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Posts From The Saker

The Murder of Motorola – questions which must be answered

Small caveat first: I will be honest here, I am extremely uncomfortable with this topic and I greatly hesitated before addressing it here.  As I have said it many many times before, there is a US-manipulated crowd of what I call “hurray patriots” which will use anything and everything to blame it all on Putin (just like their US controllers do, of course).  So when Putin (or Russia) does something

Hmmmm.. what about I offer you a good deal: a real podcast behind a *pretend* paywall?

Dear friends, How shall I put it…  hmmm… maybe its the hurricane and my forced ‘vacation’, or maybe all the repeated outages of our server (we still have not found the root cause of them, out IT officers are still trying to find it), or it’s all the crazy events taking place in our world gone insane, or maybe you are setting aside for the now very possible WWIII –

Amazing words by Donald Trump

I know, I know.  These are just words.  But listen to these words, these are absolutely amazing words, nobody before dared say what Trump says.  At the very least, I think that we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.  What if Trump is really sincere?  I am not saying that he is.  But I am wondering – what if?! The Saker

Russians’ trust in govt sinks to 5-year low

RT reports According to the latest poll, only about a quarter of Russians express definite trust in state structures and public institutions. However, citizens’ trust in military and security services remains high. The Levada independent public opinion research center released the results of its latest poll on Thursday saying that after the mid-September parliamentary polls the Russians’ trust in government fell to the lowest level in five years, 26 percent,

Vladimir Putin’s interview with the French TV channel TF1 (transcript)

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: How did you end up here? This is a just a small provincial town. These days, you find French people wherever you go in Russia, in every village. This is very good and we are pleased to see it. Question (retranslated): Mr President, could you explain why you are not going to Paris? Vladimir Putin: It’s very simple. We had planned to hold an official opening ceremony for the newly built Russian religious and cultural centre in Paris. From

By way of deception thou shalt lose your Empire

This article was written for the Unz Review: “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light” Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke (8:17) “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you

The Spiegel interviews Sergey Karaganov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor

SPIEGEL: Sergey Alexandrovich, NATO is boosting its presence in Eastern Europe in reaction to recent Russian advances. Western politicians have warned that the two sides could stumble into a situation that might result in war. Are such warnings excessive? Karaganov: I was already speaking of a prewar situation eight years ago. SPIEGEL: When the war in Georgia broke out. Karaganov: Even then, trust between the great powers was trending toward

Hillary Clinton’s axis of evil

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Let’s cut to the chase; Hillary Clinton is ready to go to war against Russia in Syria – with inbuilt, potentially terrifying, thermonuclear consequences. Anticipating an outcome of the US presidential election as a remix of the 1972 Nixon landslide, Hillary has also coined, George “Dubya” Bush-style, a remixed axis of evil: Russia, Iran and “the Assad regime”. That’s not even counting China, which,

Short update from the Saker

Dear friends, My family and I are incredibly lucky.  Just 24 hours ago we were looking at a CAT4 hurricane making landfall just south of us and then slowly moving its eyewall over our county.  Remember Punta Gorda in 2004 or Homestead with Hurricane Andrew?  Something like that was a definite possibility.  Instead, we got a CAT3 whose eye never moved over land (at least not near us) and which at

Guys, this does not look good – I have to evacuate

Dear friends, Things are not looking very good tonight: check out the 11PM predicted track for Hurricane Matthew: What this means is that Matthew will pass over my house as a CAT4 Hurricane (hence the letter “m” as in “major” on the map above) with very high winds, torrential rain, isolated tornadoes and a significant storm surge.  This also means that all of the coastal areas will be evacuated and

Russian options against a US attack on Syria

This article was written for the Unz Review: The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no negotiations and, at worst, a war between

IMPORTANT: Possible disruptions of the Saker blog in the next couple of days

Dear friends, First, as you have already noticed, we are having some problems with our servers.  This is why the blog was unreachable during most of Tuesday.  The person in charge of our IT security has managed to get the blog back online, but the problem has not been fully resolved and might happen again. Second, there is a major (CAT3 to CAT4) hurricane headed for the US East Coast. 
