Something interesting is happening in Russia. The recent murder of Givi is attracting A LOT of attention from the main media outlets, much more than any of the other murders of Novorussian commanders. Furthermore, a majority of the key people invited to express their opinion generally seem to agree on a number of conclusions:
- Poroshenko is pretty much gone and finished.
- The Ukronazis have all but officially declared Minsk-2 dead.
- The Ukronazis have all but officially declared that they are at war with Russia
- The Ukronazis don’t want any negotiated solution
- The Ukronazis have now decided that an military attack on Novorussia is the only solution
Interestingly, the actual amount of Ukronazi artillery shelling has actually gone down, very significantly, during the last 48 hours, and yet by all reports the Novorussians remain in a state of pre-war. If the purpose of the murder of “Givi” was to demoralize the Novorussians then it achieved the exact opposite effect: the Novorussians are seething with anger.
[Sidebar: this time around those who criticized me for writing that the murder of “Motorola” is the symptom of a major Novorussian problem and that such a murder could not have happened without local accomplices are keeping a low profile this time around. This is not due so much to some sense of guilt for being so blind, but to the fact that in Russia and Novorussia the issue of local accomplices is now openly mentioned. Good – better late than never. If a recognition that the Novorussian security and counter-intelligence services are in acute need of FSB help can save even a single live, say the one of Zakharchenio (who is now openly threatened by the Ukronazis as being the “next one”), then such a painful admission is well worth making]
Interestingly, the Novorussians also seem supremely confident. This is rather surprising considering that the Ukronazi forces vastly outnumber them (from 2:1 up to 4:1 depending on how you count). In interviews Novorussian commanders and frontline combatants all say that while the Ukronazis did use the past months to reequip and retrain, this will not be enough to make a difference.
Members of the Russian Duma have publicly declared that they are fed up with Kiev and that if the Ukronazis attack the Voentorg and Northern Wind spigot will be fully opened. At least one source reported that a large number of Cossacks had already crossed the border and were deployed inside the DNR/LNR.
Finally, one more theory being regularly mentioned is that the reason why Trump is not telling the Ukronazis to cool it and step back (assuming that this is why Trump tells them, which remains to be proven) is that he wants to them attack and fail and then blame them for rejecting the Minsk-2 Agreement. This is an interesting theory. For one, I am not so sure that the Americans did not tell the Ukies to cool it – after all the shelling has dramatically decreased. This might also be a case of projecting the logic of the Kiev junta on the Americans. It is well known that Poroshenko loves to send the Nazis death squads (known as the “Dobrobat” or volunteer battalions) to the front lines to have the Russians kill them instead of having to do it himself. According to this theory, this is a win-win strategy for Poroshenko: he sends the “Dobrobats” to the frontline – either they win and the credit goes to him or they lose (so far, that is what they have been doing) and he gets his most dangerous political foes killed by the Novorussians. That makes them into martyrs of the “heavenly hundred”, Glory to the Ukraine, Glory to the heroes, etc. etc. and Poroshenko can mobilize around that. Maybe. Seems a plausible theory to me.
What is sure is that the opposition to Poroshenko (Liashko, Tymoshenko, Semenchenko, etc.) has gone completely mental and that they are pushing for an escalation be it by declaring a state of war in the Ukraine or by backing further Ukronazi attacks against Novorussians. As for the murder of Givi, it was welcomed by the entire Ukrainian political scene which rejoiced at the murder and even organized opinion polls to see whom the people wanted murdered next. The only exception to this was, believe it or not, Nadezhda Savchenko (yes, yes, the “Ukrainian Joan of Arc” and “hope of the Ukrainian nation”) who accused Poroshenko of trying to unleash a massacre in the Donbass. The Urkonazis are outraged and the Russians are dumbfounded by Savchenko’s political 180. As for the Novorussians, they position is hyper-pragmatic: “she is a murderer and we despise her, but we will work with her if she wants to work towards peace or even towards exchanges of prisoners”.
Yesterday I was listening to a Ukronazi politicians saying that the Russian media is preparing the Russian people for a Russian intervention in the Donbass. Well, I would not quite formulate it as he has, but I generally agree with his feeling. While it is not “the Kremlin” who is directing anybody, the general mood in Russia seems to be one of profound disgust, irritation and frustration with the junta in Kiev. And while I categorically exclude any large scale overt military intervention in the Donbass, I also see that the theory of a Russian peace-enforcement operation is openly floated in Moscow and often discussed. This, however, would require one of two things to happen first:
- a Ukrainian attack on Russian, as opposed to Novorussian, forces somewhere
- a UNSC Resolution authorizing such a peace enforcement operation
With Trump in the White House, there is at least a theoretical possibility that the UNSC might authorize such an operation, especially is that then places upon Russia the burden of re-building Novorussia. That, in fact, is something which neither Putin, nor most Russians, want. They are afraid of being tricked into taking Ukrainian territory under Russian control only to find out, as international law clearly mandates, that any occupying force is responsible for the administration of the territory under its control. The Russians feel that they are not the ones who created this bloody mess and that they therefore ought not to be the ones paying to fix it. They also know that the comparatively small Russian economy simply cannot shoulder such a financial burden.
There is a distinct possibility that 2017 will see a fundamental and crucial transformation of the war in the Ukraine. For one thing, whether the final Ukronazi attack every materializes or not, if it does it will be the last “hurray” of a decaying and dying Ukraine. Whether with or without direct Russian assistance, I predict that the Ukronazis will be comprehensively defeated. Once the military component is removed, by one way or another, the central question will become “who pays for the mess”, with both the USA and Russia pointing their fingers are Europe in general and at Germany especially. If the final Urkonazis attack never materializes, then the regime will most probably implode internally at which point all key players will have so step in and agree on plan to rebuilt at least the very basic part of the Ukrainian society. Europe will have no choice but to accept yet another huge wave of refugees.
As for the Russians, it appears that their position is now as follows: the only option the regime in Kiev is to abide by the Minsk-2 Agreement. That, of course, would mean a “soft suicide” for the Urkonazi regime. If not, then a “hard suicide”, including a possible limited Russian intervention or the recognition of the independence of the DNR/LNR by Moscow becomes a distinct possibility. Either way, the Russian/Novorussian patience appears to have reached its limit.
The Saker
” Europe will have no choice but to accept yet another huge wave of refugees.”
-EU not Europe, Europe is a geographical unit, one that contains both Ukraine and Russia btw. It is a propaganda stunt by EU to try to get people to say Europe as if Europe was the same as EU.
“From the later 20th century, ‘Europe’ has come to be widely used as a synonym for the European Union even though there are millions of people living on the European continent in non-EU states. The prefix pan implies that the identity applies throughout Europe, and especially in an EU context, and ‘pan-European’ is often contrasted with national identity.”
To put it clearly may I suggest: “Europe” have to pay which I agree is not correct.
Correct will be IMO the” European Union” has to bear the consequences of its policies towards Ukraine, directed by its unelected “EU leaders”.
In other words, all member states of the European Union, are being invited to fill the troughs with the moneys of their tax payers from which the Ukrain has to be fed. This is including Novorussia damages, destruction and killings by the UkroNazis. And including Crimea’s damages, destructions and killings by the UkroNazis.
Poroshenko c.s. have to be trialed and locked up ASAP.
Thanks to wise politicians like Mrs. Dr. Angela Merkel, Mr. Hollande, Mr. Rutte, prince Juncker, baron Timmermans, the Bilderbergers, the Vatican, the Britains, CFR etc. and The Banksters.
Now The European Union will break down and go bankrupt.
Well done, Responsible Politicians. And of course we will vote for you again!
Well said.
Haha… I laugh not to cry… Yes, you are right, unfortunately. Oh, misery…
In other words, all member states of the European Union, are being invited to fill the troughs with the moneys of their tax payers from which the Ukrain has to be fed. …
This might get the “fun games” in the EU started. As a German and EU citizens I’m strongly against forcing the ordinary people to take the burden of rebuilding that run-down country. I’m all for voluntary donations by the citizenry. The overpaid EU bureaucrats / technocrats, politicians, and all the other top earners who did everything to create the mess in Ukraine should be obliged to pay the bill.
Interesting. :)
If you hate the EU and want it to fail, then Vote for Merkle!
to the bigger question …. Trump sure as heck isn’t going to volunteer to pay for this. And Putin is likely to apply Powell’s Pottery Barn rule … U broke it, U pay for it!
The EU is using the same propaganda trick like the nazis during WW2 that used the word “Europe” when they meant the German nazi empire:
“Europe wins”
“Europe against Moscow”
“Nazi Plans for European Union”
On May 31, 1940, Werner Daitz:
“We must always speak only of Europe, for the German leadership is self-determined by its political, economic, cultural, and technical weight, and its geographic location.”
Good point.
It’s grown. How many times do we hear the US speak of ‘the world community’ or ‘the free world’? Or the US pursuing its ‘national interests’ in Chinese territorial waters or some Middle East country or in South America?
No wonder, they’re the exact same Sephardis & Nazis (= fascist Zionist banksters), and they always try to hide themselves behind whatever country’s name.
Anyway, they completely hijacked the system (starting with the Bank of Amsterdamn – 1609), e.g. they gradually got control of the ‘money’ press & the Lügenpresse almost everywhere.
Of course the (former trans-Atlantic) slavers & counterfeit coiners also prefer centralization and totalitarianism there – U$, EU, NATO, UN, an ecumenical synagog of Sate ‘religion’ led by an NWO Nazi pope, and so forth – to finish off their slavery project (or their slaves).
The Western ‘left’ is actualy fascist – there is nothing left of the old left…
CAn we get more documentation on the takeover (starting with the Bank of Amsterdamn – 1609), e.g. they gradually got control of the ‘money’ press & the Lügenpresse almost everywhere. What book outlines this takeover?
excellent, I knew it smelled of nazis from the day one
Before you, or anyone else even, keep going with this trash “Russia is Europe” meme – do the honest thing and define “Europe”. Fully. Then tell me what it is about Vladivostok that makes it “European” as, say, Paris is.
The “Russia is Europe” meme appears relevant in some contexts, though, doesn’t it? With regards to security, for example, even the Russian government expresses a desire for a Pan-European model, including Russia, simply by virtue of geography, that all these nations occupy the same continent/land mass.
Europe – geographically – is considered up to the Ural mountains, Vladivostok is European, in the same way as Australia, New-Zealand, USA, Canada, it is inhabited by people of European descent.
The Space Station is European, as was the Moon when visited.
Europe is a map with boundaries.
All of Russia’s problems stem from it not being European.
Many in Europe want its natural resources to be European, some of the Russians want to be European, but the fact is Russia in the unEurope. It is Eurasian, vastly Eurasian. It’s people, it’s wealth, its influence and size. Its impact.
If you just look at the map, you see this enormous mass and it has nothing to do with Europe.
It’s separated by seas, by intermediary nations, and by civilization.
It ‘neighbors’ Europe in every sense of that word.
It’s aristocrats and oligarchs want to be European, but its people cherish being Russian.
I don’t think a Russian can be also a European.
A European has the other Christianity, the connections to North America, the history of vast empires of slaves from other continents, and the bad history with Islam and crusades.
Most importantly, Europe created the century of the evil ideologies set against Russia—Communism and Nazism.
No, Russia seems impossible to call European.
I’m a novice at this subject, but I can tell a peach from a pineapple.
Russia is clearly not Europe.
I couldn’t agree more Larchmonter. I keep trying to drum this in, but its odd to me the deep and even angry resistance it brings – and not from Russians clearly.
Russia is not a divided nation. It isn’t West Russia to the Urals, which are “European” and East Russia to the Pacific which is whatever it wants to be. Chinese in a few years, perhaps?
Russia can never be European – and indeed most seem to see that bar a few.
For instance, in an interview with Gerhard Schroeder, he distinguished the two as different, as did the film maker of Zero City -Russian movie – as do the geologists who describe the “temperate climate of Europe enjoyed because of the Gulf Stream Drift” !!!
Russia is so clearly NOT Europe, I get suspicious of those who hurl brickbats at me for saying this,
Isabella, the sentient world, and Russians themselves, can be divided into two groups:
1. Those who think that being called a ‘European’ is a good thing and…
2. … those who do not.
A self-appointed (weren’t they all?) member of the Soviet ‘intelligentsia’ once proudly observed, in philosophical conversation, that the chief flaw of the Russians is Schadenfreude.
I observed, to myself, that Schadenfreude is a German word.
Ironic, n’est pas?
However, it’s wrong as well. I dont see Russians as people who, in general, get pleasure from watching the downfall and pain of others. Perhaps many Germans do however which is why they have the word for the emotion, and yes, we have seen their Schadenfreude on record..
I see the chief flaw of too many Russians as self-doubt and lack of self worth. It’s as if they secretly believe the accusations against them; that they are, deep down, just ignorant serfs puddling around in mud, and by accepting supercilious types from various nations located on Russia’s Western Spur, that they have “made it” and will be called Europeans, negate this emotion.
I wish they would realise that the one thing Russians dont’ need to do is identify themselves by reference to some “other”. European, Asian, Mongol …. we’ve heard them all. Why must a Russian be referred to others. Let the others be referred to Russians.
After all, if, as they claim, there is “no difference between Russia and Europe”, if a = b, then it is axiomatic that b = a. Russia is bigger and older than European nations. So we could say, they are Russian. That the Western Spur is “Russia Minor”. Or … I really like this one, they are the Autonomous Republics of the Russian Federation.
That would OK wouldn’t it? :-)
True, inhibated by barbarians after cleansing of natives as all of the as well.
You’re forgetting (or not knowing) the history – pre WW2 above all. Russia and Europe share the culture and much much more. However Europe is not what current EU is trying to tell you, that’s the westworld’s idea of Europe around Germany, England, France maybe and others were simply joining in for the sake of progress, money. Tell me if then how much in common Greece, Spain and south Europe has with the current idea of EU, pre-EU, or even more east of Europe, which was pretty much assimilated by EU recently. It’s the rewriting of the history and the whole “European idea” pretty much what the Nazis did as someone rightly mentioned below. That is in part-Russia, Stalin’s fault, but then we have to go back to WW2 and why it all developed like it did (the blocks and all). And remember Russia liberated good part of the Europe from Germans, and did the hard work. The fact that Americans got in late and took half the cake is them taking advantage of what USSR did for them. That makes Russia part of Europe much more than lousy good-for-nothing nations across Europe that did nothing but collaborate with Nazis.
Russia and Europe share the culture and much much more.
As much as I want to believe this statement it’s also misleading. As far as I had learned in the past four years about Russia (and this had been more than I had previously learned about that country in my entire life), Russia is a real multi cultural country. To some degree parts of Russia share culture with Europe. Other parts share culture (as well as similar food) with Islamic countries, with Asian countries, with Scandinavian countries.
Each time when I read that Russia is soooo European my gut feeling is that this expression is made to pull Russia into the European orbit. Without access to Russias natural resources Europe is pretty much screwed. So, in order to get closer to the goal of looting that country (again), Russians are fooled into believing that the part of their European culture is more important than the other ones. Russians should cooperate with everyone who wants to (on a fair basis for both sides), but they should nevertheless keep a “safe distance” and try to avoid being dependent on other countries.
I used to proud to think of myself as American, or European.
I am now embarrassed by my earlier folly.
