This pearl from the BBC and “Radio Liberty”:
Ukraine’s “We are Europeans” movement urges the country’s Olympians at the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, to stop competing to show solidarity with the protesters, Radio Liberty reports.
Nine policeman are killed, all of them by gunshots, and the “Ukrainian Europeans” want the athletes to disrupt the Games in Russia in solidarity with the gunmen who killed the cops.
You got to admire these “Ukrainian Europeans” for their chutzpah…
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The future “European Ukie” |
It’s funny how all of the oh-so-politically correct commentators in the U.S. can’t reflect for a moment the nauseating bigotry and Russophobia of making Ukraine’s identity as European decisive in its current political crisis.
Kiev unrest the result of Western connivance – Russian Foreign Ministry
A bit too polite, as it is obvious that there is a lot more than connivance the western zionazis/fascists are engaged in. They set the Ukraine insurrection up and have carefully run these terrorist goons from the beginning. It’s good to see that people in Ukraine are mobilising against this fascist scum. The sods are trying the same rubbish in Venezuela.
Large Marches by Venezuelan Opposition and Government Supporters, Leopoldo Lopez Turns Himself In
There, the government is taking a more pro-active approach to these zionazi run destabilsers sooner. Venezuela has also gone after those handing out orders to the terrorists.
Maduro Expels Three U.S. Officials from Venezuela for “Conspiracy”
Venezuela long ago booted the worst of the “regime change” lot when they kicked out the Israelis.
вот так
An article in Russian media about the collusion between the west (mostly talking about Germany) and their puppet leaders attempting to “regime change” Ukraine.
Меркель вышла на Майдан (Merkel came to Independence)
Partial translation:
“- Klitschko and Yatsenyuk no legitimacy to meet with leaders of other countries, – said General Director of Foreign Policy Research Institute and initiatives, a member of the Public Chamber of Russia Veronica Krasheninnikov. – They represent a very small part of Ukrainian society, and de facto usurping power.
Germany believes that they can do it, because Klitschko – largely German project. In 2010, the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, associated with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), initiated and funded the establishment of the party “BLOW” Klitschko. The aim was – some members of the CDU talked openly – to create a Ukrainian social conservative party CDU on the model. Klitschko was a suitable figure for the role of its leader.
Klitschko organized meetings with senior representatives of the German establishment, including Angela Merkel, to increase its political weight. So today Klitschko natural – from a German perspective – way continues to meet with the chancellor.
Of course, the team has Klitschko and American political strategists. In general, a pair of Klitschko Yatsenyuk – a creature of the West.
The fact that a minority in Ukraine usurps power, contrary to all the principles of democracy and the Ukrainian constitution and undermines the normal activities of the state. Yes, citizens of Ukraine have the right to change the power – but under the election, presidential and parliamentary, which will be held in 2015. Then you need to express an opinion, not make unrest now using ultra thugs.
“SP”: – Germany can go to meet Ukrainian opposition to impose sanctions against Yanukovych and his entourage, to lobby the EU the issue of visa-free regime?
– Introduce sanctions against Yanukovych and individuals in its environment – easily. But on the visa-free regime, and it was not in the association agreement that Ukraine and the EU planned to sign in Vilnius. In general, it is necessary to understand that any association and integration with the EU is Ukraine’s loss of sovereignty, and in all respects – economically, politically, militarily.
“SP”: – Russia may have something to do in this situation?
– A lot of time was, unfortunately, lost. Over the past two years the president of Ukraine Yanukovich insisted led towards integration with the EU. There was deployed active advocacy campaign in favor of European integration. Advantages of such a step was listed many unrealistic and cons – the loss of sovereignty, the inevitable entry of Ukraine into NATO, de-industrialization of the country and make it a place to trade (what happened to all the new members of the EU) – passed over in silence. As a result, we can say Ukrainian population was misinformed.
We need to provide objective information on the membership of the EU, to explain what it threatens Ukraine and Ukrainian people. In addition, the need right now to work actively with the Ukrainian economy as much as possible to build denser economic ties between our countries.
We must understand: the events must unfold in a strictly legitimate context within Ukrainian laws. Change the constitution at the whim of the minority, some small groups of Western agents, major sovereign country can not …”
вот так
I can’t help to make the link with the visit of opposition leaders last week (if I remember well) to A. Merkel.
Yakunovitch has to do a big clean up if he wants to stabilize Ukraine, but is he a stateman?
After just spending over a week there in Nikolaev, all I can say is that I am deeply saddened by what is transpiring in Kiev. Friends in Nikolaev think Ukraine will split and maybe civil war. I truely hope not for the sake of the lovely people I encountered in my stays in Ukraine.
Ironically, the voilence in Kiev seems very centralised and no sign of it on the outskirts. Same with there being nothing to speak of in either Odessa and Nikolaev. I do wish the instigators of this have some form of karma happen to them and that what ever outcome, it is for the best of the magority populas of Ukraine.