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Posts From The Saker

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah speaks about the bombing in Beirut and Paris

The secretary general of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says those who have supported ISIL are now finding out the extent of its brutality.  Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris and expressed solidarity with the French people. He also slammed Thursday’s bombings in Beirut. Nasrallah said Israel and ISIL are trying to ignite a war in Lebanon. He noted that the ISIL attack in Beirut was meant to

A warning about the Paris terror attacks

Dear friends, While it is way too early to come to any conclusions about what really happened in Paris, I want to share the following thought with you: President Hollande has just declared that what took place was an act of war.  This, in turn, means that the entire NATO alliance could be called in to respond to this (under Article 5).  As for the attackers, already one Syrian passport

Looking at the fever chart

by Dagmar Henn What is the state of this republic? In former times, the German left observed every development critically; listening to them you could feel the country’s pulse and had a distinct view on bourgeois democracy. Meanwhile they seem to have lost that ability and are satisfied, as long as their headlined sound nice. Sometimes you need to abstract from the mere content and scrutinize the form of an

Interview with Lieutenant-General Valerii Ochirov (MUST SEE!)

Dear friends, I am absolutely delighted to share a most interesting interview with you: a conversation with Valerii Ochirov, a Hero of the Soviet Union, a Lieutenant-General of the Soviet Air Force and commander of a helicopter squadron in Afghanistan.  The reason why I asked Alena Scarecrow to subtitle this interview is that I wanted you to see the kind of person which today you would find flying for the

Saker on the road for 10 days!

Dear friends, I will be away form home from Sunday the 14th through Wednesday the 25th.  I will have my Android smartphone and my Chromebook with me, so I should be reachable.  Still, this will be contingent on where exactly I am, and the trip will include some very remote locations, and on the coverage of my cellphone provider and motel wifis.  This will impact my ability to respond to

Russia deploys S-400 in Syria (UPDATED)

Yup.  I heard the rumor earlier today but I wanted a wait a little to get a confirmation.  Cassad (whom I trust) has just confirmed: Russia has deployed S-400s in Syria: The western “response”? Total panic: Good. Let them panic. The Saker UPDATE: The Russians are now denying these reports.  I go with Cassad.

“When the man comes around”: uplifting video about the Resistance to Empire in Syria

Well, normally I don’t like anything suggesting that war is triumphant and glorious – it is never – but in this case, considering all the misery and lies the Syrian people have had to endure, and considering the totally off-the-scale heroism of the Russian aircrews in Syria, I will make an exception and post this small musical homage to those fighting the Empire in Syria.  Besides, I really do like

Very interesting interview of Ishchenko on the Ukraine, elections and sanctions

The Ukraine question: Elections, sanctions, shelling of Donetsk on 11-03-2015. Translated by Eugenia BORIS KOSTENKO: Dear viewers. This is live broadcast of the show “The Ukraine question” on the television channel “Spas” (Spas – Savior; refers to Jesus Christ – translator’s note). In this show, we are discussing the events in Ukraine, obviously, in a certain context; naturally, in a certain light, which is, for the most part, conservative,

Did Russia just “gently” threaten the USA?

Interesting stuff today.  A major Russian TV channel just aired a report about Putin meeting with his top military commanders.  I don’t have the time to translate what Putin said word for word, but basically he said that the USA had refused every single Russian offer to negotiate about the US anti-missile system in Europe and that while the US had initially promised that the real target of this system

Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana’s Apologists

By Rostislav Ishchenko original source: The paradox of the current global crisis is that for the last five years, all relatively responsible and independent nations have made tremendous efforts to save the United States from the financial, economic, military, and political disaster that looms ahead. And this is all despite Washington’s equally systematic moves to destabilize the world order, rightly known as the Pax Americana (“American peace”). Since policy