The relevant geopolitical entity all parties are dancing around is “Eurasia.” The Anglozionists (Saker’s term) have long known that the Great Game is only about this. That is why the battle for Afghanistan has been so crucial, why the Soviet Union went in, and the Anglozionists refuse to get out. It doesn’t matter what you call Russia or what continent it “really” belongs to. The Anglozionists know they must seize control of Eurasia before global warming floods all American coastal cities and their country ceases to exist. That clock is ticking.
Funny that you should mention “flooding” and such, Rick. I was just browsing a website called, where they say that only the Altai, the Himalayas, and the Caucasus will be spared by floods. Not sure what to think. This site was recommended by a Russian acquaintance who claims that otherwise, she had been employed in the Russian Far East (maybe Vladivostock?) as a geologist researcher, and then let go when the Perestroika happened, and who said that the volcanoes’ activity would precipitate these events.
Karma in action?
Colonel-General Vorobyov, the head of the Ukraine ATO operation has died of heart attack whilst alone in his office [a classic wet job method, apparently]. He was the only leader in the Ukraine military who refused to support Yanukovich in the Maidan. He was dismissed for this. For most of the ATO disaster, the Ukrops were led by a General Muzenkho, who’s greatest success was acquiring a famring estare in England. His military prowess, well there’s Lutogino, Illovaisk, Saur-Mogilla, etc, etc. Muzenkho now takes over again, unless they leave it to the Bloody Paster.
I agree that the Ukraine/Novorossiya impasse, the mostly sclerotic state of war since 2014, is approaching a time of transition. the only question is whether this transition will entail great bloodletting. While I hope not, there is that distinct possibility.
While I empathize with President Putin’s policy of keeping a certain hands-off approach to the status of the eastern Ukraine. As long as the fiction is maintained that the Donbass and Lugansk regions are part of the overall Ukrainian State, the power of the extreme right to legislate its hateful agenda into law and policy, is hampered. However, the people of the Novorossiya have paid dearly with having to hold off the Nazi menace during the past 3 years. They have paid too high a price.
Perhaps, it would have been better for Russia to have positively responded to Novorossiya’s request to join the Russian Federation and to squarely confront the West’s reaction. In the ensuing warfare between Kiev and the East, which inevitably would have followed, more Russian-speaking areas could have been incorporated into Novorossiya, fashioning the area into a more functional state.
It would have been three years of endless guerrilla war as well the ATO. Russia would have had to move into more of Ukraine. Hundreds of dead soldiers for the RF.
And the RF would have been too weak to save Syria.
That’s why Putin did not fall for that easy solution.
Destiny has befallen the people of Donbass. They die so Mother Russia doesn’t bleed to death. Now we have a superpower who can win wars where it wants. Those three years were strategic.
Think it through. Putin thought ahead. He isn’t there in the Kremlin devoting every moment of his life to Russia for nothing. He was hand-picked for his brains and unending love of Russia.
Russia, even with sanctions and the oil price crash, is many times stronger and more influential since 2014. How did that happen? He didn’t step into the quagmire set up for him in Donbass.
While I agree Russia was wise not to liberate Novorussia by force, if it had I don’t think any of the neo fascists would have made effective guerilla fighters at all and would have posed little challenge to Russian forces. Perhaps if they moved further west it would have been a problem, but even then I’m not so sure.
But it would have made it very easy to impose much more serious sanctions on Russia to include banning from the SWIFT system. Russia could survive that but it would have been a hassle. And then the deteriorating situation in all of all of Ukraine would have been blamed on Russia. Now they will have to take the blame themselves.
The US already deployed IS terrorists to support the nazis. So Russia would be facing not only nazi but also IS terrorists backed by NATO.
The previous nazi insurrection backed by the CIA in Ukraine was not entirely suppressed until 1956.
“Under Operation Sunrise, some 5,000 anti-communist Eastern European and Russian personnel were trained for operational missions at a camp at Oberammergau in 1946, under the command of General Sikes and SS General Burckhardt. This and related initiatives supported insurgencies in areas such as Ukraine, which were not entirely supressed by the Soviets until 1956.”
“The BND, the West German intelligence service under former Wehrmacht Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, formed a new relationship with Bandera. It was a natural union. During the war, Gehlen’s senior officers argued that the USSR could be broken up if only Germany wooed the various nationalities properly. Bandera had continued lines into the Ukraine, and in March 1956 he offered these in return for money and weapons.71
CIA operations with these Ukrainians began in 1948 under the cryptonym CARTEL, soon changed to AERODYNAMIC.
The CIA decided to expand its operations for “the support, development, and exploitation of the Ukrainian underground movement for resistance and intelligence purposes.” “In view of the extent and activity of the resistance movement in the Ukraine,” said OPC Chief Frank Wisner, “we consider this to be a top priority project.”98
One CIA analyst judged that, “some form of nationalist feeling continues to exist [in the Ukraine] and … there is an obligation to support it as a cold war weapon.””
These quotes make it sound as if the nations of Europe are as much a target as Russia, by the coalition of CIA, NATO, IS, Nazi fascists, and other proxies. Maybe all these no-go zones in the European cities have less to do with cheap, exploitable labour, and more to do with conquest.
Those so called “no-go zones” in European cities are propaganda. The “no-go zones” are areas where the undesirable parts of the (financially and socially excluded) citizenry live. It’s more of a social problem rather than a plan of some mastermind for conquering those cities and whatever else. About 150 years Charles Dickens had taken on that topic of “no-go zones”, too.
Investigative journalist, Jon Rappoport presents a different perspective. I’ll let him do the talking. He’s referring to American inner cities in this article, but Europeans may find some similarities in European cities – I’m guessing based on what others have posted here.
“The gift that keeps on giving: inner cities, violence, poverty, gangs, drugs, BLM, shaming, guilt, Globalism”
I guess your comment is a response to my statement considering “no-go zones”. Jon Rappoport looks from a slightly different angle at the situation, but even his article states that funds intended to rebuilt inner cities had been diverted and that those in need (the financially and socially excluded) had been abandoned. The aspects of conquest are mentioned in reference to voters for political parties (“… It isn’t an accident, and it isn’t just a strategy for winning votes in election seasons. …” and acquiring funds for illegal wars (“… And the federal government is in the drug business. I should say, certain …) – just like the Iran-Contra Affair.
Well put.
A $1 billion IMF loan (technically illegal as the IMF is not supposed to make loans to countries at war) is pending. It is conditional on the usual anti-corruption reforms and other economic reforms. One reform relates to an increase in the retirement age. That will not go down well with the ordinary Ukrainians, so Poroshenko may try for an exemption. However, the same condition was imposed on Moldova and Belarus. If Ukraine gets an exemption, will they be able to demand one too? The Ukraine regime has released a budget requiring $250 million expenditure on arms, so allowing for the usual rake-offs and interest payments on previous IMF loans, most of the IMF money will disappear before it gets into the country. The ordinary Ukrainians are the ones who will end up paying the IMF bill, particularly once interest rates rise as the US economy starts to implode.
Isn’t the general Hegemon idea to stir up civil war in a target country, have it trash itself, then step in with R2P and ‘democracy’ bomb all the infrastructure? Then the country can be looted and rendered a permanent debt slave with funding to restore that infrastructure.
Ignore the east, valuable farmland in western and central Ukraine must be a good multinational picking to loot with little remediation needed. Surely Trump would see the business opportunity here?
More importantly perhaps; why doesn’t Russia cite R2P (UN Responsibility to Protect doctrine) and liberate at least NovoRossija but, better still, the entire east bank of the Dnieper?
Good point SO. From a capitalist point of view it makes very much sense. It has WIN-WIN written all over it: the industrial-military complex gets the action, the kudos, the contracts, etc. and the banksters and multinationals get the pickings and a permanent source of revenue to the comprador elite. Neo-colonialism and enslavement also writ large.
wow wow wow, I don’t think that V. Nuland be German. I don’t think that it’s Germany that spent 5 billions dollars to produce this mess in Ukraine. Untill the crash of MH17 France and Germany were on the same way on very moderate with Russia. At this time, France had to give Mistral to Russia and Germany were moderate. After the MH17, both US state departement and local medias made our countrys governement turn their way.
Ukraine is a Brezinsky mess, is an American mess. Européans are just followers in this deal.
I agree that the role of France and Germany in Ukraine has turned into myth, a fictional story told over and over and over, with no reference to facts at this point. We all just “know” what happened. God knows how long it will take to get an accurate account of what actually did happen whenever this all ends.
It does appear to me that there are layers of subterfuge inside European politics. It seems the pro-war, pro-coup elites/oligarchs in Germany, anyway, forced the pro-non-total-destruction-of-Europe politicians to operate extremely subversively. Since Trump’s election, more open cooperation between Germany and Russia has surfaced, anyway. I haven’t watched beyond that, so have no observations one way of another.
But. This is my question:
Is there *really* no European army, already in place? Officially, no.
European Army?????? Mouhahahaha!!!! before being an European army it would first exist european armies.
And when you see the deplorable :) levell of french or german army, you can esasely imagine the others…
France, Britain, Neetherland, Italy, Spain, danish together was not able to only bomb Libya without US navy.
And you really think this kind of “army” could only dream to attack Russia?
And for making great armies, you need peoples able to fight. Eueopean people is clearly too week and absolutly frighten to leave their tv and their facebook to confront tough russian people. Remember that west european have a long experience of being lifted back home by Cosacks: Teutons, Turks, Swedish, Polish, French, Germans. And their is a collective memory of the value of those that Marechal Murat said about in 1812: “this f…. russian soldier that you have to kill twice”. And Murat, in the french history is considerate as the brave of the brave.
Imagine 2 century after with a capricious, lazzy and effeminate people
Can you imagine that when for new year day celebration in Germany, thousands(!!!!) of german girls were sexualy assulted by migrants. And the was no, not only one german guy who tried to fight for protecting their wifes, girlfriends, sister. NONE! You think this people can buid a credible army?
No. Our government know that.
No, only US behind with stupid polish and Balts to agitate the shaker with all the russophobics globalists.
Can you imagine that when for new year day celebration in Germany, thousands(!!!!) of german girls were sexualy assulted by migrants.
That’s a misleading statement. Several had been sexually assaulted indeed. Probably in most cases the sexual assault wasn’t the intended goal. Touching the boobs or grabbing the ass was done in order to distract the victims, so that they didn’t realize their purses, phones, etc. was being stolen simultaneously.
Regardless if,rape,sexual assault without rape,simple assault,or robbery,was the crime committed. That type of thing didn’t use to happen on a large scale before. Since when is it acceptable in Europe for mass numbers of their citizens to fear to walk the streets. Just to carry on their daily lives ,in fear of being attacked by foreign immigrants.I can’t understand the logic of that thinking.I think we’ve all heard about that type of problem happening in the US (there are plenty of videos to show it). Is Europe so pleased to “Americanize” their countries that they willingly import American problems just to be more “American”.Today’s European thinking is so far from “normal” I don’t think its possible for me to understand that thinking anymore. Here is a video from the UK showing how far the UK has fallen. Its important to see that this video is “3 years old”. Which means it was “before” the mass immigration crisis struck. If it was so bad 3 years ago. Just how bad is it now.
Swedish police chief to Swedish women: don’t go out after 22:00.
Uncle Bob, you are pointing the finger at the wrong direction, have noticed this over and over…let me quote a comment from facebook by a canadian lady:
Amanda Kavanagh
59 mins ·
Our world is controlled by the few. It is a farce to follow elections … all staged productions with the outcomes prearranged.
It’s hard reading comments and waiting for people to wake up.
Why are the war criminals alllowed to vaction in exotic countries, while the victims of their bombings are left to sleep on park benches.
Read one too many anti-refugee comment today, and it’s put me over the edge.
“Sharia Law! Sharia Law!”
“ISIS terrorists!”
Something is wrong with our society.
People are pointing their fingers and their anger in the wrong direction.
Uncle Bob1
I’m the Anonymous you have responded to. (The other Anonymous has an excellent point, too.)
I didn’t write my comment to justify any crime. My intention had been to clarify the perception that several of the “thousands” of cases of sexual harassment were meant to distract from the intended theft. As a side note I would like to ask for a explicit definition of the term sexual assault. Each (lay)person has a different understanding of the meaning of certain words or terms. Especially hen it comes to the comprehension of the perpetrated crime(s) then it’s necessary to know the exact difference of the terms used.
In legal terms (according to German law) there’s quite a difference between sexual assault and sexual harassment.
As far as I know the majority of sexual offenses perpetrated against the will of the victims had been touching (defined as sexual harassment). Prior to 10 November 2016 touching boobs or grabbing the ass of a female was rarely liable to prosecution. For some – strange – reason the topic of sexual harassment seems to be more of a problem since the number refugees increased. Prior to the migrant crisis hardly anyone cared.
In 2011 the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported of sexual harassment at the Oktoberfest. The article starts with the following two sentences:
Even the short way to the toilet is like running the gauntlet. Three hugs from drunk total strangers, two pats on the ass, one lifted skirt and a gush of beer intentionally spilled into the décolleté are the result of thirty meters.
A report of 2013 also deals with the topics of sexual harassment and sexual assault at the Oktoberfest.
An article, published in 2009, says that at the Oktoberfest about 10 rapes occur on average each year – with estimated number of unreported cases of about 200. The report does neither mention the nationality nor!5156348/
If there hadn’t been any sexual offenses in the past there wouldn’t have been the need to establish an initiative for a safe Oktoberfest for women:
Carnival “traditionally” also had been a time for lots of sexual offenses. Now, with all the refugees in Germany (Europe) it will be all the fault of the immigrants …
Concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault I’m of the opinion that the perpetrators should be held accountable and in the case of foreigners (be it Scots lifting their own skirts like reported in the article of Süddeutsche Zeitung, French, Italian, US citizens, migrants, …) they should be kicked out of the country immediately..
“For some – strange – reason the topic of sexual harassment seems to be more of a problem since the number refugees increased.”
Oh yes, this is so strange indeed! /sarc
This is why the Austrian and German governments have tried distributing leaflets with cartoons to refugees informing them that no, it was not ok to grab tits and ass and other things you wouldn’t want be done to your daughter, wife or sister, and ask the women to keep their would-be assailants at arm’s length while saying No! (Oh yes, that should work!):
and this:
The reason this topic is getting to be a problem is because the cat’s out of the bag, despite the insistence of the PC police to force the under-reporting of crime or harassment, and if unable to do so, do it so the criminals are referred to as “men of foreign origin” or some other euphemism.
And, dear Kerjean, maybe the Germans did not fight back so much because *they* would have been charged with assault, and this time with no mitigating circumstances…
So let’s not close our eyes in the face of realities. The migrants’ problem in Europe exists, and it is watched with delight from the globalists’ point of view. Please refer to the post by SanctuaryOne about the Hegemon trashing countries to feast on the remains.
I’ll have to read the report on zerohedge first in order to form an opinion of the authenticity of the story. As far as I know from the comment section of German MSM and web sites like Politically Incorrect, the hyper national folks in Germany always “knew” that numbers had been suppressed artificially. Statistics are manipulated indeed, but it’s less those concerning migrants. Criminal acts perpetrated by right-wingers are downplayed continuously. People like Beate Zschäpe or Safet Babic are a disgrace for Germany. Those are the kind of Ausländer (foreigners) that should never have set foot onto German ground. Many Germans who could easily have gotten the Aryan certificate in the 1930’s are more open minded than those migrants (Zschäpe: Bulgarian Dad, Babic: Yugoslavian) from Eastern Europe.
