 1962.[7]
Merkel says she has recieved ” certain evidence”- does she mean absolute proof or particular evidence… Macron says has recieved “elements of evidence”….France has been providing technical assistance to help identify the substance….maybe it is getting a bit lost in translation
A uk spokesperson at no 10 Downing street
said: ‘The Prime Minister also outlined our knowledge that Russia has previously produced this agent; Russia’s record of conducting state-sponsored assassinations; and our assessment that Russia views some defectors as legitimate targets for assassinations.’
Excellent granular deductions.
John Helmer’s analysis of Skripal UK court proceedings and judgement:
The main thing, it seems to me is: there is no apparent reason for Russia to kill Skripal.
What can not be said of other actors.
The accusations therefore show that there is no concern to appear credible. Just be indignant and shout as loud as you can. This has been working for some time.
The war has begun, all it takes is the bombs to fall. Good luck to the Northerners!
If you need shelter in the south, have it.
Suchi asks for comments with this caveat The only exception is in regard to possible enhancements made to commercially available organophosphate.
In an otherwise good summary of this case the assertion made about converting organophosphate insecticides into “novichuk” like nerve agents sounds very unlikely. I spent a decade studying the chemistry of that class of insecticides and it does not seem possible for that to happen. Perhaps Suchi is referring to some of the precursors used in the manufacture those insecticides? That is very possible.
Organophosphate researcher Mark Purdey could walk into a barn, clap his hands and every cow contaminated with the “mad cow” prion would collapse to the floor with the full-blown disease. Sonic energy triggered the disease in this case, but light triggers also work.
It’s possible that the Skripals were pre-infected in their home countries, and then the disease was triggered simultaneously in both father and daughter when they meet in the park.
Highly suspect given the source but this puff piece adds a wrinkle if it is true that Skripal senior wanted to and had asked to return to Russia. Sounds suicidal to me.
didn’t Berezovsky want to return to russia and he was found dead supposedly having committed suicide?
One avenue that has not been explored is this.
We know that Porton Down, the UK chem weapon lab is located only a few miles from Salisbury. Thus, one avenue that has not been addressed is whether or not this was simply an accidental release.
Employees do not always follow procedures. Sometimes, employees deliberately violate proceedures. Thus, perhaps someone who works at the lab accidently carried a dangerous bio-toxin out of the lab. It could be as simple and forgetting that you’ve got something in your pocket. I used to work in a nuclear facility, and we were supposed to turn in our personal radiation detectors before leaving. I can’t count the number of times I was eating and drinking a beer at the local pizza place and realized I still had a radiation detector pinned to my shirt. It happens.
Or, of course it could be more nefarious. An employee who is selling a sample of a dangerous bio-toxin for personal profit. Probably not to the Skirpals, who we know are simply a retired British spy who wouldn’t need to buy what the British already own and his non-spy daughter. But maybe to someone else?
Either way, maybe an employee of Porton Down brought this substance to the pizza place or the park bench and accidently some of it got spilled there.
The UK government then leaped upon a chance for nuclear war with Russia just like the US government leaped upon 9-11 as a chance for a war with Iraq.
If someone was honestly investigating this case, that would seem to be at least a possibility that should be on the list and checked out and confirmed or denied by evidence. The fact that Porton Down is so close by would seem to make it a possibility and make one wonder if that was just a coincidence, or not.
I doubt very much it was accidental. Because to hit only two Russians of such utility in the psychological war against Russia, out of all the town’s inhabitants is although mathematically possible but extremely unlikely.
What I’d consider likely is the detective Baily being the victim of a blowback from the attack he was tasked with.
The trail has gone cold on here, elsewhere it is repetitive stories with not much happening aside from boorish comments from the UK vassals and threatened house-cleaning of diplomats elsewhere
Sushi, where are you and do you have another installment coming?
Where am I?
Prefer not to disclose.
Another installment?
For the past day or so I have been developing evidence and hypothesis which supports the story in the below link by Just a Girl on March 25, 2018 · at 11:30 am UTC .
Hopefully get this the The Saker by the 26th
Отлично! I look forward to any hypotheses, however many there are, and an eventual unravelling of this plot.
My sincere aopologies; the ‘where’ was not an impertinent geographical question but a metaphorical one, as in ‘where are you at in this plot’.
The heat must be kept up on these Brit ‘bounders’ -and their masters.
“The United States was developing the gas A-234, we have a document that confirms this, said the head of the laboratory for chemical and analytical control of the scientific center of the Russian Defense Ministry Igor Rybalchenko.
