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Posts From The Saker

More signs of preparations for war?

As most of you already know, the Chinese Navy has sent warships into the Black Sea.  They are headed for the Russian naval base at Novorossiysk.  There have been several reasons given for this trip: As part of the preparations for the visit of Xi Jinping to the May 9th celebrations As part of a possible sale of its frigates by China to Russia As a preparation for joint Russian-Chinese

Us and them – a study in hatred and love

I am sitting in front of my computer and watch the movie “The Burn,” by Arkadii Mamontov, about the May 2nd Odessa massacre.  The movie is very well made and I hope that somebody will subtitle it in English.  It shows a lot of video footage of various events, which all took place last year.  Scenes include the intercepted telephone calls of local Ukronazi leaders, the smiling faces of the

The Haunt Of History In Eurasia

by Andrew Korybko Eurasia is on pace to become integrated like never before, with China’s Belt & Road and Russia’s Eurasian Union providing the structural basis for this historical connection between continents. The US understands the threat that this poses to its global hegemony (see Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard), ergo the rolling out of its latest postmodern weapon, the militarization of historical memory. Eurasia is full of a patchwork of

Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow?

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya for GlobalResearch The Moscow Conference on International Security in April was used as a venue to give notice to the US and NATO that other world powers will not let them do as they please. Russia’s Defense Minister Shoigu and Iran’s Defense Minister Dehghan at the IV Moscow Conference on International Security (RIA Novosti/Iliya Pitalev) Talk about joint efforts between China, India, Russia and Iran against

Ukraine weekly SITREP by Baaz, Sunday May 3rd

New Developments Graham Phillips’ Personal Account of the Grim Day Odessans Burned (Source) A freelancer recalls the horrible day when pro-Kiev fanatics set upon and mercilessly killed peaceful anti-Maidan demonstrators Ukrainian neo-nazis will celebrate May 2, the day of Odessa massacre, as “Victory Day( source) May 2, 2014 was a historic day for Odessa. Odessans bravely repulsed Kremlin gangs and their local leaders, thus protecting the city from the arrival of

The Saker Podcast No 7 – ‘mobile podcast’

Dear friends, I finally did it :-)  I recorded a podcast while on a long drive across the beautiful Ocala National Forest (that is the photo attached to the podcast).  This time, I did things a tad differently.  It was not a Q&A but rather a topical podcast where I discussed two issues I felt needed clarification: the issue of whether the blog is sacrificing quality to quantity (in my

Why NATO Is Terrified of Russia

Someone get NATO a tissue! by Pepe Escobar source: The twin-pronged attack – oil price war/raid on the ruble – aimed at destroying the Russian economy and place it into a form of Western natural resource vassalage has failed. Natural resources were also essentially the reason for reducing Iran to a Western vassalage. That never had anything to do with Tehran developing a nuclear weapon, which was banned by both

A war is at our doorsteps. As usual, we need another year.

by Rostislav Ishchenko translated by Eugenia Alexander the Blessed needed an extra year to finish the war with Turkey, train already drafted recruits, and deploy at the Western border against Napoleon not 200 thousand, but half a million-strong army, which would not have bothered to retreat into the heart of the Empire. Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin needed another year to complete the technical upgrade of the army, formation of motorized units,

Blog news, Podcast and how you can *really* help me!

Dear friends, Couple of blog news items today: New Weekly Column from Russia: First, I am absolutely delighted to announce that Andrew Korybko (whose articles you have seen recently on the blog) has accepted to write a weekly column for the blog.  Here is a short bio of Andrew: Andrew Korybko was born, raised, and educated in the US, but permanently relocated to Russia in the summer of 2013. He

Banning Bikers: The Double Standards Of NGOs

by Andrew Korybko Germany and Poland’s rejection of visa issuance for the Night Wolves patriotic bikers is politically motivated and speaks loudly about the West’s double standards towards NGOs. The group wanted to partake in a commemorative pilgrimage across Eastern Europe en route to Berlin in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, and they were entirely transparent about their routes and itinerary. In the context of the
