Dear friends,
While we are all on the edge waiting for the news from Novorossia to change any minute, we’d like to ask your help with the two projects that the Russian Saker team is currently undertaking:
1. Our Russian partners from site asked us about the Ferguson crisis in the USA. Can those of you who live in the US, write something up for us or send us a link from a reliable source?
2. We are working on a letter to the Ukrainians to help stop the war. Since we, the Russian Saker, represent the Russian diaspora which is a part of the larger international community, we would like to add your voices as well. Please send us your short appeals to
Thank you for standing with us in these difficult and trying times,
The Russian Saker team
RT has done a LOT of Ferguson coverage, not sure why they don’t just check their YouTube channel.
Otherwise, a commenter named Malooga on MoA did up an interesting essay on the institutional violence of the police (and the ghetto), found here. I had that translated into Serbian and wrote a follow-up article, but it’s in Serbian. I can send you an English translation if you wish… I would include the Yandex translation but frankly it does the text no justice.
Я завидую Россиянам, я завидую этим «кацапам» и «москалям»!
Я завидую их Олимпиаде и их армии, у меня много знакомых, есть и родственники в России. И я вижу, как они меняются и растут. Они верят своему Президенту. Они верят в свою армию. Они гордятся своей великой историей, своими достижениями и победами.
А это же была наша общая история…и победы и достижения. Еще вчера. Они примирились с собой. Они наплевали на боготворимый нами Запад. И они идут дальше и развиваются, чтобы не говорили нам по нашим телевизорам и на наших форумах. И я понимаю, что это мы теряем, а не они. Мы становимся слабее, а они сильнее.
И как бы мы громко не кричали «Слава Украине!» это уже не остановить.
Совсем недавно мы ехидничали, когда у них была Чечня.
А сейчас чеченцы уже не меньше русские, чем сами русские. Они готовы биться за свою возрождённую и Великую Страну. Частью которой они являются. И уже чеченскими батальонами пугают нас. Как это произошло???
Они же убивали друг друга еще вчера. А причина проста: чеченцы смогли вспомнить, что они русские, и что они часть Великой Страны и Великого Народа.
Мы злорадствуем, когда у них теракты и катастрофы.
А они преодолевают их раз за разом, и становится сильней! Хотя против них весь мир!
Они падают и снова поднимаются. Стоят и лыбятся. Только сплевывают кровь, сквозь зубы.
А мы кричим, что это они рабы. Что скоро они развалятся, нефть упадет, НАТО нападет, и на них обрушатся очередные кары. А ведь они — это же мы! Мы плюем в свое отражение. Сами в себя.
Нам нужно обязательно вспомнить, что мы единое целое. И когда мы начнем это понимать и осознавать, придет то чувство, когда-то бывшее в наших предках. Чувство внутренней силы, надежды, веры и гордости за то, что мы тоже русские.
И не важно, кто наши предки: украинцы, татары, евреи, буряты или узбеки. Не важно, кто мы по вере: католики, православные, мусульмане или иудеи. Это не главное. Главное то, что мы — русские! И мы часть Великого народа и Великой страны.
Да у нашей Великой Страны и Великого Народа есть еще проблемы. Но если мы вспомним, что мы — русские, изменится все и навсегда! И этого боятся все.
Боятся, что мы это вспомним и снова будем вместе.
И поэтому со всех сторон плетётся эта паутина лжи, вранья. Поддерживается вся эта злость и ненависть, и у нас и в России.
Они не дают нам проснуться. И если мы не вспомним, кто мы, то не проснемся уже никогда.
По поводу сложившейся ситуации, оккупации и прочего.
Кто кричит громче всех, что нам нужно защищать «нашу» независимость, единство и свободу? Те же чиновники, олигархи и депутаты. Они до ужаса боятся, что за все, что произошло за эти годы с нашей Родиной, придется отвечать.
А может это не оккупация? А может быть это идет освобождение? Это пришли наши, когда уже почти совсем не осталось надежды, когда мы уже почти сдались.
И нам нужно встать вместе и уничтожить всех этих лживых политиков, олигархов, мэров и чиновников, которые с пеной у рта кричат, чтобы мы шли умирать! Умирать за их виллы, яхты и замки, за их счета в банках, за их свободу грабить и независимость от ответа за свои поступки.
Я понимаю, что этот манифест будут выпиливать из интернета. Будут тысячи злобных комментариев, будут кричать, что я предатель, продался Путину, что я кацап, ватник и москаль. Мне безразлично. Я знаю, что за мной – правда.
Я патриот Украины, настоящий патриот, и сейчас решается судьба моего народа и моей Украины.
Мы или вспомним, кто мы есть, или просто исчезнем.
Я люблю мой украинский народ, своих предков и свою культуру.
Я украинец, но больше этого я — русский!
Андрей Авраменко, Харьков is an almost-daily compendium of news articles with source links and identification [and commentary in brackets] from around the world; recent entries have included much coverage about Ferguson, ranging from simple, factual, first-rush breaking news to op-ed and “deep politics” perspectives. In English, it has a built-in language translator by Bing. It is one of a triad of blogs which can be found here:
The proprietor (me) is a disabled/retired fellow with extensive reading, a degree in communications, a focus on news and political science, and a career in emergency medical, medical, media, medical education, and simulation. There are lots of links there to follow.
I believe I already have a number of subscribers from Russia, Europe and throughout the US. I have been online and blogging since about 2004. I am widely read, and the books are noted on one of the static pages. There is also a static page with an extensive listing of online news sources as well as my personal blogroll. I am self-taught in the topic of performance psychology. There is a contact page on each blog.
I’m from USA. Since day one has been following Ferguson, MO, (Argus Radio News). This the BEST and only site to watch what’s going on and still live on Livestream. The man you see is Mustafa Hussein. At the peak there were more than 20,000 viewers all over the world. Anyone can tweet or email them.
Livestream and archives from day one.