“The fact is that back in 1998 when we looked through another version of the spectral library, which was published by the National Bureau of Standards of the United States (NBS), we found a substance there that we found interesting since it was an organophosphorus substance. And we realized that it must have a strong lethal effect. Now it turns out that, judging by the name of this substance, it was just the same nerve agent, A-234,” Igor Rybalchenko said”.
Russia must collect its own blood samples, and have its own medics do it. At the same time it can ask to take Skripals’ fingerprints, which may be refused indignantly for reasons of privacy. But the DNA in the blood may be enough for Russia to ascertain they are who the UK says they are.
Because what if the real Skripals are locked away for enhanced debriefing, and the comatose persons the UK will display are comatose persons with a resemblance to the real Skripals, and infused with whatever desired chemicals.
Former Parliamentary candidate John Clarke posted on Twitter – March 23rd
“I believe Chief Exec. Gary Aitkenhead Porton Down just admitted UK hold stocks of Novichok on @BBCNews
Novichoks are on Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Central Analytical Database. Nobody should hold them”!
With a link to the following article-
Excerpt from article – ” There is “no way” any nerve agent held at the UK’s Porton Down lab could be linked to the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy and his daughter, the site’s chief executive has told the BBC.
Gary Aitkenhead said suggestions by Russia that the proximity of the labs to the incident Salisbury might be somehow suspicious were “frustrating” .
He said the laboratory had the “highest levels” of controls and security”…
It is interesting to note that Aitkenhead did not say “suggestions by Russia that the proximity of the labs to the incident Salisbury might be somehow suspicious were “frustrating” because “We Do NOT hold it”. Instead he said “the laboratory had the “highest levels” of controls and security”…
John Clarke further tweeted- “I was sceptical about Porton Down’s involvement, however Theresa May’s ultimatum to Russia relied on her statement that Novichoks were only held by Russia.
We now know Porton Down held Novichoks nearby. That wasn’t mentioned by PM”
“PM said: “Either this was a direct act by..Russian state..or..Russian govt lost control of this..nerve agent & allowed it to get into..hands of others.”
We now know a third option: Porton Down held Novichoks nearby”!
Link to John Clarke Twitter thread posts.
These articles lay out a plausible story, give or take that one could have some reservation about the effect a commercially available pesticide would have in the way it is assumed to have been applied, mainly the concentration to achieve the desired toxic effect.
Be that as it may, perhaps I have missed something since I have not read all the commentary, but the very first responder, who seems to have been a female physician who, as I understood by the brief interview she gave to a local newspaper (written) that I found on the net the same day or the day after the news broke, said that she, together with somebody else, found the Skripals slumped on the park bench and she immediately examined Yulia while somebody else looked after the father. She told of vomit and that she made sure Yulia’s airways were clear, which I take to mean that she had a hand inside her mouth and perhaps throat. The reporter asked whether she wasn’t affected, “it was after all a very dangerous nerve agent they were poisoned with”, to which the doctor replied: “no, not at all, I am fine”.
I did not save the link to this article, nor do I remember the name of the publication. While scanning for news that morning I noticed that all of the MSM had basically the same text to describe the event, but in a few cases different headlines, mainly dependent on which side of the Pond they came from. I skipped them, they seemed too coordinated, but I found this one article that seemed genuine.
This physician has not to my knowledge turned up in any other reporting in this context, neither would that fit the story, and there seems, at least in my mind, to be a scriped story being played out here.
I pride myself of having been right about the publicity drumbeat that went on in 2002 and 2003, the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, in spite of being accused of “imagining things” etc, etc.
Today there has been amazing coordination demonstrated, in that a large number of EU countries within the space of 15 minutes have have “independently” declared their decisions to expel Russian diplomats, calling them “spies”. Another interesting development yesterday is that Iceland, of all places, have declared to boycot the World Cup, not that they are participants, as far as I know. Did the Icelanders jump the gun? Had they misunderstood an order from Washington and launched the WC boycot first, instead of the expulsion of diplomats? The State department should in that case take them by the ear and get them in line.
If you look at your browsers history file it will list all of the links you visited in chronological order. I have ti use this a lot as I frequently read something and only later do I obtain a sense of context tht allows me to understand the import of the prior information.
On Firefox all history is displayed with Control+shift+H
Not sure about the others but a menu item will give is as will a google search for “How to view browser history on IE” or whatever it is that you use.
Agree with you that there appears to be a lot of canned reporting almost as if the MSM are simply posting approved govt press releases. And no one seems to be asking the questions that blog commentors are raising. Not just on the Sake site but on all sites.
If you do find the news item post it in the comments. Would love to read it.