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Posts From The Saker

Bosnian deja vu

A strategic town is about to be taken by “the bad guys”.  The town is full of civilians.  An “impending massacre” needs to be stopped.  Does that ring a bell?  Is that Bosnia in 1995?  Nope.  This is Syria in 2013.Please read this article by the BBC.Here are the key quotes from it with my comments in blue: Following a day of heavy bombardment by aircraft and artillery, the army

The Anglo media is really too funny :-)

It turns out that that Russians – clearly fed up with the CIA’s arrogance in spite of repeated warning – has, indeed, made public the name of the CIA station chief in Moscow: Steven Hall.But now things get really hilarious: while lots of Anglo media outlets reported this fact, none of them – as far as I can tell – dared to actually mention the spook’s name.  Ok, well, maybe

Chechen deja vu…

Oh God, it appears that everyday some appalling video comes out of Syria. Though these are mostly from the anti-government side, supporters of government have also produced their own share of horrors.  I know about a video of prisoners stabbed to death, and of another of prisoners being cut into pieces by a chainsaw while forced to scream “Assad is my god!”.But there is an important difference between the two

The Truth about School

As a father of three kids who never spent a single day of their lives in any school (my wife and I home schooled them from kindergarten to college) and with two kids already in college, I fully endorse the message in this video (but not the organization which produced it about which I know exactly *nothing*).It is my strong belief that the three main steps to liberate your children

More details about the CIA SNAFU in Moscow and some general context information

Interesting information is being leaked to reporters in Moscow about the recent CIA spy incident in Moscow:a) The Russians knew that Fogle was CIA even before he arrived in Russia.b) The Russians had already expelled another US diplomat in January of this year for attempting to recruit a Russian citizen and told the Americans to stop these kinds of attempts.   The Americans ignored these warning so the Russians got fed

CIA spook in Moscow – just incompetent or mental? (UPDATED)

I have been listening to the Russian reports about yesterday’s CIA SNAFU and unless the Russians are lying through their teeth, the details which are emerging just make no sense to me. According to the Russian media, Ryan Christopher Fogle, the third secretary of the Political Section of the American embassy in Moscow and CIA spook, gave a telephone call to a Russian security services officer who specializes in anti-terror

CIA agent trying to recruit Russian intelligence officer detained in Moscow

RT reports: CIA agent trying to recruit Russian intelligence officer detained in Moscow CIA agent trying to recruit Russian intelligence officer detained in Moscow Russia’s counterintelligence agency has detained a CIA agent in Moscow trying to recruit an officer of the Russian secret service, the Federal Security Service (FSB) announced. The agent was operating under guise of career diplomat. The FSB Public Relations Center has announced that the person detained

A few basic reminders about wars, civil wars and human rights

Robert recently posted the following comment on this blog: Manicheanism tends to take over with civil wars. Both sides tend to believe all that is good is with them and all that is evil with the other and this usually leads to fiendish atrocities on both sides. The media often then gives selective reporting of atrocities by the side they favour. In a war with a foreign enemy you can

A small but victorious skirmish in a much larger battle of a even bigger war – but a victory nonetheless.

It is impossible to predict what will happen following the recent meetings between US Secretary of State Kerry and President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov in Moscow.  After all, all which can come out of such a meeting are only words.  Still, words matter, and in the case of the highest level officials of the two major powers on the planet, they matter a lot.  And a lot of very

Syrian government statement in response to Israeli the airstrikes

The Syrian Information Minister, Omran al-Zoabi, reads a statement by the Council of Ministers (the Syrian Cabinet), in which he directly links Israel to the Takfiri Islamist mercenaries fighting in Syria to topple the Syrian government.I think that this is a very good reaction: its make the US/NATO and Israelis pay the maximal political price for that aggression by using the Israeli attack as a proof that the Zionists and

The recent Israeli air strikes are a clear sign that the US/NATO/al-Qaeda/Israeli war against Syria is now entering into a qualitatively new phase

The latest Israeli airstrikes are now the clear proof that the US/NATO/al-Qaeda insurgency is currently losing the war against Syria.  I submit that the purpose of these strikes is rather obvious: to trigger a Syrian response which would give Israel a pretext to wage what Pepe Escobar aptly called a “mini shock and awe” campaign against Syria, tipping the balance in favor of the US/NATO/al-Qaeda insurgency.  Here is how that

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of April 30th, 2013

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. I would like to offer my felicitations first on the anniversary of the birthday of the daughter of

The recent “surge in atrocities” really means that NATO puppets are losing the in Syria

Russian military analysis have been saying that Assad is gradually winning this war for a while already.  Then, Robert Fisk pretty much confirmed this theory.  Today, it is the Israeli Jerusalem Post which, with its usual hatred for everything Syrian, reluctantly admits that, well, if Assad is not winning, he sure ain’t losing either.  Check out the article by Jonathan Spyer entitled “Is Assad winning in Syria?” which gives some

An interesting theory about the recent tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Shevchenko I just heard one of my favorite analysts, Maksim Shevchenko, offer a very interesting theory about the tensions on the Korean Peninsula.  Here is a summary of his theory:There is no way the DPRK would have started that kind of confrontation with the USA without the blessing of the Chinese.  What happened in this case is that the Chinese told the North Koreans to “rock the boat” in Korea

The Zionists are pitching in with their own version of events

According to the notorious (and mostly unreliable) DEBKAfile, the Tsarnaev brothers were double agents who betrayed the US: The conclusion reached by debkafile’s counterterrorism and intelligence sources is that the brothers were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which, helped by Saudi financial institutions, had spread across the restive Russian Caucasian. Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over

Two great articles by Robert Fisk reporting from Syria (both “MUST READs”)

Robert Fisk Finally some honest reporting from inside Syria!  Two articles by Robert Fisk which I highly recommend to everybody: The Syrian Army Believes They Are Winning Syria and Sarin Gas: US Claims Have a Very Familiar Ring I have my points of strong disagreement with Robert Fisk, in particular about Hezbollah and the Hariri family, but at least I respect him for his courage (physical and intellectual) and his
