Let’s begin by stating the obvious: those who now claim that the Biden Putin summit did not produce anything tangible and was, at best, a waste of time are plainly wrong, mainly because they misunderstood what was really at stake (and what still remains at stake following the Summit).
What is the evidence for this?

Their dream still lives on
The first and most obvious sign that something very real took place is the absolutely hysterical reaction of the War Party (which I define as follows: the entire US media, the Neocons, the MAGA-GOP gang in Congress, the “non-Biden gang” inside the Democratic Party, the US energy sector, the US MIC, the entire US “deep state”, the Israel lobby, the Ukie lobby, the UK lobby, the Polish lobby, etc.) The Biden administration is coming under HUGE pressure from the War Party to continue to threaten Russia will all sorts of sanctions and “consequences” unless Russia stands down from her current “threatening” stance and give up Putin’s “dream” to invade the Ukraine and “restore the Soviet Union”. The fact that none of that verbiage has any connections to reality is not an impediment for the War Party. You could say that the War Party is a choir which only knows how to sing one song.
[Sidebar: on a recent talkshow on Russia TV one guest observed that it is truly hilarious to see the West threaten Russia with “sanctions from hell” while the latter are an absolute joke compared to the devastating crisis Russia survived in the 90s when the West was “helping” Russia. He is quite correct. I would also add that a country which lost 27 million people rather than to bow down and accept the become a colony of (Hitler’s) “United Europe” is unlikely be deterred by being disconnected from the SWIFT, especially since doing so would cripple the EU much more than Russia!]
Second, there are indirect but consistent signs of a very serious internal struggle inside the “Biden” administration. This is nothing new, it all began with Obama, continued under Trump and is still happening today: when a President is very weak, the various agencies and departments begin to develop their own, quasi private, foreign (and internal) policies. Under Obama and Trump this was not too much of an issue since neither President was willing or able to seriously negotiate with the Kremlin (which is when the Russians began to speak of their US counterparts as “non-agreement-capable”). This time around, however, “Biden” clearly made a concerted effort to try to initiate some kind of dialog, hence this time there is something very real at stake.
Third, the tone in Russia has changed rather dramatically. Just read the transcript of the interview of the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov: it is particularly amazing to hear that kind of language coming from a top Foreign Ministry official (Russian diplomats are very old fashioned and rarely use such a direct language). Most striking in this interview is Ryabkov’s deep pessimism about the USA being able to actually reach a negotiated agreement with Russia on pretty much anything.
So what is really at stake here?
First, we need to note that we still don’t know what really took place between Putin and Biden. All we know is that both sides agreed to continue their dialog on the expert level. However, we can make some educated guesses based on how both sides have behaved since the Summit.
Second, there are clear signs that the “Biden” Administration is still apparently trying not to fully cave in to the War Party. The problem is that this stance is only partial (different officials express often diverging opinion) and hesitant (even Biden himself seems to be zig-zagging about what is actually going on between the US and Russia). Most western analysts out there see the following as the key issues between Russia and the USA:
- Russian plans to invade the Ukraine
- North Stream 2
- Russian subversive covert actions in the West (Skripal)
- Putin’s desire to re-create the USSR, if needed by using military force
- Russian support for non-democratic forces and regimes worldwide (Syria)
I happen to think that all of these are only secondary issues, pretexts.
Again, this is the only song the War Party choir knows how to sing, so why expect anything else from them?

The new “democratic” values
So what is really at stake here?
Think about the recent Summit for Democracy and ask yourself: what was this all about? It sure was not about democracy or human rights, not with countries like Israel or Latvia attending, both of which undeniably are Apartheid states. Not to mention what the US and UK are doing to Julian Assange whose life, apparently, is much less valuable that Navalny’s. All that nonsense is just PR, nothing else.
As I mentioned in my article about this summit, the real purpose of the summit was to issue certificates: those invited were certified as loyal House Negroes while those not invited were labeled as evil and dangerous Field Negros. Now, considering the extreme weakness and vulnerability of the United States, it is pretty clear that the actual value of the “good House Negro” certificate was very limited for those who received it. So this is not about the Negroes at all, it was about the Master of the house and his need to show that he still was the master and that he could still command a sizeable force of nice and obedient slaves to do his bidding. In other words, it was a show of force for (an otherwise rather desperate) Uncle Shmuel.
This is absolutely crucial: for a dead Empire and a dead USA, appearances are much more important than reality. As I have mentioned in the past, the AngloZionist Empire died on 8 January 2020 when the Iranians attacked US bases with missiles and the US did absolutely nothing while the USA, at least as we knew them, died on January 6th of 2021 (these two events were almost exactly a year apart, which makes me wonder what else could happen in January of 2022?). The main objective of the Summit for Democracy was to hide these realities as much as possible and the very fact that the US had to organize such a silly non-event to try to still look relevant tells us everything we really need to know about the real condition of the Empire and the USA (both dead).
In the light of the above, now let’s look at the current dialog (however tenuous) between the USA and Russia.
US position: first, and above all else, the White House needs to avoid giving the appearance that Russia and the USA are negotiating on an equal footing. This desire to maintain an appearance of superiority is made even harder by the stark reality which shows that far from being equal, Russia is the stronger party in this negotiation, and by a big margin at that (militarily of course, but also socially, politically and economically). This is the key to the USA’s dilemma: how do you negotiate with a stronger opponent while maintaining the appearance of your own (non-existing) superiority?
Russian position: the Kremlin is ready to negotiate, but only if the US accepts that both sides have equal rights and obligations. For example, if the USA gets to declare that it has “interests” thousands of miles away from home, then Russia gets to declare that she too has “interests”, especially in countries on her own border.
Clearly, those two positions are mutually exclusive.
Furthermore, both sides recognize that.
The USA’s method to deal with this problem is to do one thing while saying its opposite, that is to quietly accept the Russian stance on negotiations while publicly denying this.
The Russian method is even more simple: do nothing and simply wait. Wait for the EU to freeze, wait for the USA to further drown in its many and very serious internal crises and wait for country 404, the “moldy bagel” to use Dmitri Orlov’s very accurate expression, to simply rot away. Here is how the vast majority of Russian analysts and officials see the situation:
- Russia has no need, plan, desire or even interest in invading country 404.
- NS2 is important to Russia, but not crucially so.
- Militarily, Russia can deal with the Ukie military in a few hours without sending a single soldier across the border.
- Russia can also defeat the US on any level of warfare, from local tactical to strategic and nuclear.
- Russia, being a much more free and democratic country than most of the House Negros invited to the Summit, has no interest whatsoever in the West’s verbiage about human rights.
- Russia has no need to subvert or interfere in any of the countries which are so hostile to her simply because these countries are already quite busy committing economic, moral, spiritual, political and cultural suicide all by their own with no need for any further help from Russia
- Russia is quite happy to work with the “bad” Field Negroes to build a multi-polar world composed of truly sovereign countries which agree to base their relations on international law.
- Russia simply does not care what the House Negroes will do or say, simply because they have no agency (except for a few special cases like India).
Then what about the Russian forces near (relatively) the Ukrainian border?
Actually, several retired Russian generals have repeatedly explained what that is all about. This force is simply not large enough to consider an invasion (and subsequent occupation!) of the Ukraine. Its true purpose is quite simple: they are quite capable of stopping any Ukronazi invasion of the LDNR should the LDNR’s defenses collapse. And for this much more limited mission, this force is more than sufficient to quickly and successfully execute such a mission. No less important is that the presence of such an “insurance force” is a very clear message to the Nazi regime in Kiev: there is absolutely no way you will ever invade the LDNR – try this, and we will move our forces into the LDNR, disarm you, and recognize the LDNR as independent states.
Here is it important to repeat something one more time: it is not the West’s worst nightmare that Russia might invade the Ukraine. The West’s worst nightmare would be for Russia not to move a single solider across the border. That is the “peace nightmare” which the War Party wants, and needs, to avoid at any cost.
So, where do we go from here?
I get a sense that there are some people in the Biden Administration who are smart enough to choose a “soft landing” for the USA over a “crash and burn” scenario. They are quite aware of all the facts I describe above and what they aim for is an orderly retreat while negotiating for the best possible terms for the USA with Russia (and other countries, by the way). The problem is that any notion of an orderly retreat is presented by the War Party as abject surrender.
[Sidebar: this is not a uniquely US problem: ever since Putin came to power there were those who called the many Russian orderly retreats as signs of caving in to the West: they said that Putin was an obedient agent of “Davos” or Israel, and they blamed him for his alledged weakness and indecisiveness. The truth is that both in politics and in military art, orderly retreats are a very difficult maneuver to successfully pull-off and, worse, even when they are successfully executed, they still very rarely get any praise but, instead, get only disgusted accusations of weakness bordering on treason. “Couch-generals” have the luxury and time to demand a heroic counter-attacks, but they don’t have to then live with the responsibility for the inevitable consequences of such “heroic” grandstanding.]
