by JiminNH

Saker’s recent article entitled “The counter-terrorist corrida opposing the West and Islam addressed the so-called “clash of civilizations” between Islam and “the West,” and efforts of ideologues like Zbigniew Brzezinski to help make it so.

Whenever I see mention of Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard” or Samuel P. Huntington’s book “Clash of Civilizations”, it reminds me of watching an interesting episode of the Twilight Zone many years ago, titled “To Serve Man.”

In the episode, the scene opens with a man named Chambers, dazed and frustrated in a small room, hearing a demanding voice over the intercom telling him to eat, which he refuses to do. He stomps on his cigarette on the floor, and is told to put it in the designated receptacle “this is a safety measure.” He washes his face, and is cautioned to “conserve water.” Chambers then goes into a “flashback” type of scene explaining how he got into the room. He tells of how a 9 foot tall species of aliens called the Kanamits came to Earth, but instead of trying to destroy it as is usually the case in the movies the “alien invader” Kanamits foster worldwide peace. Their leader addresses the UN and says their goal is solely to aid humanity – “to serve man” and asks “only that you trust us. Only that you simply trust us,” and leaves a Kanamits language book with the Secretary General.

Their positive actions build trust in them by the humans… soon war and nuclear weapons are gladly abolished, their technology banishes poverty, and starvation is not only eradicated but mankind becomes healthy — chunky even. The Earth is a veritable Utopia as Chambers, a US NSA cryptologist, first foresaw when two Colonels asked him if the NSA could decipher the book when Chambers said “when this earth gets enough to eat, and there are no more wars, or diseases, or famines, this is going to be a Garden of Eden.” The scene ends with Patty, Chambers’ subordinate, coming in with news that they could read the title of the book “To Serve Man.” Time passes in the new peaceful, healthy utopia.

Soon people are flocking to travel to the alien planet, which humans are told is a paradise like no other; the only catch is that the voyage is so long visitors will never return to earth. People bid fond farewells as they board the spaceship, and former government cryptologist Chambers has signed up to go.

Some time later, literally while Chambers is about to board his one-way flight to Kanamit, his former colleague Patty races to the spaceship and excitedly yells “Mr. Chambers, don’t get on that ship. We deciphered the rest of that book “To Serve Man” – it’s a cookbook!” Chambers is forced on the flying saucer and off it goes.

The episode ends flashing back to Chambers in the small room on the spaceship, where the intercom tells him to “eat hearty.” When he tosses his food on the floor, a Kanamit comes in and says “Please Mr. Chambers, eat… we wouldn’t want you to lose weight.” The scene ends where Chambers laments “How about you? You still on Earth, or on the ship with me? Really doesn’t make very much difference, because sooner or later, we’ll all of us be on the menu…all of us” before Chambers, hungry, devours his food.

The episode ends with Rod Sterling intoning how man, former masters of their own planet, are now but “ingredients in someone’s soup.”

I have frequently thought of that episode, and the Kanamits cookbook that was a central part of the plot, over the years when thinking of books like Brzezinski’s “Grand Chessboard”, or George Keenan’s various cables and lectures that became “American Diplomacy” that set the strategic course of US Soviet relations and our “containment” policy for decades, and Samuel P. Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” that foretold of a post-Cold War world where the conflict would not be between Westphalian nation-states so much as between 9 “cultural centers”, most significantly between “the West” and the Islamic world.

Selection_294These books are not just conjecture or analysis by gifted, far-sighted writers; they are really the equivalent of the Kanamit’s cryptological culinary tome, and they function as the roadmap – the cook books – that the ruling elites, of which these authors were/are key members, in whom we are supposed to “simply trust,” use to broadly outline for their subordinates and unsuspecting readers, i.e. human “ingredients”, of their future courses of action “To Serve Man.”

One can only hope that we can get the world off spaceships piloted by the likes of Huntington and Brzezinski, or his accolytes like Hillary Clinton, that promises nothing but a fatal ending, and chart a new course for mankind to avoid our being just more ingredients on the menu of Kamanits like Brzezinski.

Jim contributes his professional expertise to the Saker team on occasion. He is a resident of New Hampshire who believes that the motto “Live Free or Die” on his license plate should not just be a quaint relic of the men who created our constitutional republic.


To serve men – 1962 Twilight Zone