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Posts From amarynth

The Minister of Defense of Venezuela rejects Trump’s blackmail against his country

For the Saker Blog – a translation collaboration between Deena Stryker and our own amarynth with Deena doing the first rough translation and amarynth doing the subsequent heavy lifting. While this is a quick translation in the interests of time, and not word for word, it represents fairly the content and the context of the Defense Minister’s rejection. This was an excellent speech and we did not do it full

Flagrant, Cynical, Public attempt at coup d’état – Venezuela

by Chris Faure for The Saker Blog (*This is accurate at the time of posting but the situation is still developing fast. Updated comments at the end.) It came as no surprise this past week when the US Administration made good on their promises to attempt to Regime Change Venezuela, the third part of John Bolton’s Troika of Tyranny, the other parts being Cuba and Nicaragua. But there were a

Nations as Foreign Capital Corporations

by Francisco Fernández-Bullón for The Saker Blog As shadow banks become authentic governments of countries, the nations gradually turn into foreign capital corporations or companies, which enslave the workforce. Capital or money doesn’t have a nationality. Its homeland is the accounts, hidden by its owners so as not to pay taxes. Traditionally these accounts were in Switzerland or in the Virgin Islands, but are now scattered around the world in

Excerpts from President Donald Trump’s Statement on Standing with Saudi Arabia

by: Chris Faure for The Saker Blog “The world is a very dangerous place!” “The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more. Likewise, the Iranians have

Dispossession of land on the basis of race – a State Enrichment and Control Strategy in the South African Context

by Anon for The Saker Blog Yes, we are talking about South Africa and the current and planned policy of land dispossession/confiscation without compensation, as it relates to suppression, oppression and annihilation of peoples in our world. Acknowledging the real and current danger that the 4.5 million white South Africans find themselves in, the situation is analogous to a canary in the coal mine where the canary has already expired.

The Saker.Community site is going live. This new site is about you. is the Saker’s place; it is our mothership, where The Saker (and our other writers) keep a sharp eye on the state of the vineyard and translate for us so eloquently the heavings and movings, the threats and upheavals of our world. Saker.Community is our place where we can tend the vineyard and tend ourselves. The Moveable Feast Cafe will stay exactly as it is, where the atmosphere supplies

South Africa – The Real Current Event vs Rolling over of The President (a 3 Parts analysis)

by Anon for the Saker Blog Part One: The Real Current Event Part Two: Rolling Over of the President – Musical Chairs Part Three: History for Perspective a) Short notes on before the 1994 freedom election – from 1948 through to the Freedom Election – the apartheid regime b) Deep Background Part One: The Real Current Event At the time of writing, the sitting President, Jacob Zuma had been ‘recalled’

Dear Saker Community – Request for a very special Volunteer

  Let me first explain what we are doing:  On the community support side of the Saker house, our artist is creating a series of posters or infographics or quick information sheets.  The first one that we are doing is based on the Saker’s Letter to My American Friends, distilling the hard data that The Saker outlined here.   Other infographics may deal with for example geography, or size of