Still, I am convinced that there are those in the Biden Administration who want an orderly retreat, not for the sake of peace, of course, but in order to buy time to regroup, reorganize, rearm, retrain and basically circle the wagons on a smaller, but better protected, part of our planet.
For the rulers of the USA, it is preferable to have the size of their plantation shrink, even quite significantly, than to have some combination of Field Negroes to completely burn down their house. So they want to settle for a smaller plantation and fewer House Negroes.
Sadly, I don’t see the Biden White House capably of riding out the hysterics of the War Party, if only because the War Party fully compensates what it lacks in common sense with a maniacal determination to prevail, if only because should “peace break out” they would lose their incomes. I sure hope that I am wrong here, but it would take a quite charismatic leader to dare to openly take on the War Party (we all remember how the swamp quickly drained Trump rather than the other way around).

Reality always defeats delusions
Most analysts see that 2022 will be the year of a massive internal crisis in the USA, with inflation, crime, riots, shortages, etc. all dramatically rising. Optimists will see that as a good sign (surely the US won’t start a war when it is itself in a quasi-civil war state!) while pessimists will see that as a sign that the US will certainly start some kind of war (war is an old and effective trick to avoid dealing with internal collapse).
Here we can only hope (and pray!) for the best, while preparing for the worst.
Then there is the UK+3B+PU gang which is absolutely desperate for some kind of war, hopefully short and triumphant. They are absolutely horrified at the idea that this war might not happen. Yes, in theory, the USA does have enough weight to bring them to heel, but the problem is that the US executive is itself very divided (and, not to mention, very corrupt). Russia most definitely cannot stop them, because for them even losing a war to Russia is preferable to not having one in the first place.
In summary:
The USA is deeply divided and cannot even give the appearance of accepting Russia as an equal partner.
The EU is run by a class of narcissistic infantiles who are terminally out of touch with reality.
The War Party will only increase its hysterics as it sees war as the only option to remain relevant.
Russia has done all she should and could by forcing the USA into a strategic retreat and now all she can do now is wait.
My personal conclusion will be in the form of a short video clip that eloquently shows what happened the last time around when the West wanted to crush Russia.
Russia (and China) are playing Go with the collective West – and, very successfully. We are already at the point where the US’s only option is to upset the board. It won’t be allowed to happen. China has to only threaten to cut off exports to the US for 1 month and the US will capitulate. And what will the US do without Russian energy which it now needs and will increasingly need? No need for bombs.
Russia and China are definitely acting on very close consultations. I think that it was the Chinese defense minister who recently declared that “Russia and China are MORE than allies” (I lost the source of the quote, sorry).
I just read a Moon of Alabama article on this subject and I Cut and paste here
“The situation in international affairs, especially on the European continent, is very, very tense right now and requires discussion between allies,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said, according to a Reuters report. “We see very, very aggressive rhetoric on the NATO and U.S. side, and this requires discussion between us and the Chinese.”
So this is a significant shift of language gears.
The source of the quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1r75cks8O0
Yet another use of this quote can be found in this highly remarkable interview published by Global Times: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202111/1239850.shtml
Thank you, Saker, for you cheering me up every day by your profound analyses. Let me include Pepe Escobar’s great work which I really appreciate.
Continuing with the Go analogy, Russia and China together have two linked “eyes”, and thus are impossible to kill.
Good read thank you! Always good information for reference!
As usual, great analysis! Spot on! Russia dont need to wade kinetic war, he just need to wait until ,, democratic system,, whatewer that mean, collapse!
The West’s worst nightmare would be for Russia not to move a single solider across the border. That is the “peace nightmare” which the War Party wants, and needs, to avoid at any cost.
If I understand you correctly, you believe NATO fully understands the only way it can win a war against Russia is guerilla warfare? If so, that would suggest NATO’s deep state:
*Is capable of planning long term (something individual NATO countries are completely incapable of doing!)
*Is mostly interested in ruining Vladimir Putin’s legacy, and weakening Russia with “another Vietnam War”
*Not so interested in large scale MIC profits (F35s & aircraft carriers are useless in guerilla warfare.)
Please let me know if I’m missing something.
you believe NATO fully understands the only way it can win a war against Russia is guerilla warfare?
Not at all. I believe that NATO fully understands that it cannot win ANY kind of war against Russia.
Look what happened to the Takfiri guerillas in Chechnia
Look what happened to the Takfiri guerillas in Syria
Russia knows counter-insurgency warfare better than probably 99% of the countries out there (the Soviets got plenty of training in Vietnam and Afghanistan, by the way).
As for any Ukronazi guerillas (they are pretty effective, by the way!), the LDNR will have to learn how to to deal with it (and I expect them to prevail, by the way).
So no, guerilla warfare.
I agree that guerrilla warfare by Ukraine against Russia would be highly ineffective for two reasons:
1) Russia only needs to seize that part of Ukraine which is not overtly hostile to Russia. That limits the number of indigenous guerrillas it would have to deal with and it would make it difficult for guerrillas from western Ukraine to get local support.
2) Depending on how the new border was established, it probably would be very difficult for Ukrainian guerrillas from western Ukraine to infiltrate the portion of Ukraine controlled by Russia.
One might add that western Ukrainians might be better occupied trying to survive economically in an economically-non-viable rump state rather than trying to organize a guerrilla war (even with NATO or CIA support.)
I guess I am trying to think of a rational reason why NATO’s rulers, specifically the “3B+P+U” would want to martyr themselves simply to further propagandise Moscow. The only rational motive I could think of is draw in the Russian army, & then pin any Russian occupation forces down in guerilla warfare. Your often-stated reason is not rational to me; but I guess we’re not dealing with rational people…
The “leaders” of the 3 Baltic statelets have proven themselves as traitors to their peoples. They are not irrational, they are merely doing what their paymasters want. Poland’s leaders share the irrationalism of historical Poland starting when they sucked up to the Nazis in the 1930’s and vehemently rejected any alliance with the Soviet Union. The UK is a long story but again, sadly, irrationality is not even close to a real description.
Don’t forget it’s likely not the leaders of the 3B +P (and maybe UK) who’ll be doing any of the suffering or dying – at least not in their best guess (I think they all grossly overestimate their ability here). The poor slobs in 404 will be filling that role. These tools of the Empire imagine that a victory over the Novorossiyans or (even better) the Russians will leave them covered in glory, and that even a defeat will place them at the forefront of the pack of Washington’s most loyal minions. The little people of Ukraine will be doing the bulk of the dying.
If they try it, I believe they’ll be in for a shock, as I think we’ll see military & government buildings in those countries targeted (“decision centers” and all that, yeah?). In that event, it’s really uncharted territory. Watch the NATO Article 5 demands fly, and watch the non-response as American, German and French capitals decline to join in the self-immolation.
Then the entire EU & Britain will have to freeze in the dark to show the Russians their resolve. I think that’ll be a tough sell, even for the awesomely capable propaganda system. But, as I said, we’ll be in uncharted territory, so I don’t think anyone knows how the next moves will play out.
Anyone else catch Tucker Carlson talking about some of the members of the War Party a few days back?
Please don’t just put a link – but an explanation as to why you think it is relevant. I have let it through on this one occasion. Mod.
Hi Inflictor
Thanks for your link. But, for the future, when you want to post a link, please add at least a few words of your own explaining why you decided to share that link, ok?
thank you
Sure! Tucker Carlson is one of the most popular political pundits in the US Media. Not everything he says is gospel. But if he can see through the propaganda about Ukraine from the war party, and is talking openly about it, then it is highly unlikely that the party can succeed in the near future.
Thank you. Mod.
“not everything he says is gospel” indeed, you can compare the beginning of his intervention, with the port of Sevastopol and the reality:
In spite of the information that exists, this is a mistake that is regularly made…
Personally, I like Carlson but I wish he did not regularly join the chorus of China-bashers.
Dear Saker,
I share your dismay at Carlson puffing up the China “threat” (complete with the “Wuhan leak”) but it is my belief that this is the pound of flesh he has to pay for staying on the air, given his non-war party, non-establishment views (on the whole).
It’s just the way a pundit trying to carve a more independent view on the MSM has to play it these days. Much as they had from time immemorial when they’d give Israel a perpetual free “get out of jail” card.
I’d say that him giving someone like Tulsi gabbard a space to talk speaks for itself. It means that though that’s not the topic per se (in a given segment) the persecution of Assange, for one, is always in the background. Unspoken (but often well-stated by Tulsi. Openly so).
One section of the American Empire and its media mouthpieces specialize in Two Minutes of Hate campaigns against Russia. See MSNBC and Rachel Maddow.
A second section of the American Empire and its media mouthpieces specialize in Two Minutes of Hate campaigns against China. See Fox News.
Yet a third section of the American Empire and its media mouthpieces specialize in Two Minutes of Hate campaigns against both Russia and China. See CNN.
Tucker Carlson is a mouthpiece for the second camp.
This is the warped nature of America’s oligarchical “democracy.”
