In the spirit of the New Cold War and following on its success in snuffing out South Stream, the US has prioritized its efforts in obstructing Russia’s Balkan Stream pipeline, and for the most part, they’ve regretfully succeeded for the time being. The first challenge came from the May 2015 Color Revolution attempt in Macedonia, which thankfully was repulsed by the country’s patriotic citizenry. Next up on the destabilization agenda was the political turmoil that threatened to take hold of Greece in the run-up and aftermath of the austerity referendum, the idea being that if Tsipras were deposed, then Balkan Stream would be replaced with the US-friendly Eastring project. Once more, the Balkans proved resilient and the American plot was defeated, but it was the third and most directly antagonist maneuver that snipped the project in the bud and placed it on indefinite standby.

South Stream
‘Lucky’ Number Three:
The climactic action happened on 24 November when Turkey shot down a Russian anti-terrorist bomber operating over the Syrian skies, and the nascent project became a victim of the predictable chain reaction of political deterioration between both sides. Given how obvious it was that energy cooperation would be one of the casualties of simmering Russian-Turkish tensions, it stands to reason that the US purposely egged Turkey on in order to provoke this domino reaction and scuttle Balkan Stream. Be that as it may (and it surely looks convincing enough to be the case), it doesn’t mean that the project is truly canceled, as it’s more strategically accurate to describe it as temporarily shelved. Russia understandably doesn’t want to enhance the position of a state that’s proven itself to be so blatantly aggressive against it, but this feeling extends only towards the present government and in the current context. It’s certainly conceivable that a fundamental shift in Turkey’s position (however unlikely that may appear in the short-term) could lead to a détente of sorts that resurrects the Balkan Stream, but a more probable scenario would be if the disaffected masses and/or distraught military representatives overthrew the government.
Turkish Reversal?:
Both of these possibilities aren’t that improbable when one takes note of the growing resentment to Erdogan’s rule and the precarious position he’s placed the armed forces in. It’s well-known how dissatisfied a significantly growing mass of Turks have become (especially amidst an ever-growing Kurdish Insurgency), but what’s less discussed is the strategically disadvantageous situation facing the military right now. As the author wrote about in October, the Turkish forces are spread thin between their anti-Kurdish operations in the broad southeast, securing the heartland from ISIL and extreme left-wing terrorist attacks, occasional interventions in Northern Iraq, and remaining on alert along the Syrian border. This state of affairs is already almost too much for any military to handle, and one of the last things that its responsible leaders need right now is to balance against an imaginary and completely unnecessary Russian ‘threat’ cooked up by Erdogan. This pressure might prove to be too much for them, and in the interests of national security and properly fulfilling their constitutional role in safeguarding the territorial integrity of the state, they might band together in overthrowing him in spite of the systemic changes he’s enacted in the past decade to defend against such an event.
The Path Forward:
There’s a very real chance that Balkan Stream will be unfrozen and the project allowed to move forward one day, as it’s too strategically important for Russia, and even Turkey, to be kept on the backburner indefinitely. It’s entirely possible that an internal political change will take place in Turkey, be it in the mindset of the current leadership or more likely with the installment of a new revolutionary/coup government, meaning that it’s much too premature for Russia or the US to give up on their respective policies towards Balkan Stream. Therefore, both Great Powers are proceeding forward with a sort of geopolitical insurance strategy, and in each case, it’s centered on China’s Balkan Silk Road. From the American perspective, the US needs to continue unabated with the destabilization of the Balkans, since even if the Russian project is successfully stopped, then it still needs to do the same thing to China’s. So long as the Balkan Silk Road continues to be built, then Russia will retain a multipolar magnet through its premier strategic partner on which it can concentrate the influence that it’s cultivated thus far. In the event that Balkan Stream is unfrozen, then Russia can immediately jump back into the mix as if it never left and rejoin strategic forces with its Chinese ally like it originally planned, and this nightmare scenario is why the US is resorting to Hybrid War in its desperate bid to destroy the Balkan Silk Road.
As has already been similarly mentioned, the Russian approach is to focus more on the economic, military, and political diversifications that were supposed to accompany the energy-based physical infrastructure it was planning to build. Instead of the gas pipeline forming the spine of a New Balkans, it looks as though the Balkan Silk Road high-speed rail will take this role instead, but either way, there’s a multipolar megaproject that acts as a magnet for Russian influence. In the present configuration, Russia has relatively less influence in directly deciding the course of the infrastructure’s construction, but at the same time, it becomes indispensable to China. Beijing has close to no preexisting ties with the Balkans outside of purely economic relations (and even those are relatively new), so Russia’s privileged involvement in supporting the project and investing along the Balkan Silk Road route (which was supposed to run parallel with the Balkan Stream and bring in the said investment anyhow) helps to reinforce regional and local support for it by presenting a friendly and familiar face that decision makers are already accustomed to working with. It’s not to suggest that China can’t build the project on its own or that there isn’t legitimate support in the Balkans for such an initiative, but that Russia’s front-row participation in it reassures the local elite that a civilizationally similar and ultra-influential partner is there alongside them and is also placing visibly high stakes in the process out of a show of confidence in its hopeful success.
Beijing Is The Balkans’ Last Hope
It’s thus far been established that the Russian-Chinese Strategic Partnership intended to revolutionize the European continent with an infusion of multipolar influence along the Balkan Corridor, which was supposed to support Balkan Stream and the Balkan Silk Road. Regretfully, however, the US has temporarily succeeded in putting the brakes on Balkan Stream, thus meaning that the Balkan Silk Road is the only presently viable multipolar megaproject envisioned to run through the region. On that account, it’s China, not Russia, which is carrying the torch of multipolarity through the Balkans, although Beijing is of course partially depending on Russia’s established influence there to help secure their shared geostrategic objective and assist in making it a reality. At any rate, the Balkan Silk Road is arguably more important than the Balkan Stream for the time being, and as such, it’s worthy to pay extra attention to its strategic details in order to better grasp why it represents the Balkans’ last multipolar hope.
Institutional Foundation:
The concept for the Balkan Silk Road was a couple of years in the making, and it owes its genesis to China’s One Belt One Road (“New Silk Road”) policy of constructing worldwide connective infrastructure. This endeavor was thought up in order to solve the dual problems of creating opportunities for Chinese outbound investment and complementarily assisting geostrategic regions in their liberating quest to achieve multipolarity. Relating to the area under study, the Balkan Silk Road is the regional manifestation of this ideal, and it’s actually part of China’s broader engagement with the Central and Eastern European countries.
The format for their multilateral interaction was formalized in 2012 under the first-ever China and Central and Eastern European Countries (China-CEEC) Summit in Warsaw, and the event two years later in Belgrade produced the idea for a Budapest-Belgrade-Skopje-Athens high-speed rail project (the author’s colloquial description of which is the Balkan Silk Road) aimed at deepening both sides’ economic interconnection. The 2015 Summit in Suzhou produced a medium-term agenda for 2015-2020, which among other things, proposes the creation of a joint financing firm to supply credit and investment funds for this and other projects. It also officially described the Balkan Silk Road as being the “China-Eurasia Land-Sea Express Line” and suggested that it be integrated into the New Eurasian Land Bridge Economic Corridor sometime in the future, implying that Beijing would like to see the countries cooperative more pragmatically with Russia (first and foremost in this case, Poland). Importantly, Xinhua reported that the participants agreed to complete the Budapest-Belgrade stage of the project by 2017.
Strategic Context:
What all of this means is that China has accelerated its diplomatic, economic, and institutional relations with Central and Eastern Europe in the space of only a couple of years, astoundingly becoming a premier player in a region located almost half the world away from it and partially a formal component of the unipolar bloc. This can be explained solely by China’s attractive economic appeal to the CEEC that transcends all sorts of political boundaries, as well as to the complementary ambition that the East Asian supergiant has in deepening its presence worldwide. Together, these two factors combine into a formidable component of China’s grand strategy, which strives to use inescapable economic lures in leading its partners (especially those representing the unipolar world) along the path of tangible geopolitical change over a generational period. To refer back to the Balkan Silk Road, this represents Beijing’s primary vehicle in achieving its long-term strategy, and the geo-economic rationale for how this is anticipated to function will be explained in the below section. Before proceeding however, it’s relevant to recall what was referenced earlier about the US’ hegemonic imperatives, since this explains why the US is so fearful of China’s economic engagement with Europe that it plans to go as far as concocting destructive Hybrid Wars to stop it.
