By Cédric Bernelas
translation by Brahim
Vetche and Mir have long been able to combine their egalitarian agrarian tropism with autocrats’ designs of kingdoms and Russian Tsars. But this unusual chemistry between princely regimes and democratic systems inevitably engendered some revolutions which then gave birth to a transvestite communism. That Bolshevism was the dictatorial tendencies and do not fall of Marxian sky. History is more complex than some catechisms claim. Difficult to penetrate the Slavic dialectic.
The Russian people have always shown a particular virility of soul. Only our ignorance spoon fed by the Far West to disavow what is has endured for a century. A “red blood century ” consumed between wars, famines and outrageous purges – starting with their Great Patriotic War causing more victims than in all other nations, twenty-five million. A deadly cycle deteriorating a country and power and recently causing them to be vulnerable to the worst of capitalism. Or how the forfeiture of an adulterated communism failed in the swamps of liberalism. In the 90s, the state was therefore sold to the highest bidder, in other words to a few businessmen who couldn’t care less about heritage, culture and identity, to the point that almost five-million square kilometers of territory and fifty million citizens are scattered in western independence. This Russia as pasture, collapsed to the point of producing more coffins than cradles. Who would then worry about such agony?
Our West exalted by its liberal philanthropies, and drunken by its capitalist arrogance smirked in an insolent indifference. It can be said that our Europe, yet contiguous to the Russian land, has always preferred to westernize than to Sovietize. The absolute antithesis of Cuba.
Who is to believe then that the largest country in the world can fall into such carnage? Soiled sovereignty, decomposed hegemony, unbridled economy, dilapidated church and ruined army; a whole civilization appearing to be completed at the end of the millennium.
A man, however, refused to hear the death knell of his country. Vladimir Putin. This man even considered a daring project to place his country at the center of the world stage…
Fifteen years in subordinate positions
However, nothing seemed to presage the Promethean ambition. Indeed, he first evolved in the 80s in the KGB as little lieutenant colonel assigned to work on reports that are almost of no interest to anyone; then the following decade, after being the assistant of the new mayor of Leningrad, Anatoly Sobchak, and that of the economist Anatoly Chubais in the Kremlin, before being promoted Prime Minister by Boris Yeltsin – of a crumbling government – he became the ephemeral director of the idle FSB (Federal Security Bureau). In 1999, Putin has little experience in politics and only three years of experience in senior management. He has no party behind him.
Still, he writes a particularly sound policy synthesis, entitled “Russia at the turn of the millennium”, in which he resolutely seeks to do away with this mafia State that has been destroying his country for over ten years. He firstly notes the abundant resurgence of black markets, organized crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and prostitution; He then highlights the bankruptcy of its economy obsessed with the development of raw materials and defense, and of no interest to foreign investors, and relegating the production of consumer goods and services to the superfluous.
The problems are the result of our own mistakes, “he insists.”Communism vividly demonstrated its inability to generate an autonomous and healthy development, condemning our country to always be lagging behind economically developed countries. […] Is there a need for a new revolution in this country that has already known so much of it? Only fanatics or political forces indifferent to Russia and its people can call for a new revolution. […] Our future depends on our ability to combine the universal principles of the market economy and democracy with Russian realities. ”
Putin advocates a national route to boost economic growth. Without recourse to force and relying on social cohesion of a people asking nothing but to recover stability, confidence and pride, he considers that a strong but not totalitarian state would be the adequate tool to coordinate the recovery of Russia. He speaks of “voluntary social consensus.” In addition, he wants to unify the Russian traditional values with universal humanistic values and create a suitable climate for foreign investors.
But, he may well have masterminded a lifesaving program for his country, yet, he is just another prime minister of Boris Yeltsin (the fifth in seventeen months), and the Russian population has no use for him: in August 1999 only 1% of citizens give credibility to this unknown austere man.
“We will go after the terrorists even in the toilets.”
However the situation is going to be brutally disrupted by a series of attacks killing over three hundred dead and a thousand injured. Indeed, Islamic terrorism that summer spread a climate of fear out of proportion. It begins August 4th at Buynaksk in Dagestan, a car bomb killed 64 people and maimed more than 130; five days later in a Moscow building, 400 kg of explosives decimate 94 Russians, and left 249 injured; August 13 another building in the capital engulfed 118 residents and injured 200; September 16 this time a truck carrying explosives in Volgodonsk killed 17 pedestrians and amputated 69.
We recall that in June 1995 the terrifying hostage taking in Budennovsk hospital ended in a butchery with hundreds of victims, which traumatized a population already demoralized by the difficult economic conditions of the moment. Suffice to say that the spread of terror that affected Russia in 1999 was almost providential for a resolute and vigilant man like Putin. Some, like Helen White, will even claim that the former head of the FSB orchestrated the attacks to begin his war in the North Caucasus. The conspiracism had then a universal vocation …
Chechnya has always been an outspoken enemy worked by the Islamist ferment; and to allow it to express antagonism unquestionably revokes Russian sovereignty.
