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Posts From The Saker

The Ukronazis are turning on each other

This is really sweet: the Ukronazi crazies are now publicly turning on each other.  Today, I want to share with you a video (pretty long, 28min, no need to watch it all) with no subtitles.  I will just summarize what you will see.  A member of the Ukie Parliament, Tetiana Chornovol, decided to visit the volunteers currently blockading Novorussia to try to explain to them that if the Nazi-occupied Ukraine

‘White Trash’ – both a book and Trump revolution?

by Ramin Mazaheri White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America (2016) by Nancy Isenberg is a book which is credited with the groundbreaking idea of studying the history of poor Whites in America. It’s a necessary book because it gives us a lot of badly-needed historical information to analyze the major divide in the United States today: between pro- and anti-Trump factions. Hillary Clinton denounced Trump supporters as

‘White Trash’ – A book review of our family

by Ramin Mazaheri Americans, whether you like it or not, and whether you admit it or not, this book review is about our family. White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America (2016) by Nancy Isenberg is a book so necessary that it compelled reviews in “The New York Times” and “The Wall Street Journal” because it finally gives White Trash the place in American history that they have

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: The Emerging Multipolar World with Saker – Washington’s Russia Meltdown

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts.  This time the topic was Washington’s Russia Meltdown.  I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Here is the main page of the interview: You can listen to the interview here: You can get the transcript in PDF format here: I highly recommend that you check out the rest

History of the Orthodox People website launched!

Dear friends, It is a real joy for me to announce to you the official launch of the History of the Orthodox People (HOP) website and project.  You can now find it here: Please keep in mind that at this point in time the HOP website is a placeholder, a kind of leaf-less “tree” with each “branch” dedicated to the history of one, specific, Orthodox people but with all

Moscow accused Trump of lack of professionalism

by Mikhail Moshkin translated by Eugenia Source: Donald Trump, having believed the rumors about the Russian deployment of cruise missiles in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF Treaty), promised to touch upon revision of the previous agreements in the upcoming talks with Putin. His intention “to make America great” in nuclear weapons could start another round of the arms race. Anyway, only four years are left until

The Donbass is breaking away from an agonizing Ukraine

This article was written for the Unz Review: Tectonic shifts are continuing to occur in the political landscape of the Ukraine. Last week, following the imposition of a total blockade against Novorussia by the Ukronazis, Russia declared that she will from now on recognize the official documents emitted by the DNR and LNR authorities. This week, the Novorussian authorities have nationalized all the key factories of the Donbass. Furthermore,

Trump -The Enigma

by Peter Koenig President Trump may be wondering himself about the miracles and mysteries and confusions he creates. As a megalomaniac, he is the only one who knows everything. His ideas range and flash from right to left, crisscrossing the political spectrum to favor the globalized world – and yet he is largely acting against globalization – and in the ‘interest of people’. That would be great. He also seeks

Who is Francois Fillon and should we still care?

by Ramin Mazaheri I know that if you’re on The Saker you have a ton of great stuff to read, and I don’t want to waste your time, so: Fillon is a French presidential candidate, and no you do not have to care about him anymore. Are you still reading? Well then, we must be related! (Send food/money/fewer pictures) I have put off writing this article for so long that

Letter from Tehran: Trump ‘the bazaari’

The Iranian Parliament just hosted its annual conference on Palestine and, among the dignitaries – that included Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani – and the 700 foreign guests from more than 50 countries was Asia Times columnist Pepe Escobar. by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times The art of the deal, when practiced for 2500 years, does lead to the palace of wisdom. I had hardly

The causality of rotten fruits

My friend Anwar Khan has recently written an interesting column in which he expressed his disagreement with what he perceived as my pro-Shia bias and in which he set the record straight on some of the atrocities committed by Shias.  It is not my intention to write a full rebuttal today, nor do I think that it is appropriate for me, as an Orthodox Christian, to take sides in a

Morbid racist poster in EU Croatia

by Stephen Karganovic Contemporary Croatia strikes one as a “European values” free zone. Even though Croatia has been a full-fledged member of the European Union and of NATO for several years, it has been remarkably resistant to the application, or even bare acknowledgment, of principles that – on the surface at least – constitute the ideological core of the entities it joined. Tolerance, or at a minimum refraining from grossly

Interesting week for Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump

This article was written for the Unz Review:   Putin’s latest move I don’t follow the western corporate media so I don’t really know how much coverage this development has received in the West, but in Russia and the Ukraine the big news is the decision by Russia to begin recognizing official Novorussian documents such as passports, driver licenses, school and college diplomas, etc. The Russians were pretty specific

American Fascists Co-Opt Trump Protests Hiding Inside Civil Rights Movement

by GH Eliason Over the last couple of years I’ve written volumes on fascists making inroads into American politics and civil life. With civil and human rights it starts with understanding a little about what’s known as the Four Freedoms. And there are many legitimate civil rights groups today that go under that banner. In 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave what became known as the Four Freedoms speech. He

Are Russian diplomats being assassinated? (UPDATED)

Since the death of Vitaly Churkin I see more and more speculations that Russian diplomats are being killed (example here and here)  This is exceedingly unlikely and I consider these speculations to be based on ignorance and a form of “clickbaiting”.  Here is why: So four senior Russian diplomats have died in one month.  Considering how many diplomats Russia has worldwide, this hardly a tsunami. They died in Ankara (murder),

A former (?) Mossad officer predicts that Trump will be impeached on grounds of treason

Thanks to “MS” who drew my attention to this amazing video.  This is an except from an RT program entitled “Watching the Hawks” (see full video here).  In this excerpt, a (supposedly) “former” Mossad officer, Juval Aviv, predicts that Donald Trump will be impeached for treason in the next few months.  See for yourself: Nevermind the telling way Aviv constantly uses “us” when speaking of the USA and nevermind the