It’s also people like Broder and his ilk who are trying to enrage and divide Germans. Broder should move to Iceland instead of offending others by using the term Gutmenschen, etc. Who is that guy anyway? A so called journalist who had started his career writing for a semi-pornographic magazine (Quick). If it weren’t for his presence on MSM that guy would’ve moved on in his career by writing the sub titles of the page three girl of Bild.
The migrants’ problem in Europe exists, and it is watched with delight from the globalists’ point of view.
Yes, you’re right. Last year there had been more crimes committed by Georgians than by refugees.
You’re also right in pointing out that globalists like cheap polish workers helping German farmers to push prices down to a level that French farmers can’t compete. Lot’s of nurses and caregivers working in Germany actually are from Eastern Europe (way cheaper than Deutsche / Germans).
One last comment: If you don’t want refugees, don’t produce them. Germany shouldn’t assist the US with drone assassinations (relay station at Ramstein air base). Germany also shouldn’t be in Afghanistan and Mali.
The same mentality was the main generator of the war in Bosnia.
The Muslim leader, Alija Izetbegovic, wrote his “Islamic Declaration” back in 1969-70, and it was the driver ideology of his Party of Democratic Action (SDA). His fanaticism could had not been missed by the western intelligence agencies that saw in him a potential perfect thug which could break into the shop, called Yugoslavia, a secular state meant for distraction. BTW, the same principle has been used by the zionazis elsewhere, most recently in Libya & Syria.
Here is the gist of the matter of that “declaration”:
“Indeed, in his book, Izetbegović praised Pakistan as a model for Bosnian society and declared that “there can be no peace or co-existence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic societies and political institutions”.”
I bet the zionazi masterminds were drooling over this!
Here is the link to the sugar-coded, apologetic, and sanitized article on ziopedia in the best tradition of its creators / propagandists:
The Western goyim is not exempted from this kind of treatment either, as your clip is showing.
Kerjean, you are probably right and I’m on a hunt for a lost city of Atlantis. :-) But the thought is so intriguing to me, that I had to do a quick Google search on “European Pentagon”.
This came up —
” A European Pentagon” (from Nov. 21, 2016)
Yes, the groundwork was Made in the USA and Uncle Sam clawprints are written all over it.
But Germany is never shy of taking advantage of a situation and further its interests – as well as US’s. The EU march to the East is a German project as well as American. In fact Germany is doing the same thing Hitler attempt to do but eighty year ago it was naked horror while now Germany hides under the skirts of the EU, NATO, “democracy”, “human rights” and other euphemisms to take over the former socialists countries of eastern Europe. Who spearheaded the destruction of Yugoslavia?
Sure, sure, German and French current governement are followers and know how to become profiteer. But for them, I think that’s it’s, from now on, impossible to oppose US will. Between US services and French globalist power(huge, medias, “experts”, officials, numerous politicians, ong) a politician is taken in a deadly vise.
For sure Germans are interest by growing their “slave” workers mass( Polish who hate Russians worship to make slaves for germans) but I think that neither german neither french governement are fools. And the firts nations that suffer from tension with Russia are Germany and France. And the firsts that will deadly suffer in case of war with Russie are both.
And notice that France hav’nt any, absolutly any interest to go east. And absolutly ANY interest in confronting Russia.
And German intersest is very very very few considerate the disatvanges.
And actually, it’s not USA that made this mess in Ukraine, it’s the globalist néocon from everywere. And the UE directors have enormous responsability.
For sure Germans are interest by growing their “slave” workers mass
Falsch! (engl. Wrong!)
Automation can do pretty amazing things. You can replace lots of humans with robots. German companies are interested in keeping wages low. That’s why you need a surplus population.
… but I think that neither german neither french governement are fools. …
Honestly, you didn’t do thoroughly your research on German politicians (for example a statement of the former president Gauck: “The elites are not the problem, it’s the citizenry.”).
Vitali Klitschko – the mayor of Ukraine – was prepped by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (with very close ties to the CDU – party) to run for president. Do you remember the statements of the leaked phone call of Nuland? She mentioned something about “Klitsch” and then “Yats is the guy”. Baically Germany was caught with pants down.
Klitchko mayor of Kiev
Hi Saker ! thanks for fantastic analysis which sounds very pragmatic and possible.
I think Givi might be okay with being re-united with Motorola and Mussvogny (sp?)
Long life to Eternal Heroes
You are probably thinking of Alexey Mozgovoi – fk mod
While reading this I kept hearing occasional scratching noises from under the sofa, and finally caught a glimpse of a furry beast sticking it’s snout from under it — it’s looked like a Wild Merkel-Badger going though and counting its collected hoard of chocolate covered election burgers. I wonder what it will do next and how much it worries about ringing phones. Such beasts can be unpredictable.
The US cares nothing about people and destroyed nations, and the EU not much more, so what they want to avoid involvement is an excuse, and someone to criticize, demonize, and blame. This is all obviously Russia’s fault — just ask Nikki Hailey.
Perhaps Novorossia can be recognized as a country — then they can annex Ukraine and take it off EU’s, US’s NATO’s and Russia’s hands (which will bog them down for many years to come). Give it to China? Auction it off in the UN — who wants to but the white elephant in the living room? Maybe a few large corporations will snap it up at a bargain price?
The difficulty with Ukraine is it permanently sits there in the middle of everything, like a trashed slum in the center of the business district, and can’t be hauled off to some remote trash heap. Even if all the Ukronazis were taken off by a flying saucer and dumped in the sea one night, there would still be a big problem there.
The situation seems to cry out for an emerging strong man like a semi-benevolent Gadaffi, or Stalin, or Chavez, or even a Saddam, to take over, trying to build some kind of actual nation there again. Maybe they can sell themselves to Trump? Sure is a puzzlement.
Reading your comment with a smile, I am thinking on what would be the situation if Stalin were today in power ?
Actually, Israel would snap Ukraine… Tragic times for Ukrainians.
We wouldn’t have a mess like these days, and US morons would be stationed just across Rhine river like in 1945. there wouldn’t be not even one traitor on Russian land.
Sorry Ioan, with Stalin at the helm there wouldn’t be a “situation”. The “situation” arose because his posthumous enemies (the fawning sycophants when he was alive) started the demolition job on his life’s work and did not stop until Gorby’s final push.
As you very well know, Ukraine never existed as a state (except two brief periods of proto-Nazi and Nazi occupation). It was part of Russia from immemorial times (in fact it was the cradle of Russia itself) but always with undefined borders as many historical regions of central/eastern Europe because of the constant ebbing and flowing of nations and empires. And that process is still going until it dismembers itself and the bits get attached to the real states around it.
Well be careful, badgers like rats attack when they feel threatened. Ukraine/Novorossiya is a rich country (first-rate arable land). 3 years back it wasn’t a good idea, but the Russians (and non-Nazi Ukrainians) ought to liberate Novorossiya/Ukraine now, or soon:
Still too early.
Trump, now finding out the hard way, that his his power base in Washington DC is minute at best, and that the ZWO masters will never accept him as one of their own, treat him a like a bastard child, and sabotage his every word and every deed for as long as it takes to wear him down, might be ready – by May or June – to accept an offer by Team Putin to work together for a POLITICAL solution of the Ukraine conflict.
How could that look like?
A General election with possible Federalization of the Ukraine.
Very interesting map. thanks for sharing.
What will the EUkrops do when the Heavenly Hundreds become the Heavenly tens-of- thousands? Surely martyrdom of Christian Slavs for their CIA/USSD/Zionist overlords has its limits!
Theirs mathematics is under performing , so thy leave of the zeros
Tsar Kolokol
Trump is too busy serving and cleaning up the mess to its door to have either the time or the energy to get involved in the Ukrainian/ Donbass mess. He will most certainly wash his hands and pass the buck to EU. Trump does not like getting involved in issues where he senses there is no chance of winning. He knows there is no way for him to win this one for US and therefore he would have nothing to show the the masses that support him.
Unless the self-hating Russians (aka Ukrainians) and converts to roman catholic church in the west of the territory decide to lunch a full scale attack on Donbass, I predict the whole issue would become another frozen conflict like Transdniester and Moldova. Unfortunately, the Russian leadership does not appear to be interested in acquiring the territory of Novorussia, citing undue economic hardships for the rest of the country. I think this is shortsighted approach that at some point in time will come back to haunt them; there is no long term gain without pain.
As for Savchenko’s political 180 turn, I think only history will be able to tell us her true role in this story. At this point it is anyone’s guess where her true allegiance stands. I would not be utterly surprised to see her in a few years, after the actual government implodes or will be forcibly removed, as the new leader of a Ukrainian state; it remains to be seen whether she is cheap and dispensable pawn or whether her role is a lot larger than anyone might suspect at this point. A year in Russian KGB custody can change you a lot! It remains to be seen which ways she goes.
Question for Saker: What would you do if you were in Zakharchenko’s shoes? Wait for the next bomb to rip you apart or try to force Russia to show its true hand by forcing an attack on the Kramatorsk/ Sloviansk axis? Might as well die on the battle field than be assassinated with 99% certainty over the next 2-3 months somewhere in Donetsk. What do think of the two options?
The Russian strategy would be recognition of independence. It leaves them with the prize without the burden of cost.
China would finance the reconstruction.
UNSC with Trump abstaining or agreeing would sanction the result due to the failure of Minsk 2 never being followed. Ukraine loses Donbass.
This, would be after a war. Porky and the Deep State want the war.
Porky must have a war to survive. Losing doesn’t matter. Fighting it does.
How this transpires, we can only guess.
At present, the Ukies have 90,000 men right along the entire front. They are mere miles from taking parts of Donetsk.
They could attack Lugansk in a run for the border, as they usually attempt.
And they could swing from Mariupol under Donetsk.
The Russian military planners will have opportunities to create three major boilers if all these occur.
And we can expect a North Wind of large size using many battle-tested Syrian War personnel.
The Russians also have to demonstrate to Poland, Romania, Lithuania and the top NATO war hawks that they can annihilate any composition of forces rapidly. So, this war, when the Ukies begin it will be a test of command, control and Voentorg with the North Wind in support of Donbass Army.
The US has Global Hawk UAV observation platform among its Intel gathering weapons flying over Ukieland.
Time to stun the NATO and Pentagon warmongers with the munitions and delivery systems that have decimated ISIS and AQ in Syria.
It is in the cards. Porky will never have it any other way. The Deep State wants to blame the loss of Donbass on Trump or get a victory against Russia. All indications are Trump can’t work a miracle.
And certainly, Russia will never give up Donbass.
Destroying the men and machines all along the front will set back the Ukies for years. Probably, lead to extensive civil war if it is truly catastrophic and well-documented. The splintering of Ukieland could follow such a total defeat. Three or four sections, the neighbors all feasting on their historic pieces.
The problem of Ukraine is Kiev, not Donbass.
If Kiev goes away, the problem goes away. The head of the snake.
All the remaining nazis can go to a small Banderastan in the West of the former state.
It’s the solution everyone would agree to after the military is decimated.
And independent Novorossiya lifts the economic burden from Russia. China and others will rush in and reconstruct and modernize the place where the workers are and the farms produce food.
We can hope something like this happens. Peace through war. There are no shortcuts.
Madmen must be defeated, their armies must be destroyed. Lesson of history.
Wouldn’t blowing up the RADA achieve the same effect without actually killing any humans?
I dream of that all day and many evenings.
I Kalibr.
And why not? The CIA pretty openly tried to kill Castro and Cuban command. They annihilated Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya… and a few other places besides. On the other hand, I guess what divides the Talmudo-Satanists from other nations are little things called ethics, civilization and God.
“For what profiteth it you to gain the whole world and lose your soul?”
you forgot about new PM of Ukraine, Mr. Groysman, a chosen and sacred one.
What a union between the neo-Nazis and Jewish plutocrats! Here is a snap from Groysman bio: “In 2009, on the spot of the old-fashioned marketplace, a huge MagiGrand shopping mall of 13,000 square meters was constructed. To build it, the Groysmans’ company “Yunost” took a bank loan of $11 million with the Groysmans’ newly-privatized land as collateral. Soon afterwards, the company declared bankruptcy. The loan was never repaid, but the land and the shopping mall somehow still belong to the Groysman clan… “Do you know what the difference is between Groysman and Yatsenyuk?” asked an undisclosed politician close to the Ukrainian president’s administration of a reporter of Ukrainskaya Pravda in a rhetorical question. “When Volodymir [Groysman] will start stealing, he will steal off the profit. Yatsenyuk was doing it off the loss.”
Expect a new development in “chosens” mythology that Ukraine is an integral part of Eretz Israel.
However, Russia has stated officially that he respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine. And that also means that Russia doesn’t want to have a sliced Ukraine but an integral one. Russia has never said that she wants to review the territorial satus-quo obtained after the huge sacrifices of world war 2 and that is absolute logical. An such scenario would imply a real political earthquake in whole Europe. So, baring this in mind, we can assume that Russia has his own objectives regarding Ukraine, and that would be a reunification with Russia. The question what follows is : how could this plan be achieved ? In a case of a war declaration from Ukraine, Russia will act by force. The tough Russian haters will be eliminated in that war, or they will seek refuge abroad. The remaining Ukrainians will follow the new rule and an ample rebuilding program will be in place. In such a case, even the liberals in Russia will succumb because the large majority of Russians will back the central government and will join massively. There will be no need for external help, did they asked for such help after ww2 ? Nobody will dare to intervene, cause that would cause a much brighter war in Europe.
Given Ukraine’s borders are not even ratified, a re joining with Russia would not be out of the question but it would have to be done in such a way to silence the Ministery of Truth in the court of Global Opinion. Given how successful the Ukraine State was under the USSR, it would seem that since the time of the USSR dissolution, the state of Ukraine has been rudderless when cut from the rest of her kindred.
Also when the Junta has now legislated discussion of the past illegal into recent law, the time of it’s existence is coming to a close. Aside from a few rabid deranged idiots, most remember how things were pre Maidan and many also remember how things were pre Independence. The discourse is there and for it to be now outlawed, it is just another straw breaking the camels back.
Maybe Trump could work a miracle — he is such an angel (even with a flaming sword):
Perhaps he will decide Porky is a threat to security and drone him (or anyone else he wants). The strange thing is, he apparently got the ability to do this as a parting gift from Obama…
He could drone McCaine and Graham (confirmed terrorist supporters) too.
The two best things about being crazy is you can do whatever you want to, and everyone is too afraid of you to oppose you. Maybe he took the Erdogan How to Win Friends and Influence People course.
@ Blue
Like you use of drone as a verb with a new meaning! Very soon it will be used as a general “bumping off” someone even without a flying object assistance.
“Voentorg with the North Wind”
Could you expand, explain and define please?
I have no clue what this means.
Neither does Google
North Wind = Volunteers, some highly experienced, skilled professionals, now many of whom fought in the first year of war in Lugansk and Donetsk.
Voentorg = Materials of war, whatever is needed to fight.
I think this would refer to supplies, including military (and expert advice) from Russia, and North Wind meaning troops from other places. I’m a bit shaky on the meaning myslef but earlier I found a few hits from google.
By all accounts, the “Voentorg” (a Russian contraction meaning “Military Trade”, which was the name for the Soviet era building were military gear could be purchased) between Russia and Novorussia has further increased and the Novorussian are now getting more men, including specialists, and more equipment.
