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Posts From The Saker

17.09.2015 Crisis News

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The Saker interviews Ghassan Kadi

The Saker: I will begin with a historical question.  Many years ago I had the privilege to work with a most interesting Syrian lawyer whose father had been an influential Syrian personality.  Here is what this friend of mine told me one day: Arab nationalism in general, and Baathism in particular, was the creation of the European Masonic elites who used their local Masonic brethren to stir up various kinds

Integration of Donbass and re-Russification of Russia – opinion

by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by N_V Source   Political columnist of “Russia Today” Rostislav Ishchenko talks about the attractiveness of the Donbass for modern Russia, the possibility of increasing Russian population of the Russian Federation, and about how the historic reunification of the Russian people promises the Russian World all the advantages. The Russian state was built as multinational since the days of ancient (pre-Mongol) Rus. However, with the

Foreign Policy Diary – Migration War

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at Message from SouthFront: Dear friends! This film came to being thanks to your support. With your support, having overcome the crisis in the beginning of August, we decided to set ambitious targets to show what we can do together. As you know, much has been done…, but, in an effort to justify your trust and

A Russian-Syrian volunteer talks about his experience in the “Shabiha” pro-Assad paramilitary

translation: Tatzhit Mikhailovich In the media, we often see stories about people from all around the world joining ISIS, for one reason or another. At the same time, almost nothing is known about those who are fighting this plague. We talked to Michel Mizah, a 25-year-old citizen of Russia and Syria, who recently returned from Damascus, where he fought in the “Shabiha” pro-government paramilitary units. He told us what the

A New Day Has Dawned (reply to “Catire”)

by Andrew Kahn In responding to the article written by “Catire”, a simple note is needed before proceeding. The value in individual accounts, about individual lives, in relation to a discussion on nationwide policies within a revolutionary government – or any government for that matter – are objectively relevant when they speak within a broader context to the lives of a majority or even a significant minority of the population.

Speech of Vladimir Putin before the Collective Security Treaty Organisation’s Collective Security Council in Dushanbe

The presidents of Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan met in narrow format and then continued their talks with their delegations present. The summit’s main focus was on effective response to the biggest current military and political challenges, including an upsurge in activity by terrorist and extremist groups and destabilisation of the situation on the CSTO countries’ borders. The meeting ended with a package of documents being signed, including a statement by the CSTO Collective Security Council’s member states. In particular, documents were signed concerning cooperation in the transit of military formations and military products; readiness inspections for carrying out

Listening to the crazies gunning for Poroshenko (and the USA?)

I sat down and listened to the full four hours of the infamous “Shuster Live” show of September 4th.  This was not easy (if only because to a Russian ear Ukrainian sounds roughly like Klingon to a English speaker.  Except that Ukrainian is really easy to understand, as it is basically a mix of rural Russian, Polish and some old Slavic words).  But it was also very interesting (if you

9/11 – Everything Has Changed But Nothing Has Changed

by Andrew Kahn 14 years have passed and what has changed? That’s the question always asked and perhaps that is the wrong question – the implicit idea being that nothing has changed. In a way, nothing has really changed, while so much has changed. It is easy for middle class US citizens to sit in front of the television and think “Nothing has changed.” For them, what has really changed

Foreign Policy Diary – The Violence in Middle East (in-depth analysis) + APPEAL FOR HELP!

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at Message from SouthFront: Unfortunately, I want to ask you to help SF one more time. Our team has been continuing to balance on the razor’s edge while continuation of production of exclusive video and graphics products including as big as Foreign Policy Diaries drains our resources. We’ve got $344,69 since August 25. As a result,
