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Posts From The Saker

Will Russia finally agree to deliver S-300/S-400 to Iran? (UPDATED!)

It is often forgotten that what happened to Russia with the French Mistrals is very much a case of bad Karma coming back: just as Russia had already paid France for the Mistrals, so had Iran already paid Russia for the S-300 SAMs.  Both Russia and France reneged after the contracts were signed and finalized.  And just as France’s reputation will suffer from the Mistral fiasco, the Russian reputation will

Afghanistan Map of War, August 16, 2015: Taliban’s Disunity Hasn’t Made the Group Any Less Lethal

(for a full-size high resolution of the map please go to: The new exclusive series “Maps of War” is released due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via:  This year the political environment in the Central Asia has been favorable to peace talks between Kabul and the Taliban. The Afghan and Pakistani governments are battling intertwined insurgencies.

Yemen Map of War, August 6 – 14, 2015: Saudi-led Forces Advance on Sana’a

(for the high-resolution full size map please go to SouthFront commentary: The new exclusive series “Maps of War” is released due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via:  Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State (ISIS) have already used the recent success of the Saudi Arabia-led forces to increase their territorial control and boost

Public Law 86-90| The Vietnam War Shows the Strength of Donbas’ Rights!

by GH Eliason  Could US Senator John McCain find North Vietnam on a map during or before the period he spent 5 years as a POW in Hanoi? Could you? The answer is no. North Vietnam only existed in Public Law 86-90. Some of the other countries that we also recognize that are enshrined in the law did not exist concretely until 1991. The Vietnam War and Ukrainian war are

Russia moves to protect her Arctic interests

This column was written for the Unz Review: Russia has embarked on a massive and much publicized effort to secure the 6’200km of her northern border and to be ready to defend her interests in the Arctic shelf up to 500km from her border. This means that 3’100’000 square kilometers of extremely difficult and inhospitable terrain will have to be secured. Why such a huge effort? First and foremost,

The Saker interviews General (Ret.) Amine Htaite of the Lebanese Armed Forces

(This interview was very kindly translated by Ghassan Kadi to whom I want to express my deepest gratitude.  The Saker) The Saker: Please introduce yourself to your readers, education, professional experience, military experience, political leanings, religion, etc. General Htaite:  My name is Amine Htaite, I am a retired general in the Lebanese Army, PhD in Law, a lecturer in the Lebanese University and Islamic University in Lebanon. I am the

Chinese->English translator needed for an important job

Dear friends, I am in bad need of a person capable of translating an important document from English into Chinese.  The document is 17 pages long.  It is an important project of mine and “Mr Unknown” which I want to publish it simultaneously in English, Russian and Chinese.  I believe that his publication will be highly interesting to a large number of people. If you can help me with this

Foreign Policy Diary – Unrest in Moldova (Sensation)

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM SOUTHFRONT: SouthFront operates up to your donations. So, we want to know your decision, whether we should continue the current broadcasting level or return to the situation we had at the end of July. Due to Your support, we’ve collected 50% of the amount we need in this month. However, you see

News Flash – Donetsk hit by over 800 artillery strikes (UPDATED)

The Russia media is reporting that today Donetsk was hit by a record 800 artillery shells.  The Telmanovo suburb was hit particularly hard, but the shelling was also very violent in the airport region.  Furthermore,  DNR intelligence services have reported a steady movement of Ukronazi forces towards the line of contact.  These forces include tanks and artillery systems, even multiple rocket launchers.  Yesterday, a group of 8 tanks backed by

Saakashvili’s Silk Road Delusion

by Mister Unknown Recently Saakashvili made a rather  comical statement  on  Ukrainian TV , which reinforced my perception of him as someone “with a tendency for miscalculation”, to put it euphemistically. “Our plans now include the New Silk Road. Now logistics take 30 days if transported via Russia, but it will take up to nine days via Illichivsk [port]. Everything is available there. And large flows need to be attracted. And