In Russian nationalist circles the Russian forces that joined the battle are commonly referred to as “The Northern wind” (Russian: Северный ветер).[65][66][67][68][69][70]
Where and when did he fight?
While “Texas” and “Alfonso” mostly stayed around the Donetsk area, “Deki” has been to nearly every location of the Ukrainian conflict: Crimea, Maryinka, Donetsk, Luhansk, and even under Ukrainian captivity.
“Deki” turned up in Sevastopol with the Russian occupation of the Crimean peninsula, and then traveled to eastern Ukraine in April 2014. Early on, he fought with the so-called “Northern Wind” group, referring to the wave of Russian soldiers who came to eastern Ukraine in the summer of 2014.
Why was the NAF able to conduct a large-scale offensive in the summer, but not in the winter? For two reasons. In the summer, UAF units, not expecting to come under attack by “northern wind” units, were caught in mid-step and were thoroughly thrashed as a result. During the winter the young Republican armies had to break into well prepared defenses. Moreover, it was decided not to introduce the “wind of Boreas” forces into battle, while the NAF military potential is still not up to the task of a large-scale offensive.
(Boreas means ‘north wind’ and associated mythology
Boreas (Βορέας, Boréas; also Βορρᾶς, Borrhás)[7] was the Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter.
Thank you Blue – much appreciated.
Voentorg for English meaning is like Quartermaster Store or Armory or Arms Market.
For the Donbass it mean weapons and ammunition and supplys on the ground or taken in fight.
see last words in this blogger in english tranlation from Rus
Voentorg refers to the supplying of surplus Russian weapons, ammo and armor primarily paid for by Russian donors. Perhaps the only modern Russian arms are the anti-armor missiles and some field targeting radar to locate artillery fire positions. Cell phone GPS tracking also seems to work well in this regard.
North Wind refers to Russian and CIS volunteer fighters in support of the DPR/LPR lines. Many of the Russian fighters are Don Cossacks who have common clan members across the border in DPR and especially LPR.
I am in the US so someone more local may be able to provide a more precise definition.
Voentorg – former huge Soviet era built store in central Moscow that sold military uniforms and equipment, but not weapons.
The word is from the Russian военные торговые (voennye torgovye) – “military trade (items)”.
The protected building was illegally demolished during Lyzhkov’s Moscow mayorality and its rebuilding was ordered.
The new building, whose frontage was faithfully reconstructed as had the previous one, now houses the toy firm Detsky Mir – Children’s World.
re: “The problem of Ukraine is Kiev, not Donbass. If Kiev goes away, the problem goes away. The head of the snake. And independent Novorossiya lifts the economic burden from Russia.”
Sure, but the problem is more like 90 years of bad policy in Moscow when it comes to Kiev. If you have been against an independent Novorossiya for 90 years, it will be very hard to change things. The Party of Regions that Moscow so loved is an example of the problem. Moscow needed to throw most of them in the trash and start something with Tsarev and people largely untainted with the old corruption and relationships with all the oligarchs.
The US would just love a Russian military response. The US knows it cannot defeat Russia militarily, but it can use its get-out-of-jail-free card, the de facto control of the world economy. If Russia does go in, it will be described as an act of aggression and an act of war. The Ukraine regime would ask for help. Then the full power of US economic control will descend. There will be a total blockade of all economic transactions invvolving Russia, along with sanctions against those who aid Russia. So goodbye to the Syria express, goodbye to Syria, ultimately goodbye to Donbass, hello to takfiris in the Caucasus (claimed to be secessionists from the Russian Federation) clamoring for aid from the ‘civilized’ world, CIA-sponsored regime change ops in Siberia, etc, etc.
“There will be a total blockade of all economic transactions involving Russia, along with sanctions against those who aid Russia.” – That will be also viewed as an act of war and Russia will have to act accordingly. Russia cannot be forced under a total blockade and guess what, Russia has all she needs to wage a long war, while the US has to extend well too much her military making it very vulnerable. The US Navy is the Achilles heel of her military. Russia will instate the rule of war and her economy will do the same. This has been already verified and is waiting just for orders to be put in action. Putin has not slept all these years, every step has been prepared in advance. However, I don’t think that Trump will do such things, at least that is my hope and probably the hope of many. But if he does and loose control, falling down to emotions dictated or suggested by others in his circle, than things will get nasty very fast.
Delusion and fantasy. The US doesn’t have anywhere near the power and control needed to do that. The US can’t survive without without all the components and goods and cooperation from the rest of the world, including Russia and it’s allies. Where is it going to its cell phones and car parts and clothes from?
The US and it’s 5% of world population could be transported to Venus by the flying saucer people and within a few months the rest of the world would do fine — hardly notice it was gone. Once the delicate balance and power structures are disrupted the rest of the world will just close in like the mud in a swamp when an alligator is hauled out and on to the beach. The truth is that the US is not at all indispensable.
Larchmonter445, I believe you are right. Independent Novorossiya brought to birth by rapid Russian attack is clearly the next stage. Then independence and reconstruction. Let’s hope. Trump and his minions will be awestruck.
The UE decided past friday to allow visa free travel…for 3 months,for Ukraine and Georgia..these eurocrétins are mad.Le Pen thanks them for this boost to her campaign.
Soon on your screen in Paris or Molenbeek fights between pravy sektor and ISIS thugs.
They are already in the USA and Canada in large numbers.
Saker, please don’t be distracted with the Donbass. They can take care of themselves.
Fort Drum’s NY Army base, is on the move bringing 10 tandem-rotor Chinook and 50 Black Hawk helicopters along with roughly 2,000 troops to Germany.
Putin is keeping the eye on the ball with his snap Air Force and Air Defense military exercise in Moscow.
Yet, NATO cannot attack Russia without the 2nd largest army, the Turks. Theresa May flew to Ankara immediately after visiting Trump. This was the first foreign state visitor to Trump. Likewise, Mike Pompeo flew to visit with Erdogan and then went to visit with the al Sauds. Trump is serious about destroying ISIS but this is to expel Iran and Hezbollah from Syria and Lebanon.
Erdogan is serious about having Fetullah Gulen, a CIA asset, extradited to Turkey. But CIA, Gladio, Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar, ISIS, NATOists, Poroshenko, Fake News Networks, neocons, neoliberals, globalists and Georgy Saurus are the same bunch Please keep the eye on the ball and don’t get distracted by noise.
I’ve been a reader of your website for about two years, and I really enjoy getting the alternative p.o.v. on events in Ukraine that you and your comment section provides. But it’s becoming harder and harder for me to ignore the term you’ve chosen to use so regularly – “Ukronazi”.
I’m not sure this word is helpful at all, if what you are trying to do is help people understand the ongoing tragic situation. If there is a more inflammatory word than “Nazi” on the planet, I don’t know what it is. And by combining it with the country’s name, it imparts the idea that Ukrainian = Nazi.
This is not the case, and I don’t think that’s what you believe. If you mean to refer to the corrupt oligarch led, American supported-and-initiated government, then just call it so. But when your reports are describing troop movements, or decisions made in Kiev, why can’t you simply call it the Ukrainian government?
Just because a government changes hands by a coup, do we automatically refer to the resulting government as Nazi? Should Cuba be called the CuboNazi’s? Or is Iran the IranoNazi’s? By constantly using this term (16 times in the short article above), I hope you understand that casual readers that stop by to read a story, trying to get to the truth of what’s happening, are likely to come away with the idea that Ukrainian means Nazi (or at least it does now).
Here’s an example, I intended to read an article of yours to my wife of 5 years who was born in Ukraine. We’ve visited her family there both before and after the Revolution. I understand what’s changed and what hasn’t, at least from an outsider’s perspective. But I can’t even read the article because what has happened there is tragic and sad in so many ways, it’s like rubbing salt in a wound to use the word Ukronazi. It really is offensive. And it makes your otherwise extremely useful and valuable information sometimes feel just unnecessarily (and I believe unintentionally) insulting.
There are so many people that showed up at Maidan by the tens of thousands that were not paid by NGO’s, and were not hoping to see some sort of Third Reich imitation come to power. They were mothers, and grandmothers, and common workers, and students. They are now just as upset, and disgusted by this coup-generated-government as anyone is. But we can’t just paint the country of Ukraine with this Nazi association. It isn’t fair, and frankly it isn’t factually accurate, but that’s beside the point.
Your information and point of view is too intelligent and absolutely necessary for it to be shadowed by this term ukronazi. I would contrast it with another label, that I think you created, but that I found much more useful – AngloZionist Empire. Now that is a term that reflects truth. Anyways, that’s all I wanted to say. I would appreciate it if you gave your use of this term a second thought to be certain that it is sending the message you are intending it to.
I think that if you were familiar with the history of the Ukraine during WW II you would not have this problem you have with calling then Ukronazis.
The Kiev putsch engineered by the US in 2014 was essentially a coup encompassed on behalf of Khazarian oligarchs NOT Bandera “Nazis”. To be accurate, Khazars like Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and Kolomoiski et al control the rump Ukraine, NOT “Nazis”, unless you mean Ashkenazis.
The Kiev Junta is the result of a Khazar’s Coup just as the Bolshevik “Revolution” in Imperial Russia in 1917 was, and their attitude towards Russians is the same. Despite their numbers being a tiny 60,000 out of a Ukrainian population of 46 million in March 2014, Khazars in the Kiev Junta, masquerading as the government of Ukraine, initially included the following personnel:
President-Poroshenko (Vlatsman) – Jew
President Turchinov (Kogan) – Jew
Prime Minister – Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) – Jew
Minister of Finance – Alexander Shlapak – Jew
Secretary of national security and Defence – Andrew Parubiy- Jew
Vice Prime Minister – Vladimir Groisman – a Jew
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov – Armenian Jew
Minister of Culture – Sergei Nischuk – Jew
Mason – Director of the National Bank – Stepan Kubiv – Jew
Head of the Administration of President – Sergey Pashinskiy- Jew
The main presidential candidates from the opposition were:
Yulia Tymoshenko (Celia Kapitelman) – Jewish
Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) – a Jew by his father
Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman) – a Jew mom
Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh – Jew Hasid
Labelling the Kiev Junta as “UkroNazi” is disinformation. This list of the so called nazi-regime in Kiev reveals the LIE:
President – Poroshenko (Valtsman) – Jew. – and. o. President Turchinov (Kogan) – Jew. – Prime Minister – Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) – Jew. – The Minister of Finance – Alexander Shlapak- Jew. – Secretary of national security and Defence – Andrew Parubiy- Jew – Vice Prime Minister – Vladimir Groisman – a Jew. – Interior Minister Arsen Avakov – Armenian Jew – Minister of Culture – Sergei Nischuk – Jew, Mason – Director of the National Bank – Stepan Kubiv – Jew. – Head of the Administration of President – Sergey Pashinskiy- Jew. The main presidential candidates from the opposition: – Julia Tymoshenko (Celia Kapitelman) – Jewish. – Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) – a Jew by his father. – Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman) a Jew mom. – Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh-Jew Hasid. The oligarchs in Ukraine – all Jews: I. Kolomoisky, E. Hurwitz, H. Bogolyubov, Poroshenko, D. Firtash, S. Liovochkin, V. Haiduk, V.Nemirovsky, K. Zhevago, V. Pinchuk, E. Prutnik, Akhmetov, A. Martynov, B. Kostelman, E.Sigal, B. Kolesnikov, A. Feldman, F. Shpyg, N. Shufrych, Rodnyanskii A., I. Butler, A. Abdinov, V. Ermolaev, M. Kiperman, E. Zviagilskiy, F. Zhebrovskaya, S. Ronis, H. Korban, G. Surkis, I. Surkis, V. Shamotiy, A. Leszczynski, J. Rodin, M. Becker. All media – in the hands of Jews P. Poroshenko, I. Kolomoisky, D. Firtash, V. Pinchuk, Akhmetov. nezalezhnoy Presidents: – Kravchuk (Bloom) – a Jew. – Kuchma (Kuchman) – Jew.
See also: Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine –
And: Ukraine: New Jewish Promised Land” –
And: Surprise, surprise – In Ukraine protests, young Jews are marching with ultranationalists. –
And: The Other Holocaust – The Terror Famine in Ukraine –
Great list. Essential Intel.
I don’t mind the Ukronazi label, though. Maybe because I read it different than most. Seen from my perspective, the money printers have infiltrated and controlled, if not outright created, all major (pseudo)-ideologies since way back:
(Zionist’s) Globalists
(Zionist’s) Capitalists
(Zionist’s) Islamists
(Zionist’s) Neocons
(Zionist’s) Bolsheviks
(Zionist’s) Communists
(Zionist’s) Liberals
(Zionist’s) Banderites
(Zionist’s) Nazis
Mature men, like Putin, never push any -ism, but instead always emphasize pragmatism, a step by step, common sense approach to all problems and challenges, be it in family life, creative work, or high politics.
Saker, would you please confirm this list is (mostly?) true insofar as those mentioned are Jews?
Regarding Jews, I think they need to be put into 2 categories: those who are rightly called Jews, i.e. coming from the 12 tribes of Israel, and the other ‘jews’, those who come from the ashkenazi line, i.e. (mostly) not proven to have come from the 12 tribes. Perhaps only DNA testing will solve this.
The latter consider a second, non-Biblical homeland in the area of Ukraine – and I believe include facebook’s zuckerberg – hence the purging, even genocide, of those in the Donbass to make way for them.
If tymoshenko is a jew, and I think it is likely, that would explain her hatred of the Donbass people and wanting them killed, and off ‘her’ land.
Groysman is already there. The same old book: first the unsavory elements are financed and armed (neo-Nazis) to “prepare” a country; then the “biblical” owners arrive to appropriate everything. The parasitoid is looking for a new juicy victim to devour.
“Volodymyr Borysovych Groysman was born in Vinnytsia into a Jewish family… In 1994 he started his career as a commercial director of his father’s small private business company…” wikipedia.
The list is “probably” mostly correct. Though I doubt about some of the people on that list. But really the point is you don’t have to be Jewish to be a “bad guy”. There are plenty of non-Jewish bad guys around.And the opposite of that is,you don’t have to be non-Jewish to be a “good guy” as well. Which is something we tend to forget sometimes.Some of those in Israel that support the Palestinians the most are Jewish. One of the main reasons we learn about the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.Comes from pro-Palestinian Jewish groups there.And they constantly suffer abuse from their fellow Zionist Jews because of that.
+ Ron Ukronazis is a good term, Jews or Ashkenazis is a good term as well (but strictly verboten). ‘Khazarian’ is not a good term for the Yiddish (German dialect) speaking Jews (originally Semites) who migrated to the area via western Europe (Germany). That is as a matter of fact pure disinformation (another absurd – widely spread – Zionist fabrication)
Like ISIS, Nazism is simply an Ashkenazi (Zionist) project (if that sounds absurd, then that’s because you take the big lie – not unlike e.g. the ‘moon landings’ – for granted that ‘German’ Nazism was a German project. It was not, it was a Zionist banksters (MI6/CIA) project in its entirelty.
Of course there’ll be some thugs, no-accounts, and fat retarded clowns who can hardly count to three (e.g. this Mosiychuk from Scott’s article) who are (e.g. CIA/MI6) organized to have their own little local Nazi or ISIS ‘supremacy’ imitation project. The real Nazis (= Ashkenazis) will have stupid cannon fodder, something to hide behind, and so forth.
