Dear friends,

I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of support you have shown me over the past days: thanks for the numerous emails, comments and donations. Speaking about which, I am happy to report that I now have received enough money to cover my legal costs and to pay my webmaster – so no need to send more!

I cannot discuss the details, but a lot has happened these past days, all of it very bad. The bad news is that I need time to get back on my legs. The good news is that some exceptionally kind friends are helping me. Still, over the next week or so, I will only post short items and I will not reply to emails unless they are important and urgent.

I promise to be back and upon my return I will concentrate only on writing this blog, producing analyses which might be of interest, translate important documents.

Finally, I also hope to announce in the not too distant future a reorganization of the Saker community and a new IT architecture.

Again, thanks a lot to all of you and for your kindness and support.

The Saker