Note: Finally the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs found the time, energy and personnel to translate this most important statement. They even posted it (thanks to Jonathan Jarvis for the pointer!). And if you detect irritation on my part you are correct – I am frustrated with how incompetent Russians are in anything relating to public information. Anyway,
I have bolded out what I consider to be the most important statements made by Lavrov that day. I would just like to add the following:
1) Lavrov is considered very much a “moderate” and his language has always been strictly diplomatic. So when you read Lavrov, just imagine what folks in other Russian ministries are thinking.
2) Lavrov makes no secret of his view of the USA and of his plans for the future of our planet. When you read his words, try to imagine what a US Neocon feels and thinks and you will immediately see why the US elites both hate and fear Russia.
3) Finally, Lavrov openly admits that Russia and China have forged an long-term strategic alliance (proving all the nay-sayers who predicted that China would backtstab Russian wrong). This is, I would argue, the single most important strategic development in the past decade.
4) Finally, notice the clear contempt which Lavrov has for a pseudo-Christian “West” which dares not speak in defense of persecuted Christians, denies its own roots, and does not even respect its own traditions.
Friends, what we are witnessing before our eyes is not some petty statement about the Ukraine or sanctions, it is the admission by Lavrov of a fundamental “clash of civilizations”, but not between some wholly imaginary “Christian West” and Islam, but between Christian Russia and the post-Christian West.
Russia did not want this conflict. Russia did everything in her power to prevent it. But the West left Russia no choice and Russia now openly declares her willingness to fight and prevail.
The Saker
Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the XXII Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy, Moscow, 22 November 2014
I’m happy to be at this annual Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy (Russian abbreviation SVOP). It is always a great pleasure for me to meet people and feel the intellectual potential, which enables the Council, its leaders and representatives to respond to global developments and analyse them. Their analysis is always free from any hysteria, and its members offer well-grounded and solid arguments, taking a step back, since those caught in the midst of events can hardly adopt an unbiased perspective. We are inevitably influenced by the developments, which makes your observations, analysis, discourse and suggestions even more valuable to us.
As far as I know, this year’s Assembly will focus on prospects for accelerating domestic growth in Russia. There is no doubt that concerted efforts by our society as a whole to bring about comprehensive economic, social and spiritual development are a prerequisite for making Russia’s future sustainable. That said, by virtue of my professional duties, I have to focus on foreign policy issues, which are still relevant for the Assembly’s agenda, since in this interconnected, globalised world, isolating internal development from the outside world is impossible. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin provided a detailed analysis of the international developments at the Valdai Club meeting in Sochi, as well as in his interviews during his trip to Asia. For this reason, I won’t offer any conceptual observations, as everything has already been said. Nevertheless, I would like to share with you some considerations based on our day-to-day foreign policy efforts. It is not my intention to deliver a comprehensive or clear outlook, since at this stage all forecasts are provisional, no matter who makes them. Moreover, diplomats seek to influence developments as they unfold, not contemplate them.
Naturally, I will start with Ukraine. Long before the country was plunged into the crisis, there was a feeling in the air that Russia’s relations with the EU and with the West were about to reach their moment of truth. It was clear that we could no longer continue to put issues in our relations on the back burner and that a choice had to be made between a genuine partnership or, as the saying goes, “breaking pots.” It goes without saying that Russia opted for the former alternative, while unfortunately our Western partners settled for the latter, whether consciously or not. In fact, they went all out in Ukraine and supported extremists, thereby giving up their own principles of democratic regime change. What came out of it was an attempt to play chicken with Russia, to see who blinks first. As bullies say, they wanted to Russia to “chicken out” (I can’t find a better word for it), to force us to swallow the humiliation of Russians and native speakers of Russian in Ukraine.
Honourable Leslie Gelb, whom you know all too well, wrote that Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU had nothing to do with inviting Ukraine to join the EU and was aimed in the short term at preventing it from joining the Customs Union. This is what an impartial and unbiased person said. When they deliberately decided to go down the path of escalation in Ukraine, they forgot many things, and had a clear understanding of how such moves would be viewed in Russia. They forgot the advice of, say, Otto von Bismarck, who had said that disparaging the millions-strong great Russian people would be the biggest political mistake.
President Vladimir Putin said the other day that no one in history has yet managed to subjugate Russia to its influence. This is not an assessment, but a statement of fact. Yet such an attempt has been made to quench the thirst for expanding the geopolitical space under Western control, out of a mercantile fear to lose the spoils of what they across the Atlantic had persuaded themselves was the victory in the Cold War.
The plus of today’s situation is that everything has clicked into its place and the calculus behind the West’s actions has been revealed despite its professed readiness to build a security community, a common European home. To quote (singer/song-writer) Bulat Okudzhava, “The past is getting clearer and clearer.” The clarity is becoming more tangible. Today our task is not only to sort out the past (although that must be done), but most importantly, to think about the future.
Talks about Russia’s isolation do not merit serious discussion. I need hardly dwell on this before this audience. Of course, one can damage our economy, and damage is being done, but only by doing harm to those who are taking corresponding measures and, equally important, destroying the system of international economic relations, the principles on which it is based. Formerly, when sanctions were applied (I worked at the Russian mission to the UN at the time) our Western partners, when discussing the DPRK, Iran or other states, said that it was necessary to formulate the restrictions in such a way as to keep within humanitarian limits and not to cause damage to the social sphere and the economy, and to selectively target only the elite. Today everything is the other way around: Western leaders are publicly declaring that the sanctions should destroy the economy and trigger popular protests. So, as regards the conceptual approach to the use of coercive measures the West unequivocally demonstrates that it does not merely seek to change Russian policy (which in itself is illusory), but it seeks to change the regime — and practically nobody denies this.
President Vladimir Putin, speaking with journalists recently, said that today’s Western leaders have a limited planning horizon. Indeed, it is dangerous when decisions on key problems of the development of the world and humankind as a whole are taken on the basis of short electoral cycles: in the United States the cycle is two years and each time one has to think of or do something to win votes. This is the negative side of the democratic process, but we cannot afford to ignore it. We cannot accept the logic when we are told to resign, relax and take it as a given that everyone has to suffer because there are elections in the United States every two years. This is just not right. We will not resign ourselves to this because the stakes are too high in the fight against terror, the threats of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and many bloody conflicts whose negative impact goes far beyond the framework of the corresponding states and regions. The wish to do something to gain unilateral advantages or to endear oneself to the electorate ahead of another election leads to chaos and confusion in international relations.
We hear the daily repeated mantra that Washington is aware of its own exclusiveness and its duty to bear this burden, to lead the rest of the world. Rudyard Kipling spoke about “the white man’s burden.” I hope that this is not what drives Americans. The world today is not white or black, but multi-coloured and heterogeneous. Leadership in this world can be assured not by persuading oneself of one’ exclusiveness and God-given duty to be responsible for everyone, but only by the ability and craft in forming a consensus. If the US partners committed their power to this goal, this would be priceless, and Russia would be actively helping them.
However, so far, US administrative resources still work only in the NATO framework, and then with substantial reservations, and its writ does not reach beyond the North Atlantic Alliance. One proof of this is the results of US attempts to make the world community follow its line in connection with the anti-Russian sanctions and principles. I have spoken about it more than once and we have ample proof of the fact that American ambassadors and envoys across the world seek meetings at the highest level to argue that the corresponding countries are obliged to punish Russia together with them or else face the consequences. This is done with regard to all countries, including our closest allies (this speaks volumes about the kind of analysts Washington has). An overwhelming majority of the states with which we have a continuing dialogue without any restrictions and isolation, as you see, value Russia’s independent role in the international arena. Not because they like it when somebody challenges the Americans, but because they realise that the world order will not be stable if nobody is allowed to speak his mind (although privately the overwhelming majority do express their opinion, but they do not want to do so publicly for fear of Washington’s reprisals).
Many reasonable analysts understand that there is a widening gap between the global ambitions of the US Administration and the country’s real potential. The world is changing and, as has always happened in history, at some point somebody’s influence and power reach their peak and then somebody begins to develop still faster and more effectively. One should study history and proceed from realities. The seven developing economies headed by BRICS already have a bigger GDP than the Western G7. One should proceed from the facts of life, and not from a misconceived sense of one’s own grandeur.
It has become fashionable to argue that Russia is waging a kind of “hybrid war” in Crimea and in Ukraine. It is an interesting term, but I would apply it above all to the United States and its war strategy – it is truly a hybrid war aimed not so much at defeating the enemy militarily as at changing the regimes in the states that pursue a policy Washington does not like. It is using financial and economic pressure, information attacks, using others on the perimeter of a corresponding state as proxies and of course information and ideological pressure through externally financed non-governmental organisations. Is it not a hybrid process and not what we call war? It would be interesting to discuss the concept of the hybrid war to see who is waging it and is it only about “little green men.”
Apparently the toolkit of our US partners, who have become adept at using it, is much larger.
In attempting to establish their pre-eminence at a time when new economic, financial and political power centres are emerging, the Americans provoke counteraction in keeping with Newton’s third law and contribute to the emergence of structures, mechanisms, and movements that seek alternatives to the American recipes for solving the pressing problems. I am not referring to anti-Americanism, still less about forming coalitions spearheaded against the United States, but only about the natural wish of a growing number of countries to secure their vital interests and do it the way they think right, and not what they are told “from across the pond.” Nobody is going to play anti-US games just to spite the United States. We face attempts and facts of extra-territorial use of US legislation, the kidnapping of our citizens in spite of existing treaties with Washington whereby these issues are to be resolved through law enforcement and judicial bodies.