I don’t think you can blame one man (Stalin) and his supporters for the many crimes his enemies – e.g. the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Trotskyites, or the Nazis – (seemingly) perpetrated
You will see that when evidence is blinding and loud, people would rush to cover their eyes and block their ears. You’ll hear much of “yes, it’s probable, but….”. And much hairsplitting.
This very typical debate on the web while not false, lacks important historical context. The real elephant in the room is Britain as far as past time is concerned. Tell me who you aren’t allowed to critisize… people go while actually critisising them all the time. In the current context people dont know about Britains plotting to prevent collaboration and assimilation of the jews on the continent including Russia. Germany’s unification under Bismarck happened with sponsoring by jewish german bankers, who were given titles. It ought to make you wonder why such a conflict between the jews and France Germany and Russia broke out, described as a new kind of antisemitism by Herzl the founder of zionism (although it was earlier created by angloamerican christians). Who benefitted?
Zionism would never had grown strong without it. Continental jews would have continued to assimilate instead of (in particularly the competitive) being uprooted and moved to the Usa, where the British had erected the angloamerican establishment and actually meaning to move the Capital across the atlantic. The British masterminds behind nearly two centuries of plotting would marvel if they could see the internet debate where they are mostly invisible while their exploited stooges get the full blame. And there were many more peoples who were played than the jews, but the banking connection made them the prime target. Germany and the continent including Russia were not to take away Britains financial hegemony.
I’m familiar enough with the history to know that Bandera and the other Ukrainian Nationalists of the 1930’s saw the Nazi’s as the only viable option to destroy their two oppressors, Poland and Soviet Russia. And I’ve read enough to know that people living in one era cannot realistically understand or criticize the choices of those in another. Especially when they are forced out of desperation and a desire to survive to do whatever it takes. Of course you must know that Hitler jailed Bandera the moment he declared an independent Ukraine.
Would you also label the people of a country, who struggle for change from the economic political and social domination of the elite, as ‘oppressors’, if they allied themselves with peoples from other countries who got themselves free from this kind of domination in previous struggles of this type?
This is name-calling but refers to actual nazis — Bandera type, go around with wolfsangels and swastikas, and embrace the nazi ideology and mentality.
Haven’t you seen the photos and videos? Have you missed the articles and comments explaining this?
Sorry — Should have been ‘not name-calling’.
Interesting round of comments and makes you think.
I think sixteen times using the term “Ukranazi” is repetitious, like hypnosis, sending a message on a level that is unhelpful.
Since neither Cuba nor Iran are ideologically “nazi”,unlike Ukraine which is. Why would Saker (or anyone) use that term for them.
Uncle Bob
Here’s the problem. Words only continue to be useful as long as they carry a definite meaning. The word “Nazi” is being thrown around daily in this country to refer to basically anyone that opposes the progressive left globalist agenda. Milo Yiannopoulis, Richard Spencer, pretty much anyone who vocally supports Donald Trump, and definitely anyone who criticizes Jews or the Zionist agenda.
All of these are being attacked with the word “Nazi”. I think we can agree it has fallen far far away from it political associative attachment to the Third Reich.
Does anyone even take the label seriously at this point?
I believe that if Saker is trying to identify the Ukrainian government and at the same time make note of its criminal/fascist elements, then the term “UkroFascists” would be more accurate.
But along those same lines, I just think shortening the country’s proud full name to “Ukro-” anything is unnecessary.
In defense of Saker on this isue, the term refers to the fascist emelents controlling the government, who are direct descendents of the Stephan Bandera group that waged a civil ar against the Soviets up until Khruschev mainly silenced them. Until now.
The Banderists openly supported the nazis, and in current form emulate them. During WWII many joined the Waffen SS (it was international in nature) and committed countless atrocities against the ethnic Russians.
The term is simply a reference to the fact that not only is the government of the Ukraine illegitimate, it is also criminal in nature. In essence on the same moral and political level as ISIS.
I would disagree about being on the same level of ISIS, but you are free to your opinion.
@ Calibob
We had another commenter bewailing the fact that we use the term “Zio-Nazi” because it might offend some one as if calling a criminal “criminal” were offensive. Obviously, it does not mean that all Jews are Zionazis, but those who profess the values of Zionism and Nazism are the controlling powers who direct and influence nations and global politics and economies.
The same applies to the Ukronazis, the usurpers of political power in Ukraine and who are directing a war of aggression to the regions who refuse to accept their illegitimate rule. It does not mean that all Ukrainian are Ukronazis (in fact many conscript soldiers would prefer to be on the other side) but the political agents and institutions are executing Nazi-style actions against the people of Novorussia.
I agree that it’s not the best term. I assume that when he uses it he doesn’t mean all Ukrainians but simply the ones who are currently running the country and joining the “volunteer battalions” who comically see themselves as some sort of modern-day SS. In reality the current regime in Ukraine was installed and is run by Zionist Jewish supremacists. The “Neo-Nazis” are just the street thugs who are useful idiots because of their extremely anti-Russian and violent views. They are the the spiritual (and in many cases physical) descendants of the people who allied with National Socialist Germany in WW2.
Al-Qaeda/ISIS serve the same purpose in Syria (and before that Libya). They are extremely violent people who are opposed to the current government and willing to take up arms to overthrow it. That makes them useful to the Anglo-Zionist establishment. Since these groups in Ukraine openly call themselves “National Sociaists” and use symbols, names and flags associated with them as well as calling Russians “sub-human”, it’s understandable that people refer to them as Nazis. Obviously real “Nazis” would not support installing Jewish oligarchs to all of the most powerful positions in their government.
It’s similar to how al-Qaeda is referred to as an “Islamic” movement, even though they were actually created by the CIA, which, obviously, is not an Islamic organisation. Likewise, the people who created these “Nazi” groups in Ukraine are not actual “Nazis”, but they see these Neo-Nazi groups as useful idiots to be unleashed on their enemy (Russia). I think the term UkroNazi is meant to refer to “Ukrainian Nazis” rather than all Ukrainians, but I think referring to Zionist Jews like Kolomoisky and Poroshenko as “Nazis” is kind of ridiculous. They’re Jewish supremacists, not Nazis. They’re the people the real National Socialists were fighting against even though, ironically, National Socialism ended up being quite similar to Judaism with it’s belief in the Master Race “chosen” to rule over others. There are definitely a lot of similarities between Nazism and Zionism, which I think makes “Zionazi” a good term to use.
The real reason for the coup and subsequent civil war in Ukraine is to punish Russia for blocking the Anglo-Zionist attack on Syria in August 2013. Literally about a month and a half after that the “spontaneous mass protests” in Ukraine began. It’s not a coincidence that Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) was the one organizing this, she was previously working on US policy towards Syria and her husband Robert Kagan was one of the main architects of the Iraq War. They’re Zionists, and they don’t like it when someone comes up with a last-minute peace plan to thwart their efforts for endless war in the Middle East.
@ Alieu
According to your perspective, a Jew cannot be a Nazi because a Nazi is anti-Semite and that would be a contradiction. Would it? If you think so, there is a surprise for you: there were many Jews in the Nazi war machine, including Field Marshall Erhard Milch, not to mention the thousands of officers and privates.
Anyway, a Nazi today is someone who espouses the ideas of Nazism, namely racial superiority, divine right to be nasty, extreme nationalism, use of symbols and rituals to stress conformity and belief and other malevolent practices. Is there any difference between Nazism and Zionism? None.
There are also many Jews in the Ukro-Nazi groups. Borislav Beresa, the deputy leader, for one. In fact, Pravy Sektor now provides synagogues for its ‘troops’.
‘The real reason for the coup and subsequent civil war in Ukraine is’ is not that, what happened in Ukraine by the USG was years in the making, in fact, Eastern Europe has been a project of the USG for at least 25 years.
The main reason for the crisis in Ukraine is that the US is using that against Russia, in line with the original wolfowitz (jewish neocon) doctrine, and PNAC.
There are of course other reasons but this is the main one.
If my father would be still alive, he would probably laugh “zum tode”(till dead) if he could see the pravy sector guys with SS insignia. Being a German soldier in ww2, he was told to fight against the “communist threat” and not against the Russian people. Many of the German soldiers have recognized the reality on the ground, mostly when seeing the Russian cities which were as at their home, not to talk about the large factories. The older soldiers who fought in the first war told them that they will be surprised, but the majority of younger soldiers didn’t believe them till thy saw with their eyes. But war is war, and a soldier is a soldier, willing to do his best to survive.Even the term “untermenschen” has evaporated quickly when former soviet soldiers appeared in the German army.
You can imagine the chaos in the minds of many Germans who believed the propaganda of the front-newspapers. These evaporated in the same way. The Germans new history, they new the close historical ties between the two nations, why should have they hate Russians ? That war was an ideological war.
… I think the term UkroNazi is meant to refer to “Ukrainian Nazis” rather than all Ukrainians, but I think referring to Zionist Jews like Kolomoisky and Poroshenko as “Nazis” is kind of ridiculous. They’re Jewish supremacists, not Nazis. They’re the people the real National Socialists were fighting against even though, …
I can’t provide reliable proof, but some fragments of history indicate that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. The Zionists wanted to create the state of Israel for a quite some time, whilst the Nazis wanted to get rid of the Jewish population. The “hiding place” Adolf Eichmann had been very close to Jewish neighbors – there exists an excellent report on youtube of Investigative journalist Gaby Weber. Even after WWII Leopold von Mildenstein still had close ties to his Jewish friends in Israel. There are lots of open questions. It’s pure speculation, but I guess that the majority of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust had been non-zionist Jews.
Ukronazi vs Ukrainian is akin to Jew vs Zionist
I hope that is right. I get from my Russian friends that they are getting madder daily. Now ,to be fair, they have always supported Donbas. So the level of being mad,while higher, was always high to start with. The one point I have problems with is on the economy. Donbas (and all Novorossia) isn’t Haiti or South Sudan,etc. They were the economic heartland of pre-maidan Ukraine. And all Novorossia was around 60% or better, of Ukraine’s industrial economy. With Donbas being a big chunk of that.They have a very high standard of education. And are an industrious modern population.Without war and shelling destroying everything they build ,it wouldn’t be that long before they can overcome most of their economic problems.Certainly at the very start they would need aid. But how much above what they get now is unknown. Russia provides a lot of humanitarian aid. And if ,as many say,also military aid.Without the war and destruction going on. Those sums could go to purely economic aid.And as the economy builds back those sums could cease altogether. Besides Donbas itself remember ,Kharkov was/is a great industrial center. And the Black Sea’s Northern coast (with Odessa) is ,except for Crimea,fully within Novorossia.So I’m not one of those that believe Ukraine (if freed of fascists),or Novorossia by itself if need be,is doomed to an economic black hole.I think that the freed Ukraine,or a separate Novorossia could/would join the Eurasian Economic Union. And with those other members fulfill its destiny of economic progress.During the Soviet days Ukraine was one of,if not “the” most industrialized part of the USSR.It took the corrupt oligarchs 23 years of looting to undermine most of that.Without them,and tied to Russia,it could return to prosperity. One point too worth remembering is that in pre-maidan times,China wanted to invest heavily into Ukraine. With a pro-Russian government in power ,its very likely they would invest again.And how much are all these new pipelines going to end up costing Russia. Even if they are ever really fully built. A pro-Russian Ukraine would be a much easier and safer transit route. Instead of worrying about Erdogan “really” agreeing to a Turk Stream.And if an undersea pipeline if ever really built to Bulgaria. While the Nordstream 2 looks promising. There are Russophobes still working to stop it. So its not certain it will be completed.All in all,without the junta. And either a pro-Russian Ukraine. Or a pro-Russian Novorossia instead.That region would do well.Its only a black hole with fascist Russophobes ruling the land.
I believe some of the road repairs in the Donbass were paid for by Russia, including the one from Uspenka (border) towards Donetsk. When I travelled on it in Oct 2015, there were potholes all over the road, so much so, it was literally like a slalom, and the taxi driver went so far to the right, that he scraped the side of his car on branches jutting out. Now it has been re-surfaced.
“Even if they are ever really fully built. A pro-Russian Ukraine would be a much easier and safer transit route.”
Constant problems with oil flowing through Ukraine to Europe is the main reason for wanting the South Stream in the first place. I.e., to bypass Ukraine altogether.
Of course, things could change, but I believe all eaerlier Uraine regimes, including Tymoshenko’s, were oil grabbers and holdup artists.
It’s a gas pipeline in both cases, Ukraine and South Stream, now Turkish Stream.
Before Maidan, Ukraine was a competitor of Germany. I wouldn’t expect to see the Germans being thrilled to have Ukraine in the EU. As I understand it, many of the engineers and technicians moved from Novorossia to Russia, to continue manufacturing; there may be a dearth of skilled workers remaining. To recover their manufacturing in Ukraine, they would need alot of capital. Joining the Eu would only entrap Ukraine spiraling down the debt-toilet.
@ larry
Ukraine was a competitor to Germany? That is larrious all right! Do you know what? I may have a tall tower in Paris to sell to you.
In the unimaginable world where that was the case, Germany would indeed try to get that competitor into the block because, without protection barriers, Germany would smother any industry in Ukraine in the blink of an eye. As it happened, Germany did indeed worked openly to draw Ukraine from the Russian orbit, but not because it feared a competitor, because there was no competition at all, but to destroy whatever industry survived from the Soviet era, and expand the captive markets for its manufacturers. That’s what has happened to most industries in the other UE countries.
Just read this from the bullshitting OSCE: ‘In Donetsk city a funeral ceremony for Mikhail Tolstykh (also known as Givi) took place. Traffic in the centre of the city was blocked for four hours during the day for the proceedings, which were attended by hundreds [sic] of people.’ –
OSCE is festooned with European and Canadian Ukie Nazis. Expect the worst from them.
We all know that Nazism was defeated in war but not extinguished. Europe is the native womb of nazism and it spawns them generation after generation.
Just another one of the very many International organizations dedicated to Russophobia.
Has anybody looked at OSCE as a possible nest of subversives guilty in Givi’ death?
Well, he is a diplomat but Lavrov said this:
“In this connection, I would like to note the effective work of Martin Sajdik, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office to the Trilateral Contact Group, which is maintaining dialogue between the conflicting parties — Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk — in order to deal with the practical aspects of a settlement. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine is playing a major stabilising role.”
Feb. 5, interview with Austrian weekly newsmagazine, Profil
@Ralph – I swear I could stick a knife in these OSCE liars. Until this war, I had never heard of the OSCE but have grown so sick of their steady stream of bullshit that they infuriate me. I see the contacts below the report are both in Kiev.
Now that you’ve brought them up, I’ve often wondered why in the hell LDPR & Russia even lend them any credibility by allowing them to operate in Donbass. If a genuine monitoring mission is wanted, why not create their own? Maybe recruit monitors from everywhere that isn’t the AngloZionist world, which is many countries. I think it’s a huge mistake for Russia and Novorussiya to play ball with any western institutions because all of those institutions were created to serve the interests of the AngloZionists. It’s a stacked deck, always against whomever the NWO happens to be against. I’m always floored that anyone not in the NWO club would be willing to submit to these institutions – especially their kangaroo courts. The OSCE is a useless farce that continually insults our intelligence and the victims of AngloZionist/NWO machinations. They should be kicked out, yesterday.
The OSCE are supposed to receive 10,000 euro a month in (tax-free) expenses whilst in Ukraine. That would be on top of their generous internationalist salary (also tax free). For reference, NATO recently advertised for a security-cleared stores manager at $150,000 a year. tax free. They are not going to rock the boat and lose all that lovely loot. This war is a nice little earner for some.
