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Posts From The Saker

Ukraine was Right! Why Russia is the Biggest Threat in the World!

by GH Eliason Is Russia really the greatest threat to the world? The answer lies somewhere between how you define a threat and what you’re actually afraid of. At that starting point what the western world screams is scaring them isn’t a Russian bogeyman or specter of Russian world domination. It’s entirely different. It’s very weird. Ukraine was right. Russia in this context is the biggest threat to Ukraine and

Sputnik International interviews the Saker

This is the full text of the interview Sputnik International made with the Saker: Sputnik: Following the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan Startfor suggested that Ankara could make concessions to Moscow and Iran on Syria. Is a Russo-Turko-Iranian alliance possible? Is it possible that Turkey will soften its tough stance on the Syrian government and Bashar al-Assad? The Saker: It is extremely hard to predict what Erdogan will do

Could Trump Pull Off a Post-Party Coalition?

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News Hillary Clinton, Queen of Chaos, Queen of War, Golden Goldman Girl, for all practical purposes is by now the official bipartisan candidate of US neocons and neoliberalcons alike. Certified add-ons include Wall Street; selected hedge funds; TPP cheerleaders; CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) interventionists; media barons; multinational corporate hustlers; in fact virtually the whole exceptionalist US establishment, duly underwritten by the bipartisan, mega-wealthy 0.0001%. That does leave

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation unmasked in a major leak

By Dave A leak of private documents of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations has been released, courtesy of DC Leaks. George Soros is known to be involved in pretty much any revolution or coup around the world as well as heavily influencing politics. But these leaks provide direct evidence and show how deep and serious his involvement is. Here’s a quick analysis of what one can find. First, there’s a

Russian MoD confirms airstrikes from Hamedan airbase in Iran

Tu-22M3 long-range bombers and Su-34 tactical bombers took off from the “Hamedan” airbase and carried out a concentrated airstrike on objects of the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist groupings in the provinces of Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and Idlib On August 16, 2016, Tu-22M3 long-range bombers and Su-34 tactical bombers took off from the “Hamedan” airbase (the Islamic Republic of Iran) and carried out a concentrated airstrike on objects of the

Unifying India: ‘Vande Mataram’

by “Avarachan Thomas” (pseudonym). August 15th is the Republic of India’s Independence Day. To celebrate the occasion, India’s national song and national anthem are performed throughout the country.  In particular, the story behind the national song, “Vande Mataram,” reveals India’s approach towards multiculturalism and national unity. “Vande Mataram” literally means, “I bow to thee, Mother.”  The poem from which the song is derived consists of six stanzas, some of which

Russian military options in Syria and the Ukraine (UPDATED)

This article was written for the Unz Review: The past two weeks have been rich in military developments directly affecting Russia: Syria: 1) Russia has announced that she will transform the Khmeimim airfield into a full-fledged military base with a permanently deployed task force. 2) Russia will deploy her heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser (often referred to in the West as an “aircraft carrier”) Admiral Kuznetsov to the eastern Mediterranean

Request for help from the Saker: are you good at drawing, especially maps? (UPDATED!)

Dear friends, I hope that somebody from our community could draw the following map for me: Take a (non-copyrighted) map of the world and show how far a line 1000km away from the Russian border would reach? A simple map of Russia with the Russian border clearly indicated and then a second “border” 1000km away from the real border would be perfect. I would like to have a picture to

The Rhythm Of Time

There’s an inner thing in every man, Do you know this thing my friend? It has withstood the blows of a million years, And will do so to the end. It was born when time did not exist, And it grew up out of life, It cut down evil’s strangling vines, Like a slashing searing knife. It lit fires when fires were not, And burnt the mind of man, Tempering

It’s a cookbook!

by JiminNH Saker’s recent article entitled “The counter-terrorist corrida opposing the West and Islam addressed the so-called “clash of civilizations” between Islam and “the West,” and efforts of ideologues like Zbigniew Brzezinski to help make it so. Whenever I see mention of Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard” or Samuel P. Huntington’s book “Clash of Civilizations”, it reminds me of watching an interesting episode of the Twilight Zone many years ago, titled