According to its doctrine of national security, the United States has the right to use force anywhere, anytime without necessarily asking the UN Security Council for approval. A coalition against the Islamic State was formed unbeknownst to the Security Council. I asked Secretary of State John Kerry why have not they gone to the UN Security Council for this.
He told me that if they did, they would have to somehow designate the status of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad. Of course, they had to because Syria is a sovereign state and still a member of the UN (no one excluded it from UN membership). The secretary of state said it was wrong because the United States is combating terrorism and the al-Assad regime is the most important factor that galvanises terrorists from around the world and acts as a magnet attracting them to this region in an attempt to overthrow the Syrian regime.
I believe this is perverse logic. If we are talking about precedents (the United States adheres to case law), it is worth remembering the chemical disarmament in Syria when the Assad regime was a completely legitimate partner of the United States, Russia, the OPCW and others. The Americans maintain talks with the Taliban as well. Whenever the United States has an opportunity to benefit from something, it acts quite pragmatically. I’m not sure why the ideologically-driven position took the upper hand this time and the United States chose to believe that Assad cannot be a partner. Perhaps, this is not so much an operation against the Islamic State as paving the way for toppling al-Assad under the guise of a counter-terrorist operation.
Francis Fukuyama recently wrote the book, Political Order and Political Decay, in which he argues that the efficiency of public administration in the United States is declining and the traditions of democratic governance are gradually being replaced with feudal fiefdom ruling methods. This is part of the discussion about someone who lives in a glass house and throws stones.
All of this is happening amid the mounting challenges and problems of the modern world. We are seeing a continued “tug of war” in Ukraine. Trouble is brewing on the south border of the EU. I don’t think the Middle Eastern and North African problems will go away all by themselves. The EU has formed a new commission. New foreign actors have emerged, who will face a serious fight for where to send their basic resources: either for the continuation of reckless schemes in Ukraine, Moldova, etc., within the Eastern Partnership (as advocated by an aggressive minority in the EU), or they will listen to the Southern European countries and focus on what’s happening on the other side of the Mediterranean.
This is a major issue for the EU.
So far, those who are not guided by real problems, but rather by a desire to quickly grab things from freshly turned up ground. It is deplorable. Exporting revolutions – be they democratic, communist or others – never brings any good.
State, public and civilisational structures are actually disintegrating in the MENA region. The destructive energy released in the process can scorch states that are located far beyond this region. Terrorists (including the Islamic State) are claiming a national status. Moreover, they are already beginning to create quasi-governmental bodies there that engage in the administrative work.
On this backdrop, minorities, including Christians, are banished. In Europe, these issues are deemed not politically correct. They are ashamed when we invite them to do something about it together at the OSCE. They wonder why would we focus specifically on Christians? How is that special? The OSCE has held a series of events dedicated to keeping memories about the Holocaust and its victims alive. A few years ago, the OSCE started holding events against Islamophobia. We will be offering an analysis of the processes leading to Christianophobia.
On 4-5 December, OSCE ministerial meetings will be held in Basel, where we will present this proposal. The majority of EU member states elude this topic, because they are ashamed to talk about it. Just as they were ashamed to include in what was then the EU constitution drafted by Valery Giscard d’Estaing a phrase that Europe has Christian roots.
If you don’t remember or respect your own roots and traditions, how would you respect the traditions and values of other people? This is straightforward logic. Comparing what’s happening now in the Middle East to a period of religious wars in Europe, Israeli political scientist Avineri said that the current turmoil is unlikely to end with what the West means when it says “democratic reforms.”
The Arab-Israeli conflict is dead in the water. It’s hard to play on several boards at a time. The Americans are trying to accomplish this, but it doesn’t work for them. In 2013, they took nine months to sort out the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I will not go into the reasons, they are known, but they failed at this as well. Now, they asked for more time to try to achieve some progress before the end of 2014, so that the Palestinians wouldn’t go to the UN and sign the Statute of the International Criminal Court, etc. Suddenly, it transpired that negotiations on Iran are underway. The US State Department dumped Palestine to focus on Iran.
US Secretary of State John Kerry and I agreed to talk on this subject some time soon. It’s important to understand that you can’t keep the problem of the Palestinian state deeply frozen forever. Failure to resolve it for nearly 70 years has been a major argument of those who recruit extremists in their ranks, “there’s no justice: it was promised to create two states; the Jewish one was created, but they will never create an Arab state.” Used on a hungry Arab street, these arguments sound quite plausible, and they start calling for a fight for justice using other methods.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Valdai Club meeting in Sochi that we need a new version of interdependence. This was a very topical statement. The leading powers must return to the negotiating table and agree on a new framework that takes into account the basic legitimate interests of all the key parties (I can’t tell you what it should be called, but it should be based on the UN Charter), to agree on reasonable self-imposed restrictions and collective risk management in a system of international relations underpinned by democratic values. Our Western partners promote respect for the rule of law, democracy and minority opinion within countries, while failing to stand up for the same values in international affairs. This leaves Russia as a pioneer in promoting democracy, justice and rule of international law. A new world order can only be polycentric and should reflect the diversity of cultures and civilisations in today’s world.
You are aware of Russia’s commitment to ensuring indivisibility of security in international affairs and holding it in international law. I won’t elaborate on this.
I would like to support the point the SVOP has been making that Russia won’t succeed in becoming a major, successful and confident power of the 21st century without developing its eastern regions. Sergei Karaganov was among the first to conceptualise this idea, and I fully agree. Taking Russia’s relations with the Asia Pacific countries to a new level is an absolute priority. Russia worked along these lines at the Beijing APEC meeting and the G20 forum. We will continue moving in this direction in the new environment created by the upcoming launch of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) on 1 January 2015.
We have been treated as “subhumans.” For over a decade, Russia has been trying to establish partnership ties with NATO through CSTO. These efforts were not just about putting NATO and CSTO “in the same league.” As a matter of fact, CSTO is focused on catching drug dealers and illegal migrants around the Afghan border, and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation is the backbone of the international security forces, which, among other things, were tasked with fighting the terrorist threat and eliminating its financing schemes, which involve drug trafficking. We tried everything: we pleaded and then demanded real-time contact, so that once NATO detects a caravan transporting drugs and is unable to stop it, it alerts us across the border, so that this caravan could be intercepted by CSTO forces. They simply refused to talk to us. In private conversations, our NATO well-wishers (and I actually mean this in the positive way) told us that the alliance can’t view CSTO as an equal partner for ideological reasons. Until recently, we saw the same condescending and arrogant attitude with respect to the Eurasian economic integration. And that despite the fact that countries intending to join the EAEU have much more in common in terms of their economies, history and culture than many EU members. This union is not about creating barriers with anyone. We always stress how open this union is expected to be. I strongly believe that it will make a significant contribution to building a bridge between Europe and Asia Pacific.
I can’t fail to mention Russia’s comprehensive partnership with China. Important bilateral decisions have been taken, paving the way to an energy alliance between Russia and China. But there’s more to it. We can now even talk about the emerging technology alliance between the two countries. Russia’s tandem with Beijing is a crucial factor for ensuring international stability and at least some balance in international affairs, as well as ensuring the rule of international law. We will make full use of our relations with India and Vietnam, Russia’s strategic partners, as well as the ASEAN countries. We are also open to expanding cooperation with Japan, if our Japanese neighbours can look at their national interests and stop looking back at some overseas powers.
There is no doubt that the European Union is our largest collective partner. No one intends to “shoot himself in the foot” by renouncing cooperation with Europe, although it is now clear that business as usual is no longer an option. This is what our European partners are telling us, but neither do we want to operate the old way. They believed that Russia owed them something, while we want to be on an equal footing. For this reason, things will never be the same again. That said, I’m confident that we will be able to overcome this period, lessons will be learned and a new foundation for our relations will emerge.
The idea of creating a single economic and humanitarian space from Lisbon to Vladivostok can now be heard here and there and is gaining traction. Germany’s Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has said publicly (while we have been saying it for a long time) that the EU and the EAEU should engage in dialogue. The statement President Vladimir Putin made in Brussels in January 2014, when he proposed the first step by launching negotiations on a free-trade zone between the EU and the Customs Union with an eye on 2020, is no longer viewed as something exotic. All of this has already become part of diplomacy and real politics. Although this is so far only a matter of discussion, I strongly believe that we will one day achieve what is called “the integration of integrations.” This is one of the key topics we want to promote within the OSCE at the Ministerial Council in Basel. Russia is about to assume BRICS and SCO presidency. The two organisations will hold their summits in Ufa. These are very promising organisations for the new age. They are not blocks (especially BRICS), but groups where members share the same interests, representing countries from all continents that share common approaches regarding the future of the global economy, finance and politics.
just one example of who they have in power there Kiev.
Biletsky is also Arseni Yatsenyuk’s choice as a parliamentarian in Ukraine’s National Rada (Senate). In fact, all the supposedly democratic Euro-Maidan leaders have chosen radical neo nazi representatives for Senate seats. Biletsky has sworn he will drive a vote on Ukraine’s nuclear status. If successful, Ukraine will strive to develop nuclear arms. Sergey Melnichuk (battalion commander Aydar) was Oleg Lyashko’s choice for a Rada seat.
In the interview with Foreign Policy, the Azov commander Biletsky (now Ukrainian Senator) states:
Wow! I think that speech will have the Neocons choking over their morning coffee.