Unless it’s an example of ‘false memory’, I remember that this phrase was pronounced: ‘The release of Savchenko and her return to Ukraine, is the poisoned chalice offered to Porko by the Russians”. Maybe I fantasize. I am sure that once I quipped that EUSA would demand Russia to stand up to her duty to fix the mess and pay for the ‘reconstruction’.
It must be mentioned that these imbeciles known as Ukronazis have been in existence since world war II. They are basically people from Galicia which has a truly different mentality from the rest of Ukraine. They now say that they are from Lviv. Yes these people with their shrunken brains have only thrived on pure hate and evil. This is even spread by their catholic priests who want jews, blacks, Russians and orthodox Ukrainians murdered. This evil has manifested itself even more when Ukraine became a country. The Oligarchs that run Ukraine have stolen everything, corruption is a way of life. The country had 50 million people at the beginning and now people are fleeing at light speed. At the present there is no future whatsoever until this disease is removed from the confines of Ukraine. The oligarchs must be arrested and prosecuted, their wealth removed and restored to the country. Corruption must stop immediately and those who persist must be jailed. Laws must be passed in order to bring peace and prosperity to everyone.
Until drastic action is implemented the idea of Ukraine is dead and will not return under any reason. This is where Russia must take control of the situation and remove this parasite forever and ultimately for the people period. After the forceful removal of the Ukronazis, Ukraine can can cleanse the rest of this parasitic virus and have true help from places that will institute the goodness of life that we all desire and need.
All one needs to observe is the total destruction of Ukraine by these evil ignorant leaders that have raped and plundered the country and people of Ukraine. They even started a war where brother murders brother. Where there is so much hate towards the people of Donbass.
The time has come where Ukraine is in desperate need of help. Russia do your part and help these people because nobody else will.
About Givi and MSM lies. It was reported that 2000 people paid their last respects. Particularly after looking at the Colonel’s photos, I wondered. DAN had reported on the 10th a massive participation of some 55000. On reflection, I wondered if people had paid their last respects and then, because it was so cold, had gone indoors somewhere nearby. It seems to me that this was just one more case of the Western aim of disparaging the Donbass led to under-reporting and half-truth. Anyone who stayed until the funeral procession saw a mass of people filling the street.
re: “Either way, the Russian/Novorussian patience appears to have reached its limit.”
Sure, but what has changed? This article could have been written many times over the last two or three years. A real change would be if Moscow decided to start “removing” important players in Kiev. Or perhaps changing its positions with oligarchs in places like Kharkov and the Donbass. Or building the NAF to the point where it could push the UAF back.
And many of us doubt the idea that the current unhappiness in the Ukraine will lead to its implosion that soon. Poroshenko could be replaced by Tymoshenko with the usual “hope and change”. And more of the elderly would freeze to death and more Ukrainians would leave. I have met many in Asia in the last year or so, a lot more than two or three years ago.
I got plenty of criticism here for arguing that many commenters were wearing rose-colored glasses a couple of years ago. Cold winters and starving pensioners and hatred of Poroshenko probably won’t win this war for Moscow. No matter what the TV broadcasts in Russia. Isn’t a simpler bet that there will be a new Transdenistria for some time? Both the Ukraine and the Donbass Transdenistria would have lousy economies for a decade or so, but the EU, Russia, and the US might have other priorities and there is no possible resolution to the current mess.
Everyone who has commented here should be reading Donetsk New Agency DAN. It doesn’t matter who else knows it – the people of the republics know the alternative to defense is their own genocide. They also know they have to win the peace. Since its start, DAN has reported their efforts: Russian agencies have sent tractors, tons of seed, schoolbooks, building materials, etc. The DNR government has helped individuals start businesses, has rebuilt homes, built completely new homes, rebuilt kindergartens, etc. With help from Russian groups they have sent their children to summer camps. In Donetsk they rebuilt places like the swimming/fun park. Last summer the government and citizens initiated outdoor fairs and markets. Several hundreds of volunteers last year reported on stores to get them to keep their prices fair. The government has brought back almost a thousand factories and businesses.
Before trump talked with poroshenko on the phone, he had a meeting with tymoshenko.
Trump tells Ukrainian politician he won’t lift Russia sanctions
Ukraine hammered in Avdeevka as Trump meets Tymoshenko
Obviously poroshenko is history as far as the trump regime is concerned. When trump refused meeting poroshenko last Autumn, that much was clear. Perhaps trump’s meet with tymoshenko was to discuss her replacing poroshenko, or find out her ideas on who to replace him with? It looks to me the trump regime wants a hardliner quisling in the Ukraine, there is no reports of the trump regime meeting any of the sane people in the Ukraine, nor with any Novorussians.
I doubt poroshenko initiated the recent escalation of attacks on Novorussia on his own initiative. My guess is israel-america initiated it (with trump being fully involved) through their nazi proxies, by passing poroshenko. The purpose being to create the way for poroshenko’s replacement and keep a negative view of Russia facilitated in the zio-gay media.
Rather than the ukie attacks being poroshenko desperately trying to garner support from trump, I see this as the trump regime working to both replace poroshenko with somebody more loyal and reliable and covertly keep the pr smear heat on Russia. Poroshenko can only come out in worse political shape than before and zio-gay media is making sure their western captive audience, at least in the usa, is only seeing smears about Russia regarding the ukronazi aggression.
As for savchenko, I remember her being with the nazis, the israeloamerican’s most reliable operators there. She was probably operating from the angle of aiding her nazi buds by bad mouthing poroshenko. It’s also possible she was tasked by her israeloamerican handlers to say it as part of the work to discredit poroshenko.
There are no economic reasons why Russia should not take over Ukraine. Ukraine is Russia, Russians are tough, the Russians in Ukraine can fix up their territory themselves, all they need is a little assistance in sorting out the Nato, AngloZionist and Nazi elements in their midst, in that order.
There are also no political reasons why Russia should not take over Ukraine. Russia has already been called a warmongering rogue nation, a threat to world “peace”, Russia has had sanctions imposed on her, her athletes prevented from competing in the Olympics, etc, etc. So what more can the “International” law do to Russia what they haven’t done already. The only thing extra that the “International” law could do to Russia is to officially declare war on Russia, but its not like the “International” law is not unofficially already at war with Russia anyway.
So neither economic nor political considerations prevent Russia from taking over Ukraine. There is only one reason why Russia should not take over Ukraine: Russian tactics are working so well already, why change them. Wait for the US, EU and Nato to collapse while the Russian economy and military is growing from strength to strength, and then Ukraine is part of Russia again, qed.
Decaying Ukraine also means decaying nuclear power plants and next nuclear sites. Nazi freaks regularly threat with construction of “dirty bombs” and nobody should take it recklessly. International protection of these sites could be good starting point for UNSC resolution on Ukraine. In this question, Europe will be forced to blink first – prevailing winds over Ukraine are westwards, Chernobyl experience.
Why all the references to Trump?
He has not demonstrated in deed any departure from the obama policies.
It really casts doubt on the rest of what you assume is going on.
There is no evidence that anything has changed because of Trump.
Another analysis Putinists claim that Putin is strategizing decades ahead; he has presided over the creation of over 100 dollar billionaires since 2000 and has brought Russia below wages of Romania and the GDP of Italy. Moreover, he and his oligarchic training are running out of time or against one notable deadline–the next presidential elections due in March 2013. What does this mean for Donbass?
Yes, Russia’s presidential elections are already around the corner–officially scheduled for March of 2018 with some possibility of holding them early. In this situation, the previous ostensible freezing of the Donbass conflict is running now against the next fork in the road.
The ostensible freezing and containment of the conflictin Donbass gave the Kremlin time to remove or liquidate key Novorossiya leaders and supporters or give their names to Kiev (if they were on the territory of Ukraine) and also time to try to break down the spirit of the people of Donbass by assigning them back to Kiev in the Minsk agreements anyway and by crushing them with the help of Kiev’s constant shelling and abject economic and social misery.
In this situation, even though the Kremlin will try its best to make the Russians forget the Russians in Donbass and the Minsk capitulation deal, the issue can disrupt and upset the happy management of the election campaign, its debates and the even happier yet another falsification of the ballot tallies.
Even less welcome would be protracting the Donbass crisis and then having it explode right in the middle or before the election.
Of course, for the Kremlin (from the point of view of its oligarchic anti-national interests), the best would be if Donbass surrendered “voluntarily” itself. But for that to happen, the Kiev regime has showed no willingness to help with any face-saving measures, which has been added unto the Minsk deals (decentralization, amnesty, constitutional reform …).
So the Kremlin might have well concluded that it has some six months to come up within the next six months with some creative idea of how to make Donbass go back to its “native harbor” of the Banderite regime and I do bet that the Kremlin hopes a lot that the new US administration will save its partners and (double) agents in making this happen.
The other option would be, of course, just to “secretly” ask Kiev to do all that by force, while keeping most of the heavy weapons of the militia safely stored and withdrawn as before under the control of OSCE and while giving as much intelligence and help as possible to Putin’s “partners” and Putin’s “best choice or chance” in the form of Poroshenko and his team.
El Murid
“El Murid” is always stirring discontent against Putin. Definite five columnist and zionist stooge.
@Anonymous: Belief or knowledge?
What he says about Oligarchs and about low income cannot be denied on a facts basis.
I really wished it could be denied, but it cannot. The next question: Why is Putin still happy with this economic ideology that lead to the current situation?
As a follow-up one might ask everyone here the same.
But most armchair experts here haven’t even ever visited Russia.
Putin took over a sinking ship.
He didn’t build the ship. He didn’t put holes into its hull.
He didn’t steer the ship onto the rocks.
He saved the ship and all the people on the ship.
He now has the people building a fine new ship.
Forces nearby and around the glove are trying to sink the new ship.
What theory is he operating the new ship that resembles the old theory?
Facts matter. 16 years later Russia is a superpower. It was a failed and disintegrating shell when he took over. It was being robbed blind by oligarchs and criminals. Its people were sullen and drunk and committing suicide and the birth rate was negative.
Putin reversed all the negatives. He has not eliminated all the problems.
But they were 84 years in the making. Consider the mess the RF was and the enemies it has internally and externally, he is a miracle worker.
All the rest of the criticism is carping and ideological bloviating.
He provided a clear mind and patriotism and inspired the nation to wake up and work on itself.
Russia has the best leadership team in the world. Find a quartet like Putin, Shoigu, Lavrov and Rogozin.
And they have another decade of work to do to clean up much more of what is still lingering and harming the nation.
He is a practical man, a master at strategy, an adept at tactics, and a balanced President whose citizens approve with 85% ratings.
Sadly, he’s not tall. If he was 6’3′, he would be ‘perfect’. (I kid you.)
Agree with every word Larchmonter – and well said. It’s all so true.
Well, except the last line.
Although I know you are kidding, it’s based on the attempts made by some in the MSM to try to reduce Putin’s standing by referring to his height, Stupid as that is
You see, if was 6’3″ – he wouldn’t’ be ‘perfect’, but now he is – to me.
I have to be careful saying this as I’m sure there are many very tall men out there – so please, dont take it personally [I also have over 6′ brother and son too], but I never found tall men very pleasing or attractive. I found more medium sized men – even short ones like jockey’s, – carried an ….. intensity? Yes, an intensity, a sort of burning in them, which intrigued, challenged and attracted me – very much. Very tall men seem slow by comparison.
So you see – Putin indeed IS, ‘perfect”. :-)
Who brought Putin to the power, and why?Putin ensured that, indeed, no radical/politically “deviant” Russian
politician would come to power in post-Soviet Russia, and, in his controversial yet, to
a large extent, effective way, he contained the Russian mob. In fact, if we assume, as I
do, that Putin did not want to enter Russian politics or did not act in the way he did. The real owners of Putin and all those Rotenberg it was Chubais, it was Nechayev, it was Friedman, it was Abramovich – all of those who in the 90’s put forward the slogan “Protect the new Russia from the Communists can only be strong and the evil unscrupulous class of owners-the capitalists (bandits) under the control of the KGB-FSK-FSB.The Russia oligarchy had not a choice than to give some peanuts to the Russian people and to play the card of pseudo-patriotism, or radical/politically “deviant” Russian will come in power and will start the katharsis of the cancer cells from the Yeltsin´s era.Putin gave amnesty to the nineties mafia wich looted the Russian wealth and genocided the Russians.If not come the katharsis from the Yeltsin’s era, Russia will never be an independent state.
@ Kirov
You (and El Murid) may be rightfully entitled to question certain policies by looking at outcomes, but here our perceptions are informed by our belief that Mr Putin is next to infallible and any doubts are pure heresy.
However, some keep on asking the same glaring question because it is within the capacity of Russia to lend a helping hand to Novorussia’s desire to secede from Ukraine, and that can be done without much opposition in spite of the usual flack from the MSM. Many here also remember that Russia has forcefully intervened diplomatically on two occasions (Minsk I, Minsk II) when the ATO forces were corralled in the two cauldrons ready for the “coup de grace” and the Novorussians close to widen their territory to include all Donbass.
There are indeed some gaps in our understanding of the reasons for many events as they slide before our eyes. All we can do is to speculate using the facts on the ground as the foundation for our reasoning, not to be clouded by our beliefs.
Does anybody want some fun ripping this idiot’s argument to shreads about the Donbass? Don’t you just love a ‘professor’ calling people who were born there, Russian invaders [sic]:
Left column will enable you to read reader comments.
Saker or Scott or Auslander etc, you’d easily be able to trash him, and I would too, but I think I can’t be bothered to waste time on him, maybe you will not consider it a waste.
P.S. The US Declaration of Independence should be used by the Donbass republics against the USA as hypocritical if they can’t use something similar for legitimacy.
“…then places upon Russia the burden of re-building Novorussia. That, in fact, is something which neither Putin, nor most Russian, want. They are afraid of being tricked into taking Ukrainian territory under Russian control only to find out, as international law clearly mandates, that any occupying force is responsible for the administration of the territory under its control. The Russians feel that they are not the ones who created this bloody mess and that they therefore ought not to be the ones paying to fix it. They also know that the comparatively small Russian economy simply cannot shoulder such a financial burden.”
The Russians should FINALLY realize their responsibilities towards their own people. Besides, many outside Russia, particularly in Europe hope and believe in Russia. If Russia cannot help a little enclave of its own brethren at its border, then the “Russian world” itself is a lost cause.
In short dear Russians-man up and do what must be done! Enough with the whining, the “why can’t we be friends/partners?” and the numerous pathetic excuses already! The cost of protecting and (re)building Novorossia should not be estimated in rubles but as a necessity if the Russian World is to survive as a distinct and free civilization. Otherwise, go back to the good old golden years of the 90s..
@ Drinas
Indeed. But you raised the bar a bit too high for the current Kremlin crop. I wonder whether has been a poll among the Russian population to determine to what extent they would favour bringing the Donbass into Mother Russia’s lap. Any help?
Very good analysis!
A few weeks ago, the British government acknowledged that their SAS were operating inside Ukraine.
Given the spate of sabotage and assassination operations, it seems that US/UK/Israel are positioned to wage a long war against Russia, with Ukraine as its battlefield, using tactics that are now described as 4th Generation warfare. Artillery bombardments and front-line engagements make excellent cover for infiltration/exfiltration operations.
A potent subversive force has been developed and deployed within the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. The chances, that the rebels will collapse before Ukraine does, are much greater than the Saker appreciates.