“I am Mike Brown Live from Ferguson, MO”
Kindest Regards
part 1: The story of Ferguson has gone away from the press in the United States because the consensus of the witnesses to the event is that Michael Brown (the deceased) attacked officer Darren Wilson (the officer in question), pushed him into his patrol car and attempted to steal his sidearm, at which point a single round (possibly more) was discharged in the vehicle as the two struggled. It is unclear as to how events proceeded from this point, but Michael Brown (link removed) ended up shot six times (all frontally, none from behind). The link here: (link removed) corroborates this version of events, even though Brown’s fellow-perpetrator attempts to fabricate facile explanations for the events: “[officer Wilson] tried to open his door aggressively, the door ricocheted both off me and Big Mike’s body and closed back on the officer” and “Still in his car, the officer then grabbed Brown by his neck, Johnson said. Brown tried to pull away, but the officer kept pulling Brown toward him” – why would the officer want to pull his attacker back on top of him where him?)
Brown had also been caught before the event on the surveillance camera in a convenience store robbing the clerk of a box of cigars (valued at $48.99). He reached behind the counter and simply took the item directly in front of the clerk, who appears to be a small elderly man. The clerk followed him out of the store demanding he return the stolen item, and Michael Brown clearly pushes, assaults and menaces the poor clerk as he forces his way out of the store. Here is the video: (link removed)
There is no question that the police in America have become highly militarized – and dangerous as a result. Many have been trained to react aggressively to the smallest infraction and believe that they must obtain compliance in every situation, no matter the level force they must apply. Many are inflexible, unreasonable or simply corrupt (as in many or most countries.) Significant numbers of the larger departments have undergone training in Israel link removed). But the simple fact is this: it is not racist to state the simple truth that the African-American population of the United States is disproportionately violent and disproportionately inclined to crime and mayhem. I am not a racist. I am only stating the simple truth as I know it from personal experience on many occasions: many black people in America are cruel, violent and have little or no regard for the lives, dignity or property of anyone – be they black or white. I live in the city of Pittsburgh and there are at least a 8-10 neighborhoods I can name in which it is simply not safe for a white person to go walking because there is a strong chance they will be beaten, robbed, raped or killed – often simply for being white. Dozens of major American cities are the same. I know this from personal experience. This is not to say that all black people are this way or that there are not myriads of white people who are this way, it is only to state that, for whatever reason, black folks in America are more violent and disrespectful of law and order than other “races” or ethnicities. Anyone who lives here long enough and observes will come to the same conclusion. Does that make them racist? Whether this state of affairs among the black communities is a result of the historical treatment of blacks at the hands of “whites” is an altogether different and historical question that is immaterial to how the police must respond to crimes and misdemeanors on the streets of America today.
part 2:
When the news of Michael Brown’s death at the hands of a white police officer became widely known, several hundred African American citizens of Ferguson gathered together and began to attack local stores and shops. Breaking their windows and looting the merchandise. When the police came (the regular beat cops, not the heavy riot police), the looters scattered and reemerged on the other side of town as a “protest.” The important thing to remember about the events in Ferguson is that they started out with looting and rioting – a legitimate pretext, perhaps one of the few, for martial-law type police deployment. Only afterward did lawful, civil protest begin to slowly organize. But even after the initial looting and initial protest, when the protesters moved away from the police presence, they immediately reverted to looting! This was all on the first few days after the event, before the militarized police ever got there. The military police came to stop looting and rioting, but when the rioters saw them, the simply began to “protest.” To verify all of the above, simply google or otherwise search for “ferguson looting” or “ferguson riots.” This will return dozens of links to stories are are only a few:(links removed)
It was only after this that militarized riot police were deployed. From that point onward, it became a spectacle, nothing more. There were very few instances of bona fide unlawful police brutality, in my opinion anyway. As I said, one of the very few legitimate reasons to deploy a militarized police force with martial authority (which no police in Ferguson had) is riots and looting. Most realistic people agree with this. The entire world has seen what happens when the violent mob is allowed to dictate to the police – in February on the Maidan.
The key point to remember about Ferguson is that the Anglo-Zionist regime that rules America works every way that it can to create racial tension between blacks and whites and other groups. The media, think-tanks, universities, many protestant “churches” and many other interest-groups benefit greatly by exaggerating and exacerbating racial tensions in America. There is very little true “racism” against blacks people in America. Most whites are deferential and overly-solicitous toward blacks (and many blacks even notice this and interpret it as a kind of crypto-racism!) Altogether, 90% of white people are free of consequential bias against black people. The police on the other hand cannot help but be more cautious and skeptical of the black communities – not because the officers are racist, but because in their personal experience blacks tend to be disproportionately violent, contemptuous of the rights of others and unwilling to submit to lawful authority. Do innocent black people often pay the price for this communal trend at the hands of nervous or prejudiced officers? Yes, absolutely and those instances should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Was the shooting of Michael Brown such a case? Not in the opinion of this correspondent.
Please write back with any further questions.
The World Socialist World forum has excellent journalistic articles that cite sources of their information. Yes, they come with a point of view; however, so does the mainstream media in the USA. It’s stimulating to read another point of view. The propaganda machine in the USA is in overdrive, and in general, the population in the USA is self-absorbed to care.
regarding Ferguson, MO:
Thank you Saker, I look forward to reading your blog every day. So California, USA
part 3: links:
part 4: links 2:
Sites that I daily go to for updates on news, including Ferguson:
I suppose folks in other countries might view Ferguson as a crisis, as a seminal moment in the social relationships of a heterogenous mix of ethnics and races.
It is nothing more important to America than the Pussy Riot events in Russia.
We have professional race-baiters and professional race hustlers who like to exploit white cop on black shooting/beatings.
During the weekend of Ferguson, over 60 blacks were shot dead in Chicago by blacks. Nothing in the media.
Chicago is the real story of black’s being violated of their rights and their lives. Black on black crime is killing hundreds of them. The carnage has been like Lugansk in scale, done one gunshot at a time, dozens in any evening.
Ferguson is like the Trayvon Martin spectacular. A young criminal picked a fight with a man with a gun who legally killed him. Ferguson will turn out to be identical. A young criminal picked a fight with a cop with a gun and he got killed.
Both cases, the young black criminal assaulted the man with the gun and the shootings are justified.
That’s not a crisis. Nor are looting and riots.
As for the riots and looting, that was imported by the New Black Panthers from outside Ferguson and some local blacks who always loot when there is a flareup of race baiting and an opportunity to riot. They do it after basketball games (Laker championship in LA).