Geo-Economic Underpinnings:
The geo-economic justification for the Balkan Silk Road is evident, and it can be easily explained by examining the larger Central and Eastern European area that it’s envisioned to connect. The Southeastern European peninsula directly segues into each of these two regions, and the Hungarian hub of Budapest is geographically located in the center of this broad space. As it presently stands, there’s no reliable north-south corridor linking Hungary and the markets around it (namely Germany and Poland) to the Greek Mediterranean ports, thus meaning that Chinese maritime trade with these leading economies must physically circumnavigate the breadth of the entire European peninsula. The Balkan Silk Road changes all of that and cuts out days of unnecessary shipping time by bringing Central and Eastern European goods to the Greek port of Piraeus and within convenient reach of Suez-crossing Chinese vessels. This saves on time and money, thus making the route more profitable and efficient for all parties involved.
In the future, the Central and Eastern European economies could ship their goods through Russia en route to China via the Eurasian Land Bridge, but while that might be beneficial from the perspective of producer-to-consumer relations, it’s hardly advantageous for resellers who plan on re-exporting the said goods elsewhere in the world. To take advantage of the dynamic economic developments currently underway in East Africa and South Asia (be it in selling to those markets or in physically building up a presence there), it’s best for either party’s entrepreneurial actors to connect with one another at a maritime node that enables them to efficiently and quickly load or offload their predetermined transshipped goods. Geo-economically speaking, there’s no better place for this than Piraeus, as it’s the closest European mainland port to the Suez Canal which needs to be traversed in order to access the aforementioned destinations, with or without any transshipping involved (i.e. if EU entrepreneurs decide to directly export their goods there and not use a Chinese middleman).
In order to connect to Piraeus, the high-speed rail corridor known as the Balkan Silk Road is an infrastructural prerequisite, and its successful completion would lead to a significant sum of European trade being profitably redirected towards China and other booming non-Western locations like India and Ethiopia. The US fears losing its position as the EU’s top trading partner, knowing that the slippery strategic slope that could soon follow might lead to the rapid unraveling of its hegemonic control. Viewed from the reverse perspective, the Balkan Silk Road is the EU’s last hope for ever having a multipolar future independent of total American control, which is why it’s so geopolitically necessary for Russia and China to see the project completed. The inevitable New Cold War clash that this represents and the extraordinarily high stakes that are involved mean that the Balkans will remain one of the main flashpoints in this dangerous proxy struggle, despite the hierarchical switch of its multipolar protagonists.
As usual, an intelligent synthesis by Korybko. One ameliorating factor that appears to be missing, though, is the potential for some sort of Romanian involvement in an adjusted route. There are unresolved matters between Russia and Romania, to be sure, but they are relatively small in the scale of broader geopolitics.
This is a good observation. But the history of the past 25 years demonstrates the efforts of the US/EU/Israel conglomerate to prevent such potentiality becoming actual. Romania was in the first half of the 20th century an oil country and although production was slowing, she remained in possession of a large capacity of processing the oil (both refineries and a petrochemical industry) and also of transporting it as well of know-how. As the production was failing, the only explanation for the building of the huge oil terminal at Capul Midia, coupled with the opening of the Danube-Black Sea Canal, is that it was built in view of transporting the Russian and Iranian petrol to Europe. It was the shortest possible way for the South Stream right to the heart of Europe (Black Sea-Danube Canal-Danube-Main-Rhine Canal-Rotterdam). It was to be complemented by a pipeline, which would have been again the shortest and most economical solution (Capul Midia- Trieste in a straight line on flat terrain).
As it is known US/EU/Israel worked hard to impose other projects. They “favored” the pipeline Baku-Tbilissi-Ceyhan-Haifa (which was to become the “Rotterdam of the Mediteranean”). Also the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), to be connected with the Trans Adriatic Pipeline.
That explains, in part, why Turkey must be firmly kept in the NATO camp and curtail any leanings towards Russia. Not only that, Turkey is the necessary springboard for any offensive move against Russia. It always was as we know. For that, Turkey must be rewarded by encouraging her dreams of restoring the Caliphate, i.e. the Ottoman Empire (in whatever form). In actual fact, the Muslim Brotherhood was established precisely for that matter.
The “cultural” Turkish offensive in the Balkans aims at the same goal. For example, Romania is inundated with Turkish TV soaps, kebabs, cheap tourist packages to various destinations in Turkey, as well as insidious Islamic propaganda (backed by the Soros Open Society gang), viz. the building of the biggest mosque and islamic cultural center in Bucharest.
Actually, I think a nato turkey would always be wrench in the works. It’s the nato bit (or more accurately, being a ZPC/NWO colony) that is the main problem. So a logical 1st step would be to weaken or eliminate Turkish ties to nato.
Fully agreed.
I never felt good seeing Erdogan and Vladimir Putin shaking hands.
It was too clear that we cannot trust _this_ Turkey.
(_any_ Turkey, if you ask me, judging from history of the recent 1000 years, let’s only think of Serbia/”Bosnia” and just now for a few decades Cyprus)
Another terrifically focused analytic from my favorite “map-maker”. You chart the course for us in terrains of wilderness and chaotic tumult.
I agree that China changes the dynamic for the gas pipeline impasse. We have seen China stay out of the Syrian fray in order to play its hand later, when the shooting stops.
President Xi’s Chinese Dream is external to China’s domestic development. He has set his mind and Chinese wealth on designing the Eurasian Development and he means it to be Arctic to Africa, Lisbon to Vladivostok with Chinese rail, fiber, expressways and pipelines as the spine of the infrastructure.
Though it is hard for us to see Turkey turn back to Russia and make amends, the Turkish economy and the non-political stakeholders in Turkey and in the Balkans, as well as the Southern European stakeholders in Italy and Greece are desperate for the gas project. Jobs for their massive youth unemployed, trade and commercial inertia, new wealth opportunities are powerful catalysts to “persuade” solution to the impasse.
Though the US can keep stirring trouble, and surely will try, its own greedy Elites will want a piece of the pie being baked by China for Europe (its biggest trading partner) and this Corridor as you so well described.
Russia is establishing itself as a Policeman for the ME, calling out the tyrants and chaos-makers, and will next exert some move over the Balkans. How? I have no idea. But Russia will not allow the Black Sea region to be cemented against Russian transactions, nor allow NATO any more elbow room. Russia has the shield behind which China will operate. The exact methods and modes will unfold in the next year. Though it seems military will be a component to whatever occurs, diplomacy is the actual instrument of action both Russia and China will employ, and the tantalization of Chinese wealth and investment along with the dazzling Russian military prowess now on show in Syria, will surely entice the hungry stakeholders-to-be to choose progress and prosperity.
Unlike the Islamic terror option, Eurasian Development offers a choice. The real reason ISIS and AQ have succeeded is the Kingdoms + the Hegemon offered the young men of Islamic nations no choice. The fact that the Takfiri zeal is powered by methamphetamines indicates the ideological hold is not as strong as one might estimate.
The destruction of the caliphate in Raqqa and later in Mosul will change the equation.
All this is on schedule for 2016. It seems, today, a long time from now. But Putin and Xi are in a hurry to begin the fun part of leadership, building an historic legacy for their nations and transforming the lives of billions of people for the better. They are trying to take the human race to where it should have been going this 21st Century, instead of backward to war, fascism and poverty (the goal of the Hegemon).
“The real reason have succeeded is the Kingdoms + the Hegemon offered the young men of Islamic nations no choice. The fact that the Takfiri zeal is powered by methamphetamines indicates the ideological hold is not as strong as one might estimate. ”
You can change ISIS and AQ with NSDAP and Deutsches Reich (metamphetamin remaining) and you have the same chous created by Wall St. and City. in the last thirties.
It is civilization against barbarians Putin is creating since 15 years.
The desire for fresh breath and the humble nearness to God of the Leningrad – child together with the wisdom of Xi’s “win – win” and a people like the Russian is making the unfathomable day.
