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Posts From The Saker

They really *HATE* each other!

I have been following US-Soviet and US-Russian relations since at least age 5, and professionally most of my adult life, and I have never seen two leaders so obviously hating each other as Putin and Obama.  I just watched their joint press conference at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland and I am truly left speechless: the mood was clearly so ice cold that one could almost visualize frost building

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on June 14th, 2013.

In His Name I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Dear Scholars! Brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. On

Ron Paul and M K Bhadrakumar both believe that this is Obama’s “Monica moment”

According to Ron Paul and M K Bhadrakumar all this nonsense about chemical weapons in Syria has nothing to do with Syria, but it is simply about the creation of a distraction away from Obama’s internal problems (Ron Paul here;  M K Bhadrakumar here).  Unsuprisingly, Russia has categorically rejected the chemical weapons claim, the arming of the rebels or the possible imposition of an illegal no-fly zone: It certainaly appears

Former French FM Dumas: Britain prepared for war in Syria two years before the crisis flared up

Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas said that Britain had been preparing gunmen to invade Syria two years before the crisis there flared up in 2011. During a TV show, Dumas said ”I was in Britain two years ago, and I met British officials, some my friends…they admitted that they were up to something in Syria.””They even asked me to join them in my capacity as a foreign minister, but

What could a sustained air campaign by the US/NATO/CENTCOM supported by numerous cruise missile strikes really achieve in Syria?

For many months now I have been warning that what is happening in Syria is really what I call “Bosnia v5, Chechnia v4, Kosovo, v3 Libya v2, Syria v1” and, indeed, the basic Anglo strategy is exactly the same one: destabilize a country by using real popular grievances, trigger civil unrest, fan the violence, escalate the clashes into an insurgency, then carefully orchestrate some kind of “humanitarian” pretext to bypass

Russian and Chechen activists stand side by side to denounce the murder of Ibragim Todashev by the FBI

Today I am posting the video of a most interesting press conference which took place in Moscow and which was made possible thanks to the support of the Russian news agency RIA-Novosti.  This press conference brought together the father of Ibragim Todashev (murdered by FBI agents in Orlando), Abdulbaki Todashev, Saurbek Sadakhanov, a Chechen lawyer, and Kheda Saratova, an independent Chechen researcher.  The main organizer of this press-conference was Maksim

Syria – Israel Is Losing the Battle

By Gilad Atzmon for Information Clearing House  In the last week we have been following British and French’s desperate attempts to push for a military intervention in Syria. It is far from being a secret that both British and French government are dominated by the Jewish Lobby. In Britain it is the ultra Zionist CFI (Conservative Friends of Israel) – apparently 80% of Britain’s conservative MPs are members of the pro

Meet the ‘Friends of Jihad’

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Western politicos love to shed swamps of crocodile tears about “the Syrian people” and congratulate themselves within the “Friends of Syria” framework for defending them from “tyranny”. Well, the “Syrian people” have spoken. Roughly 70% support the government of Bashar al-Assad. Another 20% are neutral. And only 10% are aligned with the Western-supported “rebels”, including those of the kidnapping, lung-eating, beheading jihadi kind.

Two important news items about Syria

I the past hour I have received two important and long awaited good news about the war in Syria:1) al-Qusayr has been fully liberated by the government force,  this is official and confirmed by the BBC.2) Some Russian S-300 are already in Syria.  This is, of course, not official at all, but I have it from a source I personally trust and who got it from a reliable person “with

Syria claims sarin seizure at rebel hideout as Russia ‘blocks’ UN’s Qusair resolution

RT reports: Forces of Syrian President Bashar al Assad are seen on a tank in Arjoun village near Qusair town May 30, 2013. The Syrian Army has seized two containers with poisonous sarin agent in a rebel hideout, SANA said citing sources. Meanwhile, Russia reportedly blocked the UNSC resolution set to slam Damascus’ offensive on the town of Qusair held by opposition forces. Syrian Arab News Agency reports that sarin, together

“CF->CYA” – the magic formula of the Empire of Illusions

Well, it sure looks like the United States of Amnesia have rapidly recovered from the use of a so-called “weapon of mass destruction” (a pressure cooked) in Boston and has turned to more important topics like Angelina Jolie’s breasts.And yet, the official narrative is being challenged by so many facts that it is really worth at taking a short look at it.There was already the Hollywood-like one billion dollar per

Interview given by President al-Assad to Lebanese Al-Manar TV (UPDATED WITH VIDEO)

President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to al-Manar TV broadcasted on Thursday. Following is the full text of the interview: Al-Manar: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Assalamu Alaikum. Bloodshed in Syria continues unabated. This is the only constant over which there is little disagreement between those loyal to the Syrian state and those opposed to it. However, there is no common ground over the other constants

Rapid acceleration of events in the US/NATO war on Syria: comparing threats

Following the Moscow meeting between Lavrov and Kerry and the announcement of an international conference on Syria it was to be expected that all parties would scramble to be in the strongest possible position to bargain.  Indeed, this is exactly what happened:1) The Syrian government launched a successful assault on the strategic town of al Qusayr.2) The US Senate passed a resolution allowing the arming of the anti-Syrian opposition.3) Hezbollah

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the Resistance and Liberation Day on Saturday May 25, 2013

Note: after thinking about how to best present the speeches of Hassan Nasrallah on this blog and lisening to your suggestions, I came to the conclusion that the “least bad” option was still to post it here full length since this is the only way for me not to pre-judge which part of the speech each of you would find important or secondary.  I hope that you don’t mind this. 

On this Memorial Day, something worth remembering – the Empire will fall!

On this Memorial Day when doubleplusgoodthinking zombies of the Empire remember the men and woman who have served in the US military, let us remember the many millions of people murdered by these global killers.  Let us remember all those whom the Empire has murdered, killed, oppressed, tortured and exiled in the name, of course, progress, ‘manifest destiny’, democracy, human rights, anti-communism, anti-terrorism and all the other lame excuses for

Hezbollah’s choice

“If Syria falls into the hands of the Americans and Israel and extremists, and want to impose its own project on Lebanon, Jerusalem will be lost. The resistance will be lost. The people of our region will witness a very difficult and dark period. You can take any side you want, however Hezbollah cannot be on the side of America or Israel or people who dig the graves and open

Interesting video from the Abkhazian Network News Agency

Check out this video – its mostly combat footage with some commentary in Russian (which I will summarize below): There really is no point giving you a word for word translation, but a few comments are worth making: First, the Syrians are advancing, rather easily in fact.  During the two days of combat it took them to take the fortified position shown in the footage the Syrians only suffered one

Mind blowing hypocrisy – this time by John Kerry

I just read this: US Secretary of State John Kerry has said the militant Lebanese Shia Islamist group Hezbollah and Iran are helping perpetuate President Bashar al-Assad’s “campaign of terror” in Syria. Mr Kerry said thousands of Hezbollah fighters were contributing significantly to the violence. He added that Iran was actively supporting Hezbollah’s involvement. Oh jeez, Mr. Kerry is deploring that foreign elements are involved in the war on Syria. 

Shias, mass media, and Hezbollah: What lies behind the battle for Qusair

by Nadezhda Kevorkova, Russia TodayAs the Syrian army and rebels fight for control of Qusair, it is necessary to realize why the town is strategically important and vital for Shias on both sides of the border, making it a military and media battleground. There are far more elements surrounding the situation in Qusair than first meet the eye, RT’s Nadezhda Kevorkova reveals.The army’s advance to Qusair is a key strategic