The only thing that unites the United States of America is manufacturing hatred against an external bogeyman of choice.
Totally agree. Tucker Carlson is part of the faction that thinks they can “guide” Russia towards uniting with their “white Christian brothers” against the “yellow peril.” He probably dreams about getting access to Russian hypersonic weapons to lead a “white alliance” to conquer China, in the same way Russia was part of the gang that pillaged China during the 1800s.
I see the entire Murdoch media empire as the controlled opposition.
Which makes them perhaps the most evil.
It makes sure of division of opinion wherever it exists by pointing out some truths.
It never goes so far as telling the whole truth thus perpetuating the division.
Spot on Daffy!
Rupert Murdoch’s ventures into the political arena goes back to 1975 with ‘the Boys from Bagdad (actually from Israel) with the bogus promise of support for Gough Whitlam’s Labour Party. Then for 911, the Australian Prime Minister, little Johnny Howard, visited his ‘Boss’ Rupert M in New York on that particular day and then made an ‘Address to the Nation’ in which he cited that “America had just suffered another Pearl Harbour”
And again for the 7/7 London attack in 2005 little Johnny was celebrating at his very good friend’s birthday at Glen Eagles in Scotland.
And then when you watch Rupert’s “Sky news” with such commentators as Petr Credlin, Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt, you realise that their whole commentary is ‘within’ the scam, but refusing to expose it. It is all ‘very interesting’.
words being used by Putin Lavrov and associates MFA and media are urgent… urgently ..immediately…Russia demands…..if USA prevaricates as much as its proteges and puppets Ukraine and EU France Germany do re Minsk Agreement ….at some time there may need to be an assesment of progress or degradation.. stalemate…..? Considering Pres Putin’s previous speeches over several years such as “do you realise what you are doing ” seemed to have no effect ….
In the event of further US sanctions on Russia:
Russia could just tell the US that they can’t hitch a ride on Russian rockets to the International space station, and no more petroleum exports from Russia to the US.
And in the event the EU adds or joins in on US sanctions:
If the EU continues to be assholes about Nord-Stream II, and keeps encouraging the Orcs on Country 404, Russia could tell the EU that they will just build another pipeline to China, and sell the gas there.
Just a few extra cards Putin has up his sleeve.
Antoinetta III
I don’t get it. Why do you think 3B+PU want a war. They cannot win that war, so what’s the point? It seems to me that usa + UK want a war and the best for them would be to use 3B+PU. I’m also certain that people in those countries are totally against any war.
The point is to first, lose the war, THEREBY proving how evil, dangerous, aggressive and otherwise horrible Russia is, and Putin personally too, and then to “sell” that russophobia to the USA to get money, grants, weapons, etc. etc. etc.
Also, obviously, its the ruling classes in these countries who want war, along with some exhaled nationalists, of course.
As for the regular people, they are lied to, of course, but each I do agree that each nation deserves the ruler it gets, especially when they vote for them over and over again.
Stupidity is not a sin, but neither is it an excuse :-)
The big problem for them would be that in initiating such a war they will cease to exist. There will be no one left to “sell” Russophobia to get money, grants, weapons etc.. There will be NOTHING left of them – same goes for the so-called “War parties”. Sad, but true…
Correct, Alex. People in 3B (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) do not want war. I live in Estonia and I cannot see our country wants (any kind of) war. Yes, there are some certain individuals in politics who keep touting: “Russia is invading, etc.” Also, our government (as the obedient house negro) obviously does what it has been told to by their overseas masters.
So 3B as the smaller and weaker members of the collective West do obediently their part of course.
But are the populations in 3B more stupid than the populations in the bigger and stronger Western Countries? Or is the governmetnt of Estonia more corrupted than the governemtns of UK, USA, Australia, Germany, etc.?
I seriously doubt it. When I see what is right now is happening in the “good old” Western Europe or in Australia or in the “dreamland” USA, then…
…Well… Let me tell you… I am praying for these countries and for their people every day. Because my life in that despised 3B country is still quite good. Just compare:
* We can still breath clean air.
* We can still eat quite natural, GMO free food. (French soldiers who were sent here by NATO) confessed that we still eat exotic natural food.)
* Covid restricions are not that harsh (yet).
* Our country and our cities are not overpopulated (almost traffic jam free life except the capital city on rush hours).
* Very few refugees (means very few criminal cases, raping etc, compared to Western world).
* It is safe to live and grow your kids wherever you live in Estonia
* Free education (from kindergarten to Universities)
* Free medical care if you have a job or are retired.
* Our market is very small which means our population is much less bombarded with all kind of advertisements. Which means much more peace and less stress in everyday life.
* Less everything bad and immoral that is right now happening and flourishing in the western world.
* etc., etc., etc.
But… We (as a country) have forsaken God, we are secular country and that’s why we live in darkness and embrace all the immorality and bad stuff sold us from the West. We as a country seriously need to repent.
It is different for Russian speaking peoples though? Having visited Tallin about 2008 and had a fabulous time in a great place………met Russian….there was a distinct feeling of different treatments and stigma against Russians. Is it the same or worse now?
In Estonia, there are 24% of Russians. Most of them live in Eastern Estonia (close to Russian border) The other place where they live is the eastern part of the capital city. In both cases the living conditions are worse than in respective neighborhoods.
Eastern Estonia is poorer, their salaries are lower, living conditions worse, and so the criminal activity naturally higher. Plus, our Russian population naturally likes to follow Russian media (instead of our MSM that follows western narratives). Estonia is secular, Russians tend to be rather orthodox. They don’t accept all the immoral stuff from the west so readily.
These are some of the reasons why there are conflicts between the different demografic groups. That being said, I have preached in Russian speking churches in Eastern Estonia and people over there are very friendly and there’s no hatred between these groups.
My take.
1. The entire ‘War Party’ is subservient to the ‘Globalist Elites’. The ‘Globalist Elites’, centered in London, are the inheritors of the British Empire. There project is to restore the former empire as a new state-less Global Empire, a globe-spanning borderless empire run centrally by ‘Global Institutions’ under full control of the ‘Global Elites’ (the EU is the template for this Empire). In this new Global Empire, the U.S. is destined to be a weak subservient territory, the same as all other formerly sovereign states.
2. In a Multi-Polar World based on sovereign states there is no place for a Global Empire. What’s more the countries that the ‘Globalist Elites’ currently run, the U.S., UK, EU, are failing both politically and economically. Without a new ‘Global Empire’ the ‘Globalist Elites’ will themselves be destroyed.
3. U.S.- centric elites, i.e. those who want ‘to choose a “soft landing” for the US’, whose objective is to maintain the U.S. as a strong sovereign country and who appear to have control over elements of the Biden Whitehouse, are as much an enemy of the ‘Globalist Elites’ as are Russia and China.
4. The ‘Globalist Elites’ have less than a year to pull off their ‘Great Reset’, and establish their ‘Global Empire’. After that they will lose control of the U.S., which is central to their projects, and by the time they get it back the Multi-Polar World will be fully established.
5. A war between the U.S. and Russia and/or China would see the ‘Globalist Elite’s’ principle enemies fighting each other.
Perhaps the ‘Globalist Elites’ think that if they can draw the U.S. into a war with Russia and/or China, then they will be able to just sit on the sidelines, watch their enemies destroy each other and then, without opposition, reassemble the pieces in to their new ‘Global Empire’ once the war is over.
Great. Now the questions, if every state has a “sovereign” service that preserves the Constitution, how is it possible that such elites even exist without being removed? To this day, you do not know their exact name or surname, except for media brokers such as Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc. How is it possible that such people made two world wars and now follow the third without consequences. Without criticizm of the real bosses behind the UN agenda, supported by both China and Russia? Or do UN bosses simply need that war and use Anglo-Americans as tools to bring Order out of chaos? Do they have control over the system of each state regardless of what the Constitution of each state says? While the system is maintained by services which work under their control. Against the Constitution. And what the people in army doing? Protect Constitution and arresting people from the service that violates the Constitution or they also ritually wage war in order for the Order to come out of the chaos? Play the script. How then is it possible for, say, Americans to break free?
And who, exactly, are these globalist elites? Seriously, there cannot be that many of them, and they must have names. Lets name them, identify them, post photos of them and make them persona non grata. Hell, we could crowd fund a bounty on them.
God knows, it might actually make the world a much better place.
Interestingly the behaviours you ascribe to them remind me of a tribal people I once heard of.
For names, I would refer you to the book: Giants: The Global Power Elite – Author: Peter Phillips
From the abstract:
The global power elites, who direct the world’s corporate giants, overlap with the leadership of organizations such as the Council of Thirty, the Trilateral Commission, and the Atlantic Council. These privately-funded non-governmental organizations provide direct instruction and policy recommendation to governments, international institutions, the G-7 and their intelligence agencies, and other top capitalist countries.