Thanc God, the emerging new continent of time the world was dreaming of has this long run-up of fifteen years, uncatchable for the beast
go on read trash news about metamphetamines and german soldiers couples with myth hoaxes like Hitler being a wallstreet tool.
Hav fun deluding yourself with comic book propaganda.
Well maybe in the light of recent events, China will end its silk road in Syria, if peace comes thus helping to reboot its economy,but leave Eu and Turkey to invest to connect up to prove their intent and tie them in financially away from TTIP……
The ZPC/NWO is still hard at work on their coup strategy in Moldova:
Moldova’s Right-Wing Opposition Calls for Unification With Romania
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151129/1030954707/moldova-romania-unification-protests.html#ixzz3su8256YL
This is removedjust a smokescreen.
The only thing that matters to the Zio-zars is that they keep the Russian Central Bank in their control. If Putin doesn’t realize that, then those rumors are true. He’s a double-agent turned triple-agent, consciously or not.
I love this vineyard but we have to have brains, not just balls. If we want to “stop the Empire’s War on Russia” we have to stop our stupidity and take off our rose-colored glasses.
Same goes for China. Her Great Wall has already been breached just like the Caucasus Bridge in Russia.
removed. Not appropriate at this time.Mod TR.
Message received. Agreed. Good call.
” the Balkan Silk Road is the EU’s last hope for ever having a multipolar future independent of total American control, which is why it’s so geopolitically necessary for Russia and China to see the project completed. The inevitable New Cold War clash that this represents and the extraordinarily high stakes that are involved mean that the Balkans will remain one of the main flashpoints in this dangerous proxy struggle. ”
Clear as day, as we say in Serbia.
Today’s news here confirm that something serious is about to happen here.
The key event will be the clash between pro-Western government in Montenegro and the Serbian opposition in that country.
In the case of Croatian attack on Serbia, which is highly probable, I expect Russian military assistance to Serbia.
All the while Serbia remains in effect an American colony, the Americans will be successful in preventing any imaginable Russian-connected “Stream”.
Thus: What is the chance of a true regime change in Serbia in a foreseeable future?
IMHO, there are only three chances of this happening:
1) a fat chance,
2) a slim chance. and
3) no chance…
3 Sunni Iranians, 1 General Matyred in Syria
Salman Barjasteh, Marda Abdollahi and Omar Mollazehi were the three Sunni fighters from Iran’ Southeastern province of Zahedan who were killed in Aleppo, Northern Syria.
Also, Brigadier General Abdolreza Mojiri, the commander of Imam Hossein battalion 123 of Isfahan province was also martyred, while playing a military consulting role in Syria.
It seems to me that the AZ Empire/Empire of Degenerates is trying to construct a very elaborate trap for Russia with Turkey.
Ukraine I think has largely (but not fully) exhausted its role as a weapon against Russia. It’s already bankrupt, it has already bankrupted itself trying to spite Russia (and also harm the RUS economy) its Army is largely in tatters, and the Americans/NATO-ists know that they cannot hope to win on the Russian/Ukrainian steppes.
Turkey is a far better “bear-trap” than Ukraine. It is geographically protected, has a strong Army/Air Force/Navy (at least in numbers) and also controls the Dardanelles.
Turkey is also a rather large economy and buys a lot from Russia. If Turkey goes up in flames (a la Ukraine) then this will prove quite painful to Russia. It will also harm Europe.
Just look at Turkey’s Top 3 import countries:
1) Russia 10.4%
2) China 10.3%
3) Germany 9.2%
The US is a distant 4th, with only 5.3% of China’s import total. Note also that in absolute-relative terms, Russia is disproportionately exporting to Turkey (since Russia’s export total is much smaller than China’s, America’s or Germany’s)
Clearly, the US, in their crazed quest for prolonging hegemony, are willing to blow-up every single country on Russia’s periphery. What better way to undermine Russia, both military and economically. Also, as always, the question of pipelines extending from the Russian mainland.
Another thing that makes me believe that Turkey is in for some real trouble. Turns out that Turkish citizens, have amassed over the decades (presumably centuries, since Ottoman Imperial Days) at least 3,500 tons of gold. If true, that is a massive source of wealth. You can bet the AZionists are after it like rats after cheese. Engineering an economic collapse of Turkey (should not be too hard in the current environment, remember that Turkey is over-indebted) would possibly force many upper-class Turks to sell their gold cheaply (for paper dollars, pounds, shekels)
Unbelievable how one conspiracy after another turns out to be true. The AZs are after everyone’s gold before the looming crisis:
Silk Road train link: I guess, China analyzed the fate of the Bagdad-Bahn. For more than a decade, the German Kaiserreich tried to get England to tolerate this project. No avail, the turmoils in the Balkans stirred up to block it spoiled it, eventually resulting in WW I.
A useful and informative article. Thanks. Pardon my cynicism, but I have a visceral feeling that Russia is taking a technical approach to trying to deal with its strategic problems. Basically the idea that pipelines are the greatest leverage and that some Chinese railroads in the future are important. The problem with that is that agents in place and media and a huge infrastructure of control is what the US has, and they will scotch these plans. Russia will be able to build South/Turkish Stream once the US weakens to the point that the war is already over. If Erdoghan goes, my bet is another equally US-friendly puppet will be installed, and perhaps one with a higher puppet rating. All the economic logic in the world did not lead to a happy ending for Russia in the Ukraine. They were taking a technical approach to a human problem – way too much faith in the God of the Market Place. How many members of what could be called the future leadership class of Turkey went to university in Russia versus the US? How many spent a year training with the Russian military? How many got grants from Saudi, Qatari, or Anglo-American Empire organizations versus Russian ones? How many Turkish newspapers are owned by Russian oligarchs versus Western ones? How many Turks of some importance have their families living in a DC suburb as opposed to a suburb of Moscow? These are the questions that need to be asked. Human relations. Not “How many tons of Turkish apricots did Russians buy?”
re: A Turkish reversal and “securing the heartland from ISIL and extreme left-wing terrorist attacks”
You don’t think a Turkish reversal is likely to be in a more US-puppet way? NATO has got its men all over the key institutions, or at least that is what the Turks I have read have said. So a more US-friendly regime might be more determined to occupy northern Syria or crush the Kurds in Syria and/or Iraq. Which means invasions. Or revenge for the war campaign that Russia has started recently.
As for securing the heartland from ISIL and left-wing terrorist attacks, that is assuming the terrorist attacks aren’t false flags or other Gladio behavior, and that ISIL isn’t more like a cousin of the more enthusiastic side of the AKP. Today’s Turkey is not the Turkey of 20 years ago. They have been brainwashed with religious crap, just as Ukrainians were brainwashed with Russophobic crap. Russia has been struggling to deal with the infowar inside the Ukraine, so wonders how it could be any better inside Turkey. In other words, the AKP and a large percentage of the public are now Islamist in inclination, so the issue with ISIL is that they would feel betrayed and much of the Turkish public would agree. Isn’t the obvious answer to help them fight in Syria and Iraq? They may eventually die, but the chances of a negotiated settlement are still there, so what is the reason for hoping to see a move to the Russian position? The Russian position is crushing the Islamists. As for the “imaginary” Russian threat to Turkey, well, it looks like Russia has tremendously damaged Turkey’s position, plans, and hopes with its intervention in the war. Nothing imaginary. And there is nothing imaginary about Russia’s base in Armenia, right next to the Turkish border. And one imagines that the base or bases on the Syrian coast are likely to stay for quite some time. One can even imagine that one of the big reasons for the war in the first place is that Syria refused to allow Qatari gas to go through because it would harm Russia’s strategic position. Just crude power calculations, but not imaginary.
Thanks for a masterful exposition of the human factor. Ziozars are astute psychologists. They know the engine is money mafia-style with expectations of return on investment; the railroad cars are lies to carry cattle people; and the caboose is the rear-guard God trick on the silky road to hell.
Russia is the Little Engine That Could with little money, no desire to lie and carries mostly God fearing people. The slope is stacked against Little Rus but she has a great heart and some fancy weapons.
Russia’s biggest weapon is her people who stand for the “best offense is a good defense” strategy already tested with the ziozar agents Napoleon and Hitler.