The western MSM will suppress it,naturally, but what response will this provoke from the US Administration and also their right-wing evangelical fundamentalist so-called Christians -assuming the latter are allowed to view the speech in full?
they’ll have us choked over their morning coffee if more of people don’t wake up and see what is happening.
Thank you for this invaluable translation, Saker. Mr. Lavrov is one of my heroes, what little I have read of his speeches.
In light of occurrences here in the US, which is not of course the subject of Mr. Lavrov’s speech, this phrase stood out for me:
“… the traditions of democratic governance are gradually being replaced with feudal fiefdom ruling methods…”
There is a huge question whether events leading up to and encompassing the Ferguson protests are being orchestrated by the current regime. In which case, important as it has been to cast a light on the events in the Ukraine, one begins to wonder what the US government has learned, if anything, from the tragedies still unfolding there.
What Mr. Lavrov points to on the international front, we see in our personal confrontations in this country. Nothing like the Ukraine as yet, but sadly all the signs are there. And the media is very complicit in stoking the fires of chaos.
Do spare a prayer for us, as the new world is being built. We are not suffering as has Ukraine quite yet, but the signs are ominous that we will.
My prayers at present are for all beleaguered families, Christian among them, whom the previous world order has treated so badly. That they may find a safe harbour in the present storm.
Thank you again, Saker.
Iran stabbed Russia in the back (some say it was mutual) hoping to obtain relief from sanctions. After playing the critical role in the ouster of Maliki, they will earn nothing. Hopefully they will be joing this alliance as a full member very soon.
China is a different matter. In the short term, Chinese leadership has chosen the only option available: a partnership with Russia against the maniacal policies of the Anglo-Zionists. This is good but does nothing to prevent the continued Westernization of the Chinese mind. Left brained thought patterns are sweeping through China and this will create problems for Russia in the long term. Russian leadership must remain wary.
Still, these are positive developments and Lavrov’s statements confirm what most of us have known for some time: the Cold War is back, although under very different circumstances.
As continuing deaths of bankers demonstrate, there is an internal power struggle in the West and things could get very ugly before the situation stabilizes. Russia needs to give the Anglo faction a leg up in this struggle and the only way to do it is by demonstrating their resolve and moving directly against the fascists in Ukraine.
It seems counter-intuitive to some but punching the AZ bully in the nose will reveal his confusion and weakness. It will cause a furious reaction that will be frightening (like a Cuban missile crisis) but will ultimately come to nothing as the Neocons tuck tail and are forced to run.
Or they will seize full control of the Empire and begin their reign of terror unopposed.
That was a very good speech.But now Russia needs to follow through with the words in the speech.Words alone won’t change the attacks on her.On the 27th when the Mistral isn’t delivered.Russia should order the sailors to return to Russia.And formally announce that since France has violated the contract.The contract is over and the money,penalties,and the Russian built section of the ship will need to be returned and paid to Russia.Today there was also a story that Lithuania has agreed to provide military equipment to Ukraine.Now is the time for the Abkhazian Republic (who I believe recognized Novorossia) to announce they will be supplying military equipment to Novorossia.Everyone knows that since Lithuania doesn’t product military equipment that what they send will be from the other NATO powers.So as Abkhazia doesn’t product military equipment,what they send would be Russian.But in that way both sides will be masking who is actually supplying military equipment.As it stands now only Lithuania can do that.Of course the West will whine about it.But they will do that anyway.
Uncle Bob
Saker. I (and many more) saw this one coming (strategic partnership with China) considering history (Opium war against China, Napoleon, Hitler, etc) there is no other way.
Astana: Conflict-ravaged Ukraine should remain neutral and stay out of Nato, pro-Russian Czech President Milos Zeman said during a visit to Kazakhstan on Tuesday.
“I strongly believe that Ukraine should become neutral and ‘Finlandised’,” the 70-year-old told the Czech news agency CTK in the capital Astana.
“Finlandisation” refers to a situation wherein a smaller state subordinates its foreign policy to that of a larger neighbour in exchange for independence — as was the case with Finland after World War II.
Is this definition of Finlandisation
Once Nazi, today Natoist
Impressive to hear these words from the most important – and most cultured – FM of our time.
Getting a person like this to a position of power is something my country has failed to accomplish over the last 120 years.
Just one thought regarding “subduing Russia”, 1700, 1812, and 1941. I would not be surprised if these wars were again analyzed closely to generate updated assessments.
Autumn 1941 was a pretty close affair for the Soviet Union which hinged on the Japanese not attacking.
Also the notion of an always “passive” Russia could be examined. E.g. Russia has attacked Sweden in 1700 as part of a coalition.
Also in early 1811 Alexander I. tried to enlist Prussia and Austria in a preventive war against France. Chances for peace became slim when Napoleon discovered this.
Stalin’s full scale preparation for an offensive began in 1940 and he was only narrowly preempted.
Sane politicians like Putin and Lavrov will know of the danger of losing the peace by preparing for preventive war. Will the other side know this as well?
Thank you for posting Mr. Lavrov’s statement here.
Mr. Lavrov is simply underscoring what we are witnessing. Critical Thinkers see the slowMo demise of the Empire of Chaos., which empire includes the 2 pillars of UK and U.S.A and their chosenites.
The tenets of Christianity, the Magna Carta (signed in 1215) and the Constitution of the U.S.A, (all contracts of the principles of humanity are now relegated as relics for the trash can – then collapse of society is certain.
First the came for { } then { } then { }, { }, then { Palestinians}, Iranians, Russians, Chinese. and then humans on planet earth became extinct.
Related: An event not seeing much coverage:
In the 21st Century the great democracy in the ME, strategic ally of The Empire of Chaos:
Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people
Opponents say proposed law would reserve ‘national rights’ for Jews and not for minorities that make up 20% of population
Arab Muslims and Christains make up 20% of Israel’s population.
= = = = = =
In this new article at Reuters, reporting on Ukraine’s “new” accusations of the arrivals of Russian “military” supplies for Novorussia, we have the following standouts:
A Slideshow of Five (5) photos displayed: 2/5 are Women in Kiev viewing their Ukrainian Soldiers KIA
NO Photos of the 85 heavy Russian military vehicles in 5 columns SEEN crossing over from Russia
Read Ukraine reports new arrivals of Russian supplies for eastern rebels
(Reuters) – Ukraine leveled fresh charges on Tuesday that Russia was sending support to pro-Russian separatists in the east, saying that five columns of heavy equipment were seen crossing onto Ukrainian territory on Monday.[.]
“The Russian side is continuing to provide the terrorist organizations of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics with heavy armaments,” said a foreign ministry spokesman.
Evhen Perebyinis told journalists that a total of 85 vehicles had been detected in the five columns that entered at the Izvaryne border crossing point from Russia on Monday.[.]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Will the Fed print the Severe $$$ penalties due from France.? Imho, Legal Action Ahead.
Mistral Ship Delivery On Hold
first Mistral delivery to Russia impossible due to Ukraine situation
Russia is currently expecting the decision of Paris on the transfer of the first Mistral ship, the Vladivostok. If France fails to honor the contract due to West’s pressure, Paris will owe Moscow millions of euros in penalties. [.]
a Bloomberg Financial News Video: 3 (mins) Interview with Jim Rogers Mr. Rogers just became a director of a Russian biggest potash company.
“It’s the Russian Agriculture potential.” “Things are changing. They have started to do things differently. Russia is astonishing and they will withstand the sanctions.”
For 46 years I have been bearish on Russia, Not Anymore. Now I am bullish. They have not much debt and huge foreign currency reserves. Russia is hated, In my view wrongly so.
I like to think that I can recognise the truth when I hear it.It rings like silver dropped on stone,a beautiful sound.This has that resonance to it,and thank God for these Russians and their resistance,our fight is the same,anti almost everything USSA
is dishing up,namely lies and foul swill.
That is,in roman paladino, which it will feature either, that in terms of EU or any other association of nations, agrees to reasons as to international law, for a future of peace and social, economic and political progress on benefit of all and taking into account the interests and cultural or civilizational peculiarities of all.
Fall outside this project the US and its military arm, NATO.
So clear.
I love Lavrov, especially when he gets angry.
Thanks to the Saker…..
The reason that I write this, is that those writing about the declining exchange rate of the rouble and it’s effect on the russian peoples purchasing power, creates fear!.
———————(when I do bold, or Italics,Blogger cancels it all!)
It is troubling to me, that few people understand the function of Central Banking!..likewise in Russia…or so it seems.
NO sovereign nation needs a central bank!…this is,and has been a scam,for three hundred years,yet smart people do not understand this ???.
Currency BORROWED at interest is ‘debt slavery’,but this is ignored ???.
To break away from the international cabal, takes courage,honesty,and the ability to withstand the inevitable assault which would follow.
In the daily foreign exchange markets, i.e. FX, something in the order of 5 Trillion $US a day!
is transacted,in wealth a transfer from the masses to the elites!,a form of gambling,but it is still a ‘zero sum game’.
Every currency has an ISO number,
to allow it to be traded as a currency pair, e.g.USD/YEN,USD/AUX GBP/USD,etc,etc.
This is a monumental scam/skim.
Any sovereign nation can issue debt free money,without reverting to a gold standard…which really puts the gold back into the bankers hands,and leaves the borrower,in paper bondage!.
The wealth of the Russian people, resides in it’s integrity,it’s resources and a massive landmass, capable of keeping the world alive for centuries!.
The so called west!…everything west of GMT !.