My research effort was to identify the most important networks of the global power elite and the individuals therein. I name and provide biographies for over 300 people, who are the core members of power networks that manage, facilitate, and protect global capital. The global power elites are the activist core of the transnational capitalist class—1% of the world’s wealthy people. They serve the uniting function of providing ideological justifications for their shared interests through the corporate media and they establish the parameters of needed actions for implementation by transnational governmental organizations and capitalist nation-states.
I like your take.
The global elite still have the ability to attempt another pandemic or a big false flag. The soft landing crew better anticipate it and have a plan to short-circuit it.
They need to do their own intelligence gathering so it’s not filtered by globalist captured offices or agencies. Expect to be blinded by normal channels, like the run up to 9-11. Politically polarized intelligence offices will need to be offset by alternative sources. If you expect it, you have a deeper sense of what to look for.
What did Ryabkov want to say when he said this in his last interview?
“For the time being, we do not quite understand how serious our opponents are. Therefore, we still need to conduct some probing surveys to find this out”.
Tomorrow Putin and Xi will have a Summit.
Do you think that when we will read what Putin and Xi agreed on we will have a better understanding about what Putin and biden said to each other?
If in 2020 trump would have been reelected how the new trump administration would have handled this crisis and the “war party” in comparison to the biden administration? Do you see main potential differences?
What I understand from the war party’s members of the energy and finance sectors is that they do not think much, in other words, they are quite short-sighted. If the US decides to go to war, any kind of war, do they really think that the Russians will continue selling them oil and gas as they do now (I do not think that Russia will stoop to the level of Standard Oil which did sell to the Nazis)? And what about the “finance” people with their threats of cutting Russia off SWIFT — payments for the oil and gas (if they continue to buy from Russia)? Russia will not sell them these commodities and then what? Don’t the US realize that no matter what, they are shooting themselves in the foot and cutting off their own noses?
It reminds me of the masks that some tribes in jungles used to scare the invaders with — scary but not effective on the invaders because, very often the invaders had more lethal weapons. Scary words with nothing behind; currency based on nothing; slogans with gratuitous words. Is that what the US stands for now? It sure looks like it.
“As I mentioned in my article about this summit, the real purpose of the summit was to issue certificates: those invited were certified as loyal House Negroes while those not invited were labeled as evil and dangerous Field Negros. ”
Certainly true. But the great bifurcation is between US and China. Europe and Russia are just
For the past 15 years or so, the US obsession about Russia has been entirely to the benefit of China which overtook US in size and importance without anyone really noticing.
I suspect that now the attraction of a war in Ukraine, blocking access to SWIFT or blocking NS2 is all about pushing Europe into rapidly breaking away from Russia and forcing it to identify as a core part of the US block rather than acting as a binding mechanism that keeps China, Russia, Europe and US all linked to each other.
That is why this happens at the same time as the Democracy Summit (read Trade summit), the EU Defence vs Nato argument (read Independent trading area able to negotiate with Russia and China for itself).
Excellent analysis, but Russia should get rid of any hopes of peaceful coexistence with the western civilization,let the west and his boot-licking vassals implode,as you said Uncle Shmuel is walking corpse, empires comes and go and the New World Order is no exception.
Saker the current situation is untenable and beyond explosive.. Not only from Russian-Chinese-Iranian perspective but also Western elites. They are doomed every which way. And that clock is ticking furiously in two particular areas – imploding dollar system and internal societal cohesion, both which appear to have at most weeks to go..
And you nailed it: “The USA’s method to deal with this problem is to do one thing while saying its opposite, that is to quietly accept the Russian stance on negotiations while publicly denying this.” This legerdemain cannot be maintained any longer. Biden and other western leaders appear to have little to no agency. Who is in charge? Current politicians are two-bit actors on a darkened stage. The dominant faction appears to have chosen a “crash and burn” scenario for entire West.
An orderly retreat leading to a soft landing is desired outcome from all sane well-wishers watching this denouement. Unfortunately I must agree with you, history shows a small, demonically impassioned clique tends to carry the course when factions strive for control of policy. What do you think the War Party may have already done, forcing Russia to abandon strategic patience, as we see through these shocking demands and change in diplomatic tone? Or is it sum-total of endless ever bolder provocations? So much is done in secrecy, which we will only know about in decades, that we do not know all the calculations leading Russia to stop waiting as it should. IMO a Russian ultimatum is premature and plays into the hands of the crazed War Party, when time is on Russia’s side..
The Greedy Cheating Class CEOs in America have all the power…as in life and death power-and they very much enjoy having this power. And this means they are Satanic Psychopaths. I am specifically referring to Jeff Bezos. They see themselves as Demi-gods on Planet Earth…and now aspire to conquer and control the Milky Way and the Cosmos…and Creation. They want to be God….It’s beyond Greed at this point….Something even more sinister:the aspiration to be Lucifer…..
Jeff Bezos is the incarnation of Evil on our Planet Earth. I don’t think what I have written should be taken lightly. Bill Clinton…Hilary Clinton….and Donald Trump are Jeff Bezos’s acolytes from Hell itself…..
Less hyperbole, please. Humanity is as far from truly exploring the solar system, let alone the galaxy, as neanderthal society from our current one. And I doubt it can all be explained by the greed or evil intentions of the elite.
There is an inherent momentum in large and old institutions, like the MIC and the deep state, but also the whole neoliberal capitalist complex. So many people are directly and indirectly living off this state of constant warfare and propaganda. By now much of it is just inertia of a large mass.
I like your post……but here is my response:Bill Clinton and his lovely wife Hillary Clinton….
It’s not that I think Bezos will realize his Demi-god wet dream…the laws of physics will nullify it…but it’s Bezos malignant intent that is on full display…
There is something to the notion of society as self organizing entity persisting through time….but this explanation is not completely satisfactory…for someone has enormous power and is wielding it as a psychopathic demi-god in this world….A demi-god who has life and death power over millions of human beings in the psychopathic demi-god’s prison…this is America 2020…
And America in 2022 is really a prison for the Native White Working Class. The same law firm that used lawfare-SLAP lawsuits against young Native White Men in Charlottesville is now going after the Jan 6 Protestors. The exact same Weiss law firm…..only this time the ADL is contributing $$$$$ to destroy these harmless protestors….
People who should have known better felt that they could ignore what happened in Charlottesville…Tucker Carlson….are going to be in for a very very rude awakening…Charlottesville was the legal precedent for much bigger things for the ADL…
So on the one hand your comment is very interesting and to certain extent valid…..the current situation in America is not reducible to Gould’s spandrels:”local interactions determine long-range-order…”
The Saker wrote:
Living here in the US I would be willing to bet that there are smart people in Washington who understand that this is absolutely necessary. It is just so obvious that global empire is no longer feasible. We don’t have a stable financial system, we no longer have a powerful manufacturing base, the government is corrupt, Washington has lost the trust of a substantial portion of the citizenry and a good portion of the country has gone “woke” crazy.
Retreat is not just a good idea. It is a necessity.
Unfortunately, there are too many out-of-touch people in Washington who believe that it is still 1946.
Your contention that the sound and fury about Ukraine, invasion prospects, troop concentrations, and evil Soviet imperialist intentions are minor talking points, hors d’oeuvres at best preceding the real subject of negotiations. But here, Jake Sullivan’s response to Fareed Zackaria’s question concerning what exactly was negotiated with the Chinese is pertinent here. Sullivan: ‘wrong question, wrong metric. … don’t ask about bilateral agreements; ask about what else we have secured. … have we set the terms for an effective competition where the US is in a position to defend its values and advance its interests, not just in the Indo-Pacific, but around the world?’ I would surmise that the outcome of the negotiations, these being continued discussions at deputy secretary level, is being pursued simply to maintain a constant pressure on the heavily promoted talking points whereas the real offensive is likely to involve a push for an international climate crises managerial regime. This is maybe the only way that America can maintain it’s hegemonic position. It has lost its military edge , the industrial capacities stakes, the tech innovation lead, and faces serious economic crises. Moreover, the soft power front that shined brightly during the Clinton years is fading quickly. But there’s one exception, this concerns the climate crises. The internet addicted youth of the world are very much on board with this issue and want to see some concerted international action. Accordingly America’s best hope is to marshal the ‘house negros’ to politically support an international ‘rules of the road’ regime that is empowered to tell (formerly) sovereign states how much carbon they can produce, consume, trade and, this is of the essence, be taxed for (and by who!). When we flesh out the ‘we set the rules’ talk coming out of Washington in these specific terms we can see where they’re trying to go. As Alistair Crooke makes clear this climate agenda is interrelated with other Davos initiatives: debt restructuring (inflating away the China balance of payments problem), international health management standards (that take the interests of Big Pharma into due consideration) and then there are issues concerning the setting of international standards for emergent high tech developments (where China is already leading). But the ‘hors d’oeuvres’ talking points (Ukraine, Taiwan, Iranian nuclear matters) serving as media smokescreens for the unstated agendas is not going well either. Given the strong language coming simultaneously from the Kremlin, China, and Iran at the Vienna negotiations, there appears to be back channel talks that indicted the Eurasian powers are fully aware of these most recent imperial gambits and are now coordinating counter actions. All things considered the fabricated theatrics of threats and Captain America antics will continue as usual. As there are no adults in the room neither is any resolution in sight. Plan A (‘all options are on the table’) is delusional and fit only for media dissemination. Plan B is this Davos conceived international legal regime. Already it’s headed for the wall. Beyond this, there appears to be no plan at all.