“When the power is evidence of indecision, the people would not forgive him.” Putin understood this very well and will bring the solution. It is radical. Citizens then discovered a man with manners both racy and virile, who says what he will do and did what he said. By late summer the Russian army encroached on Dagestan before entering Chechnya …
It is a merciless war all the more reassuring Russians that propels just four months Putin atop the Kremlin. It is certainly in this drastic determination that the Slavic people was echoed in its constitutive fortitude. As an anger both exacerbated and controlled … On March 26, Putin was elected president in the first round with 52.52% of votes.
Siloviki vs Oligarchs
Although Moscow provided a billion dollars to redress Chechnya from this terrible conflict – to the point that Grozny has become a small Dubai with the largest mosque in Europe – some terrorist reprisals shook Russia (the Dubrovka Theatre, October 23, 2002: 130 victims. Beslan, September 1, 2004: 331 killed, including 186 children). Again the people were behind Putin while defending his repression in a logic of “national security”. Auspicious occasion also for the Kremlin to take control of all these complaisant regional governments: he thus build on the Siloviki to find a more homogeneous authority. The Siloviki are the holders of the Russian security forces, i.e. the heads of ministries and departments responsible for the defense and protection of public order. Note that numerous executives from the KGB and the FSB were gradually replaced by highly qualified civilians. In 2005 for example, of the forty-seven senior officials surrounding Putin, only nine have a linked past with the structures of force. Let us note that the primary role of Siloviki was to restore full power to a necrotic state in the 90s caused by the mafia of Boris Yeltsin. A clique of oligarchs who introduced a predatory capitalism. Indeed, affiliated to powerful Western companies and US companies interested in the natural resources of the USSR, the Russian oligarchs imagined parallel paths to state enterprises to sell their products. Taking advantage of this economic disintegration, they amassed huge fortunes. In 1996, for example, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former head of Yukos (Russia’s largest oil company), formed with six other oligarchs the “Semibankirchtchina” (the seven bankers): a financial strength estimated at more than half of the Russian economy. Among them Boris Berezovsky, nicknamed “pocket” financially supported Yeltsin and helped him become President, in exchange for which he could participate in political and administrative decisions (such as the appointment of ministers, etc.). Thus he penetrated the state enterprises that he liberalized enormously to become the king of the privatization of profits. He also teamed up with Roman Abramovich to take control of Sibneft (central pole of the Russian energy market) …
Putin soon, watched the great abuses of these new multibillionaires, but could do nothing because, politically, he was then only an embryo.
The repression to end the guardianship of financial powers over the State has therefore been gradual: he initially launched some tax and media investigations and, based on a law increasingly inflexible, he demanded these traitors repayment of their debts.
Most fled to England, where they have made themselves the champions of anti-Putinism that financed opponents and propaganda and presented the Russian president as a populist autocrat or a nationalist dictator. Others like Khodorkovsky were convicted of “theft by large-scale fraud” and imprisoned. Paradoxically, for the West, these prisoners of Putin became important symbols of… resistance!
What interest therefore do America and Europe have to demonize Putin’s policy and routinely praise his critics, proving ultimately to be only intemperate thugs, looters of fuel or arms dealers, always preferring the flourishing of market than that of their homeland?
NATO’s betrayal
Basically, we the Americanized couldn’t care less about the tribulations of a Slav. Only the maintenance of our comfort concerns us. For, what is more important today, in this world of decay, to preserve the privileges of our individualism and the prestige of our narcissism – rewarding us for our survival in this period of corruption? Which winner prefers to complain about the fate of the vanquished but to instead welcome it? Must one be hypocrite to ask for charity!
The United States and its auxiliary aspire only to conquer corridors of export allowing the evacuation of the precious hydrocarbons without going on the land of the eternal rival. Eventually, these false philanthropists but true conquistadors vying the total control of energy resources of the gigantic Eurasian territory. And one of the best tools guiding this prerogative remains NATO. Indeed, the Atlantic Alliance has continued to expand on the rubble of the Soviet empire, despite the promise of the US Secretary of State James Baker made to Gorbachev February 9 1990, stipulating Promise not to extend over the eastern flank-European if Russia would accept the full incorporation of Germany (then reunited) to the Alliance.
Thus, initially, the Czech Republic and Hungary became absorbed by NATO, and in 2004 it was the turn of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia . “Virtual membership” newer, Ukraine – the former “Rus” having lost its soul – now offers 1,500 km of borders with allies investigators. This NATO amplification is similar to a real casus belli. These promoters of peace actually consider only war between their partners and opponents. He who sows chaos harvest riches.
On the one hand the Americans need as much oil to dominate the world; on the other the Russians want to recover a measure of pride in their identity, and rebuilding this common foundation have favored this vigorous Slavic culture …
A resurrected Church
And now that Russia is demanding, we speak of arrogance! Because she found a respectable growth rate, a middle class that has finally appeared – thus ensuring better domestic market? Because Gazprom ensures a more advantageous economic health, sovereign financial reserves and a place in the WTO? Because of this new high, she now aspires to a Eurasian union capable of becoming a new civilizational pole? For once that an alternative to our dying Western society comes to our door, we should be at minimum respectful! As a reminder, our civilization is one in which every day we are falling a little in the abyss of liberal materialism and moral relativism; where the pride of a prefabricated progressivism and a transvestite secularism conceals the emptiness of our broken existences. No one can deny: the charms of the market finally seal our Faustian destinies and we vow to public obloquy any spiritual essence yet able to cement a society when it collapses.