I pray that Russia can see the writing on the wall saying “rely on your nature-like technology” and don’t play someone else’s game.
The Trojan Horse made in Troy, Turkey is already in Moscow at 12 Neglinnaya, also known as the Central Bank. The ziozars think they are the new Czar who owns it. Unless Putin plays his trump soon and nationalizes the bank and nationizes Russian sovereignty, I’m fearful the Little Engine’s heart will be broken.
Our vineyard has a role to play in stopping “the Empire’s War on Russia.” What it is I don’t exactly know; I can’t read other minds, not even my own sometimes. But if I read my own heart correctly, it tells me to send a message to Vladimir and Elvira by the vineyard grapevine: don’t get caught in silky webs or pipe dreams.
Not everything that glisters is gold. Not everything oily is black. And not every drug makes for a good trip.
“Senor, senor, do you know where we’re headin’?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon?
Well, the last thing I remember before I stripped and kneeled
Was that trainload of fools bogged down in a magnetic field.”
-Dylan, Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)
“The sun’s in the east and the moon’s in the west
You best stay in the valley of the sun-moon nest.”
” All the economic logic in the world did not lead to a happy ending for Russia in the Ukraine. They were taking a technical approach to a human problem – way too much faith in the God of the Market Place. How many members of what could be called the future leadership class of Turkey went to university in Russia versus the US? How many spent a year training with the Russian military? How many got grants from Saudi, Qatari, or Anglo-American Empire organizations versus Russian ones? How many Turkish newspapers are owned by Russian oligarchs versus Western ones? How many Turks of some importance have their families living in a DC suburb as opposed to a suburb of Moscow? These are the questions that need to be asked. Human relations. Not “How many tons of Turkish apricots did Russians buy?”
You hit the crux of the problem clearly. When Russia went to capitalism they bought the Western lie’s about the economy being “everything”. And forgot what they had been taught for years (not just forgot,but disavowed it) that propaganda was extremely important. But while they were doing that the West was embracing propaganda (soft power) with a venomous lust. They always knew how important propaganda was. They were beaten constantly in the developing World by the Soviet propaganda. So they knew they needed it. And without a countervailing propaganda opposing them they had it all their way for over two decades. They knew that the things you posted would be effective for them and used them.While Russia was left thinking “what,its not supposed to be that way.They told us only capitalist “democracy” was important in the World. And so why are these countries turning on us”. Its past time to “un-retire” the old guys that knew a thing or two about propaganda.Otherwise….well,I think we can guess that.
Looks like Erdogoon picked a bad week to go fully feral Thug Life:
Nov 28th followup to border arms smuggling interdiction incident January 2014.
But they [those who revealed the transfer] made the world hear about these trucks by stopping them and checking what they were carrying. Then they said the government was sending weapons to terrorist groups [in Syria]. In so doing, they revealed all the humanitarian aid that was going to Bayır-Bucak Turkmens. They also exposed those going to the FSA in that way,” Erdoğan said in Balıkesir on Saturday while addressing a group of supporters.
Andrew, excellent analysis and very insightful conclusions.
I don’t think many people know that China is bypassing the EU and directly courting the central and eastern european countries.
I found the meeting minutes of the recent China & CEEC summit in Belgrade online and was quite shocked at how at closely they plan to collaborate….not surprised Brussels and Washington are planning further destabilisation of the region.
Thanks for writing about this important subject.
Dear Andrew,
Thank you again for another detailed piece on an important area to watch.
I agree that Turk stream is on hold until a new more open and sensible Government comes to power in Turkey. It is good the Chinese are carrying on (with the help of Russia) with the Balkan Silk Road.
Another dimension in destroying the Balkans is the US engineered “refugee crisis” which has hit the Balkans hard and could be used to enflame issues in different countries too.
What a slap in the face from EU to Russia !!! EU offers 3 bln euros, visas, accession talks for Ankara.
So the response from EU on Turkish attack on Russian plane is “accession talks with Turkey”.
Why is nobody commenting on this ?
The EU is duplicitous. Some things to consider:
a) Turkey will never, ever join the EU. Accession talks are just a way for bargaining on other matters.
b) Some countries (I have not looked up which exactly) are unwilling to provide their share of that money.
c) As many have noted (many intelligent Russian analysts, I mean) the US Imperial overlord is trying to use Turkey as they have used Ukraine. As cannon-fodder against Russia. Maybe, the psychopath Erdoan will see through it. Maybe his generals will overthrow him, maybe his people will bring him down. But make no mistake, war with Turkey is not in Russia;s interest at this moment.
d) US is probably angling for a Kurdistan. Something that will hurt Syria, Iraq and Iran (all Russian and Chinese allies)
e) However, if circumstances force Russia to go Turkey hunting, that’s the way it will be. No matter what.
People, also take this into account: http://www.gold.org/supply-and-demand/turkey-gold-in-action
EU likes to succumb to blackmail. Erdogan’s threat has been “gimme 3B or I release the flood of refugees”. and EU thinks 3B is small price to pay for no refugees flooding it.
The sooner that Russia and Turkey realize that they are both being manipulated by the imperial overlords, the better. Korybko nails it, the grand strategic goal of US/NATO planning of the Great Syrian Airspace Turkey Shoot is to disrupt the completion of vital Eurasian energy infrastructure. Hopefully both Russia and Turkey will be able to see the big picture of how they are both being played for suckers, and against all human nature, find a way to make a rapprochement for the greater good of a safer multipolar world.
I just got this news in Infowars website, I dont know if it’s true, but according the news, “Turkey has begun a defacto blockade of Russian naval vessels, preventing transit through the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosporus, between the Black Sea and Mediterranean.”
my God…
this is a very dangerous decision
There’s no other source on this news… possibly another disinformation from Infowars..
Nothing about turkey blocking Russian shipping through the Bosporus on RT or Sputnik.
No official news but live tracing shows no other ships moving other than Turkish naval vessels.. Some kind of exercise at the narrowest part of the waterway which is less than 1 km across..
Turkey would not do it without explicit orders from the US as the straits was even given to Turkey that they would never close it unless Turkey was at war.
If it is true, it is done with NATO blessing.
It’ll take a lot more than an old piece of paper to close them. If Turkey says she can do it because she’s at war, then who is she at war with? She wants to be at war with Russia? Good luck with that..
(Already she has committed an act of war with shooting down the plane.)
But then, the straits would be closed to everyone else too if there’s war there, a major disruption and expense for everyone. Turkey would get support for that?
What would happen if the Russian fleet blockades the Turkish ports then? Nato will try to unblock it? US has the power to do it but if they get involved it will escalate fast. If Turkey is at war, then Russia has every right to blockade Turkish ports.. Any way you look at it, weapons shipment to Turkish terrorists will stop. Russia can continue bombing using long range planes and maybe even get a base in Iran to do it from. If Syria falls, Iran is also puked.. It aint the first choice to let another country to gain bases in your country..
Look out—here come the cabbages!
They’re going to recreate WW II it would seem…first they’ll take on the frenchies, then the Russians.
I see several here have figured out that the French carrier is there as a poorly disguised Trojan horse, to get NATO in, once they figure out a creative scenario for involving it in a FF.
We’re supposed to believe the story here that the French carrier support ships can’t provide this support already up to now?
In accordance to the plans, a German naval frigate would escort France’s Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and Germen jets would be used to photograph the region and refuel US-led coalition jets, allegedly engaged in targeting Takfiri positions in the region.
“From a military point of view for the servicing of the planes and ships, about 1,200 soldiers would be necessary,” said the defense chief.
Russia will operate from 2airports in Syria, raise d number of jet fighters & increase the infantry by…. More 2morrow v @AlraiMediaGroup
The 150,000 Russian troops in Syria will never happen unless open war starts.
U.S. backed rebels continue to kill one another under the same flag in northern Aleppo:
ISIS suffers overwhelming losses to the Iraqi Army as they continue their massive retreat around the country:
Whats a Russian fast food joint/
Russian cafe opening in Latakia
More heads are better but not if they are unattached to body…
Turns out; #JN executed Khalid Al-Sami in #Idlib city and was accused of collaborating with Jamal Maarouf
Khalid Al-Sami, executed in #Idlib countryside by #JN for alleged lonks to Jamal Marouf
Some kind of Russian understanding with the YPG, Providing air cover to YPG
On the situation on the Syrian fronts, the situation with the light is not physically able to handle the flow of information from local fronts. Will update about the counter-offensive of the rebels to the South-West of Aleppo.