Both Britain and America loath this world view,and prefer an imperial monarchist position, revolutionary France killed the monarchs…destroy Napoleon!…. return the Bourbons to the throne.
Revolutionary Russia killed the Romanov dynasty! you have any idea how that terrified the British??…..destroy Russia!…
These are dynastic ambitions,not simplistic governmental aims.
Certainly, tactical ambitions seem to work,but the likes of Cecil Rhodes work in centuries,not decades.
The gloves are coming off,and when neccessary, a sovereign treasury can issue it’s own debt free currency( at zero interest!),and control it’s quantity…not difficult to do!!.
Caveat Emptor!.
Debt free currency is yes important, but it will not work if one allows supply and demand to control price on essential wealth. What is
essential wealth? Try not eating.
The Great Depression in the United States was ultimately due to a lack of profit for those creating essential wealth, farmers.
A money system, a sovereign money system, that is ethical, must attend that essential wealth production is not stolen, that a fair profit can be made.
When the money system is valued at what is termed “Parity” then there is Earned Income generated at the most important part of nation’s economy.
Read Charles Walters book Unforgiven…American Economic System SOLD for Debt and War which details the work of the Raw Materials National Council in persuading Congress to implement Parity, which it did for World War II with great success, but the hucksters, those interests, whose interest is interest, got rid of Parity and the basis for an Earned Income Economy to be replaced by the debt monster that has been growing since 1951, and will use everything in its power, including world destruction, to keep going.
BRICS and SCO and the Customs Union (Russia+Belarus+Kazahstan) put together are way bigger/more powerful than Nato/EU. The world IS changing, now we need a free Novorossia of eight oblasts minimum, to continue the change!
I am very sorry . This should not be happening . I blame my country !
I am so sorry Russia !
OK, Mr. Lavrov: This time around, I’ll play the role of your proverbial Western “partner”; 100% honesty guranteed. Here goes.
Q: If you don’t remember or respect your own roots and traditions, how would you respect the traditions and values of other people?
A: Well, as far as roots and traditions are concerned, I hope you’ll settle for a time frame of half a millennium. Ever since Columbus and the Spanyards reached the continent across the Atlantic, we have never been committed to much else than rape, theft, and murder 24/7 on a planetary scale. We leave it as a challenging little exercise for you to figure out what this menas when it comes to respecting the traditions and values of others, Russians included.
Q: They wonder why would we focus specifically on Christians? How is that special?
A: We have substituted “Liberal” and “Judeo-Christian” for “Christian” long since, and we kindly advise you to adapt accordingly, agreed? If in doubt, please recall February 2012 in Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior. That was a clear message sent to you from none other than our CEO George Soros himself.
S: Today everything is the other way around: Western leaders are publicly declaring that the sanctions should destroy the economy and trigger popular protests.
A: Not quite “the other way around”, buddy. If you ever could be troubled to ask the world’s overwhelming majority for a second opinion, you wouldn’t be fooled so easily.
I wish I could share Foreign Minister Lavrov’s optimism. But I still believe Russia and China will need to find a way to kill America before she can muster the means to neutralize them….
America is killing itself just fine.
Now if America wanted to join the BRICS, if it would be let in, then it might learn something about being economically productive as opposed to being a leach, bully and suicidal.
Crucially, Lavrov points out the technological alliance building between Russia and China.
I have pointed out this several times since June. The industrial and military and educational DNAs of both nations will be from roots upward to products, systems and processes.
They will have institutes, universities, technology parks common to both. It has already begun in Moscow and Shanghai. China is stressing Russia as the second language of students, demoting English.
These are going to pay off in five to ten years. But they will bind the Eurasian peoples from the Pacific to the European borders.
Maybe there will be conflicts and tensions with Hans pouring into Siberia and the Far East, sparsely populated now. But the payoff in development will be extraordinary.
This development of technological partnership is going to have the effect equal to the post-war brain drain of Europe (and Russia) by the United States. Instead, the 21st Century sciences and technologies will be led by this new Eurasian alliance.
There will be no containing of Russia and China because of their recent strategic moves. And their shield will be around Iran, India (if it stands sovereign) and Pakistan, as well as with Brazil (if it can stand sovereign), and South Africa and Argentina. I seriously, think at some point South Korea will draw very close to this alliance also, as will Vietnam.
The future will be Eurasian, and the core of it will be Russia + China.
Crucially, Lavrov points out the technological alliance building between Russia and China.
I have pointed out this several times since June. The industrial and military and educational DNAs of both nations will be from roots upward to products, systems and processes.
They will have institutes, universities, technology parks common to both. It has already begun in Moscow and Shanghai. China is stressing Russia as the second language of students, demoting English.
These are going to pay off in five to ten years. But they will bind the Eurasian peoples from the Pacific to the European borders.
Maybe there will be conflicts and tensions with Hans pouring into Siberia and the Far East, sparsely populated now. But the payoff in development will be extraordinary.
This development of technological partnership is going to have the effect equal to the post-war brain drain of Europe (and Russia) by the United States. Instead, the 21st Century sciences and technologies will be led by this new Eurasian alliance.
There will be no containing of Russia and China because of their recent strategic moves. And their shield will be around Iran, India (if it stands sovereign) and Pakistan, as well as with Brazil (if it can stand sovereign), and South Africa and Argentina. I seriously, think at some point South Korea will draw very close to this alliance also, as will Vietnam.
The future will be Eurasian, and the core of it will be Russia + China.
This is what actual news looks like. I would agree with the sentiment that it was folly not to immediately translate and make available Lavrov’s speech. But it is more of an indictment of Western “news media” that no one bothered to translate and report on this to any significant extent (RT published a short excerpt though it is still a marginal organization).
Not to beat the dead horse of poor Russian PR, but they need to take a page from the White House, turn the speech into talking points and trumpet them from every mountain and mole hill they can clamor up.
–“We spent two decades ingratiating ourselves to the West in order to join your club. We were denied entry again, again, and again.”
–“While we pleaded to integrate into NATO or merge our club into yours, you both denied the request and pushed NATO to our borders.”
–“Thus we were forced to view NATO, and moreover the US, as hostile to Russia.”
–“Thus we are making our own club based on the values you purport for yourselves. The door will remain open if you choose, but the old order will remain squarely in the rear-view mirror.”
Don Wiscacho
[from Blue]
I suppose much of this is still diplomatic soft pedaling, and not naivete, but I would like see Lavrov, et al, spend a few hours or days with Michael Parenti, just in case they still have any delusions.
(In case any here are not familiar with Parenti and his work, there is a nice archive at — including the excellent talk about conspiracy lined to by recently David Chu.)
Russia is like a fellow weakened in strength and immune system by a devastating disease, from which it is recovering, and thus somewhat vulnerable to various pathogens and opportunistic infections, and to bullies. If it continues to solve it’s internal problems it will become invulnerable to external threats, including the fascist western empire. Putin has accomplished much in this project, and continues to do more.
An impressive statement by Lavrov to be sure. Here is a statement by Kissinger.
This is an absolutely beautiful speech by Lavrov. It sets a new benchmark for the global conversation. Indeed, as Mr. Lavrov says, “The clarity is becoming more tangible.”
Often, Saker, in the excitement of reading what you post I forget to say thanks to you, for the work of bringing it to us. But for this one, my profound gratitude :)
Sweet Jeebus! I’m fairly certain I’m not going over the top by saying that Larvov’s speech is even better than anything I heard/read from Putin himself, and that’s saying something!
Without attempting to take anything away from this excellent speech, I must bring this up though…
He said this talking about NATO‘s mandate: “[…] which involve drug trafficking. We tried everything: we pleaded and then demanded real-time contact, so that once NATO detects a caravan transporting drugs and is unable to stop it, it alerts us across the border, so that this caravan could be intercepted by CSTO forces. They simply refused to talk to us. In private conversations, our NATO well-wishers (and I actually mean this in the positive way) told us that the alliance can’t view CSTO as an equal partner for ideological reasons.”
Again, another case of Russian naiveté (?)
Coincidentally this is what the guest [second part of the show] at latest Max Kaiser episode talks about:
Spoiler alert: the CIA uses drug trade as a means to fund their black-ops, illegal operations, black budgets, etc. What it was not said on the program; this is done with the active assistance of the DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] that shouldn’t really operate outside of US territory, but via their black-ops arm they certainly do! Essentially, the DEA swat teams are mostly used to crush the competition (independent drug growers / cartels).
Why do you guys think Afghanistan poppy production trebled since the US/NATO invasion? ‘Coincidence-theorists’ would have us believe that the two are not in any way connected…
@Saker: Thanks for the full transcript.
All right things but not very impressive. All he says was long known and understood, and he is saying it in a professional way to an all-Russian audience. In the meantime Obanana and his lackeys shout to the whole world that Russia is a menace. I guess something more is needed to impress us.
What is he doing, for instance, for the Mistral ships? It’s clear now that France, with her game of hide and seek, wants to keep both ships and money (the company cannot fulfil the contract because the government intervenes, force majeure; the government is no party of the contract and anyway is only delaying the handover and not denying it). The message delivered will somehow be that France is unreliable, but much more that you can happily cheat Russia. Get your nut out, Serezha!
historical stuff! Russia is making all the right moves, its all about sharing responsibilities to sort out the mess the world is in, not dictating from above. The US is on the way down, although I NEVER underestimate their capability for pure unadulterated idiocy in militaristic terms. Whenever I see statements like this and Glazievs recent thesis on a model for a new world in the 21st century it brings real hope,
whenever I look west all I see is war and ruin
Hm, in my opinion from living and traveling in Russia over the last few years I don’t find Russia more Christian than Canada. I do find it retains more morality and down-to-earth, realistic way of life and priorities. I’d say the conflict is between a society with a grip on reality and one without.
