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Posts From The Saker

Hate mail in my inbox: Bend down and pick up that penny!

Dear friends, As you can imagine, I get quite a lot of hate mail.  It has been a while now that I wanted to share of of that stuff with you.  So I posted a recent one in the comments section of my article about the Elephant in the Room.  But I think I will also begin posting some of the more, shall we say, “heartfelt” hate mail in my

Emmanuel Clinton vs Marine LeTrump

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Here’s the body count in the latest geopolitical earthquake afflicting the West: The Socialist Party in France is dead. The traditional Right is comatose. What used to be the Extreme Left is alive, and still kicking. Yet what’s supposed to be the shock of the new is not exactly a shock. The more things veer towards change (we can believe in), the more

Sacred Communities and The Emergent Multipolar Landscape

By Blake Archer Williams (Blake Archer Williams’ two books, Introduction to Walīyic Islam and Creedal Foundations of Walīyic Islam, which are the sources for the ideas presented in this essay – and where they are fully elaborated – can be found on, together with all 32 of his books on Walīyic Islam or the Shi’a Islam of Imam Khomeini which is the basis of the constitution of the Islamic

Serbia’s Post-Electoral Protest Was A Charade

by Stephen Karganovic Just as, a bit over a week ago, we speculated might happen Serbia’s mass anti-regime protests, which began as if on cue the day after the apparently “not so free and unfettered” April 2 Presidential election, have now abated significantly, yet without any publically obvious reason.[1] None of the protesters’ objections (many of them legitimate and sensible) were seriously entertained by the authorities. The mass enthusiasm to

Le Pen &Trump aren’t even close – are we stuck with Emmanuel Macr-Obama?

by Ramin Mazaheri It’s not that the National Front has changed since the 1980s – it’s that the other parties have changed so much for the worse. C’est ça – that’s the point, as the French say, and which translates into English rather ineffectively. Nobody should be happy about having to vote for Marine Le Pen, but please tell me what economic policies has Emmanuel Macron espoused which will end the

Trump – From Coward to Hero – MOAB, Syria, North Korea and Yemen are the Answer

by Peter Koenig Trump, within a span of a week, has made a U-turn; from a coward to hero. So the MSM; his aggressive violence, his murderous killing spree in Syria, Yemen and threatening North Korea with a nuclear ‘take-out’ – turns Trump from a pussie to a macho. Overnight, so to speak, Trump has become the darling of the presstitute Zionist-MSM. That tells you who is controlling the ‘brainstream’

Why voting for Trump was the right thing to do (7 reasons)

This article was written for the Unz Review: Now that Trump has already comprehensively betrayed all his campaign promises and that he 100 first days in office are marked by nothing else but total chaos, incompetence, betrayals of his closest friends and allies, recklessly dangerous and utterly ineffective grandstanding in foreign policy, there are a lot of people out there who say “I told you so!”, “how could you take

Champs-Elysees attack: Perfect timing, for some

by Ramin Mazaheri On the night of April 21st I was in my office in Paris, just 100 meters from the Champs-Elysees, when I got a phone call from a fellow journalist telling me about the deadly attack on policemen there. I was in the middle of working on my latest report on France’s presidential election for Iran’s Press TV. When I got the call, I had just written this

Kadyrov: West will use every resource to bring Russia to her knees

RT reports: The US and its Western allies will use any opportunity to harm Russia, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov told RT. He believes the rise of terrorism in Syria was similar to what happened to his native Chechnya two decades ago. “The West, Europe do not want to help anyone. The important thing for them is to use every resource against Russia. They want to see us kneeling before them,”

E. Michael Jones – The Neo Con Song

This was just sent to me by a friend.  I nearly died laughing when I listened to this.  This E. Michael Jones guy is fantastic – love this song!  I hope that it will brighten your day as it did mine.  Enjoy! The Saker

The Double-Triple-Quadruple-Crossing Trump:

by Ghassan Kadi Trumps recent and sudden 180 degree turn on a number of international issues is mind-boggling, to say the least. But, if we connect the dots it becomes easier to get into the mind of the pragmatic billionaire-turned-President. First and foremost, we must thank Obama for the “if” state of mind he gave us about Trump. Many analysts, including myself, felt hopeful when Clinton was defeated and Trump

NY Times: France can only choose between globalization and racism?

by Ramin Mazaheri So there I was again, on an airplane from San Francisco to New York – the “job creators’ red-eye” – and I had plenty of time to read the New York Times’ Roger Cohen cover the French presidential election in an extended Sunday Review format. Joy of joys! Our “paper of record” has sent Cohen back to cover his old beat for the election. Get ready for some

How to bring down the elephant in the room

First, a painful, but necessary, clarification: Basement crazies.  Neocons. Zionists.  Israel Lobbyists.  Judaics.  Jews.  Somewhere along this list we bump into the proverbial “elephant in the room”.  For some this bumping will happen earlier in the list, for others a little later down the list, but the list will be more or less the same for everybody.  Proper etiquette, as least in the West, would want to make us run

Trump’s escalation and a united Resistance: How the US failed to deter Syria and her allies

By Aram Mirzaei Just as many observers of the Syrian conflict had been thinking that the tragic crisis playing out for the past six years in the Arab country was finally about to see and end, things quickly turned around on April 4 as Syrian “opposition controlled” areas were allegedly hit by chemical weapons, a terrible crime purportedly committed by the “Assad regime”, who apparently decided to defy all logic

Rabbis Urge President Trump To “Act Decisively” In Syria

Dear President Trump, We write to you with angst just days before the Passover holiday when the Jews escaped the oppressive tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt. The Assad regime in Syria appears to have conducted a nerve gas attack against Syrian civilians yesterday. At least 58 civilians have been killed in the attack, marking the worst chemical attack in Syria since the August 21, 2013 chemical massacre. We believe that

Why Vault 7 Tools Used by Private Contractors Shows US Intel Needs a Ground-Up Rebuild Intel and News Building

By GH Eliason The Vault 7 exposé by WikiLeaks neglected to mention the most important part of the disclosure. Sure, the CIA has all these tools available. Yes, they are used on the public. The important part is; it’s not the CIA that’s using them. That’s the part that needs to frighten you. The CIA, by the definition of its mission, cannot use the tools in Vault 7, and definitely