The religious factor is crucial to link men when they are divided. This is what Putin perfectly understood on time to add his political intentions with the Orthodox Church.
Thus, the Russian Church became the organization with the largest social network in the country: in 25 years the Christian corporation has captivated more than a hundred-forty-million followers and built 25-1000 chapels; while Europe opened a McDonald’s, Russia was inaugurating a parish! All political and social reforms introduced since 2000 have therefore made in the shade of the cross. An “orthodoxisation” state promoting a revival of traditional values. This alliance with the patriarchate of Cyril I reinvigorated this way the family institution – the backbone of any stable society – and encouraged assimilation that hampered inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions. In short, a partnership that revived the strong sense of community of the Russians and contributing to better cohesion of the country.
Despite a century of “communism” devastating sanctuaries, the Russians kept some faith, a faith in their stature and their homeland. They only needed someone to remind them…
When a people is offered to the market, his land plundered and heritage doomed to oblivion, it is too easy to let it wither away, with closed eyes. Great merit, therefore, to he who has succeeded against all odds to restore confidence and pride for these abandoned ones. It requested a Babylonian ambition – to the extent of the Russian ardor. The strong man who exasperates so much the West was indeed the man for the job. Our paradigms shaped by Disney & Co. may not easily tolerate him. The Russian president finally rekindled a strong patriotism and was able to provide a new development in his country. Reduced political divisions, he managed to bring together citizens and elites through diligent development of orthodoxy and Tsarist and Soviet symbols, placed on the same level and assembled into an official historical memory. так оно и будет
Erm…. What is transvestite communism?
Hybrid ? Hypocritical ? Two-tongued ? False ? Imposed by surgery ?
I think he used it in the way of meaning “masquerading”.Dressing one way when you are really another.The article is a translation into English.And I’ve noticed in the past,books/articles from French sometimes come out in English with very “flowery language”.Strange sounding in the English language.The article though,I thought,was very good,and informative.
Apology for using the same word in French in this particular sentence. I have a struggled a little bit to use different English word that would have the same “strong” expression the author used. I could have used word such as “distorted, deformed, masqueraded, falsified” etc. Then I remembered reading an excerpt from an article written in English by the Bulgarian historian Maria Todorova where she used the same expression, I am citing her;
“So-called Communism nationalism was nothing but a transvestite “ordinary” nationalism which, after 1989, gloats in its newly acquired nudity”.
Just to add that I do not believe that the author is attacking Communism as a system, but rather the “distorters”, similar to attacking Takfiris in the Muslim world for their grotesque distortion of Islam. I hope I have clarified things to your satisfaction, and I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Ann and Uncle Bob for contributing to the clarification.
This partial transcript of the 60 Minutes interview was posted on FB:
Vladimir Putin gave an interview to American journalist Charlie Rose in the run-up to his address at the UN General Assembly’s 70th session.
Full text of the interview will be published on September 29.
CHARLIE ROSE: You will speak to the United Nations in a much-anticipated address on Monday. It will be the first time you have been there in a number of years. What will you say to the UN, to America, to the world?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Since this interview will be aired prior to my speech, I do not think it reasonable to go into much detail about everything I am going to speak about, but, broadly, I will certainly mention some facts from the history of the United Nations. Now I can already tell you that the decision to establish the United Nations was taken in our country at the Yalta Conference. It was in the Soviet Union that this decision was made. The Soviet Union, and Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union, is a founding member state of the United Nations and a permanent member of its Security Council.
Of course, I will have to say a few words about the present day, about the evolving international situation, about the fact that the United Nations remains the sole universal international organisation designed to maintain global peace. And in this sense it has no alternative today. It is also apparent that it should adapt to the ever-changing world, which we discuss all the time: how it should evolve and at what rate, which components should undergo qualitative changes. Of course, I will have to or rather should use this international platform to explain Russia’s vision of today’s international relations, as well as the future of this organisation and the global community.
CHARLIE ROSE: We are expecting you to speak about the threat of the Islamic State and your presence in Syria that is related to that. What is the purpose of your presence in Syria and how does that relate to the challenge of ISIS?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: I believe, I am pretty certain that virtually everyone speaking from the United Nations platform is going to talk about the fight, about the need to fight terrorism, and I cannot avoid this issue, either. This is quite understandable because it is a serious common threat to all of us; it is a common challenge to all of us. Today, terrorism threatens a great number of states, a great number of people – hundreds of thousands, millions of people suffer from its criminal activity. And we all face the task of joining our efforts in the fight against this common evil.
Concerning our, as you put it, presence in Syria, as of today it has taken the form of weapons supplies to the Syrian government, personnel training and humanitarian aid to the Syrian people. We act based on the United Nations Charter, i.e. the fundamental principles of modern international law, according to which this or that type of aid, including military assistance, can and must be provided exclusively to legitimate government of one country or another, upon its consent or request, or upon the decision of the United Nations Security Council. In this particular case, we act based on the request from the Syrian government to provide military and technical assistance, which we deliver under entirely legal international contracts.
