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Posts From The Saker

Debunking two American myths

This article was written for the Unz Review There are two myths which are deeply imprinted in the minds of most US Americans which are extremely dangerous and which can result in a war with Russia. The first myth is the myth of the US military superiority. The second myth is the myth about the US invulnerability. I believe that it is therefore crucial to debunk these myths before they

“Unsinkable” American Aircraft Carriers: Five Nonsensical Statements

Source: Translated by Eugenia Recently, the American journal The National Interest published an article with a telling title: “5 Reasons Russia and China Might Not Be Able to Sink a U.S. Aircraft Carrier”( The author of the article discusses these reasons in detail. All of them are, by the way, pretty self-evident. The first one turned out to be (do you believe this?) that “the American aircraft carrier is

‘Transgender Bathrooms are the Selma of My Generation!’ – Reader Mail

by Ramin Mazaheri I must admit that I have only ever read just one article on transgender bathrooms – it seemed like such a minor issue that I didn’t see the need to follow it. There are only so many hours in the day, and I prefer to report on anti-imperialist and pro-socialist issues. It certainly seems like a fair assumption that many other journalists and activists in the West

Video hosting test page (comments and suggestions welcome! UPDATED)

I am testing several video hosting options. Today, Bitchute and Dailymotion. Here are the results. You like, don’t like? Thanks, The Saker Daily motion: Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Then there is Bitchute.  I uploaded the video, no problem. You can see it here: Then I realized that BitChute did not offer *any* generic

An Important Message from the Editor of The Duran

The Duran has been in existence for well over a year… In that time, called these major events right, where most were dead wrong: The Brexit vote Donald Trump’s victory Russian victory in the Syrian war Recovery of the Russian economy despite the oil price crash and the sanctions All things the MSM and other publications said would NEVER happen, and we did it with a fraction of the resources. Imagine what we

The enigmatic Mohamed Bin Salman

by Ghassan Kadi Love him or hate him, Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (MBS) is like no other prince that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has seen since its inception under the rule of his founding grandfather King Abdul Aziz in 1932 and the establishment of the Al-Saud dynasty that changed Arabia; including its name. Some argue that even the worst of humans can do a bit of good.

The inside story of the Saudi night of long knives

Princes, ministers and a billionaire are ‘imprisoned’ in the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton while the Saudi Arabian Army is said to be in an uproar by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times (posted by special  arrangement) The House of Saud’s King Salman devises an high-powered “anti-corruption” commission and appoints his son, Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, a.k.a. MBS, as chairman. Right on cue, the commission detains 11 House of Saud princes, four

War between Anti-West and Eurangloland heating up fast

by Jeff J. Brown The Power of Siberia gas pipeline connecting Russia and China is just one many projects being brought to fruition by the two giants of the Eurasian continent. Cheers! Cross linked with: Xi Jinping’s historic speech and the giant “F.U.” to imperial capitalism during the Communist Party of China’s 19th Congress last week seems to have emboldened the Anti-West to new heights ( Mind

The Fall and the Fall of Hariri

by Ghassan Kadi The sudden resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri raises a number of questions. To fast track the main relevant events of the last decade or so, Hariri was Saudi Arabia’s favourite kid on the Lebanese block. After all, his father was a close friend and a business partner of Prince Fahed, who later on became King Fahed. And because he harbours similar anti-Shiite passions like his

Two part MUST SEE interview of Margarita Simonyan on Russian TV (UPDATED WITH TRANSCRIPT)

Again, words fail me to adequately express my gratitude to Eugenia for translating, subtitling and uploading these videos! The Saker Original links: Part I: Part II:  Note: these videos often load slowly, but then play well. PART I THE RIGHT TO KNOW! 00:00:15,560 –> 00:00:20,639 DK. Good evening. This is the show “The right to know!” on the TV Center channel and I am its host Dmitrii Koulikov.

MUST SEE interview of Maria Zakharova on Russian TV (UPDATED WITH TRANSCRIPT)

Friends, Here I want to thank Eugenia for a truly heroic effort.  Not only did she translate, subtitle and upload the video, she did that on her so-called ‘free’ time (without going into details, I will say that Eugenia is a top-level professional with a prestigious career and an extremely busy life).  Eugenia – you are truly to be thanked by our Community for your immense dedication and work! Second,

Do you think his assessment is accurate?

This article was written for the Unz Review “Do you think his assessment is accurate?” was the subject line of an email I got from a good friend recently.  The email referred to the article by Paul Craig Roberts “One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive” which claimed that “the US military is now second class compared to the Russian military“.  The article then went on to list a number of Russian

Forced recession as a tool of social war against the 99%

by Ramin Mazaheri If you don’t already understand that headline, you are missing the primary goal of neoliberal capitalism over the past nearly 40 years. Stop assuming the 1% wants growth economies…please. Just stop. The 1%’s interest is only in supporting the “keep all I got” model. Accept this as a rule and you are halfway to enlightenment, and you will pierce the technocratic lie that “economics is too hard

How the DPRK riddle is freaking out the US establishment

by Pepe Escobar for the Saker blog The 19th Party Congress has made it very clear that “socialism with Chinese characteristics” – as codified by President Xi Jinping – is China’s road map ahead. Not only the strategy graphically eschews those much-lauded “Western values”; it will, in Xi’s own words, offer “a new option for other countries and nations who want to speed up their development while preserving their independence.”

“Song about the clairvoyant Cassandra” by Vladimir Vysotskii (with translated lyrics)

This is good version of the song, but the video is mediocre, so you might want to listen with eyes closed or simply look away.  The translation of the lyrics is my own, you can easily find much better ones elsewhere on the Internet.  Enjoy! Song about the clairvoyant Cassandra For many years and even though she was besieged Troy had remained impregnable to the assailants, And if the Trojans
