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Posts From The Saker

EXCLUSIVE NEWS: Economic Sanctions Against Russia Flop: The first comprehensive study of anti-Russia sanctions shows they hit EU much more than Russia

by Eric Zuesse Did U.S. President Barack Obama create the anti-Russia sanctions in order to weaken the EU in its competition against America? If so, the policy has been a huge success — it has enormously damaged the EU’s economy. But, if Russia was the actual target — as Obama claimed — then it’s been a total flop: It has produced $100 billion loss to the EU, thus far —

How the BBC Spreads Lies: How to read propaganda

by Eric Zuesse Propaganda frequently masquerades as ‘news’. A ‘news’ narrative’s relevant background needs to be understood, in order for the reader or hearer to be able to understand anything of the truth, from the propaganda, rather than be fooled by it (as the aristocracy’s managers and editors of fake ’news’-reports intend, and as they hire ‘reporters’ to convey to their audiences). The present article will therefore start with the

Tell me, colonel, why are your eyes shining so brightly?

In a theater piece entitled “The Prisoners”, Solzhenitsyn illustrated the price paid by those who serve the Empire and the gift granted to those who struggle against it. Here is the key dialog of this drama. It confronts Vorotyntsev, а monarchist White Russian officer about to be executed and Roublev, an officer of the Soviet secret police who suffers from terminal cancer. Hands behind his back, Vorotyntsev enters the room.

Not a fund-raiser, not even an appeal, just a report

Dear friends, I am going to make this one real short.  First, I am only addressing this to those of you who are, shall we say, financially comfortable.  Second, this is in no way a fund-raiser.  We agreed that these would only happen quarterly and we are nowhere near the middle of Fall.  Third, I will simply state the following: things are rapidly getting very dangerous in the Ukraine and

Rostislav Ishchenko on the potential of the Ukraine in 1991 (MUST READ)

Note by the Saker: the following is a translation of a partial transcript of an interview given by Rostislav Ishchenko, arguably the foremost Ukraine specialist alive today, to Dmitrii Puchkov.  Thanks a lot to Eugenia for translating this for the blog.  I asked for this translation because it reminds us in just a few short words of what the Ukraine could have been had this country not been run by

Baba Beijing and Big Bear smack down Uncle Sam in Iran and Venezuela

by Jeff J. Brown Cross-linked with, and Ahh… What happened to the good old days of the Cold War, when rich, imperial America was doing battle with poor, agrarian Russia and China, and Iran and Venezuela were corrupt, fascist regimes serving the interests of American capital? These days, that seems so long, long ago! There was time, 1945-1990, when America ruled the noncommunist world like a brutal

Very dangerous escalation in Syria

By now many of you must have heard the news: a Russian Lieutenant-General, Valery Asapov, and two Colonels have been killed in what appears to be a very precisely targeted mortar attack.  Just as in the case of the Russian military police unit recently attacked near Deir ez-Zor, the Russians are accusing the Americans of being behind this attack.  To make things even worse, the Russians are now also officially

Why no Petroeuro? or France’s historic effort for an anti-austerity Eurozone

by Ramin Mazaheri The bottom line is: For the EU to work – for it to be of benefit to the average person – it has to follow France’s historical plan. That has always been the case, and it has also never been the case: the flaw in the plan remains selfish West Germany (now just Germany). This seems like common knowledge in the Eurozone, and certainly in smaller Eurozone

The UN and the Monster in the Room

By Peter Koenig There are no words, other than Monster, not even human monster, that can describe Trump’s appearance before the UN General Assembly last Tuesday, 19 September. It’s of no use to go through details of the insults he yelled at the word – many others have explained and analyzed that already – and done it well – remains to say that what Trump demonstrated with threats of total

Kevin Barrett interviews the Saker for Truth Jihad Radio

This Wednesday I was interviewed by Kevin Barrett.  It was a very good conversation.  Check it out on this page: or simply click here or you can download the show by clicking here. Cheers, The Saker

Russian special forces repel a US-planned attack in Syria, denounce the USA and issue a stark warning

Something rather unprecedented just happened in Syria: US backed “good terrorist” forces attempted a surprise attack against Syrian government forces stationed to the north and northeast of the city of Hama.  What makes this attack unique is that it took place inside a so-called “de-escalation zone” and that it appears that one of the key goals of the attack was to encircle in a pincer-movement and subsequently capture a platoon

US propaganda on Russian TV

Quite a while ago I wrote an article entitled “Counter-Propaganda, Russian style” in which I tried to show that far from censoring the russophobic propaganda of the AngloZionist Empire, the Russians try hard to give it as much visibility in Russia as possible.  The reason for that it very simple: by showing the Empire’s propaganda the Russian media provides incontrovertible evidence of the hatred the Empire has for Russia and

Unmasked: Trump Doctrine vows carnage for new axis of evil

North Korea, Iran, Venezuela are targets in “compassionate” America’s war on the “wicked few.” It’s almost as though Washington felt its hegemony threatened by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times This was no “deeply philosophical address”. And hardly a show of  “principled realism” – as spun by the White House. President Trump at the UN was “American carnage,” to borrow a phrase previously deployed by his nativist speechwriter Stephen Miller. One

Interview with Peter Koenig: BRICS – Potential and Future in an Emerging New World Economy

Based on an interview with Tashreeq Truebody, Radio 786, South Africa Questions Global economy and Brics Peter Koenig Let’s put the BRICS in perspective: The BRICS are of course Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Together they make up for almost 50% of the world population and close to one third of the world’s economic output, or GDP. This alone would make them fully independent from the western economy, from

Trump’s UN speech “most atrocious” by a US pres. – Wilkerson

Note by the Saker: In my commentary to Trump’s speech yesterday I wrote in a sidebar “There are plenty of highly-educated officers in the US armed forces who understand history and who know that money brings corruption, not victory. But they are mostly kept at ranks no higher than Colonel and you will often find them in military teaching institutions and academies“.  Today, I am posting the example of one