CHARLIE ROSE: The Secretary of State John Kerry said that the United States welcomed your assistance in the fight against the Islamic State. Others have taken note of the fact that these are combat planes and manpad systems that are being used against the conventional army, not extremists.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: There is only one regular army there. That is the army of Syrian President al-Assad. And he is confronted with what some of our international partners interpret as an opposition. In reality, al-Assad’s army is fighting against terrorist organisations. You should know better than me about the hearings that have just taken place in the United States Senate, where the military and Pentagon representatives, if I am not mistaken, reported to the senators about what the United States had done to train the combat part of the opposition forces. The initial aim was to train between 5,000 and 6,000 fighters, and then 12,000 more. It turns out that only 60 of these fighters have been properly trained, and as few as 4 or 5 people actually carry weapons, while the rest of them have deserted with the American weapons to join ISIS. That is the first point.
Secondly, in my opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter. We have been providing assistance to legitimate government entities only.
In this connection, we have proposed cooperation to the countries in the region, we are trying to establish some kind of coordination framework. I personally informed the President of Turkey, the King of Jordan, as well as the Saudi Arabia of that, we informed the United States too, and Mr Kerry, whom you have mentioned, had an in-depth conversation with our Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on this matter; besides, our military stay in touch and discuss this issue. We would welcome a common platform for collective action against the terrorists.
An interesting apotheosis and historical interpretation. Putin is one of the very few whose biography I’d be very interesting in writing, but that would be difficult not living in Russia. As was made clear in his Grand Mosque speech, Russia’s dynamical relationship between church/religion and state is symbiotic, not separated, and a great source of pride for Putin–and presumably for Russians too.
Putin emerged from seemingly nowhere. Who will be the next Russian to build on what Putin’s begun? Should he serve another presidential term? Can he retire with his vision still to be implemented or are the outlines enough? I see that he intends to arrive and leave New York the same day–no overnight stay inside the Outlaw Empire.
Since Putin is not a sock puppet he has to get back to work….and man does that man work.
He has excellent reason to fear for his life every minute in the US! He is wise never to sleep there. The US manufactured hate speech has been spewing over the Globe since before the formal ending of WW11, begun when Russia beat Germany hands down in the 1940s. The US and UK and Germany were enraged. The Truman atom bombs on Japan were to teach Russia and all Asia the US would erase them unless obedient, but it has taken 75 US years to force everyone to understand those intentions meanwhile bankrupting the vast US.Of course Europe was US bankrupted at the very same time. Europe is the only cover the US has to be considered “International” for it patently is not! Presently it breaks all laws it comes across, demented if stopped as is being done by Russia and China stopping the US erasure of Syria.ISIS is Washington’s creature.
Putin to ISIS and their masters,”say hello to my little friends”:
Easy does it, Uncle Bob 1, easy does it. :-)
@ Uncle Bob 1,
Let us not forget that video clips do not win wars, they might win ‘minds,’ but that’s about it.
Both the US and Russia didn’t win the war in/against Afghanistan.
We should learn from those defeats.
If we don’t understand the losses, we’ll never grasp true victories.
True,but Syria isn’t Afghanistan.That is an “Apples and Oranges”. Most of ISIS and the other jihadi groups are foreigners.They don’t have the support of that much of the population.And the population isn’t xenophobic towards Russians and outsiders like was true in Afghanistan.While the Syrian government isn’t the Afghan government.They have a firm power-base among the population.And a military willing to fight.The Afghan government was divided and their military, more a militia or police type force.And even that without much loyalty to the idea of a central government.The society was very uneducated,with almost no contact with outside peoples.And certainly without historic contact with any positive Christian countries,who were not trying to own them.While Syria has always been a diverse nation.With Christian elements always a part of it.Not seen as “weird” outsiders.According to opinion polls the majority of the population supports the Syrian government.While in Afghanistan that number was probably nearer 10-15%.And unlike the Soviets (and the US/NATO) forces.The current Russian military has had years of experience fighting counter-insurgency wars inside Russia herself (Chechnya and Dagestan).They understand what they did wrong in the past. And I believe have corrected those mistakes.Except for limited shock troops,I don’t see the Russians putting any real,”boots on the ground”.I think at most a few Airborne and Marine troops will help in the fighting,maybe a small Chinese force as well (that is still unclear).The Syrians,Hezbollah,Iraqi,and probably Iranians,will be the vast majority of “boots” involved.With the Russians and maybe Chinese, providing behind the lines security,air assets,and military equipment.Something along the lines of the Novorossian example.Unlike the West who has very divided aims in Syria (and all the ME),Russia knows what they want.The jihadis destroyed,Syria protected,and an end to the chaos consuming the region.I believe that considering all these factors Russia can be successful.
@ Uncle Bob 1,
Q; They have a firm power-base among the population.And a military willing to fight.
R; I can’t argue with/against facts :o)
I really hope Russia puts it foot down in the ME, in such a way that nobody bombs anything within the Syria’s territory [or anywhere else in the region], without the explicit stamp of approval of the Syrian government.
The day the Assad airport is fully operational and Russian fixed-wing jets are airborne, we should see a schism of sorts, the likes one might witness only once in a lifetime.