Blacks in America have had over 50 years to join the upward mobility of the American economic and socialist support systems. It takes getting educated and working hard. Millions of people, including many blacks, take the challenge and make something of themselves.
During this fifty years the Black Community, in general terms, not all, has devolved. It has become more government-dependent. It has assiduously become more ignorant. It has virtually no family structure, and its religiosity is also weaker than ever. The sub-culture of Blacks has become a catastrophe exploited for political power by the Cult of Liberalism, Elites and the aforementioned race-hustlers (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and a host of others, white and black lawyers, too numerous to list here.)
Should we think Pussy Riot represents the crisis in Russian society? Don’t worry about Ferguson.
You fell for the MSM which pitches this crap like its two scoops of ice cream on a hot summer night.
They do race-hustiling endlessly.
“Content of your character, not the color of your skin.” American Whites bought into this from Martin Luther King, Jr. wholeheartedly. American Blacks, in general again, not all, have disappointed him, us, and themselves and their children.
There are few Black fathers living with their progeny. 70% of Black children are born to single young black women, often teen girls. No education. No family. No career. Endless cycle getting worse and worse over the years, decades, now multi-generations.
During the same period, legal Hispanic immigrants, legal Vietnamese refugees, legal Cuban immigrants and refugees, legal Haitian refugees have climbed up from the bottom into a middle class. The common denominators are: education is valued and pursued and they all work hard.
Notice, those groups are diverse ethnically and racially and none are purely White. Yet, they do well.
But they don’t have BS leaders and the Cult of Liberalism distracting them and their families from religion and economic goals.
But race is not an issue. Character is the issue.
I’ll be happy to help if you’d like; just emailed you a bit of background that might come in handy — please feel free to use it if you see fit.
I haven’t been to the US since 2005, but I lived many years in California, including during the 1992 riots. STRONGLY recommend Bill Whittle’s excellent soft spoken 6 minute video. It is an appeal to reason, and backed up by statistics. Russians are very lucky not to have suffered the anti-european racism which has been the ruin of the west for the past 50 years:
We know the result of the conflict, that Novorossia exists, that the state formation known as Ukraine will be drastically redrawn. What is more important, what will speed up the war and finish it, is for all people of good conscience to come together and support socialism, state capitalism in Novorossia and whatever is left of Ukraine. Because there is no way forward for neo-Nazis and oligarchs. And the spirit of the USSR, Novorossia and Soviet Ukraine is strong. If we all come together, Novorossia and the remaining Ukraine will be partners along with Russia and the BRICS. So if we start thinking along economic and political lines, we can create a solution for the people beyond the horizon of the war, a solution that will bring together the NAF and all Ukrainian citizens of good will, which will speed the war to a successful conclusion with a minimum of casualties. The US, the EU, capitalism are the enemies.
Hey guys! This is a heads up from Clif High (who’s been getting a lot of his forecasts right lately). His website is and here’s his warning there:
USA is #1!
World’s first cFF (cyber false flag) invented here! And coming to a bank/gov’t near you in September!
Linguistics show that USA politbureau is linking [banks] and [national security] very heavily. They will be shutting down banks in response to a [cyber false flag] and they will then use this as [excuse for war]. We all really know that this is to try and save some zionist bankster butts from a very early, and violent death later as the revolution heats up for a cold winter.
Their ‘target’ in this first ever cyber false flag is Russia.
Please warn the Russians. The Americans have been preparing us for a cyber false flag with the media reporting in early August that Russian hackers stole 1 billion passwords.
In his IDIR report out today, Clif said that the Americans may be stealing the money out of their own people’s bank accounts and then blame the thefts on Russian hackers. The banks will then offer more loans to their victims and the US government will tell people to go and kill the evil Russians.
Warn everyone.
Has anyone bothered to read clive maund’s article on what is going on? I concur very closely to what he is saying after watching things for almost 20 years.
We are witness to the greatest struggle of our age – the battle to maintain global dollar hegemony, economic, military and political dominance of the entire planet.
Any state that moves to opt out of using the dollar as a medium of exchange is dealt with, forcibly. The tactics are economic blockade (sanctions), funding internal revolution, assisted by US special forces and outright military invasion.
A sad irony for the American people is that even though the US has the ability to swap unlimited intrinsically worthless paper for goods and services from the the rest of the world, the infrastructure of the country is crumbling and many Americans already live in poverty on “food stamps”, and even the great US middle class is being squeezed. This is because the elites don’t care about the country or the masses – all they care about is power and the amassing of personal fortunes.
The situation between the US and Russia / China is very dangerous – is already very dangerous. Are they crazy enough to start a World War? – World War III? Sure they are and you can see the potential for it in the continual provocation and brinksmanship that is already going on, a fine example of which being the rabid and almost hysterical reaction to the Russian aid convey that just went across the border into eastern Ukraine.
It is hard to overstate the stupidity of Europe in toadying to the US and imposing sanctions on Russia. Russia is not some Third World banana republic, it is an important world power and the act of imposing sanctions on it by Europe and the US is a gross insult and extreme provocation that will have disastrous consequences, particularly since it is now allied with China, with which it will now work assiduously to completely bypass the dollar. China knows that if the US succeeds in destroying Russia economically and subjugating it, then it’s next, so we can expect China and Russia to forge a very powerful alliance.
The rabid propaganda now being bandied about in Western media, is so crude and primitive that it would have even made the Nazi propaganda maestro, Dr Goebbels, blush with embarrassment, and you couldn’t accuse him of underestimating the stupidity of the masses.
The biggest danger arising out of all this is that desperate people do desperate things, and the recent crude “gloves off” propaganda blitz is certainly a sign of desperation.
Many people suffer from vague uncertainties – they know something is wrong, but can’t put their finger on it. This is because they are not privy to “The Grand Plan” and believe the lies and misinformation carefully and skillfully served up to them by the compliant media, whose masters view the masses as sheep and treat them like mushrooms – “Feed them shit and keep them in the dark”.
the Western elites are DESPERATE, desperate in the face of a looming collapse of the dollar caused by its losing its reserve currency status – so desperate that you can practically see the perspiration running down their faces.