I agree entirely with your analysis.
The agreement reached between Russia and India was the touch paper being lit, to accelarate the inevitable outcome.
Before the Putin-Biden rap, there was a propaganda surge about Russians amassing to invade Ukraine — obviously not true but serving the US domestic narrative about looking tough before the meeting and building the narrative about the need for more sanctions (the only tool the US might have left but which is declining in efficacy).
When the meeting ended, there was another immediate propaganda surge across the West about Biden laying down the law to Putin and threatening sanctions and Swift expulsion. But, as we know, no clear details were offered by either side. The propaganda surge was for the US domestic audience to make Biden and the US look like the emperors they aren’t.
It is probably the case that Putin was extremely clear to Biden about what Russia expects about NATO expansion, Donbass, Ukraine, and BMD, and about what military measures Russia would take in response to any violations of Russian redlines. We all know that Russia has no interest in invading Ukraine; that is just propaganda for internal and external US reasons. It makes the Biden admin look tough to Republicans and neocons, and it makes the “allies” run for US cover.
I believe that the Biden admin is now trying to figure out what its real capacities are, what the risks of escalation are, what it might have to give up on, and how it can save face and keep the “allies” in line and subordinate if the US has to deescalate.
This is the key moment. The US is facing the biggest test of its imperial existence right now. Will it gradually fade or escalate in mistake and be shattered? Russia must know that Biden is extremely weak and that now is time to force a resolution, if only by waiting, showing its power potential, and being crystal clear in negotiations.
Atm, Russia is waiting for a response and is coordinating with China and making it clear that any wrong moves by the US and NATO will be met with overmatch.
You are even better when tired than usual!
“…War Party (which I define as follows: the entire US media, the Neocons…”, almost started civil war to remove Trump …for what? What is the difference between Trump and Biden in foreign policy?
Maybe there is *important* difference elsewhere, but I fail to see it.
Who exactly are people whose interests “War Party” represents, and US administration is, apparently, unwilling to follow.
“Negroes at all, it was about the Master of the house and his need to show that he still was the master”
True, but show to whom?? Summit of 100+ countries is overkill for sedating own insecurities. On other hand, when speach about fighting corruption comes from Hunter Bidens dad… well, that’s textbook example of Freudian slip. Crazy world…
“…there is the UK+3B+PU gang which is absolutely desperate for some kind of war…”
I’m glad that you put UK in the basket with other instigators. (Not sure if UK oligarchy would like to be in such company.)
“… ‘peace nightmare’ which the War Party wants, and needs, to avoid at any cost.”
True again, so beware of false flags. BIG ones.
“So they want to settle for a smaller plantation and fewer House Negroes.”
This one, I strongly disagree. They can’t. Too much of them born recently.
They only can exist by endless expansion, when new hierarchies are formed in conquered teritories.
If confined (like Saudis), tens of thousands of princes and princesses can waste third of large GDP on a whim. The alternatives are messy. All of them.
In this world, only grabbing Siberia can postpone Inevitable, so they will go for it like their life is on the stake.
Because it is.
Which is the better outcome?
– all out war between Zone A and Zone B, with Zone A getting comprehensively defeated
– a reasonably successful strategic retreat by the Empire which circles the wagon with the 5 eyes, EU/NATO, Japan, Korea. It lives to fight another day and continues to snipe/harass the rest of the world
The US domestic situation will start to unravel now at a faster and faster pace.
The AUKUS comedy central skit will also unravel! The cost of the Australian nuclear submarine fleet, projected to be larger than the UK’s, has now moved to 171 billion dollars, and climbing so fast that a trillion dollar submarine fleet will be the final ticker price. Australian nuclear submarines in the shallow Chinese lake, off the coast of China? The concept of the absurd, seems to be almost too generous a term!
The US is now just a yapping poodle, and the natural passing of time will reveal the new power centres. And a cold winter in Europe may just return the EU to its senses!
Just to add a couple of thoughts Andrei.
Biden’s/Nato’s ‘Summit for Democracy’ didn’t win any fence-sitters to the Empire’s point of view — the real aim, I believe. As such it can dismissed as a damp squib; a failed PR exercise. Full stop.
So what is really at stake here?
As you say, not being privy to the discussions, we can only make an educated guess. When it comes to the US, I’ve long relied on Shakespeare’s phrase in ‘Coriolanus’; to wit, ‘action is eloquence’ — forget what it says, look at what it does.
I believe what’s really at stake is peace in Europe, and the world; and if I were a European — the thinking kind — I’d be very anxious.
As the great Prussian war theorist implied in his magnum opus, war is not linear. Fighting in the Ukraine, unless tacitly agreed upon by the parties involved, will probably not be limited to the Donbass; not this time. RF has made accusations of militants being supplied by Nato to the Ukraine; RF bigwigs have mentioned the dreaded ‘N’ (nuclear) word and possibilty of deployment of RF nuclear arms in Europe (Kaliningrad?); Gen Gerasimov has spoken. Most importantly VVP has taken the trouble to speak to BoJo and Macron — two of the biggest belligerent actors in the Ukraine/Black Sea who also happen to be nuclear powers — in recent days. Taken together it can only mean RF foresees the possibility of a wider continental conflict (not necessarily initiated by it) extending from combat in Donbass. Most discussions have not factored in Belarus and the newly reinvigorated but still unconsolidated Union State. Lukashenko may not be as restrained as VVP and may make his own move. He’s already interrupted gas supplies to Europe — a rash move from RF point of view — so who knows? And that’s the point.
Saker. This reference article explains the proverbial pincer like movement all at once between Russia, China and Iran with American led Biden in the center. See article written by Alastair Crooke titled, “Never a More Unsettling Strategic Landscape. It this co-incidence or planned.
Frankly, I can’t imagine why Russia would want to invade the Ukraine exept for one reazon. As mr. Putin has expressed very bluntly, Russia can’t afford the risk of having NATO missiles at a distance of 5 minutes flight from Moscow.
On the other hand the “western” public opinion thinks that by deploying forces in the borders of Russia or by having maneuvers and flights they are showing force and that it might be the way to intimidate Russia and avoid her invading of the Ukrainian Banderastan.
I think this is the sort of “Catch 22” that got the great war started. By threatening Russia militarily they are actually baiting the bear, if only because that is precisely the only thing that would make Putin consider a military action on the Banderastan.
Does this sound too silly? Certainly!… But remember how the first world war got started and consider that silly, even stupid, mistakes are made over and over.
Well, how to interpret this post. First he says that those who say the Biden-Putin summit is a waste of time are wrong. Then he spends the rest of the post arguing that the War Party is going berserk, and Biden is probably not going to be able to tame them (even assuming he wants to, which, again, I think is frankly highly unlikely.) All the stuff about the so-called “Democracy Summit”, while correct, is irrelevant to the issue of Biden-Putin summit.
So where does that leave the Biden-Putin summit’s value? Basically it was a waste of time – except for Putin who managed to deliver a precise ultimatum – or pre-ultimatum – to Biden about Russia’s red lines, in a manner that – possibly – penetrated Biden’s damaged brain.
Well, fine – Biden got the message (maybe). Always ask the next question: what is Biden going to do about it? Based on past performance – nothing good and possibly nothing at all.
The bottom line remains Ukraine: If the US and NATO don’t pressure – read: order – Ukraine to remove its forces from the contact line and open negotiations with the Donbass republics per the Minsk Package of Measures, then nothing has changed. “Saying” that Ukraine won’t enter NATO until “maybe” in ten years means nothing at all, especially when the US is trying to ship more weapons to Ukraine.
The real red line, as Alexander Mercouris mentioned in his video yesterday, is that Russia is now *demanding* – not requesting – that the US and NATO agree to renounce the 2008 invitation to Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO, to cease NATO east-ward expansion, and to agree to positional limits of US and NATO military assets vis-a-vis Russia’s borders – and to do all this within a specific – so far unspecified – time frame.
This is a really big deal. Russia has clearly seen through the Biden/EU/NATO bullcrap talk and is well aware of their intention of using Ukraine as a sacrificial lamb by encouraging Ukraine to start a war with Russia in order to achieve the agendas of the War Party. So Russia has upped the ante: give us a solid set of treaties or we’ll take measures to insure we get the same result.
This raises the crisis to a whole new level, and renders whatever agreements Putin extracted from Biden in their summit as mostly meaningless compared to what the US and NATO will have to agree to going forward. And that’s likely why these new *demands* were issued immediately after that summit – because Putin could see Biden wasn’t “agreement-capable.” So Putin had to up the ante in order to get past Biden’s blinkers.
