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Posts From The Saker

Rewriting History or Making History?

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. This year marked the 70th anniversary since the end of World War Two. And it has proved that the world has changed dramatically. The parades in Moscow and Beijing and the subsequent snubbing by the “West” prove that in today’s politics everything is fair; even the dishonour of the memory of the millions of people that died so that Europe can

Week one of the Russian military intervention in Syria

This column was originally written for the Unz Review: The speed at which the Russian military operation in Syria was conducted what a big surprise for the US intelligence community (which I can hardly blame as I was just as surprised myself). Make no mistake here, the Russian force in Syria is a small one, at least for the time being, and it does not even remotely resemble what

There is an exhaustive explanation for the disgrace of the American allies in Syria

by Evgenii Krutikov Translated by Carpatho-Russian source: The scandal around the “Thirtieth Division”, prepared by American instructors for war with Assad, but who immediately surrendered to the Islamic “al-Nusra Front” right after crossing the Turkish border, is resounding around the entire world now. There will be many such scandals. They are predetermined by the very methodology of the American instruction of “allies” in Syria, a well as in Georgia

Vox Populi Evo video reports on the Russian campaign in Syria

Dear friends, I am happy to share with you the video reports of my brother in arms from Vox Populi Evo (VPE).  Great stuff which I hope you will appreciate.  Today, a report about the Syrian Army’s ground offensive and drone footage of the Russian airstrikes on Daesh targets.  I hope to be able to make such video reports by VPE a regular feature of this blog. The Saker Vox

Dreams of a sleeping alligator – dream two: size matters and Obama’s Zugzwang

So was it a good time or a bad time to go on break? It was a good time. Why? Well, for one thing, I *needed* it.  Then, well, as you see, I did not really ‘leave’.  But most importantly, this is a good time to take a break precisely because the Russians have begun a military operation in Syria.  The truth be told, *during* a military operation very few

Putin – the incredible Abou Ali

by Ghassan Kadi As the news of the Russian military action in Syria intensifies and takes more rather affirmative steps, the rest of the world cannot help but to look with a mixed bag of emotions all the way from awe to gratitude, anxiety, disappointment, frustration or fear and many others in between. Diverse as they may be in their outlooks, all observers are united in their gasps of disbelief.

The “follies” of Russia’s pivot to China

by Mister Unknown Recently, there has been no shortage of  highly pessimistic   commentaries   published  &  republished , pointing out the supposed ” follies ” of Russia’s eastern pivot, by highlighting this year’s  decline  in Sino-Russian trade, China’s stock market volatility, and its  supposed  economic “weakness”. The conclusion implied by these articles is clear: “Russia’s economic pivot to China is failing, because increased economic cooperation has not mitigated Russia’s recent economic woes,

Russia and Islam Working Together, a Basic “How-To” (REPOST)

Dear friends, Considering the reactions to my recent post “Russia’s civilizational choice” and, especially, some of the negative ones which, sadly, completely misunderstood my views, I am reposting an article originally written in 2013.  This ‘repost’ was first re-posted on the Unz Review where I have also taken the accompanying image.  I hope that this post will help clarify my position on the issue (even if I am under no