Will the US succeed in breaking Russia to maintain dollar hegemony?…
We all can imagine how a failing empire that is still very very powerful will go to any lengths to not lose that status and would if need be destroy the entire planet first before letting it go. We need more americans than anyone else to say NO! And as we see, you have the the fat people of Europe towing the line even if they will be first ones under the mushroom clouds and the ukies actually commiting suicide for a buck. Do as the Indians and now the chinese do, BUY GOLD and SILVER! Yes even that much will implode the empire.. Its the most powerful weapon we the people have.
Thanks everyone who responded to our appeal. We will go through your posts and emails and contact you if more info or clarification is needed.
Great community!
I am shocKed by the statements of Old Ez and Larchmont about the behavior of black people in this country and the claim that 90% of white people are not racist. We live in a society where racism is systemic. Right now in this academic community where I live there are many problems in our schools that are caused by racism. We are trying to weed it out. I am also aware that every black man in this town is stopped from time to time by the police for no reason other than DWB. That includes a black man who was Chancellor of our University.
Please do not forward Old Ez and Larchmont’s remarks to your Russian friends without telling them that their attitudes keep the racist fires burning.
If the russians want to grasp our point of view, here are great links from on the ground reports and analysis of what is really fueling the Ferguson protests. From black agenda report: The counter-insurgency state.
If the russians want to grasp our point of view, here are great links from on the ground reports and analysis of what is really fueling the Ferguson protests. From black agenda report: The counter-insurgency state.
Everybody wants to speak for african-americans. Nonsense ! If the russian team wants to provide credible information to their readers coming from reliable sources they should get the information directly from the horse’s mouth. Here are the appropriate links regarding what is driving the Ferguson unrest. From black agenda report: The counter-insurgency state. The war on black america
Past is prologue
Discard the black misleadership class
These are a few of the articles you will find pertaining to the subject. If you’re looking for Vremya here it is…
Andrei Avramenko – Thanks for forcing me to knock the rust off my Russian language skills, it was well worth the effort. A magnificent call for awakening of the “national consciousness”. May it be widely read and circulated.
Hats off to you!
America is in a death spiral that started in the 70s. Income inequality, massive unemployment, war on drugs, war on terror, domestic police state, foreign wars of aggression, poverty, decline in education, chaos in health care . . . there are 0 positive trends. Yet – America is still a fertile ground for resistance. The essential American character is criminal, revolutionary, individualistic, about freedom. While tending to the nihilistic and the postmodern, it’s a legitimate and valuable tendency. A good counterbalance for Russian Christian ethics and rich historical legacy. On the flip side of the current false crisis, Americans and Russians should be best friends. And can be later – after a New America is created. Russians can help Americans create the New America, as an American I invite your help in every way, the ways are known, new and old.
Ferguson is a good sign. The racist fascist capitalist pigs that run the game have jailed, oppressed and fucked over black people for so long and in such numbers . . . but the black population of this country has finally regained a small percentage of their revolutionary potential, after a long decline.
Americans on the hard right and the hard left are friends of Novorussia and Russia. Black people, Native Americans . . . are friends of Russia.
I appeal to Russia and New Russia to help create a New America.
This is not from Ferguson itself but the political content is important.
This is not from Ferguson but the political content is important.
Anonymous @ 3:28
You don’t address a single point I made.
The most racist people in America as a group are blacks. They have been taught it over the last fifty years. It is a knee-jerk response to everything. And they even have conceptualized the notion that they cannot be racist. Only whites can be racist, according to those ignoramuses who preach this stuff.
Come up with a challenge to my points.
Character matters. Education is an elective. Many blacks choose to be ignorant. They are not born with less gifts. They work hard to not develop them. They waste their years in school. Cut it short, drop out.
In fact, Blacks might be advantaged in many biological ways, including their brains . There is evidence in science to show they evolved faster than whites in the last several thousand years and that is a sign of a superior trait in the development of mammals. I learned that in graduate school from a world famous anthropologist. There is every evidence that any educated Black, male or female, can accomplish anything. So at the least, they are equally fit as any other race.
You can fight your racism fight all you want. You are destined to fail because it is not inside Whites or white dominated institutions. It’s in the black community as an attribute they have been encouraged to hang onto.
Check out these names. Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Mia Love, Tim Scott. They all are Black skin with real character underneath. All successes. All articulate. All marginalized by the MSM, the very Liberal MSM.
Even Black CEOs of major corporations are kept off camera. American Express, Xerox, McDonalds are led by Blacks. I can assure you they did the smart thing and got education and worked hard.
America is a simple system. You get educated and you work hard. The downside is the Elites exploit the hell out of you and everyone else and monkey with the system to hold power, but all-in-all there is endless opportunity.
The power structure is something else. The plutocrats are evil beyond belief. But poor, legal immigrants still come here from everywhere and do well. Many from Africa. Many from the Caribbean nations. Other Blacks from Latin America. The hard workers build a life, a business, a career. Others slide into government support and their destiny is often short-circuited.
Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Compton, Cocanut Grove, Oakland etc, etc. Black run cities in chaos. Why? I say it was wrong emphasis for the community. If they focused on education and family cohesion, those cities would not have fallen into corrupt, rundown sewers of Liberalism.
It’s not a mystery. Its values and character. Some Blacks have had it, develop it and prosper. Others abandon values and character and blame everyone else for the outcome.
As I pointed out, Martin Luther King, Jr. pronounced the challenge. Character! The simplicity of that is what shocks me about your reaction.
But you have important work to do. Save the Black race from Whites. They need your help? I don’t think so. They need to help themselves.
I knew a cleaning woman in NYC in the sixties. Bertha. She worked at night cleaning offices. She put three children through college. We used to have long talks about things in those days (nights) while I worked late putting myself through grad school. She thought the nation was on its way to great things and her kids were going to be college grads and professionals. I’m betting at least one of them is tops in his or her field. She was that kind of person. She had values. She worked hard. She knew education was the key to happiness for her kids.
Read Dr. Ben Carson’s books. Find out the truth from an eminent neurosurgeon. Listen to Mia Love. Haitian parents were immigrants.
Open your mind.
