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Posts From The Saker

Appeal of Russian organizations in Canada

Activists of the Russian community of Toronto, Montreal, and other North American cities will protest against the blanket ban on the Russian National Team of Paralympic athletes from participation in the Rio 2016 Olympics. The decision to ban the athletes demonstrates an absolute disregard for the legal right of people to the presumption of innocence. We cannot allow such blatant attacks on our morals, ethics, and democratic freedoms. Unfortunately, we

Statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense on a major readiness exercise

Statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense: Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu has declared the start of an unannounced combat readiness inspection of the Central, Southern and Western MD  troops. Upon the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, the troops of the Southern MD, separate formations and units of the Western and Central Military Districts, the Northern Fleet, the Aerospace Forces, the

Assessing the Russian military as an instrument of power

This article was written for the Unz Review: It has been a quarter of a century now since the fall of the Soviet Union and yet the memory of the Soviet Armed Forces is still vivid in the minds of many of those who lived through the Cold War or even remember WWII. The NATO-sponsored elites of eastern Europe still continue to scare their citizens by warning of a

The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking’ Says Former Bush Official

U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (Ret.) is the perfect example of what I call the “Old Anglo Guard”, i.e. the product of the pre-Neocon US Anglo imperialist culture.  He completely fails to see how “his people” gave birth, so to speak, to the Neocon takeover of the USA.  Still, he clearly hurts at the sight of his country, which he also sees as an Empire, going on its last leg. 

A Turkish “invasion” of Syria? Maybe not – let’s wait and see…

So the Turks have crossed into Syria.  This everybody agrees upon.  What remains completely obscure are the real goals of this operation. I won’t give the answer here simply because I don’t have it.  But let me share a few pointers nonetheless. Russian sources report that such an operation would have been unthinkable without a tacit agreement from Russia and Iran. Russia’s reaction has been a tepid “concern” while off

Trouble between Moscow and Tehran?

While the granting of the use of the Iranian airbase in Hamedan to the Russian Aerospace forces was greeted with a lot of coverage, the recent departure from Hamedan of the Russian Tu-22M3 has attracted much less attention. The official Russian line on this was very neutral, as shown by this article in Sputnik. What really took place, however, deserves some further scrutiny. First, it should be said that the

We Will Resist

In memory of the 290 innocent Iranians murdered by the crew of the USS Vincennes on 3 July 1988.  Following the massacre, the USA refused to apologize, the entire crew received  Combat Action Ribbons “for completion of their tours in a combat zone”.  The air-warfare coordinator on duty received the Navy Commendation Medal, while the Vincennes’ captain,  William C. Rogers III, was awarded the Legion of Merit “for exceptionally meritorious

In the wake of Biden’s visit: Serbia at the geopolitical crossroad

by Stephen Karganovic US Vice President Joseph Biden just completed a “three day visit to Serbia.” The phrase in parentheses is the spin Serbia’s puppet government in Belgrade puts on it. He actually spent only a couple of hours in Belgrade, just enough to deliver instructions. From there he flew off to Prishtina to spend the bulk of his time on Serbian territory in the NATO occupied province of Kosovo

The AngloZionists failed to boot Russia out of the Olympics, or even to affect Russia’s medals standing

Let’s see Russia’s Olympic medal standing over the past four Olympic games: Apparently, banning the ENTIRE track and field group did not prevent Russia from making it into the 4th position. If you ask me, all the medals achieved this year in track and field are *worthless*. Which means that the *real* Russian performance was even better than what is reflected in her 4th position. Screw you, AngloZionist Empire :-P