Stopping the attacks in the North of the province of Hama, where the front stabilized near Moreka and Carnasa, FSA and al-Nusra having received reinforcements managed to stop the advance of the Syrian army to the highway Damascus-Aleppo and keep the ledge at al-Carassi. The army went on a few kilometers and here the front stabilized. Now there is a regrouping of troops and it is obvious the Syrian army and its supporting Iranian contingent here in the next week I will try to resume focusing on blows to the South and South-East of al-Khader, to work around a tight front line Sabha al-Carassi-al-RIS.
In the area Covaresa, the army expands its control zone around the airbase, but the pace of the offensive in recent days had fallen, the Caliphate gradually came to himself after the military setbacks of the first half of November. Operative bowel improved slightly, but to create a full-fledged threat to the rear of the grouping of the Caliphate to the East of Aleppo yet.
North of Aleppo, the Pro-Western rebels fighting against the Caliphate and trying to recapture lost during the destruction of the Syrian Free Army Caliphate in October North of Aleppo.
On the local front shaped cereal – both sides sustained heavy losses, plus there in addition to fights between the Caliphate and the rebels and work out the Russian aviation, which supports the Kurds, who drained the territory of the Pro-Western rebels. There do not understand how it ends considering the number of warring with each other parties.
Overall, the battle for Aleppo with unrelenting ferocity lasts for 2 months. All parties understand that the victory can seriously change the entire course of the Syrian war, so in the furnace of battle rush all new and new forces. Killed I guess in the thousands.
Damascus, November 29. Turkey advanced to the border with Syria, more than 1,000 pieces of equipment, including tanks, “Leopard”, self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers, armored infantry, armored demining and other techniques.
According to Greek Agency ProNews, technique was moved from the border with Greece and the area of responsibility of the 1st army, Turkey. In total, reported more than 1000 pieces of equipment, thrown from Eastern Thrace on the Syrian border. It is reported about the transfer to the borders of Syria, about a quarter of all Turkish forces of the 1st army.
There is also evidence that the composition of the deployed forces is a significant amount of engineering vehicles, including amphibious vehicles “Samur”, which are used for targeting of pontoon crossings over water obstacles, which suggests that the Turkish forces preparing to attack.
Thousands of Russian soldiers deployed on the Armenian-Turkish border
Putin to make state-of-nation address to Federal Assembly on December 3,
Unbelievable that so many people aren’t aware that Houthi fighters are storming through #Saudi’s south.
Some of the “humanitarian aid” Al-Qaeda receives from Turkey. This was found in a truck belonging to @IHHen
Just yesterday, we have suggested that the Turkish Navy maneuvers in the Sea of Marmara had the character of mining operations of the fleet in blocking the Straits. The trick is not even in the most possible, because in the narrowest point of the straits have a width less than a kilometer, and the testing of filtration vessels. This is important, because only supposed to close the Straits to Russian vessels or vessels transporting Russian cargo. It is this and should ensure that Turkish Naval Forces.
According to the tracking system for the movement of maritime AIS, now move only along the Bosphorus Turkish vessels, and in the Dardanelles there is no movement at all. At the same time, both from the Black Sea, and from the Mediterranean Sea, there is a small cluster of ships under the Russian flag. In addition, from Novorossiisk and Sevastopol in the direction of the Bosphorus is not moving, no Russian vessel. This indirectly confirms the night CNN statement that Turkey has blocked the movement of Russian ships on the Strait.
Tellingly, the Turkish press is now quite firmly commented everything related to Russia, but the message about blocking channels to RF yet. Instead, gently press announces the possibility of talks between Erdogan and Putin, in the presence of Barack Obama at the upcoming climate summit in Paris.
This silence of the Turkish press says that Turkey has made an informal suspension warning “Syrian Express” for Russia, which is not formally banned, but clearly articulated that will be applied to all Eastern cunning delays and complicated procedures. De facto, the Russian navy is lost out of the Black Sea. The final decision will be taken after talks in Paris or if negotiations will be derailed by the Kremlin.
It is clear that Putin has no trump cards for such negotiations. He shows how it will block his Syrian factions. Will block the air bridge and the trap slammed shut. Of course, will still Suez and Gibraltar, but there are three big “but.” First – there is no guarantee that these waterways are closed to Moscow. At least, Gibraltar may close just one hand movement. Then will the route: Moscow – Vladivostok – Latakia. This alignment is the second “but” – the complete loss of the efficiency of command and control. Any questions should be solved or a great hook or pulling in their plans a third country. Given the fact that Iran even has its own position on these issues, nobody else wants to intermeddle in the dirty game on the side of the Russian Federation. If so, then the third, “but” – the obvious. And so “golden” colonial war will turn into a “diamond”. Each kilogram of cargo delivered to Syria will have a cost that is comparable to cargo delivered to the ISS. If the current situation Omsk nutritionists talk seriously about the possibility of ispolzoat to eat earthworms, such “fraternal assistance to the people of Syria” will force to consider the nutritional properties of cow dung.
There is a large proportion of the probability that the upcoming negotiations will be for Putin’s where a big hit in the back than the destruction of these days the air antiques. We must understand that the Turks will demand to remove the army and the air force of the Russian Federation to the Turkish border for a few tens of kilometers, and will probably insist on the introduction of its troops in areas densely populated by Turks. In addition, certain requirements will be the lifting of sanctions against Turkey. If Putin will be back to practice, it will cease to be afraid of, and he knows how it ends. In addition, Turkey has gone a wave of anti-Russian sentiments and full normalization of relations will not be able to achieve, gin out of the bottle. If Putin really out of his mind, he can try to link these requirements with seal “the Turkish stream.” But the train has already left, by definition. Turkey already saw some of the Russian partner and felt all the lies that can generate Moscow. Furthermore, in this case, Putin will sign for the fact that all the bombing of Syrian Turks, flying airplanes in the sky, and the Turkish attack in Ankara – his personal plan pressure on Turkey with a view to clear agreement on the tube. It is clear that the US will fully support Turkey’s position, putting forward additional conditions to stop the bombing of the moderate opposition, as well as being – plum Assad.
In short, the deeper drags Putin of the Russian Federation in a trap, the less there is cheese!
The original article about the Dardanelles which you google-translated, namely http://defence-line.org/2015/11/ostorozhno-dardanelly-zakryvayutsya/, is at the notorious Ukie anti-Russian propaganda web site http://defence-line.org !!!
If you didn’t know … here is what they (!) say about their own site, http://defence-line.org/o-nas/ :
“… 1. We have created this resource in order to counter the monstrous propaganda machine of the Russian Federation, which creates a parallel reality and deprives viewers and readers of critical thinking and a desire to think independently. 2. It is for this reason we try to give an unusual perspective on current events. This opinion will not be objective, because we put the interests of Ukraine first….[etc., etc.] …”
I found the link regarding thousands of Russian soldiers being deployed on the Armenian-Turkish border
quite interesting, as for the last few days, the whole question of the Armenian-Russian relationship (especially in light of the present situation regarding Turkey), for some reason began playing strongly on my mind. Since then, Scott has made mention of it in his latest SITREP, and now this. I personally believe Armenia is worth keeping a very close eye on. Check out any map and see where it is located, then consider its history, relating to Turkey, Russia, and the USSR. Then place it all under the lens of the present, rapidly developing situation.
Thousands of Russian soldiers deployed on the Armenian-Turkish border
Media: Thousands of Russian troops are deployed in the Armenian-Turkish border
A new report by the Ministry of Defence, circulating in the Kremlin, says President Putin this morning ordered the 58th Army, with headquarters in the North Caucasus Military District, immediately deploy “choice” regiments and brigades electronic warfare, air defense systems, multiple launch rocket systems fire, anti-tank, infantry and artillery troops on the Turkish-Armenian border, which in total includes about 7,000 Russian military.