Ideology is like slit glasses, a narrow view of the world. Dump the ideology and free yourself.
Ciao Saker, io non sono Russo ma come vedi Italiano ma ti mando lo stesso un buon link sull’intervento televisivo fatto ieri dal mio amico regista Massimo Mazzucco che credo conosci già. Egli è un esperto contro-corrente sull’11 settembre nonchè Autore di molti video e articoli su tante questioni. Nel Sito troverete anche un altro articolo- video sul reporter americano “forse” decapitato.
Allego Link
Baboo here,
For a different take than the ones proffered above, Jim Stone has a more analytical approach. I suggest people here put away their kneejerk tendencies and analyse the situation objectively as Jim Stone does.
“…Too many coincidences, especially the cigar box story, the movie, the out of towners who got violent, and let me go on a rant here:WHO SET THE BUSES UP AND SHIPPED THE OUT OF TOWNERS IN? OBVIOUSLY SOMEONE WHO KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. And who has money to pay for transport of so many rioters, all of which the police have said are from out of town? WHO ORGANIZED THIS?
Whoever organized this wanted to create a reason for a DHS crack down, martial law, and out of control government aggression. Someone wanted a precedent set, so something phony was staged that got a man killed and once that was a verified success that provided a “reason” the buses rolled into town and released the rioters. That is what is going on here, this is no doubt a psy op launched by very powerful and evil people, and NOT JUST A STORY ABOUT A STORE ROBBERY GONE AWRY. Another “Sandy Hook” Boston bombing Batman event, BET ON IT and that makes the above mail all the more plausible.
These protests are being organized, staged and planned by the radical leftist marxists in the WH and the Justice Dept. The bankers are of course behind the scenes allowing all of this. The goals are simple:
1. Racial division and class warfare
2. Acclimation of police state
3. Massive unrest, chaos and violence
4. TRIGGER Martial Law nationwide
5. Distract we the people away from Obama destroying the US
6. Distract away from the scandals
7. Rally the leftist base before the midterms
8. Start a race war…”
This is from a Canadian…a long way from Novoroosyia and Ferguson…
The Ferguson riots were very much a display of angry residents, and maybe some CIA “color revolutiion” thugs who were trying to make the residents appear to be lower humans… against very militarized police and then also the military itself seemed to become involved…
My concern is the number of black people in jails and in trouble with the law…it may be that they don’t educate themselves (in our horrible institutions)…but now they are North America’s children… we brought them here as tortured. captured tribal people and now we have to look after them.
Its not surprising to me that they don’t like school…me neither…..
In a way, they have become like aboriginal people in Canada and Australia…these once gentle tribal people don’t like our (horrible) new world….
Quenelles to the Establishment….!!!
and they’ve become so marginalized that its a serious problem.
Per completezza eccovi il Link al video originale di Massimo Mazzucco riguardo alla vicenda Foley
The Todo Poder al Pueblo Collective is proud to present the following perspective on the militarized operations of domestic police agencies, which are formulated, planned, and tested alongside overseas allies of U.S. imperialism, such as the Israeli Occupation in Palestine and the Gulf Arab regimes, who are united in waging war against the oppressed.
Police violence towards our communities isn’t an “accident” or freak occurrence, but is the exact plan and purpose of the police and other armed bodies of occupation connected to the state. Within the United States, these practices are carried out not only through armed force, but through institutionalized violence: in Salinas, CA, counterinsurgency practices drawn up in collaboration with the U.S. Military are utilized against immigrant communities; throughout the country data-sharing programs with the federal government such as fusion centers and the poli-Migra “Secure Communities” programs have led to record deportations; meanwhile, in communities of color such as Oxnard, Fresno, Los Angeles, and Orange County, anti-gang civil injunctions have been imposed which effectively revoke the rights of residents in the affected areas.
Ferguson is a symptom of the global rule of those who see other humans as insects. Whatever the difference, be it based on gender, class, wealth, sexual preference, age, race, religion etc, it is used as an excuse to demean, exploit, humiliate, disempower, dispossess and even destroy ‘the Other’. It reaches a crescendo of murderous intensity with groups like the Rightwing Israelis, whose race hatred of their victims is so intense that they are made jubilant, even ecstatic, (see numerous examples in Israeli social media)by the sight of murdered Gazan children. The coming war, which there seems to me to be but faint hope of humanity surviving, is one between a flawed but human good, and pitiless evil, of a sort rarely seen in history.
Scusate, nella fretta di portare informazioni, mi sono sbagliato scambiando i fatti di Ferguson con i fatti del giornalista Foley, quello decapitato dall’Isis. Quindi ho postato due link fuori tema, ma credo che cmq vadano bene, sempre per l’informazione generale alternativa di qualità, che possa essere vista anche dagli amici Russi. Un saluto Clausneghe Claudio Negrioli
p.s. Scandagliate bene il Sito L.C. troverete materiale interessante e d.o.c. has sections dedicated to Ferguson and Detroit: WSWS
Alien Tech, that the Western propaganda is so banal, moronic, ignorant and rabidly vicious is no surprise. The Western MSM is a very crude propaganda system, highly dominated by Likudnik Zionazi Jews and their Sabbat Goy Toys, and every decent, honest, intelligent, journalist was purged long ago. Believe me, several members of my family and friends and acquaintances worked in the MSM, mostly for Murdoch, and they filled in the details of the internecine purges for Thought Crime and the flight of the decent from selling their souls to human monsters like Murdoch. This shite, the ‘two minute hate’ 24/7 for ‘Evil Putin’, the 100% Groupthink, the moronic, puerile, insults aimed at Putin, the brainless lying and the squalid intellectual level attest to decades of unnatural selection to remove the best and promote the very, very, worst.
Here is one of the stories behind the story – introduction here, full story at the link
“As the police killing of Michael Brown has focused global attention on the racial divide in the counties in and surrounding St. Louis, Missouri, a new report may explain why residents’ mistrust of the police runs so deep. It shows how a large part of the revenue for these counties comes from fines paid by African-American residents who are disproportionately targeted for traffic stops and other low-level offenses. In Ferguson, the fines and fees are actually the city’s second-largest source of income, which is expected to generate $2.7 million in fiscal year 2014. We speak with Thomas Harvey, executive director of ArchCity Defenders and co-author of their new report, which has been widely cited — including in a stunning chart in Monday’s New York Times that shows how Ferguson issued on average nearly three warrants per household last year — the highest number of warrants in the state, relative to its size. “What my clients have told me since the first day I’ve ever represented anybody is, this is not about public safety, it’s about the money,” Harvey says. We also hear about the impact of the police harassment and ticketing from George Fields, who was among the local residents lined up for Michael Brown’s funeral on Monday in St. Louis.”