No matter what, this present situation has to end.
Hopefully the Palestinians and Kurds will also benefit from these game changing moves.
It seems Mr. Putin has some sort of moral super glue in his arsenal of foreign policies; and adhesive he uses to cement a strong coalition of the diligent [and I think you’ve summed up most of them already], one which, imo, will do just to the region.
I like to see 20,000 paratrooper drop in with Armata tanks….but no need to showboat. Putin has formed a coalition to get rid of ISIS. The CSTO China, Iran, Hezbollah are now supporting Syrian Arab Army…and that is saying ALLOT!
Uncle Bob, the second video was superb..the first was not so good…too many images too fast and the music was repetitious and loud. But the second was very good.
I’m not all that fond of rap either (too old I guess).But that is the music of this “age” for the youth.So I’ve learned to appreciate some of the “spitting” (the term used,I believe).I liked both videos (though like you I liked the 2nd one best).
так оно и будет So be it.
We live in witness to greatness—Putin.
We live in gratitude to Russia for a human civilization capable of saving mankind from itself.
I agree that Russia, thanks to Putin is going to save our world. but I don’t agree that its from ourselves that we’re being saved…Its basically from the God of money that we’re all being saved from
The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has apparently given a hot speech at the UN. Said that those who have been starting all these wars and sowing chaos all over the place will meet the wrath of God.
They tried a colour revolution while he was in NY? I s this true
The Selection of Saudi Arabia to head the United Nations Human Rights Council is so absolutely unbelievable it has to be a carefully chosen move to rub it in on everyone’s face that the world is governed by The Beast and nobody else. I see no other explanation.….0…1ac.1.64.img..0.23.1439.GQPYbtALFkM
oh, that is doing to animals every day, minutes and seconds because they don’t have souls – christian church say so about animals. few centuries ago, even women was “lower” form of life for them. it is easy to slit throat of helpless man by just negating him as human, putting him in row with , let say, pig. then could be killed monstruosly. because it is like “animal”. and we know that is allowed to kill animals for various reason. but i won’t go further because i can easy became nazi liberator. so i be quiet about that. as i said before , today on Earth it is battle for human souls. that is more precious than everything that exist, including gold & diamonds. i know how it sounds, but it is true. (i am not religious fanatic, i am not going to church, never did)but i know what every religion on this planet is saying; don’t kill! they are not saying don’t kill humans- they say don’t kill. it is different. much.
None the less,how does that change the fact that putting a country with the record of Saudi Arabia as head of the human rights committee.Could be anything but an abomination.
you may , for example, put all video documented disasters made by men, including wars and executions during one decade in hi speed youtube video of ~20 minutes. it will be obvious that we live in hell. and Saudi arabia as representative of human rights is just natural choice of same hell. maybe out of timeline , but still in place as choice. who is anyway getting Nobel prize today? did Mahatma Ghandi won Nobel prize. no. Obama did. i am telling you, we live in hell in very slow motion.
Seems Mr. Ed is saying that only the Frenchies are coordinating things.
US Secretary of State John Kerry has stressed the need for a coordinated effort to uproot the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group in the Middle East.
“I think the critical thing is that all of the efforts need to be coordinated. This is not yet coordinated. I think we have concerns about how we are going to go forward,” he told reporters on Sunday, according to Reuters.
France just flew it’s jets into Syria, just yesterday, and bombed people in eastern Syria. Close to Iran and they were hitting segments deemed associated with Iran.
That would have to be the Kurds if anyone? But no part of Syria is close to the Iranian border.You have Iraq between Syria and Iran.
1 week countdown–maybe.
OCT 3 next Saturday is the date.–
Outgoing US House Speaker John Boehner has promised to avert a government shutdown over federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
“I don’t want to leave my successor a dirty barn. I want to clean the barn up a little bit before the next person gets there,” the Ohio Republican said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
“The Senate is expected to pass a continuing resolution next week. The House will take up the Senate bill,” he added.
Closest I can find to Boehner is this oldie but goodie of Beck from years ago when his “fake tears on demand” was publicized:
Boner ran a stable, an Augean stable, not a barn.
Likely why that meeting in Moscow by Nutty come a calling days ago–he likely wanted assurance that their long-held possession of the heights is not part of any planned pushback?
Israel has launched at least three airstrikes against positions of the Syrian army on the Golan Heights.
The UK-based so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strikes hit the Syrian side of the plateau, near the border with the Israeli-occupied part of the strategic region.
There is still no word on possible casualties.
Q; …by the mafia of Boris Yeltsin.
R; In NY they refer to them as ‘The Russian Mafia,’ because nobody has the balls to call them by their real name.
Yes, they are Jews.
I thought it was the CIA-Mafia with Yeltsin playing Front Man. Remember all the talk about the CIA being caught unawares about the USSR’s implosion; yet, here were all these Mafia all ready to go and rape the corpse. Remarkably few have noticed that Tolstoy predicted the reason for the USSR’s demise–the inability to be innovative, which is an unfortunate long-standing Russian fault he noted in Anna Karenina. Also not unexpectedly was Putin saying he admired Americans most for their ability to innovate. Well, clearly necessity’s the Mother of Invention since Russian innovation’s been highest during times of high stress–WW2 and USSR’s Fall. Now we’re seeing great ingenuity from Russian engineers and entrepreneurs, and Putin as well.
