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Posts From The Saker

For Russia, The Path To Laos Runs Through Vietnam

by Andrew Kroybko Southeast Asia is one of the economic powerhouses of the world, and its prized position in the global economy is only expected to grow in the coming future. This is why all the Great Powers are racing to (re)develop and reinforce their ties with the region, Russia being foremost among them. Ever since the onset of the New Cold War, Russia has been compelled to rapidly reorient

Treason of the century! 84% of Ukrainians would trust Putin to run their country!

(Note: we are still working on getting our future SITREPs organized.  So in the meantime I am sharing his amazing story with you – this really blew my mind!  The Saker) Translated by Seva Source What politician would you trust to run your country? Yet another informational tragedy in Ukraine. It started like nothing unusual: the patriotic site “” (“Неделя.ua“) organized a vote. Respondents were asked to answer one

Urgent appeal for help!

Dear friends, Our brother-in-arms at SouthFront have been sending us daily reports about the war in the Ukraine.  They are also the folks who produced truly excellent reports such as Foreign Policy Diary – The US-China Standoff in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region and special high quality maps such as the Russian Military Map, July 22 – August 2, 2015 I posted today.  The contribution of SouthFront to this blog simply cannot

Russian Military Map, July 22 – August 2, 2015

The “Russian Military Map” series describes the ongoing military developments in Russia, shows the approximate locations of Russian military groups and drills. This year NATO has increased the number of military exercises near Russian borders from 90-95 to 150 and the number of reconnaissance aviation flights has increased by 9 times since last year. Iran’s “nuclear problem” has been settled, but the United States is continuing the development of a missile defense system in

France’s CRIF-run regime has unleashed a vicious persecutions campaign against dissidents

Note: for those who are not familiar with the real political situation in France, please read the following background material: ——- Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. And above all, Thou shalt not be a bystander. Yehuda Bauer Since many months already the political situation in France has been largely overlooked by events in Greece or the Ukraine and

The Russian Saker blog and Russian Translation Team is being completely reorganized. VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT!

Dear friends, The Russian Saker blog and Russian Translation Team is being completely reorganized. The previous Team Leader of the Russian Saker Blog and the Russian Translation Team had to stop her work due to health problems and another person has now stepped in to take over this absolutely crucial function: Eugenia. Eugenia can be reached directly at the following email: A number of key translators of the Russian

Bretton Woods Conference: July 1-22, 1944, then, Ufa SCO-BRICS Summit, July 6-10, 2015, now.

The Moscow-Beijing Express, on The Saker By Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland Crosslinked with 44 Days and SoundCloud Our grandchildren’s history books will reference these two international meetings, Bretton Woods and Ufa, as post-World War II geopolitical milestones, and transformative benchmarks in the world order. This of course, unless Western/Israeli colonialism does not push humanity to the brink, with a last desperate attempt to save its

So what is the real deal with Iran?

This column was written for the Unz Review: I have to begin this column with a mea culpa: I have been predicting a US attack on Iran since at least 2007 and so far, I have been completely wrong. The attack never happened. What I did get right, at least I hope so, are the reasons why this attack has failed to materialize, at least so far. In purely

Yemen Map of War, July 22-30, 2015

(for a large, high-resolution, map please click here) The “Maps of the War” series is released  due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The big Saudi sucsess in Aden has turned out to be a failure. Saudi proxies with the support of Operation Golden Arrow have been expanding areas of control north of Aden, showing local gains rather

What is “Ukrainian nation”, and what are its future options?

By Tatzhit source: There are a lot of arguments for the fact that Ukrainian nation does not exist, all Ukrainians are Russians brainwashed to hate their nation, Ukrainian history is fake, etc. Mostly, these arguments are put forth by people who do not understand the difference between “nation” and “ethnicity”. The idea of a “nation” really originated in the age of gunpowder, when mass armies and industrialization brought the

Iran nuclear deal: the Islamic Republic sticks to its guns

By Sayed Hasan Translated from French by Jenny Bright  (See previous article: “ The triumph of the Islamic Republic ”) Attached is the translation of the speech of Sayed Khamenei following the nuclear deal. On July 18th, 2015, in his first speech after Iran’s nuclear agreement signed four days ago, Sayed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, sent a resounding message to the West, especially the United