“In Donetsk, Ukraine, allegations are emerging that the European Union’s champions have used white phosphorus bombs on civilians who are challenging their power. If this kind of action is taken in Europe, what can we expect in the US, where police are many times more militarized?”
The link to the full text below:
I am British. However, whenever news concerning the USA and its race problems arise I ignore everything in the mainstream British and American media and read what Steve Sailer has to say about it.
Sailor is an American blogger at the Unz Review.
The comments there are generally high quality.
When Steve Sailer and other bloggers at write about British current affairs their views and reporting are often more insightful than British bloggers.
Highly recommended!
Posted to a facebook event, Rally In Newark NJ to Support Ferguson National March
The references are to real live African-American organizations of struggle, well known to the sender.
Join the Black Is Back Coalition, The People’s Organization for Progress and other community organizations on Saturday, August 30, 2014, from 10:30am – 12:00 pm as we gather in unity with the National March on Ferguson, which begins 10:00 Central Standard Time.. We will meet on the corner of Broad St and Market St in Newark NJ. This Rally is being held at the same time as the march in Ferguson, Missouri organized by the Justice for Michael Brown Leadership Coalition.
for more information email or call 973-826-0702
Justice for Michael Brown Leadership Coalition Demands
1. We demand that Darren Wilson, the officer involved in the shooting death of Michael Brown be immediately fired from Ferguson police department instead of remaining on paid leave. We demand Darren Wilson be charged and vigorously prosecuted for the murder of Michael Brown.
2. We demand that Missouri Governor, Jay Nelson, under the emergency law clause he issued immediately remove St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert P. McCulloch from the case involving Michael Brown.
3. We call upon the United States Federal Attorney General, Eric Holder and Missouri state Attorney General Chris Koster to investigate the policies and practices of the local municipalities in Saint Louis City, Saint Louis County and other municipalities throughout the state of Missouri that have demonstrated a legacy of racial profiling.
Accordingly, we call upon those officials to develop penalties/policies to put an end to those practices.
4. We call for the Missouri State Auditor Tom
Schweich to do an audit of the funds of the local municipalities that have demonstrated a history of racial profiling. We demand accountability of how much revenue is being generated from traffic violations and how these funds are being spent.
5. We call for the Ferguson Mayor, James Knowles and Police Chief Thomas Jackson to immediately resign from their positions of authority and if not we will call upon the people to immediately do a recall of the Mayor of Ferguson.
It is sad to me that so many Saker-readers appear to be knee-jerk anti-law enforcement and knee-jerk pro-“black”. They seem to believe the MSM’s narrative about “racism” hook line and sinker and don’t even bother to investigate the circumstances of the events in Ferguson – namely, that Brown attacked officer Wilson and tried to take his side arm. I hate to revert to the stale left vs. right paradigm, but apparently, many people on the Saker blog are akin to those groups of ideological “leftists” that promote the narrative that all white people are irrevocably “infected” with racism (I myself have many “leftists” beliefs, so I am not bashing “leftism” per se, only drawing attention to the fact that certain establishment-supported figures inject anti-white or anti-Christian racism into leftist ideology and politics). Such a belief is in and of itself truly racist. These same folks also claim that “white America” is “institutionally” or “systematically” racist. They must assert this because it is very difficult for them to find genuine instances of overt racism in contemporary among whites – who have been bullied into hating themselves for 60 years now by the Anglo-Zionist establishment. Much of the black community on the contrary is openly racist and hostile to whites as a group – not “systematically” but empirically and concretely. The so-called “systematic racism” that afflicts America – according to anti-white racists – exists everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. I would really have hoped that most readers of the Saker blog were savvy enough to know that the elites in this country promote racial antagonism by pimping non-existent modes of supposed “racism” such as the canard about “white privilege.” Of course there are prejudiced individuals in America, but that does not translate into “systematic” racism.
If the anti-white racist readers of the Saker blog ever face the prospect of having their homes and businesses attacked, looted and robbed by militantly racist gangs of black folks, I have to wonder if they would reconsider their racist beliefs and if they perhaps might wish for the police – even white police – to come save them?
Re Ferguson:
”From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some transatlantic giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe and Asia could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio River or set a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever, or die by suicide.”
I am hoping that people from other cultures and countries can fully appreciate the view they are getting of the depths and depravity of the post-Sarah-Palin version of American racism expressed by some of the comments on this post.
A couple of regulars to this blog, prolific in opinions about Ukraine, Russia and USA foreign policy, reveal staggeringly ill-judged attitudes to events and problems nearer their own backdoors.
@Larchmonter445 (part1)
I suppose folks in other countries might view Ferguson as a crisis, as a seminal moment in the social relationships of a heterogenous mix of ethnics and races.
It is nothing more important to America than the Pussy Riot events in Russia.
We have professional race-baiters and professional race hustlers who like to exploit white cop on black shooting/beatings. -L445
As an American I can personally vouch for the fact that what’s important to you is not the consensus view for the rest of us. “We” think no such thing. On the contrary, many of us see the increasing militarization of the nation’s police forces coupled with the disproportionately enforced “War on Drugs”, and a rapidly expanding privatized prison system as the major factors contributing to the massive incarceration rates among (long institutionally marginalized) African-American males. As for “race hustlers” you unfortunately appear to have donned that particular suit yourself here.
During the weekend of Ferguson, over 60 blacks were shot dead in Chicago by blacks. Nothing in the media.