I do agree with The Saker that things aren’t likely to go the way Putin wants them to in terms of the US response. I also agree that Putin just needs to wait it out and deal with whatever happens from a position of strength. But I think this means there will be a war between Ukraine and Russia (without any US or NATO involvement.)
I today read a statement, mentioned by Martyanov, that Robert Lee, a Kings College military academic, basically told the New York Times that if a war between Ukraine and Russia breaks out, Russia will destroy most of the Ukraine military assets in eastern Ukraine “in 30-60 minutes.” Which Martyanov seemed to agree with that estimate.
The only question is whether it will be this winter or next summer. I don’t see things going on as is for longer than that.
Belarus has just passed legislation whereby it will take to court those actors that institute sanctions against private individuals, companies or govnt bodies that are deemed not in the states interest.
This would not have been done without a nod from Kremlin. A hornest nest of legislative minefield to infuriate the USA And the European union. Brussels will hate this as this will further escalate Neocon madness to war
NATO has rejected Moscow’s call for a ban on deployment of nuclear-capable intermediate-range missiles in Europe, while blaming Russia for violating the US-scrapped INF treaty.
I always enjoy reading your and Orlov’s analyses, comparing the two different styles.
It seems that you are more worried about potential threats from the West while Orlov basically laughs these away with biting humor.
Your family picture of “Western values”, for example, is perfect. Do you see these “men” posing a threat to Russia’s continued existence as a civilization on par with Napoleon or Hitler’s armies? Accordingly, I wouldn’t use pictures of the Grand Armee’s retreat or Hitler’s flags being discarded to bring home your point of Russia’s future trajectory. More appropriate would be a sexually-confused, drug-addled Teletubbie blowing its brains out while a Russian patriotic family watches.
Anyway, my gut says, put out some yard furniture, pop some beers and watch the death throes of the West in 2022 from the comfort of your dacha. I live in New York and it’s already Mad Max time in NYC, “the Capital of the World!”. You’ve got nothing to worry about if you have a Russian passport…
The US now has neither the ‘guns nor the gold’ and this is its dilemma.
The asymmetric squeeze on the bullion gold markets, by Russia, China, and Iran, especially operating as a Trinity, or even the threat of such a squeeze, would cause the US to reconsider their options, long and hard!
The world banking system is especially fragile in these times, the flap of a butterfly’s wings, could set off a financial cyclone!
What were Biden and Putin’s goals for the summit? Did they achieve their objectives?
U$A’s overarching goal is to manage Russia so it won’t make any mischief, while it focuses on China. It seems like a Biden’s goal was to engage with Putin and understand Russia’s positions and developments. However, after the meeting, Sullivan’s tone was hostile, defining boundaries for Russia. What happened during the meeting?
Russia is in a good position and has leverage over the Empire. It needs to achieve complete security and gain guarantees on “no NATO’s eastward expansion.” Also, Ukraine can gain security guarantee by joining the EU, as vassals have mutual security guarantee. Russia needs to ensure the implementation of the Minsk agreement. Zelensky isn’t interested in its success. The long delay in the successful completion of the Minsk agreement reflects poorly on Russia and Putin. It doesn’t seem like Biden made any commitment in this regard. Vladimir Putin has to bring a resolution to the Ukraine conflict and see the Minsk agreement implemented. It has been many years. If dialogue can’t make it happen then Russia is left with no option but to force its implementation. No nation want conflicts in its neighborhood.
The Empire sees an opportunity to win over Germany as it has a new administration. Will Russia call Empire’s bluff and stand up for its security & sovereignty, including its threats? Putin’s resolve is being tested. The U$A is lost in the external arena and isn’t addressing the internal challenges.
Is not the Minsk Agreement ultimately under the aegis of the UN….hence Pres.Putin offer to have a big thrash out meeting of its security council members? One thing we do not hear much from….is the UN attempting to really realise the situation re Donbass(eg its biased council “findings” on human rights issues in Crimea etc as opposed to what is really happening in Ukraine and Donbass)and do something about it but only seemingly permit Nato to do what it will.
Russia has been the main driver of the Minsk Agreement. Haven’t seen much follow up from France, Germany, OSCE and Ukraine. It did receive the UN recognition. However, what is the point of having an agreement where its signatories won’t follow through. Russia has too many such agreements (Astana, JCPOA,… ) and most of its conflicts frozen. In summary, not a good situation from the security point of view.
How will the situation in the Donbas region be resolved? The longer the delay it reflects badly on Russia. It would do better by demanding the implementation of the Minsk agreement with an ultimatum and getting future guarantees. Russia is in a strong position and need to make the best of the situation. The Empire would rather see the conflicts frozen so they can be exploited later.
An agreement without realistic milestones and timelines is a waste of time. The consequences of its breach need to be specified before its signing. Why doesn’t Russia push for these elements in its agreements?
extract from G7 speech by Borrell to the other day
….”Yesterday at the Foreign Affairs Council, our members reiterated our support to Ukraine. And also, we have recently adopted a set of assistance measures under the European Peace Facility, a new financial tool which is under my political implementation authority, in supporting Ukrainian armed forces in areas including the provision of military, medical, engineering equipment, mobility, logistics and cyber-defence support. Not providing lethal arms, but on all the fields that an army requires in order to be operational. This is a tangible way of showing our support to strengthening Ukrainian resilience and also, our support to the Ukrainian reform agenda since 2014. Because the reforms inside Ukraine are an important component of Ukrainians overall resilience to external challenges. The better the Ukrainian democracy works, the higher quality they have on fighting internal problems, the stronger they will be in facing external challenges…..”
In the meantime, we are in deterring, dissuasion, prevention-mode, we continue to do a full diplomatic outreach. We reconfirm our support to France and Germany in the Normandy Format to achieve full implementation of the Minsk Agreements in order to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine. We are studying the different scenarios that one could imagine could happen in the following days or weeks. We recall [that] Russia’s responsibility in implementing the Minsk Agreements remains a key issue…..”
It is more like propaganda. The Minsk II agreement was signed in 2015. It has been six years since then and what percentage of it has been implemented? Not much? What is the plan to achieve the full implementation?
Russia needs to demand a complete plan by the end of the next month and all Ukraine’s transit fee be deposited in an escrow account until fully implemented. Any missing of milestones need to result in penalties for Ukraine. In the meantime, NS2 certification needs to move forward and completed in a reasonable timeframe.
Russia has shown utmost patience. It is time to demand results.
” … there are clear signs that the “Biden” Administration is still apparently trying not to fully cave in to the War Party”.
I wonder if this is actually happening. There is little doubt that Biden is nothing but a political puppet, placed into the White House after the greatest election steal in US history. Does he really have the strength and power to go against the neocons ? Would the neocons tolerate this ? I have my doubts.
Hi, I want to ask you questions. If NATO cannot defeat Russia, why Russia does not want to take DONBASS region back? They suffered enough. The U.S. is so weAK, The U.S. will not do anything except sanctions do not work. Ukraine is nothing to the U.S. Is Ukraine origin of Russia? Can Russia live without Ukraine? For centuries, Ukraine is part of Russia. Why Russia do not want to take Ukraine back? Please educate me on these. I do not understand and do not know much the history. I am neither reading nor listening to propaganda of US.
In Putin’s geopolitical chess game (playing blacks), the Russian troops at the border are aiming at the queen (Eurostan, playing whites), which pushed an isolated pawn (Banderastan) into Russian territory without any tangible defense. Putin blocked the pawn from any forward move, surrounding it and threatening any attempt to defend/extricate the pawn with check mate in one move.
Biden is swimming up river, pushing against the War Party as defined above, in an attempt to reign in these evil forces working 24/7 to take full advantage of the collective hysteria and mass delusion making prey of vast swaths of the US population. Biden knows that adding a war to a society suffering from a pandemia, an economic, political, and psychosocial crisis, would break what is left of the US and place it at the brink of a civil war. He’s also aware that inaction against what is perceived as “the Russian threat,” magnified by the presstitute US MSM, creates a vacuum the War Party would take full advantage of.
He’s unable to give Russia legal guarantees against further NATO encroaching on its borders, but he can kick the can down the road having the “experts” engaged in trying to square the circle, while foaming at the mouth that “all options are on the table,” blah, blah, blah, the usual cliches. In the meantime, Putin is giving notice Russia means business, the Russian troops westward move does not seem to be for temporary maneuvers only. The ball, Russia is saying, is on your court. Next move on the geopolitical chess set will be decisive, but it will come only after the holidays. People need peace to give corporations their hard-earned money. In the meantime, let’s hope for the best…
Lone Wolf
Dear Andrei, and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ,
I live in the 3B (in Estonia) and scanning daily Estonian MSM. I don’t know about Latvia and Lithuania (the others sisters of the 3B) but I have not noticed that Estonia desperately craves for war. As for the population it is definitely not true.
