is the Saker’s place; it is our mothership, where The Saker (and our other writers) keep a sharp eye on the state of the vineyard and translate for us so eloquently the heavings and movings, the threats and upheavals of our world.

Saker.Community is our place where we can tend the vineyard and tend ourselves.

The Moveable Feast Cafe will stay exactly as it is, where the atmosphere supplies a moving picture as if looking out of the windows of a restlessly moving train, noting the passing cameos.

At the Saker.Community we pull in at the train station, stop awhile, and ground ourselves in life itself. The new site deals with living, but it is also a house of respite for wounded warriors while the empire is still warring and we are still resisting, a place where we can rediscover the arts of the old methods of ethical dialectic reasoning in a modern format expressing the mood, the atmosphere and the spirit of the culture of our time. This is where we can debate the issues and express our raves and our rants. A place where we can cry for a spell. I am crying at the moment and asking the question: “Hast thou forsaken the kids in the Gaza strip?”)

Of course The Saker himself cannot take care of everything. As with our other family of Saker Sites, the will operate independently and I will be the editor of the new site.

One of the main features of is the forums. In this new forum or place of assembly, you can respond to other threads or pen your own. You can post videos, photos and longer term issues of interest and off-topic or tangential to the focus of

We can add combined projects, the results of which could end up on the main Saker site – We are starting off with ioan’s gathering of photos for next year’s calender:


Participate and put part of your heart into next year’s calendar.

There still is the unborn project of creating infographics of the Saker’s topics, which I was not able to give sufficient attention to last year.

We may act as a space for our many volunteers; anything that we need to sell or trade (which we want to keep outside of the main saker site and this includes books) and a showcase for the many sakerites that have goods or words or art or music or simply a joke to offer. I know that for years I was too timid to even post anything here on (The Saker’s commenters are all formidable). So, now we have a space for the shy ones to gift their perspectives.

In the past few weeks The Saker’s books, Scott’s books, Auslander’s books and novels and other authors have been moved from, to Saker.Community. The links will remain at, but will lead to the new Saker.Community site. We’ve done a lot of work over the past year to have our own store (expo) and method of distributing the works of our own writers and authors. Many people do not want to use Amazon. This is your chance. We’ve set up The Saker as an independent publisher, and slowly gathered all the tools and tricks including printing facilities in the USA, UK, and Australia to both publish our own work, and offer censorship resistant publishing in our own space. There is space for book reviews and discussions in the forum and Auslander did a yeoman’s task bringing all his book information across to Saker.Community. Auslander’s novel of Annya Koli, the canine with magical powers, expresses a deep love for our companion animals in our world. https://Saker.Community/product/blue-cloud-my-life-annya-koli-pdf-novel/

There are many aspects of life. Some of us care for these different spaces and others have other talents. The is there for us.

Following the comments on over the past year, it is so very clear that we have a tremendous alternative health mindshare right here among the Sakerites. This is your invitation: if you have special knowledge on any health protocol, open a thread in the forum, and teach us. I will soon start adding submissions on biohacking. As we see in initiatives such as Hackerspaces and Makerspaces and FabLabs, where we are beginning to share open source technologies, so it is in the field of health. People are beginning to create their own laboratories and rejecting the medical and health care system that is existent as part of the war on you and me. Let’s stay on top of this.

So, Saker.Community will focus on all of the issues of living that we do not have dedicated space for on the alternative health; growing things in a way that saves creaky knees and bendy backs (one of my favorites), and we have a Library of Russian books to build out. Let’s build the best Library of Russian books available in English.

I am hoping we will have more interaction with the other Saker sites. I am keen to further our own education and, most of all, support each other while we are all invested and involved in stopping the empire’s war that has its beady eye focused on Russia, but extending wider and wider. Let’s work on how we can eat real food and not frankenfood, so that we are fit, so that we feel good, and we are ready for battle.

The new forum has been given a “kickstart” and now would like to hear from you … whether it is a formal article submission or a note in the forum. Some help will be needed in the future, perhaps a moderator or two when we get busy.

We are still looking for someone that understands the business of swag … to create a series of shirts, mugs and wearable artwork for sakerites.

Enjoy at the moment these initial articles:

  • I wrote a new piece on cryptocurrencies … taking a look at the history over the past year and looking at a specific token that I still like.
  • Helperbot is telling us about the technology and the development of open source robotics for growing clean food. In this piece, he describes the ‘farm-bot’, completely open source and ready to assist the ‘creaking generation’. Growing a garden is one of the most subversive actions that we can take in this war for humanity. It not only feeds the soul, but tends to the body and good water and clean food is the major method of building our own resistance. We will hear more about co-operative principles, worker-owned cooperatives and permaculture from Helperbot.
  • Soon we will have Dr. Jeremy, an enlightened and deeply educated soul in healing, providing a monthly article on Naturopathy.
  • Hang your Hammock will follow soon, as I am convinced we are all sleeping on the wrong beds and that is part of the creating of healthy people. We should either be sleeping on hammocks or on Japanese sleeping mats (tatami mats with futon).
  • And for fun, and because people were asking me just too many times, I wrote about myself humorously in amarynth’s hats. What it is that I do here?.

We are all submarines in the desert. Let’s shake the dust from the long not used communication; let’s beat madly on those submarine hulls and get to know the specific Sakerite morse code.

.. / .- — / …. . .-. .

I am here!

MIDDAY of Life! Oh, season of delight!

My summer’s park!

Uneaseful joy to look, to lurk, to hark–

I peer for friends, am ready day and night,–

Where linger ye, my friends? The time is right!

Quote: Friedrich Nietzsche . Beyond Good and Evil – 1886

FROM THE HEIGHTS – Translated by L A Magnus
