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Posts From The Saker

Emmanuel Macron: France’s ‘Roths-churian candidate’?

by Ramin Mazaheri How can we explain that centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron is still leading the French presidential elections, just a month away? Is it possible that every Macron supporter – and not Macron himself – has been brainwashed like in the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”? Maybe it’s a case of “The Manchurian Voters”? That seems unlikely. Lotta work to hypnotize so many millions of people. As a longtime daily

The Race for Raqqa

by Ghassan Kadi Barely two months into his office, Trump is still facing a very hostile environment around him both domestically and internationally. Many of his domestic election promises have been kept to the pleasure of some and dismay of others, but on the international front, his emerging policies are, for better and for worse, still developing. Some pundits believe that it is only a matter of time before Trump

Saker’s open letter to the Saker community

Dear friends, Today is the day I was planning to reply to your *amazing* reaction to my appeal, but the likely terrorist attack in Saint Petersburg made me decide to begin with a short reminder which I feel is important.  I will keep it short and to the point, and then turn to my main topic.  One request: please don’t comment here about this attack, but do that in the

The Mosul Massacres: the Banality of Evil revisited.

By Anwar Khan What is the moral difference–if any– between the intentional shooting at fleeing civilians and using them as human shields on the one hand, and the flattening of entire neighborhoods, killing hundreds of innocent civilians, on the pretext of the presence of enemy fighters there-in, on the other? The answer is that there is no moral difference. Both are high crimes under any book, and it is being

Searching for Russia

[Note from the Saker: some of you did notice that I was not posting very much and that I was not replying to emails as much as I used to.  Now I can confess: I was on a semi-confidential trip abroad in a locate with very spotty Internet access (slow, through my smartphone’s dataplan).  I am now back and I will post a full report about this, and my latest

EU to offer 2-speed solution too late to stop French election

by Ramin Mazaheri Keep asking the fundamental question: Has the European Union brought the prosperity and security it promised? No. Then that will always be a perfectly valid reason for exiting. Because it hasn’t brought prosperity and security, can the European Union be reformed? I have said “no” for years, but it’s been a month of historic changes in Europe, with more to come. After years of rejecting such an

25 years in jail for selling 35 pills

Cynthia Powell was not an addict. She was not a dealer. She sold 35 of her diabetes pain pills to a confidential informant—for $300. Just enough to make ends meet that month. Next thing she knew, she was arrested, charged, and convicted. Her sentence? Watch to find out! Share if you agree that mandatory sentences go too far. Read her full profile here: But here is hope, these crazy

Harvard University honors The Saker blog (

Okay, so I am not being honest with this title.  But hey, since Harvard does list my blog as a ‘fake news’ source, I might as well indulge, at least once, into some absolutely shameless click baiting and “fake newsing” :-) Seriously, my friend Steve Lendman wrote an interesting post on his blog about Harvard University’s “guide to fake news”.  Check it out, he does a great job explaining it

The Empire should be placed on suicide watch

This article was written for the Unz Review: In all the political drama taking place in the USA as a result of the attempted color revolution against Trump, the bigger picture sometimes gets forgotten. And yet, this bigger picture is quite amazing, because if we look at it we will see irrefutable signs that the Empire in engaged in some bizarre slow motion of seppuku and the only mystery

Here’s why Ukraine is suing Russia in the International Court of Justice

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran Ukraine’s case in the ICJ looks like a device to avoid paying the likely High Court Judgment for payment of the $3 billion debt Ukraine owes Russia The case Ukraine is bringing in the International Court of Justice is attracting scant international attention and has been almost entirely ignored by Western governments and by the Western media.  Having said this it is an interesting

Full text: Human Rights Record of the United States in 2016

BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) — The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China published a report titled “Human Rights Record of the United States in 2016” on Thursday. Following is the full text of the report: Human Rights Record of the United States in 2016 State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China March 2017 Foreword On March 3 local time, the State Department of

‘The time to invest in Iran is now’

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times The shift in the global balance of financing power towards Russia, India and China — especially China — is opening up opportunities for Tehran It’s a beautiful late winter morning, the snowy Alborz mountains glittering under the sun, and Professor Mohammad Marandi from the faculty of world studies at the University of Tehran is taking me on the road, westbound. Sprawling west Tehran is