The population is divided of course – many are obviously anti-Russia because our country is that house negro and our MSM tells us only bad things about Russia.
But even then there are many, many pro-Russia people among Estonians. Many of them businessmen who would like to do business with Russia, sell their products to Russia, buy from Russia and sell here, do transit from Russia to EU, etc.
Our covernment, of course, is the house negro who keep touting “we” all the time, as Malcolm X described in his article. But even then I have not noticed that they crave for war. Or am I so ignorant that I don’t understand it?
There are some people (some names) that, every time when there is an issue with Russia, they write an article or go to TV and try to convince us that Russia wants to eat us (our country).
So I personally think that they have that task given to them – keep screaming, “Russia is invading, Russia is invading.” But other than that, no – we don’t want war. And I have not seen an article in the MSM that wants war with Russia.
To Believer
You are living in the country that has eagerly prostituted itself to the ‘West” – therefore live with the consequences of being cheap and despised prostitudes. YOU ARE VOTING FOR THOSE PEOPLE TO BE IN THE GOVERNMENT. Sorry to have to spell it out for you. I am Russian, as you can quess. And you are already dying as a country – Russia doesn’t need to do a thing, you have done it ALL by yourselves. EU is in terminal decline and there will be NO WAY BACK for you people to being a part of the coming new Russian CENTURY. And that makes you the biggest losers together with the other two little cheap Baltic prostitudes. Enjoy the ride while it lasts..
Katerina, please do not use CAPS that violates the rules.
thank you
Dear ma’am,
Yesterday evening before going to sleep I read to my kids from the Bible. I read a story from the Gospel of Luke and the story was about…
…a prostitute.
At the time Jesus was a guest in the house of Simon the pharisee.
And the prostitute came in and “brought an alabaster box of ointment, And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.”
Long story short, Jesus accepted that prostitute.
So He said to Simon, “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”
So if you talk to me as a representative of my country, then I humbly accept your accusation. Our behavior as country has not been good indeed. The good news here is…
…Jesus accepts, yes, even prostitutes when they come and repent.
And that is what I have done in my part. Also, I have prayed repentance to my country.
But if you talk to me as an individual then no, ma’am, I have *not* voted for the people who have sold our country. I have voted *against* them.
Unfortunately, it has not been enough. And, as in the overseas “dreamland” – Did people actually vote Biden into the office? Or was there another, easier way? I have read and heard that the election was rigged.
Well, the same here in my country. At least many here are convinced in it.
What about Australians? They too voted and got their government. In what situation are they now?
What about Austrians?
What about Germans?
etc., etc., etc.
Are they all prostitutes as well? They too voted and got what they voted for. Are they all despicable now?
Are we going to start calling names and hate each other now?
Let me tell you, dear Katerina, there is no hatred in my heart towards Russia. Truth be told, I became Christian in Moscow. And since then I have love and respect toward Russia and Russians. I like Russian language. I often defend positions of Russia while discussing with my friends and colleagues.
I even prefer Russian products like Russian made toothpaste (Lesnaya) or Russian made shampoo… over Colgate and Head’n’Shoulders. They are much better.
I remember when the Russian fighter jet was shot down in Syria. I remember the young Russian man, the pilot who was surrounded by isis throat cutters. I remember the last moment of his life when he shouted, “Za rodinu!”
Pure bravery from his side! And my total respect! And I prayed for his family.
So, dear Katerina, if you did not know – even if our country is politically as you said it is, there are still many people who have very positive and supportive feelings toward Russia and Russians. No hatred at all.
Jesus did not call as to hate each other, to despise each other, to call names. Jesus called us to love each other and pray for each other. And that’s what I am doing.
God bless you!
The Russians must enjoy pissing in the wind or banging their heads against a wall because that’s all their diplomacy amounts to. Washington’s agreements, written or verbal, aren’t worth a damn. Just ask any Indian tribe.
The meeting between Putin and Biden was to come to an agreement of how the world is to be carved up and where their spheres of influence are to be; otherwise considering the importance of avoiding a major war their meeting would have been telecast live globally. China has a stake in this also so one wouldn’t be surprised if Putin and Xi hold a meeting soon.
I think, Putin was naive to trust the West and NATO nuclear weapons shall soon be in Ukraine.
“Putin was naive to trust the West and NATO nuclear weapons shall soon be in Ukraine.”
What leads you think there is trust and/or that was Mr. Putin’s purpose?
Why is there so much anti Russian sentiment in Ukraine?
Now even more then before 1990.?
I listened once the story of an Ukrainian nationalist. He said that 200-300 years ago, “Ukraine was advanced economically and culturally, very civilized”, It was like any other central or Western European state he said.
And Russians, they ruined it all. They killed Ukrainian nobility in one battle and the river was red from blood”.
I do not remember the nane of the river.
So, they believed in that shit even 20 years ago.
How is that possible that they believe in that even now.
So, here it is correct that Russia doesn’t want Ukraine. You do not need territory where they hate you so much.
Maybe it’s time to remember and read this interview again: Yvonne Lorenzo interviews Andrei Martyanov…
If America implements conflict against Russia or China, it will lose bigly.
He’s a Russian military expert who emigrated to the United States. In it he argues that the stranglehold of American propaganda by the mainstream media has created a dangerous situation – one in which the “fake news” is believed by the American leadership.
Thank you Andreï for this sound analysis, as usual. As a European, I share your views, with regard to Putin being wise enough as to behave like a man facing a rabid dog. I have two questions :
1- How do you assess the risk of the UK+3B+PU side starting deliberately a war against. I remember you assessed Ze had nothing to lose,
2- Is the war party unified and able to make a common decision, or is it just a collection of temporary converging interests?
A third one, if I may : what is in essence their rationale? Money, power, hate of the Christian civilization Russia is now representing?
As for me, I’m reasonably pessimistic, as one of my former boss used to say : the worse is not the less improbable.
Thank you.
At a lot of movements in the outside world, I wonder whether it is cunning or incompetence. Besides the babble (that’s their job), at a certain moment there are also actions with their consequences.
Just looking at the *new* *improved* *now even more satisfying* German goverment, I can tell you that their moves towards Russia are unfortunately not in German interest, but what can you expect when project Baerbock has had a carefully planned routing, accompanied for years by the Council of Foreign Relations.
She had a schooling of years, apparently she has two children of whom even their names are secret, and let’s mind that she was rather unknown when they were born. This a project, and she is a *bankers bitch*. The Green Party was just the bus she took on command from her real masters.
Chancellor Scholz may give the impression of quiet and wise, but he is corrupt as hell. Amazing that he survived all those financial scandals when he was mayor of Hamburg, how could that happen? Makes you go ‘hmmm…’.
You know, they are just whores. Throw money at them, and they’ll dance for you, they are for hire. Anything you want, just pay the right price. It’s not only there, it is no secret that around the European Parliament there are more lobbyists active than actual Parliament members (I suppose around US Congress it is not different).
Apart from potential freezing German households, do we think that German industry is applauding? They tend to stay in the background, but at a certain moment they will start growling.
It’s amazing that a bunch of dudes still ventilates ‘New World Order’ and all that jazz, when a large part of the world is not aboard. China and India alone are already something like half of the world population, and India alone delivers a few hundred thousand of engineers every year.
The idea that ‘it will come’ is preposterous imho. Let me put it carefully, in the nineties Russia seemed to be belly up, looted by ‘democracy’. They f*cked it up, Russia survived and rose up again, and I have some kind of impression that Russian society, in all its levels and despite some hurdles to go, do not really want that time back. What on earth makes people here in the West think that they can try it again, and ‘this time it will work’?
Isn’t that criminally naive?
It’s painful to see a train wreck in slow motion, screwing up western society, denying that a significant part of the world is not aboard. Unfortunately I live in this part, and these times are very dangerous with so little people seeing it.
Now, is that cunning or incompetence?
Cheers, Rob
Like the little task for kids: Find the difference in body language in these two photos:
1. Putin-Biden video conference:
2. Putin – Xi Jinping video conference:
About the threat to cutoff SWIFT access (I know, minor side show), thinking how does Ukraine pay Gazprom? Would be hilarious if they used SWIFT … “sorry no more gas, payment not working”
The US wants to impose it’s ‘rules based’ order on the World because they have been exposed as hypocritical & weaker than they want to be percieved when viewed through the prism of International Law. I believe that the ‘Democracy Summit’ was a step in this direction.
Whether the ‘rules based order’ is realised or accepted by Sovereign Countries unwilling to bend the knee to US hegemony is not the point. It will enable the US to simply create an alternative reality where they can recreate themselves as heroic moral guardians of the World, unimpeded by facts, common sense or scrutiny.
I expect the US to disavow the UN within a decade, and ride out it’s twighlight years in a cosy, insulated, self-congratulatory fantasy.
I agree with most of what you wrote in this piece, but what clinched it for me is this: “The EU is run by a class of narcissistic infantiles”. You’re spot on! It is depressing to live in that reality in Europe.
