Just listen to this loony:
This is not just some smiling lunatic speaking, no, this is nothing less than Yona Metzger the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, i.e. the head of the largest most numerous group of religious Jews in Israel. And that gentleman calmly proposes to commit a major crime against humanity (deportation). Interestingly, in the Haaretz article about this interview the editors only report on Metzger’s crazy proposals, but stay well clear from calling them what they clearly are: a conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity.
I can just imagine the reaction in the world press if, say, Ahmadinejad proposed to deport all Israeli Jews to the Sinai desert. The one thing which I cannot decide is whether Metzger needs to be put in jail, in an insane asylum or to undergo an exorcism; I tend to lean towards the latter though – he is just too evil to be fully responsible for his actions.
——-UPDATE1: Guess what? This maniac is also a child molester. Check out the Yona Metzger entry in the The Awareness Center of The Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault (JCASA) website.
To think that this Khazar Satanist is the chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Israel is rather frightening. If this is the kind of spiritual leader this nation is guided by, no wonder it uses all its power to keep the last racist regime on earth in power, that it created the biggest prison on the surface of the planet (Gaza) and that it violated more articles of international law and UN resolutions that any other country.
I look at the smiling face of this pedophile advocate of crimes against humanity and my heart goes out to the Palestinian people who have to deal with the rabid maniacs who follow this kind of ‘spiritual leader’ on a daily basis.
UPDATE2: This taken from an article in the Jerusalem Post: During a short verbal exchange Wednesday at the Ben-Gurion Airport Terminal, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger thanked President George W. Bush for the US’s military intervention in Iraq.”I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in particular for waging a war against Iraq,” Metzger told Bush, according to the chief rabbi’s spokesman. Bush reportedly answered that the chief rabbi’s words “warmed his heart.” Clearly, the good rebbe thinks that a war which already killed over a million people is a touching expression of support for the “Jewish state” and a great success.
Truly having vicious perverts like Metzger as a top ‘spiritual leader’ in the holy city of Jerusalem is the the abomination of desolation in a holy place (Mat 24:15) predicted by the holy prophet Daniel.
Heed my words, sooner or later these characters will blow up the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount with truly unimaginable consequences.
He wants the U.S. and U.K. to build them the “most beautiful city in the world,” and many desert cities are more beautiful than Washington, D.C. and New York, don’t you know?
You see, he merely has the best interests of the Palestinians at heart. Just listen to his earnestness.
It all kind of sounds like Barbara Bush at the Astrodome.
I had thought we wont hear from him again , after his sexual escapades
Let me see if I get this right.
The Palestinians give up the West Bank, Gaza & Jerusalem – except for a revocable right to worship in a mosque there. They agree to be ethnically cleansed to the Sinai, which is the sovereign territory of Egypt.
Israel gives up nothing. It keeps all the land it conquered in 1967, the settlements, and gets rid of the Palestinians. Israel also earns the lucrative right to build this city in the desert & probably gets to keep the water rights too.
America & her allies get to foot the bill. We pay Israelis construction firms to build this city & pay the Palestinians to relinquish any claim to Palestine. I assume we will also continue to pay for Israel to arm herself as well.
What a solution!!! Only a truly wise and selfless man of God could have come up with such a generous settlement.
No one can possibly be shocked by this, especially by the pervert aspect.
This is the way religious people are, especially clerics. Religion is a political tool used to dominate and control all populations through fear and ignorance. The side benefit for religious leadership is that its members can then use their positions to engage in their perversions–whatever they happen to be.
@Mizgin: well, as a religious person myself and somebody who has spend a lot of time with clergy, in particular monastics, I can only respectfully and emphatically disagree with what you say. The kind of perversion you are describing is, I believe, something particularly common among Papist priests and Orthodox/Hassidic rabbis, but not something inherent to all religious clergy.
When you write Religion is a political tool used to dominate and control all populations through fear and ignorance you are just repeating the old Marxist dogma about religion being the opium of the people which I cannot square with my reading of history (or with today’s Hezbollah in Lebanon).
I would draw your attention to the utter, total and complete failure of secular (Baathist, Marxist or other) Arabs political movements to achieve anything like what the religious movements have achieved. As Robert Fisk wrote, in the “bad old days” or the secular Palestinian Fedayeen the Arabs in South Lebanon used to jump in their cars in drive to Beirut when the Israelis crossed the border, now its the Arabs in Beirut who jump in their cars and drive down south as soon as the Israelis attack.
I would submit to you that Islam has already achieved far more than political secularism ever did in the Middle-East.
If I may paraphrase an old Leninist expression, I believe that “secularism will end up on the trash heaps of history” :-)
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