According to the report, the legal component of the authorization for this massive deployment of combat associated with the joint agreement of the Russian-Armenian air defense system that President Putin ordered signed on 11 November which will be finally signed this week by Prime Minister Medvedev.
With Armenia, now becoming an important part of the united air defense system of Russia, the Russian Armed Forces will be able to withstand the threats from Turkey.
It is also important to note that these forces will be protected, as well as their colleagues working in Syria, the S-400 Triumf (NATO: SA-21 Growler) and EW system Krasuha-4, which will give them almost complete control over 85 percent Turkey.
please note the “report “seems to eminate from sacha Faael from ‘what does it mean”.com
so should be treated with sceptism? until proven
Wow,that was as bad an anti-Russian pro-5th column piece as I’ve seen. I think they miss out on a lot of possibilities. If it comes to war,which that might bring it do. Russia will destroy the straits obstacle and probably occupy them. While the cruise missiles and bombers annihilate the Turkish military. There is also a likelihood that Greece and Bulgaria will,(a) Declare neutrality,(b) Join Russia,or (c) Topple their governments and join Russia.I don’t see a (d) Support Turkey happening.
As much as I don’t trust Tsipras he tweeted some telling messages to the Turkish PM. And if he would do that. I think that shows that the Greek people are even more anti-Turkish:
“In a series of Tweets addressed to Turkish PM Ahmed Davutoglu, the Greek Prime Minister first of all noted that unlike their “mercurial” Turkish counterparts, Greek military pilots don’t simply shoot down the planes that regularly violate the Greek airspace.”
“Fortunately our pilots are not as mercurial as yours against the Russians #EUTurkey,” Alexis Tsipras wrote in his first tweet.”
“What is happening in the Aegean is outrageous and unbelievable #EUTurkey,” Tsipras wrote in part two of his message both in his English and Greek accounts. “We’re spending billions on weapons. You – to violate our airspace, we – to intercept you #EUTurkey.”
“We have the most modern aerial weapons systems – and yet, on the ground, we can’t catch traffickers who drown innocent people,” said the last message on Tsipras’ account.”
“Still the tirade caught the intended recipient’s attention with the Turkish PM responding that the comments were “hardly in tune with the spirit of the day.”
“Hours after the initial posts and shortly following Davutoglu’s reaction, another tweet on Tsipras’ Greek page said: “We are in the same neighborhood and must speak with honesty so we can arrive at solutions.”
Chances of Turkey closing down the straits are NIL. That would mean relations will never go back without regime change. But Turkey can slow down shipping as they are doing today on excuse that maintenance work is being carried out at the narrowest point in the straits. Russia can also play that game with Gas supplies. I don’t think Russia will stop most trade, but they will seek alternatives, now Israel wants list of goods to sell Russia.. First an Israeli general says Russia can use Israeli controlled air space in return for Russia allowing Israel into Russian controlled air space and now Israel says they escorted Russian planes.. But overall Israel is saying they maintain excellent ties with Russia and wont interfere in Russian affairs. So Israel sitll wants to sell its gas to Russia.. Especially not oppose Syrian gas and oil controlled by Israel.. Russia can bring in the UN on that.. UN still agrees its Syrian land and Israel can not build or use what is is there yet Israel has tanks and such.. Russia has a lot of leverage over Israel if they anything. But seeing how erdo has gone full loco.. Who knows.. I do wonder who is making Israel keep so quiet.. Nothing negative from them on Russia.. No warnings and no wiping off the map etc..
North Korea again issued warnings about wiping off turkey from the map if they attack Russia.. lol.. Problem with beign surrounded by Enemies you have bullied throughout history puts you in a very weak position when the going gets tough.
“North Korea again issued warnings about wiping off turkey from the map if they attack Russia.”
Where did you get this information? What is your source? I don’t believe this.
North Korea Threatens To Wipe Out The U.S. “Once And For All”
North Korea warns of wiping Japan ‘off world map’ over U.N. …
North Korea Threatens Turkey With Nuclear Missile Strike | Your …
North Korea Threatens To ‘Wipe Out’ South Island
A country offends North Korea? Erase it from all maps and pretend it doesn’t exist
North Korea have threatened Turkey with nuclear missile strikes if they dare to take action against Russia, Ad-Diyar reports.
Mizan News agency reports that the North Korean leader has promised to “wipe Turkey off the map” if Ankara takes part in the Syrian war, cooperates with the US and helps ISIS any further.
Very interesting! Thank you!
The N. Korea video therein is also on YouTube list of The Next News Network videos, https://www.youtube.com/user/NextNewsNetwork/videos , where one finds also the video “BREAKING: RUSSIAN AIRSTRIKES DESTROY TURKISH ‘ARMS DEPOT'” (in Idlib, Syria, close to Turkish border), dated 29 November 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN7PEs1V7wo
It says:
“Video just published by the Turkish aid agency, Humanitarian Relief Foundation, also known as IHH shows Russian airstrikes destroying one of their baking facilities.
Some have alleged the facility is an arms depot covering as a bread bakery.
According to IHH officials, Russian jets first targeted positions close to the bakery as a warning. As people inside the bakery left for safety they recorded the airstrikes demolishing the building.
Clearly in the second hit on the facility secondary explosions can be seen lending credence to the arms depot claims.
The bakery produces around 16,000 loaves per day and no one was killed or wounded in the strike.
We’ll continue to monitor these developments as more information becomes available.
As always we welcome your input in the comments below.
This has been a Next News Network breaking news alert.”
So, Russians are bombing the crap out of Turkish military supplies :-)
“Putin to make state-of-nation address to Federal Assembly on December 3”
This is something I’m very curious about. I wonder if its just a regular event. Or is there a specific point to that speech.
Lots of rumors in arab media about 150,000 Russian troops.. But not from Syrian channels so I doubt that is true.. But Russia is going to use more bases, another one being worked on as a second air base, there is going to be a missile base and Syrian government agreeing to open some other bases as well. So we might see more than the 4000 Russian troops in Syria.. But I doubt this will exceed 10,000.. Russia is also posting road blocks manned by Russians, SAA can not be trusted as there are many traitors inside them. So I can believe Russia wanting all access to their bases blocked from far away and SAA can not do it. Much harder to bribe Russians to have their family moved to Florida to let in a few cars with large bombs in them.
Sputnik saying Russia to install more air defence systems, one in Damascus near jordan.. So either this is the 2nd one Russia said they would send, but maybe this is something else since that was supposed to go to that air base the SAA recaptured couple of weeks ago..
The missile base 27KM from the air base should be interesting.. I cant see why they would want one there. Because if they get one, that means the Russian detachment in Syria is permanent and Syria is another Russian province..
Most likely this news… How many in a brigade? must be like less than 2000 though..
100 Russian jet fighters & a new Brigade r expected in Syria once Sha’ayrat airport is ready
Russia is preparing a second airport in East Homs to increase its flee to over 100 fighting jet, in addition to Hamemeen in Latakia, Syria. One Brigade of around 1000 men is on the way to reinforce the Russian ground troops effective to join the fight on terror to Syria.
A high ranking officer within the joint military operation room in Damascus (includes Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah) said “Russia is preparing to send a Brigade of intelligence and Special Forces, in support of the already deployed forces in Syria to participate to selective battle and to deploy around Al-Sha’yarat military airport, qualified to be the second airport Damascus places at the service of the Russian Air Force”.
“Al-Sha’ayrat Airport, located southeast of the city of Homs, is the best available option for the newly arriving fighter jets. Russia required from the joint forces (Hezbollah, Iraqi forces and IRGC- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) to retake control of Al-Qaryateyn and Palmyra-Tadmur from the self proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS) known as “Daesh”, to expand the security perimeter around the airport to prevent any shelling possible that may affect the Russian Air Force once inside the new airport”
According to the source ” the two-runways-three kilometers long Sha’yarat ‘ airport contains about 45 fortified hangar that can protect any damage to air jets and personnel in the event of shelling. A team of Russian and Syrian engineers is already working at al-Sha’ayrat and will be operational when Russian jets are less busy in the north of Syria. Russian Air Force has intensified its sorties recently and is dedicating most of its operation against pro-Turkish and pro al-Qaeda (Jabhat al-Nusra) fighters. Gathering of forces and convoy aid crossing the borders from Turkey into Syria are hit by Russia in response to the downing of its Su-24 and the killing of the pilot by pro-Turkey ground militia while in the air.”