Chicago is the real story of black’s being violated of their rights and their lives. Black on black crime is killing hundreds of them. The carnage has been like Lugansk in scale, done one gunshot at a time, dozens in any evening. -L445
Note the critical lack of context on display here. The “black on black crime” that so vexes those who otherwise rarely give the welfare of black people a second thought, is a side effect of the so called “war on drugs” whereby a marginalized population that has been institutionally rendered superfluous to the greater economy is forced into the underground economy that is the narcotics trade where only the most ruthless rise to the top. Never forget that though the US comprises barely 5% of the world’s population it houses some 25% of the globe’s incarcerated total. The overwhelming majority of imprisoned Americans (nearly 2.5 million) are incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses (80%). Deep-six the war on drugs by decriminalizing recreational drug use and create, via fiscal spending, the jobs necessary to meet the needs of the nation and put people to useful work and “black on black” crime fades to statistical insignificance.
@Larchmonter445 (part 2)
Ferguson is like the Trayvon Martin spectacular. A young criminal picked a fight with a man with a gun who legally killed him. Ferguson will turn out to be identical. A young criminal picked a fight with a cop with a gun and he got killed. -L445
Ferguson bares little resemblance to the Trayvon Martin obscenity in which a racist cop-wannabe disregarded a 911 dispatcher’s request that he leave the racial profiling to the professionals as he stalked Trayvon like a pervy action junkie. When Barney Fife physically confronted Trayvon (not the other way around) he got his ass handed back to him in pieces then pulled his pistol and killed a kid who had broken no laws (of which Barney had no authority to enforce in any case) and had only moments before been minding his own business.
The Ferguson shooting is still under investigation of course but what is not in dispute is that an unarmed teenager was shot six times of which two were to the head. According to witnesses Mike Brown was seen backing away with his hands up before being shot dead and his body lay in the street for four hours. Furthermore, an abundance of procedures were violated by the initial investigators including a failure to write up an incident report! (see here:
Blacks in America have had over 50 years to join the upward mobility of the American economic and socialist support systems. It takes getting educated and working hard. Millions of people, including many blacks, take the challenge and make something of themselves. -L445
Nowhere are you less convincing than when you venture forth with this turgid “black pathology” trope. It’s the last refuge and most treasured artifact of racists everywhere, lovingly fingered and then brandished like a shield whenever white privilege is called into account. Like a magic wand this talisman erases 300 years of chattel slavery followed by a full century of Jim Crow/ institutional racism to reveal the true defects of black folks: insufficient bootstraps.
Let us know how your crusade goes.
“It’s always someone else’s fault” is on your banner
Every point you challenge from me is answered with a non sequitor. But I know the game. It’s well-established.
300 years ago many people’s ancestors were in bad shape. That is such a ridiculous argument.
I dont’ really want to go back and forth all day.
Good luck saving the Black American sub-culture.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X directly disagree with your liberal salvation programs.
You really don’t want to try to nullify their words, do you?
‘Character’. I rest my case.
Old Ez is a troll, it seems. Consensus is *not* that Brown attacked the officer, in reality. That is the Ferguson police’s story.
Rebelutionary_z, I am Mike Brown, and Tim Pool’s streams tell a far different story.
And I see the racist peanut gallery is out in force here. Larchmonter445 @ 4:41, I call bull.
Blacks, if anything, have far more reason to be racist, and yet are no more so than whites, they have no more drug abuse than whites, and in the same socioeconomics ranges no more crime. It’s those like yourself that perpetuate the stereotypes and the oppression they face. No other group has such poorly-funded schools, so little chance at job opportunities, so much blatant discrimination–and yet. If you watch the livestreams, the interviews, and the rest–they are overwhelmingly civil, articulate, and non-racist. They’ve thought deeply about this problem, and they want solutions, as anyone would.
I would think that anyone that has been following the debacle in the Ukraine would be overwhelmingly aware how little the characteristics of a people have to do with hate. Simply sitting on land that some rich dude wants is enough. Racism in this country is a divide-and-conquer *tool* to keep the peasants from getting together and sharpening the pitchforks, no more or less. As long as there’s some benighted group at the bottom that we can all blame, the 1% is safe.
This is a touchy subject.
You don’t have to be black to know what racism feels like. And to some extent, the Ukies, Novorussians, and every other group inside Ukrainian borders, is fighting the same battle.
Government herd the people like sheep, utilizing more than sharp-tooth dogs to push the crowds. Riot shields and batons pale in comparison to the paramilitary equipment deployed in Ferguson.
This strikes at the issue no race should have to deal with; why does a domestic police force use APC’s, tear gas, rubber bullets, sonic cannons, to control it’s own people? Because it can AFFORD THE EQUIPMENT.
I’m not saying that sociopaths can’t kill effectively with a basic weapon; Elliot Rodgers stacked more kills with his knife than two pistols. But it becomes a lot easier to lose your grip on reasonability when the tools at your disposal are so incredibly effective.
And there are those that will argue the ‘protest’ was to blame. Racism is to blame, which you better believe is driving this fight:
CNN is a horrible source, but there are many many articles on the net telling the same story; 1/2mil for the shooter, 1/8mil for the victim and his family.
Indirectly, the hate white cops placed on black youths, is because they can’t stand that n****r Obama. My wife is black. My son is half black. I grew up with racist white people. This. Is. Racism.
Compare images from Ferguson to the Little Rock 6. National Guard deployed, high strength protest weapons deployed (water cannons that time). The only difference is the clothing and the film quality.
The US hates itself; we hate on our Mexican sisters for being large, we demonize our Black brothers for being ‘intimidating,’ we label Asian women as piss-poor drivers, but then turn around and support Gay Rights, because, you know, white people are gay, too.
The problem isn’t America, it’s Americans. I wish I could say we are the only country with this issue, but we are not. Society, Entertainment, the Media, paint a bleak picture of God vs. the world, when the war is brother vs. brother. But the problem isn’t getting better, it is getting worse. We didn’t learn to stop blaming black people, we started choking out asthma-ridden large males, even while they cry ‘you’re killing me.’ For selling cigarettes illegally. And because he was much larger than some of the cops.
You know why we call them cops? It is short for Copper, a derogatory term for bobbies in Britain in the 1800’s. 200 years later, and the name remains, because the attitude hasn’t improved, and most of those paying the higher taxes, WANT them to profile, beat, maim, and kill their colored opposition.