I just finished watching the Boris Malagurski documentary “The Weight of Chains” (Part 1) about the breakup of Yugoslavia. https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08
Because Russia is now wise to to the game, there will be no repeat of the exact same process, in particular the NATO military invasion. But the end goal and many of the moves will be the same; poverty, manufactured ethnic strife leading to ethnic cleansing. Getting the fertile farmland and natural resources of Eastern Ukraine (the breadbasket of Europe) under multi-national control is the endgame.
The assertion of the author and many posters is that NATO/US/EU is losing. I disagree, they are playing a long slow game. Random infrequent missile strikes in Donbass means that no one in their right mind will want to raise a family there. Millions have already moved to Russia. This is ethnic cleansing by stealth.
They now say 10 years for Ukraine to join NATO, meaning 10 years for the Russian speaking population to decline, 10 years for Putin to retire. Then Monsanto/Bayer subsidiaries pick up the land for next to nothing and consolidate into industrial farms.
It is now obvious that the Minsk 1-2 accords were a time waster to make it appear that Russia extracted some concessions. There was never an intention to comply. No war is needed, just play to a stalemate until 2030.
I would like to make a suggestion. To the Russian government authorities.
The Russian parliament should pass a bill stating that, in face of the existential threat posed by the West, Russia reserves the right of neutralizing (i.e., destroying) any offensive missile systems deployed up to X thousand kilometers of her borders.
In other words, Russia claims the right to (for instance) destroy the Aegis systems installed in Poland and Rumania, along with sinking US submarines in the Barrents Sea as well.
Well, if the War Party can;t get a war going, they can always go the false flag route. Will need to be a big one.
Which can only mean some ziofabricated nuke, for which “international investigators” then find a “proof” of Russian origin.
Malcom X’s “House Negro” “Field Negro” is perfect.
Ursula von der Leyen at central european time 22.00 tonight is to make a summing up speech regarding European Eastern Partnership programme conference held today….Zed has been visiting and meeting Borrell and other leaders France Germany etc ….perhaps there might be something useful and encouraging. Or not.
The leaders of France, Germany and Ukraine sought on Wednesday to revive talks with Russia while keeping up pressure on Moscow to deter what the West says may be preparations for a new attack on Ukrainian territory. French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy met on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels to find ways to restart negotiations in the “Normandy format” that also includes Russia, Macron’s office said. “The three leaders reaffirmed their commitment to this format of negotiations in order to find a lasting solution for the conflict and to preserve Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” his office added.
Any violation of territorial integrity will have a high price and we will speak with one voice here with our European partners and our transatlantic allies,” Scholz said in Berlin before leaving for his first summit in Brussels as chancellor, adding he still sought a “constructive dialogue” with Russia. Russia’s foreign ministry on Twitter urged the West and Ukraine to implement the peace deals of 2014 and 2015 that include prisoner exchanges, aid and the withdrawal of weapons.
Zelenskiy said on Twitter he was hoping for France’s support in countering Russia’s “hybrid aggression” in Europe as Paris assumes the rotating EU presidency for six months in January. He also invited Scholz to Ukraine and wished to deepen cooperation with Berlin in energy, security and defence – a veiled swipe at differences between the countries over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, as well as weapons deliveries to Ukraine. FULL MEMBERSHIP GOAL After the meeting, Ukraine joined Georgia and Moldova at the summit to lobby the EU to let them begin negotiations to join the bloc. But for now they will only win assurances of support against any possible Russian aggression.
From Tass
15 DEC, 20:02 White House, Kremlin officials discussed situation around Ukraine – White House Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried will consult with NATO Allies in Brussels on December 16 to develop a coordinated approach, the statement also said WASHINGTON, December 15. /TASS/. Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke by phone on Wednesday and discussed the situation around Ukraine, the White House said. “National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke by phone today with Russian Presidential Foreign Policy Advisor Yuriy Ushakov to follow up on the December 7 call between President Biden and President Putin,” the White House said in a statement. “Mr. Sullivan reiterated our strong concerns about the Russian military build-up on the border with Ukraine and emphasized that the United States will continue to coordinate closely with our European allies and partners as we seek to address security and strategic matters through diplomacy.” Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried will consult with NATO Allies in Brussels on December 16 to develop a coordinated approach, the statement also said. Donfried is on foreign trip visiting Moscow, Kiev and Brussels. Ushakov said earlier on Wednesday that Russia gave Donfried a package of proposals for security guarantees that Moscow is demanding from the US and NATO. It’s planned that the assistant secretary of state will wrap up her trip in Brussels on Thursday….”
Well we might find out if USA can actually read correctly and understand ……..
The West and especially the US have been believing their own BS for so long the they become clinically delusional and this is what makes them dangerous to the entire world.
I believe that the meeting was used by Vladimir Vladimirovitch to issue a warning (in the most polite terms possible, of course) to the powers that be in US that they’re about to cross the red lines. I don’t think that the russians put any hope on “legal assurances” – they’re painfully aware that any legal document, signed by the US government isn’t worth the paper on which it’s written.
via Tass
Nezavisimaya Gazeta: Kiev readies bomb shelters, tests air raid warning system
Next Monday, Kiev will host talks with the leaders of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. The leaders of the Lublin Triangle countries will meet for the first time to discuss the situation around the threat of a possible “Russian invasion.” Kiev will be testing its air raid siren system during the visit of Polish President Andrzej Duda and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda.
article reports Zed thinking about other formats to revise review Minsk etc….usual diversionary tactics…is he trying to sucker in the others to his folly….we shall see if they are that foolish maybe .
wikipedia says
The Lublin Triangle (Lithuanian: Liublino trikampis; Polish: Trójkąt Lubelski; Ukrainian: Люблінський трикутник, romanized: Liublinskyi trykutnyk) is an economic, cultural, and political regional alliance of three European countries – Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine[1] – for the purposes of strengthening mutual military, cultural, and economic cooperation and supporting Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and the NATO. The Lublin Triangle initiative invokes the integrative heritage of the 1569 Union of Lublin.[2]
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on the EU to apply pre-emptive sanctions against Russia before any potential military escalation, suggesting that threats of harsh measures after an invasion would be too late.
rt post today
Russia, US agree to continue dialogue on implementing Minsk accords — source
The discussion will include the position stated by the US President about the need to grant Donbass a special status to end the conflict
MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/. Russia and the United States agreed to continue the dialogue on implementing the Minsk agreements, taking into account US President Joe Biden’s position on the need to grant Donbass special status, a source involved in the talks said on Wednesday.
“The sides agreed to continue interaction in implementing the Minsk agreements, taking into account the position stated by US President [Joe] Biden at the Geneva summit about the need to grant Donbass a special status to end the conflict,” said the source, who took part in the negotiations held between Russian Presidential Administration Deputy Head Dmitry Kozak and US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried in Moscow on Wednesday.
The meeting lasted over two hours, the source added.
US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Donfried held negotiations earlier on Wednesday with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov that lasted around 40 minutes.
Basically meaningless for two reasons: 1) Zelensky can’t implement the Minsk Package of Measures because he will be kicked out of power if he does; and 2) the CIA and neocons won’t allow it, regardless of what Biden says.
By the way, I am not aware of any time Biden himself suggested implementing the Minsk requirement of a special status for Donbass. All the news reports I am aware of say that “Administration officials have suggested that the U.S. will press Ukraine to formally cede a measure of autonomy within its eastern Donbas region…”
A “suggestion” from “officials” – not Biden…
And personally I think Biden is just kicking the can down the road until the ground hardens and Ukraine can launch its offensive in January or February.
sputniknews has a live feed of Zed and Stoltenberg now ….presentation at end of Eastern Partnership conference.
I really do not see a point of the claim “US did not retaliate for the attack by Iran on their base in Iraq” therefore the empire is dead.
1. US killed the most valued military officer of Iran.
2. Before attacking the US military base in Iraq, Iran informed USA that they are going to attack it.
3. Iran did not attack the commanding center that operated the drone or gave order to kill Soleimani.
4. Although Iran attack a military base in Iraq, they did not do any thing that cause a threat to the US main land.
5. So why would US retaliate and escalate the situation after they achieved their target ?
16 DEC, 10:43
European Union preparing full set of sanctions against Russia, says foreign policy chief
Josep Borrel confirmed that EU countries would be able to reach a consensus on the issue this time
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell EPA-EFE/JULIEN WARNAND
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell
BRUSSELS, December 16. /TASS/. The European Union is preparing a full set of sanctions against Russia, which will be discussed at the EU summit on Thursday, EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrel told reporters as he arrived at the meeting of leaders of 27 EU states in Brussels.
“I cannot tell it (which sanctions in particular – TASS), we are going to discuss it before we have an agreement, but we are preparing a full set of sanctions,” he said.
Asked whether EU countries will be able to reach a consensus on the issue, Borrel said: “Yes, this time, yes.”
Mme Zakharova says no response has been received regarding the proposals from Russia. Sounds like a time period has been set?
Portuguese version at