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Posts From The Saker

The Syrian Opposition: Who’s Doing The Talking?

By Charlie Skelton for The Guardian via (Information Clearing House) The media have been too passive when it comes to Syrian opposition sources, without scrutinising their backgrounds and their political connections. Time for a closer look …  A nightmare is unfolding across Syria, in the homes of al-Heffa and the streets of Houla. And we all know how the story ends: with thousands of soldiers and civilians killed, towns and

Two months of “Putin Power” in Russia – so far so good

On on 7 May 2012 Vladimir Putin was inaugurated, again, as the President of Russia having successfully completed what is called a “castling move” in Russia – he exchanged positions with (now) former President Medvedev. Even though only two months have passed since his inauguration, it is already possible to make a preliminary assessment of his first 60 days in power.  I will take a look at his performance issue

Straight from the horse’s mouth

Sent to me by Gilad Atzmon (thanks brother!) who wrote the following foreword on his website: The following article was published on the popular Zionist site Times Of Israel. It actually confirms everything we say and write about Jewish power, Jewish identity, Jewish left and Jewish AZZ (anti Zionist Zionists) . It is also consistent with each and every finding in my latest book The Wandering Who? We are dealing

High level defection from, and heavy battles in, Syria

The BBC, CBS and other are reporting this morning that Syrian Republican Guard Brigadier General Manaf Tlass has “defected” to France via Turkey.  According to CBS: Brig Gen Manaf Tlass The al-Arabiya television network quoted French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius as saying the defected general was already on his way to Paris, where he is known to have many personal connections, and where the international “Friends of Syria” conference was

Strait History and Iran’s Options

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich George Santayana wisely said: “”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Oblivious to history and its lessons, America and its Western allies are repeating their actions of the 1950’s — that of imposing an oil embargo on Iran. The American-led alliance has forgotten the past. Iran remembers. When under the leadership of the nationalist Dr. Mossadegh, Iran opted to nationalize its oil industry,

The US subversion model: Bosnia v.4, Kosovo v.3, Libya v.2 and now Syria v.1?

Does anybody remember how the USA prevented the Bosnian-Serbs from participating in any negotiations about their own future?  The USA came up with trick to say that the only Serbs invited to any negotiations would be the Serbs from Yugoslavia, representatives of the Milosevic regime.  With the brilliant move, the USA made it look like the Bosnian-Serbs were nothing but a proxy for an expansionist Serbian Yugoslavia hell-bent on creating

Syria and Turkey’s Phantom War

Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Once upon a time, not too long ago, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was the prime proponent of a foreign policy dubbed “zero problems with our neighbors” – derided by many in the West as “new-Ottomanism”. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meets this Tuesday in Brussels not only to craft its response to a Turkish F-4 Phantom jet shot being down by Syria’s

Fars News Agency get the prize for the most delusional version of “The Russians Are Coming”

I don’t have much respect for the corporate media and, for that matter, very little for most of the alternative media.  But the prize for stupid, delusional, or even outright psychotic reporting goes to the Iranian Fars news agency which managed to print the following: “Russian atomic submarines” and “1000” tanks will soon come to Syria. Right.  I don’t know what the hell the folks at Fars are smoking, but

The Brits are going crazy again

From the BBC website this morning: Ship ‘carrying Russian attack helicopters to Syria’ halted off Scotland The UK has made moves to stop a cargo vessel allegedly carrying refurbished Russian-made attack helicopters from completing its journey to Syria. The MV Alaed had its insurance withdrawn by The Standard Club in London while it was about 50 miles (80.4km) off Scotland’s north coast.  The insurer said it had sought more information

Still totally misreading Moscow on Syria

A much quoted article of the Moscow Times says the following: Russia is preparing to send Marines to defend its naval base in Syria amid continued unrest in the Arab state, Interfax reported Monday, citing a Navy source.  The information confirms reports in Russian and Western media Friday. No, in fact it does not, as shown by the very next sentence: Two large troop transport vessels and a rescue tugboat

What happened?!

The way I see it the results of the vote in Greece are a huge, tectonic *disaster*.   When I heard of these results, my first thoughts were exactly like Carlo’s: “The Greeks are either crazy, or there was severe fraud in the elections“. Indeed, how anybody in their right mind could ever not vote for Syriza and the only person with a clear concept for a solution to the Greek

About totally misreading Moscow on Syria and Muslim units in the Russian military

Press TV recently interviewed Webster Tarpley in a report Press TV entitled Russia will confront any US-led attack on Syria. In that interview, Tarpley mentioned an article in the rather reputable Russian newspaper Nezavisimaia Gazeta which, according to Tarpley, mentioned the preparation of one Motor-Rifle Division, one Airborne Division and one Spetsnaz Brigade for this operation, I looked up the article and I found it (here).  Tarpley made it sound

Moscow demonstrations report – basically, a non-event

As promised, here is a short report on what took place today in Moscow.  First, let’s see what the BBC had to say: The caption is priceless!!  Turns out that some heroic freedom fighter & “activist” called Katz is *secretly* filming the protest to get his own crowd count.  I did not find the count, but I am sure that it must run in the millions. But, seriously, is the

Interesting developments in Moscow

You probably have already seen the horrified news reports in the Western corporate media about the “crackdown” on Russian “dissidents” in Moscow.  If not, check this one by AP for a more sober tone.  What is really taking place? Putin = Stalin Is Russian really going back to Stalin’s year 1937 as the local tweeter-freedom-fighters have been posting?  Not quite. What happened is this.  The authorities were investigating the violent

The definition of insanity

They did it again.  This time it is Spain – or rather, Spanish banks – which are getting a 100 billion Euros bailout in exchange for a wide and comphensive program of austerity measures by, no, not the Spanish banks, but the Spanish people. You got to admire the brazen arrogance of this system. First, the banks screw the people, then the international plutocracy makes it a condition to further

Moscow bans homosexual “pride” parades for the next 100 years

First, when I saw the RT news item announcing that “Moscow bans gay pride for century ahead” I went “no way!” and had the giggles thinking of how the doubleplusgoodthinking Lefties in the West would cry in outrage if such a decision had really been taken. Then I saw an outraged statement by Human Rights First confirming that the folks on Moscow had really taken such a decision.  Now some