I think this morality-retention/grip-on-reality isn’t to be wrapped up under one label, it’s shared by Orthodox, muslims and others in the Russian world.
Our society is oligarchy/plutocracy. Every major civilization has known that the most successful merchants and bankers are those that put no moral restrictions on capital accumulation. They are a class which breeds sociopathy. Everyone from China to India to the Dar Al Islam to Christiandom knew to keep them under the boot. Their rule in the west has led them to prevert the other classes through the ideological state apparatuses and through social engineering, like urbanization and wage labour, which forcibly tore people from their traditions whether they liked it or not.
The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie has changed the world. I agree that the Russian, Qing, Ottoman and Mughal Empires were better social orders than what has followed. I think hope lies in some kind of union between tradition and progress, though folk progress, not ‘progress’ the bourgeois techno-rationalist cult.
Thanks saker,
I is encouraging to hear Lavrov begin to deal with the situation as it is rather than continue to invest in wishful thinking. The evidence is overwhelming that the elite circles in the US (and likely the Uk) has transformed itself into an exclusive club of psychopaths (I am a physician and use the term clinically and not, as is often the case, as mere invective) and their most trusted sycophants. This is what makes our collective situation as normal humans so dangerous. The thinking of clinical psychopaths is so different from normal thinking that any analysis that leaves out this factor fails from the outset. Psychopaths are quite capable of driving our species to extinction in their pursuit of short term goals. Unless we deal with this threat from within in some definitive fashion be assured we will be driven to extinction. It is that serious, and any effort to obscure the nature of this problem, to be diplomatic or, worse, to retain “credibility,” amounts to treason against our species as the probability of extinction from dangers already existent, under the direction of people biologically incapable of fellow feeling, becomes more certain.
I like my species. I don’t like what is happening to it under the rule of a parasitic, truly “subhuman,” tiny minority that masquerades as normal in order to play with our fate.
Leaders, in Russia as well, need to be screened for this brain anomaly with modern Magnetic Resonance imaging and prevented from exercising power, if, that is, enough of us still want to avoid extinction. For the time being it is still a choice, but not for long.
Herb Ruhs, MD
Lavrov is a more than extraordinary diplomat.
It is worthwhile to listen to some of his interviews (in English) on YouTube, such as this one by Charlie Rose:
or for Russia Today:
There are numerous other Lavrov interviews in both English and Russian.
In Syria, US adopted a proxy approach with Saudis, Qataris and the Turks mainly fueling the conflict. The best way to stir up trouble is to surround it with hostile neighbors who will ideologically, militarily, logistically and economically support the trouble makers. Now compare this with the hostile neighbors of Russia – Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. They where along with US the main supporters of the coup, the punitive operation in the east and advocates of military support to Ukraine JRF and Kolomoisky battalions. Recently, as Germany expressed that Ukraine joining NATO is unreasonable, Lithuania promised Poroschenko military aid, I assume surely with the green signal of US, and also a criteria to join NATO. This was followed by the announcement by Poroscheko that Ukraine will do a referendum to join NATO. Earlier he announced the blockade and the upcoming terrorizing of the east Ukrainians. So, my guess is that US has chosen the Baltic countries for the role of their proxies in Syria.
What is your opinion, Saker?
Thank you so much Saker, another brilliant reading.
This speech remind me the recent holiday in Cuba when 6foot tall black man was hugging the 5foot 10 inches white man and saying “Brother thank you we are together”
Later I have discovered that the black man was from Cuba and the white man was from Russia. They have hugged each other like they were grown together and had the same childhood.
In this resort were many, many nations not just from Europe including Scandinavia, but also from South America everyone was dancing ,smiling, hugging each other and hoping that the clear mind of the warmongers will end this madness what we are experiencing right now.
The good sign is, that the Jack Hagel is NOT going to sent innocent Americans to kill innocent Russians and we just have to hope that the incoming defence US minister will do the same.
Saker your work is outstanding
Oh yeah, your Christian ‘values’ are so noble. They enable you to talk about justice and freedom and the right to self-determination, and to claim Malcolm X as a personal hero, all the while considering gays to be ‘freaks’ and their Rights Movement a farce and worthy of scare-quotes. Oh, it’s also a tool of American Imperialism, or something.
The cognitive dissonance your ‘values’ cause you to have is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Re: Joat said…
You hit the nail on the head. It is all about the money system and its lack of Social Contract. Money needs to be redefined, based on honest measurement (Joules as a measurement of energy is a good way of backing currency as work = energy expenditure / time), be issued debt free and for the public good.
This speech by Lavrov tells it as it is. With regards to knowing history and culture, I would be bolden to say, know historical facts and make assumptions based on them rather than established narrative. Be it even 20th Century history, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, we need to look at the record and take a big step back from the narrative to analyse what happened and where humanity stumbled.
Also the narrative has to be questioned, again and again and there must be no laws in place to restrict that process. Hate Speech Laws and Holocaust Denial Laws stifle analysis, questioning and thus study of the past. As much as Stalin is reviled by many for the suffrage of people, in light of actions by nations against him, context can be seen and this also applies equally to Germany and the journey that country went through from the 20’s to even today.
Even the Chinese past and influence of foreign powers on that country over the last 150 years leaves a very strong mark on what China is today. All this needs to be openly discussed for a better world to be born out of sovereign respect for all living in it.
Saker, thank you for posting Lavrov’s speech.
[from Blue]
Every nation needs a central bank, to act as clearing house and perform other central functions, but it need no be privately owned or run (like the Fed) nor need the government borrow money, at interest or otherwise, since it the source and creator of money, and of laws (and money is a legal entity). The central bank can be just a department of the government.
(See MMT — modern monetary theory)
Money and finance, national security, as other important things, are now largely understand as and composed of myths created by the elite for their own furtherance and hold on power.
People and nations can’t fly like birds or walk on water, but many other things thought to be impossible are quite possible and simply a matter of deciding to do them, overcoming the opposition which does not want it, and the unquestioned assumptions and beliefs which those in power have established.
One difficulty with Russia trying to have everyone adhere to international law is that it tends to do so itself while fascists simply ignore it, without hesitation. Their resort to the accusation of ‘That’s not legal, may be to create phony justification, or simply to say ‘yes, illegal — what are you going to do about it?’.
The U.S. Constitution, Article I Sec 8 obliges Congress as regards coinage, creation of money, and determination of its value.
In I942 sanity prevailed with the passage of the Steagall Amendment where Congress in essence set the value of our money to a 90% of the Parity Price of major commodities, wheat, rye, corn, oats, etc…..This ensured that farmers would stay in business to provide the main
ingredient to win the war. The system provided the earned income at the beginning of the economic exchange cycle to be fully paid for, not
stolen as supply and demand does for the benefit of speculative interests and those that want to keep people in debt.
Dear The Saker,
Thank you for posting the translation.
I think this speech and Putins together give a very clear view of where Russia stands.
“President Vladimir Putin said the other day that no one in history has yet managed to subjugate Russia to its influence.”
Well that’s gibberish. No other “great” nation has been enslaved like Russia in the last hundred or so years. The Bolshevik devolution was the most humiliating outcome any large nation has suffered due to external force. Then of course there’s the collapse of the USSR, that was the second humiliation though it was short lived and no way near as painful.
“I’m not sure why the ideologically-driven position took the upper hand this time and the United States chose to believe that Assad cannot be a partner”
I think he knows just not going to mention it. It’s Israel and the American (Judo-Christian) Zionists.
“I don’t think the Middle Eastern and North African problems will go away all by themselves.”
Actually they would if the US and it’s allies butt out.
“Exporting revolutions – be they democratic, communist or others – never brings any good. “
“The OSCE has held a series of events dedicated to keeping memories about the Holocaust and its victims alive. A few years ago, the OSCE started holding events against Islamophobia”
Tactical play. They are slaughtering Muslims in the hundreds of thousands and brining chaos onto their land. They need to pretend they care. Much of the resources they need are in Muslim majority lands.
“We will be offering an analysis of the processes leading to Christianophobia. “
Jewish Zionists wouldn’t like that.
“We are also open to expanding cooperation with Japan, if our Japanese neighbours can look at their national interests and stop looking back at some overseas powers.”
Not going to happen.
Why South Africa? I never understood why they choose South Africa? They did really just want a random African country for Political Correctness?
“The seven developing economies headed by BRICS already have a bigger GDP than the Western G7.”
No. Why do people keep repeating this obvious false fact. The G7 GDP is still much much bigger. BRICS combined still do not match USA, how in Gods name do they beat the G7?
USA around 16trillion, Japan 5trillion
China 8trillion, Russia, Brazil and India around 2trillion each and South Africa around 400Billion.
I am one of those people who is suspicious of China. China’s progress and technological advances was instigated by Western Elites and I do not believe it is 100% greed/economically motivated. The rich 5th column in China exists but I have no clue to it’s extent.
“Why South Africa?”
Answer: GOLD!
Date: Sun Oct 19 1997 17:26
The Asians are the problem, by buying up bullion worldwide and thru South Africa they created a default situation on all the paper for the oil / gold trade! Now the CBs are selling in the open to calm nerves but it’s known that they will never sell enough. It was never their intent to provide the gold, only the backing until new mining technology could increase production. Over time the forward sales, such as ABX’s should have worked. But LBMA went nuts with the game and the whole mess has now accelerated.
