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Posts From The Saker

War On Syria; Not Quite According To Plan Part 4: The Undoing Of The Plotters

by Ghassan Kadi With the accelerating events in Syria over the last week or so, this concluding Part 4 had to be revised several times. The acceleration is two faceted; American and Russian-originated. On the American side, when American Foreign Secretary Kerry made a conclusive statement in the last few days saying that President Assad has to go, but the timing of his departure is negotiable, he formally confirmed that

Speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the UN 70th General Assembly (Updated with transcript!)

Transcript: Mr. Secretary General, Distinguished heads of state and government, Ladies and gentlemen, The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to both take stock of history and talk about our common future. In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay a solid foundation for the postwar world order. Let me remind you that key decisions on the principles defining interaction between states,

Sergey Glazyev’s Report: “About urgent measures to counter threats to the existence of Russia”

Dear friends, This is “The Report” (all in caps!), the famous and, for some, infamous report presented by Sergei Glaziev to the Russian Security Council.  Not an excerpt of a paraphrase – the full thing, appendices and all.  To say that our translators did a huge and very hard job would be an understatement.  I read the original Russian text, and I can attest that it is hell to translate. 

Q&A with a Chinese Friend – a full length discussion of Chinese-Russian relations is out in 3 languages!

Dear friends, It is my immense pleasure to present to you today a booklet entitled “Q&A with a Chinese Friend” – a full length discussion of Chinese-Russian relations authored by Mr Unknown and myself.  Considering the huge importance of the topic, we have decided to release this document in three languages – English, Russian and Chinese to make it possible for English, Russian and Chinese speakers to easily exchange the

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART II

by Andrew Korybko (Please read Part I prior to this article) Part I expounded upon the theory that Mideast developments can be understood through the prism of four ideologies (and three subcomponents), and now it’s time to test the idea by seeing if it can accurately explain key events in regional history. Those concerning Egypt, Turkey, and Yemen were already addressed, so let’s look at the Arab-Israeli Wars, the Lebanese

Vladimir Putin, a providential man

By Cédric Bernelas translation by Brahim source: Vetche and Mir have long been able to combine their egalitarian agrarian tropism with autocrats’ designs of kingdoms and Russian Tsars. But this unusual chemistry between princely regimes and democratic systems inevitably engendered some revolutions which then gave birth to a transvestite communism. That Bolshevism was the dictatorial tendencies and do not fall of Marxian sky. History is more complex than some

SouthFront Call Volunteers, Bloggers and Media: Don’t succumb to illusions

The ongoing events show that many of the Russia-focused web sites and blogosphere don’t have a clear-eyed view on the situation around the world. For example, one can find articles arguing Russia strictly adheres to the Minsk agreements. That in turn is offered as the reason Russia has the ability and the military resources to come to grips with the Syrian issue and even to embark on a military build-up

Russia’s “Civilizational Choice”

(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review: This week, Vladimir Putin and a large number of national and foreign dignitaries and guests have inaugurated the biggest mosque in Europe: the new Moscow Cathedral Mosque. This was a big event, much awaited by the many tens of thousands of Russian Muslims who live in the Russian capital and who, in the past, have had to pray in the streets

How SouthFront changes the world

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at SouthFront, Analysis & Intelligence is a public analytical project maintained by an independent  team of experts from the four corners of the Earth focusing on international relations issues and crises and working through a number of media platforms with a special emphasis on social networks. We focus on analysis and intelligence of the ongoing crises
