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Posts From The Saker

Week Nine of the Russian Intervention in Syria: the Empire strikes back

This column was written for the Unz Review: Considering the remarkable success of the Russian intervention in Syria, at least so far, it should not have come as a surprise that the AngloZionist Empire would strike back. The only question was how and when. We now know the answer to that question. On November 24th the Turkish Air force did something absolutely unprecedented in recent history: it deliberately shot

World War III: Why Russia will bury the West

by Rakesh Krishnan Simha source: The Russia India report In June 2014, the Pentagon conducted a “table top” exercise – a sort of war game between Russia and NATO. The scenario was Russian pressure on NATO member Estonia and Latvia. Would NATO be able to defend those countries? “The results were dispiriting,” Julia Ioffe writes in Foreign Policy. Even if all US and NATO troops stationed in Europe were dispatched to the

The method behind the madness in Syria

by Nauman Sadiq It’s a plausible fact that the US does not directly supports the Syrian jihadists, it only sets the broad policy framework and lets its client states in the region like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Turkey do the actual financing, training and arming of the insurgents. For instance, the US strictly forbade the aforementioned clients from providing anti-aircraft weapons (MANPADS) to the militants, because Israel off

Blog returns to normal work on Monday + reaction to votes

Dear friends, First, I want to thank you for your advice and opinions about how to deal with the privacy issue.  To my surprise, opinions were fairly split between option A and option B.  I think that I will take some time to write up a small addendum to the  “about the Saker” article Submarines in the Desert (which I consider to be the best meaningful introduction to who I

Saker request of advice to the Saker Community: option A or option B?

Dear friends, Yesterday evening I have finally come back from my week long trip to Switzerland where I barely had the time to bury my mother and go clean up her small apartment.  This was probably one of the worst weeks in my life and I wanted to begin by thanking all those of you who have expressed their sympathy for the loss of my mother.  Your outpouring of kindness

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry for being unable to work on the blog for the past week.  The trip to bury my mother has turned out to be even harder than I feared.  I am leaving tomorrow morning and, God willing, I should be back home on Wednesday.  A huge thank you to Scott and Herb for holding the fort in my

The GCC Has Its Sights Set On Ethiopia Next

by Andrew Korybko (The below article is a concise summary of a larger piece written for Katehon and inspired by South Front) A recent UN report says that GCC leaders Saudi Arabia and the UAE have contracted Eritrean support for the War on Yemen. News about the War on Yemen has pretty much been scrubbed from the mainstream media, as Saudi Arabia’s information partners in the West remain reluctant to

What is Daesh’s endgoal?

by Non-Zionist Anglo Observer The Saker’s excellent analysis on the position in Syria ‘after Paris’ poses several possibilities as to why Daesh appears to have a death wish, but frankly confesses to finding none of them satisfactory. Under such circumstances, it is usually the best policy to eschew inherently unprovable conspiracy theories  (particularly since unrealistic ones do us all a grave disservice by potentially leading people to reject our points

Week Seven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: dramatic surge in intensity

[Personal comment by the Saker: it turns out that working and thinking about issues other than my personal circumstances right now has been very helpful and, to my own amazement, I have produced a rather lengthy analysis of the seventh week of the Russian intervention in Syria.  I had thought that I would not be able to write 3 lines, and I ended up penning a 7000+ word long essay. 

Russia dramatically increases her anti-Daesh operations

Just has I had been predicting for a couple of weeks, Russia did dramatically increase the pace of her anti-Daesh operations. First, Russia has used all her most powerful long-range aviation bombers (Tu-22M3, Tu-95MC and even Tu-160) to strike Daesh targets with cruise missiles and gravity bombs.  Look at this footage which really says it all: Second, Russia has announced that 25 long range bombers will be fully allocated to

“The Essential Saker” book is now out in hardcover and ebook format!

Dear friends, It is a huge joy for me to finally announce to you that my first book, “The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world” is now finally out in hard (paper) format and as an Kindle ebook. This book is a collection of what I consider my most important articles written for the blog over the past years. This is a big book (600 pages!)

Why France?

Why France? Greetings to the Saker community and readers. First I wish to express my condolences to the families of all the victims of the terror attacks last week. No matter the reason for the attacks, there will always be innocent victims; those should be remembered. What I write below are some stray thoughts on a question that has been bugging me since I heard the news regarding the attacks

SouthFront needs our help!

Dear friends! Today is mid-November and we desperately need your support. Since the beginning of November, our expenses have run away due to we started to produce more videos (X1.5), moved to a new powerful, but expensive server, released a free digital book and a number of graphics. Thanks to your constant support about 10 000 unique users visit every day. The SF’s content reaches more then 100 000

Reconceptualizing The TPP: The Brotherhood Of The Three Blocs

by Andrew Korybko The common perception of the TPP among informed individuals is that it’s an American-dominated ‘trade’ organization, a framework designed to secure the US’ top position vis-à-vis all of the signatory states. While that’s certainly true and isn’t to be disputed at all, there are also deeper, more subtle geopolitical goals that are being pursued at the same time, which if fulfilled, would greatly increase the viability of

Week Six of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a first major success for the Syrian armed forces

This column was originally written for the Unz Review: Finally. After weeks of gruelling combat the Syrian armed forces have liberated the Kuweyres air base in northern Syria. This is a huge victory for the Syrians because during the 2,5 year long siege of the airbase it had become an important symbol of the Syrian determination to resist the Takfiris in general and, especially, Daesh which had deployed its best