Date: Sat Nov 22 1997 23:13
“To find the answer to the LBMA , “Follow the connection from London, to South Africa, to the Middle East, and on to Asia”
A small message for the french speaking community:
”RT en Français” now available via youtube(for the moment in test).
Live broadcast will start in 2015.
The german version is already on air for two months.
@ Where-Wolf
Iran stabbed Russia in the back (some say it was mutual) hoping to obtain relief from sanctions. After playing the critical role in the ouster of Maliki, they will earn nothing….[ .]
Really, How?
Some stab-in-the-back?
Just 13 days ago, In the midst of disinfo coming your way, you missed this little gem with wide coverage: in the New York Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, BBC , Radio Free Europe et al
The Associated Press in Moscow
The Guardian, Wednesday 12 November 2014 07.58 GMT
Russia to build two more nuclear reactors in Iran
Deal reflects Moscow’s intention to deepen ties with Tehran before possible relaxing of western sanctions against Iran.
Actually, the deal covers 8 reactors
. . . . . . . .
@ TooLegit2Quit
Again, another case of Russian naiveté (?) …Spoiler Alert: the…….[.]
Re-read the paragraph you cited; Mr. Lavrov’s hint is in They simply refused to talk to us
As a diplomat, not everything can be laid bare.
. . . . . .
@ Tacu – Ah the Mistral Ships…Be patient. Russians saddle the horse very slowly but then ride as fast as a rocket.
Could get very interesting. ….. one half of the Mistral was built in Russia.
Memory serves, there is a Russia November 30 deadline for delivery. Imho I expect, if no delivery, legal action will be taken to cancel the entire contract and demand the penalties.
Last week the French workers on the project staged a protest to emphasize the importance of their jobs- so within days of the protests work on the second ship was implemented.
Don’t be surprised if little green men in navy uniforms commandeer and sail the 1st Mistral to the Krim.
I hate those partisan activity maps, they are always in cyrillic and what do they mean? That every city within the zone has partisan activity? And how much partisan activity is it by day or week or months? And what defines partisan activity? A slogan sprayed on a wall or a bomb exploding in a enemy barrack?
@Sam (antiNWO):
I know, right? When Putin said that the other day, I thought, is he serious?
This is one of the reasons I no longer pay any attention to the speeches of the Russian leaders. That’s all they do, give speeches.
As Paul Craig Roberts said politily, “Putin is a good leader; he gives good speeches.”
But speeches don’t compensate for a 30% drop in oil prices, do they?
This speech by Lavrov that Saker is so excited about… I ready it and thought, “That’s it? Where are the concrete solutions?”
The guy gives a description of the current situation, and basically admits that Russia has been seriously weakened by all the western sanctions, but he gives no solutions.
I love Lavrov. The man is one of the greatest diplomats of all time, but just like Putin and other Russia leaders his back is basically against the wall.
To me this is just yet another talk. By the way, Saddam and Khadafi gave good, confident speeches weeks, even days, before their deaths.
Let me know when Russia DOES something that will move things, like accepting everything but U.S. dollars for its gas and oil for instance.
Until then, it’s just talk.
Well why does Russia have to sell oil and gas? Just sell within the country or to friends at one’s approved trade.
@Sam (antiNWO):
I know, right? When Putin said that the other day, I thought, is he serious?
This is one of the reasons I no longer pay any attention to the speeches of the Russian leaders. That’s all they do, give speeches.
As Paul Craig Roberts said politily, “Putin is a good leader; he gives good speeches.”
But speeches don’t compensate for a 30% drop in oil prices, do they?
This speech by Lavrov that Saker is so excited about… I ready it and thought, “That’s it? Where are the concrete solutions?”
The guy gives a description of the current situation, and basically admits that Russia has been seriously weakened by all the western sanctions, but he gives no solutions.
I love Lavrov. The man is one of the greatest diplomats of all time, but just like Putin and other Russia leaders his back is basically against the wall.
To me this is just yet another talk. By the way, Saddam and Khadafi gave good, confident speeches weeks, even days, before their deaths.
Let me know when Russia DOES something that will move things, like accepting everything but U.S. dollars for its gas and oil for instance.
Until then, it’s just talk.
This is one of the most AMAZING speeches I have ever read, and I have read quite a few! Kudos to the Saker!
I am not a religious person and spirituality has lost its meaning for me, but the Prophecy of Mother Mary given to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal is coming to full circle and fulfillment:
On July 13, 1917, Mother Mary told Lucia dos Santos, “When you . . . see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign that He [God] is going to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war. . . . To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. . . . If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors through the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.”
You must realize that when this prophecy was given, Russia was not yet Bolshevikised, i.e., turned into a Godless State that the Soviet Union became. The three children didn’t even know where Russia was!
Now, with President Putin and the amazing Lavrov piloting Mother Russia, maybe just maybe there is some Hope left. I sure hope so! Things are getting terminal with the Genocidal Empire and what I have been calling “the Axis of the Righteous” ~ the US/UK/Israel and their lapdog All-Lies such as Germany, Japan, South Korea and the Five Eyes nations.
God help us!
BTW, the source of the quote was taken from, if you can believe it, The Moscow Times!
First of all thank for your work: in my country (Italy) the silence is deafening.
I don’t understand all the article that I read, but this is enough to get an overview of the situation.
So my comments will be poors due to the lack of knowledge of the english.
Said this I think that the moment of truth is arrived.
Mr. Lavrov spoke of the chicken game. Well, we will see who really is the falcon and who is the dove.
When a hawk encounters another hawk disguised as a dove, the first round is won by him, but in the second round he must faced with the hawk, and there could be unpleasant surprises for him. Now this is the second round.
A clever hawk should choice the collaboration, due to the risk of a ruined defeath, but I don’t see any trace of smart, and so we will see who is the prey and who is the predator. the time is gone the song is over thought i’d something more to say (Pink floyd TM).
By the way, thanks again, Saker. I hope there will be an italian Saker’s blog in a near future.
Brics, Jim O’Neil gave them the name in 2001. They didn’t start meeting until 2006, added South Africa in 2010.
You can get his report at this site:
They were emerging economies, thus, SA fit the description. Now, the four are developing economies, SA, huge potential if it ever gets its politics together.
What is auspicious is this year the BRICS and SCO are under the presidency of Russia.
If you look at the Hegemon, its effort to disrupt Brazil politically is very dangerous to the group. Also, the effort to send as many economies into no growth or recession is full on.
The tools of destabilization are foreign investment, credit, oil prices, commodity prices, and then the usual toolkit of Media attacks, financing political opponents and using NGOs to misguide the internal institutions.
China and Russia are working to insulate themselves from all this. However, the others are not in the position to protect themselves as well.
Watch the pressure the U.S. puts on Modi from India. Already, they have used Japanese and US military arms sales to break India away from Russia’s decades long connection.
Luckily, Xi and Modi got along well and the Chinese have some railway projects for the Indians. But old enmities are easily stirred up.
Especially, as Russia and China work with Pakistan and Afghanistan to court and build them as members of the Eurasian development.
My education in the Russian perspective continues , i am truly amazed at the qualitative difference between the puppets that supposedly lead the “free world” and the Russian leaders ….
I totally agree with Dr Herb 21.51
anyone in a position of power should be obliged to undergo a test to find out if they have psychopathic tendencies and prevented imho this really is the most pressing issue that humanity faces , and we now have the means to identify these predators, Magnetic Resonance imaging
We have to dismantle the psychopathic control structure before they drive humanity into the final cataclysm.
to the Saker
I have followed the work and words of Lavrov for years. A more plainly honest, humane,considerate and tactful man could not be found in those corridors of power – East or west.
That is why the tone of this is stunning – a Lavrovian version of “be warned – in what is coming you are either going to be for us or against us.” The world was given its’ warning in Valdai, now the leaders of the Russian nation have been given the first call to mobilize & prepare.
No one – West or East – can say they were not warned.
May we all walk wisely
I for one as an American support Russia . They’ve taken enough unwarranted crap from my Government!
“1) Lavrov is considered very much a “moderate” and his language has always been strictly diplomatic.”
Perhaps a better description instead of “moderate” is temperate.
” just imagine what folks in other Russian ministries are thinking.”
Policy discussion/formulation in the Russian government is collective.
Many “folks” in various Russian ministries concur with Mr. Lavrov’s thinking and have done for many years.
Many “folks” in various Russian ministries as professionals are/will likely continue to be considered, precise and temperate in their actions, but like Mr. Lavrov are/will likely be determined in their actions.
It is true that Mr. Lavrov makes references to emphases on matters relating to Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia and highlights an apparent lack of emphasis on matters Christian.
Mr. Lavrov’s first ambition before being dissuaded by his mother, and his continuing interest lay/lies in science.
“the Americans provoke counteraction in keeping with Newton’s third law and contribute to the emergence of structures, mechanisms, and movements that seek alternatives to the American recipes for solving the pressing problems.”
Mr. Lavrov is known for his precision.
Throughout Mr. Lavrov defined the opponents as state structures and their representatives for example –
“Formerly, when sanctions were applied (I worked at the Russian mission to the UN at the time) our Western partners, , when discussing the DPRK, Iran or other states….”
with one notable exception –
” I hope that this is not what drives Americans. “
I suggest your representation that –
“it is the admission by Lavrov of a fundamental “clash of civilizations”, but not between some wholly imaginary “Christian West” and Islam, but between Christian Russia and the post-Christian West.”
is an over-extrapolation upon, and interpretation of Mr. Lavrov’s speech and hence at best is an obfuscation, and at worst a misrepresentation.