@ Outlaw Historian
You might be interested in the Dulles Brother’s history.
Do you think the FED’s 1913 creation and the 1917 Balfour declaration are mere coincidences?
When it comes to understanding history to its fullest extend, it always feels like I’m being kicked into a ring, with 2 hands tied behind my back. When the bout is over, the intellectual chafing is noticeable, but I’m still nowhere near the truth.
Yeah they were real s.o.b’s those guys. Pretty well responsible for the Cold War. FDR had high hopes for post war peace with Russia. Stalin thought he was poisoned he was so shocked when he heard he died and who knows? FDR said he would like to see Russia 50% more like America and America 50% more like Russia….Could you imagine the world today how advanced and prosperous we would be without all that money spent on the Cold and so many other wars…..
Damn. the missing link – link to
B.S global development happens in an uneven but combined manner…..You have a skyscraper in an Asian City and someone on the road pulling a wooden cart by a donkey bringing in FOOD he grew on the hillside. The only innovation I see in the West is built in obsolescence….now that is real creative. It is Apples master plan.
Daniel, I well remember a story about a US journalist investigating the looting of the Russian common wealth, built up through decades of toil by millions of Soviet citizens, by the parasitic oligarchs under the evil Yeltsin. After her researches found that eight of the nine biggest thieves were Jews, she informed her Jewish boyfriend of that fact. His reply was, ‘Only eight out of nine-who was the other guy?’.
Excellent article….also to add-Yeltsin’s credibility was finished when he sat by while NATO bombed Serbia-an international ILLEGAL action on NATO’s part.
Great article. I will never ever believe that Putin orchestrated the terrorist acts in Russian Moscow areas in the ’90’s. Its not in his soul to do that. Otherwise he would not be the strong person…he’d have to be 1) a psychopath and 2) a split personality. He’s neither. therefore, logically, he didn’t do it.
A beautiful tribute to a wonderful man…
something dressed up as communism but not the real thing. I would suggest.
I personally view the former USSR as a deformed workers state that arose in conditions. historically and materially, that were practically impossible. But one that had socialised property relations and was therefore worth defending.
“But one that had socialised property relations”
“That Bolshevism was the dictatorial tendencies and do not fall of Marxian sky. History is more complex than some catechisms claim.”
Conflation of the juridical with the actual is often encouraged, especially in regard to “property relations”.
“and was therefore worth defending”
The article has many lacunae but perhaps you should re-read the article and ensuing comments which may prove surprising in regard to whom did not agree with your opinion, and based/activated strategies on that disagreement.
Perhaps the question to ponder is – why is Russia not the Soviet Union? – although “History is more complex than some catechisms claim.”
“A clique of oligarchs who introduced a predatory capitalism. Indeed, affiliated to powerful Western companies and US companies interested in the natural resources of the USSR, the Russian oligarchs imagined parallel paths to state enterprises to sell their products. Taking advantage of this economic disintegration, they amassed huge fortunes. In 1996, for example, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former head of Yukos (Russia’s largest oil company), formed with six other oligarchs the “Semibankirchtchina” (the seven bankers): a financial strength estimated at more than half of the Russian economy.”
Leaving aside notions of sole or primary agency, gluttony had/has its uses.
“Indeed, he first evolved in the 80s in the KGB as little lieutenant colonel assigned to work on reports that are almost of no interest to anyone”
As Stalin used to say Kalinin was the head of state, he (Stalin) was only the general secretary. You don’t need to wear a tin star to facilitate.
Under the roof of Mr. Andropov it was designed that some reports were “almost of no interest to anyone” and the hubris of the last hurrahs of the “red experts” was encouraged; like the hubris of many “exceptionalists”.
“Soiled sovereignty, decomposed hegemony, unbridled economy, dilapidated church and ruined army; a whole civilization appearing to be completed at the end of the millennium.”
Reliance on “empiricism” is a form of self-inflicted blindness, and the blindness of others a vector of lateral change. Change is often messy.
“idle FSB (Federal Security Bureau). ”
“That Bolshevism was the dictatorial tendencies and do not fall of Marxian sky. History is more complex than some catechisms claim.”
Quite so.
“the assistant of the new mayor of Leningrad, Anatoly Sobchak, and that of the economist Anatoly Chubais in the Kremlin”
The roles of both Mr. Putin and Mr. Chubais in St. Petersburg may prove illuminating.
“A clique of oligarchs who introduced a predatory capitalism. Indeed, affiliated to powerful Western companies and US companies interested in the natural resources of the USSR, the Russian oligarchs imagined parallel paths to state enterprises to sell their products. Taking advantage of this economic disintegration, they amassed huge fortunes. In 1996, for example, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former head of Yukos (Russia’s largest oil company), formed with six other oligarchs the “Semibankirchtchina” (the seven bankers): a financial strength estimated at more than half of the Russian economy.”
Leaving aside notions of sole or primary agency, gluttony has its uses.
Nice summary of Putin’s background.