“Ground military operation in the vicinity of Palmyra will soon regain its intensity against ISIS. The coalition forces (Iran, Hezbollah and the Iraqi and Syrian forces) have reached the city limits but needs air support to minimize losses. Russia has promised that it will raise the number of its aircraft to above 100 to meet the needs of ground forces. Moscow is sending a large number of multiple (24) unguided rocket launchers and thermobaric Pinocchio TOS-1, designed for defeating enemy personnel in fortifications in open space. Russian forces is already using it to bomb Jabal al-Akrad and pro-Turkey Turkmen deployed not only on the border between the two countries, but also in the countryside of the province of Latakia and A’zaz “, he said.
According to the source “since Turkey shot down the Sukhoi 24 last week on the borders, inside Syria, Russian Air force focused on targeting any truck crossings A’zaz and Bab al-Salama borders into Syria as a response to Turkey proxies. Russia will gradually increase it support to allies in Syria to remove the Syrian opposition from the Syrian-Turkish border. Russia considers all non-secular opposition forces and those receiving foreign military support as legitimate targets and part of a crackdown on terrorism in the Levant. ”
Sha’ayrat air force base map link: http://wikimapia.org/23180878/Shayrat-Military-Airbase
I’m hoping the SAA can retake Palmyra soon. Besides any military need.The propaganda affect Worldwide of liberating that ancient city would be a great advantage for the Syrian government.
I think SAA here is only in a supporting role. Hez with new T72’s are moving there and a new regiment called LDF.. Think all spare SAA are moving north to cut off IS supply lines…
LDF or Local Defense Forces, Hundreds of Syrian volunteers backed by Iraqi and Iranian militia, take the lead for Aleppo southwestern countryside battle .
The primary information about “LDF” Refer that was formed in order to coordinate the battle to break Jabhat Al-Nusra affiliated Al-Qaeda siege on Fuah and Kufrayya.
The pro-government “LDF” media have uploaded a new video footage, shows reinforcement Groups of infantry soldiers, MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems), Artillery and tanks heading out to assists the awaiting armed factions fighting in Aleppo southwestern countryside against the hard line Islamist militia.
Hezbollah is Already using the T-72 during offensive where SAA is not present.
Hezbollah releases this video to say: #Palmyra we are coming”.
“… New military base … 100 Russian jets … 45 fortified hangars … another brigade … 4000 Russian troops … 10,000 … etc…”
For those who remember. That’s just how American Vietnam (‘invited’) involvement grew. From some advisers … to some marines ‘n hardware … to more troops and hardware to protect the previously brought troops and hardware … and … in no time there was 500,000+ of them … and then… You know the rest.
(Yeah, of course: the Vietnam involvement was unjust, the Syrian involvement is just, Kennedy and Johnson were stupid, Putin is smart, how one even dare to compare the two……… Unfortunately, this isn’t at all ’bout “justice” ‘n alike – but about the sheer inner logic of a military involvement. I too am on Putin’s side. From my heart I wish him all the luck.)
Yea mission creep.. But the plan all along was to get rid of 30000 or so foreign fighters using the SAA as the main force.. Now that nato has gotten overtly involved they need more force. Vietnam did not matter to the US, it was only hubris to get involved. Syria is essential for Russia to not get encircled and also for trade. Also 80% of Syrians support the Syrian government or after 5 years of nato, the state would have fallen long ago, overt Turkish support for terrorists caused Russia to intervene. This is a direct war between Russia and Nato.. So what do you want Russia to do? Pack up and go sit in the corner? If Russia wants any influence in the future which means trade then there is no other alternative. Nat has been blatent about taking out ANY country not following their script and allow crony capitalists to loot their country dry.. First thing the US does when they get inside a country is ship all their Gold to new York.. Did it with Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, Japan, Germany etc.. Russia has a lot of support but many can not overtly show it due to again trade and business.. It would split the world.. Unlike the US losing 50,000 people over nothing, losing Syria means Russia can lose tens of millions.. Surrender is not an option either… You might not remember the state dept saying opening up Siberia to wall street would mean trillions in growth.. Yea they openly said plundering Russia would add trillions to the US coffers..
So it’s the USA that is preventing world (multi-polar) peace? Who would have thunk it? And just who is running for the presidency of the USA, and who are the slim majority parties running Congress, and who are the majority on the Supreme Court? I think we are f***ed. Unless God sends us a miracle. Maybe he doesn’t like the USA very much. Hmmmmm…..
They are trying again.. Would think hitting 4 or so convoys would be a huge hint.. Turkish ECM jammers cant disable Russian drones unlike the Syrian command? Did they think Russia can not see in the dark?
Reports that #RuAF Destroyed a Convoy of Trucks containing weapons/ammunition tried to enter at night from Turkish Border
Syrian Arab Army
All vehicles crossing the Syrian-Turkish borders illegally are subject to be targeted by SyAAF and RuAF no exceptions.
This No-Drive-Zone is aimed to close the borders, and to cut the supply terrorists get from the Turkish government.
As far as humanitarian aid, if it is not processed via the Syrian government, the Russian government, or the UN, then it is considered illegal; and as far as we understand, there is no reason to hide humanitarian aid from the UN and not process it via the UN unless it is a cover to supply weapons to terrorists.
Erdogan is calling Putin from different numbers now without caller ID..
Russia using SU30 on bombing runs..
Interesting combat load of RuAF SU-30SMs (that now cover SU-24,-25)-OFAB (bombs) under fuselage and AAM under wings
See combustible explosive bread blow up.. It happens very rarely.. YES IT DOES HAPPEN.. Cause of fuel air explosive where the oxygen levels get to be just the right mixture and it blows up like in a coal mine. Also why fuel tanks are filled with nitrogen so it does not turn into thermo baric effect.. But I doubt this was the case, Clearly see the bread factory blowing up and right next to it the ammo dump.. Guess today there is no food or ammo for the jihadis.. They can take 2 dozes of their meth drugs to keep going though.. and use the beheading knives as weapons.
RuAF annihilates Turkish terror factory
A senior Israeli official revealed Israel granted Russian military planes to enter Israeli northern airspace on missions in Syria. Mutual agreement: Russian jets sometimes cross into Israel, Israeli jets can act against shipments to Hezbollah. But unlike Turkey, Israel coordinates closely with Russia – and in return the IAF is granted free reign to hit Hezbollah in Syria.
And then turn around and escort the planes out of Israeli controlled air space.. hmmmm….
General (res.) Amos Gilad, who is a close aide of Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, made the comments during the weekly Shabbatarbut event in Tel Aviv Saturday.
Gilad said that despite the bluster from Ankara, Turkey “has every reason to apologize” for downing a Russian military jet last Tuesday, describing the incident as a major blunder by the Islamist AKP government.
He noted that such an incident could not however occur along Syria’s southern border with Israel, given the very close cooperation between Russia and Israel vis-a-vis operations in and around Syria. Israeli jets have struck Syrian targets on several occasions to prevent sophisticated weaponry heading to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
In the course of operations in southern Syria “Russian air force planes occasionally cross into Israeli airspace,” he noted, adding that due to “the excellent defense cooperation” reached between Netanyahu and Putin, Israeli and Russian forces were aware of “clear boundaries” and had strong mechanisms in place to ensure that no deadly misunderstanding ensue.
All quiet on the Saudi front other than they are bombing their own military bases… Invasion of SA on the rise.. Guess Pakistan will have to intervene to prop up their military.
More pics of burning trucks that tried to sneak in at night..
mmiriww, Great info and links. Thanks!
A Russian friend posted this “tongue in cheek” on Stalin. I thought I’d share it. The translation is rough. But I think the points can be understood:
Do we want to Stalin?! …
No, no, and no again!
It was only under Stalin Gulag!
There was no putsch, CIS, transgender people, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, PSE, Ltd., JSC, JSC, SP, SP, SDI missile defense , CH The EEC, PACE, APEC, OPEC, the WTO, the OSCE … e …
There was no AIDS, LSD, BDSM, the IG and the exam.
Do we hate Stalin? Of course!
After all, Stalin was a tyrant and a despot!