As to your contention of ” how incompetent Russians are in anything relating to public information” perhaps you are lacking in recent experience of protocol in such assemblies.
Evidence surfaced by CyberBerkut:
US lethal aid for Ukraine.
Lavrov is a disaster for russia. That idiot has betrayed Russia so many times by his bootlicking the anglos.
look at his language- as if he is aopriving so calked democratic regime change by anglos – no concern about soveirnity..
quote ” goes without saying that Russia opted for the former alternative, while unfortunately our Western partners settled for the latter, whether consciously or not. In fact, they went all out in Ukraine and supported extremists, thereby giving up their own principles of democratic regime change. ” !!!
Go jump off a cliff. Mr Lavrov is a wonderful person !
May I bother you with a small personal ‘SITREP’?
1) I have translated Lavrov’s speech in Dutch:
2) In The Hague there was was a meeting of Members of Parlement of 25 NATO countries, about 10 from each Nato member. I went there and handed a pamleft (flyer) to about half of the parlementarians. In this pamflet I showed how agressive American politics is in comparison with Russian politics.
America bombed 33 countries since WW2, while Russia only used force to ensure its own safety from Western invaders: to keep the buffer intact. See blog 409 for the pamflet. Some Americans were not amused, and showed it to me. It made my day, I must admit.
3. Also in The Hague I visited the Yugoslav Tribunal. Mr Mladic was there, and by video one witness a decharge was interviewed. I thought the judge to be partial and they were clearly trying to drive the witness into a corner: he said that some old muslim ‘friends’ had asked him for help. When he could not remember their names, it was seen as proof that he was lying. It happened 22 years ago, and the friends were like acquanted to him. They knew each other. The witness was around 75 years old. I thought it was a bit disgusting.
Mr. Mladic looked OK to me. He sat in the back, with two soldiers, one left one right. Dressed in a suit, like a gentleman. One time I saw him communicate a glance of understanding to one of the soldiers, like they both were disliking the whole discourse. I was there, and there was a group of about 6 young German law students. They believed every word. The issue was weather some muslims were detained and treated well or not well. Somebody had said that they looked pale and thin. And that they complained about not enough showers.
During the break I got into conflict with the students. Above us was a huge poster: Neurenberg 1945 – ICC 1993. I asked them if they knew about the Morgenthau Plan, and when the International Community had investigated the murder on 2 million Germans during the years 1945 to 1947. President Hoover stopped the Morgenthau Plan, which was expected to result in the death by hunger of 20 million germans- had it gone through. Freda Utley said it would have resulted in 30 million deaths. See Anyway, the young students could not tell me when this murder on 2 million people was ever judged by an International Court. Neither can I rememeber it. We are busy with the shower-facilities of some interned people in Yugoslavia. First things first, of course.
Best wishes, J.V.
@ Sam 25 November 2014 23:42
Re Your blurb on BRICS:
Why South Africa?
Not a head scratcher Look at their resources, not only GOLD mines. Also most important, level of their foreign reserves.
“The seven developing economies headed by BRICS already have a bigger GDP than the Western G7.”
No. Why do people keep repeating this obvious false fact. The G7 GDP is still much much bigger. BRICS combined still do not match USA, how in Gods name do they beat the G7?
USA around 16trillion, Japan 5trillion
China 8trillion, Russia, Brazil and India around 2trillion each and South Africa around 400Billion.
Yes, the BRICS beat the G7 and since your are suspicious, ask the IMF. The IMF World Economic Outlook PPP basis released first week October 2014.
Article was published in Financial Times UK (FT.Com), October 08, 2014 – you will need to subscribe or log in.
In April 2014, China was declared the world’s largest economy. China’s economy moved into first place @ $17.6 tn; US economy @ $17.4 tn.
The new G7 = Brazil, Russia, India, China + 3 (Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico) has a combined GDP $37.8 tn compared to $34.5 for the Old G7 – Canada, France, UK, US, Japan, Germany and Italy.
Search the original article at DATAWATCH
Cited in full here and elsewhere.
Totally agree with Herb R 21.51
We have got to implement a psychopathology test for anyone in influential positions to prevent the total destruction of the human species by these predators .
For a glimpse of the psychopathic control system in the UK
Excellent speech from Lavrov. This is unambiguous evidence that Russia and its leadership have drawn all the hard and inevitable conclusions apropos the US and the EU.
It is interesting to contrast the clarity and eloquence of the statements made by Putin and Lavrov with the incoherent bubbling and posturing coming from several western capitals.
I would only comment on one thing in particular, which is at the same time by far the fundamental of the entire speech. This of course relates to the now rapidly developing Russia/China strategic Alliance and on this I will have to disagree with the Saker. This development is not the most important HISTORICAL development of the last 10 years. In my opinion, it is almost certainly the greatest world-historic development since 1945.
Adolph Merkel shows her true colors
Truly Ukraine has become Modern Nazi state
Huntigton got one thing wrong in his “clash of civilizations” thesis. He assumed that the West was Christian. But Western civilization is secular and becoming secularist.
But otherwise he predicted it pretty well.
Unfortunately Mr. Lavrov’s speech is marred by a glaring error, as follows: “The seven developing economies headed by BRICS already have a bigger GDP than the Western G7.” The GDP of the G7 is bigger than that of BRICS by a factor of approximately 2.3 This troubles me because it seems almost certain that Mr. Lavrov must know this. And isn’t BRICS 5 nations not 7?
Okay, we’ve heard inspiring speeches from Lavrov and Putin.
Now do SOMETHING instead of talking. demand your money back plus penalties
Otherwise the AngloZionists have Russia by the short and curlies.
You talk the talk now is time to walk the walk
My apologies re “glaring error” comment. I see it depends on which measure you want to use: Nominal GDP or PPP. I feel better now that I understand Mr. Lavrov must have been using PPP. Anyway I think my previous comment ended-up being a distraction. The speech by Mr. Lavrov was truly excellent.
I would like to hear your opinion on why is Russia making so much less effort than the West to affect the public opinion in Serbia. For example, all TV stations and newspapers were bought by big western companies. Two weeks ago CIA even opened a new Full HD TV chanel called “N1”, which really is CNN for the Balkans and it’s owner is the previous CIA director David Petraeus.
Another example – until a year ago we had dozen of big western banks, and not even one Russian. We now have SBERBANK but it looks like the old German management from Volksbank remained. They even use ONLY Latin letters! Latin! In Russian bank in Serbia!
I could go on and on about how much effort does West put into forming public opinion in Serbia. Russia would need much less effort to neutralize all of it so I wonder why they are so passive? Why don’t we have for example TV station “Русија Данас” (Russia Today) in Serbian? People in Serbia have no choice but to follow CIA made news only.
I am qm atheist. I hate what the western powers are doing to the world. This absolutely nothing to do about religion. This is about human decency
The John Batchelor Show : Tues 11/25/14 Hr 2 JBS Stephen F. Cohen, NYU
A somewhat thoughtful and sad summary of events of the past year by Stephen Cohen.
Thanks, Saker for posting this important speech. The world faces a real choice – between the old ways of authoritarian rule by the “great powers” and true development for all (win-win) situation by the BRICS. Either the world will grow into more cooperation or will be killed off by the continuation of the rape and pillage system now in effect. The US was invited to join the silk roads projects by China when Obama was in Beijing, but the US decided not to. America needs truly qualified leadership that is will to tell the American people that the way forward is through cooperation, not war. America also needs to quit interfering in other countries and pull its occupation troops out and go home. In short, the US needs to join the rest of the world as an equal, not as the corrupt autocrat that it is. The American people must make the choice now.
Segei Markov is a “strong spirit” for Rus renaissance as proved by his appearance on Rus peak time Sunday tv few weeks ago. Above should be checked to see if accurately translated/reported/hyped up.
(Note President Lithuania claims Rus is “terrorist state” which upset people as previously reported, but Lithuania has just reported it is now going to send “concrete arms” to Ukraine-I wonder what-well that is a hostile intent surely, plus possible lease lend USA warships to Ukraine. )
I think people should also be keeping a close eye on this guy.Very close advisor to VP. I can imagine he, Lavrov , VP and UN Ambassador Churkov? working very closely, going the rounds to Duma ,General Assembly, Valdai etc etc. I feel that there has of course been close consultation with all interested parties, that the speeches and new policies being formulated as we speak have been properly strategised, and of course the speeches are public announcements of an “agreed” or at least recognised situation , there is no doubt there. Lavrov’s speech 19 Nov I recommend too.
The quality of Rus guys is incredible, stature, integrity, brains-knowledge , experience etc–the sense of these elder statesmen with experience of terrible troubled times Chechen, big crash etc, and probably of after effects of great Patriotic War etc, is so different from NWO (correct me if wrong) that has come to rely on bright young things ???? who have no world experience,are saturated by a culture of zombie/black ops etc video games, and who all are denying and refusing to acknowledge their own elder statesmen/wise men like Kissinger, Stephen Cohen etc , people who can assess the real world not some simplistic model. I hope Rus continues its own traditions/culture and educational model for their statesmen continues, seems much more mature, adapatable, secure, which is surely what is needed.