Two Ukro-Nazi reconnaisance groups have disappeared without trace in the last few days. One in Lugansk and the second near Mariupol. Both have failed to establish routine contact with base. Possibly DNR/LNR forces have received relaxed rules of engagement? I doubt the Ukro-Nazis have defecte like numerous other regular Ukrainian troops.
Imagine that. Wonder ‘whose’ recon didn’t come home. Be nice to have a few Brit speakers in the victory parade, whenever that may be.
LOL! I really enjoyed that!
Yup…and we ” know” ?? such a presence in Syrian region too as posted the other day how Ukraine has learned ancient techniques of seige warfare from the West… Donbass is a “training ground” to build up experience and experiment any technique against Russia and their military techniques, because Donbass seems to be forgotten in the West….so, where else will these techniques be consequentially applied one wonders..waiting for the next Russian elections to be effective….???..Nato will do everything “legal” and subversive to get its forces permanently in Ukraine…..which called for its own nuclear arsenal just like the EU the other day……just because Nato needs to fulfill its own sense of importance……it is or could try to expand its wish list to protect what it perceives as it’s own perspective of ” democracy”, hence so much about Russian hacking etc….will northern Baltic countries eventually join…Sweden Norway etc….the drive is still relentless against Russia, and to make powerless any government that does not go along with its wishes.What we have seen so far by Nato positioning so far eg Baltics, Rumania etc is symbolically gestural but is all practice, rehearsal to create tension to beseige Russia, hence posturing against Russian fleets and planes in international waters and airspace.Even should joint actions be taken against Isis this will never be seen as a game changer to reverse Russophobia, nor will Russia be given credit for its seems are open offers to work together against a common foe,trouble spots in far east are of no consequence to the west only if useful to expose Russia to further pressure and opportunities against it.Feeling pessimistic today.Hope to be proved wrong.
Vladimir Solyvov programme recently apparently expressed the sentiments referred to above maybe there is a link with subtitles somewhere…….as someone else posted…..90,000 groups plus a call up mobilisation against Donbass with a powerless OSCE……surely that sounds familiar to me but cannot quite place that feeling..,hmmm.
Don’t underestimate the SAS. Whilst I find it sick that my countrymen are involved in an illegal and immoral operation against those in the Donbass and hope that justice prevails, the SAS have much experience in these sort of operations and are usually very successful. My hope is that they can be located and neutralised rapidly without further loss of life…
Yes, the Brits view any conflict as a potential laboratory and training exercise for their SF.
Hi Arthur,
Yes it’s true there was a noticeable article in the Small Wars Journal describing assassinations as a useful tactic for Kiev to try to separate the LDNR leadership from the people, accompanied by propaganda of course that the Russians/Novorossiyans are all killing their own leaders (eg ‘Putin fears witnesses against him in the Hague blah blah — of course no UkroNazi like Avakov or Parubiy need fear being put on trial for the Maidan sniper murders or mass murder at the Odessa Trades Union Building etc). The article was written by an Army Maj. by the name of Duenas I believe, and I would be most curious if this individual may’ve had relatives in Central America say in El Salvador who worked for CIA death squads that employed similar tactics against pro-Sandanistas in that country.
However the obvious problem with such tactics, as one commenter had the temerity to point out, is that they can go both ways. CIA clearly doesn’t seem to care if the colonel general commanding ‘ATO’ dies of a heart attack in his office, they can always insist it was stress and natural causes until a Ukie SBU or Nazi battalion commander gets Shmel’d in his own offices. For now if there is tit for tat vengeance underway for the assassinations of Motorola and Givi it’s being done in a plausibly denied manner.
Since CIA/NATO could care less about Ukie cannon fodder even higher ranking, the real asymmetrical warfare move for NAF spetsnaz would be to take out the so-called ‘NATO Foreign Legionnaires’ who thought they were safely behind the lines. Then leaking to pro-Russia media online the identities of Croats, former French Foreign Legionnaires, or Carl Bildt’s Swedish Gladio 2.0 goons killed in Mariupol or Kharkov, even though pro-Kiev propaganda have denied, denied denied that there are any mercenaries fighting for the UAF and insisted they’re all unpaid (by anyone other than the Ukrainian Interior Ministry) volunteers.
There was at least one incident in 2015 where a Swedish friend of Mikael Skillt’s is said to have died in a car accident, drunken driving allegedly. While drunkenness is rampant in Ukie battalions I’ve still wondered if the Swede actually got shot in the back while staggering home drunk one night by a member of the Mariupol Novorossiya underground.
Thanks, Kulak.
I agree that it would be most appropriate for acts of sabotage and assassinations to be put upon the key members of the Kiev Government, given that these tactics have been used against the rebel-held areas of Donetsk and Luhansk.
However, I expect that foreign experts in this type of warfare are expending a great deal of their expertise and resources in an effort to prevent the NAF (and the Russians, for that matter) from gaining much success.
Nyet Dushi
Putin is in the best position ever right now to drive the Nazis out of Novorussia proper. If Trump responds on behalf of Ukraine, he will only do what he is told by the Neo-cons with investments there.
Instead of writing ‘The Art of the Deal’ Trump might have been wise to familiarize himself with Geo-politics 101.
Now he is surrounded by a noisy and ruthless bunch of dual citizens, spirit cookers, human trafficking specialists, oil thieves, human organ dealers, pedophiles and other assorted swamp dwellers whose current number 1 priority is to save their own skins – by knocking him out of the White House. Dead or alive.
Interesting times ahead.
The Minsk Agreements take for granted a unified Ukrainian state with some autonomy ceded to the breakaway oblasts in the East, namely, Donetsk and Lugansk. Does anyone seriously expect that this one will fly? Given the hatred animosity and splllage of blood, a complete secession from Ukraine of the two oblasts seems to be the only realistic option. If Russia (or should I way Putin) thinks he can force the two republics into a united Ukraine I would suggest he thinks again. He would be in the same position as when the British faced with home rule in Ireland a move which precipitated an armed rebellion from the loyalist/protestant majority in Ulster who did not want to become part of and independent and hated Irish catholic Republic in the south. Ireland remains divided to this day.
Does anyone imagine that Don Bass people would stand for being ruled from Kiev? The blue and yellow standard being erected in Donetsk’s Lenin Square? This really stretches political credulity to breaking point.
Unless of course, the supposed ‘federal solution’ actually means a DE FACTO secession of the two republics. That seems a more viable political possibility. If and when this takes place there will be intense regional strains on the Ukraine. Starting with the areas around Kharkov in the north, Odessa in the south and possibly Zapharozia and Dnepropetrovsk. Additionally, a weak Kiev central government means that oblasts in the west of the country might wish to secede.
Time will tell.
Don’t ask blind Putin followers such questions which make sense.
For that they don’t have a response, other than that Putin knows what he is doing and look how smart this one was once again.
I was for Putin for a long time and still I’m not against him.
But one should never stop asking questions and to process facts in the own head, rather than always saying amen, our wonderful leader will decide it all, amen.
That is the point of the political solution. To allow the Novorossians to act in a peaceful, legal manner. That now would inevitably mean secession and a vote to join the RF – all nice and legal, which is why the Anglo-Zionists are fighting tooth and nail to prevent this peaceful solution. The other unknown is how far the split would go. Carpathia is seriously looking towards Hungary. Maybe Poland can have its Galicia back? Then if the south and east (politically/culturally similar) vote to join the RF, Ukraine would finally gain its nationhood as a rump state based around Kiev.
A dream that would possibly satisfy the various groups with the exception of the oligarchs and the Neo-Nazis.
“Pro-Russian” Steinmeier Elected German President; Putin Delighted
Germany’s former “pro-Russian” foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was elected as the country’s next president on Sunday. Steinmeier, a Social Democrat who had served as foreign minister until last month, won 931 of the 1,239 valid votes by lawmakers of Germany’s 16 federal states.
I’m sure how “pro-Russian” he is. In the West it seems today if you are not totally “anti-Russian” then you are classed as “pro-Russian”. Not the way I see it at all. But regardless of that. In Germany,as in many countries in Europe (and a few others in the World) the role of “President” is more a ceremonial position. Instead of one with much in the way of real power.What would count, is if a “pro-Russian”,instead of an “anti-Russian”,was Chancellor of Germany.
Right. Actually, it is much better to say “anti-Putin” than “anti-Russian” and “Putin versteher- one who understands Putin” than “pro-Russian” in the actual German political terminology. They were very well pro-Russian in the Jeltsin times.
Here are Putin’s words from the website:
“The Russian President expressed confidence that Mr Steinmeier’s work as President of Germany will promote Russia-German relations and efficient cooperation in various sectors in the interests of the citizens of both nations, in line with reinforcing stability and security on the European continent and globally.”
“Vladimir Putin confirmed Russia’s interest in maintaining further dialogue concerning pressing issues of the bilateral and international agenda, and invited Frank-Walter Steinmeier to visit Russia at any time convenient for him.”
I can’t find the link right now, but I read an analysis (by a Russian scholar) recently that addressed Steinmeier’s stance with respect to Russian relations.
He is a true disciple of Egon Bahr, SPD politician who created “Ostpolitik”. As Ostpolitik calls for normalisation of relations with Eastern European countries and with Russia through rapprochement, so does Steinmeier. He does appear to be an avid believer in this methodology, and a stalwart, totally dedicated SPD member. He appears to work relentlessly to carry forward the legacy of Bahr and of former Chancellor Willy Brandt. So he’s not so much pro or anti Russian, as he is intensely, immovably pro-Ostpolitik (and pro-SPD).
Beyond that, I don’t know. :-)
Steinmeier the owl (nothing against cute owls, but he is a shame for owls) is a pro-western opportunist slimebag.
He was in Kiev on February22nd 2014 and signed the deal with Yanukovich.
Later on never defended the Truth regarding how it all was in Ukraine.
So much my analysis straigt from Berlin.
He isn’t much better than Joachim Gauck.
BTW he got appointed, not elected. That’s modern democracy a la FRG or EU.
Mentioning Steinmeier in a sentence with Brandt and Bahr is a disgrace to the legacy of those legendary politicians. Shortly after (23.04.2014) the referendum on Crimea Fabius and Steinmeier visited Georgia and Moldova. Both countries – at least some of their influential politicians – aspire to become members of the European Union and NATO. So, why did Fabius and Steinmeier visit both countries? Was it to prepare association agreements (which also include military corporation) or was it to prepare contracts for closer ties with NATO?
To sum it up: Steinmeier is a backstabber and a lousy actor. Does anyone remember his reaction to the news of the captured (so called OSCE member) officer of the German military? His act was even worse than the act of US politicians responding to showing captured US military personnel on Iraqi TV – without the hoods, shackles, etc. the US is usually utilizes for humiliating their prisoners.
Another example for bad actors (the injured woman is real, the rest of the story is fake):
rescue hoax:
BBC proves rescue was a hoax:
According to Occam’s razor principle, the simplest scenario is the most likely to occur. Given the current financial, economic and moral crisis of the Nazi-regime in Kiev and the withdrawal of all support from the new Trump administration and also from the frustrated EU for Ukraine, the most likely scenario is the imminent collapse of the regime. What will happen after that is a full anarchy, but even any resemblance of an ordered governance in Kiev in the coming “smutni” (murky) times must obey to the Minsk agreement which is an international treaty.
The new weak post-poroshenko government in Kiev will have no choice but to implement this treaty to the full extent which will include a new constitution and a real autonomy for Novorussia. Russia and Kremlin know that and they have the proverbial patience to wait for better times when history will play into their hands. That is why there is no urgent need for them to do anything particular now but to contain the military hostilities at the demarcation line. The just indignation of the Russian people regarding the assassination of Novorussian leaders won’t change anything in this official political attitude of Kremlin. This strategy has always worked well in the past and the Russian diplomats are masters in this game.
As never before has Russia all the trumps in its hands and it only needs to play them with great caution and dexterity to achieve a favourable resolution of the frozen civil war in Ukraine and a return to normalcy that will again open new venues for cooperation with Ukraine, especially on the background of the rapid dissolution of the EU and the broader anti-establishment insurgencies of the masses in Eastern Europe such as in Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, supported by Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia etc. Forget Poland and the Baltic republics for a moment, whereas an U-turn of Poland to more pragmatism is always to be expected from this country that is a master of survival and has overcome three partitions and disappearances from the political map in its past history.
The driving force behind this positive change will be a significant shift in the collective awareness of the Ukrainian people against aggression and conflict that has brought only destruction to the country towards more tolerance as currently personified by Savchenko. And do not forget the occurrence of some positive surprises that will facilitate the peaceful process in Ukraine and are not on the list of most agnostic experts and readers of this website.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
Ukrainian Border Guards Hard at Work…Confiscating Commemorative Ribbons
“Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service proudly reported on its haul of ‘dangerous contraband’ on Sunday. According to officials, a Moldovan national in a Dacia Logan attempted to cross into Ukraine with a package of 25 ribbons of St. George in his glove box on Saturday.
Caught, the man tried to explain to the border officials that the ribbons were a gift he received in Russia during the regular campaign ahead of Victory Day, and that he simply forgot about them.
Local law enforcement were informed about the incident, and the man was barred entry, and banned from coming into Ukraine for a period of three years.”
Can one imagine the shock and horror felt by the orc border guards at such a seemingly routine check? Surely some israeli-new york lawyer could get a u.s. kangaroo court to help the poor sods get restitution from the evil Russophile Moldovan monster?
Well written
My Amerikan govt. doesn’t rebuild anything anywhere even in Amerika. The govt. here and the friends in the Merchants of Death only destroy countries.
The one and only option is – regime in Kiev steps down. There is no other solution, and there will be no other solution. So be it. Say, three months. Ok. six, maximum.
A false flag would work nicely in Donbass for Ukros/Neocons/Zio/CIA. On a recent article that used Amely Rose’s MH17 artwork as a heading I posed a question seeking a technical answer. The answers were all very good but didn’t answer the technical question.
A single BUK launcher can target local low flying aircraft but cannot hit aircraft at 10,000 meters without the use of the larger long-range radar on another dedicated BUK vehicle and yet another BUK vehicle acting as a command post.
This is my understanding thus far.
Would it be possible to allow a pre-configured Ukro BUK launcher to get captured and then use a slow moving large Ukro Antonov transport as a honey-pot? The transport need not know they are bait.
Donbass launches the captured BUK missile at the Antonov but the Ukro long-range BUK radar and command post redirects it to an innocent airliner diverted overhead as before.
Has anyone discussed this theory and is it technically possible? Technical answer please from anyone that understands the BUK system.
No smoke trail = no buk
Please re-read; I am speaking of a future scenario. Future.
Well, nothing in the way of an answer. Not a peep. Perhaps I can find an alternative career writing bad scripts for schlock Hollywood movies?
