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Posts From The Saker

Russia, Europe and the East: The dual strategy of the empire to submit Moscow

By Youssef Hindi Translation: Brahim Source: Russia is not only a great military power, an old nation, which, from the arrival of Vladimir Putin at its head, has endeavored to balance the relation of geopolitical and economic forces. It is also a natural bridge, to varying degrees, between Europe and Asia, West and East. This bridge, some want to destroy it for over a century, notably by means of

Testimony: how socialism in Venezuela has affected me

Foreword by The Saker: from time to time I post something which gets people really mad at me.  Today, I am doing “one of those” – a post which will anger all those who support the values of Bolivarian Socialism, of Chavismo and of the anti-colonial, anti-US liberation struggle of the people of Latin America.  Before you get personally mad at me and before you conclude that I am a

The Parade of Self-determinations on the Victory Parades

By Andrei Sorokin, September 4th 2015 Translation: TB Original article: Once upon a time in the West, there was a science called “sovietology”. It was concerned with researching the secret plots of the Kremlin through examining the positions taken by the members of the Politbureau on the Mausoleum tribune during workers’ marches and military parades. Based on this, it made conclusions and gave its valuable recommendations to the Western

7.09.2015 Crisis News

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at

Yemen Map of War Sep. 7, 2015: The War Escalates

SouthFront commentary: The US-backed coalition have been expanding Yemen war by exercising more airstrikes and deploying 1000 additional Qatar troops, preparing to advance the Yemeni capital. Pro-Saudi military faced the deadliest battle incident ever. Yemeni forces declared the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) cities a military target. September 2, ISIS Wilayat Sana’a exercised a dual bombing at an al Houthi-run mosque in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a. One suicide bomber

Vladimir Putin interview with the Russian media

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon. Go ahead, please. Question: Looking at today’s Eastern Economic Forum, do you think it has been a success in sounding out some growth spots? What sorts of prospects do you see opening for the region? Vladimir Putin: This region has tremendous potential and so there have always been areas of growth and development here. Our task though is not to simply find individual

Je suis Alyan?

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi The human tragedy in Syria is one thing, and the hypocritical manner in which the West is dealing with it is an absolute shamble. To begin with, it was the Western sphere of influence that destabilized four states in the region over the last two decades; namely Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. One may argue that Afghanistan had been a hotspot before the US-led invasion,

Your questions/comments for the upcoming podcast please!

Dear friends, I would like to record the next podcast this Tuesday evening, September 8th.  I am going on yet another long car ride through the boonies and I hope to have the energy to record a postcast while behind wheel.  I have not made a Q&A for a long while, so let’s try that again. Please send me your questions before Tuesday morning 8AM Eastern Time Zone (or 12:00

Sanctioned Terrorism

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Who is a terrorist? Undoubtedly, what comes to mind is Daesh (ISIL), al-Qaeda, MKO, Boko Haram, etc. What is terrorism? The events of 9/11 and the gruesome beheadings carried out by Daesh shape our visual perception of terrorism. What is left unmentioned and unrecognized in our collective psyche is the kind of terrorism that has been deliberately obfuscated: sanctioned terrorism or terrorism with a license – sanctions.

If you understand Russian and German

Dear friends, Yesterday I had to go for a long night drive and since one of you (салам БП!) was kind enough to send me some music, I discovered “DJ Russak ft. Kasach” and what I think is the title of either a recording or their group – “Heimweh” (homesickness)  I had no idea was this was, but 30 seconds into the first song I was already laughing and by

SouthFront’s US Carrier Strike Group Locations Map Sept. 4th 2015

Introduction from the Saker:  I am happy to publish today a map of the current locations of US carriers which is something we definitely want to keep an eye on, especially if a serious crisis erupts, for example, in Syria.  The question “where are the carriers?” should always be on the mind every analyst because no US carrier move is innocent, even though in port are there for a reason. 

4.09.2015 Crisis News

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at

Poroshenko’s address to Ukrainian people and people of the World in connection of 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II.

Note: the text below was posted on the official website of Poroshenko, but only in Ukrainian, not in English or Russian.  Which is especially interesting since it it addressed not only to the Ukrainian people, but also to the “world community”.  Thanks to “AA” who translated this from Ukrainian into English I can share with you this most interesting speech.  As you will see, Poroshenko wants to create an international

The Capitulation of “Grand Liban”

Foreword by the Saker: It is my pleasure to share with you an exceptionally well written and interesting report by Ghassan Kadi about the situation in Lebanon and the dynamics in the region.  I am also happy to report that Kadi will now regularly write for the Saker blog and share his insights and analyses with us.  I have also agreed with him to follow up today’s article with an
