To readers:

I have posed here a wrong video .

The captions for the video: “On November 29th, in Kharkov women’s choir performed one of the most beautiful patriotic Russian songs “Only My Horse and I” [Только мы с конем]”

Should read: “Song “Horse” being performed by Lyube and in Krasnodar in 2015. ”

An Anonymous sent me a message via Moderators. Quoting: “”in reference to your post about singing soviet songs Just wish to inform Scott that caption for the first video is incorrect and thus it doesn’t really fit into the narrative. This particular performance (Конь) is NOT from couple of days ago in Kharkov (Ukraine), but rather a year ago in Krasnodar (RF) performed in front of the Krasnodar theater. Getting these kind of details wrong is not helpful.”

I checked, and it’s true. This video was filmed in Krasnodar in 2015. performed by Lyube.

Lyube is a Russian rock band from Lubertsy, a suburb of Moscow. Lyube’s music is a mixture of several genres, with influences from both Russian folk music, rock, Russian chanson, and Soviet military songs.

I checked at least two different sources before I posted this video, and one of them was REN.TV had already removed their post.

Original link:

Since the anonymous reads Russian, they would understand what it says here.  “Beauties from Kharkov perform “Horse” in support of the singing flash mobs. ”

REN.TV is a legitimate TV channel, I had no reason not to trust them.

It just gives you a taste of what enormous amount of research  I have to put into my posts, checking an rechecking every bit of information.

Recently, the EU initiated its East StratCom Task Force –  TEPSA, a “Russian myths busting force,” as they are referred by the European parliament.

“The Task Force works closely with the EU institutions, EU Delegations, Member States, and a wide range of other partners, both governmental and non-governmental, within the EU and in the Eastern Neighbourhood. The aim of this wide international cooperation is to share best practices in strategic communications and access to objective information in the Eastern Partnership region, and to ensure support for independent media in the region.”

Also, recently the US and Germany has declared their “War on fake News” meaning the war on any information coming from Russia and about Russia.

Merkel Declares “War On “Fake News”

Since the Europe started branding Russia’s RT, Sputnik “Dangerous Propaganda”…

We have to understand that this “war on news” means that there will be an avalanche of fake news in Russian language and they will try to get them published in the most trustworthy news sources, to discredit them.

We all should be vigilant. The general rule is to find at least two different sources. This rule, however, is crumbling down, since the Western “war on news” has, in essence, an enormous number of news platforms at their disposal. they instantly replicate the manufactured news using the liberal media in Russia.

The problem is that “manufactured news” look very real, and they actually in tune with the real news.

Why do they do that? To catch Russian media on “a lie” as they say. To discredit it.

This one fake piece of information, will let the Western media and the Western occupational forces in Ukraine to declare that the rest is also “fake.”

In two years of my writing for thesaker and doing research, it’s the second time that I know, when I re-posted “fake” news.  The first time, it was when I twitted about an alleged woman officer being in a RuAF medical service helicopter that was shot down in Syria by the US special forces masquerading as Islamic terrorists.

Five minutes after posting the tweet, I was accused in spreading the “fake news” in coordinated attack by a team of very noisy “comrades.” Most of them didn’t even follow me.

I think I saved the screenshots, including the screenshots of the original article, like I normally do.

Come to think of it, it was the same that posted this information and a picture of allegedly woman’s “ID.”

I guess, two strikes and they are out.

Dear Anonymous, thank you for taking your valuable time to inform me.

I always appreciate your help with my research.



The featured image: The UK initiated unprecedented new surveillance law.

As a bonus

“My Horse and I” by Lyube, 1996

P.S. Recently we have seen the most vicious attacks against the Russian musicians, performers, dancers, writers and actors not associated with the liberal neo-fashist ideology.

I am working on a post about this issue.