Call it what you want, but this is the Civil Rights Movement reborn, and it goes “187 on a mother fuckin’ cop.”
Twitter tag#Ferguson has some interesting comments.
Obviously not news media but gives people’s views of what went on.
Twitter tag #Ferguson has some interesting comments. gives different views of the protests from people who were there. Lots of coverage.
As I pointed out, Martin Luther King, Jr. pronounced the challenge. Character!
In which case you fail miserably — dividing the world into us and them — based upon your own unlimited self regard.
As in, you are a babbling Supremacist tool.
@Old Ez
It is sad to me that so many Saker-readers appear to be knee-jerk anti-law enforcement and knee-jerk pro-“black”
How does it NOT occurr to you, after writing this first genius sentence, that you have already lost all credibility and there’s no point in continuing?
Your comment is hollow. It is an accusation without foundation.
But if that is your best shot, you failed.
The challenge came from eminent men of the Black race. If you don’t understand the failure and the responsibility, that is on you.
Calling me names is ludicrous.
Carry on. The challenge remains.
Dear Russian Saker Team (Saker, please fwd to the relevant parties):
I have some things to say about Ferguson and they will be honest and NOT politically correct. I will try to keep it concise.
Like so many other things, Ferguson is both a legitimate news story and a manufactured media event with a political agenda. There are malignant forces in our country who want to foment racial strife for their own gain. Mind you, ALL of the political factions in our country are corrupt and evil to the bone and use events to further their agendas. In the case of Ferguson, it is the Democrat party who uses race issues to divide the country and keep their control over America’s black population.
When you see ANY mainstream American media “reporting”, keep in mind this is the same media who sold the Iraq WMD bullshit, demonized Gaddafi in order to destroy Libya, are doing the same to Assad and Syria, trash Putin and Russia 24/7 (currently it’s a full scale, regular military, Russian invasion of Ukraine) and still are lying about MH17.
The US has become a police state. Yes, there is prejudice toward young black men, and I will address that in a minute, but I want to talk about this first.
I recently read that more innocent Americans have been killed, by American cops, in the past decade, than all of the US troops killed in the Iraq war. I believe that figure to be credible . The rise of the police state began during the administration of Bill Clinton who, along with his attorney general, Janet Reno, usurped the authority of local law enforcement and began (unconstitutionally) expanding federal law enforcement powers, including using the military against Americans (Waco, Texas). I’ll leave the reasons for this for others to figure out and simply state that this is when it began. After 9/11, it got far worse. Because we have laws (that our governments – local, state and federal ignore) that say the military cannot be used in civilian law enforcement, the government(s) just find ways around them.
After 9/11, a “militarization of police” commenced. The federal government, under the Department of Homeland Security, commenced selling and granting local law enforcement military hardware, from armored vehicles to grenade launchers to guns. They also give local departments “anti terrorist” training. When the feds get done with such training, the local cops suddenly think they’re bad ass US Marines and we, the civilian population, the enemy. I think a lot of people who become cops are bullies, anyway, so imagine what happens when they get military gear and a week of federal brainwashing. Police and prosecutors also close ranks, to protect their own so practically none are charged with their crimes and even fewer are ever convicted. In addition to all of the people terrorized and murdered by these thugs, police have murdered thousands of dogs. They walk up into people’s yards and just shoot their dogs, for NOTHING. The logical conclusion is that they enjoy doing it. Naturally, they are NEVER held accountable. As a dog lover, I find this particularly distressing and it causes me fear. Years ago I used to take my dogs everywhere in the car with me. I don’t anymore for fear of being stopped by a dog hating cop. America has changed and is no longer the safe place I grew up in.
End part 1 of 2
part 2 of 2
With respect to Ferguson and the racial issue: Blacks DO get worse treatment from police and, due to the fact they are more likely to be poor, their conviction rate is higher and sentences harsher than those with money for good lawyers (mostly white people). The incident of violent crime among blacks is FAR higher than it is among whites. As a result, innocent blacks are also treated like potential criminals. It’s a downward spiral where blacks are more violent, bully cops are even more on the defensive, and innocent blacks suffer for it.
The Democrat party makes it’s living off of divide and conquer “identity politics” (and, again, I hate Republicans, too, but I’m just addressing this narrow issue). They pit blacks against whites, women against men, homosexuals against heterosexuals, the welfare class against the working class, etc, etc, etc. Once divided, they promise different groups special privileges and buy their votes by doing so.
I see Ferguson as 80% a police state problem and 20% a racial problem. While the media played this up as a racial issue, MANY, MANY white and hispanic people have been murdered by police and media coverage has been scant to non existent. The reason for that is that the media has no objection to the police state but it DOES love divide and conquer politics. When a Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin story happens, we get non stop media coverage along with the black Democrat race hustlers making a big deal of it. Not because of the police state but over race. They could not care less when it’s someone white or hispanic because there’s no political capital to be gained. It’s that simple.
Further reading on the militarization of police:
You can find interviews and video of the above author, Radley Balko, online.
Cops kill (white) homeless man, which brought out no Al Sharptons or Jesse Jacksons:
Cops beat to death (white) schizophrenic young man who was known and liked around the community:
Dogs that Cops Killed
Yours truly,
@R_of_R on twitter
Weapons of war on civilian american soil and police looking like marine platoons is now considered to be law enforcement ? That’s bullshit ! Tomorrow they will all be niggers. Every single tool of social control used by the white supremacists inside government against us eventually is applied to the general population. That is the trend now for more than two centuries. The racists commenting on this blog will rue the day if they live in the united states…
Saker, I have been working on compiling threads of Ukrainian nazi atrocities that have been covered up by the western media. My latest one covers the US and UK media lies, intentional omissions and deception. I would like to encourage readers to distribute this thread widely to help expose the truth in regards to the nefarious activities of the US and UK governments. I see the Ukrainian crisis not just as the horror show that it is…but also as a pivotal opportunity to bring the true nature of the sox allied ‘leaders’ of the world to light. Ukraine may be the turning point if we can get the truth out more fully in regards to what really took place. The icing on the cake would of course be the truth about MH-17 seeing the light of day. For that we’ll have to wait and see….but if it ever got out it would change the history of the world. That is my hope. There are two links to the thread here: