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Posts From The Saker

The Two Superpowers: Who Really Controls the Two Countries?

by Paul Craig Roberts (cross-posted with PCR’s website with his special agreement) Among the ruling interests in the US, one interest even more powerful than the Israel Lobby—the Deep State of the military/security complex— there is enormous fear that an uncontrollable President Trump at the upcoming Putin/Trump summit will make an agreement that will bring to an end the demonizing of Russia that serves to protect the enormous budget and

No 5th Column in the Kremlin? Think again!

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Following the re-appointment of Medvedev and his more or less reshuffled government, the public opinion in Russia and abroad was split on whether this was a good sign of continuity and unity amongst the Russian leadership or whether this was a confirmation that there was a 5th column inside the Kremlin working against President Putin and trying to impose neo-liberal and pro-western

Venezuela – Towards an Economy of Resistance

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog The Government of Venezuela called an international Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, 14-16 June, 2018 – to debate the current foreign injected economic disturbances and seeking solutions to overcome them. I was privileged and honored to be part of this commission. Venezuela is literally being strangled by economic sanctions, by infiltrated elements of unrest, foreign trained opposition leaders, trained to disrupt distribution of food,

Preliminary Peace

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with: source: The world press is being filled with noise about a meeting on the 15th of July between Putin and Trump in Vienna. The Kremlin neither confirms nor denies whether there is a meeting [at the time of writing this was true, however the Kremlin has since confirmed the there will be a meeting on

Why the Operation to De-Legitimise Ukraine Should Be Extended to 2019

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: What people were saying about 4 years ago concerning the probable (even desirable) future absolutely imperceptibly became the reality. The US, which staged the Ukrainian and Syrian crises for the sake of preserving their hegemony, lost the position of the sole world leader. They launched trade wars not only with China, India, Russia, but also

Turkey’s European dream may be over, is the Sultan ready for Eurasia?

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Erdogan has lost his parliamentary majority and must now establish a coalition with the far-right Nationalist Action Party; given the latter is anti-Western, the road ahead points in only one direction: Eurasian integration To the utter despair of stoic defenders of “Western values,” Europe is now condemned to suffer two populist autocracies on its eastern borders:

What privatisation in Iran? or Definitely not THAT privatisation

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Just as everyone falsely assumes that Iran’s economic history followed the standard colonial model (it didn’t), that their political cleavages are the same as the West’s (they aren’t) and that Iran trails the West in modern political thought & democratic structure (they don’t), it is little wonder that Westerners assume that “privatisation” simply must be the same as in the West (it isn’t).

Pension reform as a fifth column tool to overthrow Putin

By Vadim Potapenko/Mikhail Khazin Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Original title: “About a fair pension system” The full version of this study authored by Vadim Potapenko that this article is based on can be read here (in Russian only) The pension system can be considered fair when it can maintain an acceptable standard of living for pensioners and at the same time

100,000 Chinese going to the World Cup in Russia, with no team to cheer for

by Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog Crosslinked with: Inconsolable Chinese football fans, who, in spite of not having a national team to root for, are going to the World Cup in Russia by the tens of thousands. The traditional Chinese drums say, China Power. No team, no national glory, no nothing, yet for this year’s Football World Cup tournament in Russia, 100,000 Chinese still traveled

Iraq on the move: the Muqdata Al-Sadr Factor

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi for The Saker Blog The recent developments following the 12th of May 2018 elections in Iraq put the country on a potential new course. What nature and direction of this course is the big question. The now 44 years old, Muqtada Al-Sadr was only 25 years old when his father Ayatollah Mohammad Mohammad Sadeq Al-Sadr was ambushed and killed together with two of his sons,

Anti-Catastrophe – Information vs Degradation

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: June 22nd – the day the most bloody war in the history of Russia began. The day a series of the largest military catastrophes not only in Russian history, but also in the history of mankind began. The Kiev cauldron in September, 1941 and the triple encirclement near Bryansk and Vyazma in October of

Hassan Nasrallah: Israel Strives to Conceal Defeat in Syria, Final War to Liberate Palestine is Coming

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on June 8, 2018, on the occasion of the International Day of Al-Quds (Jerusalem). Translation: Transcript:   […] Today, Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Palestine, as Imam Khomeini wanted when he instituted the (International) Day of Al-Quds, became a cause of (Islamic) dogma, a cause of faith, outside the (opportunistic) area of ​​politics and the political bazaar, they became a cause of dogma,

The Western Hijacked Democracy

by Ghassan Kadi for the Saker Blog If my previous article ( dissected Lebanese style democracy and mentioned Western style democracy in passing, then we should perhaps have a closer look at Western democracy; or what is left of it. The word “democracy’ comes from the Greek word demokratia; from demos ‘the people’ and kratia ‘power’. In other words, it means the power of the people. Different dictionaries give slightly

The Saker interviews Michael A. Hoffman II

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] Introduction by the Saker: I have always had a passion for theology in general and the studies of religions in general. Several years ago I discovered, quite by chance, a book written by Michael A. Hoffman II entitled Judaism’s Strange Gods which I found most interesting and thought provoking. Reading that book, I felt that I wanted to find out much more

Who the Enemies of the People Are, and How They Fight Against Them

  By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: If people exist as a subject (at least of history and politics), then they have friends and enemies. Not those “friends” who “fight against social democrats” and not those enemies who are periodically sent to camps or simply destroyed worldwide during all epochs (Stalin wasn’t a pioneer, and not even the most effective

Sexy metal: the missing element in the Korean puzzle

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo knows the importance of rare earth elements, and North Korea has reportedly found one of the world’s biggest deposits 150km from Pyongyang; is this another factor behind the recent thaw with the US? This may not be about condos on North Korean beaches after all. Arguably, the heart of the matter

How Iran got economically socialist, and then Islamic socialist

by Ramin Mazaheri for the The Saker blog “Ramin Mazaheri, a foreign correspondent for Iran’s Press TV, posted a blog accusing the World Socialist Web Site of betraying its ‘socialist principles’ and aiding imperialism, because we welcomed the working-class opposition to Iran’s capitalist government…” From nearly the beginning of the WSWS’s 3-part rebuttal to my criticism of them is the refusal, or inability, to understand that Iran’s government cannot accurately qualify as “capitalist”. I