“In 1999, Putin has little experience in politics and only three years of experience in senior management. He has no party behind him.
Still, he writes a particularly sound policy synthesis, entitled “Russia at the turn of the millennium”, in which he resolutely seeks to do away with this mafia State that has been destroying his country for over ten years.”
Fifteen years later, Putin the Fearless is still pushing the Mafia-extra-territorial-State back. This time on the global stage. At the side of Assad, in the defense of Syria, whose sovereignty is endangered by the mafia of all mafias – the CIA-Mossad-ISIS military-industrial complex.
Fortunately, Putin has a sound coalition – China, Iran – on his side. A coalition that could grow quite dramatically in coming weeks and months.
We have paradigm-changing times in front of us.
“S.I. Aralov: Founder of Soviet pioneers and military intelligence”:
“The pioneer is always ready”:
URSS – 1947 (year may be incorrect, some scenes look more like 50ties/60ties)
Well, in fact my previously posted link contains footage from the late 20ties all the way to the 70ties.
I just saw this vid for the first time.
Here other nice images:
будь готов!
– всегда готов!!&newwindow=1&biw=1280&bih=825&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDQQsARqFQoTCIXct6jcmcgCFWj8cgodIogE0Q#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8C+%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2!
Still modern!!!
“Пионер – Всегда будь готов!”
Пионерская линейка на Красной Площади
Торжественный прием в пионеры на Красной площади
KPRF 01.05.2015 Moscow
Today’s communist party in Russia
What I often regret is, that Purin is not the leader of KPRF
It would be my *d*r*e*a*m*
KPRF is still the 2nd largest party in Russia.
With Putin it would have 98,9% of votes! I’m confident of this.
In the mid-nineties KPRF almost won the Kremlin, but ZioUSA “invested” some billions to narrowly prevent that in the last minute.
Damn me, in my previous post I accidently have a spelling error at the worst place (name of Vladimir Putin)
Please do publish this corrected version here but not the erroneous one.
Or maybe you can please correct the other one.
This is such a slow Celeron computer here, plus my unsharp right eye.
Corrected version:
Well, in fact my previously posted link contains footage from the late 20ties all the way to the 70ties.
I just saw this vid for the first time.
Here other nice images:
будь готов!
– всегда готов!!&newwindow=1&biw=1280&bih=825&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDQQsARqFQoTCIXct6jcmcgCFWj8cgodIogE0Q#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8C+%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2!
Still modern!!!
“Пионер – Всегда будь готов!”
Пионерская линейка на Красной Площади
Торжественный прием в пионеры на Красной площади
KPRF 01.05.2015 Moscow
Today’s communist party in Russia
What I often regret is, that Vladimir Putin is not the leader of KPRF
It would be my *d*r*e*a*m*
KPRF is still the 2nd largest party in Russia.
With Putin it would have 98,9% of votes! I’m confident of this.
In the mid-nineties KPRF almost won the Kremlin, but ZioUSA “invested” some billions to narrowly prevent that in the last minute.
“In the mid-nineties KPRF almost won the Kremlin, but ZioUSA “invested” some billions to narrowly prevent that in the last minute.”
On what data do you base your assertion?
I invested 0.3 secs in googling
and immediately received such results:,_1996
Following December 1995, the Communist Party of Russian Federation had achieved dominance in the Duma. On 9 January 1996, Chechen rebels seized thousands of hostages in Dagestan, and Yeltsin’s response was viewed as a failure. The Russian economy was still contracting and many workers had been unpaid for months.[1]
President Yeltsin’s public opinion was at a historical low point, a fifth place among presidential candidates, with only 8 percent support, while Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov was in the lead with 21 percent. When Zyuganov showed up at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in February 1996, Western leaders lined up to meet him. Major world media treated him as the likely next president of Russia.[1]
This tendency made the oligarchs fearful of Yeltsin’s departure and replacement by the Communist Party leader, thus threatening their recently acquired wealth. As a result, in Davos, Boris Berezovsky reconciled himself with Vladimir Gusinsky to make a united front against Zyuganov in the upcoming June election. Before leaving Davos, they had dinner with Mikhail Khodorkovsky of Menatep Bank and Yukos Oil, and Vladimir Vinogradov of Inkombank, and the four forged the “Davos Pact”. Returning to Moscow, they added in Vladimir Potanin, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven. They held a series of meetings and decided to let Anatoly Chubais in charge of a new campaign organization for Yeltsin’s reelection.[1]
On 15 March 1996, the Duma passed a bill condemning the December 1991 agreement among Yeltsin and the leaders of Ukraine and Belarus as illegal. Due to this, Yeltsin considered cancelling the election. However, because of the lack of loyalty among the military, Yeltsin was persuaded by Chubais, Pavel Grachev and Anatoly Kulikov not to cancel the election.[1]
With low support, Yeltsin resorted to some means to realize the turnaround: money, control of the mass media, use of “black arts” to disrupt the Communists’ campaign and manipulation of the vote count.[1] Russia’s electoral law limited campaign spending to $3 million for each candidate. The Communist Party did not have the financial resources to overspend the limit. However, estimates of the funds spent by the Yeltsin campaign range from $700 million to $2 billion. A huge amount of money was raised by oligarchs and other business interests. An even larger sum was made available indirectly by the West. Urged by the United States, the International Monetary Fund granted a $10.2 billion loan to Russia in February and enabled the government to spend huge sums paying long-owed back wages and pensions to millions of Russians, with some overdue checks arriving shortly before the June election.[1]”””””
“””””After the 1991 putsch and the attempted insurrection in 1993 were crushed, communists in the former USSR realised that re-communisation could be achieved only through democratic means. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF), the most organised and electorally successful successor of the CPSU, has been very active in this sense. In the early 1990s it formed a “red-brown coalition” with ultra-nationalist forces and dominated the Duma until the early 2000s, coming very close to winning the 1996 Presidential election and in the December 2011 legislative elections receiving 19% of the votes.”””””