Speeches say it as it is, not hyperbole….”teaching” NWO to actually listen and understand correctly—NWO hears but not listens, listens but not hears , with politicians so bound up in their own disconnect political systems that are not subservient to the needs of the people they should be “serving”, and who cannot face the reality of admitting that western democracies and democratic systems that are so caught up in themselves, that all are failing. Rapidly. People see through them now, most politicians are so transparently useless and gutless with no sense of honour, stature.
But the only way the west seems to be going is through anarchy, with occupy, anonymous movements(which may have some good intent, HRW etc at subservience of Soros for example with own financial political interests, subversive NGO’s all funded by government who have devised an educational system only to perpetuate this NWO),etc etc, people like Russell Brand saying we must change our political systems by-not engaging with the political systems, and have nothing useful/intelligent to offer up in place, yet people like these are “heroes” to young people who frankly are failed by our current cultural and educational systems leading to a wholesale false and bankrupt ideology. It is all very very insane and Rus recognises that too not wishing to fall into the same delusional traps. Rus’s sense of permanence and reality but being adaptable and progressive yet being solid, steady, sensible is actually what people most appreciate and want.
Thanks again for all your work Saker.
Thank you Saker fort his most important speech!
As usual, complete silence about this in the west… Well, it is to their own peril. They have been warned.
Developments are getting ever faster as we are approaching the brink. God help us all…
Christoph (Germany) said…
“ … Autumn 1941 was a pretty close affair for the Soviet Union which hinged on the Japanese not attacking … “
You are probably aware that Japan attacked Soviet Union multiple times during the 1930’s? In the 1939 Japanese Kwantung Army was so terribly decimated by the Zhukov that Japan lost any appetite for further messing with Soviets and turned to softer targets instead …
One of the most outragious articles, from the sub human Kirchick. About establishing a NATO Monroe doctrine in Europe:
Kirchick is a voice of the hard line neocons and the state dept.
And an English transcript of the controversial Merkel speech in Brisbane, made shortly after a long one-on-one conversation with mr. Putin:
Anonymous said…@ 26 November, 2014 04:46
“Unfortunately Mr. Lavrov’s speech is marred by a glaring error, as follows: “The seven developing economies headed by BRICS already have a bigger GDP than the Western G7.” The GDP of the G7 is bigger than that of BRICS by a factor of approximately 2.3 This troubles me because it seems almost certain that Mr. Lavrov must know this.”
It depends on the accounting principles adopted.
If the normal Statement of Standard Accounting Practice standards of value being the lesser of cost or net realisable value, also known as marking to market, perhaps your perception of Mr. Lavrov’s statement would vary.
Perhaps the latest Keiserr report on RT may prove illuminating –
The US, the neocon war party, wants to turn Ukraine into a new Afghanistan, and they are hoping for the same result; massive Russian casualties, colossal expense, and the fall of the Russian government and Putin. This is a crazed strategy because history doesn’t repeat itself like that. The Ukrain isn’t Afghanistan and Russia isn’t the same country it was thirty years ago. Not only that, the world’s changed too, though the neocons are dreaming and nostaligic for a past that cannot be recreated.
Who benefits from a terrible war in the heart of Europe in Ukraine? Certainly not Europe, not Russia, not Ukraine. The only people who want to see this are the Americans, who, over the short-term see an awful lot of gains for themselves. What’s extraordinary is the attitude of the European elites, who at least in public, support the US strategy of war with Russia fought by Ukrainina fascist militias, armed, trained, and financed by Washhingto and its allies. What can Europe possibly gain from this?
What happens to these militias after Ukraine? Where do they go next? Can they be controlled? If they can take over in Ukraine what’s to stop them doing it somewhere else?
Europe looks like a man being pushed towards the executioners block by the United States, but it seems to be smiling and happy at the prospect of getting its head chopped off, amazing! The Europeans are actually grateful for the opportunity of showing how loyal they are to the Empire by willingly putting their heads on the block and nodding pasively as the axe comes down! Extraordinary.
This is a quite interesting read from MSM Spiegel. It basically admits that the narrative of Evil Russia foiling the Eu-Ukraine Association Agreement is wrong and that an arrogance-bureaucratic clusterfuck from the EU was mainly to blame:
I’m with you here. All they do is talk, talk and talk.
Meanwhile, the west topples Khadafi, topples Ianukovitch, encircle Russia with NATO bases, come up with the ISIS strategy to take out Assad, cut Russia off of foreign capital, crush the ruble, collapse oil prices, cancel a contract for delivery of military material (yes, cancel… Russia will never see those ships… really sad if you haven’t figured this out yet).
But Putin and Lavrov give nice speeches.
This all seems to indicate to me that there isn’t much they can do.
I don’t buy this excuse that they probably have the goods on 9/11 and MH17 but won’t do anything about it because, “You just don’t do that diplomatically… it’s a non-spoken rule” blah blah blah.
Oh and did you see their reaction to the finger France just gave them? I mean, France (and I’m from France) just STOLE from them (the ships are paid for) and Russia just took it up the a**.
Everyday Russians must find that pathetic after a while, no? I mean, in the case of the mistrals, this is Russian taxpayer money that is being stolen from them.
Anyway, the west is saying, “Screw all the rules, we are going to bring Russia down.”
So, as much as I had hopes Russia might be able to act as a counterweight to the empire, I think the end of the Putin era is near.
For “chess players” those guys are always several moves behind.
Don’t count on the BRICS. They have shown zero solidarity. They are probably scared of the repercussions…
As I wrote in a previous post, just let us know when Russia actually DOES something of consequence, not give another speech.
@ _Blue:
The nonsense about the FED being private is just that, utter nonsense being juggled by your government shills and stupid fascist bunch that parrots it.
The FED is in every way fully owned by the Congress and just a partially “independent” department of the government, just like Labour office or the Social Security. It could be closed tomorrow by a simple vote, if the Congress wanted it. The chairman of the FED is even being CHOSEN by the POTUS himself.
But why would they want to end their very instrument of power and their ultimate excuse for dummies? This way they can always repeat their lies along the lines of “it wasn’t us, it was the ‘independent’ FED”.
Now the problem is rather that the Congress is more or less “privately owned”, but that is another topic altogether.
Stop believing the lies blindly and just read the Federal Reserve Act, it’s all in there black-on-white.
Every athlete keep respect to oponents who are better than themselfs. Everybody’s goal is to win over better individual or team. The same principle apply in international relations. West was sweeping floor with Russia as with dirty rug. Because Russia allowed to do it. Nobody makes hole into the world by pushing head into (c)anal.
Kremlin finaly realized this and said no more biznis as usual as it was. It takes some time for the west to swallow it, but game is over.
On other hand we need to look at the last 15 years very possitive for Russia. They punished west for all their mistakes without mercy. When Putin became president Russia was in bad shape. Putin, very smart, played game which make Russia stronger. When time came in Russia is throwing away unecessery weight to climb higher.
Russia now accesed Abchazia by wide agreements. Georgia is opening mouth but Russia do not care and not much words from west. It is gonna hapen soon with N Karabakh.
Lavrov seems to think history will go on and work itself out. That nuclear confrontation cannot and will not come about. That it is a given that Russia will prevail.
Nothing is a given that Russia or anyone will prevail anywhere or that sanity will prevail.At any time it could all end.
US foreign policy today is not simply arrogant or anti-Russia. It is literally insane, and solely driven by a lust for power and domination in the world. It is no longer ruled by economic self-interest since the USA is cannabilizng itself and its own country through its banking system and MIC. Today, US foreign policy is driven by the drive for hegemony.
The question of the hour is there any accomodation left in the Western ruling class mind?
And now that Israel is preparing to take all of Jerusalem, is the evangelical Christian USA psychologically preparing for Armaggedon and the second coming of Christ? While this might sound ridiculous, George Bush himself was such a believer. And Palin. and possibly Romney.
So so much for Christian values. It’s humanitarian values and science that is needed. We have galloped and are galloping back to the Dark Ages with the atomic bomb at our fingertips. This is a frightful and planetary problem that transcends Islamic drives for hegemony. That is a false issue when it is the US that empowers the Islamic fundamentalism by its support and partnership of the Saudis and Arab Emirate nations.
The Western world is profoundly anticommunist. And as the worldwide crisis of capitalism proceeds, so the 4th Reich and a new fascist axis has appeared. It’s capitalism vs. socialism not Christianity vs. Islam.
In response to Juliana, her comment above of 25 Nov 2014 18:25
I can’t overstate the importance of the most excellent observations of Russian FM Lavrov’s comment on the terrible flaw of the iron-clad U.S. 2 and 4 year election cycles that exclude a possible real change of government and policies; all the worse for the fact that an upper house, the U.S. Senate only changes about a third of its members each 2 year election. The electorate would have to vote strongly in one way in more than 3 election cycles to get a true change. I say more then three cycles because the U.S. electorate DID vote for anti-war, domestically-focused and normalized government in the three election cycles of 2004, 2006 and 2008. And got rigged results, and then a Manchurian candidate/president Barrack Obama.
In the past 4-5 years here in the U.S. there have been many, hundreds, of unprovoked police murders of unarmed and/or clearly non-dangerous citizens. The significance placed by the MSM propaganda on the Ferguson killing needs examination. Why? Why was this killing in Missouri given so much attention? It is completely in keeping with the tactics of the U.S. ruling class that this killing in Missouri happened so as to effectively remove a reasonable, moderate Governor J. Nixon (D), any more a rare quite decent man, from a possible national candidacy in 2015.