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Posts From The Saker

Zakharchenko offers to return their flag to the Ukrainians

I like Zakharchenko more and more. First, there was this exchange with a Ukie officer near the : Then Zakharchenko’s men finally took the airport, and Zakharchenko invited Poroshenko to negotiate face to face at the airport. And then there was this – Zakharchenko’s offer to return to the Ukrainians the flag they died under at the last terminal they controlled at the airport: [Note from editor: That video does

Apparently this clarification is needed

  “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Jesus Christ – Revelation 3:16   The truth is that Voltaire never said “I don’t agree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the end for your right to say it”. This is just “democratic” lore. And yet “demodrones” like to invoke that before they shut your

16.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Epic Urkainian victories, War in Ukraine

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Message from Sheikh Imran Hosein to the French People

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

15.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, USA, NATO, Germany

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Je Suis Donbass

by Tura Kurkinen.   Propaganda, or more precisely, manipulation of minds is one of the most important elements in modern warfare. One aspect of it is creating enemies, where there are no real enemies. Good example of it was 9/11, a moment that changed our world permanently. After what happened in New York, we saw how new kind of a warfare rapidly took place, the war against terrorism. Very flexible,

“Examining Key Premises in the “Je suis Charlie” Discourse”

by Jonathan Revusky   When I first saw the news about Charlie Hebdo, I concluded very quickly that it was some sort of staged event, a “false flag”. The basic story, that disgruntled Muslims had shown up in the middle of Paris with Kalashnikovs and a rocket propelled grenade launcher to settle their grievances towards some cartoonists struck me as something out of fantastical fiction. Once I saw the cheesy

Novorussian forces take control of most of the new terminal of the Donetsk airport

It appears that the Novorussians have take control of the entire Donetsk airport with the exception of a few floors in the new terminal where the Ukrainians are surrounded from above and below. See this footage which shows how the Novorussians are finishing off the remaining Ukrainians with explosives and anti-tank weapons. No translation is really needed, it’s mostly combat footage and Novorussians soldiers explaining what they are doing.  

Blog news (all of them good this time)

After a week of absolute horrors (more then I can publicly reveal), I can finally come back to report to you some very good news. First, the French Saker blog is back online, this time with a new domain name and a very good team with many (or possibly most) of those who worked for the original French Saker blog. Second, my appeal for IT help was heard and

Apparently, it *really* did happen

First, from the horse’s mouth:   then these other sources:…………   Here is a useful graphic from RT article above:

Russia Leaves the European Commissioner for Energy Union out in the Cold

by Aleksei Kettunen   GAZPROM–EU: 6–0 Yesterday on Wednesday the EU negotiated with Gazprom in Moscow. The EU negotiators had three aims: Pressure Russia into extending the special winter pricing on gas supplies to Ukrainian due to end in March, Force Russia to further unilateral concessions by forcing all European energy purchases to happen through a new “European Energy Union”, Pressure Russia to resurrect the canceled South Stream gas pipeline

Breaking news: Russia will completely stop the delivery of gaz through the Ukraine

First, I was a little skeptical. Then more and more sources confirmed what seems to be a fact: Russia will completely stop the delivery of gaz through the Ukraine and all Russian gaz will now flow through Turkey (see Bloomberg and LifeNews). Not only that, but the Russians have told the Europeans that if they want Russian gaz, they will have to build their own pipeline to Turkey at pay

The Empire on the offensive in France and Russia

The latest issues of Charlie Hebdo has been printed at 3 million copies (some sources said 5 million). They go on ebay for up to 300 Euros. RT reports that “Sunni Islam’s most renowned center of learning, Al-Azhar in Cairo, said that the cartoons “stir up hatred” and “do not serve the peaceful coexistence between peoples.” Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, wrote that “Charlie Hebdo has again insulted

Why Charlie Hebdo offends me as much as the terrorists

by Jiwan Kshetry   It goes without saying that the new set of iconoclasts condemning the unjustified bravado of Charlie Hebdo, including this author, loathe the terrorists as much as anyone else and there is no question of justifying their grisly deeds. It is merely to remind the triumphant supporters of absolute ‘freedom of expression’ that if you sow poison, you cannot expect to harvest otherwise. ……………………..   Journalists using

To all my friends

Dear friends, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of support you have shown me over the past days: thanks for the numerous emails, comments and donations. Speaking about which, I am happy to report that I now have received enough money to cover my legal costs and to pay my webmaster – so no need to send more! I cannot discuss

Maximal alert for Muslims in France and for Novorussians

By this morning there have been already over 50 attacks against Muslims in France. The next number of Charlie Hebdo will feature a frontpage caricature of the Prophet Mohammed. This issue will be printed at 3 million copies in 16 languages ( as opposed to 60’000 only in French). Numerous Russian and Novorussian sources are now reporting large tank movements towards key Novorussian cities. There has also been massive shelling

Blog News: banned topics

Dear friends, Some of you might now that I have banned the topic of climate change. I did not do a very good job enforcing that. I have to now add two more topics to the banned list: any discussion about the former French Saker or former Serbian Saker blogs or anybody associated with them or any entity linked in any way with any of the persons associated with them