For the development of despotism built schools, hospitals, maternity homes, kindergartens, theaters, stadiums, libraries, rural clubs, universities, factories, canals, power plants, nuclear reactors, battleships, tanks and planes.
And to strengthen the tyranny and the cult of personality of Stalin were We need scientists, engineers, architects, builders, pilots, train drivers, doctors, teachers, students, soldiers, miners, metallurgists, combine, tractor, cotton growers, artists, writers, turners, millers, agronomists, machine operators, inventors.
He did not need to do political scientists, the deputy speaker, speech writers, press attache, ombudsmen, spammers, policemen, mayors, prefects; managers, traders, brokers, hackers, stringers, merchandisers, outsourcers; Neil designers, script supervisors, casting directors, video-makers, creative, executive, line, major, general and channel producers; whistleblowers and subversives, seers, shamans, witches, wizards, psychics; fashion designer, singer, sommeliers; DJ and VJ Society hippies, goths, emo; stylists, makeup artists, Imaginists, humorists, impersonators, essayist, art dealers; exhibitionists, voyeurs, konsyumeristy, Cocaine.
Are we afraid of Stalin? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
It was only under Stalin terror and horror!
Nothing but terror and horror.
There were bombings and metro.
There was killed students on line on 1 September.
There was tortured in the barracks, hammered to death by soldiers.
And there were commanders who sell them outside the gates of parts for sexual services to wealthy clients.
It was not theft “subjects of the federation” , regions, cities, factories, oil rigs, power plants and coal mines.
There were no problems with the recognition of their national identity, whatever it was.
It was not lenient sentences rapists and murderers of children.
There was pediculosis children with sexually transmitted diseases, a dose selling themselves at railway stations and gateways.
There were no social networks to child pornography.
There were no books in which students eat the feces of their teacher.
There was Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” with oral sex on stage.
There was no silicone breasts and body piercing genital required to be held as a person.
Not in the course were rubber phalluses (not found during the search of berries).
There was no glass tubes to conceive children just because of the fact that men are willing to mate only with men and women – only women.
There were no lubricants, anti-depressants, targeted grants; Economy in Transition; flavor enhancers, sweeteners, thickeners, viewers; raiders and riders; emulsifying agents, tenants, schemers; trends, brands, exchanges, roofs, trash, caches; exclusive, elitist, cult and iconic, afterparty, installations and Biennale, trimming the pubic area, glamor and Vi Ai Pi, aperitifs, digestifs and suggestive, advertising napkins, tampons, yogurt; brunches, lunches, hot dogs, big poppies, club sandwiches, Megamall, Baby Doll and pussies … ols; touch-screens, stabilization funds, offshore, summits and sodomites; kidnapping, clearing, konsolting, internet banking, holding, shopping, push-Aping, credit ah backgrounds elektrovafelnitsy, sedans, possessions and estates with serfs.
In general, there was all the wonderful, tolerant and politically correct; basic and defining things that are so important to us, modern, harmonious, educated and self-respecting people.
Damn Stalin, rather than to engage in school training of qualified consumers, which certainly suggests that any growth in consumption is not supposed to hammer head Soviet schoolchildren all completely unnecessary Aboriginal nonsense: all there is physics, mathematics, and for some reason, even logic that is certainly not only prevents market promotion of advanced cotton work trousers instead of the old regime of pure wool suits, but, more importantly, eliminates the possibility to implement even such basic values of the liberal-democratic and Nazi brainwashing.
Long live Nikita Khrushchev, immediately canceled the teaching of logic in school and thus hasten the day of the coming to power of the Great Merchant’s Pizza (ECP) Gorbachev and at least the Grand National Alcohol (BHA) BN Yeltsin!
… uneven hour, no longer consume “Marshmallow Froot Loops” and “Chocolate DOVE”. What will happen to democracy?
PS. Logic – that’s what!
CPSU (b) in the decree “On the teaching of logic and psychology in high school” on December 3, 1946 declared totally abnormal that in secondary schools is not studied logic and psychology, and found it necessary to introduce for 4 years starting from 1947/48 the school year, the teaching of these subjects in all schools of the Soviet Union. In accordance with this resolution in 1947-1949 teaching psychology was introduced in 598 secondary schools … At the same time, in 1947, he was released a textbook BM Teplova “Psychology”, designed for high school students. In 1956 there was one textbook for students prepared GA Fortunatov and AV Petrovsky.
But … Logic and psychology no longer be needed in 1959. In particular, due to the instructor of the School and Education and the students … Columbia University and FATHER OF RESTRUCTURING Alexander Yakovlev.
The question in passing: Who and why he sent an instructor CC CPSU to Columbia University to study not physics and chemistry, and politics?
@ Uncle Bob 1
This is a gem. Stalin’s age was golden. In science, education, health, culture, industry … social justice.
(Is there a link to the Russian original?)
P.S. As an aside … http://beyvora.ru/ , “Anticorruption Committee named after I.V. Stalin”. Stalin was a tireless and successful fighter against corruption at all levels of government.
2015-11-30 – Canthama writes:
“Russia has selected the 2nd air field in Syria to be equiped, defended and used. It will be the Shayrat military airbase, SE of Homs city, the work is in progress and will be soon operational, if the info was leaked it means jets are on the way…
Some more information also available in Elijah’s intel, he is usually dead right with his sources :
1) A pre condition for the use of the air base, safely, is that ISIS must be pushed away from central and eastern Homs Province, meaning Al Qaryatayn must be liberated as well as Tadmur/Palmyra.
2) 1000 Russian SF and elite units to be dispached to Syria for special operations, meaning they will engage in specific battles and operations, in my view most probably behind the enemy lines.
Some thoughts on the above :
a) It does explain now wy the “offensive” in Al Rastan plains, it becomes clear that this offensive was a “containment” strategy vs a true offensive, to deplete any possibility for terrorists to try any advances. It has somehow improved the safety perimeter of this aribase, while the terrorist losses inside the Al Rastan pocket are not replenisheable, meaning after 45 days if the initial of the attacks they are weaker than before.
b) The central Homs airbase was most likely selected due to its safety position. The central position will allow RuAF to reach the southern front and Damascus very quickly, but also it is very close to Raqqa. The position also hold strategic importance for any attempt to bomb the Syrian border with Jordan and Anbar Province with Iraq.
c) Should Qaryatayn and Palmyra be free of ISIS, then the chances to push the remaining ISIS force form central and eastern Homs back to the border of Iraq is quite high, keep in mind ISIS is being slaughtered in Anbar Province by the Shia/Sunni militias and Iraqi Army, that may be a coordinated move to squeeze ISIS between the 2 forces, but remain to be seen whether the allied forces in central Homs are large enough to push ISIS away. “
Well, the Iraqi takfiris are no longer travelling ‘in style’, thanks in no small part to the Russian offensive:
those are beautiful expensive looking donkeys and I feel sorry for them.
A trip down memory lane ..
2008 NATO meeting in Bucharest. Bush pushes for major expansion of the former ‘defensive alliance’ , particularly to include the Ukraine and Georgia, and to place missile shields in the Baltics.
Its essential function is to protect existing plutocrat interests, while offering military backup for future colonial plundering, and quashing all signs of democratic/socialist control of resources.
It’s being puttering along nicely, but along came the Russian Federation:
The Soros Foundation as well as George Soros himself look like they have been absorbed by the US Federal government. The level of immediate destructive Soros involvement with the take over of Europe to force it into complete and permanent vassal status looks like such a connection could be challenged as well as made globally public, by making against it in a known, formerly passive, great Court, say in Netherlands.Or, the US owned UN. Attempting to wrest control of the UN away from losing USA. Just an idea. I would expect the case to be “lost” but the true outcome would be the information, accurate, of the US SOROS plan to reduce Europe to a Poodle would be circulating. Since the plan is to destabilise Europe using penniless refugees, such scuttlebutt would circulate from person to person ,face to face, not the US/UK owned media.To stop the USA, fragment some of it’s oligarch monopoly power, make it to stumble badly, global knowledge of the Weapons of Mass Migration could easily become swiftly known…. from crossing point to crossing point, carried by the desperate.
Another excellent well documented Article by Andrew, Thanks