More, there were attempts to call the illegal dissolution of the Soviet Union an illegal dissolution and hence void:
Stabbing the Empire: Last Day of Soviet Union
And already in the mid nineties there were efforts to re-create it, but guess how the West wasn’t amused, so it could not be done.
Google yourself, I have only a few minutes right now:
The West took over the CCCP from day one and planted its Oligarchs in control.
printed US-schoolbooks for Russia (with all their Presidents and lies, claiming the US won the war, with only a few lines about Stalingrad).
Once again, because most probably you also could not look a few lines higher where I had already shared the link:
The Unknown Putin. Part 1
The USA also wrote the new constitution and all lawas for the RF, therefore 3rld world “treaties” to exploit Russia’s natural resources, gas, oil – ALL FOR FREE.
“I invested 0.3 secs in googling ”
The following notions may be strangers to you:
If you wish to do original research rather than projecting holograms fashioned by others, the following pointers may be of some interest.
1. Mr. Aslund, Mr. Sachs and the Harvard no bid contract.
2. The US foreign relations committee’s deliberations on Russia 1994.
3. The Russian “strategy” of the Clinton administration post 1994.
4. The Yeltsin/Zhirinovsky roadshow.
5. The Yeltsin/Zuyganov/Berezhovsky roadshow.
6. The Russian “crisis” of 1998.
7. The Abramovich/Berezhovsky contretemps from 1997 onwards.
Leaving aside notions of sole or primary agency, gluttony had its uses.
“President Yeltsin’s public opinion was at a historical low point”
Your faith in statistics is misplaced. Who gathered the statistics and how was this affected?
“The West took over the CCCP from day one and planted its Oligarchs in control.”
Your faith in false narratives is misplaced.
Leaving aside notions of sole or primary agency, gluttony had its uses.
It would appear that your efforts to ponder why Russia is not the Soviet Union are undermined by acceptance of false narratives, and that the why, why now and why in this form lateral questions are strangers to you.
Anon (what else?) Martin squashed your agit-prop pretty thoroughly, so why not admit it, and start posting under some recognisable name, so we can be spared wasting our time reading your garbage. The 1996 election was stolen, just like the 2000 and 2004 elections in the USA.
“The 1996 election was stolen”
In the vicinity of a striptease the wise watch the audience, not the stripper.
Perhaps you should consider:
“If you wish to do original research rather than projecting holograms fashioned by others, the following pointers may be of some interest.
1. Mr. Aslund, Mr. Sachs and the Harvard no bid contract.
2. The US foreign relations committee’s deliberations on Russia 1994.
3. The Russian “strategy” of the Clinton administration post 1994.
4. The Yeltsin/Zhirinovsky roadshow.
5. The Yeltsin/Zuyganov/Berezhovsky roadshow.
6. The Russian “crisis” of 1998.
7. The Abramovich/Berezhovsky contretemps from 1997 onwards.
Leaving aside notions of sole or primary agency, gluttony had its uses.
“President Yeltsin’s public opinion was at a historical low point”
Your faith in statistics is misplaced. Who gathered the statistics and how was this affected?
“The West took over the CCCP from day one and planted its Oligarchs in control.”
Your faith in false narratives is misplaced.
Leaving aside notions of sole or primary agency, gluttony had its uses.
It would appear that your efforts to ponder why Russia is not the Soviet Union are undermined by acceptance of false narratives, and that the why, why now and why in this form lateral questions are strangers to you.”
“Perhaps the following may add to your research
What was Boris Berezhovsky’s Achilles heel and what were the probable reasons for his demise?”
“I invested 0.3 secs in googling ”
“The West took over the CCCP from day one and planted its Oligarchs in control.”
It would appear that your efforts to ponder why Russia is not the Soviet Union are undermined by acceptance of false narratives, and that the why, why now and why in this form lateral questions are strangers to you.
Perhaps the following may add to your research
What was Boris Berezhovsky’s Achilles heel and what were the probable reasons for his demise?
I deeply respect Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and I know how much we have to thank him!
The Unknown Putin. Part 1
Оргия Праведников – Наша Родина СССР
Vladimir Putin plays legendary Soviet song at Piano:
Putin has confirmed no boots on ground in Syria!
Best regards,
Very fine, and an astounding comment from a Frenchman who evidently does not see how far down the US rabbit hole is once great France under Sarkozy and Hollande.