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Posts From The Saker

Just an “honest” mistake this time? Maybe

By now most of you would have heard about the artillery strike on the civilian outskirts of Mariupol. The Nazis blamed the Novorussians, who denied it. Turns out the locals saw it all and even filmed it. Bottom line is this: this appears to be an “honest” mistakes, meaning that the Ukrainians were probably trying to hit the advancing Novorussians but that their salvo came in short (Ukie artillerists do

A short course in Ukrainian history

      [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if

Igor Strelkov commentary on strategic situation in Novorossia 23/01/15

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A key day in the Ukrainian Conflict?

by Alexander Mercouris   This may turn out to be a critical day in the evolution of the Ukrainian conflict. 1. The Russian Security Council met today. We do not (obviously) have a full account but Putin’s website has provided some details. Strikingly, Putin referred to the junta as “official Kiev” and not “the Ukrainian government” or “the Ukrainian side”. He also referred to the two east Ukrainian republics as

Novorussian SITREP January 23

Over the past 48 hours not much has changed.   Donetsk: The airport is confirmed fully in Novorussians hands and the main combats are in the towns of Peski, Avdeevka, Krasnogorovka and Marinka which are shown in black on the map below: In all these locations the Novorussian Armed Forces are on the offensive in order to push back the Ukrainian Repression Forces. If the Novorussian succeed in booting the

23.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, Donetsk, USA, Kiev, NATO

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False flags and how to start a ‘colour revolution’ in Argentina

by Mario   How it starts: 1987–88 Iran signed three agreements with Argentina’s National Atomic Energy Commission. The first Iranian-Argentine agreement involved help in converting the U.S. supplied Tehran Nuclear Research Centre (TNRC) reactor from highly enriched fuel to 19.75% low-enriched uranium, and to supply the low-enriched uranium to Iran. December 1992: The US Embassy in Buenos Aires informs the Argentine government that a continuation of the Iran-Argentine nuclear cooperation

Latest Donbass videos translated by Kazzura

As you probably have heard by now, the Ukies succeeded in striking a bus at the morning rush hour full of civilians. I will not post the video of that here, but those of you who want to see for themselves the result of that strike can click on the following link:… All the following videos are a direct consequence of this event.   Captive UAF ‘cyborgs’ taken to

22.01.2015 Military Report of Novorossia. Latest news of Ukraine, DPR,LPR

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22.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, DPR, Kiev, Poland

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“UAF might be preparing a false flag operation in Donbass” from ColonelCassad blog

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Oh how much these Poles hate Russia…

Amazing. I mean – everybody knew that Iatseniuk is an evil congenital liar, but that he represents a regime of freaks anyway. But Poland, I had assumed, was a civilized country, run by by mentally sane, if a tad subservient to the USA, people. And then this bombshell: Asked on Polish radio on Wednesday why Putin was not invited to the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz, the Foreign Minister

Charlie Hebdo – The Hidden Agenda Exposed

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

American baptist preaching fed to UAF soldiers discovered by Motorola [eng subs]

Thanks to Котаро Кацура who posted this video on his channel and who offered this introduction: When cleaning out the ruins of the Donetsk airport NAF troops saved 16 UAF soldiers who were buried under the rubble, initially there were about 30 of them there, but only 16 survived while rests died waiting for help promised by their command that never came. Each of them had been given a solar-powered

Listening to Lavrov and remembering the Crusaders (UPDATED!)

I was just listening to Lavrov’s reaction to the latest grandstanding nonsense spewed yesterday by Obama. Lavrov mentioned that it is rather clear that the USA refuse to be even the “first amongst equals”. I had to smile. Lavrov was referring to the notion of primus inter pares which means just that, “first amongst equals”, and which was the primacy of honor the entire Christian world was willing to grant

Annual press conference of Sergey Lavrov

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Mindfriedo SITREPs to resume!

Touching Base by Mindfriedo   Commitments and hard times in “Meat Space,” as Saker calls it, have kept me from contributing to the Saker and his unrivalled dedication to the truth. Having said that, I will try and sift as much as I can, from whatever news is out there and post it as often as I can, which I hope to be at least once a week.   Iraq:

Latest videos of SouthFront

  [Note from editor: The second YouTube video is no longer available.]       [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of

1.01.2015 Military Report of Novorossia

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On Khazin, elephants, Jews and Israel

Dear friends, Frankly, I am dismayed not only at the often rather nasty comments made here about Khazin’s analyses of cui bono in the Charlie Hebdo psyop, and some have actually found it appropriate to question Khazin’s ethnicity. I let you speak your mind – no comments were erased – now please listen to my point of view. First, calling an analysis inept, stupid or anything else does nothing to