When discussing the economic problems of Ukraine and/or Novorossia/Donbas,its important to think of 1945. At that time almost all of Ukraine,Belarus,Moldova,the Baltic States,and Western Russia,were a smoking ruin.Twenty-seven million people had been killed,and millions more injured, during the war.Almost every city and village had suffered horribly.Some of them totally destroyed.Railroad tracks and train stock ,dams,roads,farm land and equipment,many or most factories in that vast area,burned out or blown up.And millions of men and many women,were in the military.Not able to quickly return to civilian life.While yesterday’s “allies” were showing themselves to be tomorrows enemies.The reconstruction of all that fell mostly on Russia’s shoulders. A Russia that herself had suffered great destruction.The Central Asian and Caucasian Republics of the USSR contributed to help certainly.But Russia was by far the largest Republic in the USSR, and had to bare the “lions share” in the reconstruction work. There was no rich China in the wings to help with aid back then.There was no intact Russia back then to help with aid.Since all Western Russia was in the same dire straights. And yet,with no outside aid.With just the muscle and sweat of the people they rebuilt that country. They rebuilt Ukraine,Belarus,Moldova,the Baltic States,and Western Russia.When those countries were at least a 100 times more damaged than is Ukraine today.They knew it was the “right” thing to do. They knew back then that if it wasn’t done those countries would be “ripe” for foreign agents to infiltrate and gain support.They knew Ukraine and Belarus (at least) were fellow “Rus” and needed their aid.
Another good example was Eastern Germany (the DDR). Not only did it suffer the same type of war damage the USSR had. But they had to resettle several million ethnic Germans from further East.And in pre-war Germany,except for parts of Saxony,and Berlin,those regions had been the poorest in united Germany.They also had almost no outside aid (except for small amounts of Soviet aid,very small). At yet with all that. And again only the muscle and sweat of her people. The DDR was by the beginning of the 1980’s the 9th largest industrial country in the World. Let these facts sink in for a minute. The rebuilding of the USSR and Eastern Germany (we won’t even talk about similar feats in other Eastern Bloc countries),was done “by themselves”. Through their own hard work they rebuilt those lands.The problem today for Ukraine/Novorossia/Donbas,is not the “ability” to rebuild. Its the corruption of oligarchs. And the “political will” to do so.I can imagine Russians from back then,if alive today. Smiling with a sarcastic grin and thinking, ” I wish rebuilding yesterday’s Ukraine would have been as easy as it would be to rebuild today’s Ukraine”.
I like your code more and more, Uncle Bob 1
Regards from East-Berlin …
@ Uncle Bob
You have once again shown your ability to look at the whole picture from a historical perspective and show the fallacy of current arguments. The image you paint is staring at us and its simplicity tells all the facts one needs to know to form a rational conclusion.
Of course, the reconstruction of the western USSR was a Herculean task for a devastated land bigger than the whole of Western Europe. Yet, some people quibble at a misery effort to help their Donbass brethren!
The difference is the ideological underpinnings: socialist man and co-operation vs capitalist man and individualism; social conscience vs egocentric self-absorption; solidarity vs antagonism; sharing vs cupidity.
My saying exactly! But isnt’t communism hated by …
Don’t certain groups claim communism destroyed Russia, rather than the destruction of communism destroyed Russia … ?
You might want to read the opening comments from the recent roundtable of the Izborsk Club. There is a strong case that Russia is falling in the world in terms of economics and industry and that the elite simply don’t remember the lessons of a hundred years ago. They can find a hundred times more money for the World Cup than for R&D. Putin and his very competent advisors can maneuver on the global stage quite well, but you have to ask how long a country with a second-tier industry can be a first-rate country. You also have to ask why the Russian government has pursued such a pro-Western/liberal course in economics and finance for so long. The explanations for why nothing has been done are getting old. Perhaps a better explanation is that they didn’t want to change things and they just wanted to use the difficulty in changing things as a reason to support them. “They are fighting for you.” This BS is used in politics regularly, such as US Republicans saying they are against Obamacare when they don’t actually want to do anything and be responsible for it; they just want a political weapon to sucker the masses.
Hi, Paul II,
it may interest you that your link is working, yes, but the content can be read only for a second or two; after that a red veil covers it, so that it seems to be forbidden literature.
I find it a strange coincidence that someone who links to forbidden content is himself not exempt from the heresy of preaching what is not allowed. „They can find a hundred times more money for the World Cup than for R&D. … you have to ask how long a country with a second-tier industry can be a first-rate country (and) also … why the Russian government has pursued such a pro-Western/liberal course in economics and finance for so long“ (…and cultivated intimate friendships with „slimebags“ (bravo, Kirov!) like Guantanamomeier and „Merkel“) – all of this sounds as if you want to hint at deficiencies in the acting of Putin‘s government, which would mean that Putin would not be perfect. But he is! We firmly believe it here… or else! Since the core of this site is military analysis, and the feats of the Russian military are what makes us think that Putin and his crowd are surely infallible, one might also want to ask, whether the discrepancy between the first rate military and „a second tier industry“ stems from the instruments of own initiative, own planning, and own targeted acting („the road to success”) being applied to the military yes, but to the industry no. If the military is led to well-deserved successes on this road, then what do we have to call sending the economy in the opposite direction? „Planned failure“? „Sabotazh!“? Perhaps your link to the izborsk club provides all the answers, but the site is sabotazhed. Red Veil? This means (according to Occam according to Dr. Georg Stankov) that the communists put this veil there: Red = Red, this „is true because this reasoning is the most simple“.
The best comment I have read here.
> The best comment I have read here.
How true!
But every year we instead get fed with such articles like “major shift soon possible”, “Putin my purge the Government”, “NATO dissolving soon”, “”Rump-Ukraine falling apart soon”.
In the *past* such stories still excited me.
Now one has to wonder why those spreading such “relax, everything will be good, he knows what he is doing” authors are always sticking to that patience.
Are they simply good believers with nerves of steel or is there another reason …?
As I’ve advocated before here, there is a third possibility other than “hands off” and “occupation”. Let Russia simply conduct a “drive through” campaign.
In other words, let the Russian military back Novorussia openly, drive through to Kiev, destroy the Ukraine military, especially the neoNazi battalions, kill every oligarch they find along the way, enter Kiev, depose the government, put in a puppet ruler, then GO HOME.
Don’t bother “occupying” – and therefore having to “manage” – Ukraine. Just destroy western Ukraine’s ability to menace Donbass by destroying its military, even if only temporarily.
This would provide some months or even up to a couple of years of relative quiet. The US and NATO could do nothing because it would be all over in 72 hours. Subsequent to the Russian military leaving, Ukraine would be unable to threaten Donbass for some time, allowing Donbass to recover and rebuild and strengthen itself, possibly even becoming the dominant political region in the country or at least insure its independence in whatever form Ukraine reorganizes itself.
Russia could weather any geopolitical results of this action, such as further sanctions by the West or even in the UN. Russia could even annex Donbass as they did Crimea, or at least establish some sort of “favored nation” status on Donbass officially (as they have unofficially). While this would give Russia’s critics ammunition for claiming that Putin “wishes to establish the Soviet Union”, they claim that anyway and Russia gets no benefit.
As an alternative, Russia should use any renewed attacks on Donbass to fully support Donbass enough to at least insure that the Ukraine military is put into a state where they cannot rebuild to the point where they can threaten Donbass again for at least several years. This would give much of the positive results I’ve listed without as much of the geopolitical fallout.
It’s time for Russia to deal with the Ukraine mess in a more definitive manner.
That made more sense in the past than now. It is possible that more pro-friendly politicians and parties may win in the EU, so it would be a shame to see the usual anti-Russian system continue.
However, the “best” way to resolve things might be to get the World Cup to play some games in Donetsk. The billions in contracts, waste, and bribes would go a long way in getting the oligarchs to agree to at least a partial resolution of the problems.
I just wanted to quickly refer to this interview, posted on The Vineyard last January, with Rostislav Ishchenko and Igor Korotchenko —
I remember Ishchenko pointing out in that interview two challenges Russia faced in dealing with Ukraine (post-coup): first, an absence of diplomats to engage with, and second, an invitation to treat an oligarch(s) as a state, or equal in status to a government of a nation-state. Putin and the Kremlin refused to grant meetings with Ukraine’s oligarchs for this reason. Now, I wonder if Russia continues to refuse to mitarily intervene in Ukraine because Russia refuses to go to war with one or more oligarchs? If I remember correctly, Ishchenko implies that Ukraine is a nation literally hijacked by oligarchs, so Putin is being goaded into war with oligarchs, masquerading as a conflict between two nations. The Kremlin refuses. With personal knowledge of these oligarchs, Ishchenko’s outlook at the time was bleak.
Here is an article in RT referring to the people of Donbass as “rebels”.
Headline: Russian FM Lavrov expects to talk to US counterpart Tillerson soon on Ukraine & bilateral relations
To refer to the people living in Donbass as rebels really agitates me.
What are the “rebelling” against????? Hmm???
Rebelling against an illegitimate US coup-installed regime that has refused to allow free and fair elections to be held, and is in fact murdering its own citizens. Where is the much-championed cause of R2P – responsibility to protect.????
Can I ask that commentator here, who see the use of the term “rebels” when referring to the citizens of Donbass speak out, and even try and contact the blog owner and item writer via email. Twitter and even farcebook.
It is wrong and detrimental to allow this false label to be placed on people resisting oppression and murder.
Here is the paragraphs from RT calling Donbass residents “rebels”:
……The conflict in eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014, when two regions rejected a nationalist-driven armed coup in Kiev that imposed a new government, hostile to Moscow. The new authorities launched a military crackdown, triggering a bloody conflict that has claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people.
The latest major outbreak of violence, which began at the end of January, has seen intense fighting around the town of Avdeevka, which is located close to the disengagement line between pro-Kiev forces and the rebels in the east, as well as the shelling of the city of Donetsk. The renewal of hostilities was allegedly caused by an attack from Ukrainian paramilitary units supported by the army……..
You cannot read RT. TASS and RIA aren’t much better.
But whose fault is it? Are they strictly following Kremlin terminology or do they refuse to follow – which of the 2 makes them so pro-western and anti-Russian???
Everything costs money. Rothschild & Co. just happen to have the global Monetary monopoly. And the god-given right to global media monopoly. Therefore RT has to be infiltrated at all costs. Though it doesn’t cost them anything at all. Having the global Monetary monopoly.
Get it? It is a closed system. And all closed system lead to insanity, perversion and ultimately total break-down. That is what we are witnessing these days. And more mayhem is on the way.
@_smr: Which then includes the so called Russian Central Bank, correct.
And then my unwanted question: every year again: Why doesn’t Putin make it a Russian (state-owned, rather than private) bank again???
Ohh, wow wow wow, what was it? Putin issued an order last year regarding car insurance fees and somehow the central bank of Russia was mentioned in that order.
For the chief analysts here that alone was “proof enough” that Putin has full state-control over it.
Haha …
The proper term would be resistance — as when the Nazis invaded France and took control of the French government.
This garbage and propagandist terms are all over the information war, and need a ‘resistance’ to counter them.
Unfortunately nothing helps anymore against anything – the language and its meaningful parts, the words, the notions, have been corrupted a long time ago:
„Resistance“ is now the name of the Franjo Hilary Obama Childmolester gang in their intent to counteract and destroy the newly elected american govenment.
In germ speak this would be „Widerstand“, or „W“ for short – the battle cry of the german post-war nazis against Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr (but no Slimemeier). The „W“ everywhere in the streets was stolen from the Warsaw uprising. Their „W“ meant „Wolnosc“ (Freedom) and was as anti-nazi as anti-Russian. It surfaced again during the Jaruzelski putsch.
In Serbian resistance is „Otpor“ – the name of an antiyugoslav and antihuman gang schooled by the american NGOs to become nazis without having the slightest nazi roots in themselves – a brilliant idea which was then exported world-wide.
What about „Self defense“? Seems the most appropriate, but may be harmful to those using the idea and the word. The Polish politician Andrzej Lepper created a party „Samoobrona“ (Self defense), and dared to ridicule even the CIA. He was first chased out of politics on invented sex-crimes (like Strauss-Kahn), and then suicided…
If we could reach a recognition of independence of the two republics, it would be better, but even a division in “zones” like Berlin in 1945 it would not be bad.
Thank you for an interesting analysis, but what are “Voentorg and Northern Wind spigot”?
see replies following /a-possible-shift-in-the-russian-position-on-novorussia/#comment-321239
Monday, February 13, 2017 – 11:40
Seventy-seven thousand residents have already supported an appeal to the leaders of the Russian Federation, United States of America and Germany in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).
The event devoted to signature collection in support of the DPR and LPR People’s Councils Chairmen’s appeal keeps taking place in the cities of the Republic.
“Thanks to the DPR People’s Councils MPs’ intensive work and to Donbass people’s desire to stop the war as on February 13 77,000 signatures have been collected,” reports the press-office.
DONi News Agency
It looks that the Evil Empire is determined to attack Russia, because those aggressive moves, cannot be just for show. Those Zio-lunatics must think, they can got Russia same as the rest of “free world” under their thumbs. So they will go for it sooner or later, according to theirs’ schedule. That’s good idea because that’s the only way to exterminate all the brutes.
That is exactly what The Third Reich thought, and did.
Why would we expect the Fourth Reich to be any smarter?
I just hope that this time, Russia and its allies are smart enough to truly make sure that there will never be a Fifth Reich.
In any ‘civil war’ or ‘revolutionary war’ you will always find people who’s sympathies don’t correspond to their geographic location. Thus it seems very plausable, if not likely, that there are at least a few ‘locals’ in the Donbas region who’s sympathies do not lie with the anti-fascist rebels.
They would of course keep a low-profile concerning these sympathies, and almost certainly pronounce loyalty to the cause of the rebels. But, that doesn’t mean that their heart or their scheming little heads don’t lead them to help the fascists.
Trump is among other things a highly skilled negotiator. A skilled negotiator might look at the cards he holds and decide which ones he’s willing to give away to get a good deal. But, anyone with any sense at all would hold on to all of those cards until he can get something in exchange for them.
So, my sense from reading the tea-leaves of Trump is that he does indeed want to make a deal with Russia. Politically, he needs to get enough from that deal to help silence the critics at home. He indicated quite clearly during the campaign that he didn’t feel like an alliance with Ukraine did anything to make America great. So, my guess is that this is a card he’s willing to give in a deal with Putin.
But, if he just played it now, he wouldn’t get a thing for it. Its a bad negotiating tactic to just give up your cards before the negotiations ever begin.
If events move along that this becomes a crisis before a Trump-Putin summitt, I’d expect that Trump would be willing to deal with Putin about the Ukraine, but he’d want at least some promise back that he’d get repaid for this. Or best for Trump would be an immediate but limited deal that gives up Ukraine in exchange for something he can announce and trumpet back home.
Remember, 5 members of the UNSC possess a ‘veto’. And it seems like the most rabid, hate-Russia sentiment has shifted from using the US government as its vehicle to using the UK government as its vehicle. My guess is that while Putin and Trump could make a deal such that the US didn’t veto a Russian led peacekeeping operation in the Donbass or more generally the eastern Ukraine, that it also seems likely that the UK conservative government, backed by the BBC, would veto such a resolution.
The current lame-duck French government could also veto such a resolution.
The interesting part about such speculation is whether either government is willing to risk a break with the Trump administration to do so. The Uk government seems to be trying to count on good relations with the US and a favorable US-UK trade deal to soften any blows that the EU might inflict during Brexit. How a French-US dispute plays in a French presidential campaign is more complicated. Would Hollande triggering such a break help or hurt the LePen campaign?
This black and white image of Givi would make a good basis for a commemorative t-shirt.
diddle70477 It’s pathetic. You people just don’t get it …. it’s not all about us queers. It’s about maintaining a democratic republic governed by a constitution that limits federal powers.You put that bitch into office …. she will suck all your individual liberties away. FUCKING WAKE UP! October 24, 2016 at 10:10pm Log in to Reply